i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 3:49:54 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

The psychic barrier held strong, reflecting the dangerous explosions from the vines. It was terrifying, watching the damage occur just outside the range of her pokemon's defenses. Standing up tall, Ruby took a second to catch her breath. However, the suddenly glowing green beam of light that erupted from the cave was more than enough of a distraction. Staring with wide eyes, the beam shot straight up into the sky. It was surely tall enough to be seen all over Hoenn itself.

Rocks exploded around the cave from the meteor itself as the meteor itself began to crumble under the weight of the massive steel beast. She had no idea what just happened, but something that powerful was no doubt exactly what they were trying to take. Stumbling to the ground, Ruby attempted to grab a piece of the meteor that exploded her way. Whether it was of any importance or not was to be seen, but she couldn't doubt anything anymore. After the tree in Littleroot, there could be insane power in even the most unlikely of things.

The vines started to strike once more, with flames starting to come out of the bottom of the beast. Like a rocket, it appeared to be trying to blast off, with Bea still up near its collar. Quickly recalling Whisper for now, Ruby didn't even have to audibly speak her command to her Gardevoir, the pokemon's innate TELEPATHY understanding the order. Quickly wrapping her arms around her trainer, They'd quickly TELEPORT out of the massive cave and up into the sky, landing on any semblance of solid ground. Of course, Grace refused to let go just in case she did begin to fall back down.

"Bea!" Ruby shouted as the beast began to flee with a meteorite piece stuck to the bottom of it. The distance was too great, but thankfully Grace's TELEPATHY was more than enough to have Ruby's orders psychically transferred. "DYNAMIC PUNCH that tiny head!"

The Urshifu roared as the Celesteela began to take off, watching everyone else scramble for cover as it clung to the collar with all of their might. However, the telepathic order from her trainer and the audible warning from was enough to quickly stir them to action. Quickly leaping upwards and aimed with an UNSEEN FIST, Bea pushed forwards and attempted to rapid-fire a few quick, powerful strikes to the head in an attempt to confuse the beast before leaping backward, using it almost like a wall to spring off of and into the skies, hopefully in enough time to dodge the incoming attacks.


Ruby grabbed a rock from the meteorite, if possible.
Hatterene is temporarily recalled.
Gardevoir uses Teleport to safety, utilizing Telepathy to transfer orders to the Urshifu.
Urshifu uses Dynamic Punch on the head in an attempt to confuse Celesteela, before leaping away. Unseen Fist is in effect and buffed by 3 uses of Bulk Up.

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Galar Region
Married to science
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 5:02:50 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




After gazing into the portals, each of them seemed to indicate their locations. The sea, a steel roof with some debris and the fallen mountain of Meteor Falls. Could these locations be where the war was being fought? That would explain how they were able to move reinforcements so quickly. So the sea would be around Lilycove, while the steel roof... Mauville?[break][break]

The man contemplated all 3 portals. The sea was definitely out of the question, he didn't want to get wet, nor was he properly equipped for an excursion in that area. So only the steel roof and the destroyed mountain. But the opening in the mountain was... Quite intriguing. It seemed like... a cavern of sort? Truly something worth looking into for the scientist.[break][break]

And yet... Tsubasa couldn't help but find out what was happening at the steel building and its surroundings. Thus... It was time to take a hard decision. One that got quickly interrupted by a Skarmory entering from where he came in, followed by the cry of his Dewgong at the entrance. Something wasn't right.[break][break]

It was only when he noticed a vague figure from outside the tunnel, which was striking at it, that he understood. This place would collapse soon enough. The nature of the creature was a mystery. Tsubasa wanted to get closer, get proper visual on it so he could study this, but this would be way too risky. He had to be quick.[break][break]

Taking a pokeball in his hand, he stared at it for a few seconds, then sighed. Knowledge was more important, and he trusted his team. It was worth a try. The man motioned towards the portal overhead as he opened the pokeball, making 02 the Porygon appear, floating slowly towards the Mauville portal. The scientist looked at it. "02, this is a recon mission. Gather as much information as you can, and stay alive at all cost. Fight if you deem necessary. I'll come and get you as soon as possible"[break][break]

At first, the Porygon seemed to squirm, trying to return to Tsubasa, not happy with the mission entrusted to it. But seeing the gaze of his trainer.... The creature calmed down. Before he got absorbed by the portal, the Porygon nodded and used Recover, ready to face whatever awaited it on the other side. That Porygon tended to act like a hero some times and get involved in complicated situations, so Tsubasa really hoped he would obey and stay quiet.[break][break]

Then, his attention got turned to the wandering Skarmory. "Go back to your master. Guide him to the mountain." Hopefully the flying steel chicken would get the message. The scientist switched his gaze to the mysterious figure, before a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Cell, Psystrike at the same location he's hitting. Get his attention. I want him to try following us."[break][break]

The Reuniclus was confused at first. Why issue this kind of order? That was quite a bold request. But... Maybe his master had a plan? Using his psychic powers, the Reuniclus sent Psystrike against the side of the tunnel, making it as flashy and visible as possible to try and attract the mysterious creature's attention. The scientist quickly shouted right after "Try to follow us if you can! Or maybe you're too weak to reach this place?" A bit of a childish approach, but might be sufficient to get him to tag along? Nonetheless, the Reuniclus quickly moved into the portal so they could exit over Meteor Falls.[break]


The Dewgong outside was slowly feeling dread. What could her master be doing? The Skarmory still hadn't returned and things were getting hectic here. The councilman had been getting a little bit crazy and getting rid of uncooperative Megalopolans. She was also swatting them away with her Aqua Tail. She could only hope that her scientist would survive.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Analyses the portals[break]
Sees the Skarmory and Palkia[break]
Summons Porygon and sends him towards the Mauville portal[break]
Porygon uses Recover to be at full health before entering the portal.[break]
Porygon has a sense of justice and a possible hero complex. Might get involved in trouble over there.[break]
Tsubasa tells Skarmory to return and guide the others towards the mountain.[break]
Reuniclus shoots a flashy Psystrike at Palkia to try and get his attention.[break]
The duo enters the portal towards the Fallen Mountain of Meteor Falls.[break]
Dewgong cries, hopes for her master's return and swats megalopolans away with Aqua tail


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 5:57:56 GMT

An immediate PROTECT comes out to shield them from the retracting vines. While everyone else looks to throw themselves into the thick of battle, this provides them the perfect out to leave. The foundation of the cave rumbles when the Ultra Beast starts to ignite and the fire that sprawls out threatens to roast those around them. That's why Fernando retracts himself and looks for the best escape route. Doubling back will take too long — the answer is to break through!

"Lillian we need an escape path."

HIs eyes dart between Stormy and Lars. Between their legendary birds the others have no escape route. And with the way everyone seems to funnel on the Celesteela, it's up to them to secure their survival from the fallout.

In the meantime, Fernando's team follows up with the same route of action. Clefairy finally releases the pent up METEOR BEAM with another wide-eye beam straight to the opposite arm that Stormy's Silvally attempts to maul open.

From behind, his Zygarde lets out a menacing GLARE to PARALYZE the Pokemon long enough for the others to land their blows. The appearance of the BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE is given a secondary anchor to do its worst. But the Pokemon does not stand still while staring down the enemy. It looks to evade the dangers that stem from the Pokemon's launch, drawn to any sizable scraps of the meteor and retrieve it for its own energy source.

Fernando's Silvally is the last Beast Killer to join in their joint assault. It lacks the same aerial leverage as the others and has to maneuver through falling debris to find stepping stones to ascend. Tapping into it's innate genetic coding, it tunnels into approaching Celesteela. With the help of Smeargle's HELPING HAND, it finds enough speed to charge at Celesteela's other hand with a BREAKNECK BLITZ.

- tapu fini uses PROTECT to shield lillian, fern, ophelia from vines.

- looks for an exit and pull lillian's attention to it.

- clefairy uses METEOR BEAM on one of celesteela's arm. it's not the one stormy's silvally is attacking.

- zygarde uses GLARE to try and hold celesteela long enough for valerio's BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE to take effect.

- zygarde is drawn to any nearby meteor chunks and takes it for itself.

- silvally uses BREAKNECK BLITZ to charge up and into the same hand that was METEOR BEAMED. it is assisted by smeargle's HELPING HAND.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 6:19:32 GMT
Deleted Avatar

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war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel


Reinvigorated and eager to continue helping, Thalia burst out from Atlan's arms and showered her allies in the magical healing of her LIFE DEW once more. Atlan was quick to scoop her back up afterwards, carrying her piggy-back style before he was called over by . With a nod and a brisk run, the young lad did as he was told and made sure to clear the way. But not before returning his Krookodile back to its ball.[break][break]


Meanwhile, Chrom accepted 's denial of rescue with a huff. It was in his nature to be so cold, after all. When, instead, he saw the Lickilicky empower the Swampert below, however, the iron bird was quick to swoop down and redirect his 'rescue' efforts at Atlan. With great dexterity and precision, the Skarmory managed to scoop the human up onto its back and pull up moments before the EARTH POWER was unleashed.[BREAK][BREAK]


On the fringes of the airborne Megalopolans afterwards, Chrom was quick to assist the Dragonite by picking off any Megalopolan's it had missed with AIR SLASH. The trainer upon its back cheered alongside the Hattrem on his. "Nice going, man!" He called out to , punching a fist into the air before steering his Skarmory towards the former mining ground of the Ultra Beast. But, unknowingly (for the time being), flying dangerously close to the portal was in as well. "I'm gonna go check on the others!"[break][break]

Thalia, in the meantime, realized how close they were flying to the portal and was panicking on Atlan's back, yanking at his ear to try and grab his attention.[break]


Hattrem used Life Dew! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break]
Krookodile is returned![break]
Skarmory used Air Slash![break][break]

tl;dr: Hattrem heals her allies with Life Dew. Krookodile is returned to its ball, moments before Skarmory swoops down to give Atlan and Hattrem a ride. Skarmory helps pick off the remaining Megalopolans with Air Slash before the trio fly towards the exposed cave.[break][break]



war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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december 25
saffron city
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on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 6:31:40 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"Yes sir!" Lillian has rarely been so eager to fulfill an order. As the cave crumbles, and vines and fire fly, she can't think of anything she'd like more than getting Fernando and herself out of here.

And yet despite her desires she finds herself in a spot of deja vu. Like when the cave collapsed she's in a position where there's stimuli and threats all around to track, but unlike the moments after the cave collapse there's no real opportunity to stop and breath. So she doesn't. There's no plan and no time to plan so she puts as many successful decisions as possible together and moves to brute force a way out.

"Magneton, scout! Machamp, defend! Cloyster, take care of troops and any straggling debris!" Uncertainty colors her thoughts, but somehow her words come out clear and confident. Her pokemon show no sign of picking up on her discomfort and jump into their designated roles. First is Magneton who takes up point, eyes shining a familiar red. LOCK-ON analyzes the threats between them and freedom from the cave in the hopes of allowing Magneton to act as a reliable guide.

Machamp takes up its original position between Fernando and Lillian and places it's four hands above them in a tight rectangle that expands out into a familiar WIDE GUARD. The same kind of umbrella that covered them when they entered the battlefield what feels like days ago at this point.

Meanwhile Cloyster uses its odd means of locomotion to slowly orbit them, eyes scanning the surroundings for approaching threats and the sky for attacks missed by Machamp. It readies ICICLE SPEARS to deal with anything hostile -- animate or otherwise.

"Let's go!"

+ Lillian agrees to find herself and an exit path
+ Magneton uses LOCK-ON to help guide them safely out of the crumbling warzone
+ Machamp uses WIDE GUARD to cover Lillian and Fernando as they retreat
+ Cloyster looks for approaching threats or falling debris with the intent of ICICLE SPEARING them
+ Lillian shouts for Fernando to follow her before starting to retreat


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 7:03:44 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




THE CHAMBER HEATS UP. 's Torterra summons a SUNNY DAY, and the sudden spike in temperatures causes everyone to sweat. Combined with the Celesteela's fiery thrust, the cave glows orange with flame.[break][break][break]

The flames of the Celesteela manage to strike or affect , and . They receive burns, for the increased and empowered heat sears flesh with ease. You are allowed to choose whether these injuries are permanent or not, for Pokemon healing can help prevent skin cells from dying.[break][break]

Under the bright lights, 's Charizard lifts its trainer and his Zeraora into the sky. As the Celesteela heads toward the Ultra Wormhole above, pieces of its meteoroid chip away as it flies. As he is close to the Ultra Beast, he is able to avoid the vines. In a flurry of flame of plasma, they strike the Celesteela. Electricity brightens the room, the blinding blast of plasma and sparks causing the Ultra Beast to stall. The Pokkenger's efforts are instrumental in slowing it enough so that 's Shadow Togepi can summon a BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE with its siphoned Z-MOVE energy. While the man's Mega Kangaskhan COMET PUNCHES the vines— it barely protects its allies. If its mega evolution hadn't been extended, surely, the vines would have struck them.[break][break][break]


The Z-MOVE lands— for it can not miss. The Celesteela, still smoking from 's Pokemon's fights against the dark gravity sucking it back in. While follows the Celesteela from behind, and 's Houndooms launch FLAMETHROWERS to strike the Celesteela. Its green skin begins to change hue, as if the increased heat is finally affecting the Celesteela's resilient body. THUNDERBOLTS crash as 's Meowstic and Absol protect her fiercely.[break][break][break]

's Charizard mega evolves. As it spreads its wings in its newest form, the Mega Charizard Y soars throughout the chamber, dodging the blasters' flames deftly while clearing vines for the others. The Elite Four follows on her Moltres. As the flames batter her and her Pokemon, she finds herself unphased by the heat. Her body immune— she conjures flames. Her Moltres does too, and as they strike the Celesteela's collar the flames burst in a sweltering explosion.[break][break][break]


As the smoke fades, her avatar powers are affirmed, for the Ultra Beast seems to be BURNED.[break][break][break]

On his Articuno, avoids the flames and vines. However, his Swampert is slapped by the vines— causing it to faint immediately. His Metagross' sturdier constitution allows it to tank several before being recalled.[break][break][break]

's Gardevoir TELEPORTS to safety. The TELEPATHIC MESSAGE sent to Urshifu is basic— but understandable enough. Attack the Celesteela, the Urshifu understands. Distracted by 's insurmountable flames, her Urshifu DYNAMIC PUNCHES the Celesteela's head. Although CONFUSION seemingly can't be inflicted on a beast like this, it provides with the window of time to follow-up.[break][break][break]


The Head Ranger resummons his Metagross, the MAGNET RISE allows his Silvally to use it as a platform. The aerial springboard provides the Silvally with the correct angle— and as it lunges for the Celesteela, engulfed with the power of its BREAKNECK BLITZ, it clobbers the Celesteela back into the cave and 's BLACK ECLIPSE HOLE.[break][break][break]

's Silvally charges into the Celesteela too. A BREAKNECK BLITZ strikes the CENTRAL BLASTERS that are stuck to the meteoroid chunk. The attack proves to be successful— and the meteoroid chunk detaches and falls to the chamber with a large thud.[break][break][break]

's Tapu Fini PROTECTS , , and its owner from the vines. The deity's shields glimmer as the vines peel back and ricochet off of its shape. looks for an exit and finds one toward the east. One method of escape is up the cavern's painted mural wall and out of the mountain above. 's Magneton would be able to confirm such an exit route, for the wall is easier to scale thanks to a ramp of debris that allows one to elevate themselves should they lack a flying mount. Debris is ICICLE SPEARED as she calls for the councilman. Ice and dust cake her clothes.[break][break][break]

As his Clefairy's METEOR BEAM strikes one of the Celesteela's arms, the charged attack proves potent enough. It hits the arm— and the blasters 's Pokemon had struck, and as those tubes collapse, the flames sputter and short out. The Celesteela can not fly anymore and is kept from escaping thanks to Zygarde's GLARE.[break][break][break]

As the dog pockets a meteoroid piece in its maw, his Silvally joins too, BREAKNECK BLITZING a Celesteela's arm with incredible clamor. After the residual flames from 's Charizard has melted and weakened the armor of its arm, the Z-MOVE tears the arm off with a bang.[break][break][break]


AS KIRLIA LEVITATES ITS PARTY, and his Lickilicky would notice that the Pheromosa seems to stir. Despite its ravaged state— the Ultra Beast is alive, but unable to move.[break][break][break]

But there are other pressing matters at hand. As 's Mega Swampert uses EARTH POWER to catapult Megalopolans into the air, his Dragonite pursues them like a shark diving into a school of fish. Alongside 's returning Skarmory, the rampaging power of OUTRAGE clobbers the bloody Megalopolans in the air before the dragon delivers them to the earth— and six feet under.[break][break][break]


In the distance, he sees the Celesteela struggling to leave the cave's chamber. As it is sucked in, he watches as pops out of the Wormhole above it. The scientist begins to freefall. 's Hattrem provides the surviving team with wet, cool relief. LIFE DEW heals their injuries as their part of the battlefield reclaims isolated serenity.[break][break][break]

In the portal, he had seen an odd pink behemoth. However, it does not pursue them any further. The Palkia continues to launch angry attacks at the wormhole— aggravated by its presence. As they leave, his Porygon leaves through another exit. The Porygon, clueless as to what is occurring in its new location, finds , , and as the power plant in Mauville quakes.[break][break][break]

: Mauville's post is due on 10/26 11:59PM PST. Please let know what you would like your Porygon to do, or post in the Mauville raid as your Porygon with dictating the results of its actions.


As falls, he realizes he must find a way to break his fall safely, for he is falling straight toward the attacks the Meteor Falls party has launched.[break][break][break]


THE METEROID SHARDS that have been retrieved look curious. Odd space rocks with a crystalline core... the energy with these broken pieces seems to have dissipated, however.[break][break][break]

General Smohke exits her Celesteela's collar. As she pants, her face drenched with sweat, she howls in dismay at the dropped meteoroid. "YOU'VE MEGA-MESSED UP! YOU'VE MESSED US ALL UP! YOU'RE GONNA—"[break][break][break]

From the fallen meteroid chunk, its exposed crystalline face begins to shimmer and shift. Something seems to be wriggling inside, like a tapeworm or virus. Suddenly, a circular piece cracks away from the crystal— and from it, grotesque red and blue worms spring out.[break][break][break]

They suddenly elongate and latch onto dead corpses of Megalopolan and League soldiers alike. Swiftly, they're absorbed, providing new flesh to this burgeoning creature. And like a developing bacterium, it begins to grasp onto the Celesteela, rapidly assimilating its torched body. Despite how much it consumes, the flesh it recreates for itself is smaller in quantity. Still, it does not discriminate what to devour for its own recreation.[break][break][break]

As Smohke attempts to flee, she is caught by the limbs. She screams and pleads for help. Those close enough would see tears in her eyes as she strokes her fallen Celesteela, murmuring laments against the silenced bamboo beast.[break][break][break]

You may choose to kill General Smohke or spare her. Those who will engage with this choice must indicate their choice in their post/post's tl;dr. Should there be opposing decisions, the choice (to kill or to spare) will be determined by the highest total of rolls.[break][break]

In other words, all the rolls for those who decide to kill her will be added, and all the rolls for those who decide to spare her will be added and the highest total will be the determined outcome.


Afterward, the creature manifests completely. The crystal in its center swirls purple and as its body twists and turns, it emits a deadly PSYCHO BOOST from its body. Such a creature has never been seen before— nor has its attack. A quaking, detonating orb of purple energy releases from its chest.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
🗹 Discover the mysteries surrounding the mural and the meteoroid in the cave.[break]
🗹 Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
🗹 Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Help save from falling to his death.[break]
☐ Kill or spare General Smohke.[break]
☐ Attack or defend against the Deoxys. You can not kill or catch this creature.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

UPDATE! Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 15:15:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


with everyone's attacks combined they managed to bring down the large rocket beast and its trainer as pokkenger gave a thumbs up those below. as they made their descent kazimir looked up at the wormhole above them wondering how they could close that up when he saw a shape fall out of it. it looked like a person, a person in free fall. "uh oh. scorcher, put us down and go bring that person to safety!" kaz commanded as his charizard nodded and got close enough to the surface where dropping pokkenger and his zeraora wouldn't hurt them before speeding off towards .
its flight was interrupted by the chunk of meteor that it was creating suddenly breaking apart and erupting into a mass of flesh that clung itself onto dead bodies left and right as well as the celesteela and managed to pick up smohke as well as she did her best to scream and pry herself out of her trap. what the mass turned into was something kaz had never seen before, another ultra beast? maybe a pokemon that laid dormant here in the falls for eons? whatever it was it was letting out some powerful psychic energy that forced his charizard to protect itself with a barrier as it flew up to catch in its arms.
kaz and his zeraora did what they could to dodge the psycho boost as they took some minimal high ground to step on top of some of the leftover space rock to get a good view of the struggling megalopolan. "serves you right for trying to take our home and hurting lives of people who just wanted to live in peace! you and your people could have asked for help but instead you force yourselves on us like we're nothing but rattata. so don't worry, we'll make sure that you don't have to suffer a horrible end. simba!"
the zeraora let out a yowl as it charged its body with electricity and jumped at the trapped cannibal alien and unleashed a flurry of plasma fists to go in for the mercy kill.


    + kazimir gets dropped off and sends charizard to save [break]
    + charizard uses protect to avoid deoxys attack![break]
    + zeraora uses plasma fists on smhoke![break]
    + pokkenger goes for the kill![break]
    + sunny day count 2/5

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 17:46:20 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He didn’t know that Ryujin had passed out from the impact of the vines—however, what he was certain was that Lynette had reappeared alongside Amir atop Ro’s back.

The insane plan—actually fucking worked!

Lars blinked a few times, before the Gardevoir waved in his direction before pointing at the Silvally. “Good job, Lynette, now get over here,” he said as he urged the Articuno to fly closer to allow her to move over to where Lars was now watching the insanity unfold far below.

Pillars and bellowing fire managed to bring the gigantic… well, the weird-looking thing that was spewing fire from all the wrong sides down. Hell, even Amir had helped aim the thing down and it was looking practically incinera—wait. What the hell was going on?

He blinked, and then everything just outright broke into another level of chaos and madness.

Something—from within the meteorite—had spawned. Much like how things appeared in that virtual game of months back, this strange triangle-looking thing suddenly grew—wait a second, what the hell was happening?!

While it was trying to absorb the larger Pokémon that the flames from earlier had nuked down, those arms—well, they did hold the promise of death if anyone drew near.

But now how the tables have turned, for their enemy was now screaming for help. He wondered what the others were going to do, but seeing as how scant the information they had on these strange creatures that were appearing all across the region—so be it.

So be it, if he’d draw the ire of everyone present.

“Ro, stay there with Amir. Get ready with a Telekinesis when we come back—I have something in mind, and off he went, the Gardevoir hanging onto Lars for dear life as the Articuno flew forward—this time with one more blast of Agility as it began to careen in as dangerously close as it could to the writhing arms where the enemy general was being held captive.

Arceus, they needed information.

And that was the closest source of information they were going to get!

“Go!” he said as the Articuno flew even faster, breakneck speed now before Lars himself risked trying to grab the screaming ‘space cannibal’ who was now crying for help and to be saved from whatever death awaited her—

Whether he would reach her in time or not, he nodded at the Gardevoir, who summoned up the power within her and used a Teleport to whisk them all away to safety—back to where Ro and Amir were watching, waiting.

Should the attempt be successful, the Metagross would deploy its Telekinesis to hold the ‘space lady’ captive for arrest and questioning.

@team meteor falls



• Lars is fucking shocked the insanity worked, wow what the hell? Who knew?!
• Approaches where the Silvally and Gardevoir had reappeared atop the Metagross, has Articuno fly closer
• Pulls the Gardevoir aboard the Articuno, leaves instructions for Metagross to prepare a Telekinesis
• Articuno (with Lars and the Gardevoir) flies forward once more, using another burst of Agility (+6 to spd) and hits top speed hoping to reach the trapped ‘space lady’ in time
• When they get as close as they can dare, Lars attempts to grab General Smokhe
• Yep, he's flying in to save General Smokhe
• Gardevoir then attempts to Teleport them away from the Psycho Boost
• Should this be successful and they reappear close to where Metagross and Silvally are waiting, the Metagross would then use Telekinesis to hold the captured ‘space lady’
• Silvally on guard duty atop Metagross’s head

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2020 5:30:39 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Kim gives a salute towards as he skedaddles, the councilman’s own eyes looking to the destruction before him with a glint of grief.

Try not to get hurt, Beckett, we’ve already got two confirmed casualties on our side, I don’t need three.” His closing words to the man before he had fully flown away.

The Swamperts body begins to return to its previous state, its muscles returning back to their previous state as it turned to face Kim and the others, the Lickilicky on standby as the Pheromosa is set before them.

Minnow, I need you to secure the shoreline with Coffee. Take care of any remaining threats and keep Coffee in line.” Looking up at the Dragonite that circles overhead, wrestling with its rage, Kim shouts between his hand to amplify his voice. “Coffee, go work off that energy by clearing the skies, keep an eye on Minnow!

Before Kim could even finish giving his command the Dragonite shot off, looking for opponents to fight for the remainder of its Outrage. The Swampert followed suit, sprinting off on all fours towards the beach, jagged rocks connecting to its body before it begun its dive, surfing the water like a Sharpedo hunting for prey.

For a second, Kim looks off to the side, the glimpse of whatever the fuck was going down at the falls still fresh on his mind, he thinks to go up and help, but changes his mind after a second of thought. is there with like five avatars, they have it.

Instead, he gives the command of Heal Pulse to the Kirlia, once more healing the bug bitch up as he moves to collect the bodies of the two fallen league members.

Can you stand cutie?” He addresses the Pheromosa, as the Lickilicky and Kirlia anticipate an attack. “I dunno if you can understand me or not but your guys are done for. I gave them a chance to stand down and they took it for granted. I hope you won’t do the same.

ღ kim tells to be careful before he fully leaves

ღ sends dragonite and swampert to clear the shoreline, dragonite uses outrage 2/3 and swampert uses stone edge

ღ thinks about goin to help the cave-dwellers but goes nah and moves to collect the bodies of and

ღ kirlia uses heal pulse on the remaining group, pheromosa included, and kim basically tells it to stand down and stand by with lickilicky and kirlia ready to attack if needed


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2020 17:43:32 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The call to evacuate comes too late. Flames sputter around them, aggravated by the SUNNY DAY, and turn the whole chamber into a living oven. Try as he might to pull Lillian in, Fernando’s too late to reel her out of harm’s way. It’s by no means a lethal attack, easily snuffed out by his Clefairy’s LIFE DEW, but sustaining any injury, especially this late into the war is worrisome.


The concern comes quick in the heat of the moment but Fernando stifles his outcry when he realizes the attack is far from life-threatening. There’s a moment of hesitation in his eyes before he acknowledges her with a nod, a small forewarning that his attention will return to the objective. And when he turns to, the Celesteela falls underneath Fernando’s Legendaries.

Illeana, support her.

Bringing down the Ultra Beast leaves them to recover the body and confirm the kill. Leaving an unknown variable in play goes against the standard rules of war and Fernando has no intention of letting this come back to bite them in the ass.

Rendezvous,” he shouts to his Pokemon. The others may misinterpret the order as a call to rally up but his Pokemon know anything but. His Silvally and Zygarde approach the downed Ultra Beast with caution, still on edge from their recent bout with the creature. When the bacteria starts to manifest, they leap back in surprise, before growling at the unknown presence.

Stand down!

Fernando’s mid-way between his old position and the General when he shouts his command. From a distance, the PSYCHO BOOST doesn’t affect him in the same way it does those closer to the epicenter. This allows his Smeargle to SKETCH it without reserve, watching on as it awaits orders.

When Kazimir continues, making his intention clear with a drawn out monologue, Fernando repeats his previous order. “Stand down, soldier!

His Zygarde leaps out to confront the masked Pokenger. Although it recognizes the trainer the same can’t be said for his Zeraora. It summons various GRASS KNOTS to tether the Pokemon to the ground, providing an obstacle that could very well trip and bind it before the PLASMA FISTS lands.

In the same vein, Fernando’s Silvally confronts the Megalopolan by leaping next to it, erecting a PROTECT to shield against any incoming attacks. The added buffer will provide Lar’s an extra shield to protect his sudden approach.

Fernando’s Tapu Fini remains by his side, observing the Deoxys along with him. It stares, mystified, with a clear and CALM MIND. Likewise, the councilman has no idea what to make of the unknown Pokemon. He’s set to observe for now, unwilling to trigger it into attacking.

- clefairy uses LIFE DEW on . calls on to support her.

- calls for his pokemon to gather around celesteela. they approach but leap back once the bacteria forms.

- fernando calls for everyone to stand down while also rushing toward the scene.


- zygarde uses GRASS KNOT to bind 's zeraora. silvally leaps to PROTECT general shmock.

- tapu fini remains close to the approaching fernando. they watch the deoxys while using CALM MIND.

- choosing SPARE.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 350px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2020 18:43:17 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Lillian's attention is scattered. Double-checking her Magneton's work, supervising Machamp's WIDE GUARD, making sure Fernando is covered. She makes herself a blind spot without realizing it. A gout of flame bursts from somewhere to her right and she doesn't notice it until it's upon her. Cloth is reduced to ash and the skin and flesh of her side blisters and darkens.

The burn runs from hip, to armpit, to elbow. The taste of blood fills her mouth as she digs teeth into the sides of her tongue to stifle a scream. All she can think about for a moment is the pain, but then it ebbs. The seared flesh and the unbearable pain that accompanies it are both soothed by a blessedly quick LIFE DEW.

"Thank you," the appreciative words are still a bit clipped and tight.

The pain still present keeps her from rushing to the aid of Fernando's efforts personally, but she can still use her pokemon. At first she intends to send them to help in the effort to subdue the Ultra Beast, but as the meteorite in its possession cracks, crumbles, and then shatters the whole situation changes.

For a moment Lillian is paralyzed. The scene that unfolds is a horrible, awe-inspiring display. The sights and screams burn themselves into her memory the instant they're registered. Her pokemon hover, waiting for a command, but she can't bring herself to give one.

She watches, frozen, wanting nothing more than an end to all the death of this day.

+ Lillian was burned by the Celesteela's jet flames
+ 's use of LIFE DEW dulls the pain and lowers the severity of the burns some
+ Still physically incapable of personally contributing to the fight, plans to send her pokemon to help
+ Sight of Deoxys and its killing spree terrifies her into silence and stillness
+ Tired of this day, just wants to see the combatants left SPARED -- friend and foe


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 13:39:42 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

By some stroke of lucky or maybe someone wished upon a Jirachi, their efforts were working for once. Maverick remained mounted on Rheager back. His dragon claws cut down vines that dare to trap them while trying not to fall to the death. Both Azula and Tharisirion attacked the ultra beast with the others, hoping to keep the beast at bay. It didn’t take long for the place get hot, sweat formed along his brow and soon dripped down the side of his face. His gaze flickered to the ultra beast when he noticed it was down, burns across its body that indicated it was wounded badly. The large thud of the meteoroid made Maverick shift his gaze from the ultra beast to the team that hovered over the meteoroid. It wasn’t his area of expertise nor did the man have the knowledge to know anything about it. Instead, the man pitched his bottom lip to whistle for his creatures to come to him. And, they did without hesitation.

It was only when a woman’s voice rang out that Maverick turned his attention way from his team. He watched as the crystals started to eat away at dead bodies and the ultra beast, quickly moving his small fleet of creature was from the nearest virus that ate at the body. “Let’s move,” the man told his creature, motioning to move a little further back, “I don’t know what that is but it doesn’t look good.” The woman screamed for help and despite everything, the trainer didn’t feel he had the right to say whether she lives or dies. Instead, he would let the others decide her fate. But before the man could retreat too far, it appeared they were not done just yet.

The man turns to see that yet another legendary appears. His warm orbs widen at the sight of Deoxys as it emits a power shock wave of energy. “Looks like we’re not done yet! Protect,” the man barked, motioning the Dragonair and Houndoom to get close. Rhegaer roared with life, clasping his hands together to once against form a protective barrier around him and his team. Azula throws her head back as the barrier forms a sphere around them. She could almost feel the howl boost her attack. Meanwhile, Tharisiron readied himself as well. He slithered close to Rheager in hopes the barrier would protect them too, his body becomes surrounded in a light blue aura indicating Dragon Dance has boosted his attack and speed. is the legendary poisoned by the virus? why is he attacking?

for raid

for mega evolution possible extension next post
roll needs to be >40

TAGS @meteor falls raid
OOC mega evolution 4/3. azula +2 attack. tharision +1 attack and +1 speed. maverick is indifferent about whether to kill or spare smoke. rheager uses protect against deoxys. azula uses howl and tharisirion uses dragon dance.

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 1:08:51 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
landing upon solid surface with noivern. mateo watched as an alien creature manifested and began to ensnare the cannibal. many gathered to save her, some refused. before the alien's psycho boost would reach mateo and noivern, he'd issue his order, "sceptile, mega-evolve! help them!"

the grass-type transformed, utilizing the meteor's remaining power that was gained, and obtained greater power. as mateo and noivern were knocked back by the psycho boost, the duo would come to slam into something solid. nooivern, shakily, arose while mateo had become temporarily unconscious.

with sceptile's order, the grass-type would move quickly. now UNBURDEN, his speed had sharply grew. with LEAF BLADE ready, sceptile would attempt to sever the creatures tentacles from general smohke!



- sceptile mega-evolved.

- mateo was rendered temporarily unconscious, noivern remains by his side.

- sceptile's ability unburden became active.

- sceptile uses leaf blade in a attempt to sever the deoxys' tentacles from general smohke.

- mateo has chosen spare.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 1:39:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar
oh no.

oh no, no, no. there was a girl, standing, watching as her celesteela falls to the ground. then a whole other debacle happens, where a.. strange pokemon? a strange.. beast, emerges and attempts to attack. ophelia has yet to be harmed, with the vigilant help from her pokemon being the ones to thank for this. she's one of the people who haven't been hurt and, for that, she was grateful. the same went for her pokemon, sustaining minimal injuries. yet.. still, she feels the guilt, knowing what has been done by the group. knowing how little she's done.

knowing how she'll be betraying them, in the form of a very slight mishap.

but she knows it'd cost her, greatly. it'd cost her, her job. it'd cost her many things, and she knows the cons outweighed the benefits. one glance at the actions from other league members, and she knows: they wanted to spare her. they wanted to spare the general, and bring her into questioning, she imagines. it was a great idea. it was a wonderful idea, one that she could get behind. one that she would have supported, if not for the complications it would have in her time with rocket.

a dilemma.

so she hesitates when told to stand down by . one look at , and she knows that the woman is exhausted. she knows that the woman is petrified. if she were fearing for her death, or the death of others, she would have, too. "lillian!" the woman calls, making her way swiftly to the petrified woman. the albino tries to place her hands on her shoulders, raising her voice slightly as to grab her attention. "snap out of it, please. we need to go." she reiterates, taking another glance at the situation. they were far enough that they wouldn't be as harmed by the psycho boost, but she was worried about the woman's state. "absol, detect!" she commands, as the reaper-like pokemon leaps out to tug at the trainer, hoping to pull her out and minimize the damage sustained.

unfortunately, her houndoom also knew the dangers of.. being reprimanded by rocket. yet at the same time, he hadn't the heart to simply let the girl go; not after the death that she's orchestrated and caused. but at the same time, there's the moment of awareness, where it knows that direct intervention would prove ugly for ophelia. so, in an attempt to help the trainer so she doesn't have to make the choice, he sets out a flamethrower at the captured electric pokemon, hoping to burn the GRASS KNOT to ashes and pave way for a KILL on the general.

she wants to scream.

she wants to scream no, but she knows that if she does, the houndoom will be identified. unlike her, it stays closer to the blast, unfazed by the PSYCHO BOOST with thanks to its dark typing.

- hesitates when commands to stand down
- houndoom uses FLAMETHROWER on zygarde's GRASS KNOT to free it!
- ophelia is screaming at it nO
- op too late already used it
- absol grabs and meowstic before using DETECT to avoid damage
- psycho boost doesn't affect houndoom...
- rolling to help the electric kitty KILL

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 5:31:10 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel



Though capable of flying at speeds of over 180 mph, Chrom tries not to push it to the max as it darts across the sky towards the mayhem surrounding Deoxys. The Skarmory can feel Atlan tightly hugging its neck and its body with his arms and legs. The human's rear end precariously, but slowly, slips across the armored bird's smooth back. Every ten seconds or so, Atlan is forced to scoot back up before his legs dangle off.[break][break]


Thalia, in the meantime, is considerably more comfortable with her ponytail-like appendages wrapped around her trainer's neck. In fact, she even goes as far as to close her eyes in meditation, seeking to CALM MIND before they reach their perilous destination. It is in the midst of this meditation that she feels a strange presence...[break]


Atlan would choose to Spare.[break][break]

Skarmory shoots across the sky![break]
Hattrem used Calm Mind! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break][break]

tl;dr: Atop Skarmory, Atlan and Hattrem fly towards the site where has Deoxys has spawned. Hattrem meditates in preparation. She feels a strange presence (Deoxys).[break][break]



war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing