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POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 22:39:56 GMT
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Their second generator was easy to locate, and once again @bishop knew exactly what to do to restore it. Once again, however, their progress would also be their downfall. The power around them was restored, prompting their surroundings to light up with the beaming of streetlights. To the likely horror of the participants, Oscar had place another surprise here to help Genesect locate them.


Speakers placed around the area suddenly sprang to life, blasting a big band tune in every direction. Another distant boom would foretell Genesect's arrival, giving the participants precious little time to hide or run. Incidentally, Bishop's positioning gave him a head start over . Would he take advantage of it or help out his comrade?

Or could she handle herself?

2/4 Generators Activated

: 1/2
@bishop: 0/2

--You know the drill by now.

--At any time Bishop can give himself a strike to prevent Johanna from being eliminated. Note that if he gains a strike from his roll in the same round, that means elimination for him.
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POSTED ON Sept 23, 2022 22:19:36 GMT
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Oscar maintained an insouciant smile, unaltered by Fernando's signature blunt mannerisms. If such things bothered him, the world of business would have been far more difficult to navigate. He sat himself into his chair, opening the menu that the host placed in front of him before returning to the entrance.

Oscar aimed the menu downward so that he could still make eye contact with Fernando when they spoke. "Yes, everyone's been a bit busy lately. Can't be helped sometimes. Glad we made some time tonight though." It would have been foolish to believe this meeting was an attempt to reconnect before their world was annihilated. Oscar assumed Fernando wanted something, and he made an effort to stay aloof until Mister Silph showed his hand.

When asked if he had been well, Oscar briefly sucked on his teeth but refused to lose face. "Could be better, but I am trying to make my lemons into lemonade--so to speak. What about you Fernando? What has life thrown at you this year--also recommend something so I can put this menu down."

See it's funny because he clearly lost an eye and Oscar just wants to hear him say it.

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POSTED ON Sept 21, 2022 17:50:36 GMT
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Oscar jumped when spoke up, being unaware that he was right behind him. Oscar's brief panic died instantaneously, after all Chu-e was a trusted friend. He had even left his Mister Mime at home, which greatly set Oscar at ease. That clownish pervert was the last thing Oscar wanted to deal with at such an important meeting.

That's right you fucking mime, he knows it was you! Your days are numbered clown!

Oscar tuned back in on the matter at hand. Chu-e invoked a fair amount of theur peers to share their opinions on possible alternative plans, and Oscar had to admit their lack of concrete detail made him--concerned. Would they really have to rely on the League? Ugh, Oscar could not imagine such dire humiliation. Trusting the League to get their plan right might as well have been the same as jumping into a bathtub with a plugged in toaster.

Yet alternatives were scarce, at least alternatives Oscar felt confident in. If only they had that blue fucker, the one that scrambled time by accident. Maybe it could stop the meteor, hold it in place so they could take it apart. Alas, if there was any truth to the simulation he witnessed within the cyber world, the blue and pink duo were being locked out of this particular misadventure.

However, discussion of 's teleportation project reminded Oscar of another duo that might be of use. He spoke up, facing toward Lulu while speaking loud enough for all to hear. "The details are hazy for me, but aren't there pokemon that can naturally open wormholes to Ultra Space? If we lure them out maybe we can put them to work. How do we do that? I dunno I'm fuckin' spitballin' here."

--Oscar thinks the bat and lion are a good bet.
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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 1:59:19 GMT
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As Gavin attempted to show he meant no harm, Genesect continued to stare. It was waiting for something, as if expecting a behavior common to Gavin. The only thing Oscar could think of was Shadow Lugia, Genesect was probably waiting for Gavin to send it out. Oscar rolled his eyes at Genesect's oddities and answered Gavin's question. Or tried to.

"It depends on the priority. I can divert its attention--ugh give it a rest Genesect he's not gonna send it out!" Oscar had taken a wild guess to stop Genesect's incessant staring, and to his surprise it worked. Genesect finally looked away and stepped forward, becoming more curious with its surroundings than Gavin. Perhaps it just needed to feel safe.

Oscar sighed, "Sorry, where was I? Right, so as soon as Genesect locks onto a priority target it is going to attack. The only way to keep it from doing so is to distract it before it can lock on. Usually it's really easy, I just yell at it and it'll look at me and won't go aggro. That's the key though, not giving Genesect enough time to recognize a priority target. A second too late and there won't be any stopping it besides just withdrawing."

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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 1:31:45 GMT
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Oscar sighed as Gavin cleared the way to his work space. He was one hundred percent right; Oscar knew Genesect was a constant risk thanks to its programming, but he always tried to avoid fixing it because it seemed beyond him. Genesect was Cadis's creation at the end of the day, and only he knew how it worked. Without him, changing Genesect's programming seemed impossible.

Oscar pulled out Genesect's red pokeball, scowling as he looked upon it. "Not just Lugia." His tone was hoarse, determined yet tired. "Genesect attacks any shadow pokemon, ultra beast, and poor Chu-e without hesitation. For something created by Rocket, it's ironically the perfect weapon against us." He squeezed the ball, looking up as the doors to Gavin's lab opened. "It's too valuable to be such a danger. I will do what I must, Genesect will become an asset once more!"

Stepping into Gavin's lab was momentarily overwhelming, it was far larger than Oscar anticipated. Who knew they could stuff this much down here? Oscar quickly realized he was gawking and refocused, lifting his arm forward as he opened Genesect's ball. The cybernetic hunter appeared in a burst of red, temporarily facing away from Oscar before quickly turning around.

It lifted its arm as a greeting, proving that at the very least it remembered its courtesy training. Oscar wondered if it even understood what that meant, but in the end he was just glad it kept doing it. Oscar raised his hand, "Hey Genesect. You ready to train?" Genesect turned toward Gavin, staring down the Underboss with expressionless contempt. Oscar chuckled nervously, "You remember Gavin. Come on, you know he's cool." Genesect seemed unconvinced. 

Oscar sighed, "We should probably just get started. What's first boss?"

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Operation: Harmony [C]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 0:14:53 GMT
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The elevator ride to 's bunker lab felt like a decade, though that was probably just Oscar's anxiety creating time dilation. Oscar was pinching his palm, occasionally looking to the underboss as if he he wanted to say something before deciding against it. At one point he did build up the courage to speak, but ended up only being able to get out some small talk.

"Blackstone was kinda hard to find ha. Thought it was Lulu's place for a second."

Oscar turned his head away, cursing himself for his cowardice. Why was he scared, it was not like he was in trouble or anything. He just thought--Gavin's request was---well. Oscar groaned loudly, running his hands down his face. "Look I'm not saying this a bad idea, it's just not possible! We're gonna get ourselves hurt if we try--"

Ding! They were here.

The doors opened, and Oscar cringed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I dunno man, I'm just fucking freaked out." They stepped forward. "Genesect's programing is not like a behavior, it can't just be taught to stop hunting shadow pokemon. What if this hurts one of your pokemon--or Genesect--or--where are we going again I've never been here..."
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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:48:27 GMT
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Oscar stood on the lowest step below the admins, leaning his body against the handrail of the stairs. This was the first time he was invited to stand anywhere besides the general crowd, so fuck yeah he was going to take advantage of it. What a fucking crowd though, looking out on all these Rocket grunts sent shivers across his skin. He always forgot just how large their numbers had grown.

Declan--uh Mister Walsh commences a meeting with a rousing query: What did Rocket think of the League's plan? ignited the vast majority to shout their disapproval, and with such a massive wave of enthusiasm Oscar could not help but grin. Oscar did not approve of it either, not just because of the damage it might cause but how wasteful it was. That meteor was a resource, a jackpot from deep-space with unprecedented value. Their solution should not be to get rid of it, but to use it for the betterment of mankind.

You know, if they could find a way to stop and mine it.

Oscar threw up a hand, a gesture of dismissal toward the League's plan. "The universe sends us a fuckin' meteor and they want to chuck it elsewhere? Fuck that, either the world's meant to end or that meteor is meant to be ours!"

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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 18:15:28 GMT
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Hi, Oscar Clayton here jumping onto the GMH social media account rq. Did Terravolt really put the extraterrestrial abomination that just killed hundreds of innocents on their album cover? Okay sure, put a Megalopolan on the next one fellas. Maybe a tasteful nude of . Fuck sake. Too fucking soon.

I'll only be listening to it five times now instead of ten.
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Pancea pt 2
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 16:54:16 GMT
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Oscar tilted his head as Bryan elaborated on his dilemma. His devotion to Xerneas was admirable, though if he continued like this he would probably get himself killed. Then what good would he be? Oscar rubbed his tilted chin.

"Have you asked Xerneas if anything could be done? I feel like if anyone would know what to do it would be them."

Oscar hoped the answer would be something along the lines of 'Yeah duh that's the first thing I did', because that would confirm that Infinity Energy was the answer. If that was what it took, well good news for Bryan then that was Oscar's specialty. Oscar began running his fingers through the air, as if setting something up within his mind. When he was finished he seemed dissatisfied.

"It'll take up more space then I'd like--and it would be fuckin' loud--but I think I can help if you're willing to hear me out."

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POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 16:24:14 GMT
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Gavin was delivered safely, though perhaps a bit singed from the Electroweb. Once he was feeling well enough, the underboss was free to join Oscar at his cute little control-center desk where he was watching the training through Genesect's visor cameras. Popcorn will be provided on request.

Genesect had work left to do, so it would fly out of Oscar's safehouse and head back toward the first generator. Another Flame Charge would unleash a second sonic boom, indicating to the remaining participants that Genesect was back on the hunt. At the first generator Genesect would find that its two remaining prey were already gone, though there should be an indication of where they went should it look around...

--You know the drill by now.


@bishop, ,
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Death Metal [C]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:41:27 GMT
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Oscar responded to Aurelie's questions in statements with expressions and gestures rather than words. The bright girl thought a bit too fast in this moment, Oscar could not formulate verbal responses in time. Mostly shrugs, nods, finger guns, and at least one smiling downward glance of understanding. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and when she asked the magic question of when she could start Oscar would clap his hands together and grin.

"Tomorrow!" he announced, flourishing his hands a bit as he looked upward and let out a cheerful "Hooray!" Oscar chuckled as he pulled out his cellphone, already starting to type before requesting information. "Would you mind giving me your personal number or email, that way I can send you the address of where my helicopter will be departing. All you have to do is show up before we leave and board, I'll have a contract written up and ready to sign by then."

Oscar finished up what he was typing and paused to listen for Aurelie's answer. As he filled in the blanks with one hand, Oscar would hold out his other and smile at the young blacksmith. His eyes had a spark to them, though it was hard to tell if it was from mischief or joy. "Shall we shake on it then?"

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glory for the taking
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:31:38 GMT
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Oscar clapped his hands, "Yes! Good then I can proceed. I wanna make prosthetics. Not just any prosthetics though, I'm talking Genesect prosthetics--but for humans. Like um, human prosthetics with Genesect tech. Sorry my brain is leaving me behind here." 

It would seem Oscar was more susceptible to the Champaign then he first assumed, those months without drinking really did a number on his tolerance. Now that he thought about it though, how much of his sickness was from the Endless and how much was from alcohol withdrawal? Oh shit he just blew his own mind. 

Oscar blinked as he realized he was staring into space, and poured himself another glass. 

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Don't Worry About It [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:27:17 GMT
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Oscar looked up, his face practically beaming as Ethan approached him. "Thank fuck I was getting worried!" Oscar flinched after he spoke, looking around to see if anyone noticed. Luckily the scientists hanging in the lobby were too absorbed in their own conversations to pay Oscar any mind. Oscar cautiously turned his attention back to Ethan. 

"I need you help. Follow me, don't lag behind." Oscar turned on his heels and strode up to the porygon guarding the inner lab. It looked Oscar up and down, scanning him to allow access. Oscar pointed his thumb behind him to Ethan, "He's with me. Lulu will know him." The porygon would let Oscar through, but would stop Ethan to get a scan. It would not prevent him from following Oscar once the scan was over, but now it would have a bio-reference just in case anything went awry.

Oscar fast-walked down the main lab hallway, looking over his shoulder occasionally to make sure Ethan was keeping up. He eventually reached an elevator, and after scanning an ID card the massive sliding doors of the lift would open to the both of them. Oscar would wait for Ethan to board before pressing the button for the bottom floor: B3. 

As their decent began, Oscar would take this moment to ask Ethan an important question. "How familiar are you with the space-time distortions occurring across Hoenn?

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Hogs Before Hoes [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:20:03 GMT
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Oscar looked over as a stranger addressed, a grin forming as he realized who he was looking at. "And you must be Levy. Welcome to the fuckin' party, hope you're ready to hike." Oscar turned toward the young man fully, folding his arms as he looked him up and down. Was he nervous? Nah, uncertain? Anxious! Hm, he could not place the emotion but something was clearly bothering the kid.

However Oscar was not familiar enough with him to play councilor just yet, for now there was work to be done. He chuckled as he turned back around to face the pass. "Spoinks are most populous about half way down. It's not as far as it sounds, just kinda rough. Let me know if you need help."

Without further instruction, Oscar began climbing down the path. The rocky terrain was cumbersome and steep, those who did not pay attention may very well find themselves tumbling downward. Luckily, the slender frame of these two poachers would make them nimble enough to avoid such a fall--in theory.

Oscar called upward, continuing to hike without seeing if Levy had gotten started on his own. "So how do you feel about today's mission!?"

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