i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2020 0:31:57 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Colour washes from her face, first in relief and then in quiet horror as the strange beasts fall victim to sleep and then simultaneously turn their morbidly dangerous attention to them. Although they had been dramatically thinned in numbers, the beasts remaining are much larger than the ones put to sleep.[break][break]

Which would prove problematic, probably. Kyle appears unafraid, or is maybe just damn good at hiding it. Bailey also takes charge of the situation, commanding several of her Pokemon to attack. Fire seems to be their weakness as several are previously thwarted by the woman's pair of fire types. Some form of relief washes over her as her thumb brushes over more of her arsenal.[break][break]

She knew how to play with fire.[break][break]

Warmth spreads like wings against her back as Bailey's Skuntank manifests a sunny day. Calmness manages to wash over her and deflect the unease that threatens to hold her hostage against her better judgment. Turtonator and Aegislash appear to hold strong against the onslaught of Cartana, for now.[break][break]

The woman takes advantage of the sunny day by releasing a Delphox and Darmanitan. The pair breath heavily, their expressions guarded as they weigh their options.[break][break]

"Delphox, perform a lucky chant. Darmanitan, incinerate them."[break][break]

Brandishing her staff, the Delphox performs her lucky chant, hopefully preventing the incoming Cartana from landing any critical or critically severe hits on her or her allies. Darmantian, meanwhile, seems to unhinge its jaw to lay seige to the area in front of Stormy and her Pokemon, incinerating a clear path of fire back and forth.[break][break]


The woman's Aegislash remains in sword-form for only a moment longer before redistributing itself into a king's shield in front of her. Reinforced with it's previous iron defense, it prepares for the worst.[break][break]


"Turtonator, help Darmanitan - don't let these.. things get close to any of us."[break][break]

With a brief nod, the dragon combines his own firepower with his partner's, and together they incinerate any incoming beasts. However, the turtle remains positioned just ahead of Delphox to perform a protect should the need arise.[break][break]


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2020 1:34:30 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

persephone hears the same sound bailey does; steel yielding against fire. there's nothing to be satisfied about really, but she flashes stormy a quick smile anyway. persephone herself never particularly used fire-types and had none with her, but at least they have a specialist among them. [break][break]

"got it!" she calls out to bailey, quirking her brow in thought before addressing her pokemon as she draws a third capsule from a pocket, her fingers searching for the specific combination of protruding dots while she spoke. [break][break]

"repeat what you just did, but i want to see more flames!" persephone says, addressing her ghost-type. [break][break]

dusknoir does as instructed, seemingly pleased for a moment as he regards the interaction between the fire licking at his fists and the potent sunlight. he puts up his two fists, FIRE PUNCHES ready, and starts swinging at the lethal origami creatures. [break][break]


she releases a third pokemon, a frosmoth, onto the field, tossing the pokeball high up so it joins bailey's togekiss as its winged, pale shadow. [break][break]

"dull those blades for us, and help out, uh-" persephone interrupts herself to look around and finds herself drawn to bailey's darmanitan, and she points to him as he prepares to surge forward to perform his attack. [break][break]

"help the big guy." [break][break]

the frosmoth identifies the threat and focuses on the largest of the kartana, and then begins to quickly spin together a fluffy, down-like in a FEATHER DANCE that envelopes the kartana whole that aims to bind and cover its blade-appendages. as the frosmoth dips down to deposit its handiwork on the kartana, it cheers on bailey's darmanitan and offers him a HELPING HAND to boost up his attack. [break][break]


persephone waits for another heartbeat to see what unfolds around her, and her gaze settles on kyle's smeargle unleashing a potent, flame-based attack. it's another one that she had never seen before, and she feels her lips part in awed wonder. she'll really have to ask him about that later. [break][break]

"can you do whatever that was, please?" she says to the sigilyph. [break][break]

finally the sigilyph turns to the enemies and unleashes an echo of what kyle's smeargle had done; a cascading of intense flame of a strange hue. [break][break]


» dusknoir readies its 2 fists and uses FIRE PUNCH x2[break]
» perse releases frosmoth[break]
» frosmoth uses FEATHER DANCE to cover the kartana in down and HELPING HAND to buff up bailey's darmanitan[break]
» sigilyph uses MIRROR MOVE to repeat kyle's smeargle's SACRED FIRE


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2020 17:46:23 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
things, of course, wouldn't be that easy. while a few of the odd, sharp creatures were felled by the consuming void, many of the swarm remained awake, and broke past the wall of sand that once surrounded them after a few attacks. blissey did her best to counter the oncoming hoard but, alas, it was like bringing fists to a knife fight - you don't. bailey's shout demanding offense was met with a nod, "aye aye!"

with all the fire that was flying around, noelle quickly withdrew steelix, not wanting the large beast to get caught in the...'crossfire'. instead, she released lopunny, followed by one of her dragonites and blastoise. "peach, fire blast!" to think that once, she had regretted teaching the supportive pokemon such a destructive move. the blissey stubby hands put themselves together before a massive torrent of fire released itself.


watching both kyle and persephone's pokemon releasing such an intense blaze of fire in an attack she'd never seen before, noelle was eager to hop aboard the train. "fairy floss, monkey see, monkey do!" there was an eye roll from the lopunny, but, she obliged the otherwise dumb moniker of 'copycat'. Similar to persephone's sigliyph, the rabbit would stand alongside her allies, as a brilliant swirl of fire released itself from her mouth.

"hime," the dragonite snapped to attention. "fan the fires!" in an explosive, dangerous finisher, the dragonites wings began to flap, conjuring up a mighty roar of powerful gusts of wind. the hurricane would act as a means to further enhance their fiery attacks and push them towards the ultra beasts at a faster pace. "overwhelm them!"

her blastoise would play a small, supportive roll of fire watch. acknowledging the brashness of her actions, she'd grown as a battler in the sense that she understood her, occasionally, stupid actions. and could, sometimes, put up a fail safe for them. and so, the blastoise prepared a hydro pump just behind the defensive lines, like a sniper in the wait with his canons pointed and ready. if the fire got out of control, he'd be there to quench it.

- blissey uses fire blast
- lopunny uses copy cat an copies sacred fire
- dragonite uses hurricane to boost everyone's fire-type attacks
- blastoise is on fire watch

charizard is equipped with charizardite y

Mateo's pokemon: sceptile, arcanine, dragonite, gardevoir, and alakazam

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2020 4:57:29 GMT




[attr="class","ihead"]THEY'RE ELITE FOR A REASON
The horde descends and a battle ensues. [break][break]

Bailey's SUNNY DAY sets the scene for the battle and those around her will feel invigorated by her artificial sun. Despite how much Ultra Space mirrors their home SUNNY DAY never draws out the actual sun. It remains to be seen. Something about her pale imitation feels eerie, as if it's a new concept in a world fueled by something else. [break][break]

Her Darmanitan and Blaziken feel the immediate boost in power and lash out at any enemies that enter their striking range. Fortunately, the way the flames coat their body renders them impervious to attacks. Any of the Kartana lucky enough to land a blow will find their blades shirking upon contact, withered into feeble paper. [break][break]

Bailey's duo prove formidable but if their attacks are impenetrable then Kyle's formation is invincible. Surrounded on all four sides, his Pokemon's collective attacks cover every angle. They roast anything that dares intrude on their airspace and it shows with how the Kartana fall. However, the proximity of their attacks raise the temperature to an uncomfortable level. [break][break]

Kyle feels it. [break][break]

His Manectric feels it. [break][break]

The rest of his Pokemon seem fine due to their typing. His Smeargle proves the only exception, blessed as the inheritor of Entei's SACRED FIRE and impervious in the same manner. Blue flames jut forward and the Kartana are reduced into nothingness. Bailey's SUNNY DAY only amplifies the power and their combined performance is nothing short of impeccable. [break][break]

Too impeccable. [break][break]

The flames show no restraint and burst into a rain of hellfire, retribution for borrowing someone else's power. [break][break]

Stormy's Delphox will find that luck is not on her side. It doesn't even exist. The incantation is recited perfectly but the mystical veil never manifest. Further probing reveals that there's no outward interference — it's almost as if there's no magic at all. [break][break]

Several Kartana beeline straight for the Delphox but they never make it past her Turtonator. Along with her Darmanitan, they cut through the incoming wave with their combined flames. None get close enough for her Aegislash to be of any particular use but the weaponized Pokemon remains steadfast. [break][break]

It is Persephone and her lack of fire Pokemon that seem to have the most trouble. Her Dusknoir finds victory with every punch but the Kartana prove overwhelming. Thankfully, none of their attacks find any real purchase against the ethereal ghost. Every time the cleave the Dusknoir in half it coagulates back into its static form, ready to retaliate with another FIRE PUNCH. [break][break]

While everyone deals with their immediate targets, Persephone and Bailey have their Pokemon take to the skies. [break][break]

Clearly, Persephone is the smartest person here. If it was obvious by her many credentials and credits, then her choice in dispatching the largest and most fearsome Kartana exemplifies her quick thinking. The FEATHER DANCE is brilliant! Try as it might, the shiny Kartana cannot cleave through the impeding restrainer. Every attempt to dice through the tirade of feathers causes them to catch on like unwanted pollen. It bogs the Pokemon down and paints it as an obvious target. [break][break]

Bailey's LIFE DEW condenses like a fine mist and anyone within its grasp finds a mild comfort in the water's condensation. Unfortunately, that includes the Kartana. Their paper-like body never straightens out but it puts out the still burning fires on the few that manage to break away from the group. [break][break]

Noelle's Blissey finds that her bleeding stops thanks to Bailey's LIFE DEW. The attack isn't potent enough to seal her wounds or heal them outright but at least the trickling sensation of her own warmth comes to an end. Instead, it is her FIRE BLAST that helps cauterize her cuts while laying waste to her enemies. [break][break][break][break]


Noelle and Persephone's fascination with the SACRED FIRE is understandable. The mighty flames have no equal. They burn brighter than anything they've ever laid eyes on, peaking as their hue transcends the spectrum of what's possible. Even Stormy will feel enraptured by their allure, unaffected by the heat, but drawn in by their raw power. [break][break]

And it is the same power that proves more effective than anything else the group can conjure. Anything the blue fire touches turns into a crisp, literally shriveling up the Kartana into non-existence. However, their hope to imitate this holy power comes with consequences. To fake a faker border sacrilegious and they will see the error of their sins. [break][break]

The raw heat of the SACRED FLAMES harm even the user. Noelle's Lopunny feels the regret immediately as her mouth sears in pain, numb in a matter of seconds as the potent flames unleash their wrath. Persephone's Sigilyph fairs better but only in the slightest. Conjured from its psychic powers, the burn marks scorch the Pokemon's runic skin rather than boil internally like Noelle's Lopunny. [break][break]

The Kartana around them vanish into thin air. Their inability to control the SACRED FIRE become apparent when they linger even after their enemy is defeated. Rather than die off when the attack ends, they congregate, feeding off the abundance of fire moves around them, empowered by the SUNNY DAY. [break][break]

Kyle isn't the only one feeling the heat. They all do and that only gets exacerbated by Noelle's Dragonite. Her HURRICANE fans the flames of defeat and in one fell swoop the Kartana are no more, devoured by the SACRED FIRE (3). The few that escape the attack drift away using the HURRICANE as a TAILWIND to depart. But the damage is done and the Ultra Beast have paid the price. [break][break][break]


With their victory comes the consequences of their brutal efficiency. The HURRICANE sweeps the remnants of the flames into a FIRE SPIN that spreads around the group in an encirclement. Noelle's foresight into the after effects of dealing with the Kartana means that her Blastoise is poised and ready. It's HYDRO PUMP keeps her relatively safe from the encroaching fire but they do nothing against the might of Ho-oh's flames. [break][break][BREAK]


You've fended off the Kartana a little too well. [BREAK]
Put out the flames before they roast you alive! [break]
tag in the post / thread for any required mod posts.[break]

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2020 5:40:50 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar






They set the forest on fire.[break][break]

“Fuck,” and Bailey Cooper clasped her forehead. “Not again.”[break][break]

This was not the first time a fire had spread out of her control. This was, however, the first time it had been caused by her indirect involvement. sunny day might have been too effective.[break][break]

Nothing good would come from this. “Shit. Should we stick around?” It would be a waste of valuable time. Through the billowing smoke, she would squint to catch the sight of the tree that they had seen when they had first arrived.[break][break]

And through it, her eyes would seek out @kingsley .[break][break]

“Bumbo! Grab freaky arm man!”[break][break]

Bailey's pokemon would be returned to their capsules as her Darmanitan would approach the unconscious dimension traveler—and if the tentacle was limp, he would attempt to heave him over his shoulder.[break][break]

In the mean time, Bailey transitioned from fire to water, deploying Swampert. Not to beat back the flames, but to wet the fabric of her ribbon that was usually tied around her neck.[break][break]

It fashioned as a filter as she tied it over her mouth like a scarf, just to have something to cut back the brume.[break][break]

“I got the stranger handled! We either got to go or stick around!”[break][break]

And if everyone were to attempt to cancel out the flames, she would order her Swampert to help in those efforts; mud created from the wet secretions of its skin as it waited for the order to deploy muddy water.[break][break]

The pile of unconscious ultra beasts from the dark void existed as a temptation, and curiousity tempted her to fish for an empty capsule from her rucksack...[break][break]

and drop it on one of the smaller creatures, just to see if it would respond similarly—just for her own curiosity, not because she was tempted to own one. They were kinda creepy.[break][break]

tldr: bumbo goes to retrieve @kingsley . bailey makes a smoke mask. swampert has prepared muddy water if everyone decided to quench the flames. bailey chucks a pokeball at these weird little bitches.


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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2020 18:15:10 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he recalls some pokemon in, and then calls some pokemon out. only his manectric remained since kyle needs him more than just for combat.

"matthew, you're on radar duty. innes, seth, this--"

he brings out the zip lock containing the shoe. the manectric and the furfrou waste no time taking the scent in on their system. immediately, they try to search for a trail that leads to a scent similar to the one provided for them.

kyle gets his remoraid on his hand, holding it on its fin similar to a gun. he points it at all three of his pokemon, muttering the command "soak," before it turns all three of them into water-types to help them resist the heat somehow. he points the remoraid on the fires afterwards in an effort to extinguish the flames before them.

"i handle the search part. you guys can clear a path, right?"

he didn't really want a lot of his pokemon out since controlling them all at once was difficult and bothersome. although he doesn't explicitly say it, kyle opts to go instead to of staying. he walks forward to signify his choice through actions instead of words.

if this dimension was full of those pokemon that attacked them, he couldn't imagine mateo surviving on his own alone without his pokemon. it only further proved his point that they should find him as soon as possible. staying to put out the flames would take a lot of time that they cannot waste at the moment.

  • recalls smeargle, salamence, delphox
  • releases lucario, furfrou, remoraid
  • lucario detects for hostiles with aura stuff
  • manectric and furfrou try to locate mateo through scent
  • remoraid uses soak on manectric, furfrou, lucario to give them fire resist
  • uses remoraid's soak to help kill fires ahead of them

manectricite + lucarionite

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
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avatar of moltres
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2020 2:30:32 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


It has become hot, too hot. Whatever intense and magical fire that burst from the Smeargle's body was mimicked once, maybe twice, by two other Pokemon. It appears the Lopunny has suffered as a result of it's power and Stormy finds herself gazing upon the curious shiny painter.[break][break]

She arrives on the other side of the bloodbath unscathed. Aegislash's king shield stands unblemished by the flames and the papery remnants of their attackers. Delphox seems aghast with fear at her inability to finish her cantation, or perhaps it hadn't worked at all.[break][break]

Turtonator and Darmanitan are poised and breathing heavily - anticipating more. But nothing else comes but more and more fire.[break][break]

It surrounds them in an inferno and, while Stormy is unfazed by the heat, her Aegislash seems to groan under the pressure. So she returns him promptly, rescuing him from a fate that she is oblivious to.[break][break]

The woman glances at Bailey as she calls out, indicating her intention to grab the strange man who had been alone and single-handedly fending off the Kartana. She then watches as Kyle returns the majority of his Pokemon in exchange for those capable of tracking scent. His Remoraid soaks the rest to protect them from the flames, and Stormy ponders.[break][break]

"Sol, help us out, buddy."[break][break]

Darmanitan and Turtonator remain close by, on edge with protective instinct. The Castform seems to tremble with unease and his cloudy exterior nearly faints at the heat, but with the encouragement of his friend's instruction, he eventually works hard to cast a rain dance. [break][break]

Stormy then glances back to ensure the rest of the group is otherwise fine before following Kyle cautiously.[break][break]

"Have they found anything?" she calls out to him.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2020 23:06:57 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
a look of gruesome horror is what falls over the pinkette at the look of suffering her lopunny has. blue flames spit from its mouth like drool and the smelling of burning flesh is horrid. the pink rabbit attempts to bath and drink in the soothing droplets of life dew, but, it does little to soothe the wrath of the holy flames. unsure what to do, noelle can only return the rabbit to its pokeball in an attempt to save its boiling insides.

seeing the carnage caused by its fearsome winds, dragonite pauses in its endeavors. proud more than mortified of how quickly the flames had spiraled out of control, it was a short-lived emotion, as it too was withdrawn to its pokeball, followed by blissey.

only her blastoise remains out on the field, dauntless in its facing of the raging flames. not keen on sticking around and slightly uncaring of the area itself, noelle persists in forging a path ahead. she released her slowbro, who merely yawned loudly despite the danger. "carve out a path," she instructs both pokemon. blastoise immediately sets to work. powerful jets of water launched from its cannons to quench the fires up ahead.

slowbro teetered behind a bit, and so, it instead watched their rear. Ensuring that put out flames did not reignite and trap them in, it let the stronger 'mons carve a path whilst, with a yawing water-pulse, it put out fires from behind them and their sides.

noelle herself made sure to hurry along, not wanting to lag behind and risk being consumed by the encroaching flames. "...why?" her question was towards , upon witnessing the elite four try and capture one of the tiny menaces. it wasn't judgmental - well, no, it was. it was mostly concerned though. why would anyone want to keep one of these tiny monsters?

tldr; noelle returns lopunny and blissey. blastoise and slowbro help out with fire control. blastoise uses hydro pump & slowbro water pulse. noelle asks bailey a question

charizard is equipped with charizardite y

Mateo's pokemon: sceptile, arcanine, dragonite, gardevoir, and alakazam

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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 17:21:39 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

so they slightly overdid it. persephone watches the cascade of flames swallow the trees and lick at the sky with a fervent hunger. this is fine, mainly because they don't answer to anyone here and there is no council member who will be calling them into their office to chastise them. [break][break]

persephone inclines her head to see how her colleagues react because, quite frankly, turning and heading in the opposite direction seemed like a very solid option. when the others opt for pokemon more equipped to dealing with fire, persephone semi-reluctantly follows suit, switching her three for a new trio in a fluid motion of tossed capsules. [break][break]

with kyle pressing forward, persephone and her three pokemon position themselves around him so that he and his pokemon can concentrate on tracking, intending to cover him from either flank and the front. [break][break]

while the swampert's MUDDY WATER sloshes ahead in a dirty, barely controlled wave, the kingdra's HYDRO PUMP blasts ahead with the pinpoint accuracy of a ]SNIPER to the group's left. [break][break]

the dragalge flops on to the ground like a pile of seaweed just washed ashore, and seems to contemplate its predicament for a moment. its brown fins darken and its body takes on a uniform, mottled hue as its CAMOUFLAGE interacts with the moistened dirt underfoot (thanks, swampert) and turns it ground-type. seemingly reassured, the dragalge straightens itself and bursts out its own HYDRO PUMP at the fires. [break][break]

» perse withdraws dusknoir, sigilyph and frosmoth[break]
» perse releases swampert, kingdra and dragalge[break]
» swampert uses MUDDY WATER to extinguish the flames[break]
» kingdra uses HYDRO PUMP to extinguish the flames[break]
» dragalge uses CAMOUFLAGE to turn ground-type, and then uses HYDRO PUMP to extinguish the flames


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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777 height
777 height
5,247 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 3:25:00 GMT




Bailey's Darmanitan has no trouble escaping their encirclement. By the time the Pokemon has approached Kingsley he's returned to his dormant state of being bruised and battered. Without the slightest sign of resistance, her Pokemon throws him over its shoulder and makes a daring escape as the group's would-be firefighter. [break][break]

Unfortunately, Bailey's own endeavors prove lackluster in comparison. Her Pokeball bounces harmlessly off the sleeping Pokemon, now out of reach. Unless she makes a deliberate detour for it, the item is left to be forsaken amidst the raging forest fire. [break][break]

Kyle's Lucario uses is Aura sense to etch out a map of all sentient beings nearby. The amount that surround them but remain out of sight prove immeasurable. One in particular is making a beeline right for them. The size and mass of it sends a tremble down the Lucario's spine and it reels back when the aura prove overwhelming. It whimpers to itself before barking aloud to warn its trainer. [break][break]

His other Pokemon remain oblivious, unable to discern anything except Mateo's stench. His smell is as strong as it is foul, sticking out like a sore thumb compared to the otherwise odorless surroundings. The only other scents they can pick up on belong to those present and the roasted remains of the various Kartana. Those that remain asleep and out of battle remain scentless. That being said, they do hear the faint sound of tree collapsing deep within the forest. They turn to face the source, howling. Unfortunately, Mateo's scent coincidentally points in the same direction. [break][break]

The group's combined efforts put out the raging inferno with ease. Between the five of them, nothing is impossible. Their copious water type Pokemon saturate the air with moisture and water with Kyle's SOAK minimizing damage to those acclimated to the heat. Stormy's RAIN DANCE overshadows the last of the flickering flames and their quick reaction prevents the incident from growing into unmanageable proportions. [break][break]

But peace never lasts long in Ultra Space. Kyle's Pokemon hint at something looming over the horizon and the sound of uprooted trees grow louder as the ground rumbles underneath. The first on-sight of tremors threaten to throw off their balance but that soon becomes the norm. For some, the sounds of their next obstacle is a familiar one. [break][break]

loud sound ahead. lower your headphones accordingly.



Look who's back! This one is smaller but only marginally. Not that it matters because it's running straight for... [break][break]

and her Darmanitan!



bailey loses 1 pokeball[break]
tag in the post / thread for any required mod posts.[break]

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 5:00:36 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his pokemon gave him enough to work with. "get ready," he tells them, translating the lucario's cry had it not been obvious enough.

the same ultra beast that terrorized mossdeep appears. he had only seen it on clippings, and it was much more terrifying up close and personal. regardless, there was no room for fear in kyle's resolve, especially when it doesn't target him.

"rest in peace cooper," he murmurs, watching her experience the dm's wrath.

his furfrou and his manectric already were on the trail. it was best to keep them around but away from the danger since they're their best bet in finding mateo. he hops on the electric-type's back and steers him away from the guzzlord's path towards bailey. his other pokemon follow him.

"you can double back and then make a u-turn, right?!" he yells as recalls his remoraid and grabs another pokeball in its place, releasing his whimsicott on his lap. "whims, tailwind!"

winds blow from behind bailey's back, the whimsicott controlling the currents to allow bailey and her pokemon to speed up. kyle remains in place, waiting for the elite four to get in a better position before he starts to move away from the guzzlord.

"let's run away! fighting that thing's going to take a long while!"

  • rides his manectric and gets away from bailey to dodge the guzzlord
  • furfrou and lucario also dodges
  • recalls remoraid to call whimsicott
  • whimsicott uses tailwind for bailey
  • will run away after he sees that bailey is fine

manectricite + lucarionite

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
850 posts
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2020 19:45:11 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar






“just wanted to see if these things could even be contained,” Bailey would explain with a shrug to , disappointed by the inability of the pokeball to capture the paper-like construct.[break][break]

If they could be captured, that could simplify future fights—a pokemon contained in a pokeball, even if able to escape, was still removed from the field for a breath's length of time. That was enough time to swap pokemon—enough time to prepare for the foe to reemerge and for the fight to begin again.[break][break]

The disposed capsule meant that was not possible.[break][break]

She would have went for the pokeball, if not for a sound that resonated with something deep in Bailey's stomach.[break][break]

Panic; it coiled her intestines so tightly that her legs lost feeling, like a tourniquet had been wound around her body so tightly that it was ready to cleave.[break][break]

She knew what that fucking sound was.[break][break]

“Bumbo. Run,” they were words that her throat could not choke.[break][break]

A pivot. Her boots would kick dirt as she'd turn to see the line where the trees would part. The feeling of the tailwind from felt like a kick in the ass as her eyes registered the hulking mass of the guzzlord.[break][break]

When Darmanitan moved, it was with a heavy sprig that made the earth quake—one large hand snagging Bailey like a doll from a shelf. She had wondered if she would have been able to muster the urge to move, if not for his interference.[break][break]

flare blitz emitted from the Daramanitan's back, acting as if they were thrusters to help the fire pokemon gain distance.[break][break]

The Swampurt would chase after the others, closer to than his trainer.[break][break]

tldr: darmanitan and bailey fucking book it. darmanitan is currently using flare blitz to gain distance, and has increased his speed thanks to 's tailwind. darmanitan is carrying bailey in one hand and kingsley over his shoulder. Swampert is running next to


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2020 17:37:15 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar



The quiet only lasts for so long. The sound of rain is rhythmic and normal, bringing Stormy a moment of peace, however short-lived. Together, they'd managed to choke the flames and prevent massive destruction, but something worse was coming.[break][break]
Stormy had never formally seen an Ultra Beast until last night. She had never laid eyes on the Celesteela or the Guzzlord or whatever other horrors had visited Hoenn. The clown had been her first, and she could feel panic settle into her toes as some unseen beast began to scream.[break][break]

Kyle has released a Pokemon capable of aiding Bailey in her plight, and she watches with bated breath as the woman and her Darmanitan make a run for it. The Guzzlord has no interest on the rest of them, it seems, and Stormy promptly returns the majority of her arsenal for the sake of their safety and her own. [break][break]

Only her Castform remains, and he nestles into the crook of her neck, terror making him tremble like a leaf.[break][break]

She hears her friend as he calls for them to run, and, without question, she does just that. The gym leader is hot on Kyle's heels, her hands reaching for a pokeball to release something a little faster than herself. A pretty in pink Galarian Rapidash is released and she places her arms over its neck as they sprint, hoisting herself up with only some struggle.[break][break]

It occurs to her then that the rest of their group might not have something to ride on, and there's plenty enough room behind her - considering how tiny she is. She looks over her shoulder to Perse and Noelle.[break][break]

"Anyone need a lift? Give me your hand, I'll lift you."[break][break]

But she doesn't stop running.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2020 1:23:17 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
it was a plausible question, and a theory that could be easily tested without too much harm. even still, the idea of ever owning one of these freakish pokemon was...something the priestess couldn't wrap her mind around.

the screaming in the distance was one she was not familiar too. whilst the others bore a look of dread, noelle merely quirked her head in a very, 'what', esque motion. whatever questions she had would soon be answered, as the form of a gargantuan beast charged straight for the party. or, more specifically, bailey. either it was a sign of trust or pure cruelty that booked it, leaving bailey to fend for herself. it seemed like the other elite four had it covered plenty though, and the others had a similar idea in mind; run.

having never faced a threat like this, she decided to follow suit instead of arguing that they could 'beat this'. when even the elite four were hesitant to take on something, she knew it wasn't time to argue.

"yeah!" her eager tone was filled with gratefulness, as she wasted little time in taking 's hand to pull herself onto the elegant horse. "let's go!" Not having to worry about her own escape, she took the opportunity to return her pokemon. "Perse!" she called out to the remaining elite four, prepared to offer her assistance if needed.

a small part of her wanted to keep slowbro out. he did have trick room, and a small part of her yearned to put the move to use. and yet, as though experiencing deja vu, something told her not to. 'soon,' she thought to herself.

- noelle decides to escape with stormy on rapidash and returns her pokemon

charizard is equipped with charizardite y

Mateo's pokemon: sceptile, arcanine, dragonite, gardevoir, and alakazam

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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2020 6:04:34 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

the cry rings out through the forest; persephone recognises it as a herald of the ungodly creature from mossdeep. it's the scream that rises above all others when she relives the minutes (hours?) in fitful nightmares. her head snaps to bailey, and she's reaching for her pokemon's capsules with nothing on her mind other than the need to run. [break][break]

three bursts of white light drown out the red glimmer of three pokemon being replaced with a sole drifblim as a TAILWIND whips up around them to add to the one set up prior. [break][break]

persephone's not thinking so much as her instincts are screaming at her to flee. perhaps the drifblim senses as much, because she can only really force out a single "go!" from her throat, feeling as though it's lodged with ice shards. [break][break]

flying ahead at an almost atypical speed for the ghost-type, they follow the sparking trail left by kyle's manectric. rising to a slightly greater height but still shielded from the approaching beast's eyes by the leaves and branches, persephone scans the forest floor for anything helpful to their predicament. [break][break]

» perse withdraws swampert, kingdra and dragalge[break]
» perse releases drifblim[break]
» drifblim uses TAILWIND to gain speed[break]
» perse holds on to drifblim and ig they fly now[break]
» they try to get enough height to be able to assess their surroundings


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay