i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 1:03:41 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The ground—fucking hell, the moment the ground rumbled beneath his feet, he internally groaned.

That was more than enough to set off the incoming not-Nulls and lash out at their human companions—what the fresh hell?

They had to keep ranks as much as possible, but the chaos was threatening to eat at them—and the three incoming not-Nulls were about to savage them.

Time to take the fight to them, he supposed.

He heard Stormy shouting his way, but the words were lost over the din and the roar of all the noise erupting around them.

“Way ahead of you,” he muttered as he watched her dash ahead, charging into the fray. He wondered what would think of this. Either way, his attention was now on the three incoming canine-like Pokémon, and he looked up to the deity that was hovering above him.

“Freeze them,” was all he said quietly, knowing that the Articuno above him would hear him just fine despite the chaos erupting all around them.

He then turned around to whoever else was behind him, and said, “Keep the hell well out of the way of the incoming!” while pointing at the three incoming Silvally, before the Articuno gathered up its strength and unleashed a powerful Sheer Cold, an attempt to stop the three before they got too close and pinned them down…

“Oh, fuck, these things again?” he grumbled, hissing as the vines appeared yet again.

“Block it as best as you can!” he said to the silver hulking beast. The Swampert followed the Metagross’s lead, the silver beast using Psychic to spread out like a defensive shield; while the Swampert outright slammed her fists onto the ground and used Protect.

To Lynette, he turned and nodded. “Heal us, as always,” and the Gardevoir proceeded to use Life Dew.

They all stuck together, the ‘diversionary’ tactic, hoping that this harebrained shit would work.

His thoughts were still with , wondering what was happening to him and his own Null back in Rustboro…

@team meteor falls



• Time to take out the Silvally—or at least stop them from attacking further
• Lars turns around to bark a warning at whoever might be in the Silvally’s way to clear the path so that…
• Articuno takes aim at the three incoming Silvally with a Sheer Cold attack
• Metagross used Psychic in an attempt to stave off the vines
• Swampert also used Protect as a second defensive layer
• Gardevoir used Life Dew to heal surrounding forces, himself included

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dragon king
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 1:41:37 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
mateo had suddenly felt a strange energy emanating from sceptile from afar. hovering upon noivern as the pair watched the grass-type instill damage onto the rock. whatever this power resonating from sceptile had been, mateo could feel it. he understood it just as sceptile did. as he had already made contact with the rock, as well as damage, it was time to do something more severe.

sceptile wanted to use the power gifted to him by the rock.

"sceptile!" from afar mateo would shout as loud as he could, roaring like the dragon master he was known to be. "let's use that power and break this shit, Z-MOVE!" sceptile began to radiate a green aura of grandeur. burning intensely, the entire surface of the cave began to birth a field of flowers. the glow from each petal radiating energy that would come to be absorbed by the sceptile.

as the grass-type jumped high and back. from above it would release the power of BLOOM DOOM. this beam would come to AIM AT SHATTERING THE METEORITE. mateo watched as sceptile would unleash full force.

notes: sceptile used the z-move bloom doom in order to shatter the meteorite fully.

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Galar Region
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 4:32:23 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




Crossing the portal was the easy part. What the man did not expect is the lack of any gravity or maneuvering possibility. Seeing how he was floating randomly in this space, and that his Porygons were suffering the same fate, the man called them back into his pokeballs. Where was Reuniclus though?[break][break]

The psychic creature was controlling the pattern, using his powers to control where he would go. "Cell, give me some support." The Reuniclus nodded before going to his master, wrapping his arms around the scientist as they slowly advanced. It wasn't the comfiest of rides, but it would do.[break][break]

Looking to his left, Tsubasa noticed that another tunnel, similar to the one he was in, was tunneling beside him. And within it, 4 shapes could be observed. While 3 of them seemed to be humans, it was impossible to determine who or what they were. The last one, however, could be made out easily: a Dusknoir.[break][break]

Did another portal open on another location and that team stepped in? Who knows. Now wasn't the best time to theorize on these folks. The sound emitted by the Reuniclus made Tsubasa look forward, noticing 3 portals: One over him, one to his right and one under. As things stood, it was hard for him to tell where each of them led. While science is something risky and he considered taking all 3 at once, something was telling him he'd be losing more by doing so. Thus, the man decided to observe. Maybe something would give him a hint on where these led?[break]

Outside of the portal, when the insect was defeated, people started to move. The Dewgong was observing, wondering what would happen now. However, as she heard the important man say to the megalopolans to retrieve her master from the portal... Her gaze changed. She grew defensive, aggressive. The pinniped creature moved before the portal, ready to stop anyone from entering, Ice Shards only waiting for anyone to make a wrong move to be fired at them.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Recalls both Porygons as he sees they are all drifting.[break]
Reuniclus grabs his master and floats through the swirling space.[break]
Notices a similar tunnel beside them.[break]
Can't identify the people in it, but notices a Dusknoir.[break]
Stops before drifting further. Looks at the 3 portals.[break]
Tries to see where they lead.[break]
Dewgong stands before the portal willing to defend it with his life until his master has completed his duty.[break]
Prepares Ice Shards to fire at anyone that would dare to approach her and the portal.

template by kay

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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 5:19:13 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]It doesn't take a Head Scientist to put one and one together. As long as the pictography remains somewhat consistent it isn't hard to decipher the overall meaning. It aligns with his own theories about the region, weighted heavily by his experience with Tapu Fini's tendency to harvest energy from 'holy sites' and manifest it into the GUARDIAN OF ALOLA. However, from a distance, he's unable to confirm Mateo's Sceptile harvesting the same energy. And, as unique as the BLOOM DOOM is, it's too obscure for him to judge accurately.

His attention remains on his team and their frantic scramble to fumble against the Ultra Beast. As the vines come undone, pinning many, his peripherals try desperately to keep track of their own positions along with the Silvally. Thankfully, Ophelia and Lars is able to handle their turn-tail beast killers. That leaves him to track Stormy's bold charge forward. The only other person within an arm's reach is Lillian, who he grabs by the arm, pulling her in.

"Formation's dead," he mumbles to her underneath his breath. "Prepare for standard deviation." It's a phrase seldom used between them but one that both should know from the bottom of their hearts. They've only used it once in Hoenn, during the Slateport Invasion, and for good reason.

Still near his person, his Clefairy begins to charge another METEOR BEAM, pooling the abundant energy released by the ensuring clash. It's earlier WISH comes true, revitalizing Fernando's most injured Pokemon, whoever it may be.

Tapu Fini is no different. It remains CALM MINDED, blasting the vines that come too close with a well concentrated MOONBLAST. Any spare Megalopolan troops that come too close to their encirclement meets the same fate. Their formation may come undone but Fernando will remain their bastion until the last person falls.

Always the passenger, Fernando's Smeargle continues to ride out Stormy's Moltres. While the Legendary bird looks to attack with a widespread conflagration, the much smaller Pokemon aims for a more precise attack. Brandishing its tail, it aims for the enemy commander, tracking it despite Ruby's Urshifu jumping forward. It waits for Pokemon to commit to an action, for the perfect moment when the Urshifu cannot pivot, before firing a SNIPE SHOT straight at Smohke's forehead.

His Zygarde remains independent due to its innate maneuverability. It forces its way through enemy forces with its own SUPER POWER. With Fernando being the only real person to address the other Megalopolan troops, his Zygarde works hard to displace them through various attacks in a pathing to circle around the Celesteela and meteor.

- understands the gist of the story. makes his own conjecture + tapu fini’s pilgrimage around the leylines.

- tries to organize his own movements as lar’s stands their ground and stormy goes in charging. orders lillian to stay by his side.

- clefairy starts charing up METEOR BEAM. FRIEND GUARD reduces damage to nearby allies. WISH heals fernando's most injured pokemon.

- tapu fini uses MOONBLAST on encroaching vines. also uses it to clear out side flanks from enemy forces.

- smeargle uses SNIPE SHOT from stormy’s moltres to land a calculated shot at smhoke through everyone’s instigation.

- zygarde speeds through the surroundings, using SUPER POWER to charge in a circular flank on celesteela. focuses on wiping out additional forces and rounding the enemy to attack their exposed end next turn.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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december 25
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on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 5:47:47 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]No situation is impossible to understand. If you take some time to stop, breath, and take a good look at the big picture it starts to come together like a puzzle. As Lillian and her pokemon take that time her slowly growing anxiety melts away. This is doable. This is more than doable. Already one of the biggest threats, the mutated mutts, are being handled.

"Yes sir!" Lillian responds to 's call for her aid without hesitation, "Form up!" she shouts to the remaining members of her party as she makes a run to Fernando's side. Her pokemon follow in loose formation. Magneton floats behind her, Cloyster covers her left side that faces away from Fernando, and Machamp takes up position slightly behind Fernando. As they change position familiar seeds fly. She won't be so helpless before them this time.

"Stay sharp! Keep us clear!" she shouts to her pokemon, looking pointedly to Machamp and Magneton. They're the ones with the best lay of the land so they're the ones in charge of keeping threats off of them. They respond to the vines and buds immediately. Records say that these Ultra Beast attacks care little and less for conventional protections, so they opt to meet fire with fire.

Magneton's eyes have taken in the paths of the incoming seeds, LOCK ON allows its eyes to dart about as it takes in the incoming missiles. The ends of its magnet appendages glow with an odd white light that coalesces into brilliant orbs in the spaces between their poles. Energy flows from one orb to the next and as it does they each take on their own unique hue. Red, blue, yellow, and then the whole thing fires. One rotating, elemental projectile that sweeps across the area ahead of them. TRI-ATTACK freezes, scorches, and fries the buds as they approach.

Machamp splits its attention. It's two right arms flex, their fists tight and their biceps bulging with STRENGTH. It looks to approaching enemy troops and meets them with heavy hands. Its other two point off into the same space Magneton's TRI-ATTACK had flown towards. It points out places where LEECH SEED are approaching so that Cloyster might stop them with ICICLE SPEARS -- impaling them and leaving them to fall harmlessly to the cave floor.

Finally, Lillian keeps her eyes shooting between Fernando and the seeds left behind. If all else fails, she's there to pull him out of the way of any errant buds. She promised to watch his back when she first arrived back in Hoenn and dammit if she's going to be made a liar twice in a single battle.

+ Lillian calm now uwu
+ Joins as he plans their next move
+ Magneton uses LOCK ON to attempt a sweeping TRI-ATTACK on incoming LEECH SEEDS
+ Machamp uses FORESIGHT to take in multiple threats at once, uses STRENGTH on incoming troops while directing Cloyster's ICICLE SPEARS at incoming LEECH SEEDS
+ Lillian uses her Very Human Eyes(TM) to try and keep track of the stragglers; aiming to move Fernando bodily if she needs to to keep him safe
+ ooc: using both guaranteed saves on :^)


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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 6:53:47 GMT
Deleted Avatar

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war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel

Atlan ducks, but their attempted evasion ends up being too slow.[break][break]

Thalia is unceremoniously struck off of his shoulder when she shields him from a flurry of kicks. Her small body is flung so hard by the attacks that she is cast out from the hole his Krookodile has dug and onto the even grass just behind it. With little care for his own safety, and only terrible flashbacks to the disaster at Littleroot and Brigid's death, Atlan scrambles to pull himself out and reach her. His doing so is only momentarily interrupted when he sees 's bloodied corpse ahead.[break][break]

After shaking himself out of the shock and horror, however, Atlan advances and slides onto his knees before scooping the injured Hattrem up. The sounds of conflict, that would ultimately spell the Pheromosa's demise soon, continue to transpire behind them. But right now, with tears in his eyes, all he wants to make sure is that his Hattrem is okay. He didn't come here to watch another one of his best friends die. "Wake up... wake up, please..." He sniffs, gently patting her cheek.[break][break]


Thankfully, just before the dark thoughts settle in, the Hattrem slowly begins to awake. With a stupid grin and a relieved sigh, Atlan hugs the little fairy and she weakly hugs him back. Her tears share the same effect as the LIFE DEW she has used prior, healing her human even further and herself in the process.[break][break]

Unfortunately, the sweet relief is cut short when the intense light of the wormhole behind them begins to grow. Vagabon himself is increasingly worried about it, but he is soon preoccupied with the presence of encroaching Megalopolans and their pokémon. With a vicious snarl and an furious fire in his beady black eyes, the Krookodile pounces forward before whipping his thick tail against the ground, summoning a wave of SCORCHING SANDS that send his enemies screaming in agony.[BREAK][BREAK]


Meanwhile, Atlan finally comes to realize there is someone up there— the same man he faintly recalls having tackled earlier ( ). Hoping to come out of this having done some good, though still intensely worried for his pokémon, the young man summons his Skarmory once more. Chrom emerges with a battle-cry at the ready, flapping his metallic wings and quickly assessing his surroundings. When his trainer points upward at the man in the air, the armored bird already knows what is to come. "Rescue him! Use your Substitute if things get too hairy though, okay?!"[BREAK][BREAK]


And Chrom does just so, shooting upwards like a rocket with great speed as a purely chrome shell of him steadily begins to shed from his body. [BREAK][BREAK]


Hattrem used Life Dew! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break]
Krookodile used Scorching Sands![break]
Skarmory used Substitute![break][break]

tl;dr: Atlan rouses Hattrem awake and the two share a moment. Her tears become Life Dew. Krookodile attacks and fends off nearby Megalopolans with Scorching Sands. Skarmory is summoned to fly up and try to snag out of the portal's gravity, using Substitute as a replacement.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons. Wrapped around his neck is a black bandana.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 7:00:27 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




THE VINES WHIP OUT, THE BUDS PEELING AWAY AT THEIR ENDS. From 's Mega Houndoom, the fires of hell rush toward the incoming vines. Several explode in spectacular balls of flame before they can come any closer. Similarly, 's Houndoom does the same, while her Absol shouts, its crescent horn glowing before firing a PSYCHO CUT to sever several vines in one sweep.[break][break][break]

The PSYCHO CUT boomerangs back, its SUPER LUCK cleaving a vine that has attempted to curl around and behind . Her Meowstic's FUTURE SIGHT discerns little. Just blinding light.[break][break][break]

While and ' Hatterene, Gardevoir and Metagross protect their trainers and other League forces from vines. Their lavender energies pulse like radar as the plants ricochet back and explode.[break][break][break]

While 's Clefairy charges up a METEOR BEAM, the councilman's Tapu Fini obliterates a sprawl of vines heading toward him. As his Smeargle's SNIPE SHOT attempts to strike the general, his Zygarde leaps around the circular chamber. With SUPERPOWER, troops are tossed to the side and cleared due to the Pokemon's unique strengths.[break][break][break]


A WISH descends warmly upon his party and the briefest sense of relief disarms them all. The slightest comfort blinds them to a vine that snaps for the councilma— its bud flaring like a spotlight about to detonate, but 's Cloyster ICICLE SPEARS it down as her Machamp throttles a flank with STRENGTH as vines erupt around them. Her action saves from certain injury— if not death.[break][break][break]


WEAVING IN BETWEEN THE VINES AT FRIGHTENING SPEEDS, the Silvally charges toward their owners. Their gait is heavy with bloodlust, claws tearing stone and dirt every time they make footfall.[break][break][break]


's cry for action summons ice. Articuno spreads its wings and with a dramatic pound of its wings, SHEER COLD bats back against the Silvally. Still, the chimeras push on. Ice forms on their faces, their limbs, and as they struggle against the blizzard, all three come close until...[break][break][break]


AS EXPLOSIONS RATTLE AROUND THEM, wields her unconscious Aegislash. Despite its weight, the adrenaline inside of her burns like flame. Fire courses toward the Celesteela as her Charizard and Moltres beat HEAT WAVES alongside their trainer. Nearby, her Blissey provides follow-up relief with LIFE DEW with ' Gardevoir.[break][break][break]

General Smohke witnesses what they are doing to the meteoroid, and she hisses. Her Celesteela digs its central blasters into the meteoroid as 's Zeraora AURA SPHERES where 's Sceptile has once struck. The dusty, dull outer coating sprays off, revealing more glistening crystal underneath.[break][break][break]

Saved by his Charizard and Torterra, watches as also retaliates. His Shadow Togepi and Dragapult bat vines back toward the Celesteela. As they erupt, the Ultra Beast frowns, the explosions rocking annoyingly against its sturdy body.[break][break][break]

As it extends an arm, 's Mega Kangaskhan manages to COMET PUNCH with its little one, to concave one of its blasters. It sputters with flame.[break][break][break]

's Urshifu SURGING STRIKES the Celesteela instead. For the General has snuck "inside" the creature, her small stature allowing her to tuck herself into the collar. The bear strikes against the Ultra Beast's tough armors, creating a dent in its verdant side.[break][break][break]

Smohke grunts and knocks on the Celesteela's collar as if to give it a sign.[break][break][break]

However, before the Ultra Beast can respond, 's Sceptile leaps back. Invigorated by an ancient vigor, 's Pokemon channels Z-MOVE: BLOOM DOOM's power. As darts in, swinging her Aegislash's sword, it exposes an integral piece of the meteoroid, the structural integrity made fragile by 's Zeraora moments before. As debris scatters past 's body, she leaps back as she senses 's Sceptile's attack charging behind and above her. The Sceptile's gathered energy is tough to control, causing the Sceptile to seemingly float backwards as it expands— and as it unleashes in a dazzling verdant pillar of light, it strikes the meteoroid with a resounding explosion.[break][break][break]


Light fills the chamber and shoots upward, directly into the sky. It continues to fly, neverending, a tower of energy that pierces into space. As the meteoroid crumbles underneath the Celesteela, the Ultra Beast stumbles— but lands safely, the previously fired vines (the ones that have survived) having embedded themselves into the cavern's earth.[break][break][break]

As the light fades, those near the Silvally would find their eyes clear of frenzy. Their shake like wet dogs, seemingly cured of their ailment. Rejuvenated by whatever energy the meteoroid has held, the Silvally seem empowered. Finally, they seem to respond to their owners as they have done so before.[break][break][break]


The meteoroid rests in several crumbled pieces. One larger piece, the top most crown, remains stuck to the Celesteela's central blasters.[break][break][break]


THE COUNCILMAN HEALS THE WOUNDED MEN AROUND HIM, and as he pockets the crystalline shard from the fallen Ultra Beast, the Ultra Wormhole begins to close behind him. The Pheromosa has a crushed mid-section, its body sprawled out on the grass.[break][break][break]

The troops seem momentarily enamored by 's charisma, his kindness— and the authority that raises from his chest. However, disturbs the peace. His rambunctious, unpredictable persona interrupts the impromptu conference. As his Feraligatr cleaves into a Megalopolan, the enemy troops retaliate.[break][break][break]

In the struggle, is taken down. Megalopolans and their remaining Naganadel devour the man and his Pokemon as then turn on him. With the taste of flesh fresh on their bloodied tongues, the Megalopolans look to and as the wormhole begins to show signs of collapse behind them. A spray of SCORCHING SANDS protects the two from attack thanks to 's Krookodile.[break][break][break]


Within the wormhole, struggles to stop his spiraling. He recalls his Porygons, the red light that siphons them into their pokeballs dangerously glitching within the radioactive swirl of Ultra Space. As he peers into the portals, he attempts to discern where they lead.[break][break][break]

In the one below him, he sees a rough sea, splashing below against a rocky island. In the other above, he seems a steel roof with rubble piled up on one side. Exposed wires spark from the concrete. Lastly, the one to his right opens coincidentally... high above the exposed cave of Meteor Falls. However, should desire it, 's Skarmory offers him a safer route. Possible escape back out from whence he came is possible should he take 's Skarmory's assistance; however, he needs to make a decision fast.[break][break][break]


However, before can make his choice, his Dewgong alerts him to the Ultra Wormhole's constitution. The tunnel seems to be collapsing, and as the walls cave in, he would be able to see an odd creature slamming against the invasive tunnel of space with a thulian tear of energy. This Pokemon is not within the portal; however, it can be witnessed in vague form, much like the people in the other collapsing tunnel.[break][break][break]


AS GENERAL SMOHKE POKES OUT FROM THE CELESTEELA'S COLLAR, she clears her throat, sensing the loss of her forces. She beckons for the Ultra Beast to leave, and as she does, the Ultra Beast retracts all of its surviving vines. With a violent crack, the vines snap back, threatening to strike and gouge everyone as they withdraw.[break][break][break]


The Celesteela's blasters begin to expel gas and fire; however, the one on its right seems to struggle a bit thanks to 's meddling. As flames burst out from its arms, it attempts to flee with the meteoroid piece. Above, an Ultra Wormhole begins to open.[break][break][break]

While the Celesteela begins to take-off, FIERY PILLARS erupt and spiral around the chamber to char anyone within it as the vines detach from the earth.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
🗹 Discover the mysteries surrounding the mural and the meteoroid in the cave.[break]
☒ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Dodge the retreating vines and fire beams.[break]
☐ Escape the Ultra Wormhole ().[break]
☐ Reconvene with the others in the cave— or forge your own actions![break]
☐ Prevent the Celesteela from escaping with the meteoroid piece and take it down![break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

UPDATE! Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


note: has been ejected from the raid; however, her existence here has not been retconned. She will simply be "clearly present."

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 4:53:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


as his zeraora attack struck true it was the sight of stormy swinging an unconcious aegislash that caused kaz and his zeraora to suddenly duck as the blade went above their heads and struck the meteorite creating another chink in its shell and more crystal was peeking through. "whoa girl. taking firey spirit to the next level. i like it." he complimented her before watching her jump back and seeing the sceptile making its move. jumping back as well kazimir let out a whistle as he saw the bottom half of the meteorite explode into a pillar of light that filled the cave and caused him to shield his eyes. at his feet a few pieces of the meteorite danced along the floor and he picked up a piece of the destroyed meteorite and placed it in his pocket as a souvenir. that would one hell of a story to reminisce about later.
then came the sound of a rocket as the ultra beast decided it had had enough and was leaving as an ultra wormhole opened up overhead. like hell it was going to get away. "hey weather girl!" he called out to as he gave her a thumbs up gesutre before jutting it at the retreating ultra beast, "let's blow a rocket out of the sky yeah? turters! some sunlight!"
the torterra let out a roar as a ball of sunlight left its mouth as it danced around the vines that were retreating around it before being recalled into its pokeball as its sunny day exploded into bright light. kazimir's charizard felt itself fill up on solar power as it swooped down to carry both kazimir and zeraora in its arms. "first one to take it down buys the other dinner!" the masked hero laughed as his charizard maneurved the best it could to avoid the vines as they made their ascent till they were face to face with the celesteela.
"simba! bring the thunda! scorcher! burn it down!" with a yowl the zeraora pointed his arms at the ultra beast and fired off plasma fists as it punched the air, bolts of lightning speeding towards the main body to knock it off course. the charizard gathered flames in its mouth to unleash a large fire blast at its damaged rocket arm to try and break it apart or melt it down.

    + kazimir takes a chucnk of broken meteorite crystal with him![break]
    + torterra uses sunny day! (harsh sunlight fills the area! fire moves boosted, water moves weakened!)[break]
    + charizard's solar power activates! (Sp atk up!)[break]
    + torterra is recalled to its ball![break]
    + charizard takes kaz and zeraora up to the sky after celesteela![break]
    + zeraora uses plasma fists on celesteela![/break]
    + charizard uses fire blast on celesteela! (boosted by sunny day and solar power!)[break]
    + sunny day count 1/5

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 13:31:29 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Another loss to their forces, but the difference in downfall this time being his own hubris. ’s end comes painfully, Kim wincing as the Megalopolans react in a way they obviously would.

He sighs as they begin making their way towards him and waves for to come closer to him.

Bossman, come over here if you don’t wanna be a victim of friendly fire.

Kim gives Atlan a moment to come closer before issuing commands, the Kirla floating the Pheromosa, the Lickilicky, and the councilman himself into the sky.

Your bloodlust may not have originated from me but I can assure you that it will end before you get a chance to quench it… As I have already said, my pity can only extend so far, and for you all to project your anger onto me after the kindness I have shown you is bothersome to say the least.

Suspended in the air, Kim crosses one leg over the other, the Kirla tucking herself under his arm as he leaned back. The Lickilicky claps its hands, the Swampert standing to its full height, hearing the Helping Hand clearly.

Minnow. Set them up. Coffee. Knock them down.

The empowered Swampert lets out a gurgled cry as its muscles tighten and its arms lift into the air, smashing into the ground and quaking the earth below. It takes only a moment for the attack to register, the earth responding to this violent blow with one of its own, the earth creating squared faults in a wavelike pattern that stem from the Swampert to the area around it. The shifting plates shoot the Megalopians into the air violently, making it that much easier for the Dragonite to clean up, the pokemon zipping about and smashing each and every one of the Mogalopians affected by the attack back to the ground with a swift punch.

The body of and remains of were likely not to go undisturbed during this shifting of plates, but the dead have no real hold on Kim’s actions.

ღ kim sees rufio get got and just kinda gets bothered by it

ღ kirlia uses psychic to float herself, the pheromosa, the lickilicky, and kim into the air

ღ lickilicky uses helping hand on mega swampert to empower its next attack

ღ mega swampert uses earth power to shift the earth in an aoe that flings the engaging megalopians into the air

ღ sped up dragonite uses outrage to finish off the midair megalopians, smashing them back to the ground


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 14:35:23 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

A hot stream of flames erupted from his mega evolved creature as the vines reached out to destroy anyone who stood in their path. But by some stroke of luck, Azula ranges to hit any and all vines that were heading in their direction. Not only does she hit them, she worked magic to set ablaze any other wines that she could. Meanwhile, another mega houndoom follows in her foot steps and even an absol uses it scythe to cut even more. Were they actually winning this fight? As the tides finally turned in their favor? But just as quickly as the thought crossed his mind, it seemed they were not done yet.

Azula hovers by Maverick’s side once she stopped using flamethrower as smoke began to plumed from the ultra beast. The sheer force of the rocks made the earth quake in fear. The man stumbles, hand reaches out to steady himself with the aid of his beloved houndoom. The vines that survived the attack suddenly came back to life as they snap and strike anyone near by. The roar of the blaster was numbing as the trainer reached into his pockets to toss out his creatures once more. “No you don’t,” the man growled as the two balls burst open, one materializing a kommo-o and the other a draognair, “you're not getting away that easy.”

With his creature out, the scarred man jumped into Rheager’s back and tapped the creatures neck in ensure and encourage him. “Keep us safe,” he pleaded as vines started rise and seek vengeance. His gaze shifted to his other creatures just for moment. “Don’t let celesteela get away. Attack with everything go got! Azula flamethrower and Tharisirion, thunderbolt.” Just as the man beckoned his calls, vines reached out to holt his actions. “Rheager, cut them down with dragon claw.” The creature snarled, razor sharp claws extended out with a light blue glow and slashed as any vines that dared to get at him or his trainer.

While Maverick and Rheager played with vines, his other creature’s went into action. The mega creature took in a deep breath. The ever burning heat of lava heated up within her but. And soon, the flame was too hot to handle. Her muzzle burst open with yet another, flamethrower. The stream of flames aimed to his the ultra beast to stop her from escaping, the power of the sunny day boost her fire power even more. Dragonair didn’t hesitate either. Although his attack wasn’t boosted by the sunny day, he could feel the sparks of electricity within him. And within seconds, the creature summoned the thunderbolt through his beautiful blue orb on his chest and released a beam of snapping electricity towards the ultra beast. Will this be it? Did they win?

for raid

for mega evolution possible extension next post
roll needs to be >20

TAGS @meteor falls raid
OOC mega evolution 3/3. +1 attack from howl. mav releases rhaegar and tharisiron. mav mounts rhaeger to escape death using dragon claw at any vines they can. azula uses flamethrower and tharsirion uses thunderbolt on Celesteela.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 19:38:13 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He was relieved to see that the—the Sheer Cold somehow, somewhat made a dent and the incoming canid Pokémon stopped for a few moments in their tracks, confused, before Lars realized that one of them was scenting the air and was headed his way.

“Amir—you asshat! he began as the Silvally that belonged to him finally made its way over to him, with a look he wasn’t sure was sheepish or just outright non-apologetic. He was going to have a word with him later.

“Why the hell did you do that?!” he continued, a rough tone in his voice as his Silvally approached the other Pokémon he had out—Ro had simply settled for glaring at the Silvally, while the Swampert shook her head in disgust for a few moments.

What’s that? he thought to himself before everything literally erupted in hellfire, all around them—it was his biggest problem. Ice would always be weak to fire, and the evidence of a Sunny Day bursting through the attacking forces coupled with the hellish flames that looked like it was coming out of the ass of the gigantic Pokémon that was attempting to take off.

Well, that ruins what I had in mind… Sunny Day makes Water moves weaker so Ryujin’s all but useless at this point… he thought for a few moments as the other Pokémon awaited orders. Realizing that the situation below was looking to incinerate all of them, he looked up to where the Articuno awaited his orders.

It was time to get the hell out of the area.

Quickly fishing out all of the Pokéballs of his companions that were in imminent danger, he then recalled the Metagross and the Swampert, wondering if this was going to work. It was certainly risky…

“Amir. I don’t know what you’ve got around you, but—can you try to chase that thing down? Like, hit it with all you’ve got? Pretty sure you can put your mind to it…” he continued before gesturing at the deity above him to come down. There was no way he was going to risk the wings he had, considering that one of them was currently shorter than the other.

Willing them to vanish, the Articuno then came down close enough to the ground, before he pulled himself aboard. “Wait—I have an idea. But it’s going to be fucking crazy…”

Recalling the now-Silvally as well, he then pulled the Gardevoir up beside him and with a single word, the Articuno flew up, flying as fast as it could while using Agility to begin evasive aerial maneuvers. Dodging those fire pillars was going to be a considerable problem…

Hopefully they could get out of the blast radius in time.

Once they were (hopefully) out of blast radius (and at a considerable height), he wondered if sending out the Silvally was going to be a good idea in mid-air… considering how little debris there was up here, well, he was tempted—ah, screw it.

Quickly summoning his Metagross once more, he had only one word to say, “Fly!” and the Metagross used Magnet Rise. He was going to actually do this, mid-air…

A second flash of red light aimed precisely on top of the Metagross’s back, the Silvally re-emerged—hopefully he wasn’t going to be airsick afterward.

“Charge at that flying thing!. No, Ro stays here, springboard off his back, attack that escaping thing, and BE CAREFUL! he shouted, before the Silvally charged forward using Tri-Attack in mid-air—however the Tri-Attack had transformed into something else he didn’t recognize: a Breakneck Blitz.

A sudden burst of power emanated from the Silvally as it shot forward like a rocket—was it suicidal? There was actually a method to the madness here.

Whether or not it was going to hit, he looked at Lynette, before nodding. “Get Amir out of there. You saw where he went, right? Go!”

Without further ado the Gardevoir used Teleport, in an attempt to reach the Silvally and attempting to warp them back close to where the Articuno and Metagross were now hovering hopefully above the hellish pillars of flame…

@team meteor falls



• Silvally is back to normal (about time)
• Lars notices the strange… power surrounding the Silvally, decides on an insane plan
• Wait, scratch that, someone used Sunny Day so summoning a Blizzard isn’t going to work!
• Recalls the Swampert and Metagross first before talking with the Silvally
• Makes his wings vanish for the moment, Articuno comes flying down
• Gives Silvally a pep talk before recalling the Pokémon as well, hoping that whatever the fuck he was thinking of is going to work
• Gets on board the Articuno along with the Gardevoir
• Articuno used Agility to put on a burst of speed and do some crazy-ass stunt flying to avoid the pillars of flame and vines
• At what he estimates is a safe height, calls out Metagross again who uses Magnet Rise to float in mid-air
• Aims the Silvally’s containment unit to land ontop of the Metagross’s head
• Has Silvally charge at the Celesteela from the aerial ‘springboard’, using Tri-Attack
• However Tri-Attack transforms into Breakneck Blitz (yet Lars doesn’t know what it is lol)
• Whether or not that would hit, the Gardevoir keeps an eye on the Silvally, and then Teleports away from her position to attempt to GRAB the Silvally and teleport them both back to where the Articuno and the Metagross are waiting so they can continue their escape out

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 21:54:49 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
as a vine would come to almost strike noivern, sceptile would intercept with leaf blade. "thanks, sceptile! we can leave the rest up to them for now." there wasn't much they could do as celesteela flew away. but mateo and noivern, after returning sceptile to his ball, would follow behind. chasing after the foe while remaining behind everyone's united attack. he needed to make sure that the boss couldn't escape.


sceptile was returned to his ball after cutting down some vines.
mateo is chasing after the boss/celesteela, while remaining behind everyone's attack.

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2020 22:36:20 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


valerio and the party is quick to take cover once the bloom doom erupts in the rocky chamber. he sees the meteorite cradled under the celesteela crumble into pieces, a chunk of which lands by the redhead's position, prompting to take a sample. the kangaskhans have also managed to escape the explosion of light, following their trainer's hiding place as they plan their next retaliation.[break][break]

in the wink of an eye, clouds begin to form above the cavern: a wormhole whirpools at the space above the ultra beast, hinting smohke and celesteela's escape. “oh no, bitch. you don't!” valerio darts through the boulders before jumping into dragapult. the ghost dragon launches fire blasts powered by the piercing sunlight from above, fending off remaining vines and seeds outbursting within the cave while kanghaskhans provide support by comet punching incoming vines.[break][break]

valerio, togepi, and dragapult leap into the air, and to the trainer's surprise, eggnog aggressively jumps from her carrier in an attempt to release the gathered energy from before: its miniature body bursts in shadowy flames that spiral continuously, like a maelstrom of black hole eclipse tearing through the air. valerio watches in awe and fear as the shadow togepi dives into the sea of darkness, then releases the ball of shadowy energy into celesteela, attempting to drag its metal body, and the general hidden in its verdant collar, back into the cavern. after making contact, the ball shrinks its size in a reverse explosion.[break][break]

what happens next is beyond him already.[break][break]


ooc: x1 salac[break]
+ valerio picks up a chunk of meteorite pieces[break]
+ valerio and togepi runs for the fleeing celesteela and smohke, jumping again to dragapult[break]
+ mega kangaskhan (4/5; extended with mega extender) uses comet punches (doubled by parental bond) on incoming vines[break]
+ dragapult uses fire blasts powered by harsh sunlight[break]
+ sh!togepi uses black hole eclipse (with shadow metronome) on celesteela, pulling it back into the cave and attempting to damage it





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 0:33:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
they had to get out of here.

everything was falling into a frenzy, and everything was starting to collapse. it wasn't safe here anymore, and the group that accompanied her knew that all too well. but what could she do? run around like a torchic without its head? no, that wasn't going to solve anything. she has to escape, and she tries to move, quickly on her feet, with the group she fell into this mess with. "absol!" she calls out, perking the pokemon's ears up. "protect us with psycho cut!" she refers to the vines, swinging out of control. the absol lets out a growl, repeating the same thing he had done earlier; sending the projectiles of crescent slashes out at the rampaging vines. in the meantime, her meowstic clung to her shoulder, using psychic as a means to control the stray things that threatened to whip at the absol clearing the path.

meanwhile, the houndoom was quick to follow behind. he made quick maneuvers, however, chose to take any fire pillar that may have been shot out to protect the group. flash fire ensured that no damage was done, however he felt the power of his flames grow with each passing moment it's happened. that in mind..

ophelia glances to the beast, trying to flee away from the chaos. though they had to escape.. she still had her own agenda she needed to fulfill. on top of that, fernando's attempt to paralyze the beast was going to go to waste if it wasn't attacked, right? right. so, in an attempt to bring the beast down, she takes a deep breath, and calls out to the houndoom.

"houndoom, mega evolve!" she shouts amongst the embers, and her houndoom is enveloped in a fiery blaze before re-emerging as the demonic hellhound it was supposed to be. its tail whips around, lashing at the scene before digging its claw deep into the ground. "flamethrower!" she commands, with the houndoom letting out a stream of flames from its mouth towards the ultra beast. it burned through the vines in its path, reducing it to ash from the earlier enhancements it'd done to itself.

- trying to escape
- absol used PSYCHO CUT (x1 swords dance) to clear up vines around the group to aid during escape
- meowstic is clinging onto Ophelia's shoulder
- meowstic used PSYCHIC to hold down missed vines for absol to slash
- houndoom absorbing nearby fire pillars with FLASH FIRE
- houndoom MEGA EVOLVES
- houndoom used FLAMETHROWER (x2 nasty plot + x3 flash fire + sunny day) aimed at CELESTEELA, aimed to disintegrate it and all the vines in front of it


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2020 1:33:54 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

With a grunt, Stormy's sword clangs against the meteorite. Chunks of rock spray, sparks fly from the blade of her weapon, and she side-steps the attack that comes from Mateo's Sceptile. The Pokemon manages to obliterate the meteorite - doing what she cannot. It had been a futile attempt, a desperate one, and sweat clings to her temple as she takes a shaky step back.[break][break]

But something changes. It shifts the tide of the war in what appears to be their favor. It could be anything but.[break][break]

A chunk of the meteorite remains trapped in the Celesteela's arm, and the beast is now pushing off of the ground as per its masters command. She exhales, shaking her head as she gets her bearings. Moltres and Charizard are recovering from their dual heat waves, hovering in the air. Their attention turns only when the rocket boosters of their enemy put on the big guns, propelling pillars of flame into the cramped cave. It gets hot, real fucking hot, real fucking fast.[break][break]

"We need to evacuate!"[break][break]

But as soon as those words leave her mouth she hears beckoning for her to follow him. She blinks, blown away by his confidence and the confidence he bestows on her. Despite the odds, despite the danger, despite the entire situation falling apart and slipping through their fingers, this man continues to put on a brave face and push himself anyway. He's pushing her, and she takes the plunge.[break][break]

"Moltres, to me!"[break][break]

Both of her flying-type Pokemon heed her call, aware of the situation and what their trainer needs. The pendant hanging heavily against her chest begins to glow, reacting with the band on Sekhmet's wrist. The Pokemon MEGA-EVOLVES, taking a new, faster, more agile form. Stormy gives the Pokemon direct orders to grab as many people as she can carry and to fly them out of the cave. If able, the Charizard would beat back the Celesteela with a FLAMETHROWER.[break][break]

Stormy, meanwhile, climbs atop the legendary bird, squeezing in behind Fernando's Smeargle should the Pokemon still be there. She returns Aegislash and Blissey to save room, but the Silvally is already following. It seems to have shaken off its trance and had returned to normal. As her and Moltres rise into the air and Charizard pulls people to safety, up and out of the cave and behind the fleeing Celesteela, she beckons to her Silvally.[break][break]

Much like how Lars' sends his Pokemon into the air like a projectile, her own manages to find purchase on the crumbling meteorite, propelling itself up and after the Celesteela. Its BATTLE ARMOR remains in effect even still, protecting it from sideways damage. The Silvally's target? The meteorite the Celesteela is holding onto. With it's Z-MOVE BREAKNECK BLITZ, the Silvally attempts to destroy or damage the arm enough to either smash the rock itself or sever the leg from the rest of the Pokemon.[break][break]

Stormy urges Moltres to follow the Celesteela. It would not only be her escape, but she could hang back, withstand the heat, and bombard the enemy with attacks. She is unshakable in the fire and flame, and she will rise.[break][break]

Together, they channel their firepower to try and stop the Celesteela and to protect those who it may turn on and attempt to harm. She would be the last, or one of the last, to rise from the ashes of Meteor Falls - and that was okay if it meant the rest of them escaped. She would survive.[break][break]

Another HEAT WAVE splashes forward, but this time, Stormy and Moltres are aiming for the Celesteela's collar. They would strike it at its core. Those in the way she would attempt to warn by way of shouting. But it was clear that attacking the Pokemon from the side had proven useless -- they needed to strike it in its weak spot, and she intended to find just that. [break][break]


- mega-evolves her charizard into CHARIZARD Y. the charizard y attempts to rescue anyone and everyone that she can, using FLAMETHROWER along the way to deflect vines and the celesteela itself should it lash out.[break]

- stormy follows kazimir on the back of her moltres.[break]

- returning aegislash and blissey in order to escape faster.[break]

- silvally returns to normal, launches itself off of the crumbling meteorite to use BREAKNECK BLITZ, targeting the arm of the celesteela that has the meteorite. attempting to sever it/destroy the meteorite.[break]

- moltres and stormy collectively attack the celesteela at its' collar, searching for its weak spot and the general hiding behind it. using HEAT WAVE.


notes: ...


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