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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[vct] noah vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 22:13:15 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
"Same goes to you," Lutgarde grins with pride at the successful attack, but they couldn't let their guard down - immediately after, Kama's throwing a barrage of Mud Bombs, aimed at Sylv and also the ground below. Sylv is hit, but can jump farther away before he'd be fully surrounded by mud.

"Light Screen ... over the floor!" Lutgarde shouts out, and Sylv would take the rest. Using one Light Screen as a stepping stone and launch pad for a Quick Attack, the Sylveon would hopefully be able to cover the distance as speedy as usual!

HP: 2/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Josh vs. Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 21:58:25 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
The song has disrupted, but not entirely taken its full effect - it is easier to lull in pokémon you haven't fought before just mere seconds ago, after all. And well. If it's, in general, not an intended battle situation. Nonetheless, it does give Sylv a little bit of time to set up Light Screens again to try and block the Electro Balls coming his way. This time, he tries the new idea of forming a cage around him - at least half of it, enforcing his front rather than his back, thinking that the balls surely wouldn't fly in weird ways!

HP: 1/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Shalin vs.Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 21:51:11 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
The stinger has become an unstoppable force in the battle, and Sylv doesn't manage to fully evade it - the poison spreads, and before he collapses unceremoniously onto the floor, Lutgarde calls their partner back. "Agreed, that was a really good battle," Lutgarde replies with a grin - the loss stings (pun intended) a bit, but it was an exciting experience nonetheless! And to top if off, they found a colleague slash friend in the new region!

"I haven't been assigned yet, so just seeing where the wind takes me. Getting pointers and doing some missions together would be pretty cool though, yes," they agree, exchanging contact info for later before they'd also figure out a place to bring Sylv back up.

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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
vct: cian vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 21:45:15 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Sylv sees a dash of slimy pink and makes a mad dash for it, empowering his movements using another Quick Attack - his dye might be proofed against many things, but they've never had to test a Froakie's saliva and he'd rather not start today! He does his best to escape the Lick, but actually doesn't back off entirely - which could end as badly as it could end well - and instead tries to give his opponent a Draining Kiss!

HP: 1/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
vct: cian vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 9:06:57 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Sylv grits his teeth for just one moment, having taken two hits already - the end of the battle might be near, but neither he nor Lutgarde have given up just yet! He launches himself into a Quick Attack to try and dodge the Hydropump, before he'd take a sharp turn, fully tackling the Froakie with another Quick Attack, now aimed at his direction!

HP: 1/3
ROLL: 10 (+10 with no gimmick 0-roll)
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[vct] ollie vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2024 22:29:43 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Sylv doesn't let Tofu much room to breathe, but the Pikachu returns that in kind. The Electro Ball's smug face catches the Sylveon off-guard. Lutgarde, on the other hand, grins upon seeing the ball coming flying, being reminded of the made-up games and sports they used to play when they were younger.

Truly a way to make a mid-twenties feel old.

"Send a Light Screen, throw it back!" they say, and if they were actually younger, even their trusted companion would look at them with disbelief. As bonded as they are now, however, the Sylveon leaps into action, trusting their trainer as they set up a Light Screen similiar to a net, so the Electro Ball would bounce off of it.

HP: 3/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[vct] noah vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2024 22:19:33 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
"Can't have them get in the way when you're out and about," Lutgarde replies, pride audible in their voice as they exchange a glance with Sylv. However, Noah now takes out a really interesting gimmick - in an almost even more interesting way.

"I've never seen that before, but that crown's pretty cool," they say, fascinated upon seeing the crystalline crown. "Excited to see this in action," they grin, and give a nod towards Sylv who steadies his stance even more. Interestingly enough, it seems that he's grown a bit less weary ... but he doesn't let his guard down. "Wouldn't dream of giving anything less than everything!"

As soon as Lutgarde finishes speaking, Sylv launches into yet another Quick Attack, aiming to get past the Toxicroak, before making a quick turn to strike with a Draining Kiss!

HP: 3/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Josh vs. Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2024 22:08:40 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Lutgarde fully can't see anything as Hypersonic Plasma Charge releases and meets the various Light Screens that Sylv set up - it's quite literally too blindeningly bright. They do, however, hear Josh's gasp as the attacks cool down, and grins with pride. "That was a crazy attack," they comment, then focus on the fight again.

Sylv indeed was still standing, fur crackling from residue static because evading this attack fully is impossible, no matter how many shields you put up - or maybe, he ponders, just a cage ... but there's no time for defense in this battle. He sees his opponent suffering from after effects as well (it's so damn fast even now?!), and strikes - or sings, in fact. With a Disarming Voice, his song is clear and calming, and travelling at sonic speed.

HP: 2/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Shalin vs.Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2024 15:44:18 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Disarming Voice unfortunately did not have the effect Sylv wanted it to have, and he could only jump away after already being stung by the venomous stinger coming his way. He's panting, but still keeping himself upright. It seems that the only way out of this battle would be ... well, fight!

The Sylveon roars, uncharacteristically loudly and aggressively, and goes full in on yet another Quick Attack, gaining speed and force as he goes.

HP: 1/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
processed shop
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 10:48:37 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
display in profile please, thanks!
critical success (50 PD) roll 100 in an event
weather badge (from VCT)
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[vct] ollie vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 10:31:32 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
"The one and only," Lutgarde replies with a grin, returning the shoulder clasp with as much gusto as given. "Only recently. Didn't think there'd be a tournament at my doorstep when I show up here," they laugh, before nodding with a smirk. "Let's have Sylv and Tofu meet up first, eh?"

Sylv chirps happily at Tofu in greeting, letting his ribbons flutter and reach out- but he holds back before he could actually touch the Pikachu, unsure if this is the right time for an emotional read, even if habitual. As their trainers have cleared the battlefield, Sylv shakes himself once, twice - and lunges into a Quick Attack!

HP: 3/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Shalin vs.Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 10:26:19 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Sylv coughs, spitting out purple liquid as his condition becomes poisoned. But he's far from giving up - even as the battle takes a tense turn with their opponent mega-evolving. It's nothing they've never seen before, and that means that Sylv's guarding is on high alert. He quickly exchanges a glance with Lutgarde, who gives him a reassuring nod.

Sylv's ribbon flinches, but he keeps focused on the battle, starts moving, picking up speed - but not going for a Quick attack this time. He throws out a Disarming Voice while trying to dodge that nasty stinger. His calming, charming song fills the battlefield, as he does his best not to let the poison get to him.

HP: 2/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Josh vs. Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 10:20:37 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Lutgarde's grin seems to deepen as they see Josh raising his hand with the Z-glove - it's time for the showdown! Sylv only seems to share their excitement in part, tensing up as they feel the big move coming. Outspeeding seems impossible - but nothing the Sylveon wouldn't try!

He throws up a Light Screen, but doesn't stay idle - he runs, constantly trying to keep a wave of Light Screens coming, and eventually gaining more and more speed, topping off the combo as he did before. A Quick Attack comes as fast as his legs can carry him.

HP: 3/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
Side Events: Josh vs. Lutgarde [VCT]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2024 13:19:33 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
Sylv can't rest on his laurels for long, seeing as the counter attack is quick to follow. Seeing as he can't put any distance between himself and Rakiri, he throws up an Light Screen, hoping to at least block the brunt of the attack with the sudden light. Then, he goes for yet another Quick Attack, trying to find a spot that he could hit without being torn apart by paws immediately, putting as much force behind it as possible.

HP: 3/3
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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[vct] noah vs lutgarde
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2024 13:12:58 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
There's just the vaguest flinch upon facing a poison type from Sylv - he follows Lutgarde anywhere, even if he really could do without the sewers. He's gotten used to it, though ... mostly. At the compliment, though, Lutgarde grins and gives a little courtsy - which is about the most "lady-like" they usually ever get.

"Thanks, it took reaaally long," they laugh, "We wouldn't want it any other way. Let's see what you've got!" They grin, challengingly, as Sylv takes a battle stance, too, with both pairs of eyes fixed on the strange ball in Noah's hands. Nothing they've seen before ... that seems like it'd be fun.

"Quick Attack!" Sylv moves immediately, leaping into action and racing across the field to get the first hit in.

HP: 3/3
CuN1EMz8+30 (gimmickless 100)