Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 19:13:20 GMT

Fernando pays little mind. The more the merrier and if that means someone else stealing the spotlight then maybe this is a Christmas miracle. The faster Fernando can relieve himself of this demeaning duty the better and who better to take over than someone with a more vigorous love for the holidays?

"That's two gifts. I guess you're on the nice list." Fernando stately plainly, as if reading off a cue card. "Enjoy the festivities and be sure to pay it forward. Thank you for attending the Aurorus Winter Ball."

Fernando refuses the cookie with a dismissive shake of his head. "Thank you but Santa can't eat any more sweets. He has to cut down on his sugar intake this year. Remember, a healthy diet leads to a healthy body and the best of trainers take care of themselves as well as their Pokemon." The last line is a direct quote from one of the health PSA's and Fernando dreads it as he slogs around to the next person.

As picks at her present, gently undoing the wrappings, she'll come to realize that it's just a box. Inside is a Sport Ball that Fernando has used during the Bug Catching Contest. Inside is one of his very own Pokemon, one that he's tried to train but realized doesn't share his mindset and wouldn't benefit from his particular method of training. It's better off given to a trainer that can both appreciate it for what it is and can give it a loving home.

— stands there for a moment and comments on 's luck, hoping will take over santa duty
— rejects the cookie and gives health PSA
— the gift is one of Fernando's pokemon
— gives a gift.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 19:21:41 GMT
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's voice cuts through the rest and causes Monty to be momentarily distracted, looking up at him with a smile. The sweater is terrible, just as promised, and Monty's happy about it. He himself is sporting an oversized ugly sweater with gross little stantlers and sawsbucks on it.

"So glad you could make it."

The noise and commotion near him has him turning to look at while she opens her gift. What he sees within has him completely astonished. He grips Spencer's shirt and narrows his eyes.

"If he's giving out pokemon, you think I can sit on Santa's lap and get myself a cute one??"

There were worse things in life to do than sit on 's lap, but Monty was mildly desperate.

< tl;dr - monty wants a present give him a cute pkmn ty >

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 20:40:07 GMT
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Spencer's eyebrows raise, his head turning to look back at , giving out presents dressed as Santa.

His eyes narrow, icy blue barely visible through the slits, the image of Monty climbing into the other man's lap just to get a gift burning in his mind.

"Maybe if you pretend you're a cute girl," he says with a shrug, voice as indifferent as he can make it. He turns away and grabs the nearest drink, setting it to his lips. Behind the glass, he hides the frown forming on his face as he takes a sip.

He realizes his mistake the second he said it. Glancing at Monty, he thinks he's exactly the type to do so. Well, he couldn't take it back now. His only other option: pretend he doesn't care.

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the stray
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 20:51:54 GMT
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"Someone doesn't seem to be a very cheery santa over there." The man comments, seeming to appear from now where in particular in the crowd to hove over miss 's shoulder. Perhaps because she is a familiar face and he cannot help but be drawn to the ones that stand out the most. "Gorgeous outfit dear, you wear it well." his voice is smooth as silk as he reaches around her to grab a treat, revealing the monstrosity that he is wearing.

Evan chuckles at the familiar faces already up to some kind of antic. The night might start mellow but he imagines it will only be a matter of time before the whole ball is boisterous as can be. That's half of why he attends these kinds of things though, it'd be easy for him to just not show up but it's always so amusing to see. He's content to watch from the treat table more than anything.

>>will tag as we interact
>>evan appears behind cait and compliments her
>>grabs a treat
>>wearing an oversized version of this monstrosity but with a galar rapidash instead

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinra Redgrave
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 20:53:24 GMT
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no booze? well that was a shame, although wine and champagne were pretty good substitutes anyway. at least he probably won't be doing anything while too drunk. still... "ah where's the fun in that though? wouldn't be fun to see people let loose? hell maybe people will actually start doing some dancing instead of just sitting around."

that's when the light on the candlestick lit up in his head as he reached down and took a glass of red wine and took a sip while eyeing lenora herself. "say...why don't we break the ice a bit huh? care to join me for a dance beautiful?" he gave her a wink as he leaned against the table sipping another bit of wine and taking a small cookie and taking a bite out of it. even if this party was supposed to be classy the fact that everyone was just kind of chilling was a little...well a bit boorish.


[attr="class","merrktagI"]@aurora ball

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October 19
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Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 20:56:54 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Brr-rr. Kicking the snow off his boots on a welcome mat with a shiver, he crossed the threshold into the entrance hall; Adrian hung up his winter coat only to reveal a horridly suggestive twist of a holiday classic: It read "I'LL DECK YOUR HALLS" on the front, but the back didn't read so subtly.

He looked out across the ballroom floor, stunned at what the League had put together. It was homely yet lavish, the kind of thing you expect to see in a holiday catalog or winter vacation brochures:

A feast for the eyes it was, decorated with garish lights and absolutely brimming with varieties of food for the soul. Most were strangers here, but he did notice @monty skulking over by the dessert table.

Subsequently he soon realized there was a stranger accompanying him. Forcing a wry smile despite himself, Adrian decided it best to leave them well alone rather than greet them... But since when did he make good decisions? Obviously his feet were carrying him over their way, standing just behind them when he called out in greeting.

"Hey, Monty!" He was only just there to say hello, he reminded himself. "And hello to you as well. You must be one of Monty's friends." He hid his assertions behind the veil of his beaming smile; Adrian was simply passing through to wish Monty well for the holiday.

"I hope you're both enjoying the snow; we get it all the time back in Sinnoh." Admittedly he'd been thrilled when it finally started snowing for once. It reminded him of his younger years, chasing growlithe through his snow covered yard.

tl;dr: Wearing an ugly christmas sweater. Goes over to Monty & Spencer (dessert table.) Gives greetings.

& @monty
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 21:14:36 GMT
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The only think Monty could focus on was the fact that this was very awkward and he needed to find a conversational topic quick that wouldn't end in an innuendo so he didn't get embarrassed. Also, Adrian was from Sinnoh? So much made sense...

Deciding not to be a coward, Monty addresses and at once.

"Spencer's agreed it's a good idea to sit on Santa's lap and ask for a present. What do you think?"

His question to is rhetorical, as he makes his way over to with proud confidence.

"Hey, Santa."

Being that his voice is feminine already, him 'sounding feminine' basically makes him sound like a twenty-one-year-old young woman.

"If I sit on your lap, do I get a present too?"

< you're welcome spiral >

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 22:04:23 GMT
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The first happy recipient of many, Annie thought. The girl’s smile only made hers grow. Her glee almost cancelled out Fernando’s disregard for her challenge. Almost. It quickly became clear that the man was a bit of a killjoy, and not just when it came to delivering presents. She couldn’t help but wonder why he had turned up if he was going to be a downer the whole time, but some small, sensible part of her advised against asking. Instead it directed her towards the real treasure of Christmas – sweet treats.

“The cool Santa, on the other hand, needs a lot of energy to get through the night!”
There were few things Annie loved more than free food, which was a rarity at any other time of the year. If the Pokemon didn’t stop her from double dipping, she would claim a pair of cookies for herself, dirtying her beard with crumbs. “Take good care of yourself, young trainer! See you next year!” And with that, she was off to ‘bless’ another party-goer, Monty taking her place shortly after.

Her next victim stood out by not standing at all. A grown man, cowering in the corner of the room seemed like the perfect target for holiday cheer. She tip-toed across the room, sneaking as best she could (in a red and white jumpsuit, in the middle of a party) and stopped behind him. She opened her sack and searched for the perfect gift. If the man didn’t move, he’d soon find a new addition to his costume – a paper crown, handing from his left horn.

“Ho-Oh-Ho! Looks like you need some more non-denominational spirit, old mister!”

TL;DR: Annie takes a cookie from , declares herself a better Santa than , and moves on to torment instead.


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 22:53:30 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

She was on the nice list, apparently. The thought was incredibly grateful, bringing a bit of a wider smile to her face. Of course, her eyes only opened up incredibly wide as an even more flustered expression spread across her face. A pokemon? Her eyes quickly drifted back towards him, the Pokeball, and back towards Silph. Of course, her very first instinct was to give the man a hug, but judging by his rather stern personality that probably wouldn't have gone over well. He even denied a cookie from Darling, which earned a bit of a strange look from both her and her pokemon. Wasn't that... something she had heard from TV? Just who was this mysterious well-meaning yet blunt Santa Claus? Regardless, she gave him a soft wave as he left, glad he decided to stop by.

As Annie took some cookies, Darling certainly wouldn't stop them from taking as many as they liked, only grinning and tilting her head with a satisfied smile. Ruby would give a little wave, giggling at the girl as she walked away. Maybe next year, she should do something similar. Spread joy like that... Or rather, why wait? Perhaps she could find something to do that would make everyone happy tonight. Unsure of what to do, her attention returned to the Pokeball sitting carefully in the box.

It certainly wasn't any kind of Pokeball she was familiar with, but that was okay. The design just had to be from something special! She'd figure exactly what it was in a little bit, but for now, Ruby carefully stood up to her feet and brushed off the cookie crumbs from her lap. With a curious expression, she opened the Pokeball and awaited whatever would come out.

notes: Ruby reacted to the Santas leaving, and opened the Pokeball. Annie also could have taken as many cookies as she desired.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 23:25:43 GMT
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You are our secret
it's worth keeping, and now i'm keeping my mouth shut
”Oi! I’m here, don’t everyone hug me at once!”

Nemo Marvray cheers and arrives in the ballroom of the Highland Lodge in a crystal blue and green striped sweater. His energetic Buizel is at his side and dressed in a tinier, matching sweater. The turquoise-haired boy waves around at no one in particular, he just likes crowds. However…a lot of trainers had already gathered and he can’t shake the uncertainty that he’s shown up late. Later than he wanted to and not exactly of the fashionable kind. Speaking of fashion, everyone here was either dressed up in the most beautiful dresses he’d yet seen or as the big guy Santa himself…or wearing garish sweaters like he was. It was quite the crowd the lodge had pulled in this light, snowy night.

He notices a girl walk forward in a flashy red dress but before he knows it—she’s hit the ground. A fall like that, it had to have hurt! The Marvray boy takes a moment to hold back uncontrollable laughter and his smile is brighter than when he first arrived, if possible. A few paces forward and a hand covered by a soft green mitten is held out to @mana.

”Hey there, need a hand? I mean, I do have that effect on people. But, uh…don’t worry, I don’t think anyone’s noticed.”
Liar. Glances are already being hurled their way by some partygoers of the ballroom and even someone as arrogant and unmindful as Nemo Marvray knows it.

- nemo arrives at aurora ball in matching sweaters with his Buizel
- nemo offers @mana a hand

<33 tagged @aurora ball 246

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 23:48:24 GMT
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A ball was a fun idea, but admittedly one Toto was ill suited for. Not only due to the usual reasons -- small town girl, no experience in big crowds, general discomfort with too much noise -- but because she really didn't have anything festive (or flashy) to wear. It made her feel more than a little bit out of place when she showed up, kicked the snow of her shoes, and then looked up to find people in all manners of seasonal wear. Her t-shirt, sweater and skirt felt awfully off-theme in their wake.

"Couldn't even grab a fun sweater when you ran, huh?" she quietly berated herself as she tried to take in the large space and all the bodies filling it. This proved a daunting task, and beyond that a stressful one. So instead she pressed herself against the wall nearest to her and followed it. She thought she'd seen a food table not too far away. Maybe she could snack a bit here and grab some stuff to go before sneaking out . . .

+ Toto arrives dressed in her street clothes
+ She anxiously sticks to the wall, trying to make her way to a food table
+ Already ready to leave

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 0:55:51 GMT

"Ho, ho, ho." Fernando turns around to stare at @monty with the same dreary expression he's worn all night. It's a part of the costume at this point and he swallows a sigh in resignation. "The presents are for all the good boys and girls of Hoenn. If you want a picture with Santa then that's fine as well." He points to a picture booth with an empty, decorated bench set for those that wished to take pictures with Silph Claus as memorabilia to memorize this year's Aurora Ball.

His Sceptile snickers aloud, knowing Fernando well enough to understand how much he despises his role and the deeper embarrassment he hides by suppressing his expression with the dull monotone of his demeanor. Fernando lugs his knapsack alongside with him, setting on the bench and manspreading to provide an ample space for Monty to sit. One of the League employees stands on the other end of the camera, adjusting it to capture the entire scenery as they wait for Monty to mount him.

At least she's cute.

One tap is all it takes to open Silph's Pokeball. A bright flash of light fills the room and what materializes is a special Pokemon that's been decorated for the time of year. A brilliant cascade of colors shine from the Pokemon's winter colored wings and specialized snow flutters from its flapping like sparkling glitter.

The Vivillon peers back at her, curious, pausing for a moment before letting out a joyous cry of excitement. Fernando doesn't beat an eye at the sound of his former Pokemon, satisfied that it seems accepting of its new trainer. Regardless of how 's holidays turn out, at least she has one present secured, given out of obligation but received with a hearty cry of a Pokemon's compassion.

— implies that @monty doesn't have to but if she wants a picture with Santa they can take one
— goes ahead and sits down for the photo, legs spread, ready for lucky picture #1
's gift is a special vivillon made to match the winter theme

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october 24
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 0:56:41 GMT
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her voice wakes him up from his comatose state. he lifts his head up as he stares back at . his eyes were filled with regret and dread, easily telling others that look at him the regret of coming to this place even without him saying a word.

in the same depressed, deadpan tone, he drawls absently. "merry christmas."

only after did he say the phrase did his mind process her words. kyle was still oblivious to the gift, however, with the crown hanging on his horns. he remains sitting on the floor, arms still hugging around his knees with his reindeer costume on.

"yes santa. i don't wanna be old this christmas. let me be a kid that locked himself up in his room to play vidya games during the holidays."

death still lingered in his voice, moreso than earlier.

  • kyle is in the corner of the room, sulking

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jet O'Haire
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 1:45:37 GMT
Jet O'Haire Avatar

[attr="class","merktagI"]While initially Jet didn't want to go to the ball being held high above the Hoenn region, he somehow found himself being talked into it by his mother. She was still bedridden in the hospital and couldn't do much herself so she wanted her son to have some fun in her stead. "And I mean it, you better have fun." she said with a hoarse voice. The comment got a chuckle out of the young man as he nodded. "Oh, and I got you something for it." she then pointed to a shopping bag in the corner of the room and upon pulling out the contents, the blue haired boy sighed. "Thanks, I hate it." Putting on the festive Jumper, he did a quick twirl for his mother who seemed pleased with how it looked on him.

This had happened quite a few hours earlier in the night. Currently Jet was just wandering around with his Duskull (Cy) and Joltik (Zap) since they were his smallest and most energetic pokemon who probably wouldn't cause any trouble. Well the Joltik wouldn't anyway. Duskull on the other hand loved to try and frighten people so god only knew what the red eyed pokemon would try to do. For now though the little ghost hovered beside him while the Joltik scuttled over his body, it's many beady blue eyes scanning the area around it's trainer. Speaking of which, he was starting to feel a rumble in his stomach which made the boy make a beeline for where all the food was being served. The room seemed fairly full all things considered and even had some people giving gifts. For a moment he stood there looking at what everyone was wearing and he felt a little more relieved with his jumper. For now though he'd keep out of anyone's way and just observe what everyone was doing. He was here to have fun but didn't want to spoil anyone else's so he just stayed in a corner for the time being.

tl:dr went into the food room and found a good corner to wait in

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2019 2:23:06 GMT
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one look around and she found a man relaxing and slipping into the steaming water himself. [break][break]

... yes, that did look nice. very relaxing, indeed. bright, amber eyes take another good glance into the water before she gradually approaches the water. she stands at the edge, however, while slowly lowering her toes into the water. the sudden heat caught her off guard - enough for her to slightly jerk up from the shock - but thank goodness she didn't slip of all things. she tries it again, until both o her legs were in the springs. [break][break]

then she was faced with a dilemma. [break][break]

she glances to the man, tilting her head in a questioning manner before tugging at her towel. "... does nicole take this off?" she asks, with the same, nonchalant expression on her face. she heard that you had to take off your clothing when you took a bath, and she didn't want to get the towel wet - evident by how she was standing in the tub, hesitant to submerge herself in the water.

notes: nicole's slipping into the hot springs w/ . asking if she's supposed to take the towel or not. vulpix has made friends w/ 's opal

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