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POSTED ON Mar 1, 2023 23:06:12 GMT
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The first volley of attacks seemed to be ineffective to either side. Their collective defenses reflected each other, the League hounds using a Wide Guard of their own to protect themselves. "Great." Oscar's digitized voice stated flatly. "Glad we are still down to waste each other's time."

Oscar had rather optimistically hoped that the initial clash would be enough to send the supposedly worn down League trainers on the run, but alas more effort shall be needed. Oscar was prepared to switch out pokemon to take on a more offensive strategy--until used Aurora Veil. A gurgling grown escaped from Oscar's helmet; now he had to the same, lest the League's newfound durability allowed them to gain the upper hand.

Oscar shouted out to Writhe, "Give us a veil of our own!" Writhe shuddered as her Wide Guard broke, spreading a thin layer of sparkling powder that would stretch across the Rockets' side of the battlefield (Aurora Veil). Now the strike team had bolstered durability of their own, just in time to get ass blasted by an incoming Dazzling Gleam.

Oscar sighed, "This is gonna hurt like a bitch..."

Merit Points
+10 for referencing another character (must include tag).
+10 for MP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon.

--Oscar has his Frosmoth use Aurora Veil because he felt peer pressured by his opponents using it (same HAT).
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the uriel program pt. 1 [open meeting]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 2:26:53 GMT
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Oscar has never been one to make it on time to a sub-meeting, the commute was always too far. However he now worked on the sub, so he no longer had an excuse to be tardy. Oscar flew in on Genesect in its Hover Mode, sipping a hot coffee as he sped through the courtyard. His coffee was resting in his new mug that read: 'World's Best Mad Scientist'.

As he approached the meeting area, Genesect would slow down enough for Oscar to hop off. As he did so, Oscar would continue walking forward without losing any momentum. Genesect would quickly transform, marching alongside its master as he looked for a place to sit. His red lens sunglasses reflected the sun as he scanned the area, eventually resting on and .

Oscar sat himself on the other side of Gavin, taking a long sip from his mug. He would eventually look to them and ask, "Did I miss anything good?" Oscar did not make any motions toward Lulu, they already had their moment privately--she knew how proud of her he was. Genesect on the other hand had yet to have a chance, not that it completely understood what was going on. Regardless it would raise its claws as high as it could as it stood guard behind Oscar, waving them slowly to try and get Lulu's attention. That was how you were supposed to happily greet people, according to Genesect's social training anyway.

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sublime tea rhyme
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 2:13:15 GMT
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Oscar's eyes only relaxed when Chu-e fully opened the door. He was prepared to encounter--conflict the moment Chu-e laid eyes on the Rocket Beast standing on his porch. Luckily, Chu-e proved to be as courteous as Oscar knew him to be. Oscar nodded as Chu-e invited him in for tea, and he would step inside the house without hesitation.

Oscar followed Chu-e into his kitchen, and as his eyes scanned their surroundings Oscar would reply as if there was no tension between them. "That's fine by me. I'm just happy that I am still welcome to cookies." Oscar took a seat at Chu-e's island, watching him as he retrieved the sweets. He was trying to avoid the subject at hand, but Oscar could not help but comment on Chu-e's earlier remark.

"You think you know why I'm here huh? What makes you so sure?"

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Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 2:00:48 GMT
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Oscar blinked, taken aback by the shiny sylveon growling in his direction. He was able to quickly tune that out though, giving Naomi a wide grin. "Of course!" He exclaimed, notably still remaining half-way through the door. "As soon as I heard I knew I had to come visit. However I must admit that I am also in need of assistance--if you have a moment that is."

Oscar feigned bashfulness, darting his eyes around in a mischievous manner. "I had heard through the grapevine that you were researching Tera energy, and as lucky may have it I am starting a study of my own. I was wondering if you had any interest in combining our efforts?"

Oscar batted his eyelashes, attempting to look as marketable yet pitiful as possible.

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Pokepod Preliminary Trial 2(sw)
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2023 14:12:40 GMT
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"...Luxray, average size and in good health. I have to say it's an impressive specimen, it would be a shame to lose it should this experiment fail--I should have more faith in myself. I believe that here and now, I will find the the middle point I seek."

Oscar paused his recording and walked over to carry the Luxray into the chamber. It was not as difficult as the Dragonite from the first round of tests, but the beast was still pretty heavy. Oscar managed to toss it in and seal the creature up, paving the way for his final experiment.

Oscar returned to his control station, and while he reached for the dial without hesitation he would find himself reluctant to turn it. His mind was flodding with insecurities, the infinite what-ifs of failure began to weigh him down. Oscar took a deep breath, clearing his cluttered mind. He was prepared for any result, let failure come if it must--it shall only delay his inevitable victory.

Oscar turned the dial to six. The machine came to life, and the Luxray awoke with a start. It screeched with pain, it life source being rapidly absorbed by the machine. Oscar was unphased by the subject's discomfort, but knew that if it could feel the extraction then the power was too high.

He lowered it to four. The Luxray stopped screaming, heavily breathing with relief. Yet even if the extraction was lessened, the machine would continue to pull out its lifeforce nevertheless. The beast eventually could not stay awake, collapsing from exhaustion.

Oscar began to print the energy readings, reading over them carefully as they extended forward. The results were promising, but he needed just a bit more. Oscar turned the dial between four and five. The energy was slightly better, and the Luxray did not stir from its sleep. He turned it to five and six. The Luxray began to writhe, but once again did not awaken fully. Oscar groaned, "Please be joking..."

He turned the dial to five. The Luxray's slumber calmed, and the energy reading was just shy of exceeding Oscar's expectation. He had found the perfect extraction level. Even so, Oscar groaned. "The numbers were arbitrary, it's my fuckin' lucky that the middle ground was in the middle the whole time. Whatever, only I will know."

Oscar's embarrassment shifted into excitement, and all other tasks faded into the background as he began to feverishly record data. He did not even remember to finish his recording.

Once he was satisfied with his findings, Oscar would commemorate his victory by catching the surviving Luxray.
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Oscar Route: Medium Difficulty [Jayden]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2023 22:17:00 GMT
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--Hollow is going code-less--
Attention: 100%
Admiration: 100

"Fuck yeah!" Oscar exclaims, jumping out of his chair. "You're gonna love this place, I chose it just for you!" Without further delay, you and Oscar would depart for a pleasant evening of food and drinks.

~Unlocked Secret Route: Dinner date with Oscar~

You successfully distracted Oscar from his work in an appropriate and friendly manner, allowing him to maintain a good mood for your night out. Congratulations on your social victory! We have sent your results to player: to help you along, good luck and thanks for playing!

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processed shop
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 21:42:55 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

1X Tera Orb (500 PD)[break]


welcome to the poké mart!

1X Kasib Berry Feeding to Zapdos
4X TM/TR To Teach Zapdos Hurricane, Weather Ball, and Heat Wave and to teach Genesect U Turn


do come again!

500 PD
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Pokepod Preliminary Trial 2(sw)
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 19:03:31 GMT
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"...a Ninjask of good health and above average size. The sheen of its exoskeleton tells me that it is fairly young, hasn't had time to scratch it up yet. This is good, I prefer a younger specimen for this next experiment." Oscar paused the recording to put the sleeping Ninjask within the machine's chamber before turning his attention to what seemed to be an old Poke-Center machine nearby. It was not fully connected yet, but Oscar would quickly finish welding in the core wires within a matter of minutes. Once he was done, he would place a pokeball into one of the healing slots and return to his station.

He resumed recording. "Subject B is my own Drampa, which I have affectionately nicknamed 'Old Man River'. A recent physical examination has aged River about seventy years, and it shows. What few joints he has are nearly locked, causing him to move extremely slowly. His skin has turned a dark green and sags. In Layman's terms, he's really fuckin' old. The idea of this experiment came during one of my healing treatments with . Not so much from him healing me, but rather from his fatigue from trying to revive the now disintegrated husk of the tree of life. Because of his status as the Avatar of Xerneas, he has the power to use his own natural Infinity Energy to heal others. My question is, can this be done forcibly? Can the Infinity Energy of a living creature be used to revitalize a dying one? We shall see."

Oscar ended his recording and turned the control dial to seven. The pokepod once again roared to life, not as loudly as when the dial was turned to ten but still roaring nevertheless. The Ninjask was awoken as its Infinity Energy was sapped from its body, twitching violently before falling unconscious. The Infinity Energy drained from the subject surged through the contraption and into the Poke-center healing machine. It awoke with a familiar soft glow, which slowly grew brighter before short circuiting entirely. The machine burst into smoke and sparks, prompting Oscar to turn off the Pokepod.

Oscar got up and walked to toward the healing machine, looking into the pod chamber as he passed. The Ninjask was mummified, it would seem level seven was still strong enough to outright kill the subject pokemon. He waved his hand as smoke blew into his face, casually picking up the singed pokeball of his Drampa. Moving a safe distance away, Oscar would open the ball to see what effect the treatment had if any.

To Oscar's surprise, River looked rather spry. His skin was back to being a fresh mint-green, and as he took inventory of his surroundings the once feeble Drampa realized that he could move freely. River was overjoyed, inching in circles as he flapped his tiny wings. Oscar returned River to his ball and walked back to his control station.

He resumed recording once more. "Experiment was an apparent success, when the Infinity Energy of a living creature powers a poke-center machine its usual healing effect reverses the aging process in pokemon. It is currently unknown if this effect is temporary; I will have to examine River over the next couple of days to determine how long the effect lasts and how drastically his age was reverted. For now, let us return to our primary objective with Experiment Three. Subject is..."

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Sweetheart Sale 2023
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 18:25:12 GMT
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Send a special someone a bouquet delivered by Vivillon, signed or anonymous!

ORDER DETAILS: A bouquet of blue hydrangea flowers in a deep blue vase. [break][break] TO: [break][break] CARD: Hey, I think you're pretty cool. Don't tell anyone though. Unless you want to. Coffee later? Signed, .


Send a special someone a bespoke box of sweets delivered by Roselia, signed or anonymous![break][break]
ORDER DETAILS: An ornate box of Earl Grey black tea.[break][break] TO: [break][break] CARD: I know you ran out. Signed, you know who it is.[break][break]
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Oscar's Exhibit
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2023 3:08:11 GMT
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Court of the Storm King

Something odd was happening at the Mauville power plant. From far away it may be hard to notice, in fact one might assume the power plant was just having some exterior renovating done. However if you were to get closer, you would see that the cranes and welders were not doing anything resembling a renovation.

Massive copper wires were being wrapped around the power plant's ornate tower, making it into the world's largest Tesla coil. It was a bizarre design choice that clashed with the rest of the power plant, but anyone in the know would be aware that this had nothing to do with aesthetics. Today the final touches were being added to the tower, and soon its purpose would become clear to all.

Oscar could be found at the very top of the tower, within the dormant 'perch'. For two years this perch acted as a pit-stop for the mysterious legendary pokemon known as Zapdos, but it was time for this mystery to be solved--or at least have some light shed upon it. With Zapdos eating its fill whenever it pleased, Oscar hoped that it would be open to interaction. He could not possibly hope for some sort of return on his investment, legendary pokemon could take what they want--they were indebted to no one. However, he optimistically hoped that Zapdos would at least humor him for a chat.

Oscar was dressed up in a rather ridiculous looking rubber suit, designed to protect the human body from electricity. Mother fucker looked like one of those bean characters from--what was it called? Tumble Boys? Whatever, he looked silly. Yet even this suit would not be enough, so Oscar had a proper Faraday cage built within the Perch so that Oscar may be further protected from electric charges. Why would Oscar even take this risk? Well how was he supposed to encounter Zapdos unless he was there to meet it?

The question remained though, how did he know that Zapdos would come? Thanks to fellow scientist , Oscar had finally solved the puzzle of what drew Zapdos to the tower. It could sense the electromagnetic waves generated by the power plant, so logically to force it to appear all Oscar had to do was create a massive electromagnetic wave! Oscar climbed into the Faraday cage, holding a walkie talky up to his suit's speaker as he sealed himself in.

"I am ready to go. Divert power to the coil."

Mauville will find itself having a temporary blackout, which was almost immediately resolved by emergency generators. The power of the main Infinity Generator however was now being sent up the massive Tesla Coil constructed around the power plant's tower. When it reached the top, the energy would surge in every direction, creating a light the likes of which the world had never seen. Thunder roared across the sky as the generated lightning crackled through the slowly gathering clouds. Oscar watched the display through the Perch's open ceiling, sweat rolling down his face as he eagerly hoped for results.
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Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 19:37:24 GMT
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Oh shit, you see whose name is on this lab's door? Probably not because Oscar fucking Clayton just kicked that door open! With his sunglasses donned and Genesect blasting music through its speakers beside him, Oscar dragged in a giant cart full of dead steel pokemon. He strode up to the nearest surface, cleared it off with a sweep of his arm, and slammed down a dead magnemite. Oscar flicked off his sunglasses and began chuckling menacingly, "Who's ready to do some science, bitches!?"

No one was there, he forgot that he had to hire his own staff. Oscar forced air through his lips, deflating now that his perfect entrance was witnessed by exactly nobody. After he took in how lonely his new laboratory was, Oscar realized that he could hardly hear himself think--because Genesect was still blasting music. Oscar glumly took out the speaker's remote and turned off the music. "Thanks for being here for me dude, sorry it did not turn out as cool as I had promised." Genesect felt neutral about this chain of events, as it did not know exactly what was happening.

I will tell you what was happening though, Oscar just got a new job as one of Rocket's Head Scientists and today was his first day! Had his own fuckin' lab and everything, but as mentioned before his triumphant first day of work was now a bit lackluster due to Oscar's neglect. Oh well, gotta make some lemonade out of lemons! Oscar was determined to start working today, but he would need some sort of help. So he started texting around to see who was available, and one person managed to get back to him first---

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Oscar Route: Medium Difficulty [Jayden]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 18:13:03 GMT
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--Hollow is going code-less--

Attention: 90%
Admiration: 70

Oscar beams at your request, clapping his hands together with the level of fervor one might expect from a 'fan boy'. "Okay so like, did you know that Zapdos's lightning strikes have 600 million volts? That's twice the amount of a natural lightning strike! Also it is constantly followed by an endless storm, although I can't tell if it made it or if the storm is created from its presence. Or maybe it just follows the storm? Oh hey, there are also legends of an ancient version of zapdos that couldn't fly! Isn't that nuts!?" Oscar went on quite the fun fact tirade, and once he was out of trivia he would look to his phone and gasp. "Oh shit, we gotta go if we're going to get to our reservation in time!"

--Tell him to cancel the reservation so you can learn more about Zapdos.

--Tell him to cancel the reservation so he can finish his work.

--Suggest staying in to just hang out instead.

--"Let's go!"

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POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 2:02:21 GMT
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"Agreed!" Oscar declared as Gaultier suggested getting a move on. His Mega-Aggron presented them with a large opening to escape, and it would be foolish to let the opportunity go to waste. The team began retreating, their pokemon providing cover for any Xurkitree that managed to escape the rock slide.

Mustakrakish would not allow these aliens to pursuit his master. With careful aim, he would fire bursts of Scorching Sands to push the Xurkitree back. His attacks were relentless, giving their enemies no room to breathe. Alongside his fellow pokemon, Musta would ensure that the Xurkitree swarm would fall back far enough for their trainers to make a clean escape.

Oscar felt satisfied with this particular expedition. They may not have found any ways to profit off of the Ultra Plant, but they did open the way for further exploration. Perhaps they could return soon too see what secrets hide in wait deeper within the power plant...

--Oscar vamooses while Garchomp helps push back the Xurkitree.


@gaultier ,
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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2023 23:46:20 GMT
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Character: [break]
Participated in the 2022 Silph Cup? No
Pokémon: Lancer the Beedrill[break]
Moveset: Able to Mega-Evolve. Sniper/Adaptability(ME)--Brick Break, Drill Run, Agility, X Scissor, Focus Energy, Poison Jab[break]
Ranks: Speed A (4), Endurance C (2), Reaction C (2)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing