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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2023 23:46:20 GMT
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Character: [break]
Participated in the 2022 Silph Cup? No
Pokémon: Lancer the Beedrill[break]
Moveset: Able to Mega-Evolve. Sniper/Adaptability(ME)--Brick Break, Drill Run, Agility, X Scissor, Focus Energy, Poison Jab[break]
Ranks: Speed A (4), Endurance C (2), Reaction C (2)
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sublime tea rhyme
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2023 21:20:11 GMT
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The door was opened just a crack, giving Chu-e a perfect view of Oscar casually leaning against one of his porch pillars. Oscar was looking at his gloves, adjusting them until he heard the door open. He looked up, smiling as his he gave his gloves one last secure tug. He could only see a bit of Chu-e's eye in the crack of the door, and that was enough to confirm that it was indeed Chu-e and this was indeed his house.

"Hey man!" Oscar exclaimed, his tone casual and sprightly. "It's been a while, we were getting worried about you." Oscar's eyes betrayed his smile. They were sharp, spread wide as if they alone held back a flood of fury. Oscar did not want to be here, not like this. He thought times were dark before, but now? This truly confirmed that they had entered the worst timeline.

Oscar stepped forward, slowly like a prowling predator. "Mind if I come in for a chat?"

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2023 20:00:27 GMT
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Everyone piled under the cage, and Oscar suddenly got flashbacks to nights spent at alternative clubs in his youth. He shuddered, attempting in vain to maintain his personal bubble by pressing himself against the cage. Oscar's attention was kept more or less toward the Xurkitree and their battle with Ceri's mega-toxtricity, but he did pique his ear as Gaultier shared more from the notes. A pokemon made to fight ultra beast? White hair? How mysterious...

Oscar huffed at Gaultier's playful prodding, returning with his own brand of sarcasm. "You know, I recall coming down last month and letting all the megalopolans make tasteful oil paintings of Genesect. Maybe that's what they meant." Their banter was interrupted by yet more violence, as the Xurkitree increased their aggression and sent electricity in every direction. Unintentionally, their furious sparks surged through the station and returned its power--although so far all that seemed to do was make it brighter. Oscar would have been excited if his life were not in danger.

Both Gaultier and Gerald sent out their own mega-pokemon to fight off the hoard, and at that point Oscar felt left out. Keen to make his mark on this defensive brawl, Oscar let out Mustakrakish (god-king of all garchomps). Oscar immediately raised his right hand, the ring resting upon it glowing with an unnatural light. His Garchomp reflected the same glow, exploding with Infinity Energy as he transformed into his true form!

Mustakrakish roared, charging forward to rip and tear through the Xurkitree with Dragon Rush. Oscar clapped his hands together, "Come on team, rip these fuckers up in the name of Rocket--and profit!"

--Oscar is curious about a synthetic pokemon other than Genesect.
--Oscar sent out his garchomp and Mega-evolved it.

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Oscar Route: Easy Difficulty [Mars]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2023 18:33:37 GMT
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Oscar Clayton


[attr="class","pokemotometop"]No Tomorrow









You allow Oscar to bring you outside. He leads you to the side of the warehouse, where the music is not nearly as oppressive. There are a few others here, idly chatting as they smoke. Oscar pulls out a cigarette of his own, lighting it faster than you can comprehend. He takes a deep drag and lets the smoke billow out of his mouth. Only then does he speak, "I'm getting tired of escapism, y'know? What good is living like there's no tomorrow if tomorrow always comes? I can't shake that idea, makes everything so bleak." How do you respond?



❤️ Tell him that life is long and difficult and humans have every right to find enjoyment where they can.



❤️ Agree with him, it is harder to enjoy life now that the darkness of the world is inescapable.



❤️ Ask him why he rejected you.



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POSTED ON Feb 13, 2023 17:58:52 GMT
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All questions are answered IC and anonymously.

"If you’d rather be doing something else, what stops you? Is it money? Is it pressure from your family? Is it your own lack of self-confidence? Or does some other thing prevent you from doing what you want to do?"
If I had unlimited power and resources I'd be living on a space station away from everyone else.
"What would your ideal date be? And who with?"
I have my favorite date with my favorite person every night: wine and a movie or television show with me, myself, and I.
"Do you believe in astrology? What's your star sign?"
I think it's nonsense but with my luck it's probably all real and I'm making everything hard on myself by ignoring the stars or whatever.
"What was your favourite stuffed animal or toy as a kid?"
I had a badass pellet gun as a kid. My parents took it away though because I kept trying to shoot the mailman. I was a rascal.
"Who would you want to raise your child if you died unexpectedly? Why?"
I will never have a child, but I'd probably send all my pokemon to . He'd know what to do with them.
"If you didn't live in Hoenn, which other region would you rather live in? Why?"
Unova. You can get away with a lot more shit in Unova, like tax fraud.
"Everybody has at least one unpopular opinion. What’s yours?"
Not everyone should have a Pokemon. Some people can barely take care of themselves, let alone a team of living weapons.
"If you could have any Pokemon ability, what would it be and why?"
Pickup. Imagine just finding random shit on the ground every now and then, would be rad as fuck.
"Despite everything that's happened and will happen, why are you still in Hoenn?"
All my stuff is here and it would be way too much effort to move. Like, a lot of people would have to die and that just sounds exhausting.
"If you can be an avatar, which legendary Pokemon would you prefer to be your patron?"
I dunno, do you know any with an opening? I keep releasing balloons with my resume attached hoping a legendary pokemon will find it but none of them have gotten back to me yet.
"Do you have a role model? If so, who is it and why?"
I greatly admire every single one of my coworkers. Seriously.
"What turns you on? What gets you excited?"
This is seriously anonymous right? Like no one will find this out? Alright then I admit it, I really enjoy pain. Any kind; I am absolutely addicted to feeling horrible. It's like dopamine on steroids.
"Pick a genre: lost world or science fiction."
I love science fiction so much that I made my life into one.
"Are you enjoying the video game, Rondez-view of Luv? Give us a rating."
One. I hate video games and I am angry that I can't stop playing this horror show.

Suggestion: If you were a genre of music, what would you be?

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POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 19:12:39 GMT
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Unaware of the nuances of basket weaving, Oscar would indeed place a voltorb directly into the decorative basket. He turned it a little, trying to find the best visual angle. The voltorb itself was fast asleep, as were all of the voltorbs Oscar had brought--except of course for the special Hisuian variation that would act as the 'trigger'. 

From there Oscar began to place voltorbs into every crevice they could possibly fit into. Within the cabinets, under the chairs, under the couch and lounge chairs, and even in the refrigerator. When Oscar was running out of room, he began emptying the bookshelf to fit more voltorbs onto it. By the time Oscar was satisfied, he only had three normal voltorbs left--and he still needed to fill Remy's bedroom and bathroom. 

Oscar groaned and released his awake Hisuian Voltorb. It looked up to its master, pondering if now was the time to explode. Oscar shook his head, "Not yet, just follow me in case Remiel comes home early." The wooden ball nodded, rolling along along side his master as Oscar went toward the hallway. Whether Asriel had already gone down there or not Oscar did not know, he had been too busy setting up his trap.

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back to our roots [m]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 19:03:05 GMT
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Oscar found Mint's eccentricities to be highly amusing, and he found himself unable to stop smiling as Mint laid out his plan. Oscar had been so used to being the 'outlandish beast', it was a breath of fresh air to feel more grounded by comparison. Though he knew when he got the chance match Mint's energy, it would be a legendary experience to say the least.

For now though Oscar let Mint take the reins, giving his partner a wink and a click of his tongue as the choice was made to push the target toward Oscar. The two parted ways, Mint going inside and Oscar starting his search for the back door. It was not hard to locate, as--you know--it was in the other side of the building in another alley. This had to be it right? It was one hundred percent on the opposite side of the ramen shop's entrance so--yeah it had to be the one. 

Oscar snapped his fingers, and after a short moment a discolored Ariados would break her Camouflage and step forward. Oscar pointed to the door, "Emma, cover the door." Emma nodded and hurried up the doorway. With quick leaps and exact precision, Emma began creating a net of Toxic Thread. That way when the man ran out he would not only be trapped but receive immense pain as well. It would be the price he paid for being a coward.

When Emma was finished though, Oscar could not help but feel uncertain about the door. There were two doors nearby, both on either side of the other door. What if he was wrong and he came out of one of these instead? Oscar groaned and pointed to the other doors. "Cover those too, just in case." Emma did so, and Oscar would cross his arms as he waited for the action to start.

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Pressing Forward [M]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 18:46:15 GMT
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Felix prompted a question, and Oscar unflinchingly answered. "Volunteers would be placed in a controlled environment and be given a mission to complete. These missions ranged from simple search and seizure to repairing complex machinery. To simulate the stress of combating an avatar in the field, I instructed Genesect to hunt the volunteers as they did their missions. If caught a volunteer would be forcefully relocated back to the starting location, where they could observe the rest of the exercise."

Oscar shifted in his seat, his serious expression unchanging as he attempted to find a more comfortable position. This chair did not provide much lumbar support. "Results were mixed. Volunteers were instructed to act without pokemon or external powers, leaving their own capabilities as their greatest resource. Unfortunately, compared to a Genesect most humans lack the survival skills to complete the training. was the exception, but we both know how useful that information is currently."

Oscar let that statement hang for a bit, he was so disappointed in Johanna's desertion. She had such potential, but it could hardly be helped now. They would just have to hope the league would fail to recognize that potential. Oscar continued, "I was in the middle of reworking the training when Remiel defected. Since then all of my SPECTRA duties have been on hold."

On that note, Oscar waited patiently to hear what Felix thought of this information.

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 18:32:17 GMT
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Oscar's face slacked into placidity. This was always a good sign, it meant that he was cutting to the chase. No more teasing or theorizing, just straight talking plans. 

"I've nearly mastered Infinity Energy. The pokepods are finished, I've successfully been able to draw the living energy out of pokemon and use that energy to power machines. The megalopolans of another dimension used this technology to create a fake sun, powering their world. Great idea, but I struggle to find the use of a fake sun on our world. However, by simply adding an opening to their towering monoliths, I believe we can harness the same amount of Infinity Energy as a weapon! A weapon that can fight back against the dark triad, the league, and any pokemon that endangers humanity."

Oscar folded his arms, sighing as he remembered to talk logistics. "It's a massive idea of course, it would be immensely hard to hide such a project as it was being developed. Then I would have to consider the physics and whether or not Infinity Energy is enough to create the impact I imagine. That's why I'm studying the other forms of energy as well. I believe the key lies in combining them into one force."

Oscar groaned, "But it's all going so slow! I can't even find a shred of Dyna energy in Hoenn, and Primal energy is impossibly rare! Ugh, it's so much easier to look at one fragment of a puzzle, once you try to put all of the pieces together it becomes a mess."

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Target Practice [M]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2023 18:16:51 GMT
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Oscar thought he had heard something as well, but when he stopped to actually listen for it--nothing happened. Perhaps something was happening down below? Oscar shook his head, "Nah, maybe you picked up some construction sounds? Anyway--pokepods. I've made chambers that drains the Infinity Energy out of pokemon and transfers that energy into whatever I connect it to. It results in the eventual death of the pokemon but I figured it would be a better way to treat the sapling than shitting out all of your energy every day."

Oscar tilted his head, his expression and tone struggling to stay positive. "I figure I owe you a favor for every treatment, so I shall do whatever I can to help you with the sapling. Plus seeing you look all wasted away is really sad, like a puppy trying to walk with three legs." Oscar paused only briefly to figure out what he wanted to say next, but as he opened his mouth he would be interrupted by a loud and jostling.


The whole cabin shook, causing Oscar to yelp. Their corviknight was surprised by the sudden force, losing its grip on one of the cabin's handles. It luckily reclaimed it quickly, but it caused a great deal of turbulence in the cabin. As things mellowed out, a furious Oscar would stick his upper body out of the window and scan the area. All the while he would be growling expletives that he was clearly trying to hide but just could not tone down enough, "What kind of psycho shit fuck bastard attacks a fuckin' corviknight cab? I'm gonna wring their fuckin' neck..." Ect.

Oscar's eyes soon locked onto a small spec that seemed to be trying to keep up with them. He probably would have missed it, if not for the fact that it was neon pink and dragging an enormous hammer. It soon paused at a large rock, wielding its hammer like a golf club as it pounded the stone and sent it flying like a rocket. Oscar yelped again, pulling himself back into the cabin just before the rock slammed into its side.

Oscar looked to Bryan, "Bryan! A pink goblin is chucking rocks at us!"

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Oscar Route: Easy Difficulty [Mars]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2023 3:34:05 GMT
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Oscar Clayton


[attr="class","pokemotometop"]No Tomorrow









You gently touch Oscar's arms, a brush light enough to feel intimate but firm enough to get his attention. His crimson eyes meet yours, and his smile waivers. He knows that look, he knows exactly what you are thinking. His eyes grow a little sad as he gently grabs your hands, holding them just long enough for you to believe he wants what you are offering. Yet he pushes your hands away, fighting back a look of pained longing. "I need a cigarette, let's get some air!" You are close enough to hear him, and he carefully pulls you by the wrist toward the exit. What will you do?



❤️ Pull him back into an embrace.



❤️ Pull away in frustration.



❤️ Let him take you outside.



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Oscar Route: Easy Difficulty [Mars]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2023 3:04:35 GMT
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Oscar Clayton


[attr="class","pokemotometop"]No Tomorrow









Songs cycle and the dancing steadily intensifies. Then it reaches its apex, surely you know what I speak of. That middle ground of passion and smooth, it was the perfect song to make your intentions known. Oscar does not realize what you are doing, but he does look to you several times. His red eyes beam with joy, and his smile genuine. His mood is as good as it shall every get, what will you do?



❤️ Decide against making a move.



❤️ Touch Oscar's arms to grab his attention



❤️ Move to his back and hold Oscar from behind.



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Oscar Route: Easy Difficulty [Mars]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2023 2:23:36 GMT
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Oscar Clayton


[attr="class","pokemotometop"]No Tomorrow









A safe choice! The second drink was a formality, Oscar did not want you to feel left out. You have a casual-yell chat at the bar as Oscar enjoys his two drinks and you enjoy your one. Oscar's cheeks slowly took on a rosy color, a clear sign of the alcohol taking effect. A song soon came on with a heavy drumbeat, and Oscar would react with an uncharacteristic passion. "I fuckin' love this song! Okay let's go." Grabbing your wrist, Oscar drags you onto the dance floor. He begins to dance casually, what kind of dance do you do?



❤️ Keep a platonic distance and enjoy a casual dance with your friend.



❤️ Dance close and very subtly get closer inch by inch.



❤️ Thrash like an enraged primeape.



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Oscar Route: Easy Difficulty [Mars]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2023 1:54:27 GMT
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Oscar Clayton


[attr="class","pokemotometop"]No Tomorrow









Oscar grins as he sees you catch up to him. To be accompanied by a friend makes this task much more enjoyable. He provides context as the two of you make your way toward the makeshift bar, "DANCING MAKES ME ANXIOUS! I MEAN, I LIKE DANCING BUT DANCING WITH OTHERS IS REALLY HARD FOR ME! I GOTTA GET A LITTLE LOOSE FIRST, Y'KNOW?!" You reach the table and Oscar orders four drinks, two for him and two for you. He raises one to you as a toast. What do you do?



❤️ Take one of the drinks.



❤️ Take both of your drinks.



❤️ Ignore the drinks.



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Oscar Route: Medium Difficulty [Jayden]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2023 1:44:40 GMT
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Oscar Clayton











"Oh!" Oscar exclaimed, looking up from his computer. He got up from his desk and walked over to examine the mural nearby. "I'm surprised this interested you! Yeah I had that made when I built the office. Don't tell anyone but I am a huge zapdos nerd. Been researching it for months. Did you know it eats primarily electricity? Or that it is nearly as fast as a jet? Fucker's cool is all I'm saying." Oscar seems pationate about this subject.



❤️ Ask him more about zapdos.



❤️ Prod him about his other interests.



❤️ Suggest discussing art.



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