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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
Making a Splash! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 15:15:07 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
When Noah mentioned preparing food for the both of them Hailee beamed. She wasn't much of a chef herself. Always ordering out for anything she needed. Noah always took personal offense to her dietary habits which was cute. He made it his personal responsibility to make sure Hailee didn't die from type 2 diabetes at an early age.

Hailee got good food in the trade so she rarely complained. Besides, it was nice to have someone look after her for a change. She had been used to doing things on her own and only depending on herself for so long she had forgotten what it was like for someone else to care. "Firstly my plan is to get changed into something more water friendly. We'll both be ready to get wet then."

Hailee flashed him a sympathetic smile, he didn't get her little joke but that was part of his charm. "Could you please keep a lookout while I change? AND HEY! NO PEEKING!" Noah said as he slipped off somewhere to get changed. "Boo, and I was so looking forward to catching a little glimpse." Hailee replied with a pout. Meanwhile she slipped her clothes off while on guard duty since she had her bikini underneath.

It didn't take long for him to change and Hailee was envious of that. Guys always had it easy when it came to stuff like this. But such was the price for beauty she guessed. After shoving her clothes in her bag she quickly got back up and followed Noah as he made his way to where the researcher's had set up camp.

"Hey there! We're the two Rangers assigned to help you guys. Is there anything specific you need us to do?" An older gentleman that was working on setting up the tent glanced back at them for a moment before setting down what he was doing to properly address them. "Happy to have two youngsters here!"

Based on his posture and the difference in clothes he had from the rest Hailee assumed he would be the big guy in charge. "I would ask for you two to join the Corsola in the water and keep the predators at bay while they move. Of course you two wouldn't be alone, we would have people both in the water and around doing the same." While the guy explained he also nodded in the direction of diving equipment for the two of them to utilize should they need to.

"I do believe we both have some water boys with us so it should be safe. Also may I leave my backpack here with your supplies?" Already back to attending to the task he had left off with, the leader pointed towards a tent where they could set their belongings and Hailee nodded and thanked him before leaving.

"We have the plan! Are you ready to get wet Miss Hailee?" Once she was fitting setting her things aside she glanced back at him with a proud expression and her hands on her hips. "Always." she said with a giggle before pointing towards the diving equipment. "Do you think we'll need these?"

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March 5th
Castelia City
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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
A Choice to Remember [C]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 0:05:12 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Tonight had been a very busy one and her favorite place to grab a bite needed a few hands on deck so of course she offered her services. Besides, she always was around Noah and his family, at this point it was expected to see this particular blonde twirling around their floors. A good thing too. Those that were regulars easily recognized her and newcomers welcomed her. Easily captivated by her charm and hard work ethic, Hailee always gave it her all when she helped out at Noah's place.

"Alrighty," Hailee said as she twirled her pen through her fingers while looking down at her notepad. "So that'll be one Scorbunny Sandwich with a Teddiursa Iced Coffee. One Sneasel Burger, hold the pickles, with a Milktank Mix Au Lait, extra whipped cream on that." she said with a wink towards the customer while she jotted that down. "And finally one Cheesy Rowlet Pizza with an Applin Apple Juice for the litte one. That all sound right?" She asked as she beamed at the little family of three.

"Perfect." The mother replied with a smile. "Litty. Then I'll work on bringing y'all your drinks and your food will be right out my darlin's." she said before tickling the little baby boy's cheek, smiling while she watched him giggle before she left. Hailee twirled and dodged her way past the other servers who were working hard just to hear an order be readied.

"Hey hey! One spicy Krabber risotto, one medium rare Miltank steak and one Feebas fillet with mashed potatoes for table 9!" Noah called out. Table 9 wasn't hers but to make things faster Hailee quickly started loading up the tray. "I'll handle it. I think Melissa has her hands full right now." she said as she tacked her order on the spinner for Noah.

"One Sneasel Burger medium well. One Scorbunny Sandwich, and One kids Cheesy Rowlet Pizza all for table one. I'll handle the drinks once I'm back hot stuff." she said as she blew a playful kiss towards Noah before she was gone with the wind as quickly as she had come around.
outfit ● A Past Thread

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March 5th
Castelia City
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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
Making a Splash! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 4:39:27 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Hailee knew Noah wouldn't be too upset with her. He rarely ever was. Was she using that to her advantage? Quite possibly. But hey, that's what many years of friendship with the guy allowed her to do. "If it makes you feel any better... You do look quite stunning so it was worth?" Hailee's eyes twinkled at the complement while she decided to strike a small pose for him while they walked. "You like what you see then?" she said teasingly with a lighthearted chuckle.

If there was one thing Hailee knew about herself it was that she knew she was pretty. Some would call it conceited but Hailee would just call it confidence and she didn't see any problem with that. Luckily for Noah Hailee didn't pick up on his little word fumble, way too busy thinking about how nice the water would feel on her skin later.

Hailee whistled as they approached the volunteer station while they continued to set up. "They really came prepared." she said softly under her breath so that only Noah would hear. It was a reminder to Hailee that this wasn't a pleasure trip, they had real work to do. "Right." She said as she finally released her hold on Noah's hand. "What's the plan first?" Noah was usually the brains of the partnership. Hailee preferring to improvise. She smirked at him, "Other than anticipating getting wet of course," she offered him a wink.

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Castelia City
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Hailee Jacobs
Not the bees! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 4:13:22 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Maybe they're used to do this with the local Rangers so they might either meet at the farm house or at the bee area thingy? I have no idea what it would be called." Malik offered her some insight and Hailee just hummed as she thumbed through the recent contacts in her rotom phone. Still, they knew when they reached out to them that they were dealing with the usual's. Professionalism told her they should've been prepared for this. To at least give them more insight so they could do this job properly.

"Me neither," Hailee offered Malik with a smile. Like she mentioned earlier, this wasn't her thing so she didn't know much about any of this. But she was a fast learner, she could at least count on that. "How about... Hmmm. How about I send the loyal pyro pupper with you. So you guys can check if the owners are with the bees and I can go check their farm house over there. Or we can both go there. Up to you."

Hailee tapped a manicured nail on her chin before nodding. It would probably be best for them to split up. But if she went with his pokemon she felt like she should send one with him. "Lili?" Hailee gently called out for her kindhearted Politoed. Lili quickly appeared from her pokeball. "Politoed~" she said with a sleepy yawn. Hailee smiled. "Lili can you be a dear and go with my new friend here?" Lili glanced up to look at Malik before nodding and waddling over to him.

"Alright then, we can split up and then if we find them we can just meet up with the other." Hailee said with a nod. "Oh, here hand over your phone. I'll give you my number that way you can call or text me if you find them." she said as she held out her hand waiting for him to hand the device over.

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March 5th
Castelia City
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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
Making a Splash! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 12:38:53 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Okay, now while Hailee knew full well this wasn't a pleasure trip she couldn't help but take her time to get in the 'mood'. Could you blame her? The weather was just screaming beach day and if she was going to work she was going to she was going to look good doing it, that was for sure. However, it wasn't her intention to let time escape away from her like it did.

In a typical Hailee fashion, she just couldn't decide what to wear. After checking the time and realizing she was running late she had decided on a cute yellow number that would match her brown and yellow bikini she was wearing underneath. Y'know, for when they inevitably had to take a dip of course.

By now she was running to the meeting sight. When she saw a familiar head of blonde hair she speed up. "Hey!" she waved with a big grin on her face, deep tinted sunglasses bouncing on her own head of blonde locks. When Hailee finally caught up to Noah she was out of breath. Bending down to catch her breath for a moment she popped back up with a larger than life grin on her face.

"Sorry I'm late...I...sheeesh" she said still catching her breath, "I...." she blushed a bit as she scratched her cheek, "Couldn't figure out what to wear." she said with a little laugh before readjusting the bag slung across her shoulder and reaching down to grab Noah's hand with her other hand.

"Thanks for waiting though! Come on let's go before we're even more late." she said with a laugh before pulling him towards where the other volunteers were waiting for them. She hoped they wouldn't be too upset with her for prolonging things.

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Castelia City
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Hailee Jacobs
Not the bees! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 6:11:24 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
I'm glad to have a connoisseur of the many honeys out there. You might have to teach me some time. " Malik replied smoothly with a wink. Hailee's eyes widened in surprise before her facial expression shifted to one that said 'he wouldn't be ready for this wild ride' before chuckling to herself.

Getting back to business though, Malik said something that surprised her. "I think before we start smoking pokémon out we should communicate our arrival to the owners of the farm." Now that he mentioned it... Hailee looked around and didn't see the farm owners anywhere. "Hmm, you do have a point." she said with a slow nod.

"I don't think our pockets are well suited for carrying around honey, we might need some containers too." Hailee grinned and nodded. That was also true. But normally on missions like these the client's would've been in placed. She wandered what could've happened to them. If call time was this early and she had to wake up early to make it here on time, they should be on time too.

Following Malik through the gate she nodded as he let her pass, "We don't need to get blamed for any of the Miltanks escaping." Hailee snorted, "Yeah. Wouldn't want more work on our hands. You're right. But what do we do now?" She questioned as she pulled out her phone, considering if she should contact the farmers.

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
Not the bees! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2022 4:51:25 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
He seemed a bit slow to pick up what was going on but eventually he got the hang of it. Hailee couldn't blame him though, most mornings up this early were spent playing in slow-mo for her too. "I dunno about little pyros but I do have this big one always with me." Hailee looked down as he nudged the Arcanine forward and she smiled.

The large fire pup offered her a paw in greeting. Hailee took it with a light chuckle. "Good morning to you too. I look forward to working with you today." she smiled. "So uuuuuuh.. Have you done this before? I can happily say this is my first time with the whole Combee thing." Hailee shook her head as she took a sip from her coffee cup.

"Nah, can't say I'm well versed in the art of retrieving honey." She said before she pursed her lips in thought. A wicked grin spread across her lips before she continued, "Not this type of honey at least." it was a poor excuse for a dirty joke. Don't come for her, it was early in the morning.

"I imagine a little smoke action and a good distraction will allow us enough time to grab the good stuff. Sound like a good plan?" She asked as she turned toward Malik.

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
Not the bees! [c,m]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 3:50:51 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
It was too fucking early for this bullshit. Hailee grumbled something incoherent under her breath as she trudged her way to the site of the job. It was too early, but a job was a job and Hailee needed the cash. How else was she supposed to keep up with her expensive spending habits? Still, why did she have to be her so damn early?

Hailee yawned as she brought her coffee cup to her lips in a sad attempt to coax away her drowsiness. The thing that made this early morning request worse was that she had class after this. So she had to sit through a lecture she wouldn't even care about. Of course, skipping was always an option but people in Hoenn seemed to know everyone else so if she took this assignment and missed out on class her professor would be on her ass.

On top of that, she couldn't go to school looking crazy. She was a fashion major. So she had to wake up even earlier in order to look some what presentable. "Kill me now." she groaned. As the young blonde ranger approached the farm she could hear a loud groan reach her ears before she even laid eyes on the source. "Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Hailee nodded in understanding. Lucky for the owner of the voice Hailee had thought ahead. If she had to be awake at the ass crack of morning, her partner would be too. So when she stopped by for her liquid heaven fix she picked up something for them too.

"You rang?" Hailee spoke up with a yawn while she extended her hand out to the guy she'd be working with. In her hand was the coffee meant for them. "I had an extra." she continued before taking another long sip from her own cup. With a sigh of relief as the warm contents within the cup cleared the fog from her own mind, she turned crimson orbs towards her partner. "I'm Hailee by the way. Looks like we'll be working together this morning." she continued as she scanned the farm. "I hope you're strapped with little pyromancers because I'm fresh out." she added dryly as a joke. But it was true, Hailee had capable pokémon just not fire types worth a damn.

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
soaring, flying [m]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 10:26:58 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
If they don't pay you I sure will." Hailee said with a chuckle as she watched her Flygon emerge from it's pokeball. Glancing at her watch on her wrist one more time before glancing back at her savior one more time when she addressed her. "Oh no I should be okay." She said as she swiftly rejected the offer for help with a bright smile before patting the side of the Flygon.

"I appreciate the help buddy." Hailee thanked the Flygon as she clambered on top of the dragon. It wasn't as graceful as she imagined it would be in her head but she managed to get up there at some point. With a huff she brushed her bangs from her face. "Right." she said with a sheepish smile. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

She paused for a moment. "On second thought, don't answer that." she said with a chuckle as she scratched at her cheek. "Oh, I'm Hailee by the way. I don't think I introduced myself earlier."
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Castelia City
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Hailee Jacobs
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2022 16:16:19 GMT
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Hailee Jacobs
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2022 4:49:12 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Hailee was glad to have such a dependable team. If she was on her own or with anyone else she would've had the piss scared out of her. Like, shadow pokémon? Not one but two? Holy fucking shit balls. Other's come over to help tend to and Hailee nods moving out of the way. She didn't have much to really help and it would just be better to get out of the way of people that knew better, right?

Around her, her teammates attempt to hold the Shadow Aggron and Krookodile back but according to the other's INFATUATION didn't work on them, and these two beats only seemed to be getting stronger the longer they fought. But what could they do? They couldn't just allow them to roam free.

"Shit." Hailee muttered as she bit her nail nervously. Well, standing here stressed out about the situation wouldn't help anything. Reaching on her belt and pulling out another ball she tossed out Misha, her Mienfoo. "We gotta help stall them or push them back until someone more capable can deal with these two. Got it?" she said as she looked at both Fiora and Misha.

They nodded but things weren't looking too good for the team. People's pokémon's were being fainted left and right, Keldeo was doing his best but was completely getting his ass beat by the Shadow Aggron and Krookodile that only seemed more aggressive and more daunting as time continued to pass.

Against her better judgement Hailee called for her pokémon to move. Clearly winded and battered Keldeo bravely, or stubbornly, fought on. Misha joined in close combat to help deal with the Aggron that was on Keldeo's ass like white on rice. Misha is fast as she darts in while the Aggron is distracted by Keldeo. With technical finesse a FORCE PALM strikes into the side of the Aggron with a powerful impact causing him to shift his weight for just a moment before his glare turns on Misha.

This man was a fucking brick wall. Nothing phased him, if anything it only served to irritate him more. With a roar the Aggron charged at both Keldeo and Misha. With a grunt Keldeo stepped in front of Misha with a QUICK GUARD. "Fiora!" Hailee shouted as Fiora provided ranged support for the two with a DAZZLING GLEAM.

The magic beam struck his side and halted his advanced which set him into even more of a rage. While all three were distracted however, the Shadow Krookodile was up to know good. a SAND TOMB had been readied and prepared to ensnare both Keldeo and Misha. "FUCK!" Hailee shouted and she felt her legs dart forward.

Misha and Keldeo began to panic and they attempted, to no avail, to remove the hold this SAND TOMB had on them. But it was too late. The synergy between Shadow Aggron and Krookodile was not only better but they were just simply stronger. The Aggron readied a HEAVY SLAM against it's trapped prey.

The slam combined with the sand send a dust billowing in her face on impact. The strike sounded like thunder as the ground cracked from the impact. Once the dust settled and Hailee's auburn eyes stared back in horror as she fell to her knees. She saw the crumpled and bloody body of her Mienfoo and for a moment Hailee felt the blood drain from her face as she assumed the worst.

Was she dead?

It seemed like Aggron wasn't done just yet, using Hailee's shock to his advantage he charged straight at her. She had wandered too close to their domain. She had no business here and he cared not for pokémon or trainer. Enemies would be eliminated. Hailee's eyes however stayed on Misha as she tried to will her body to move but she couldn't. Aggron had reached her sooner than she thought. When were they so fast? She thought before she felt the crack of her bones as an IRON TAIL connected with her body and slammed her into a nearby boulder with so much force the sediment cracked in places.

Hailee tasted iron before her vision became blurry as she waned in an out of consciousness. Had she put too much on her plate? Was this too much of a task for her? Ever since she had gotten here she felt out of place. Like everyone was leagues ahead of her. After all she was just some fashion student. What could she do? Who could she save? She couldn't even help herself.

tl;dr: Steps away from and the other's so that she's not in the way of treatment. Releases her Mienfoo, Misha to help with the Shadow pokemon. Misha uses FORCE PALM on Shadow Aggron but it doesn't do much but enrage him. Shadow Aggron charges at Keldeo and Misha, Keldeo uses QUICK GUARD on itself and Misha. Fiora, Hailee's Florges, uses DAZZLING GLEAM from rage to support them and stop Shadow Aggron's advance. It does, but only pisses him off more. Meanwhile Shadow Krookodile prepared a SAND TOMB for Keldeo and Misha so they couldn't escape from Shadow Aggron's HEAVY SLAM. Aggron's HEAVY SLAM connects with Misha and she faints. Hailee foolishly tries to close the distance between her and Misha to help her but gets caught up before Shadow Aggron uses IRON TAIL on her and injures her.

✔️ at least 6 pokemon must faint against the SHADOW POKEMON. (5/6)
✔️ at least 2 rangers must be injured by the SHADOW POKEMON. (2/2)
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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
soaring, flying [m]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 21:08:40 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
Yeah! I'm not affiliated with them, though. I just took up a task to come and pick up someone stranded. So, here I am." Hailee's eyes widened as she nodded slowly. Okay, so maybe they didn't send this girl for help but she was still Hailee's guardian angel in disguise regardless of who sent her or not.

"Ah, I see." Hailee said with a quick wave of her hand, "Well, that's fine. I appreciate the help regardless." she said with a soft chuckle. "So, I don't have anything fancy like CORVIKNIGHT, but I do have FLYGON. I have a few other dragons we could ride. You cool with that?" Hailee nodded emphatically. "Oh absolutely. I'm not picky at all. Again, thanks so much for helping me out. You have no idea how much shit I was about to be in if I couldn't leave here."

Hailee didn't care if she was riding on a magical sea horse, as long as she could get back home then everything was good with her.
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March 5th
Castelia City
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The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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Hailee Jacobs
soaring, flying [m]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2022 18:36:40 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar
i wanna feel your body, it's on fire.
This just blows." Hailee muttered under her breath. Of all the days for shit to go wrong it had to be the day she was running late. She was out here for a mission, which normally wouldn't have bothered her. The issue was it was midterm week and she had to do this in the middle of it it. She had made sure to take care of her job quickly that way she could make it back home in time for putting the finishing touches on her project.

"But at this rate I won't even be able to do that." she hissed as she bit the nail of her thumb. "This is a disaster." The taxi service in this area was down due to the pokémon being sick. Just her fucking luck. Glaring up at the clouded skies she sighed heavily. Would it rain too? This day just kept getting worse.

"I could cry you know." she said as she glanced down at Lili who just tilted her head to the side. She was enjoying her time here. A little vacation if you well. "Ah you just don't get it." Hailee said with a huff as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Hey! Yoohoo! Were you the one who needed a flying taxi?"

Hailee's auburn gaze shifted over to the girl who called out to her. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Was this her savior? "Desperately." she said with a nod as she turned to fully face the woman. "Are you the one they sent to help me? I know they said they said they would try to help but I didn't know they meant like this." Hailee just assumed they'd give her some coupon discount like most services would do when they inconvenienced their customers.

"Not that I'm complaining. Far from it. Boy am I glad you're here." she says with a sigh of relief. "I need to make it back to Slateport as soon as possible." The blonde said as she checked the watch on her wrist. If they left now she'd have time still. But she'd be cutting it close.
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Hailee Jacobs
Sweetheart Sale
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 23:09:10 GMT
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ORDER DETAILS: A brown suede box with a violet ribbon tied around it. Inside are different Galarian delicacies along with signature teas from that region. Accompanying the box is a single letter written in neat cursive script with a heart shaped sticker in the back.[break][break]
TO: [break][break]
CARD: "It was good catching up with you again. We should do it again sometime. Hope you still like these. Happy Palentines" [break][break]

FROM: Hailee
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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 4:56:46 GMT
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