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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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RKS - Makoto & Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 29, 2024 17:12:25 GMT
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She was awed at the sight of deities before her. Their fight was an eternal one, she knew. As a scientist, she valued truth. It was one of the only things worth pursuing. Aiming to measure the world in the most objective ways as second nature to a researcher. Truth was powerful. [break][break]

And yet.[break][break]

What she pursued were dreams. The truth was confined to one reality, whereas dreams let her access a separate one. She believed that activating the potential of dreams to its fullest would enable her to enter the dream realm and a separate reality, one where her mother was still alive. And that had nothing to do with truth. It was an ideal, and it was one that kept her insatiable in her research.[break][break]

"Truth is valuable, but ideals are why we get up each day. It is what we truly seek."

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NOTES – ideal[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
AZ Excursion A: Ameena and Aurelie
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 22:58:08 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena nodded. "Specifically, Seraphim and I were at the Deep Sea, where we found a Megalopolan shipwreck." The trip was unsettling, but it had been informative beyond belief. She turned inquisitively at Aurelie's follow-up question, stunned at what the woman was suggesting. "No way!" She cried out in surprise, uncharacteristically emotive. "Seraphim said the exact same thing. I thought he was pulling my leg. They were seriously prone to cannibalism?" [break][break]

Okay. She was most certainly moving them up her reading list. Her own research could take a backseat for half a day, surely. [break][break]

She shook her head to rid herself of the thought for now. The roaring thing deeper in the chasm was of greater importance. "Well. I do have an energy reader, but it needs to be totally still to process. You stick it in the ground and it uses seismic--" Her Espathra gave a sharp warning cry above, something the psychic only did in truly dire circumstances. Ameena had a half second to express this to Aurelie before the earth began to shake violently.[break][break]

Edith dove down ungracefully, narrowly avoiding falling stalactites. She returned to her capsule without giving Ameena a moment to adjust, leaving her trainer to fend for herself in getting out. "We will have to return for better readings. No data this far from the core of the cave could possibly be worth our lives." Not that she hated the idea of self-sacrifice for knowledge, but it definitely would've hurt for the data to not even contribute to her body of work. [break][break]

They had enough to report. Monster somewhere inside, dangerous environment, ground/rock types recommended.

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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Giant Chasm: Explore - Kazuya/Ameena
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 18:47:41 GMT
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She considered his response, weighing their collective familiarity. "Okay. We should be able to find something new in this trip. I suspect we have each seen our share of oddities in this chasm already." She tested her gloves by flexing her fingers. She nodded at his instruction and took point, though she had barely meandered into the chasm before odd tracks led the way ahead of them. [break][break]

She looked up at the same sound Kazuya heard, taking in the sight of paradox-related liquid. "Hmm. I suppose that came from the same paradox pokemon that left these prints. Looks like Iron Leaves." She was not eager to encounter one of them. She had heard from several Rockets that paradox pokemon had very unpredictable personalities. It was difficult to assess their behavior until one was already in combat with them. [break][break]

She ordered her Espathra to fly ahead and keep an eye out for the paradox pokemon. "I am curious about where the paradox pokemon tend to congregate inside the chasm. It seems like an odd environment to nest in for anything other than a Joltik." Honestly, the odd crystals might even put off enough unsettling energy to keep them away, though she felt they would tolerate the output far more than a Zubat or Whismur, which would otherwise feel at home in a chasm like this.

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NOTES – [break]LtxqNF8B[break][break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA #2
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2024 18:41:06 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Was he testing how attentive she had been in their last excursion? "There were no other topside entrances to that cavern beyond what we took and closed-off. Well, outside of where the sharpedo came from, but I have gotten nonstop motion readings from that direction to inform us that there are still hordes of pokemon there." She descended closer to the trench in the odd air-water atmosphere of the Deep Sea. [break][break]

"There was, however, a gaping hole not far from the wreckage. The temperature drop by it suggested it fed from depths. It is hard to guess geological formations from sight, but since the trench is giving the same temperature readings and follows parallel of the ship wreckage, it follows that we could find the hole within the trench and travel up into the cavern from yesterday."[break][break]

"We may very well find something dangerous within, but it is a gamble on the unknown - which may be void of life anyways - or try to brute force through a hundred feral sharpedo and Arceus-knows-what-else that awaits the other end of the cavern." The chances of the trench having a harder obstacle than a metric ton of pokemon was minimal. Plus, its exploration would teach them a lot. [break][break]

But shortly after sharing her rationale, her descent into the cold trench left her feeling dread. The darkness of it was not permeated by the flare she activated. She hovered by the right wall of the trench, doing her best to look and feel around for a potential hole, though it would likely generate a bit of warmth and wouldn't need such dedicated searching. Yet. She was eager to find it, feeling like the openness of the abyssal trench made her a target. She felt distinctly like prey.

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NOTES08 the deeper one ventures into the realm, the more you become paranoid.[break][break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
AZ Excursion A: Ameena and Aurelie
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 23:01:45 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena was pleased at Aurelie's preparedness when she pulled out the burn heal. Even more, Ameena was intrigued by her casual familiarity. When Meteno had hit Hoenn, Ameena had taken a sabbatical in Alola to see if the TAPU pokemon had any strong connection to the dream realm. It had been rather exciting, and not just because of the new environment for fieldwork. Alola was beautiful. Though, it appeared she had underestimated how much she had missed during that long stay away.[break][break]

She considered her thoughts about more recent happenings. "Indeed, the odd rampant growth of these crystals must be something else, or at least something additional." She considered the Megalopolans. "I very recently came into contact with their old civilization in the ultra deep sea." She had more to offer, but she went rigid at the sound of a sharp cry. [break][break]

She looked to Aurelie instinctively, despite her Espathra's cries of eagerness. Clearly, Edith wanted a good fight. "I would much rather fight a Pyroar barehanded than encounter something that can make that sound." She looked at the deep abyss the cavern promised them ahead. What had previously been an exciting sight was now a looming presence. "Perhaps, it is not necessary to travel too deeply without better equipment." [break][break]

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NOTES – [break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA #2
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 21:48:50 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The turnaround between trips was brief. Too brief to really take advantage of her resources to research her partner. Still, knowing he was a head scientist clarified some things. His distance during their first trip had made her think he was just muscle, but she was far more agreeable to visiting the area with a proper scientist. His collection of the purple gunk had been for his own research rather than some other researcher he worked with, she was sure.[break][break]

"We are almost at the cavern from before. Since we cannot come from above, we will have to cut through this trench to reach a lower entrance." She didn't regret closing the tunnel they'd used because sharpedo were too motivated to let them escape, but it did make things inconvenient. The trench laid before them.[break][break]

The trench was a gigantic abyss unlike anything she had seen before. And she, of course, had not had the time to catch more pokemon that could illuminate the area thoroughly. She did, however, bring a few flares with her this time... and felt no confidence that they could protect her from the cold paranoia that would most certainly chase her while in the trench.

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NOTES – [break][break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA #2
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 21:42:03 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DEEP SEA




Lusamine's Encounter Theme - Pokemon Sun & Moon

CONTRARY TO ITS NAME, THE MAJORITY OF THE ULTRA DEEP SEA IS A VAST CAVE-LIKE WORLD. Shafts of light from an unknown source barely penetrate the dark, causing colorful diamond-like rocks to glisten against humid walls. The dim lighting makes the place seem like you're thousands of leagues under the sea... Eerily, an unceasing pulse can be heard like a heart beat that rumbles throughout the realm.[break][break]

Oddly enough, one is able to "swim" through this realm like Water-type Pokemon floating in air.[break][break]

One may stumble upon deep, cold pools of dark water and alien seaweed as they scout out the realm. Segments of this place open up into an astral sea, where islands of mysterious stone are suspended mid-air.



  • 08 the deeper one ventures into the realm, the more you become paranoid.
  • 13 "don't look deeper than you absolutely have to".
  • 18 experience bioluminescent plants or pokemon suddenly douse their lights in response to a threat.
  • 20 explore a deep trench that seems endless and filled with horrifying hallucinations(?) like thousands of eyes staring at you from the darkness, your own corpse, etc.
  • 21 stumble upon a thick, sloppy clutch of eggs in realm or The Quaestor Lucis, but do not take them.
  • 25 experience The Quaestor Lucis suddenly powering up or finding rooms completely refurbished with phantom megalopolans before it all reverts back to normal.


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 21:38:38 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar



EXPEDITION #: ameena's 2nd at USD, 2nd overall; amor's 2nd at USD, 9th overall
08 the deeper one ventures into the realm, the more you become paranoid.
13 "don't look deeper than you absolutely have to".
18 experience bioluminescent plants or pokemon suddenly douse their lights in response to a threat.
20 explore a deep trench that seems endless and filled with horrifying hallucinations(?) like thousands of eyes staring at you from the darkness, your own corpse, etc.
21 stumble upon a thick, sloppy clutch of eggs in realm or The Quaestor Lucis, but do not take them.
25 experience The Quaestor Lucis suddenly powering up or finding rooms completely refurbished with phantom megalopolans before it all reverts back to normal.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 20:26:42 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

They eat people? Her expression turned pensive. She would have to add their history to her reading list, though she was unenthusiastic about pushing some of energy studies back to do so. She was trying to make a breakthrough about psychic energy impacting the physical world. [break][break]

She hoped his response about dying the RKS was just putting on a front. She never wanted to feel so casually about that sensation. Indeed, even the turning of a dark room into a thousand Unown looking at her had unsettled her to her core. She did not want to experience a simulated death whatsoever. [break][break]

"Ameena Abadi," she introduced. She hadn't realized they had given her his name of Seraphim when offering this trip and not vice versa. Though, she had been told he was a high ranking officer, so maybe the details of who came along wasn't as important. She brushed off the grunt comment. "If I am unfamiliar with you, then it seems you do not deal with information technology so much." She was amused; it was not near enough to ascertain his identity, but this detail could function well as a hint. [break][break]

"I operate in psychic and dream sciences. is the one who brought me into Rocket, and she has been plenty helpful. I intend to be a head scientist before long, but I suspect the high-ups will be more appreciative of my research when I find routes for it to be weaponized." She sighed softly. Dreams had higher potential than anything offensive, but she understood Rocket needed to show force to achieve their political motives. "If that kind of thing interests you, I am always looking for subjects." Not that he struck her as the 'eager to join a sleep study' kind of guy.

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NOTES – [break][break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 20:01:15 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

His mechanical doll was putting a good dent in the sharpedo horde, but it was unclear just how massive the collection of them would end up being since they came from the unknowable depths. She followed his escape as their pokemon held the sharpedo back. As they re-entered the tunnel that had released them into the cavern, Ameena whistled sharply, summoning her Espathra back from the horde and to her side. [break][break]

"Close off the mouth of the tunnel before they follow us," she instructed. Her Honedge slashed at the rocks as Edith the Espathra struck the top of it with her disarming voice, closing it. [break][break]

With the sharpedo unable to pursue through the path the Rockets had initially descended from, all the explorers had left was to return to their entrance point to the deep sea. "This was not as unsettling as the RKS simulation," She mused aloud. "Those are objectively less dangerous but far worse for the psyche." As they floated past the illuminated plants they'd initially traversed past, she pulled a leaf off for further examination. Despite being disconnected from the plant, it continued to glow. [break][break]

"I had not heard of megaopolans before being recommended last week to visit this area."

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NOTES07 escape corrupted sharpedo and veluza attempting to hunt you down.[break][break]



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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 18:57:50 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena raised a sharp brow at his remark. It was shortsighted to focus on the cons of long-term expeditions. Thoroughly exploring the deep sea to its deepest depths would teach them something, which was worth the risks of a large vessel, but she understood that he would prefer shorter ventures. She certainly wouldn't invite him if she ever got the opportunity for a truly deep dive. [break][break]

She straightened at his question. It wasn't the kind of hypothetical that stayed hypothetical for long. [break][break]

"Guess we will be fighting our way out." She brought out her Espathra and Honedge. The sharpedo horde closed in on them quickly. The Espathra was sadistic and bloodthirsty innately, so Ameena let her soar into the crowd to attack directly. The honedge, ever loyal, stayed close to her side. They worked in tandem to night slash the rapid torpedos of pokemon that shot towards her. She was always just fast enough to avoid getting cut on their rough skin, but it was too close for comfort as a half dozen charged her individually. [break][break]

In the distance, she could already see another batch coming their way. "Fighting may not be feasible if more are going to keep coming from the deep." She had gotten what she needed, seeing what kind of tools she would need for future studies here. There was no need to push her luck. She could see her Espathra trying disarming voice repeatedly, but the sharpedos were surrounding her and making it difficult to make a dent in their numbers.

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[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 18:27:44 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Seraphim's warning about potential ambushes put her on edge. Her eyes flickered at corners and specks of shadows in case something would jump out the second she looked away. It wasn't quite paranoia, but she was determined to avoid being caught off-guard. [break][break]

The wreckage surprised her. "I cannot fault them for wanting to explore," she countered as they got closer. "Certainly seems like something big had attacked." The marks on the ship seemed to be from the same entity based on the striations of the physical gouges. She avoided touching the purple gunk that Seraphim collected. She was more interested in energy than physical products, though she felt a tinge of curiosity. [break][break]

"A large vessel might be a good idea for a longer expedition if we can detect threats better than they did." She moved further into the ship, straining her ears for the sound of any pokemon hiding within. She continued to speak her thoughts aloud, something that made it easier to recall her observations since she hadn't brought a voice recorder with her. "Perhaps a sonar would be enough, but it is unclear what will signals will travel well in this odd environmental matter." [break][break]

She picked up a piece of metal that looked like it had recent bite marks. "What would be in this environment that chews through metal...?" Most of the creatures were sea pokemon, though she had also seen a nihilego way in the distance. Nothing seemed to have the teeth for this.

TAGS [break]
NOTES04 explore the unnerving wreckage of a megalopolan vessel, named The Quaestor Lucis.[break][break]



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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 17:51:10 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She had heard about the strange wormholes in Hoenn before moving to the region two years ago. Still, she had spent so much time settling in and getting her company and lab set up that she had not had the opportunity to take advantage of her Rocket ties and visit. Better late than never. [break][break]

"Next time, I will have to bring some equipment for getting energy readings." The comment was mostly to herself. She knew little about her partner, Seraphim. His armor told her he met business, but she had been assured that such protect equipment would not be strictly necessary if they could handle themselves, and all of her years in the Galarian military left her confident about that much. [break][break]

The odd floaty water-not-water of the environment would take getting used to, but she was thrilled overall. They entered a small cavern tunnel, which was pitch black. "Bad time to not bring a luminescent pokemon," she commented sardonically. She touched the rock wall to her right and activated a bioluminescent weed, which in turn activated a long string of them down the tunnel and into a more open area beneath them. [break][break]

A large shape awaited them in the cavern, but she couldn't make out what it was right as they filtered from the tunnel to the open space.

TAGS [break]
NOTES06 involve bioluminescent sea plants in a meaningful way.[break][break]



[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
Ultra Deep Sea: AA
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 17:42:43 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DEEP SEA




Lusamine's Encounter Theme - Pokemon Sun & Moon

CONTRARY TO ITS NAME, THE MAJORITY OF THE ULTRA DEEP SEA IS A VAST CAVE-LIKE WORLD. Shafts of light from an unknown source barely penetrate the dark, causing colorful diamond-like rocks to glisten against humid walls. The dim lighting makes the place seem like you're thousands of leagues under the sea... Eerily, an unceasing pulse can be heard like a heart beat that rumbles throughout the realm.[break][break]

Oddly enough, one is able to "swim" through this realm like Water-type Pokemon floating in air.[break][break]

One may stumble upon deep, cold pools of dark water and alien seaweed as they scout out the realm. Segments of this place open up into an astral sea, where islands of mysterious stone are suspended mid-air.



  • 02 involve the venomous adhesive of a poipole or naganadel.
  • 04 explore the unnerving wreckage of a megalopolan vessel, named The Quaestor Lucis.
  • 06 involve bioluminescent sea plants in a meaningful way.
  • 07 escape corrupted sharpedo and veluza attempting to hunt you down.


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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played by


june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2024 17:39:03 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar



EXPEDITION #: ameena's first expedition at deep sea and overall; amor's first expedition at deep sea and eighth expedition overall
02 involve the venomous adhesive of a poipole or naganadel.
04 explore the unnerving wreckage of a megalopolan vessel, named The Quaestor Lucis.
06 involve bioluminescent sea plants in a meaningful way.
07 escape corrupted sharpedo and veluza attempting to hunt you down.
NOTES: ameena is bringing nothing special, can only imagine what little devils solo will bring
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP