i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 23:06:47 GMT
Deleted Avatar
The Beast allowed them no time to recover after it's initial attack. No sooner had Nathaniel opened his mouth than the Monster began to move once more. A pit formed in Nathaniel's stomach as he watched the Clown-like Invader form yet another enormous, presumably explosive, ball from it's head, though Nathaniel was beginning to think otherwise at this point. It went so far as to replace the the steel Time Ball atop the New Years countdown, the white polka dot explosive swallowing it completely to take it's place. From the gestures the Beast made it was clearly smart enough to make bloody jokes about it's actions. Nathaniel gritted his teeth in silent anger. This thing had killed Arceus only knew how many people and Pokemon at this point, and it had the audacity to prance around. Nathaniel vowed that by the end of the night, barring interference, he was see that creature dead.

Annie seemed to have a decent idea, much more than can be said of the woman that Nathaniel realized was part of the Elite Four. He hadn't failed to notice how she had, seemingly intentionally, directed the smaller bomb the Beast had let loose towards an ally of theirs. Now however was not the time to attempt to criticize people who would no doubt refuse to listen to someone 'below their station'. After giving Tyranitar a quick check over, noticing that he was essentially unharmed, Nathaniel moved to assist Annie. Her idea to use Psychic to attempt to slow down the fleeing Beast was a good one, and one that he hoped that they could take advantage of. He gestured Tyranitar forward, pointing at the target of his anger tonight.

"Tear it to pieces Tyranitar, Stone Edge!" he shouted, anger clearly seeping into his voice. Tyranitar's assault was joined with the mysterious Pokemon Annie called Frankie, both a Stone Edge and Tri-Attack rocketing towards the Clown Beast. Nathaniel refused to remain idle to the fate of those caught up in this disaster. A hand darted into his jacket, returning with a Pokeball that was immediately released. Corviknight came forth with a soft trill, noticing it's surroundings and immediately adopting a more serious demeanor.

"I need you eyes in the sky old friend," said Nathaniel, gesturing all around himself at the carnage. "If you see any stragglers safe to move, get them out of here and away from all this. Keep right away from whatever this thing is, you hear me?" he commanded, Corviknight giving a quick cry of acknowledgement before taking to the skies, blending in with the black of the night sky. Nathaniel could only hope that his actions might help some of the citizens at Slateport. Everyone else he could see seemed focused on the Beast alone, ignoring the injured and dying civilians all around them. Nathaniel refused to be one of their number. .

- Had Tyranitar use Stone Edge on the (HOPEFULLY) slowed Ultra Beast in conjunction with Annie's Tri-Attack.
- Brought out Corviknight and ordered him to search the wreckage for survivors safe to move and get them away from the scene. Also gave explicit orders to stay AWAY from the Ultra Beast. Corviknight will not put itself or passengers in harms way.

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 1:23:15 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

The explosive blast just barely missed the duo as they dived for protection behind the Swampert. Ruby was absolutely going to panic, struggling to not stare at all the destruction around them. It was like a warzone. All that caused by one single attack? Ruby's immediate instincts were to cling to Whisper's side, shaking physically as she tried and failed to collect itself. The clown was dancing... It had hurt so many people...

Ruby stared in terror as it pulled its own head off once more, expanding it larger and larger. Just before she could think to duck for cover again, it tossed the ball straight towards the grand lighthouse and suddenly everything made sense. The explosive head replaced the new year's ball. When it dropped, everyone would die. Tears were already streaming down the young girl's face, desperation in her voice as she watched the horrible beast practically threaten then, miming that they were living in borrowed time. The man that had protected them with his Swampert said they needed to stop it, and Ruby shook in fear.

Staring in horror, Ruby spoke with absolute desperation as she watched the horrible beast create another bomb and started to jog away. People were batting the explosive away, only instilling even more fear in Ruby's heart. "w-whisper! We have to help take it down! I-if that drops..." Ruby didn't even have to finish the statement. Whisper easily sense not only Ruby's fear but everyone else as well. As fast as she physically could, the Hatterene began to glide its way over towards the lighthouse.

Whisper's signature cocky expression fell away to one of pure aggression and anger as she stared as if her stares alone could kill such a beast. Daring to threaten her trainer, Whisper had immediately had enough. Using Calm Mind once more, the psychic energy swirling around the Pokemon was definitely visible at this point. Soft purple energy swirled around her as she moved, keeping Ruby close by her side as they moved.

notes: Ruby is terrified, crying and unsure what to do. Whisper takes the lead, moving towards the Light House as fast as they can while also using Calm Mind for the second time now.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 2:03:40 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

The flames disperse against the combined barriers of Wadjet and 's Unfezant. Despite this, the smoke billows at their feet in the aftermath of the assault. The air stings of blood and ash and smoke and she lifts her arm to her mouth to cough. It stings her eyes and coats her lungs with soot.[break][break]

But she looks over her shoulder to see that Noah and Kyle are safe, albeit tangled in each others arms on the ground behind her. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as she coughs once again and takes a step forward.[break][break]

Kyle gets to his feet after detangling himself. He seems distracted and distant, like the experience they'd just survived has changed his happy-go-lucky tune. She narrows her eyes while trying to read his expression, trying to figure out what exactly this man could be thinking.[break][break]

He says something to her but her mind is rattled and it doesn't quite make sense when she replays it back in her head.[break][break]

Stormy opens her mouth to interrupt him but he's already on the phone dialing someone. Before he could stray, before the Manectric that had just punted the balloon-bomb to God knows where could leave, she places her hand firmly on Kyle's wrist.[break][break]

"If you think you're just gonna leave Noah and I behind, you're delusional. Friends stick together, Kyle, and I'm sure as hell not letting you run off alone. I'm coming with you."[break][break]

Okay, so she knew he wasn't going it alone in the literal sense, because he had his incredibly capable and strong Manectric to protect him. And he was definitely meeting up with someone else.. but the fact remained. Stormy was not about to be left behind to 'handle it.' Handle what?[break][break]

A younger, stupider, more headstrong Stormy Silph might have turned her ballcap around and run face-first into certain death with the ridiculous notion that she was unstoppable, that she alone could handle the situation. But she had realised, quite bluntly and painfully, that she was nobody. Only together, with other people, was she able to handle anything. And that's alright.[break][break]

So she runs after him, glancing over her shoulder to see if Noah is following. Wadjet follows but from the air, likely staying close to Stormy, but perhaps even with the Unfezant if Noah hadn't returned it and decided to follow.[break][break]

In the meantime, Wadjet performs a

dragon dance

to help her pick up speed and prepare for what might come.[break][break]

- makes it clear she and noah aren't gonna be left behind[break]
- follows kyle wherever he seems to be going[break]
- wadjet uses

dragon dance

in preparation[break][break]



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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
310 posts
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 2:25:08 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


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unfortunately, it would appear as if a tamed legendary was not as majestic as the myths foretold. olivia rose from her curtsy to catch the eye of of the elite four, that brief moment where ocean eyes met those of fiery passion was one filled with contempt. the water witch watched as she not only blatantly ignored the orders given, but summoned forth a beast of pure hatred: a shadow pokemon, who sent the bomb hurtling back towards olivia and balder.

yet, it was a pokemon of the sea who came to her aide. she was grateful for the strayu and its master who reflected the ball off towards another. it was then, however, that she felt balder's unbridled wrath. she allowed him this moment of anger, but just once. she held her chin high, glacial gaze cast upon the mighty islander as she muttered cooly, "do not doubt me, balder. the elite four have one sole duty: and it's to the people. i know for a fact any of them could have handled that bomb expertly, which is why i ordered them to do so; yet, bailey acted out of line only for another to step in."

olivia spared a quick glance at the others chasing the beast before turning back to balder, that icy visage cracking for a split second. her words lost that frosty edge as she whispered, "i did so because of who is trapped there, balder, with that massive time bomb ticking away - and i tell you this in confidence, as someone i can trust..." she gulped, eyes darting back to the lighthouse before they looked up at the man once more. "it's dahlia, the commissioner. she was the one who answered my call. she's stuck, she trapped, and if we don't get to her first, who knows what will be done. we need to find her and figure out how to stop that bomb." olivia said to him in hushed tones, for his ears only.

"we need to move and act now. trust me, and do not doubt my judgement." she said at last, her face now turned towards the trainers who chased after the clown. "i have, and always will, act for the good of the region, of the people; not for glory and fame, or some sick revenge." olivia added that last bit, thinking of the hatred she saw in 's eyes. gathering her coat about herself, she snapped her fingers, and the crab did a little dance.

it was an orange blur once more as the power of agility and amnesia surged through him. her voice was as strong as a rushing river as olivia said, "and the best thing for the region and the people is to get the commissioner to safety, now let's be off."

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia is annoyed by bailey!
+ olivia is grateful for kyle!
+ kingler used agility! (SPD +4)
+ kingler used amnesia! (SPDEF +2)
+ olivia ask balder for help!

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 3:40:17 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

talk about a bumpy start. so much was happening, so little time to gather his thoughts. but mateo knew enough that something big was going down and he wasn't missing it this time! as he stood with dragonite helping him and up. mateo would come to see bailey and her krokodile thwart a sudden surprise from olviia who, then, had suddenly started dishing out orders.

isn't that...grunt work for gym leaders? his head was a bit dazed for a moment. saving people was his job, but only when there were no leaders or actual rangers around. his objective, as a member of the elite four, was to take care of big bads, actual threats. some random clown-like pokemon's causing a ruckus and ruined his yakisoba, mateo was pissed yet excited.

a toothy grin worn. "sorry, but i'm not the type to take orders." he took note of how bailey jumped into the action. he wanted to get in on the chase. and just as he was about to take off, he'd forgotten all about noelle. "noe---" the clown's potato shaped head came skydiving from out of nowhere. mateo, with a shocking gasp, shouted, "i thought she chucked that?! how'd it get back here?!" he wasn't sure what the hell that falling sphere was, or what would happen once it hit the ground, but he knew enough to know he had to keep it away. he was ready to spike it back with all his might, until sceptile, who's normally out of his ball and somewhere lounging about, came just in the nick of time to send it back from whence it came with MIMICking PAYBACK.

THE BALL WAS RETURNED to (specifically) and company. "sceptile!" mateo called with glee. "like always you come around just in time!" praising his companion, he'd look to noelle. "you need to get to a safe place, i need to go back up bailey." with a fiery spirit, he would come to jump upon the back of dragocess the dragonite. as they (sceptile, mateo, and dragocess) were about to give chase after the ultra beast, mateo would ask before their departure, his back turned on her. "unless...you wanna come along?" it was too dangerous for her to be on her own.

plus, he didn't want to be alone. be it at home or on the battlefield. so, secretly, he was hoping she'd tag along to fight alongside him. of course he'd never invite her on something like this, but it'd lessen his worry knowing she was by his side and, somewhat, safe.
notes: sent the ball to .


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 4:19:19 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


God, why was she so stubborn? Even now, she believed she was in the right. Yet everything she was saying was for her own agenda... And the elite four deciding not to listen to her proved his point. She shouldn't be acting this way. It was a total disappointment from Balder's viewpoint, and he was feeling betrayed from everything she was saying. How could he have believed in a woman like her...[break][break]

And thus, she finally explained the true reasons for having them blitz the Lighthouse: Dahlia Goode. The commissioner on the run. The call Olivia had made hadn't connect to the Crown, which also meant no reinforcement, but to Dahlia. But... That sounded fishy. Did the head of the council really have the technology to hijack calls like that? If anything, it was suspicious.[break][break]

But no matter what he would say, she'd be stubborn enough to go there and do it. And most likely risk everything. Eyes filled with a mix of sadness, anger and disdain, Balder stared at Olivia. "I highly doubt she is what the people need right now. Honestly, you disappoint me Olivia... And we're gonna have a talk after this is all over. But now that you gave me that info... I can't friggin turn my back on her. And I'm not going alone. LEO!"[break][break]

The solar lion seemed to have a smile draw upon its maw before it roared towards the sky, emitting light from its mane like a beacon. Balder joined him in the roar, unleashing his avatar powers at the same time. Doing so, his hair became a golden color as they were emitting light, and his fists radiated with a white energy. The man climbed onto the lion's back and he looked at Olivia. "You stay here, and help protect the civilians. It's the least you can do after those orders you shouted."[break][break]

Taking a deep breath, Balder shouted to everyone that could hear him. "THOSE THAT ARE NOT FIGHTING THE BEAST, FOLLOW THE LIGHT! WE NEED TO STOP THE BOMB AT THE LIGHTHOUSE!" Suddenly, the Lion roared once more and a fissure in the air appeared before them, tearing up to open a portal directly to the front of the lighthouse. Eyes wide open, Balder looked at the balder, then at the legendary he sat upon.[break][break]

"Always full of surprise, aren't you partner? Well then! ONWARDS!" The duo enter the portal, hopefully emerging on the other end intact and to be in front of the Lighthouse. The portal remained open, potentially allowing others to follow through.


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Tells his thoughts to Olivia, but decides to do it.[break]
Goes Super Saiyan and screams to everyone to follow him[break]
Solgaleo creates a portal to appear in front of the LightHouse and goes through it
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,591 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 4:37:12 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"maybe. then i can take all of your dogs." noah chuckles. despite the tragedy smoldering around them, his world is framed fondly by the man he guards.

but his features harden. on the job, noah steels himself, his chin dipping sharply in thanks to his unfezant. he turns to the charizard and their owner, "thanks, stormy."

before he returns to his feet, noah takes the fallen doll, quietly squeezing it before placing it in a pocket. noah takes kyle's flippant order and nods. despite the lack of direction, he rolls it in his hand like polymer clay, warming it with words he wishes to express- but are too late to utter.

noah tails behind stormy, legs striding over hideously strewn artifacts of the clown's destruction. he leaps, his unfezant's talons grasping his arms to lift him over the more treacherous obstacles ahead.

lit by 's shining charge, the arcing bomb heads towards noah's direction. noah pulls a pokeball from his pocket, the device expanding dramatically in his hand.

"stormy! i'll set it!" his crabominable is summoned ahead of them, its claws tightening close. "you spike!"

as noah follows the DRAGON DANCING charizard with his pokemon, his crab ICE PUNCHES the flickering sphere straight up like a firework.

- runs forth, following and .
- traverses terrain with his pokemon, unfezant carrying him over obstacles at points.
- sees the bomb heading his way, lit by 's brilliance.
- sets the bomb up for to hit by having his crabominable ice punch it.
- i.e. he is sending the bomb to

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 4:48:20 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Stormy smiles sadly as Noah holds onto the plushie, tucks it in his pocket. She can see the bond between the two young men and it's bittersweet, the taste in her mouth. Danger swells and makes it difficult to breathe.[break][break]

His Unfezant helps lift him up and over rubble, and Stormy manages to keep up on mere grit alone. Her knees scrape on jagged edges, her arms too.[break][break]

She does, however, skid to a slight halt. Her breath is sucked in harshly as she watches the bomb sail towards Noah and herself. It seems to fall in slow motion, the nauseous thumping of her heart deafening.[break][break]

Wadjet bellows as she prepares, as she watches Noah's Crabominable set up for her. Her tail acts as an anchor and balance as she beats her wings in place. Just as the ball sails up in front of her and begins to fall back down, she twists sharply in the air, her claws lashing out in a

dragon claw

that sends it flying across the festival once more. [break][break]

"Got it! Let's keep moving!"[break][break]

She reaches then for Noah's hand, grasping it tightly as she tugs him forward and they continue sprinting for Kyle.[break][break]

- sticks close to noah in hot pursuit of kyle[break]
- wadjet spikes the bomb set up for her by noah's crabominable with

dragon claw

- bomb is heading for [break][break]



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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 5:14:09 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby couldn't help but look over at Balder as soon as he began glowing extremely brightly. What in the world was he doing? What kind of move did that to a trainer? Entirely lost and incredibly confused, Ruby was distracted when the bomb suddenly began flying, straight in her direction. As her eyes finally noticed it, she couldn't help but suddenly let out a loud scream of terror.

Whisper paused where she was moving. Her focused eyes glancing over at Balder and would have likely rolled her eyes at his flashy display if her trainer wasn't in immediate danger. Ruby was effectively dropped onto the ground all of a sudden as Whisper eyed the bomb floating straight towards them. Waiting until the last second, she suddenly spun around and smacked the bomb with the arm-tentacle attached to her hat. Spiking it across the festival once again and far away from the two of them.

Ruby was breathing extremely heavy, practically hyperventilating as she clung to Whisper's side. Trying her best to find her footing, the girl stood on her own feet as she tried her best to calm herself down as well. Meddy the Medicham had been practicing meditation with her in the past, but never in a place so violent and filled with... death.

She spoke as calmly as she could, still holding her Pokemon tightly. "... We need to do something."

notes: Ruby saw Balder, and is incredibly confused. Whisper smacks the ball away from them and towards .


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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 5:34:13 GMT
marie jules Avatar

There was a lot to observe, from the constant pitching of a ticking time bomb, to the creature that had started making its way towards the lighthouse, it’s jolly cantor a sight Marie half payed attention to.

Of course she could not ignore the heavy breathing to her side, the Gardevoir provided now removing splinters and cleaning the scars of their haphazard getaway. Marie would only offer the pokemon an Oran berry in hopes of easing what damage it had sustained.

She returned her gaze to the creature that held everyone’s attention, now seeing attempts to put it down or at the very least stagger it.

Considering that she didn’t want to be destroyed with this thing nor in this place, she could not help but provide assistance where she could, sending out an Umbreon then promptly signalling it forth to launch a Pursuit. It obeyed, shifting away from her location within the darkness and appearing only when proper distance had been made between the two of them, a shadowy strike made on the clownish creatures form.

While the Umbreon fought, Marie continued to scout, making her way through the wreckage of the once proudly standing fair and towards the lighthouse in an attempt to stay unseen.

- still observing everything from a distance

- sends Umbreon to use Pursuit on Blacephalon

- starts to make her way towards the lighthouse through the wreckage of the fair
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 6:45:57 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando has been seeing Elysia for months now. Love is a powerful thing and the love he has for Perse's mother is mighter than a whole alliance of Hoenn's mightiest Evergrande Fantasy Players.

But it feels wrong. Like betrayal. Like he's cheating on Perse, someone who he had held so close to his heart.

New Year New Me. It's about time he makes things right.

So he lobs the ball back at . If she dies then he can talk to them together. They can be a family again.

Amidst the chaos is when true character comes into play and those that suffer under the pressure and stress of crunch time come undone. Fernando does not falter or crumble in the face of adversity. He strives to do better, to conquer, and to survive to see another day. This proves no different and when everyone else divides up with their own plan, he knows just who to call.

The Elite Four.

The sound of barking out commands does not go unnoticed but to squander their talents on evacuation proves disastrous. , the most civil of the bunch may obey but the rest of them? Fernando has no doubt in his mind that they're up for the challenge. They crave battle — conqueror's of the region's Gym circuit, survivors of Mossdeep — and they will carve victory out from even the gravest scenarios.

His place is beside them, not as allies or friends, but as someone with a mutual goal. Those that seek to end the terror of the foreign invaders will give chase. Anything to stop them. Anything to kill this one before it does to Slateport what Guzzlord did to Mossdeep.

While those around him bicker, protect themselves, and swat around the Barceleona's sentient head(?), Fernando breaks out into a mad dash after the Ultra Beast. Unfortunately, the explosive head comes his way and it is up to his Aegislash to intercept it, swinging out in front of him with a circular movement not unlike a bat, watching the spinning ball stop upon contact before being launched straight at the closest person to him.


There are few that he trusts both in capabilities and in person — Persephone is the exception, grandfathered in from their childhood and inheritor of his insecure feelings. He yells her name to warn her the moment he sees his Pokemon redirect the attack, hopefullyg providing enough notice for her to redirect it again and away from their general area.

— runs toward the lighthouse
— aegislash intercepts the ball and swats it toward

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 6:56:47 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

She hears a command issued for the Elite Four, and Pesephone's head jerks toward as though pulled by a leash, barely able to make out the silhouette of the silver-haired woman through the smoke. [break][break]

Persephone swallows and shifts her gaze back to her colleagues, watching as Bailey voices her response to the councilwoman before she could. The strange glowing ball (head?) is passed between the other two Elite Four and their dates (?) and then it disappears somewhere where she can't follow because her eyes sting. [break][break]

Bailey sets off into the air after the creature as it moves, and Persephone sets her jaw. She's been here before - the wormhole, the foreign beast, Bailey, Mossdeep. Olivia won't see Persephone shake her head at the order. What she will see is two bursts of light as she exchanges one Pokemon for another and sets off into the air. [break][break]

Reuniclus disappears as Drifblim takes its place and Persephone points to Bailey as she wraps her hands firmly around one of its arms and the duo set off, a TAILWIND at their heels. [break][break]

She's not made for evacuation. She's made for adrenaline. [break][break]

The glowing ball reappears, this time closer, hurtling toward her. Usually she would have flinched or pulled away but there is no time for this. She contracts her torso and stymies the ball - kicking the ball forcefully as far away from her as possible. She wasn't aiming for anyone, and maybe if she stopped to think, she would have picked a better target. [break][break]

The head (the ball?) is flung toward @nicole.

» is following bc the e4 stick together[break]
» returns reuniclus and releases drifblim[break]
» drifblim uses TAILWIND to assist her and 's ascent[break]
» sees the ball come towards her and knocks it away, accidentally sending it toward @nicole [break][break][break]

There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 7:17:27 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
With her ears ringing from the might of the explosion, once Dragocess moved away, the sight of the destroyed festival was numbing. She could barely make out what was what, and the depressing sight before her had, briefly, caught her attention. A shadow fell over her as the spherical shape of the bomb neared, her fingers scrambling to release one of her pokemon to send it away. Perhaps it was fear that made her movements slow or hesitant - a real life or death situation was something she wasn't used to.

Fingertips scraping against the top of the red and white device as her breath hitched in her throat - however, the ball was quickly thrown off of its course by a familiar grass type. "Sceptile," noelle cried out to the reliable pokemon with a breath of relief. 'get your head in the game, this isn't a joke!' "thank you," she gratefully nodded towards him.

as addressed her though, she winced, brow briefly furrowing as her lips parted to protest. Honestly, she didn't even want him to go off and fight that...thing. But, not only was he one of the most capable here, it was in his nature to want to go off and beat up the strongest, craziest thing around. Trying to stop him from doing that, it'd just be a waste of time, which neither of them had. And while she wasn't the strongest, nor smartest, when it came to fighting...

"I wanna fight too."
She gave him a cheeky, shaky grin. She was scared. God, she was terrified. She really didn't want to be blown apart, but, she'd be damned if she ran away. A hand briefly rested on his shoulder, "let's do this, together." of course, she couldn't resist ruining the moment, as she soon snickered and added, "like a married couple!"

Just as she pulled away, her phone went off, its ringer a poor quality recording of her and singing 'rudolph the red-nosed stantler'. Answering it, she gasped, " ! you're okay, oh thank god," she breathed out, "regroup? yea, you'll see us soon, i think. we're gonna be flying. be careful, okay?"

"Kyle's gonna meet up with us." She informed Mateo as she released her gyarados, clambering onto the flying water serpent's back. "Let's go." 

- noelle's saved by sceptile
- noelle agrees to tag along with mateo & answers kyle's phone call
- she releases gyarados to pursue blacephleon
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 8:03:07 GMT
shiv Avatar




[attr="class","ihead"]TIME'S UP!


as the ball is batted back and forth, the colorful orbs flicker like a malfunctioning control room. while takes to the skies, her instincts of self-preservation kick in. the ball is struck with a powerful thwack; it spins rapidly, the lights blending into neon stripes of pink and blue. it seems to shriek as it hurls toward its unsuspecting target: @nicole.[break][break]

before @nicole can react, her gardevoir acts on her behalf. the pokemon steadies the ball with her psychic capabilities; however, her psychic intuition reveals inevitable tragedy. like a cursed oracle, the gardevoir surrenders to her fate. at least, her premonition allows her the bittersweet opportunity to say goodbye to her trainer. with a tearful look, the gardevoir embraces the destabilizing ball with a quilt of psychic energy and explodes.[break][break]


the explosion rocks the decimated night market. @nicole is hurled, her body arcing toward the lighthouse's direction, landing terribly on some wreckage, unless someone catches her. the gardevoir is torn into shreds. from the sky, singed threads of white fall among the tears of 's gyarados' RAIN DANCE. being the closest to death and the severing of one's life at the hands of this macabre clown, only @nicole is able to discern and confirm that the ultra beast is indeed, siphoning vitality and strength with every kill it receives.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]ATTACKING THE BLACEPHALON


as they pursue the prancing clown, attacks are hurled relentlessly. however, the clown is a nimble beast. with lanky limbs and a penchant for acrobatics, the ultra beast pirouettes and strides across the air like a gazelle. some attacks find purchase. such strikes cause an odd flickering in the distance.[break][break]

but it is 's type:null that finds the biggest effect. the synthetic creature seems to know what it's doing, as if it were using its instincts. innate understanding seems to guide its design to strike the alien with efficacy. with a potent TRI-ATTACK, the ultra beast recoils. the impact of the attack causes the bomb on the lighthouse to flicker wildly and shrink by the slightest degree.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]A MINEFIELD

's solgaleo creates a wormhole in the fabric of their plane. those unaccustomed may fear for other invaders; however, after a few moments, it is clear that nothing comes from it. should anyone enter, they will find... that their exit reopens early and for good reason.[break][break]

the ultra beast recalls the ball that murdered @nicole's gardevoir. with a proud bow, the extraterrestrial taunts everyone's advance. however, it spots 's pokeball. it arcs... hits the beast, and it rolls off limply with no effect. the clown stomps on the ground, arms pushed straight down with fists clenched. suddenly, from the invisible space of its collar, the creature fires ball upon ball upon ball.[break][break]


the same explosive bombs land on the ground and float in the air. they smother the battlefield like naval mines; they also coat the perimeter of the lighthouse. for this reason, 's solgaleo terminates their space travel, depositing passengers into the night market before they are dropped off into a bomb.[break][break]

there is no clear path in sight. the clown picks up 's device and tosses it at a floating ball. after a slight delay, the ball explodes and shatters the pokeball into countless shards.[break][break][break]


to reach the lighthouse and the ultra beast, you must avoid the mines.[break]how will you do it?

you must ROLL for this round. your character must use a pokemon to navigate the treacherous field of mines. if your roll matches any of the numbers above, your character and pokemon will detonate a mine.[break][break][break]

if your roll matches one of the numbers above, there is a chance to save your pokemon.[break][break][break]

you can post once more, challenging another character with a second roll to cause them to take the brunt of the explosion for you. they must post in response with a second roll of their own. if you beat their second roll's number, their pokemon will die instead and your pokemon will faint.[break][break][break]

if you tag a character who has not posted yet, that character must roll two times in their post.[break][break][break]

if you decide to do this, your character must ICLY perform this act of sabotage. the mod post will resolve the action so you do not need to in one of your own ic posts.[break][break][break]

examples of how you could perform this sabotage: throwing another pokemon into the blast radius, pushing the bomb over to another pokemon as soon as your character realizes they have activated it (there is a small delay before explosion).[break][break][break]

please include a tl;dr of your character's actions.[break]
the next mod post will be on in the evening of 1/15 PST.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2020 9:36:34 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Everything was utter chaos at this point.

Watching in utter bewilderment as the… weird clown-like… thing… continued its chaotic dance, he couldn’t take his eyes off the damned thing. His mind had gone into panic mode, screaming all manner of unintelligible noise as he silently watched people batting a certain projectile here and there.

He wasn’t sure if he’d recognized some of the other people actively engaging in the chaotic behavior, but he was thankful not to have encountered any of that mess. It was frightful, in all honestly. Once the incendiary thing goes off, he watches as a Gardevoir takes the hit—getting incinerated into nothingness.

That’s when his panicked mind forced him to move.

A few moments later, the grating noise of several somethings going off and being tossed onto the ground, as well as into the air catch his attention—what the hell! Looking back at the deranged clown, before stealing a glance at all the mines that were hovering around the place as well as scattered on the ground—there was only one thing to it.

Plucking a Pokéball from his jacket pocket, he pops it to full size and watches as his Pidgeot, Idun, emerges from the beam of red light. “We’re not walking. We’re flying. Are you ready for some insanity? he asked the Flying-type, who let out a squawk of alarm at the sight of all the mines.

“We have to get to the lighthouse—I don’t know why, but… look over there. See that thing in the distance? We have to stop it!” he added, gesturing at the ominous, twinkling ‘ball’ that was beginning its trip down the spire. Wasting no time, he quickly got on the Pidgeot’s back, and with a burst of Agility, is off in the air.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, why is this so much harder than my own challenge?! He thought, flattening himself as he flew and circled through the floating land mines, being ever so careful not to touch or even sideswipe a single one of them. No way was he going to sabotage anyone.

He had to get away from the area as fast as he could.

“Fly fast, but fly safe! Agility when you need to,” he said with a harsh whisper to his Pidgeot, who nodded and began darting and diving around the aerial obstacle course. This was much worse than the Rock Slide-fueled non-traditional challenge he had at the moment!


• Alex is internally screaming
• Ah shit we're all gonna die—
• Alex watches the "hot potato" nervously and has to take cover when it blows.
• Aerial and ground mines scattered everywhere. Getting to lighthouse top priority
• Sends out Pidgeot, time to fly bishes he ain't running there
• Aerial maneuvers, holy shit this is even more challenging than his own non-trad challenge
• Arceus alive I hope he doesn't hit any of the aerial bombs. PLS.


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing