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VCT: Kazimir vs Josh
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 17:02:27 GMT
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Sure enough the muscles weren't much of a defense against hail of electro balls that came from every direction. Their shocking jolts made it past his natural defenses and with each one that hit him Domon could feel part of his body suddenly spasm right at the touch. If it wasn't thanks to his training to keep his balance he might have fallen over twice already. Still if he didn't do something all this electricity might leave him paralyzed.

So he started throwing his own attacks.

Aura spheres full of his own fighting spirit were launched back to meet the Electro Balls. Some of them collided with one another while others just skimmed past each other. The bear wouldn't match the cat's speed but hopefully at least one of his own strikes will be lucky and hit the cat mid run.



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VCT: Kazimir vs Thomas
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 8:17:10 GMT
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"Hey Thomas! You know we're gonna bring our everything to this one!" He waved back to his fellow ex-Elite and vigilante partner as his Urshifu walked up to the stage. Already his eyes were trained on the Scizor in front of him and he dropped into his stance and held out a hand, gesturing for the metal bug to come right at him.

"Just hope you can handle us, fighting's the thing we're best at. So we won't be going easy!" Both Trainer and Pokemon share the same smirk on their face as they give Thomas and his partner the chance to make the first move. It was only the courteous thing to do among friends after all~

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Kazimir Wynter
VCT: Kazimir vs Doug
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 7:43:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Wind cut at his fur even as the Urshifu detected them and even side stepping a few didn't protect him fully. Still it did keep him pretty safe from the most damage he could receive. Now all he had to do was fight. Fight until he won this fight. Even if winning wasn't the point of this whole tournament that didn't matter to the Urshifu.

Such concepts did not matter to a warrior with a burning desire to conquer and prove his strength. So the Urshifu let out a roar inviting his opponent to come right at him again with all of their might. He was still waiting for more.



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VCT: Kazimir vs Shalin
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 7:13:31 GMT
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The poison that dug its way into the bear's body as the poison jab connected was already a step in the right direction to wearing the Urshifu down. He coughed and hacked his lungs as he felt his body become weaker by the second. Still he stood tall as he raises his fists and ran forward with his fist swirling with an aura around it.

He was looking to drain punch the Beedrill and try to take back some of the energy that this bug had taken from him. Even if the amount that he would get was small due to the disadvantage of resistance against him it was still something and would earn him a little more time in the fight before the poison overtook him. After all tackling a challenge was one of the best parts of a fight.



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Kazimir Wynter
VCT: Kazimir vs Gwyar
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 7:06:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Another?" The question didn't linger very long as the sight of the bird caught both Trainer and Pokemon's attention and the bear brought up his fists to brace himself for the attack. The aura stings against his skin and his feet drag across the dirt as he's pushed back by the strength of the bird. Still even as his arms break apart he doesn't fall over and plant his feet on the ground as he roars with a bulk up letting his muscles grow and show off to the crowd and opponents before them. "Don't think hitting our weakness will take us down that easily."



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Kazimir Wynter
VCT: Kazimir vs Josh
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 6:49:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Eyes lingered on the wall as its cracks gave a smile to Kaz's face. Domon seemed to have built up a bit extra strength while he wasn't looking. He was proud of his bear brother. Then again the yellow cat that they were facing weren't known to be the most heaviest and sturdy so maybe that was it. They were quick though and when the cat started to dash around the bear Kaz let out a chuckle.

"Your speed versus our strength? Sounds like the fight of the century!" The Urshifu didn't even keep track of the cat as he raised up his arms and flexed his biceps. His bulking up increased his mass ever slightly packing on more and more muscle onto his already impressive body.



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 2:44:37 GMT
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A finger runs over the button of the capsule of the newly capture paradox he holds in his hand as he watches above. From one mess they go into another it seems, or rather was that just the way of Hoenn at this point? He could only chuckle as he watched the Hoopa disappear into its rings leaving them with a warning and challenge next time they meet. Kaz's only response to this is a solitary finger in the middle of his hand raised up at the genie as it vanishes.

It probably wouldn't even notice him.

What would be noticed was the large pink deity appearing on the battlefield and standing by 's side and starting to tear apart the Kyurem somehow. Was that a good or bad thing? Could such a thing be done? Lots of people went up to be a wall for the deity to do its thing and so Kaz was about to join them when he saw it. Saw a man bring out an Ultra Beast and fire off at the deity and the woman next to it.

He was either brave, stupid, both, mentally unstable, or an agent of chaos sent by the DRK Triad to cause a bit of havoc.

Or maybe just insane.

Either way what he did kick-started a chain reaction as one of the League's finest and greatest comes in rallying the troops to strike back at the Rocket members. They managed to break away from Kaz and watching things go down he can't really blame the League. One dude fired off a bullet at a Legendary trying to aid them and one of their brightest minds around. It was logical to give them payback.

Yet right now? At this level of magnitude? Was fighting one another really the best thing to do right now? He thought about the time he and the Masked Man or Admin Fox or () whatever his name was now had a truce, a real moment of them working together. Sure he would say Rocket was in the wrong here but they had to put up a fight or it was their ass on the line.

This was all too much.

They were all too much.

"Its all so fucking much."

The Lucario looks back at him puzzled as it feels itself being called back into its ball and out comes a lone Mimikyu who is scooped up into its trainers powerful arms. "Mr Fake, we got a job to do and it ain't pretty. You up for it?"

The little puppet gives a hearty salute with its ghostly hand and Kaz jumps down towards the fighting. They need just one moment for this fighting to stop, to re-prioritize things, or at least try to. Even if it cost them the trust of others it was fine. They had bigger dragons to fry right now than fight each other. That could be saved for another day. "Go Mr Fake!"

He tosses the puppet with all his might and the ghostly fairy uses its own disguise like a parachute as it falls, letting itself glide down to the battle as Kaz strikes a pose and lets a golden aura of energy envelope him. "ALL OF YOU NEED TO CALM THE HELL DOWN! WE DON'T GOT TIME TO FIGHT EACH OTHER! SO GET A FUCKING GRIP! MIMIC YOU!" With a roar the aura shoots off from his body towards the Mimikyu as it lets out a powerful screech and a ghostly form starts to spread from under its cloth.

It stretches casting a shadow over all looking to reach the Rocket side of , , @shredzepplin and even . Opposite of them the League side of , , , and are close enough to get caught in the shadow above as it descends on the field looking to keep them trapped as the Mimikyu falls on them.

Mimikyu casts its true form over an area, trapping anyone within range. victims will be ROOTED in place for THREE POSTS.


@dragon decree

Post: 11
-flips off Hoopa
-sees the faction conflict on a faction based roleplay site
-thinks its dumb to fight it out this one time
-swaps in lucario for mimikyu and heads down to the fight
-uses Z-POWAH to infuse mimikyu and have it use the z-move: mimic you
-attempts to trap in the combatants of: @shredzepplin and others and their pkmn inside if possible

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the shivering [m]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 7:08:24 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Wait what? Three of the same legendary? Who-?" He stops himself as his eyes go wide with the information. He almost didn't realize his own slip up with his own question. In doing so it seemed he stumbled into something just as interesting as the question he wanted to ask.

Because what Legendary would give itself to three different people?

"Which one was it? Cause three is kinda a big number ain't it? Are...are they still around?" He probably already knew the answer. Something like that doesn't just happen without word of it spreading pretty quickly. The more avatars that were around the more info about them would be looked into. If three belonged to the same patron then info about that particular case should be widespread!

So why wasn't it?

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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 7:02:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He just returns the accusation with a smile and a chuckle. Was it childish? Probably. Most trainers aim for the top when they're just starting out or still in their younger years before adulthood. Some call it a rite of passage and Kaz might be inclined to agree. Still it was a challenge open to anyone willing to test themselves against the best of the best of a region. That was the kind of challenge that tug all the right strings in his heart.

"Aw c'mon. Just cause I ain't a kid anymore doesn't mean I don't wanna at least try to climb up there y'know. Otherwise I do end up a little rusty like you." His smile shrinks into a smirk as he give the doc a slap on the back. "Just call me up whenever you feel like you wanna do some proper exercise Duggie. Y'know these muscles don't grow on their own."

His attention does return to the Rockets laying at their feet and the mountain of muscle lets out a sigh, "First we outta get these guys to a proper hospital...or police station. Which ever order is faster."


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Kazimir Wynter
red riot [flashback][m]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 6:13:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The punch hit nothing but air yet there was still a target to be struck, sadly it wasn't their opponent. The tables turned as quick as the Eevee's movements as the headbutt knocked the little Riolu back with a growl. Even with keen senses he wasn't able to react quick enough to see it coming, "Then we'll just hit them with our own!" The young red head called out.

Shoving the Eevee away from itself the Riolu took one step to the side signaling that it was about to move when suddenly it started to speed around the little fox in circles. Its own quick attack letting it run around the little fox with ease before it came up behind it to swipe at its face. Bit of a dirty trick but where they were stuff like that was always handy to keep in the pocket to survive.

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Kazimir Wynter
i hope they believe in me
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 6:07:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Right. Cause he's a gym leader." His own fight with Navy was more reminiscent of the battles back in Galar. More sport than actual teaching anything to trainers like what they do in Hoenn. Then again considering just how many badges Kaz already had on him there probably wasn't much he could learn from the sheriff if the rumors about what went down in his gym was like.

"And what exactly did ya learn from him? Guy never struck me as the traditional teaching type. Jolly hit 'em with a rapid spin." As he asked his question he threw in a command for his Blastoise. Juggling battle and conversation was a skill one picked up after so many battles and was easy to do when it was this casual. That was until things started to get fired up and if this guy did win a badge from Dewford then that may come sooner than expected.

The large turtle let out a roar as he tucked his head and limbs into his shell letting the large fairy strike his shell full force. If it wasn't so thick the damage might have been felt more by him but Jolly Roger quickly started to spin in response. Faster and faster the shell spun before ramming itself right into the Grimmsnarl to try and pin it down with its massive size and weight.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 15:48:17 GMT
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As the Pikachu falls Kaz runs through the puddles to catch his Urshifu from falling backwards and keep him on his own two feet. "Looks like we won bud!" The two of them don't even meet eyes with one another as they raise up their fists to bump them together. From that Kaz returns the grin with his own as he accepts the handshake from Ollie and gives the man a hell of a shake as he grips on tightly.

"Honestly man? You two put up a decent fight. Little Tofu's got spirit. But maybe a few burgers in us will make it all feel better. Battles really work up an appetite." He responded with a wink and a thumbs up.

kaz and urshifu win!

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 8:33:15 GMT
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Dynamax. Something he remembers in a dream and has only heard the odd rumor when he gets close to the offices around Ever Grande. Seeing it in action before his very eyes is something else. Fighting a giant is a pretty amazing thing to experience. "You know the saying! Bigger they are the harder they fall! Don't let up Domon!"

With the torrents of water raining down on him the Urshifu knew that he wasn't going to get in any closer despite the giant pikachu's new large size. Instead it was going to have to aim this next attack very carefully and jumped over more and more torrents as he clasped his hands together. "Uuuuuurshifuuuuu!" THe bear roared as he launched a single aura sphere right at the Pikachu's face as he surfed on top of one of the geysers to keep his balance on something.

His target? One of the eyes of the Pikachu to blind it and knock it out of commission.



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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 8:09:24 GMT
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He watches 's sword unleash its full power and aim it at the creature that brings nothing but danger through its rings. The sound and sight of it all stirs his heart a little bit. It was always amazing to see this sort of stuff from this angle, where companions and comrades showed their true strength against their foes. Made him want to show off as well to prove he could keep up with them.

Yet something else catches his attention,

One of the Paradoxes gets struck by the beam and falls to its side with a loud crash and clang, beeping as its legs kick about like it was trying to run despite not even touching solid ground. Kaz saw a chance to finally add something like this to his arsenal so he wasted little to no time in reaching for a ball. A spare beast ball was what he hand on hand and so its what flew through the air and struck the Colbalion look-a-like square on the temple and sucked it up inside and with a single click the ball fell to the ground still.

@dragon decree


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Kazimir Wynter
VCT: Kazimir vs Josh
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 7:49:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The plasma fists rained down on Domon even as he held his arms up in defense. The jolts of electricity that they sent down his body wasn't quite enough to even get him down on one knee but it was proving a little hard to find an opening. Zeraora were annoying opponents due to their mix of strength and speed. It was no wonder Josh of all people would own one and make the most out of it.

It gave the idea of maybe a sort of mirror kind of match that he could give the gym leader should they fight it out in full. For now he needed to get his partner out of this assault and he figured the best way was to just go on the offensive. It was what an Urshifu was best at. "Hit him back with all ya got!" A wicked blow was what Domon had as he let himself get hit by a few of the electrified fists to swing his fist into an uppercut right into the yellow cat.



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