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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 15:33:52 GMT
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Ameena knows the very ship after seeing it with Amor. But she can't help but shiver at the acknowledgement that they collectively know nothing about Eternatus. She looks down to her cup of tea for just a moment. She can't stand to look at her reflection as she finds herself with a painful question at the tip of her tongue. [break][break]

"Do you think, in the face of such a threat, it is... unacceptable to keep working on our field of research?" [break][break]

Indeed, since her recent discoveries about Eternatus and even the realization that there are countless space-originated threats surrounding them, a heavy seed of guilt has sat in her stomach about what she does. It's silly, because she's always been willing to leave this entire world behind for a better one, for the dream realm; this world gave her nothing and took everything, and she would abandon it for her mum in an instant.[break][break]

But that wasn't quite it anymore. Things weren't so simple. She liked Hoenn. She liked her fellow scientists in Rocket. Couldn't she spare the effort of fighting to protect it before leaving?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aloha, understanding [s]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 17:01:15 GMT
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Tapu Fini didn't seek community, but She attracted like-minded people. It left some questions in her mind, but none were urgent. Ameena felt some relief that the two deities weren't killing Elisabeth - if nothing else, such an occurrence would have resulted in two angry gods, and no one needed that trouble. [break][break]

"Her intentions toward Rocket do not matter," Ameena asserted. She didn't intend to look apathetic towards Rocket's needs, given she had found her time in Rocket to be very fruitful for herself and the organization thus far. She explained herself a little further to avoid any such thoughts: "I think She is limited in what damage she could do if She is bound to you, and by your desires, just as much as you are Her." It was an assumption about the nature of an Avatarship, but Ameena felt it must be true for there to be any sort of working relationship. [break][break]

"Fini's goals, if they can be understood, would give a point of reference for the other Tapus - and that point of comparison would be very helpful for my future investigations into them. The Tapus are some of the most connected of the deities, as most stand in direct opposition to their counterpart, but these four have a more collaborative - but competitive - relationship. It really interests me in relation to Lele, given my field of study, but. If Fini's abilities revolve around the dead... Her motives might be the most important to understand."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 17:49:16 GMT
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His openness disappeared quickly. He'd volunteered the nightmare information of his volition, but it was evident he was not keen on having someone inside that head of his. "I would only work with your mind with your consent," she assured evenly. "I will discuss the nightmare data with Lulu if it becomes relevant to the threads I am tying up right now." [break][break]

She considered leaving it there, but she preferred to keep her bridges unburned, and while it was clear she had overstayed her welcome, she had little interest in giving him more opportunity to chew on the perceived slight. "Amor, you never have to be in a study of mine." She leveled her gaze at him, utterly honest. Then, to soften the sincerity, she added: "Scientists, like doctors, can make bad patients."[break][break]

She took a final glance around. "I prefer not to overstay my welcome, so I can see myself out. But. Keep in touch."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Encouraging Expeditions (Social)
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:37:34 GMT
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"I will let you determine the tea you keep," she insisted, "as I do not intend to be so easy. It has taken a few weeks to see the man behind the suit; I think you can survive such a game." He experimented with her name, and she found she did not mind it. His teasing was cheeky, but she figured a little compromise of personal spaces for close colleagues was a small price to pay for comfortable collaboration. She was experimenting with different coffee brews to keep around for who seemed to only tolerate tea. [break][break]

Lemonade. It was a drink often associated with kids, but she couldn't help but think it suited him. She could manage to stock it, too. Her lab and her office had space for more refreshments. [break][break]

She raised a brow at the implications. "I think it surprises people enough that I associate with you professionally. No one would suspect anything more. A woman must have standards, you see." She could manage a straight face for only a moment longer before breaking into laughter. "Really, I would hate to deprive you of something as simple as lemonade. And you are welcome in my office any time, so long as you can behave."

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:08:47 GMT
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"Of course," Ameena acknowledged. "My dream data has already been collected, so all we have to do is run the simulation." She tapped away at the computer. "I have not actually been through a dual session with 's machine just yet. But I suspect we will have good results. The Darkrai components should prevent the simulation from being boring, at least." Nightmares gave her a dark amusement, though the dream collected had started off pleasant. [break][break]

The machine beeped positive. "Okay, we can get locked in now." Much like the RKS simulation, they could 'plug in.' [break][break]

Once under, reality would melt into a flurry of abstract colors and reform into a Galarian battlefield. The battle in question was actually historical and far before Ameena's time; soldiers on both sides had muskets, and the combat was disorganized where pokemon were involved because such fighting had not yet been refined. Ameena's face split into a grin as she examined the ancient gun in her hand. This was the good part of the dream, far before Darkrai's influence twisted it. "Are you familiar with muskets?"

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 15:30:42 GMT
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The mask is off. She wishes she could keep it for study. The other masks they end up seeing are having tera crystals added. It's... what could be the purpose? She's not sure she can even throw a hypothesis together. She gets close to and to see if they have more knowledge, as she's barely scratched the surface of the crystals since Area Zero. [break][break]

"What effects can a tera crystal impart when worn? I was under the impression they only impacted pokemon." The masks are suddenly daunting. If one could throw her into a deep illusion, what could these ones do. "Do you think they are for the deities? To make them stronger?" [break][break]

They are ushered back to the cells. Ameena accepts the mochi. As she chews, she can't help but doubt more - that her prior theory about this being a dream was far off the mark. The mochi was too new and too real an experience, and the masks? More than that, the powerful, unusual pokemon running the prison reminded her of her time in the RKS where she saw the strange masked green pokemon. The RKS did not seem to lie. [break][break]

Her sleep is fitful. Megalopolis spreads out before her. "What is this trubbish...?"

The dream within a dream is ripped from her without ceremony as she no longer dons the mask. Words fail her. She needs to wake up.

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NOTES – asks cellies about teras/masks, eats mochi, dreams into megalopolis



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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 3:54:53 GMT
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Encouraging Expeditions (Social)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 21:31:34 GMT
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The tone shift from congratulating himself on bed notches to such earnest emotional bids threatened whiplash, but she hung onto every word with as much even-mindedness as she could muster. She similarly grew up with excessive titles, but that was the life of a military prodigy. Everyone was to be addressed with their earned rank. She had developed opposite of him; she always kept titles close to mind, as it reminded her of who was in a position of power over her and who was beneath and desperate for her own power. [break][break]

Perhaps, she would share this with him sometime. "Ah, so I should not take it personal?" She tucked her hair back as she considered how Dr. Abadi sounded from him. "Ameena will work just fine." [break][break]

Righting his wrongs, was he? "I take offense in your lack of quality tea. Really, to keep a Galarian from something rich and herbal is a crime. Perhaps, you can find room for some in your lab. And your personal spaces, should you seek to keep inviting me." Her tone was smoky, but not unbecoming of the professional demeanor she defaulted to. She was curious to what he would keep; she liked a simple, bitter tea like an Earl Grey, but she had a collection of sweet, floral ones that were more palatable to the average non-tea drinker. [break][break]

"It is not without reciprocity. If you need anything, I will easily stock my office and lab with it."

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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aloha, understanding [s]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:58:16 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The implications were dizzying. Was there a spirit or energy residue from the dead that contained their desire? It could be something only the divine can access, though she rarely used energy detecting technology beyond that relating strictly to her field. [break][break]

The mist had a hundred things nearly tumbling off Ameena's tongue, though they primarily revolved around accessing that multiverse, pulling herself into the dream realm and finding herself in her mum's arms again. She also wanted to complete that list of Galarian officials who had contributed to her demise, and she had only knocked off one with the help of . There were countless others to finish. She had to see the fallout of that event, still, but she was letting her arm heal further, first. [break][break]

She has to bite her tongue to keep the thoughts back. She swallows thickly by the time Elisabeth finishes. "Tapu Fini is collecting people of a similar mind to create a community?" Community was key in Alola, even with the odd divisions between islands. Ultimately, Alolans protected Alolans because of their collective special care and faith in the land itself. It would make sense for Fini to desire it. Still, as to who was being attracted - "What does Tapu Fini want? Is it clear, if it also meshes with Wo-Chien?" [break][break]

Her digging at this point is shameless. Despite herself, there are so many details unveiling that could be potential leads. Additionally, the use of 'possessive' piqued her interest. "If Fini is possessive but sharing you... are you alright? It sounds like a recipe for a tug-a-war that would erode you over time." Clearly, the relationship was stable enough for her to function, but if Elisabeth felt trapped, Ameena had strong feelings about a woman's autonomy, and damn if she would let a man, god, or other steal it from anyone.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Encouraging Expeditions (Social)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:44:24 GMT
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What tender sentiment.[break][break]

"Starting at the beginning," she repeated softly, thinking it was the dialogue for a cheerful toast. "I have been growing my team, but I will need to expand my horizons beyond the psychic realm for better diversity for what we will face." The offer to take on Erebus was generous. She would need to thoroughly consider her team. It might even be worth it to try her hand at the gym scene, though it would take some work to justify her civilian persona as a CEO being interested in such a thing. Perhaps for PR...[break][break]

She rubbed the side of her Rotom phone as he insisted he was just a call away. "Indeed. I will call when I need to stress test." She looked down at the phone in her hand, considering. "But I may not answer unless my name is Doctor Abadi, in that phone of yours."[break][break]

Not that she really needed such formality between them at this point; after all, this was more a social call than anything for business. But she would be remiss to continue letting the honorific slight continue without acknowledgement if they had progressed this far past acquaintances. Her current temp secretary had her in the phone as BOSS, and the one prior had just put a business personal emoji with no text.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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Internal Panic, Outward Smile (Closed)
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 20:18:24 GMT
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She rolled her eyes at his comment about entering his mind. "I find that hard to believe. Hearing what comes out of your mouth is the equivalent of prey pokemon with coloring to appear toxic to predators." Most of the response she got when she dropped his name was concern. He had a reputation, it seemed, that lined up with her assessment of his sometimes questionable sanity. [break][break]

More seriously, she explained: "What sits in your subconscious will be interesting because of the prophecy and what you have witnessed. To enter any kind of separate reality means you have experienced what those in this reality cannot. I am curious what your mind chews on, behind the scenes." It was the honest truth. She didn't think he would have any dire secrets that would be revealed, nor was she interested in them. He tended to share information that was valuable. People needed to have secrets for their own sake. [break][break]

"Nightmare, singular?" It was clearly an impactful event. She was impressed he had trusted such a thing to Lulu; it was clearly an intimate moment of vulnerability. She had been unsure how to parse his relationship with Lulu, but it seemed to involve more trust than she had initially suspected. "Depending on when it happened, it could be valuable to tracing subconscious data that is otherworldly in origin." She would not outright ask for it. She didn't want to owe him when she was just learning the unusual scopes of his studies. Their relationship needed to be mutually beneficially in an immediate way, until she was sure he wasn't habitually getting into reckless situations.

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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aloha, understanding [s]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 18:52:08 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She shook her head to the question about the border. "I have only been to the Ultra Deep Sea with and one trip to the Ultra Plant. Another is pending. I saw a Xurkitree resurrect a clearly dead pokemon with its spark. It appears death is more temporary than initially thought." Par for the course, in this region. [break][break]

She considered Elisabeth's confession. It was more likely a blessing than a curse that she could not summon the dead. As much as Ameena wanted to see her own mum again, that approach would surely be distasteful in every manner. She could not help but wonder why Tapu Fini still possessed the power outside of Her island of guardianship; the prowess of the Tapus must be fully internal, but given how much of their purpose and even special z-move revolved around Alola, she had been sure that location was key. [break][break]

At least that meant she would hardly need another trip to Alola for her Tapu research. Ameena tried to read between the lines of what Elisabeth said. She didn't need to take things too far, didn't need to push for knowledge that was undoubtedly intimate between an Avatar and her deity - deities, in this case - but curiosity was winning over. How much of a Tapus power required their consent and will? How much was inevitable, an inseparable piece of their being, a consequence of their divinity? [break][break]

"Do you believe Tapu Fini is intentionally bringing them to you?"

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
Galarian Grabbers [m]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 17:36:44 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Leilani's net gun work was impeccable. Ameena released Corviknight to host the netted Yamask while Kirlia lifted them onto the large bird. Her Espathra continued to assault the one in her beak, using lumina crash to render it unconscious on the ground. She placed it on Corviknight, also. Ameena still flinched. The noise of such an attack risked raising civilian attention.[break][break]

"Edith, return," she said in a raised voice, getting the bird's attention. She returned it to her pokeball once it got close enough, though it had moved reluctantly. "I love Edith, but her tendency for violence can hinder just as much as it helps. People can be more reasonable than pokemon, at times." Leilani's stealthier approach was superior. [break][break]

Ameena rose as about a dozen Yamask rested on Corviknight's back. "It is a good haul. I think we can go ahead and leave unless you want to shoot a few more just to keep."

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NOTES – [break][break]



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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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played by


june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2024 17:32:07 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Musharna and Gishath had cleared the room easily, but Ameena had maintained no peace of mind after seeing the research notes from the Megalopolans. She considered Gwen's theory of flying pokemon. "With the dangerous electrical environment, few flying types would be tough enough for travel. It could be that the area has gotten much worse since the Megalopolans were here, but there has always been odd electrical activity in this area."[break][break]

Indeed, considering flight made it clear that that method could not be reliable enough. Traveling by foot would be slow and also hazardous. So, that left...[break][break]

Ameena released Kirlia. "See if you can find space beneath us." The instruction was vague to anyone else, but Kirlia understood via their shared telepathy. The Kirlia disappeared. Turning to Gwen, Ameena pocketed the papers. "I think you have helped us realize that the only truly reliable method of travel must be... yes, underground." [break][break]

Kirlia had telepathically confirmed her suspicions as she spoke. "Look at this." She went to the back wall of the station and opened a windowless door that appeared to be a closet. Except it revealed a staircase that led underground and turned into a dirt tunnel. [break][break]

"I hope you are not claustrophobic," she said as she descended.

TAGS [break]
NOTES21 discover and/or explore a subterranean level of the world through a power station or the natural landscape. this dangerous level is reminiscent of a vast board of circuitry.[break][break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP