i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 23:07:40 GMT
shiv Avatar






🎼 Heavy Rainfall – Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Original Soundtrack

TEAM ROCKET'S INVASION OF PETALBURG CITY holds no regard for the people contained within. It is violent, callous, and devastating. Rocket's Kantonian branch is quick to spill blood, but the lucky few are spared as prisoners to be utilized later. is one of these trainers, captured behind enemy lines.[break][break]

Gym Leader and attempt to flank Team Rocket's forces from behind. However, they are soon interrupted by the rock collector and his titan who have become a major threat to Petalburg—and the region as a whole.


ATTACHED BELOW is a map of Petalburg City and Route 104.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab).

This map will be updated with new or adjusted writing partners.


BELOW IS A POOL OF PROMPTS you can touch upon. Some prompts are particularly important, connected to other prelude threads happening concurrently with yours.[break][break]


[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 Gym Leader is present on the battlefield. His TERRAKION will sense imminent danger and a dutiful soul. With 's blessing, the Sword of Justice will join in his efforts to save (can control Terrakion for the thread and choose moveset like a gachapon pkmn). Further follow-up will be had later with , and other characters in the future.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 must lament the obliteration of Petalburg's precious ecosystem. The city is known to be "where people mingle with nature", but all she sees is destruction and despair.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 's REGICE is a powerful threat recognized even by Kanto's Team Rocket Boss, ULYSSES MONROE who may or may not be in this warfront. A beat after it "speaks/cries", its eyes will flicker as if receiving signals from another source.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 will be targeted ruthlessly by Team Rocket and especially by KANTONIAN ROCKETS. Due to her history as a ruthless League officer and her past as a member of Kantonian Team Rocket. Team Rocket NPCs in higher-up positions may recognize and use her code name, "CAMELLIA". Such intel may be used to inform Admin .

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 at least one Pokemon from , , and must faint; in this match up, none of 's pokemon need to faint unless desired.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌳 at the end of the thread, a large earthquake will interrupt the warfront.





  • Keep track of your MERIT POINT GAIN in your post notes as best practice.
  • Please be diligent with your posting (48 hour turnaround is encouraged) in order to prevent rushing at the end.
  • Review general guidelines and PVP guidelines in the main thread: THE FIRST WAVE: PRELUDE SIGN-UPS.
  • If a thread begins to stagnate and show signs of stalling, please let know immediately.

The link to The First Wave MP Shop[break]by CLICKING HERE.




COMPLETING THE PRELUDE THREAD with five posts each will grant you the following reward:

[img src="" title="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;float:none;"][break][break]

Please attempt to complete the Prelude Thread[break] by July 31st, 11:59PM PST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.prompt0]background: #2b2b2b; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(; position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 1:22:26 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
To rise so high, in mud lie.

Her prison cell was a shipping container modified to hold prisoners of war. As Team Rocket launched their assault into Petalburg while the God General's war in Mossdeep sputtered to a halt, Petalburg's campaign accelerated at an obscenely quick pace. Tanks and other ill-gotten purchases by in anticipation for this war crushed the land underfoot.

was far ahead, somewhere. She had secured their footing on the shores with Tapu Fini and had razed the earth with Wo-chien. Two dreadful beasts, but the underboss was impressing Howard. He thought she could only pick winnable fights and complain, but she was doing good work.

She marched. He stayed behind to deal with the logistics. He awaited the call to send Regice forward to crush all resistance.

"You shouldn't have come. Nobody ever listens to what I say." He leaned against the wall outside her cell, the two guards not uttering a word. He had removed his helmet to smoke a cigarette. "You will be held until the battle is over. Then, you'll be released. Released with the understanding that you could not save the city, nor could you save anything."

He held up a hand to stop Roze from interjecting. Better to beat her down verbally rather than physically beat her.

"You're not part of this war. I don't kill civilians and I don't kill soldiers. You aren't a piece on the board." His radio crackled and he placed it against his ear. Roze would catch the words of 'Intruders' through the static. "Shit."

The admin's face darkened as he clicked his helmet on.

"I'll be back. I've got a war to run." He walked towards the exit, though he stopped at the mouth of the container and turned around. "The land will recover. Life will recover. There is no damage we can inflict that the earth won't shake off over the course of millennia."

He turned to a grunt, cape flapping.

"Get Regice ready."

"Yes, Admin Fox!"

The grunt bolted as Howard left the container, leaving Roze alone with a few nameless prisoners. After what seemed like an eternity, something in the jail changed. A small section of wall was... melting?

Fire? Acid?

+10 post
+50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc.
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played by


December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
part of
TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 2:42:04 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Metal sizzles, burnt and twisted by a corrupt black mud that passes through it effortlessly like acid. On the other side stands the figure of a girl, painted in the black of a thousand curses by a gengar gleefully cackling over her head. The black silhouette is all that remains of her. [break][break]

That, and haggard, red eyes. [break][break]

She lowers her hand and stares at the masked figure. Covered in the black mud of her own grudges, overflowing with renewed hatred for a Rocket she thought had remained overseas, her facial expression is hard to read. At first it seems almost like disappointment, then pity, and finally, resignation.[break][break]

The gengar above her seems overjoyed, whatever thoughts might've been going through the girl's head. [break][break]

She devours those sentiments as well, greedily, suckling up whatever curses she can and sending them into the air like black rain with a wicked laugh. The grass around the girl's feet begins to burn away in blue flames as she stands there, and can feel a cloying panic in his chest, remnants of a lingering curse delivered on a beach not far from here.[break][break]

The prisoner is forgotten at first. [break][break]

Instead, red eyes become the gengar's own, and as the blackened woman walks directly toward the masked man, hypnotic suggestions find their way into his head. [break][break]

Surrender. [break][break]

Place your weapons and pokeballs on the ground.[break][break]

You do not want to fight. [break][break]

You are weak and defenseless.[break][break]

You are tired, and you will comply. [break][break]

She approaches him like she has the dozen other grunts they'd met along the way, hand outstretched, expecting his weapons. [break][break]

+ [break]
+ 60 MP; 1 post, have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.[break]
+ tl;dr - gengar hypnosis


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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 5:20:46 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Roze had found herself amongst a small handful in the dark, surrounded by walls of iron, she'd done her best to placate and calm those around her, promising to do everything she could to protect those few that remained. Blood had been spilt. She'd seen it firsthand, having been in the city when the sudden invasion had begun. The sheer atrocity of it all had left a chill down her spine with adrenaline long faded with her capture. She'd hoped to herself the few people she'd tried to lead to safety had managed to make their escape, thinking back to her capture, she wasn't sure why she'd been spared this mercy at all, what use did--[break][break]

A voice that sounded familiar, yet felt far more alien had answered her question, weariness and pain subsiding in favour of a numbing disappointment that had seized her body knowing what hearing the man's voice had meant. Roze had hoped that she wouldn't have to meet like this under his guise as a member of Team Rocket, that perhaps after their meeting in the desert, the next time they'd met had been far more amicable, simple acquaintances who could discuss familiar topics rather than such an antagonistic fashion.[break][break]

She'd remained quiet, even without his halting of any retort. Yet his words were a bitter lump in her throat, a dryness that made her grit her teeth, an altogether negative wave that had her feeling like she'd shed hot tears at any moment. Yet not one drop fell, an act of defiance in its own right that melded still with the remaining shards of concern she still managed to have for the man, the very same remnants that held her tongue despite knowing his identity—some fleeting hope that the kind if foolish man she'd seen before wasn't some sort of facade, that there's a chance he could remain to normalcy, a dwindling hope that splintered with each drop of blood spilt and every fire lit in a once beautiful town that hadn't deserved any of this.[break][break]

As the shadow of a man she'd considered a friend stepped out into light and freedom, his words of attempted comfort had fell short in Roze's eyes. She'd whispered under her breath with disappointment, "a millennia is a long time away, life right now has just as much meaning." The conservationist had put herself between Admin Fox and the civilians trapped with her this entire time, yet with the man gone even briefly, she'd turned back to them, doing her best to reaffirm them and keep them calm, "I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you all, you don't deserve any of this," she'd said in a gentle tone. It had seemed despite the personal conversation, at best it had seemed like the ravings of a maniac to those that hadn't known Roze's connection to the villain.[break][break]

A warm light accompanied by the acrid smell of melted metal pierces through the darkness, a hole burnt through the back of the container-turned-cell in a blind spot, an unfamiliar, tired face with piercing red eyes peering into the darkness from outside, liberation. Roze had moved quickly, too quickly, a moment of falter as pain shot through her arm in her hurry to keep quiet the rising murmurs of the civilians who'd found their salvation. She'd wanted to make sure they escape safely first and foremost.


+50 MP have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.[break]
TL;DR Roze's saddened by 's presence on the battlefield, yet wants to still hope there's something good in him. She's doing her best to assure the survival of those trapped with her as rescue comes in the form of .

But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 12:26:20 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

When Dewford's gym leader had enlisted Eddie's aid in defending Petalburg, he had envisioned things going a little differently. [break][break]

For example, he had expected to fight on the front lines, with the both of them knocking out Rockets left and right like the they were a pair of Unovan action movie heroes. Instead, Eddie had found himself deep in enemy territory, harrowed by the sight of the flesh-and-blood daeva and the HYPNOTIC hold she possessed over the grunts they had encountered. Something about it had felt less like they were going to war and more like they were walking through a nightmare; maybe Eddie wasn't cut out for this line of work after all. [break][break]

On the bright side, by the time that the black mud had eaten its way through the shipping container-turned-jail cell, he had grown at least somewhat accustomed to the unsettling display of Tsubaki's strength. While she approached the masked admin, Eddie instead turned his attention to the trapped prisoners still inside, [break][break]

“Hold on folks, give us just a sec!” [break][break]

Eddie turned from the hole in the shipping container to the Ultra Beast at his side. This would be child's play for the extraterrestrial mosquito, [break][break]

“C'mon Ajax, lets crack this bad boy open.” [break][break]

Though the remnants of the black mud still ate at the sizzling metal, the Buzzwole had no trouble grabbing one jagged edge of the newly-created opening and peeling the metal wall back. Carefully, Eddie helped as many people as he could out of the cargo container, and looked up at the last civilian that still lingered at the back of the group, [break][break]

“You comin'?” he asked before glancing back down the beach. [break][break]

They had to get these folks to safety. Grudges and curses and whatever bad blood that still lingered could wait for just a second, couldn't it?


[attr="class","bottom"]eddie follows after 2baki[break]
acknowledges roze [break]
leaves 2baki to deal w/howard [break]
buzzwole rips open the shipping container jail cell [break]
+ + [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

[newclass=".eddiecircle"]--accent:#d18934 ; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .credit a"]color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:130px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 17:00:33 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
A breach so deep in Rocket's field camp was an error that Howard would not hear the end of. Either would judge him, would mock him, or even Monroe himself would find dissatisfaction with how the admin conducted his small part of this war.

Maybe if he was lucky, the Rocket Boss would strip him of his position and send him back to nameless grunt territory. He could only wish. He was rarely so lucky.

Man, he was tire-




What compelling red eyes. How glorious and wrathful and full of contempt and love for Howard Slayte. After a moment, the admin's belt unbuckled with all of his Pokeballs attached. It lay in his hand, as if awaiting its capture.

What glorious red eyes, they were. They reminded Howard of an island he had once fought on.

An island?


Something in his suit buzzed weakly, a damaged mechanism designed to prevent mental interference from an external threat. It struggled against abilities bestowed onto the worthy, but for this? It could at least nudge the admin in the right direction, especially with Dewford's razing being so recent.

It burned his mind far more than any mere hypnosis could accomplish.

"Tsubaki." His guttural growl rang out. Of course she was here. Dewford was close to Petalburg after all. A quick and easy trip down for her and her friends. "You're here. Why are you here? This isn't where you should be."

The whispers of a Curse reminded him of this woman's vindictive past.

A few grunts appeared behind the admin, filled with Kantonian Pokémon like Golbats, Raticates, and Arboks. The admin's Cofagrigus joined them, firing off a Shadow Ball down the narrow container.

"Get them." The Kantonian grunts attacked. In the distance, a shipping container was dropped to the ground with a massive thud. Cold emanated from it in waves.

+10 (post)
+50 (link a past thread)

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played by


December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
part of
TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:08:59 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]The moment he says her name, her eyes widen. [break][break]

The toxic sludge congealed from her grudges dissipates for the briefest moment, allowing Howard to confirm his suspicions. This is the Gym Leader of the Dewford he razed, a woman who hated the past more than anything. A woman who has every reason to hate him.[break][break]

With a glowering sneer across her face, Tsubaki curses under her breath. [break][break]

Of course it had to be him.[break][break]

"No! I'm exactly where I need to be!"[break][break]

Karma had its way of catching up with her. It was only fair she made it right, now it followed her all the way here. [break][break]

"Now give up, and go quiet-- d-damnit!!"[break][break]

Tsubaki raises her hand in a panic, and her gengar obliges.[break][break]

Toxic sludge billows forth from its mouth, expelling all of the hatred it had been feeding on all at once. The sludge wave fills the compartment rapidly, reminiscent of a certain scene they'd both encountered before. It takes over everything like a drop of black ink in a glass of water, blotting out Howard's view and that of his grunts, and obscuring the girl and their captives. [break][break]

"Go, both of you!"[break][break]

Tsubaki shouts the man who had helped her get behind Rocket lines, , and the girl he'd managed to rescue, . [break][break]

"I'll hold 'em off as long as I can!"[break][break]

The wall rushes forth like a crashing wave, an errant shadow ball blasting a hole through and narrowly missing her ear. She places a hand to her cheek, steeling her mind against what was to come. [break][break]

The confusion wouldn't last long, she knew. Once the call went up, they were stranded in enemy territory. No amount of sleight-of-hand or crafty hypnosis trick would get them out of this. [break][break]

They were fighting their way out now.[break][break]

"NOW, Hisakawa!! I'll cover you! Just make sure the prisoners are SAFE!"[break][break]

She glares into the abyss in front of her, heart beating in her throat. Whatever's to come from this, it can't be good. Rocket alone was trouble. Hell, just this man was enough, razing a whole town. She can't let that happen again -- won't let it happen.[break][break]

A chill runs down her spine... [break][break]

+ [break]
+ 120 MP; 2 posts (+20), have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character (+50), have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC (+50)[break]
+ tl;dr - gengar sludge wave


[newclass=.petalbasetsu4]font:11px roboto;--accent:#d5bed2;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.rouxcredittsu4]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 5:10:49 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit"]width: 490px; text-align: right; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #6e6e6e; font-family: 'Niramit'; margin: auto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


A wave of relief almost threatens to topple the conservationist, a chance to relax as some chance for salvation had both come and affirmed its existence, yet Roze knew neither she, nor the civilians nor even their rescuers were out of the woods yet, not without Team Rocket and Admin Fox just behind them.[break][break]

She'd nonetheless nodded in response to 's question, a strange pokémon she wasn't aware of prying open the melted steel like a simple tin can by the man's order much to Roze's own amazement. The enigmatic woman accompanying him, who'd seemed to have been responsible for the hole bored in the first place, seemed to have some strange hold over those around her, another thing Roze simply couldn't explain in her own words.[break][break]

With the arrival of rescue, however, Roze understood that any chance to appeal to the man named , to perhaps save his soul, had closed. All there was now was to do her best to assist and in holding off Admin Fox and make sure the civilians escaped. As the Shadow Ball soared past the mysterious woman and had shot wide overhead, Roze had hurried to try and shield any who might come to harm with her own body. She'd hurried further, instinct causing her to move her right arm towards her belt—despite having even shifted her poké balls to her left to accommodate—discomfort the first thing to cause her to stop moving her injured arm, she'd nonetheless hurried to release her Archaludon from its ball, a heavy thud kicking up sand outside the container as the dragon's weight slammed down upon the earth. A stalwart wall to further protect those who couldn't defend themselves as Roze hurried the civilians out the back, only leaving herself once they were out and it seemed the mysterious woman who'd rescued them was staying for the moment.[break][break]

"Thank you for coming, I'll do what I can to help, just call me Roze," Roze had called out reassuredly, regardless of whether Admin Fox considered her a worthwhile investment to fight, Roze refused to back down when others put themselves in danger for her sake, and while she still could do the very same.[break][break]

Yet as she'd stepped into the light, she'd felt utter shock as she'd bore witness to her surroundings. She'd known that Team Rocket's invasion had been bloody, yet... she hadn't been prepared for the damage suffered during their capture. The devastation wrought upon the once-beautiful city surrounded by nature, practically razed to the ground for the sake of conquest. It was bad enough when a single unfeeling entity wrought this destruction, yet, when such needless pain was brought about by the selfish will of many? Roze understood that those here would be another number added to the death toll if they didn't give their all, putting away her feelings, she'd breathed deeply, desperate to push aside anything that wouldn't immediately tend to her desire to protect.[break][break]

"Stormy, if you will, Flash Cannon." she'd said in a solemn tone, the towering Archaludon that barely fit within the belly of the steel beast gathering brilliant light to fire it off and catch one of the Rocket grunt's pokémon in a blast alongside 's Gengar's Sludge Wave.[break][break]

In her emotions, Roze hadn't noticed the chill seeping into the area.


+50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).[break]
+50 MP have your character recall a past thread or event that they have participated in or not (link the thread).[break]
TL;DR Roze is angy. Archaludon used Flash Cannon against the grunts.

But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 11:40:30 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Eddie shuddered at the sight of the tar-like SLUDGE WAVE rapidly filling the shipping container. There was no other way to describe it other than as hatred made manifest, and Tsubaki, it seemed, hated the man she was confronting very, very much. But despite the fearsome sight, the idea of leaving the gym leader to go toe-to-toe with an admin and his grunts alone didn't sit right with Eddie, [break][break]

'Go, both of you! I'll hold 'em off as long as I can!' [break][break]

“I ain't bailin' on you – !” [break][break]

Metal groaned and shuddered under the weight of a new player on the field. Eddie's eyes darted from the gym leader, to Roze, to the Archaludon that stood with defiant protectiveness as the makeshift jail filled with muck, [break][break]

'NOW, Hisakawa! I'll cover you! Just make sure the prisoners are SAFE!'[break][break]

But fuck, she had a point. This was a real, honest to God warzone, and Eddie had a duty to these people to keep them safe. [break][break]

A blinding light filled the container as the Archaludon loosed a FLASH CANNON. Eddie frowned; they didn't have time to fight, they had to move, [break][break]

“Well Roze, I appreciate the artillery fire, but we gotta fuckin' mosey.” [break][break]

Eddie looked all around and grimaced at the sight of the carnage wrought by the invasion. There was no easy way out, no brightly shining Exit sign by which to navigate their escape. Eddie faltered for a moment, a little unsure of himself, as a cold wind rushed along the beach and chilled him to the bone. [break][break]

He couldn't freeze up now, though. Not yet, [break][break]

“Follow me, folks!” [break][break]

Eddie gestured towards the forest, and Ajax mirrored his movements as he began to urgently rush the newly-freed captives down the beach and toward their escape route, [break][break]

“That means you too!” he called back to Roze.


[attr="class","bottom"]initially feels bad leaving 2baki[break]
decides 'fuck it, we bail' [break]
evacuating civvies to the woods [break]
50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc. [break]
+ + [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

[newclass=".eddiecircle"]--accent:#d18934 ; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 310px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 35px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px; border: 5px #252525 solid; line-height: 15.5px; letter-spacing: .7px; font-size:12px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom b, .eddiecircle .bottom i"]color:var(--accent); } .eddiecircle .bottom b { font-size:14px!important } .eddiecircle .bottom u { font-style:italic; color:var(--accent); text-decoration:underline solid; border-bottom:none; letter-spacing:1px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .credit a"]color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:130px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 20:18:03 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It is, of course, Howard who runs first when confronted with Tsubaki's Sludge Wave. A mediocre trainer, but even he recognizes the dangers of being in a confined space when fighting so many Pokémon. The grunts and their Pokemon form a wall that is quickly swallowed by the tide and blasted apart by the Flash Cannon.

A few grunts fight back, Air Slashes and Thunderbolts fly from the Golbats and Raticates before they too are swallowed up by the tide.

There is little empathy for those who fall. They're Kantonian war criminals. The worst of the worst, and under different circumstances, Howard would be glad to see them writhing on the ground in pain. Unfortunately, their assistance was needed, and Howard did not want to cause friction between Hoenn and Kanto's Rocket branches.

A few grunts reach out towards Tsubaki, their faces accusing and their hands trembling. There's something in their eyes for her to chew on: remembrance.

"I wasn't going to hurt them. I was going to let her go, too. Roze was a circumstance of war." The admin's voice slurred as he rose to his feet. He was outside, now. Shipping containers were stacked with supplies as grunts hurried too and from station to station. "Prisoners are a dime a dozen, and you've gone and made them change on the dollar."

He let Eddie go. He'd be back. He'd be drawn back to the battlefield like Mothim to a flame, and the desire to bring one of Dewford's worst criminals to his knees.

Oh, how Ajax needed to throw his mighty lance.

I'm sorry about Dewford, Tsubaki. It's your home, and I razed it to the ground. I can't bring it back, but I also can't stop you from interfering in Team Rocket's grand design." Beneath the helmet, the admin's face wore a pained expression. "They'll kill me, otherwise. Not all of us..."

The grunts on the ground pointed at her.

"...get a second chance."


The shipping container opened with a rumble, its heavy iron doors rattling in the wind. Compared to many of the others brought to Petalburg, it was massive. Even Ulysses Monroe had demanded that its contents be given the proper respect.

A familiar gust of freezing air emanated from the container, and seven eyes blared to life in the darkness. A pattern that would find very familiar, despite not having seen this particular series of dots.

"Hello and good day, ."

Dewford's destroyer stepped forward, a familiar reddish-purple object throbbing in its chest through its Clear Body. The pattern flashed, and a Hyper Beam followed.

+50, have a grudge/fear/envy worsen
+10 post

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 2:21:48 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]She's blindsided, halting her momentum to marvel at the destruction of the combination attack. She does not dare to look away, however, no matter how much she admires the prisoner's audacity. [break][break]

The shipping container fills with white light, courtesy , and everything is drowned out. [break][break]

For a moment, the shadow that lingers over her shoulders stands taller than any one of them - but the moment passes, and she's back to her old self. [break][break]

Tsubaki stares back at the stunned Rockets, glimpsing recognition in many of their eyes. Burned by acid, thrown back by the explosive force of the cannon, they still see it plain as day. A walking corpse. A woman that should be dead. She can hear mutterings of a name she never thought she'd hear again. Mouths gape in surprise, and eyes harden with hatred, and Tsubaki realizes...[break][break]

They know who she is. [break][break]

"Nice shot... But you don't wanna stay here -- GO!!"[break][break]

She urges the girl to follow . [break][break]

It feels strange. Words in her mouth don't feel like her own. Her actions as well. They feel like a pale imitation of , or even . Some fake sense of heroism she's adopted by watching them work wonders over the last year and a half. She's so used to running, ambush tactics, playing dirty... it feels strange, being on the other side of this war, now - against her own. [break][break]

But they aren't her own anymore, are they? [break][break]

No, the people behind her are hers now. The innocents that has brought into this war, and the people who long to protect them. [break][break]

Dewford was innocent, too. [break][break]

... That's right, they won't ever be satisfied, they'll keep taking, and taking, til everything's gone. And all he can offer in response to razing the island town is a 'sorry'. She swallows down the bile rising in her throat, trying to think of what Navy would say. [break][break]

"Don't apologize with words! Make up for it with your actions, Howard!"[break][break]

But he won't listen. The grasp of Walsh is too tight. Still, if she could only reach him...[break][break]

"It's never too late!!"[break][break]

She says it, but even as she does, she feels the thrum of a familiar energy resonate in her chest. The black bile rushes up, and she clutches her throat. [break][break]

... Fuck... not now...[break][break]

She doesn't have time for this![break][break]

The container falls away, and she glances up at the giant that had buried her home in a frigid hellscape. Dot patterns flicker, as if it means to say something, but she knows they are devoid of emotion. However sorry Howard Slayte actually is, his giant lacks such remorse. She can feel the engine within stir... [break][break]

Tsubaki throws out her hand, touching her glasses. The key stone embedded in the frame begins to glow, and her shadow flickers into a pale white. [break][break]


The devil on her shoulder cackles, glee and scorn in equal measure. It is a wicked, baleful laugh. Taunting her, for relying on it at such a critical moment, basking in the desperation in her eyes and the fear in her voice. She knows it could ignore her plea, but what was the fun in ending this torture so soon? She trusts it completely... darkness that bears down on her fills her with a dread chill that cuts deeper than even the harshest winter, like the piercing of a blade wrenched sideways through her heart. [break][break]

Tsubaki laughs helplessly to herself, facing down the gathering energy upon Regice's face. [break][break]

Then, and only then, is she stricken by the shadow's curse, and her Gengar opens its yellowed teeth wide to swallow her whole.[break][break]

... The hyper beam obliterates everything in its path. The remnants of the container, a few scattered bodies of Howard's fellow Rockets still clutching blackened, scorched pokeballs. Nothing remains but a white shadow.[break][break]

And then, Tsubaki steps from the shadows, a sound like hell itself has opened up. [break][break]

She coughs black blood into her sleeve, stumbling, but she locks eyes with the man who stands at the giant's feet. She tries to shout to him, though the burn of the ichor still lingers in her throat, and the chill of the ice giant freezes her tongue. [break][break]

"... I-it's... never too late, Howard! History can remain history, if you'll set it aside! You aren't ruled by it any more than me!" [break][break]

She can't think of anything else to say, eyeing the destruction around her. She can't even pretend to protect anyone other than herself. [break][break]

This fantasy she's some kinda hero like Navy crumbles before her very eyes.[break][break]

"Get-- get... get yer head out of yer fuckin' ass, you egghead!!"[break][break]

+ [break]
+ 190 MP;
3 posts (+30), gimmick (+10), have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character (+50), have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC (+50), have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen (+50)
+ tl;dr - gengar mega evolves, ducks tsubaki into the shadows to avoid the blast - it doesn't affect gengar... - also, ghost types can't tank a normal-type move, sorry eddie and roze!


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[newclass=.star3tsu4] border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0; max-width: 460px; height: 50px; background: url(, rgb(160, 132, 155, 0.65); background-blend-mode: luminosity; background-attachment: fixed; background-size: contain; display: flex; text-align:center;[/newclass]
[newclass=.rouxcredittsu4]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 9:04:01 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #b0bfdd;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightlyrics"]height: 40px; padding: 15px 0; text-align: center; background: #4d466d; font-family: 'Dosis'; color: #c8a7c4; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightbottomslant"]width: 0; height: 0; float: right; border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; border-right: 450px solid #4d466d; margin-top: 15px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightsecondarylyrics"]height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: #4d466d; text-align: center; color: #c8a7c4; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 'Niramit';[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkisavelight:hover .punkisavelighttags"]margin-left: 0px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkisavelighttext"]padding: 25px; padding-top: 10px; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; font-family: verdana; color: #9da1af; text-align: justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkisavelighttext b"]color: #ab637c; font-family: 'Niramit'; font-size: 13px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".punkisavelightcredit a:hover"]color: #989EB3;[/newclass]


I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Roze's anger had been dispelled briefly by the sudden clarity imparted upon her by , the sudden realisation that this was not the time nor place for her to lose her cool, lest she become a further liability than she already has. Almost downtrodden, she'd realise the white-knuckled strength she was putting into her grip around nothing, she'd even been shocked by just how upset she'd gotten.[break][break]

"... right, my apologies, I'll bring up the rear, sir," she'd shown her relent verbally, though realising that she wasn't aware of who her saviours were, nonetheless, she couldn't simply leave behind her pokémon like this, and retracting her support right that very moment might prove dangerous, she'd fwitted a quick whistle alerting the Archaludon to a plan, a practiced maneuver even with her bum right arm, the pokémon slowly managing its own retreat in a manner that wouldn't endanger the female rescuer who'd aided them, while Roze continued making distance with the rough-looking man and the civilians—mindful to be ready to return the towering pokémon to her side before the distance became too great.[break][break]

Before she nor her Archaludon had even realised, the seeping cold had almost disintegrated in a far more brilliant flash of power than the Archaludon's previous Flash Cannon, while and her Gengar had managed to escape the blast, Roze's Archaludon had caught a full-frontal burst of the entity's Hyper Beam. Roze's gaze had whipped to the source, a grimace filled with newfound anger unable to be contained as she'd realised what she had been looking at. It was barely much time ago yet, she'd found herself at the mercy of another... man-made horror.[break][break]

Yet, she'd still managed to push it down, at least enough to remember she had people she could help save right now, before it's too late. She'd hurried to try to return her Archaludon to his ball, not even sure if the pokémon was still even up and running behind a curtain of kicked up dust, sand and billowing smoke. Rather than return to his trainer however, the dragon pokémon seemed to be far more in tune with Roze's negative emotions at this very moment, running on its own near-berserk anger, having tackled the empowered Hyper Beam and maintained a sliver of hope by its own Sturdy body, the dragon pokémon had released its own counter attack in a glimmering Metal Burst filled with the very same power that had nearly brought itself down aimed back at the coldhearted golem.[break][break]

However, it seemed unaffected.[break][break]

As much as Roze had done her best not only to improve herself but her pokémon as well in the brief time she's had since the desert, it was clear she needed much farther to go if she wished to grasp the strength to protect those around her. In her own pokémon's recklessness and folly, refusing to listen to his trainer's command, to the strength truly needed to take on the power of legends and myth, to finally Roze's own rash mistake that had put the dragon in this situation.[break][break]

"Get back in the ball, now! Before it's too late!" she'd shouted to her pokémon, a clear fear in her voice that not even Roze herself had realised had gripped her this entire time.


+50 MP have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.[break]
TL;DR: Archaludon thought he was him, Roze is more terrified of Regice than she realises.

But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 17:36:57 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Eddie didn't have time to react to the blinding light of oblivion. [break][break]

He had scarcely begun his flight alongside the civilians when the HYPER BEAM cut through the air and reduced their former jail cell to nothing. Somewhere, Eddie thought he caught glimpses of the indistinct shapes of half-melted people in that apocalyptic glow, but it was impossible to say for certain even as the horrific strike was tanked by an Archaludon holding on by just a thread. The METAL BURST unleashed in retaliation barely scratched the surface of the glimmering titan, but Eddie knew from personal experience that it would take more than that to put a dent in the living iceberg, [break][break]

Fuck. [break][break]

Eddie grit his teeth so hard that his jaw started to ache, caught between the urge to charge headlong into the fray and the fact that these citizens of Petalburg were still very much in harms way. One such citizen now stood at the precipice of disaster, shouting at her defiant metal dragon, and Eddie was suddenly seized by the terrible fear that she or Tsubaki wouldn't be so lucky when the Regice struck next, [break][break]

“Ajax, get these people outta here!” Though not armed with a terrible spear or silver-studded sword, Eddie had complete faith in the Ultra Beast to play his own heroic part in all of this, “I'm goin' back in!” [break][break]

With a flex and a salute, Ajax was off, shepherding the rest of the trapped civilians away as Eddie ran back, reaching for another Poke Ball at his belt. Charging toward Roze, he reached for her arm with his other hand, [break][break]

“Get back, kid! Yer gonna get yourself killed!”


[attr="class","bottom"]oh shit hyper beam [break]
briefly indecisive about what to do [break]
has ajax escort the other civvies away [break]
runs back to roze and baki [break]
+ + [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

[newclass=".eddiecircle"]--accent:#d18934 ; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 310px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 35px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px; border: 5px #252525 solid; line-height: 15.5px; letter-spacing: .7px; font-size:12px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom b, .eddiecircle .bottom i"]color:var(--accent); } .eddiecircle .bottom b { font-size:14px!important } .eddiecircle .bottom u { font-style:italic; color:var(--accent); text-decoration:underline solid; border-bottom:none; letter-spacing:1px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".eddiecircle .credit a"]color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:130px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,578 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 23:08:44 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"go, i'll be fine."[break][break]


as charges back into battle, he will find that his footfalls drum heavier than normal. that his strides shake the earth and rock the heavens.[break][break]

however, he will soon realize he is not alone. swiftly closing the gap comes a burly bull with axe-like horns. rugged muscle toils to push the TERRAKION into the icy fray propels into.[break][break]

the bull passes the man from cascarrafa—but not without granting him a knowing, trusting glance.[break][break]

when the HYPER BEAM is launched, the TERRAKION catapults itself to meet it. to protect —and to show what kind of power it can lend him.

may control TERRAKION for the rest of the Prelude Thread. To prepare for future events, like a GACHAPON POKEMON, he may also choose a MOVESET for the TERRAKION and place him preemptively in his Personal Computer.[break][break]

Like with other Legendary or Mythical Pokemon, this Pokemon does have the potential to grant Avatarship in the future.


[newclass=".noahf"]--accent:#5d8bd5; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf blockquote"]width:370px; height:auto; background-color: #292929; text-align: justify; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 35px; padding-bottom: 40px; padding-top: 25px; border-left: 5px #252525 solid; border-right: 5px #252525 solid;border-top: 5px #252525 solid; line-height: 15.5px; letter-spacing: .7px; font-size:12px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf .icon"]background-image:url(; height:100px; width:100px; margin:-70px 29px 19px 10px; float:left; border-radius:20px; border:6px var(--accent) solid; outline:10px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf blockquote b, .nina blockquote i"]color:var(--accent); } .noahf blockquote b { font-size:14px!important } .widecurve blockquote u { font-style:italic; color:var(--accent); text-decoration:underline dotted; border-bottom:none; letter-spacing:1px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf .top"]background-color:var(--accent); background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 430px; height: 68px; text-align: center; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: -50px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px; border-radius: 25px 25px 0px 0px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 420px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 10px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 25px 25px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".noahf .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-299 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2024 0:32:23 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Clever, Tsubaki. Very clever."

History could not remain history. It had to be learned from so that its lessons could be imparted into future generations.

Yet why did it feel like Howard kept making the same mistakes? He was fighting the people on the right side, again. He was fighting an innocent girl, made Gym Leader too young, again. He was fighting an innocent bystander who wanted to protect the environment. He had warned them all to stay away, to let him fight his war in peace.

But they kept coming back.

"I spent three months in Galar, crushed by the fact that I might have destroyed the world, that Regice had turned it into a lifeless world of ice and snow." Three months was a pale comparison. It was not twenty years, but it had been long enough for him to change while still being brief enough that the actions that led to his journey had scarred his mind. "And when I came back..."

His eye twitched. A scarred hand twisted in rage under the armor, marred by its contact with a Wishing Star.


He had thrown himself on a pyre to be burned for his crimes, and when he had hobbled away from marred and changed, he had finally understood the wrath that had carried in his soul. It was a level of devotion few could match. Maybe he had learned something from after all.

After throwing himself at Regice, he had thrown himself at Registeel to protect Roze. Now he was fighting her.

How fickle, the bonds of humans were.

"I just want this fighting to stop. I want Eternatus to fly overhead so humanity can drag it down from the heavens and tear out its heart." Howard's voice was dull, weary, tired. "So I can finally die and be done with it all."

He waved a hand, dismissing them.


The Hyper Beam fired, but it did not land, for there was one thing that Howard had forgotten: there had been a third person he was fighting. One of 's hires, and if the Sheriff of Dewford had brought him into the fold...

...then he was likely a hero.

The blast struck Terrakion at point-blank range, leaving barely a scratch on one of Unova's three heroes of old. A beast that had moved mountains to save innocent Pokémon from a burning forest. He had heard rumors of and Virizion, the swift sword that danced between blows. He had even heard of and Cobalion, the fearless leader leading the charge against impossible odds.

"Even now, Kyle lives on." Howard scoffed and held his head in his hands. "Even the Swords of Justice have taken up against me. My cause is just, and truer than theirs."

Damn you, . Stop following the will of a ghost, even if that phantom was as resplendent as . Let the dead remain dead. If Kyle was truly a hero, he would've come back by now. was wrong.

Still, a new hero stood before him.

"Let's see whose path the world prefers, mine or yours." Regice rose up, unscathed by 's attack as red energy flashed around it. The admin's Cofagrigus rose as well, throwing down a layer of Toxic Spikes around the trio. "COME!"

A Dynamax Cannon blotted out the sun as it fell towards the trio.

+50 (Lowest Point)
+10 (Post)
Bemoaning fighting Roze
Dealing with Eddie's Iliadposting and Terrakion's appearance
Cofagrigus uses Toxic Spikes, Regice uses a SHIV APPROVED Dynamax Cannon
I wrote this in quick reply btw

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP