[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 23:51:13 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Aquatic predators were on the rampage around Sea Mauville, complicating rescue operations. With seemingly every rescue or salvage effort, Rangers turned into victims themselves. Several of them had been left stranded on an island near the main wreckage site, their Pokémon too exhausted to defend themselves or their trainers. It had become so serious that two Captains had been assigned to the job: and .

"Can we go over the briefing together one more time, Captain?" the Petalburg Captain asked from the back of her large, lazily-hovering Shiny Floatzel, a bit shaken that she felt she would wind up in a heavy combat situation. The Pokémon they were dealing with were species known for attacking on a hair trigger. The unstable environment would only further anger them.

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Prower        Floatzel**     Good

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
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5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 5:43:11 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


The captain is looking at his rotom phone at the video feed coming from his noibat who is flying above the island to try and see where their rangers are. More importantly the pokemon that they were up against that put their rangers in the position in the first place. "Its a shoal of Veluza that we're up against, already they're pretty violent but with the energies disrupting the area its also disrupting them making them more violent than usual," Razz offers as his noibat continues to survey the area as he sat atop his sharpedo. [break][break]

"While fliers could work out here these are not a place these pokemon usually roam and it would be good to disburse them," he offers as he finally puts the phone away, "Remember these pokemon are suffering from the effects of what's going on as well and while we are fighting them to disburse nothing fatal got that?"




[break]+ W.A.T.E.R OPS
[break]+ 21. Use technology to assist in the operation.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 4:47:55 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
More violent than usual? This would be an even greater challenge! She had been working with her own Veluza and understood how they swam. When she first encountered hers, she was fearful that adapting to such a violent swimming stroke would take her a while. Now, she felt ready to put that knowledge and experience to use. "Right, that's why I brought my own with me," she referred to Acro, the psychic spearfish she had caught with so long ago.

Pointing to the largest one of the shoal, Shalin had an idea how to get them to disperse. An idea that was uniquely her. "I'm gonna try to isolate their alpha and trap him. Riding on a wild Pokémon to catch it qualifies as nonlethal force, right?" she replied with a sly smile, clicking the Veluza's Poké Ball open. The water-type shot forward with great speed, proceeding to FILLET AWAY and make a scene in front of the wilds.

13. Set up ambushes or strategic defenses to neutralize threats.

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Acro          Veluza         Good

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,581 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 4:08:30 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


Razz ponders for a moment curious if it might be too much of a risk for the other captain to pull off such a thing as there was no way to be sure the others would follow through should she tame the alpha. Yet she seemed to emit pure confidence about her ability to do it so he nods at her. "Alright I'll trust you for that and you can count on me to hold your back," he offers before he calls out more appropriate pokemon for the battle. [break][break]

After she takes off the Slateport captain is right behind her as Duke takes off with his own jets both Duke and greinjna using their dark type attacks as they circle around the alpha pokemon. Making sure to create a barrier between them and his fellow ranger. Razz even goes as far to activate his sygna suit with greninja to allow himself the use of SHADOW SNEAK to aide with his water pokemon's barrier. [break][break]

Now it was all up to the rookie Captain.




[break]+ W.A.T.E.R OPS
[break]+ 17. Create distractions to draw threats away

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,865 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 22:04:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Razz's aquatic dark-types were quick to thin the school out. Now it was Shalin's turn to shine, Prower and Acro circling the largest of the psychic-types. The Shiny Pokémon zipped below the surface, faced the seabed, and whirled his tails about, creating a powerful but narrow WHIRLPOOL that left the largest of the wilds dizzy. Now was the younger Captain's chance. A wave from her own Veluza's AQUA CUTTER gave her a boost to approach the stunned Pokémon more quickly. Seconds before the giant fish awoke from its trance, she grabbed its fin, straddled the wild Pokémon, and held on tight.

The giant Veluza, almost the size of a Gyarados, flailed unpredictably to try to unseat her. Every time it tried to charge and PLUCK at Razz's Pokémon, the girl shoved its fin to one side, making the Pokémon's attacks sail wide. Every violent flick of its tail thrust Shalin to one side of her seat on the aquatic predator... and yet, she loved every moment of it. While she didn't plan on keeping the giant for herself, it would make a wonderful Pokémon for Dewford's Rangers to use.

All she had to do was wear it out.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Acro          Veluza         Good

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,581 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 2:21:24 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


It seems like their plan was starting to work, the perimeter Razz and his pokemon had properly been established to finally force the fish to either fall to his dark pokemon or watch as their leader submit to them. Make them learn that there were humans who were stronger to ensure that they didn't try this again. [break][break]

Now all he had to do was wait for his fellow ranger to teach their alpha the meaning of human endurance and will-power.




[break]+ W.A.T.E.R OPS
[break]+ 20. Establish a secure perimeter to control movement in and out of an area.

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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played by


March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,865 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 5:14:21 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The clash between Veluza and Shalin was one of strength, dexterity, and wills. Every swerve Shalin forced the wild into felt like 's Tauros violently pitching to try to unseat her. In a final act of desperation, the water-type submerged at a sharp angle, forcing Shalin to close her eyes. She felt the water around her grow cooler and cooler until a sharp heave rocked her from the leader of the school shooting toward the surface in a full-power, nearly vertical AQUA JET.

The giant leap gave Shalin a great view of Sea Mauville once she opened them upon feeling wind instead of water. All her knuckles had turned white from how tightly she grabbed the Veluza's fin. Expelling water in a second AQUA JET, Shalin's foe spiraled toward the sea and landed with a big splash. Shalin wanted to hiss; that last maneuver stung.

The tired and dejected water-type surfaced without fanfare, yielding to Shalin. With the Petalburg Captain having subdued their leader, much of the rest of the school scattered. Her breathing became heavy as she gently guiding her new partner toward Razz, coming down from the adrenaline high of riding an unruly wild Pokémon. "Slateport's gonna love this big guy!" she managed, squinting from the nasty thrashing the psychic-type gave.

{PC: 4}

06. Use non-lethal methods to calm or capture rogue pokemon.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Acro          Veluza         Good

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,581 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 6:14:42 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] [break]


The surrounding Veluza seem to slowly stop fighting back as they watch their alpha now in struggles with another human. It seems like their next actions were going to be based on the outcome and luckily for those they were to rescue the Ranger comes out on top. The other veluza seem reluctant to stop but if their leader had fallen then their chances were clearly not as good. "Good work," the younger captain compliments and even Salem is giving his clappies. [break][break]

"Slateport? You plan on donating them to us there?" Razz questions unsure of her intentions of the large Veluza. Oh well, "I'll tend to the wounded of any basic needs, can you contact the others or send out a flare that way they know the area is now safe and we can get these guys out of here properly," he ask before he heads to the island that their wounded were on. From here he calls on his chikorita to provide some basic first aid while the other captain should be calling for back up to pick them up now that the Veluza would no longer go after their rescue ships.




[break]+ W.A.T.E.R OPS
[break]+ 05. Provide first aid or medical support to injured individuals.

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#4E94C5;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
[WOPS] Shalin and Razz #3
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 2:21:54 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WOPS INCOMPLETE...



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