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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2021 0:29:27 GMT
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"Oh, right, forgive my lack of manners!"

[break][break] Honestly, he couldn't really fault her for her reaction. Besides the fact that he had always known to be a spitfire of a person, probably most people would have had a similar reaction to finding a strange man on their balcony, uninvited, and unexpected. That was something, he supposed, that should have probably occurred to him when he'd decided to scale it.

[break][break] Actually, it had occurred to him. He just hadn't given a fuck.

[break][break] The idea of potentially meeting one of her family members, or even a friend, before meeting her was not a social interaction that he planned on stomaching. Getting yelled at by however... that was pretty common practice.

[break][break] She screamed at him, and then he paused. "A beer would be nice."

[break][break] Maybe she would slap him.

[break][break] Eventually though, she did step to the side, however unreluctantly and Flynn ducked a bit as he entered her room. It was everything that he expected it to be, her being an influencer and all. It just screamed gamer girl. Somehow.

[break][break] "Cozy," he drawled, watching as she plopped on her bed and gestured for him to sit. Flynn shook his head, and instead opted to look around her room, eyes curious. He eyed what appeared to be some anime figurines on a shelf, poking at a ceramic bunny that tilted when he poked it and then righted itself automatically. "No, it isn't about Jake. Plus, your debt to him died when Silas did."

[break][break] He glanced over his shoulder to look at her. "Just wanted to say hi. I noticed you're pretty popular on the internet these days." Though, his tone was dry, filled with sarcasm. It was obvious that he didn't mean it in a good way.



+ ssdfaj sorry for the shitty post [break]
+ for   [break]
+ recruitment: act i  





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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2021 6:46:10 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

[break][break] The Klefki turned it's body into the keyhole of the safe and it fit perfectly. The door swung open wide, showing a pile of glittering gems and dollar bills, all of which Flynn shoved quickly into a dufflebag and then threw over his shoulder. He nodded at the Klefki, signaling that it was good to close the door, and waited as the door shut closed before placing the picture frame back on the wall. He stared at it crically for a second, making sure that it looked exactly how it'd been placed, before ducking back down the corridor whence he had came.

[break][break] Flynn quickly made it to the door, but before the exit there was an obstacle. Likely for Lulu too, if she was coming down the steps of the security office.

[break][break] Luckily, Flynn had a plan for it. Shutting off his flashlight, he reached into his pokeball and released the Magcargo that he had caught of Lilycove's beaches. The pokemon sludged forward carefully, emanating heat, as the two bodyguards remained ignorant to the approach of both Team Rockets and their pokemon.

[break][break] Opening it's maw, the pokemon released a YAWN which let out in slow-moving puffs of air and then hit the two guards in the back of the head. Within seconds, they crumpled to the ground, asleep, and Flynn jerked his head towards Blue to use THIEF on them to steal any important information, though he doubted they had anything relevant.

[break][break] Swiftly, Flynn made it back to the entrance that they had come from, stepping over the bodies. With any luck, due to the shuttered security cameras, any passerby would have just assumed the two nightguards had just taken too many night shifts and though they could sneak in a nap or two.

[break][break] Left in the cold air of the outside, Flynn waited until he spotted . He tossed her the items that Blue had pried off of the guards, which would be a small camera and a keyset that looked sort of peculiar, a skull-shaped key that didn't look like it belonged to the jewelry store they'd just ransacked. "Thought this might be interesting."


+ for



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kris flynn-edwards
Damsel in Distress (closed)
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 22:12:04 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar




looking like a [break] bad man


like a smooth criminal




It would've probably been better to kill him.

[break][break] Flynn knew that. He had known enough Rockets, both old and new, who would have come to that assumption immediately upon first sight of the criminal known as Madam Kane.

[break][break] After all, the man was not in the Rocket files for without reason. Even among Rockets, he had been known as cruel, merciless and unnecessary. The amount of crimes he had committed were enough to run a list several pages long. Though, that wasn't what made Flynn detest this man above all else — it was the way that he had treated grunts that were beneath him, twisting them into his grip until they were simply putty in his hands. It was the way that he would result to anything as long as he could get his hands on some gold coin. Flynn doubted leaving Rocket would have changed any of that — probably, if anything, made it worse.

[break][break] Flynn could only imagine the amount of people Madam Kane would have sold out to get what he wanted.

[break][break] It was better to dispose of him.

[break][break] But Flynn wasn't like that.

[break][break] The Team Rocket grunt reached out and grabbed the tools that through at him, face twisting in disgust at the furry handcuffs that were thrown his way. Flynn was quick to toss the metal pieces to the ground, letting them skid against the concrete, and quickly wrapped the leather ties around the fainted man's hands, pulling taut enough to hurt. He patted the man's body for anything else and was rewarded with finding some ID, a bag of white powder and a dagger in his possession.

[break][break] Lifting it high in the air, so that the club lights glinted against the metal, Flynn dove the dagger straight into the man's hands. Even if he woke up, he wasn't going to go anywhere soon.

[break][break] With that complete, he stood up, and kicked the body so it rolled against the wall. "We can leave 'em here, " he told . "We can leave an anonymous tip so that the authorities pick him up." After all, he was sure that Rocket was not the only one looking for him.


[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-broadcast-tower"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"] --


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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 20:53:10 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar
[attr="class","top"]REWIND TIME




"The race is about to start."

[break][break] Kris blinks, distracted by the other's words, and then looks down onto the racetracks below. As he says, the announcer is already gathering all the racers at the starting line, introducing them one by one. "And next we have Cheetah! He's a rookie to our tracks, but rumor has it that he's not a rookie behind the wheel. Who's excited to see where he lands today?" The crowd roars, and Kris inexplicably grins; Cheetah is a good kid, and he's an even better racer, but he would eat all that attention right up.

[break][break]“I came here to do an official Rocket business.”

[break][break] Kris' head jerks. "You — what?" It isn't that he hasn't heard it before. On the streets, the word Rocket was as powerful as it was taboo. There were plenty of different gangs, all of varying levels, but if there was one thing that tied them all together, it was the way they all shrunk back at the mention of the elite criminal organization. It was not secret to the way that Rocket had climbed higher and higher on the Kanto totem pole, a name to be feared rather than to be laughed at.

[break][break] The same moment he asks, there is a gun shot and the race begins. Kris is forced to look away, instead focused on the race at hand. Predictably, the DK is in the lead but Cheetah's rig is not far behind. However, the first car in the race spins out of control, causing a ricochet with the rest of the race. Like a domino effect, Kris watches in horror as there is a five care pile-up and then an explosion.

[break][break] He stands, eyes wide. "What the fuck!"

+ tagged for [break]


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kris flynn-edwards
Damsel in Distress (closed)
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 20:38:06 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar




looking like a [break] bad man


like a smooth criminal




Of all the things that he'd been expecting the streetrat to say, recognizing Lex wasn't one of them.

[break][break] Even though she'd attached herself him to like a puppy following him home, Flynn hadn't even bothered to get her name. To be fair, he hadn't given hers his either. As far as he figured it, the less that they knew about each other the better — at least, for her benefit.

[break][break] Though he didn't let up on his grip, Flynn's gaze shifted as the two of them spoke to one another. If memory served him correctly, Madam Kane had been a target of Rocket's for a while now. While generally they didn't care what happened to past rockets, it became a problem when their loose ends were tied up. And not only did Madam Kane fail to tie up any loose ends... he kept on making more.

[break][break] “It’s a pity you won’t get to tell him.”

[break][break] "That's enough," Flynn growled, shoving his arm even fiercer against the other's neck, knocking his head against the alleywall. If he noticed Lex letting out her Braviary, he didn't say anything. "I won't say it again. Shut. It. Down."

[break][break] The man's eyes lit up, choking out a laugh. "Or what?"

[break][break] Flynn's eyes flashed, menacing. "Or I make you."

[break][break] His other hand snapped against the other's neck, and the body crumpled to the ground. Flynn stepped back. The man was not dead, just passed out. Still, he busied himself with turning over the body and grabbing his wrists, knee to his back. To , he said, "Get me some rope." He gestured to some storage boxes that were by the club's entrance, illuminated by a flickering streetlight.


[attr="class","tags"][attr="class","fas fa-broadcast-tower"] TAGS for
[attr=class","notes"] --


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[newclass=.disaster .fas]font-size:25px; float:left; padding-right:5px; padding-top:3px; [/newclass]

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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 20:20:52 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

The Magnezone went first, and it was only a matter of moments before the electricity was cut and the lights went black. Though, this was all in Flynn's favor, as he was hiding along a corner when a night-shift bodyguard was about to end a corner. When the lights above them flickered and shut off, they let out a bewildered shout, which was muffled by Flynn's gloved hand. His hand snapped lightly but firmly against a pressure point in the back of his neck, and it was only a matter of seconds before the bodyguard went limp in his arms.

[break][break] Flynn placed him on the ground, gingerly, but out of sight, just as 's words came in crackling through his earpiece. He pressed his fingers against it to hear better. "Unfortunate," he said back, his voice probably transmitting as a crackle of sound.

[break][break] The Team Rocket grunt pushed himself to his feet and flicked on his flashlight. Blue went ahead of him, clearing a path and making sure that there were no others before turning back to him and wagging her tail to signal him that it was ok to pass. Fortunately, that one guard was the only one - it seemed - in the vicinity, or the rest were on a late dinner or early breakfast break. Or maybe asleep, somewhere. Either way, it made things easier.

[break][break] Like Lulu said, there were no obvious signs for the safe but Flynn had done enough of these heists to know better. Plus, the nose of a dog - or rather, wolf - was always far better than that of a human. He looked down at Blue and grunted, "Smell anything?"

[break][break] Sure enough, she led him to a piece of the wall that looked fairly normal yet ... He grabbed the painting off it's hinge and placed it gingerly on the floor. Jackpot. "Think I found something," he reported through his earpiece, just as her Klefki came into view.


+ for



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kris flynn-edwards
sink down to me [sw]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 20:04:20 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

Finally, Flynn thought as he re-surfaced at the cavern's entrance. It seemed like he had been swimming forever, and while Niles had done most of the work and made it speedy, it was still suffering to be underwater for that long. The man pulled himself out of the body of water and onto the sandy beaches, before crouching down and patting his Sharpedo lightly on the head. The Pokemon rumbled, and then happily chomped on the piece of dried fish skin that his trainer lobbed at him.

[break][break] "Thanks," he said, gruffly, returning him. "You can rest now."

[break][break] Pushing himself to his feet, he reached for his pokeball and released Blue. The Mightyena materialized in a matter of moments, and then her jerked his head towards the cavern's entrance. "C'mon."


+ solo wild [no pokeballs used]



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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 9:00:40 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar




It was not surprising that Flynn was to be chosen for the job. Even still, that didn't mean he had to like it.

[break][break] The Lilycove policeman looked distinctly uncomfortable as he stood on the shores of Lilycove's port, as the women from the conservation gave him the instructions for the route they would be taking. The local Corsola population needed chaperones, apparently. For whatever reason, their predators - Huntails, mainly - had been particularly aggressive as of late, and they required assistance in getting to their normal migration spot.

[break][break] Flynn had been elected — been volunteered, actually, without his choice. The precinct's captain had offered him up for the job because, "Well, aren't you off your shift anyway?" and "You're always helping people in the community, I'm sure they would love your help." And because Flynn was a dumbass who somehow still couldn't say no for an answer, he found himself stripped to his swimming trunks and getting the keys for the conservations jet skis getting shoved into his hands.

[break][break] "There are two of them," the researcher told him cheerfully, patting his hands. "So both you and your partner — hey, where is your partner?" Her brow furrowed in concern.

[break][break] Flynn frowned, though his face probably looked more like an angry scowl from the way the woman shrunk back. He placed his hand on his face. Ugh. He didn't want to scare her... "Look," he said, frustrated. "If they don't show up, I'm sure I can do it on my own."

[break][break] "Oh no!" she gasped. "I can't have you do that. Do you know how many Corsola there are? One person couldn't handle all that. I couldn't put that all on you."

[break][break] Well shit. What was he supposed to do now? Flynn looked around, eyes narrowed. There was only one thing to do — pull a random stranger in. "Oi! You!" he said, pointing at a random passerby. "C'mere."

+ corsola conservation w/

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Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
activity check (february)
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2021 8:34:26 GMT
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kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 6:36:46 GMT
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Uh. Flynn blinked with surprised at the passion in which Lulu responded; he wasn't used to seeing her exhibit such an amount of warmth and affection to any human being on the planet. Honestly, like many Rockets, Flynn had once wondered if she was capable of it.

[break][break] But... it was kind of cute. Not that he was going to tell her that.

[break][break] "It's pretty neat," he admitted, even though these days he rarely complimented anything, and then let it latch onto his clothes. It was only a few moments later, but he let Lulu call the shots. After all, she seemed to already know how things were going to go, so there was hardly a point in trying to fight her about it. He nodded and then hauled himself on top of the Hydreigon.

[break][break] Flynn had never had a pokemon quite as big as the beast - frankly, he much preferred his feet on land - but it wasn't too difficult. In a matter of moments, the descended into another dark alleyway and Flynn watched as she released a Magnezone as he slid off of the dragon and onto to the ground below. For his part, he released Blue from his pokeball and the Mightyena was instantly on high alert, recognizing the feeling in the air for what it was.

[break][break] Work.

[break][break] The Team Rocket grunt nodded as she relayed the instructions to him, grabbing the flashlight from her grip. Blue may not have been any of the fun gadgets that Lulu had, but her senses were sharper than any human he'd ever known and the two of them were familiar with each other. If Lulu was going to act behind the scenes from the outside, then he needed someone on the inside to watch his back.

[break][break] "I'll find the safe," he told her, since that seemed to be the only thing left in their agenda. With any luck, their mission would be a quick and clean one - no causalities. Or so Flynn hoped.


+ for



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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2021 6:26:06 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

Understandably, she was freaked out. Honestly, if it were him, he'd be freaked out too.

[break][break] After all, he had just come basically out of nowhere and like a stalker, had scaled her balcony and now just appeared. After months - probably years - of not talking, and then all of a sudden, he was here again. So, honestly, he understood where she was coming from.

[break][break] But they didn't have time to be freaked out. He was here for a reason after all.

[break][break] "Well?" He folded his arms. "You gonna let me in?" She was still standing in the doorway, after all.


+ ssdfaj sorry for the shitty post [break]
+ for   [break]
+ recruitment: act i  





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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
THE HANDYMAN HUSTLE [group mission, open]
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2021 19:01:16 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar






Warmth shines in Flynn's face as the Sunny Day heats up the area, thankfully drying the clothes at a record fast pace. His Scizor flickers back into one solid image, and he returns her back to his pocket with a silent thank you. He glances up as a voice calls out from a nearby window, and he nods at as she thanks him for his efforts.

[break][break] Leaving nature to do the rest of the work, Flynn returns back into the house to find that there are still a few GIFT BOXES that need to be placed. With a grunt, he picks up one of the boxes off the floor and walks into the main area of the house, finding an empty end-table in the foyer where he's able to open the box. Surely enough, there are some cute ornaments in the boxes which are easily enough placed around various bookshelves in the house enough to look natural.

[break][break] What takes up the majority of the space in the box is ... however...

[break][break] "What the fuck."

[break][break] He unravels what looks to be a CUSTOM PRINTED INCINEROAR APRON, staring at it. What the hell is this. It is an offending sight, and Flynn doesn't want to look at it longer than he has to. Going into the kitchen, he places the apron on one of the hooks, with the rest of 's aprons, but turns it around so no one has to look at it unless they have to.



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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2021 5:59:09 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar
[attr="class","top"]REWIND TIME




Are you?

[break][break] The abrupt question catches Kris off-guard, and for some reason, even though he knows the answer, he can't find his voice. Of course he isn't, a voice in his head helpfully supplies. He barely knows the dipshit. The only reason he knows about the DK at all is because Keith filled him in on it. The answer is easy, simple, and yet Kris can't find his voice, going mute, until the redhead speaks again.

[break][break] 's next words are a riddle, one that Kris is too young, too immature, too inexperienced to solve. His brows knit together, and this time he does find his voice - it blurts out. "Then what are you here for? You here for the bet? Or 's this just a hobby?" There is something sharp in the boy's words — if Valerio is here for the same thing he is...

[break][break] Kris' eyes are not experienced enough to catch the Rotom fiddling with the DK's gear, but Cheetah down below does. The young blond frowns as he rolls up to the startling, wondering if what he saw was just a trick of the light. He shakes his head. He has to get his head in the game. The engine of his own vehicle rumbles beneath him.

[break][break] The arms do feel heavy, but Kris is too distracted to notice. "why would you do that?" he asks, perplexed, and then adds with a grin, "not that i'm complaining, i mean, but what would be in it for you?"

[break][break] Not to mention how. The race is almost about to start.
+ tagged for [break]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay