i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 21:39:20 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


the unexpectedness of eggnog's actions renders valerio immobilized, leading the celesteela's flames to feast upon his flesh as he and dragapult attempts to save the togepi from falling to her death. touched by her trainer's action, she senses the pain of the burn licking through his skin and attempts to ease his suffering. the togepi chuckles as her hands wave for another dance that riddles her trainer as he winces in pain from trying to get to a safer place.[break][break]

he purposedly shifts his attention instead to the fiasco that erupts below. the meteorite carried by the verdant giantess hatches into a crystalline triangle that breaks into a circular orb with tendrils flowing from its core, latching onto the carcasses surrounding its foreign form before materializing as a humanoid body valerio has probably never seen before. the celesteela lays victim to its deadly appendages as well as the kid general also struggles to break free from its bind.[break][break]

valerio is torn. personally, he just wants to drill her face into the lifeless, hollow body of the ultra beast she has used to kill his lincoln. but reason resonates to every fiber of his mind. general smohke has not yet outlived her purpose. and besides, there are other ways to exact his vengeance without killing her right away. and for that to happen, the league should not be the ones to have her but the rockets.[break][break]

the dragon slayer observes the league party make their initial advances as he hatches a plan that he could only pray for to succeed.[break][break]

's zeraora's charge dominoes a chain of reaction: dashes with articuno to save smohke while makes his pokémon bind the assaulting electric feline. but thanks to 's houndoom, she has already taken care of the head ranger's succor. now, he just needs to take care of the rest.[break][break]

“junos, take cover!” his words are brief but he gathers his remaining strength to warn the kangaskhans of the incoming attacks. both of them uses earthquake to create levels on the ground as they dig deeper to flee from the incoming psycho boost. back at him, he charges with darty to teleport her away from the alien creature's binds. but luck seems to play out for him as disaster embraces the other two.[break][break]

eggnog's hand dance finishes with a burst of light from shadow togepi, the burning pain from valerio's body psycho shifting towards the legendary bird. togepi is not done yet. shadow luck ravages the pokkenger's pokémon's fortune as its barrage of punches targets a different prey. should valerio be lucky, the disarray of such incidence may allow him to bring smohke somewhere outside the cave (phantom force) without the lurking eyes of league's top political echelons.[break][break]


+ valerio and dragapult catch sh!togepi from falling but suffers from the fiery pillar powered by harsh sunlight[break]
+ valerio observes the chaos unfurl and contemplates whether letting smohke be killed or be spared; he chooses spare but decides she should be owned by rockets instead[break]
+ valerio waits for 's houndoom's flamethrower attack 's zygarde's grass knot before proceeding with his plan[break]
+ mega kangaskhan (5/5; extended with mega extender) uses earthquake (doubled by parental bond) to break the ground into layers of boulders to take cover from psycho boost[break]
+ sh!togepi uses psycho shift on articuno to pass on the burnt feeling from her trainer to the legendary bird[break]
+ sh!togepi uses ability shadow luck to miss 's zeraora's aim (hopefully onto articuno instead of smohke)[break]
+ valerio grabs smohke from the binds and orders dragapult to use phantom force to teleport them away from deoxys[break]





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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 22:56:28 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

What comes next is a blur. She remembers pointing the brunt of her attacks toward the Celesteela. She remembers the scream of metal, of fear, of pain, as it comes crashing down. She wasn't the only one desperate to drag it back down to the ground, and it appears that they had all unanimously succeeded. But there is a pitiful cry from the person inside, the alien in charge of this attack.[break][break]

And then after that, everything blows up in their faces. Moltres attempts a TAILWIND to get them out of there, but even the legendary's speed is no match for the PSYCHO BOOST that chases them. It knocks them both off their trajectory and Stormy is blown off the back of the beast. It knocks the wind right out of her and she's sure she's tasting the bite of metal between her teeth.[break][break]

In a desperate attempt to soften her crash-landing, she sprouts her FIERY WINGS, beating them to try and slow her fall. However, after that, the rest is history. It appears she must have hit her head or something. She blinks in and out, watching as an alien creature bursts from a rock, or from the meteorite, or from the Celesteela's corpse. Blood from her head injury blinds her and she struggles to find her footing, to pick herself up to get out of harms way. [break][break]

Her Charizard is quick on the upkeep, flying down to defend her pre-emptively with a PROTECT. She can hear people yelling, arguing, maybe. The world is spinning and her head is pounding as she focuses on collecting herself and recovering. It had been a hell of a landing.[break][break]

Meanwhile, it appears that Stormy's ultra beast killer continues to have a mind of its own. The Silvally lands after taking down the metal arm with the meteorite and immediately launches itself back into the fray. It joins those attempting to KILL the general, or at least, it appears as such. The Silvally attacks with a TRI-ATTACK, sending projectiles into the sky after the Deoxys and its prey.[break][break]

Stormy raises a hand to her forehead, wiping at the cut, exasperated. God, she wanted to go home. Blissey's Pokeball burns something fierce on her belt. The capsule bursts open on its own, revealing the plump medic. She worries over Stormy loudly, applying a warm HEAL PULSE on the woman's head injury. [break][break]


- stormy and moltres go for a slight crash landing after the PSYCHO CUT. moltres uses TAILWIND to evade but stormy falls off the back of the bird, injuring herself in the crash. she slows her fall with her FIERY WINGS.[break]

- mega charizard y PROTECTS stormy pre-emptively in case anything attempts to harm her in her disoriented state[break]

- silvally is on the offense, attacking the deoxys and the general both with a TRI-ATTACK.[break]

- blissey pops out of her Pokeball to apply HEAL PULSE on stormy.[break]

- choosing the KILL option.


notes: ...


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 23:13:05 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Everything hurt as flames rocked across her entire body, burning away at her skin. It was unlike anything she had felt before causing her to yelp out in pain. She knew the risks coming here, but she was still alive and that was all that mattered at the moment. This was no time to dwell on her injuries, it was time to keep pressing forwards despite her pain. She had to physically lean against Grace, breathing heavily. The pain was a startling reminder that this was a life and death situation... Not that she needed one.

A black hole from a familiar Z-Move erupts from beneath the Celesteela as everyone attacks as it begins to slow down and perish and Ruby finally lets out a quiet sigh of relief, hopeful that this whole situation was finally over. However, as the meteor chunks seemed to have strange worms wriggling out of them as the general began to cry out desperately for help it became clear that it wasn't over.

The worm-like limbs reaching out immediately made Ruby uncomfortable, staring with wide eyes as her Urshifu luckily was already dropping back towards her with an ENDURE to not only ensure it could survive the fall but block any damage that might be heading Ruby's way with its own body.

"It's... c-consuming corpses!" Ruby shouted to nobody in particular, simply flabbergasted at the sight. It was absolutely horrifying, and hearing the general of the Megalopolan forces shouting out... she almost felt bad. Nobody deserved a fate like that. She was here to stop the fighting as soon as it could, to heal the sick and wounded afterward... Killing was never on her list, despite it happening all around her. War was frankly terrifying. Ruby clenched her fists, sending out her Hatterene by her side as well to defend against the terrifying attack with a PSYCHIC, attempting to protect Ruby and her pokemon.

As soon as Ruby saw Articuno flying in, Ruby didn't hesitate to command her Gardevoir once more. Anyone flying into that terrifying mess needed all the help that they could get. "HEAL PULSE Articuno, keep them up!" Grace would nod her head, before quickly firing a healing pulse of energy straight towards the legendary bird. "Fly quickly..."


Urshifu used Endure, and its defenses are buffed by 3 uses of Bulk Up.
Hatterene uses Psychic simply to defend Ruby.
Gardevoir uses Heal Pulse on Articuno.
Ruby says SPARE.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #B8D9EC; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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Galar Region
Married to science
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 5:00:32 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




The scientist finally emerged from the portal, alongside his Reuniclus. However... He hadn't expected he'd be that high up in the air as he exited. And it was now too late to return. Thus, Tsubasa began his free fall, while the Reuniclus started floating down using its psychic powers. The creature didn't have the strength to carry its master anymore.[break][break]

Thus, the Charizard from the armored fellow was a welcome arrival. Getting rescued in the air and avoiding the incoming attacks was the best thing that could've happened right now. The scientist observed everything unfold, as the meteorite shattered to reveal a mysterious creature, the Megalopolan getting grabbed by said creature and her ride being consumed to create a body for the spacenoid. Adding to that weird attack it emitted too.[break][break]

"This is... quite interesting. Get me down there, friendly Charizard. I must get better visual." Hopefully, the dragon would comply, as doing so would allow it to rejoin with Pokkenger faster. Being dropped upon the ground safely, with his Reuniclus behind, Tsubasa approached the marvelous creature, keeping a safe distance as he adjusted his glasses.[break][break]

"Truly a mystery. How such a creature could have survived in this stone, for who knows how long.... Fascinating. I'd love to study it more. But..." As things would have it, events unfolded nearby. Being on the opposite side of where the attacks fused from and where the Zeraora was, the scientist could get a better visual from the incident. And seeing a man try to get the captured general.[break][break]

"I agree saving her is an ethical option, but the actions being taken... Suggest a different goal in mind. Cell, interfere." The Reuniclus moved forward, loading his jelly arms with psychic energy before trying to strike with a Psystrike to have him release the General. Tsubasa then summoned his other Porygon. "00, why don't you protect her? Make sure not to harm her or the mysterious creature either. I want them both as intact as possible."[break][break]

The Porygon moved, placing itself in front of the general to serve as a shield to it, and also to block anything coming from Deoxys towards her. The creature then uses Lock-On to target the most imminent threat to the General's life.


The metal bird emerged from the portal, without her master. Dewgong was almost panicking now, wondering what Tsubasa had done. Until she saw the bird fly towards the mountain and another portal opened there, dropping the scientist and his Reuniclus. Happily, the creature tried to rush towards the mountain.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr:Tsubasa is rescued by 's Charizard, Reuniclus floats down with its psychic powers.[break]
Sees the Deoxys form, eat Celesteela and the corpses. Watches the girl get captured and the Psycho Boost happen from a safe distance.[break]
Gets the Charizard to go drop him on the ground, so that the draconian can return to his master.[break]
Approaches the Deoxys, but keeps a somewhat safe distance.[break]
Analyses it, but then notices Valerio trying to get the General and run away with her.[break]
Orders Reuniclus to intervene. Reuniclus uses Psytrike on [break]
Calls out Porygon (00). Porygon serves as a shield to the Megalopolan.[break]
Uses Lock-On on the nearest and immediate threat to the girl, excluding Deoxys.[break]
Rolling to Save and Protect the General btw.[break]
Dewgong rushes towards Meteor falls


template by kay

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 6:17:22 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




SEVERAL THINGS HAPPEN AT ONCE. As Smohke mourns the loss of her friend, her leg is seized by the expansion of Deoxys' flesh. She screams in horrid pain— and while several trainers lunge to protect or prey upon her. Despite, 's calls for people to stand down, they are not heeded.[break][break][break]

Under bright sunlight, , as Pokkenger is dropped off by his Charizard. Quickly, the dragon rescues from his fall, and as he goes in for the kill with his PLASMA PUNCHING Zeraora, 's Silvally pushes forth with a searing TRI-ATTACK.[break][break][break]

However, 's Reuniclus is quick to react. Ironically, his intervention proves to be pivotal in saving the general from 's Zeraora's killing strikes. Reuniclus descends to quickly intercept 's attack, while his Porygon forces itself in as an obstacle to the hero's Pokemon.[break][break][break]

Nevertheless, 's Shadow Togepi sabotages 's Zeraora's assault before a Reuniclus' PSYSTRIKE shoots toward himself. Meanwwhile, the Zeraora's PLASMA seemingly "short-circuits", its rapid-fire punches lacking the spark to truly kill the general.[break][break][break]


can not wait for attacks to come— for everything happens at once. Still, his Mega Kangaskhan is able to protect itself from the PSYCHO BOOST as boulders tear away from the expanding force. In the meanwhile, future gym leader, and his Pokemon defend against the incoming psychic energy. His Kommo-o PROTECTS; however, the power causes the steel dragon to become injured still rather than fainting outright.[break][break][break]


While 's Zygarde attempts to GRASS KNOT 's Zeraora, 's Houndoom FLAMETHROWERS the vines.[break][break][break]


In the TAILWIND, 's Mega Charizard stands guard, PROTECTING its winged owner as her Blissey heals her. While 's Shadow Togepi transfers its BURN to 's Articuno— the pain is immediately relieved by 's Gardevoir's HEAL PULSE. As the PSYCHO BOOST rushes towards the ends of the chamber, her Hatterene PROTECTS her, the PSYCHIC staving off some of the force at the expense of some injury. Her Urshifu's ENDURE manages to keep the bear afloat— but barely.[break][break][break]

In the chaos, and his Articuno manages to swoop in time with a icy trail of wind. 's newly Mega Evolved Sceptile darts in, LEAF BLADING the melted segment of Deoxys' flesh on Smohke's flattened leg.[break][break][break]


As he pulls Smohke out from the distracted Deoxys, he realizes she is missing her right leg. A precisely timed TELEPORT allows them to dodge any residual energy from the PSYCHO BOOST. Healed by 's Clefairy, stands by the council member as the Deoxys surveys the arena with its inhuman gaze. She would be able to notice 's unconscious body, his Noivern vigilant and protective over its trainer.[break][break][break]

It seems to be searching for something... its eyes flicker to each meteorite piece people hold before moving on as if not being able to find what it wants. Viewing the segments of meteoroid underneath it, the tentacled creature hisses before looking to the heavens. It transforms swiftly. Its head elongates in its back, like a spike and its arms turn into a singular tentacle.[break][break][break]


Like a squid, it slams its tentacles downwards and flies into the heavens, disappearing in an incredible burst of speed. and would be able to notice its sudden launch. They would be able to see it rocket into the atmosphere, the distance it travels first rendering it as an orange speck before it vanishes.[break][break][break]

's party licks its wounds. Perhaps, literally, should his Lickilicky be inclined to do so. The Pheromosa seems to comply, its selfish wants outweighing whatever it has been employed for.[break][break][break]


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
🗹 Discover the mysteries surrounding the mural and the meteoroid in the cave.[break]
🗹 Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
🗹 Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
🗹 Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

Decide what to do with Smohke; post as much as you'd like until the event thread is closed.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

UPDATE! Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 10:05:32 GMT

Orders. Are. Absolute.

This is not a tea party where Kyle graciously allows Balder to deck him in the mouth to defend some homeless child who can’t read the room. Nor is this the Littleroot debacle where League member after League member disregards basic protocol to flounder what’s considered the worst League operation in modern history. No. This is war and Fernando will not allow the incompetent ideals of the misguided to bleed into his own efforts. Kaida Adachi will be the last person to squander his patience with open pride.

However, in retrospect, she was right about one thing.

It was the work of the enemy.

There is a moment of clairvoyance when he understands primitive words of the Ranger’s feral subhuman — kill. But therein lies the difference between man and beast. Fernando controls his emotions, pushing through the impulsive reaction in order to levy the situation with sound decision making.



The command is as crisp as the burnt remains of his earlier GRASS KNOT. Although the Houndoom’s FLAMETHOWER has thwarted his own efforts, Ophelia’s cover remains under tight lip. Through the mercy of Fernando’s tendency of judging her to be too useless to be of any real help, he reads the attack as an attempt at restraining the Zerora as opposed to maliciously opposing him. Katherine’s comment about MEGA EVOLUTION being squandered by certain trainers flashes through his memory but he dismisses it with a heavy frown.

Valerio approaches dangerously close, despite Fernando’s orders, but the efforts of Tsubasa’s Reuniclus holds him back. These actions don’t go unnoticed but Fernando does not comment on it outwardly. He doesn’t have time to revolve around so many heads when their target is snatched up by their very own Lars Anderson.

League forces, this is a direct order! Resistance will be seen as insubordination! Traitors are to be incapacitated with extreme prejudice.

These words may not mean anything to an undercover Rocket like Valerio or even the vigilante Pokenger, but Fernando’s orders will be recognized by his own team as well as the surviving League soldiers around them. As endearing as it may seem that the world revolves around a select few individuals, that’s a viewpoint left for the selfish and narcissistic. Those who survive Deoxy’s PSYCHO BOOST will hear the call to action even if they don’t act on it.

So when Kazimir follows up in hot pursuit of General Smohke and Lars’ who is Fernando to demand from others without leading by example?

A battle routine has been set and his Pokemon are already in motion. The momentary hindrance of having to observe Deoxys is short lived as the Pokemon jettisons off into the horizon. That leaves them free to maneuver as they see fit, focused around the new objective of following Fernando’s earlier orders, and therefore running defensive line for Lars’ escape.

The Head Ranger evades the PSYCHO BOOST, General in tow, by TELEPORTING back to the safety of his very own Metagross and Silvally. There, in the sky, Fernando almost mistakes the Head Ranger for Hoenn’s flying expert Alexei as his team remains high above Lillian and Ophelia. His eyes trace along Pokenger’s actions and when they look to nab Smohke his Tapu Fini begins to channel its energy.

Having steadied its CALM MIND prior to its attack, locking onto the airborne target isn’t difficult. It makes channeling its Z-MOVE that much easier. But as the MISTY TERRAIN coagulates, Fernando corrects the Legendary with a single phrase, “Bring down the flyer.

Instead of Fernando’s signature show of mighty, THE GUARDIAN OF ALOLA, his Tapu Fini opts for a secret technique that they’ve kept under wraps. The Pokemon’s PSYCHIC powers hone in on the Charizard and despite it’s PROTECT the Z-MOVE indiscriminately penetrates whatever barriers the duo can put up.

There is no mercy on the battlefield in the same manner that there is no forgiveness in disobedience. Tapu Fini will not maim or wound the Charizard in order to get it to stop. No. The Vindictive will accomplish its goal by any means necessary. Crippling the dragon’s wings isn’t a full stop measure. Death is. So the Legendary Pokemon goes for the sure kill.


Within the powers invested in Hoenn’s Guardian Deity, Tapu Fini begins to tear into the Charizard’s nervous system with a SHATTERED PSYCHE. Psychic powers twist and turn, like a parasite, looking to snap through synapses and render the Pokemon incapable — incapable of flying, incapable of breathing, incapable of thought. If the Pokenger doesn’t have the brain to obey orders then Fernando will make sure that real estate isn’t put to waste.

"The most vulnerable part is the brain."

But this time it’s more than just business; it’s personal.

Fernando and his Pokemon have no inclination as to whether or not Kazimir’s Charizard has some method of madness to escape a SHATTERED PSYCHE. Personally, even Fernando, an actual user of the move, has yet to find a real preventative measure to evade the attack. So they follow under the assumption that there is no escape, lining up in succession to take down the mount that would find maintaining a PROTECT difficult under such dire circumstances.

Among Fernando’s Pokemon, his Smeargle is the only one incapacitated, crash landing along with Stormy and her Moltres, nursing its wounds as it tries to come to.

However, the rest of Fernando’s party are relatively healthy, relatively unharmed from their climb, while being consistently healed through the combined efforts of Lars, Illeana, and even the Saint of Slateport, Ruby Walker. Their ample strength, in comparison, make it easy to retaliate.

Silvally, the Beast Killer, has no qualms with hunting something other than Ultra Beast. A TERRAIN PULSE launches from the Pokemon’s open maw, absorbing some of the powers of Fernando’s MISTY TERRAIN as it spreads across the battered ground.

Likewise, Fernando’s Zygarde also has no qualms with pelting the trio with any STONE EDGE within reach. Like bullets, the stone shards protrude through the air with their sharp incisions pointed first, eager the tear through flesh, scales, and fur alike.

But the most damaging attack has to be the sudden SPOTLIGHT thrust upon their position by his Clefairy. The move may not harm them outright but there’s a worse fate than being on the opposite end of Fernando’s Legendary Pokemon. And that’s being on the sole target of his team. Flashed in an impossible to ignore glow, those below will find their attacks guided toward the gaudy bullseye of orange, yellow, and green.

And although not all of the League’s soldiers will rally under his command — some may have their doubts as well as their wrong and misguided opinions on the matter — there will be those that fall in line, those that seek to please authority, and those that find their loyalties more suited for one of Hoenn’s most recognizable political figures as opposed to some masked crook.

Fernando expects compliance and that means his temper now becomes the temper of many.

War is not a time for treason.

Battle routine set?


- fernando misreads ophelia's FLAMETHROWER as an attempt to thwart zerora.

- notices valerio approach where smohke was but doesn't confront him.

- warns all league members, including npc, that insubordination will not be tolerated.

- tapu fini's CALM MIND from last turn allows it to track whoever follows lars' TELEPORT.

- fernando summons a MISTY TERRAIN (+damage) and tapu fini uses its Z-MOVE.

- Z-MOVES cannot be blocked by PROTECT!

- tapu fini uses SHATTERED PSYCHE to lobotomize kazimir's charizard while it's in flight with the intention to kill.

- smeargle is crashed with moltres and stormy. currently dazed.

- silvally fires a TERRAIN PULSE at pokenger and his mount. MISTY TERRAIN turns the attack into a FAIRY ATTACK and boosts damage.

- zygarde uses STONE EDGE to pelt all three.

- clefairy uses SPOTLIGHT to draw attention to them for the league to follow up with more attacks.

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 10:36:58 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Despite 's attempts to get her attention Lillian can't help but continue to stare, helpless, at the scenes unfolding before her. Even the tousle over the general isn't enough to pull her eyes from the creature birthed by the meteorite. The only moment her gaze shifts is when it sweeps the ruined falls looking for something. Lillian drops her eyes to make sure their stares not only don't, but can't meet.

She is cowed by its presence, but then it leaves. It changes shape and flies away faster than her eyes can track it. And just like that the spell is broken. She can breath and think again. Her eyes adjust and suddenly her perspective widens.

They are, however, still drawn to the carnage. The corpses sucked dry by the odd creature and the bodies from the battle. Among them a familiar face from Fernando's files -- , former Elite Four. Still breathing.

"Hey! I need medics over here!" she shouts, pointing towards his unconscious form. There aren't many left but she notices a few uniformed individuals move towards the man. She goes to join them when chaos breaks out anew. A rogue trainer, a fresh fight over the captive general. It's not something she wants to mix herself into so quickly after battle, but Lillian isn't given a choice. Fernando speaks and she listens.

"You heard him!" she shouts to her pokemon, "Eyes on the Pokkenger! Cloyster, artillery fire on the Zeraora!"

Her first command is followed immediately by the shelled pokemon. After quickly taking aim a volley of ICICLE SPEARS begin firing from the horn above its head. PLASMA FIST may make for a good deterrent in melee, but Lillian doubts it'll do so well against a ranged assault. And even if it does that's not where her plans end.

As Fernando unloads into the Charizard, Lillian's eyes shift to the passenger.

"Magneton, draw a bead on that trainer!" she says, "and Machamp, I want you to move in!"

They're acting practically as Lillian finishes speaking. Magneton searches for a clear sight-line on the Pokkenger, and once it finds one begins to LOCK-ON to the traitorous vigilante. Already the edges of its magnet appendages spark in preparation for its next move.

Meanwhile Machamp charges forward -- it's great FORESIGHT allowing it to make a guess at where the Charizard might crash and start moving in on that location.

+ Lillian watched breathless as the Deoxys scanned the surroundings
+ Caught her breath and broke out of her daze when it left
+ Noticed unconscious with his pokemon, called for nearby League medics to attend to him
+ Started moving to check on him herself when made his move
+ Heeded 's command for league forces to take him down
+ Cloyster used ICICLE SPEAR on 's Zeraora
+ Magneton used LOCK-ON on as Fernando attacked Charizard
+ Machamp used FORESIGHT to judge where MIGHT crash and start running there

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 18:10:49 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

Something soft brushes Stormy's leg and the woman pauses, vision blurring back into focus as the image of Fernando's Smeargle wobbles in front of her. The woman squats down slowly, sucking in a breath at the wave of nausea that overcomes her. But she reaches for the dazed Pokemon, pulling it into her arms and in the safety of her likely now-tattered jacket. Her throat feels hoarse, as if she's swallowed the entirety of a smokescreen, but she lifts her head, pulling away from Blissey's concern, to call out.[break][break]


There is fear in her voice- but not for her. In her fall she hadn't seen what had happened to the rest, what had happened to Smohke, to her friends, her allies. [break][break]

Moltres screams but it appears that the legendary is unharmed, just irritated and grounded temporarily. While overhead, another war is breaking out, Stormy is oblivious to it. The sharp throb in her head is disorienting and she only has one goal. Her hand absently strokes the Smeargle in her arms and she stumbles past Blissey and Charizard on her way to Fernando.[break][break]

The fact that he's angry isn't surprising, and she isn't the least bit deterred by the rage in his eyes. He's yelling, commanding orders, threats, warnings, and his Pokemon take aim after the Pokkenger - but she has no interest in pursuing that issue. [break][break]


Blissey chases after her in a mild panic, acutely aware of how unsteady her trainer is on her feet and how close she is to falling down. The woman's mega Charizard stays on the ground. Amidst the confusion, the beast chooses not to get involved, not without direct orders from Stormy. And currently, Stormy is nigh incomprehensible. [break][break]

And now that the Deoxys has rocketed back up into the sky, the woman's Silvally is without a clear target. It stands down, too, breathing heavily as it comes back to its senses and attempts to recover.[break][break]

Stormy's boots scuff the ground as she continues to approach Fernando. Her free hand continues wiping blood leaking from her forehead away from her eyes. When she sees it, however, the crimson slick against her fingertips, her pace falters and she hesitates, stunned into silence. She can taste it against her lips and the realization of the horror they've all survived seems to come crashing down on her. Though her vision is fuzzy and confusing, she can see now that Lillian and several on-site medics are gathered around what she assumes to be . [break][break]

She stumbles forward, closing the distance unless Fernando decided to let her fall-- and she fully intends to hang onto him. She presses her cheek against his, focusing on him and only him until she regains her footing. Her hand searches for his to hold onto.[break][break]

"Fern.. I-I need your help."[break][break]

- stormy picks up smeargle and makes her way to fernando. she's rattled and afraid and badly hurt.[break][break]

- moltres remains on the ground, catching its breath.[break][break]

- mega charizard y also remains on the ground, unwilling to get involved without direct orders.[break][break]

- blissey chases stormy, concerned for her wellbeing.[break][break]

- silvally ceases fire.[break][break]

- stormy stumbles into fernando and asks him for help.


notes: ...


, ,


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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 18:20:44 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
as his consciousness faded. all mateo could see and hear were blurs and murmurs. noivern remained at his side, worried. as the dragon master fell into a slight slumber.

in his fictional world there would reside a memory. a conversation had been occurring as he stood on the outside of it. the conversation seemed to be on some sort of rooftop. he wasn't able to see the two conversing clearly, but it all slowly came into frame.

it was himself and .

he couldn't make out the conversation too well. so for now he relied on the action. it seemed as if she was telling him something. something that led him to shouting, to her crying, to him grabbing her wrist, and then to her slapping him across the face. this memory was foggy, but he could see himself draped within a hospital gown. just what had they been arguing about?

mateo couldn't remember too well at the moment. as the medics were treating him, he would slowly come to open his eyes. no longer within the world of dreams. though, a single tear fell from his eye. he pondered on 's whereabouts. since the last time they saw each other had been at the hospital. his memory was foggy, why was he so angry? where the hell had she gone?

with all the commotion happening. all the dragon tamer could do was merely lay down and stare above. "everyone...is so noisy..." he tiredly said.


- mateo's dreaming about .
- wakes up to hear the commotion while being tended to.

side note: run kazimir, run.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2020 19:05:10 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Today was apparently when he would be overshooting his own personal quota of one stupidly dangerous action a day.

Well, today had actually shattered that resolution into a million tiny bits. He didn’t know what had compelled him to fly and snatch the ‘space lady’, but by Arceus, it was like there was some fantastical other deity watching over him.

Who knew if his sister, beyond the cosmos, had sent him her infectious luck and energy to get him through the day? This was certainly unprecedented. The moment he’d managed to grab the enemy general (who was now screaming in pain) the Gardevoir had warped them away from the explosion—

Right towards the anchor where Ro was still floating far overhead, Amir eyeing the sudden appearance of the Articuno with its passengers. At the sight of the lady, the now-Silvally began to snarl, but Lars gave him a look so scathing, it practically shut him up.

And then—

And then everything devolved into chaos.

There was one corner of his vision that was turning… a rather unpleasant crimson color before the familiar metallic stench assaulted his nostrils. But the more pressing matter was the fact that there was something headed his way, and if he needed to get the fuck out of the way—he would.

Instead of the Telekinesis deploying to hold the enemy general hostage, Lars pointed his head at the incoming… threat. “Ro, change of plans! Push that away! Redirect! Amir, help Ro! Do what you have to—I trust you.

It was those last three words that made the Silvally stop and outright stare at him, before the Metagross lurched forward from his mid-air position, throwing out the Telekinesis as a protective barrier to hopefully repel what was headed their way. The Silvally then saw the incoming threat, and decided to distract further with a cavalcade of falling rocks—a Rock Slide!

“Lynette, take us to wherever Ruby is, or at least close enough to someone who can help, he said, pointing in the general direction where Ruby was. Barring that, they were going to get as close to where Fernando was currently located.

“We gotta get out of here.”

Even if his ‘companion’ was to protest, he would bark back, “Would you want to DIE?!” and hopefully that shut her up. The Gardevoir then looped her arms around Lars and the ‘space lady’, before Teleporting away from the Articuno’s back.

This then left the ice deity to look at whatever was coming—and then pondered for a few moments at what the Metagross and Silvally were doing. Hoping that it was going to serve as the flashiest distraction they could deploy, the Articuno gathered the arctic energy from within and opened fire with a non-lethal, but still very potent, Ice Beam.

It was aiming to severely incapacitate or at the very least hamper whatever was coming to something that was no longer there.

It felt like an eternity, but Lars felt his balance sway before finally hitting the ground again. Oh, Arceus, how the fuck did his friend not get airsick after staying up in the air for so long?! Damn it. Either way, the Gardevoir stood guard, ready to attack whatever would be coming down where they had landed. To be on the safe side, they had appeared close to where Fernando stood, now accompanied by Stormy.

“Lady. LADY!” he shouted as he reached for the emergency pack he carried on him at all times. “If you want to live—I mean it, you’re losing a lot of fucking blood—then shut up and let me work!”

Ripping the zipper open, he bit his lower lip—fuck, she was losing so much blood it was alarming. Quickly reaching for the alcohol, he roughly cleaned his hands before reaching for the gauze and bandages, working as fast as he could because fucking shit that was a lot of blood.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! He thought frantically as he ripped the gauze apart and applied it to stopper whatever was going to be left of her leg, before ripping the roll of bandages open and fashioning a tourniquet around the leg stump. The important thing was that he had to stop the bleeding, and fast.

“Someone get me the girl with the shiny Gardevoir, STAT! he shouted as his hands became wet with blood while he worked, staving away the damage as best as he could, hoping to wrap that tourniquet as tightly as he could.


• Danger coming up at them, seconds are ticking away
• Lars changes the orders given to the Metagross and instructs the Silvally to aid however he can because yikes
• Metagross’s stored Telekinesis instead deploys to serve as an invisible wall-like impediment to whoever (or whatever) was coming!
• Silvally used Rock Slide to assist!
• Gardevoir used Teleport and warps Lars, herself and General Smokhe away from the Articuno’s back!
• Now free of passengers, the Articuno aims a potent Ice Beam after the Rock Slide, assisting to repel whatever the fuck was headed their way!
• Lars reappeared back on the ground close to where Fernando and Stormy are
• Now that he’s back on the ground, Gardevoir stands guard while he attempts first-aid, lashing up a tourniquet around the stump of the space lady’s leg (and also yelling at her to keep the hell quiet and stop crying because that’s pain, what can he do about it)
• Lars yells for someone, anyone to get over to where they are STAT to help with healing and stopping the bleeding stump from killing the enemy general before she dies of blood loss!

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2020 14:37:10 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
Ruby braces herself for impact as her Pokemon work to protect her, gritting her teeth as the psychic wave of energy crashes over them. Luckily, it seemed her pokemon were able to hold back the brunt of the force but it was clear they took quite a bit of damage themselves. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the strange thing, wondering if they were going to have to fight it too. However, it seemed to look around and almost transform into a different, yet similar form as it just flew away. A problem for another day, perhaps.

And yet, Ruby let out a heavy sigh of relief. It seemed the fighting to be over for the most part. Almost instinctively, Ruby slumped against Whisper as the pokemon easily caught her weight and supported her up. Perhaps she had grown used to the violence and the fighting, but the physical toll on her body was much higher than in the past. The burns all over her body attested to that fact quite obviously.

Her eyes slowly scanned the scene as she attempted to calm herself down from the adrenaline high. League Rangers injured, as well as their pokemon. There no doubt was going to be a lot of work to do. Patching people up, getting them back in operating states so that they could help others.

She wasn't surprised when she heard through a few friendly rangers still standing that someone was demanding her presence, but she had been expecting to be chastised for her arrival, for arriving at a warfront. After all, she was quite obviously still underage, there wasn't really any hiding that anymore. Regardless, Ruby recalled her heavily injured Urshifu as her Hatterene and Gardevoir led her over towards Lars.

What she wasn't expecting was to see the Megalopolan General without a leg and desperately being bandaged by the Head Ranger. Ruby immediately took a deep breath as she once again steeled her nerves, understanding right away what was going on. There would be no point in clutching her from the jaws of death if she died afterward. Ignoring her own obvious injuries for a bit, Ruby dropped her bag heavy with first aid supplies as she suddenly began ordering commands to her pokemon.

"Whisper, hold her still." Almost immediately, the Hatterene would use PSYCHIC to hold the general down. Not precisely to keep her from escaping, considering she was down a limb, but she had seen what those teeth alone could do... And she wasn't eager to figure it out for herself.

Her eyes scanned the makeshift tourniquet that seemed to fashion together, nodding in approval. Assuming their biology was anything remotely similar to humans, stopping the loss of blood was imperative. "Grace, HEAL PULSE. Patch them up." The Gardevoir would wave her hands as a gentle pulse of psychic energy would flow into their form, starting from their leg, attempting to patch them up from the inside out.

Shortly after that, however, her Gardevoir would turn its attention to the legendary Pokemon nearby, politely bowing towards its location before just TELEPATHICALLY asking if the freezing bird of legend required a few more heals of its own. However, Ruby was too focused on the job at hand to worry about the legendary's health. It seemed most of the bandaging work was done on the general already, but there was definitely more work that could be done.

"Are you injured?" Ruby would ask the head ranger directly, her eyes briefly glancing over at the other assorted group of League forces nearby. "Of course you are, nevermind. That's a dumb question. We all are." The girl would finally kneel down a bit, stumbling and hissing briefly in pain as her burns continued to sting away at her skin despite doing her best to ignore them.

"Just... sit still." Ruby would speak quietly on instinct, taking another roll of bandages from her own supplies and attempt to wrap it around the general's leg as well. She never imagined having to patch up the enemy... but she supposed it made sense. Information was important, even if it got her hands literally covered in alien blood... She'd do what it took to ensure her new home was kept safe.

Urshifu is recalled.
Hatterene uses Psychic to hold the general down.
Gardevoir uses Heal Pulse on the general, then telepathically asks Articuno if they require further healing.

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2020 16:55:03 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
kim inteoduced himself and his pokemon to the pheromosa and gives her the rundown that she’s going to be under his command until further notice

The spoils of war bore a bitter scent, the stink of death pungent in the air as Kim waded through the ravaged battlefield. His steps were taken carefully, missing the occasional body as he searched for the remains of what once were league affiliated soldiers.

In minutes he would collect remnants of the fallen, whether they be pokeballs or more personal belongings to id them. Their bodies may not be in the best shape for transportation, but at least these memories would serve as a stand in for them.

When finishing his walk, Kim returns to his team, the Kirlia and Lickilicky watching over the Pheromosa as Kim approaches.

It takes a moment for him to collect himself and his words, but once he did, he gave a small smile to the beast.

While I wish we had not met on such sour turns, I can’t exactly reverse the conditions that have led us to this moment. In any case, my name is Kim, that Kirlia is Anadyne, and the Lickilicky is Knock-Me-Down.” Pointing out towards the sea, the Swampert can be seen waving in the air as the Dragonite circles overhead, trying to work itself out of its confusion. “The Swampert is Minnow and the Dragonite is Friendly Coffee… So, now that introductions are out of the way… Until further notice, you will be in my care, ‘k?

While unsure if the beast even understood him, Kim had gotten his piece out, as far as he was concerned, there was nothing else he needed to say in this situation.

You did great, Knock, I’ll buy you some gourmet food later.” With that Kim returned the Lickilicky, eyeing the pokeball before taking out a free one and showing it to the Pheromosa, tapping it on the beasts chest in an attempt to capture it.

Whether or not it worked, Kim would send out a message to the mountain group over comms.

Two casualties at the portal but we’ve succeeded where it matters. I saw some weird thing fly up in the sky from over there, can I get a status report from you guys?

Converging on them without knowledge of their situation could prove fatal for him. As fun as it is to dive head first into action, if the group that had a large amount of avatars with them failed, he sure as hell would not succeed.

ღ kim collects mementos from the remains and

ღ returns lickilicky takes the pheromosa under his supervision

ღ attempts to capture it in a pokeball

ღ radios in for a status on the mountaineers

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2020 6:47:06 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

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As his zeraora goes in for the kill his attack suddenly fizzles out as the elecriticy stored up inside of him just vanished. Both it and pokkenger tilted their heads in confusion and looked at each for the answer on what happened. Neither of them could really tell each other an answer so both of them were spectators in a tug of war match with the megalopolan general before she’s brought to the ground and a small group of people covered her to heal her injuries.


The murderous fire within him quickly died down as he watched from a distance. Well so much for his revenge, but at least they stopped them from doing anymore harm to this place so that was a definite bigger victory. Still he wasn’t satisfied, they killed a man in front of him when they met, they tried to eat him and his group in their own home as a trick, they managed to make off with a powerful beast and Balder’s best friend.


Shit like that just isn’t forgotten and ignored so easily.


”this one’s for you balder…” he whispered under the mask as he made his way over and was intercepted by his charizard who returned from rescue duty. The fire dragon gave a nudge on the hero’s shoulder who in turn placed his forehead against his charizard’s and gave him a pat on the head for a job well done. ”hey scorch, gonna need some cover. We’re about to do something crazy. You in?” the charizard didn’t even have any hesitation as it nodded along, ”simba, you go grab that little general when it goes up. Then we run like hell. Not let’s get to it men.”


The charizard took one look at and before letting out a billowing smokescreen that covered as much of the cave as it could as it washed over them. Zeraora would rush ahead with its swift agility looking almost like a blur as it knocked both of them aside and picked up the general in its arms. Through the smoke pokkenger would hope aboard his charizard and fly through the smoke picking up the zeraora and general as it jumped onto the charizard’s back and the three of them flew low to the ground and into one of the many caves that other megalopolans used to enter the chasm.


As they flew he touched his last pokeball to release his torterra who stood in the mouth of the cave. ”turters! Block us off!” with a roar the turtle began advancing deeper into the cave after his trainer as he stomped the ground, causing an earthquake to shake the falls as the rocks above the cave fell in order to seal it off from anyone else following them. Hopefully this escape and selfish plan of the masked hero would work.


    + charizard uses smokescreen for a cover![break]

    Zeraora uses agility to snag Smohke![break]
    Pokkenger flees with a kidnapped general![break]
    Pokkenger and Co. flee through a tunnel![break]
    Sends out torterra![break]
    Torterra uses earthquake to seal the tunnel and prevent them from being followed![break]
    + sunny day count 3/5


[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2020 7:55:47 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
Ruby sighed softly as she sent out her Urshifu to attempt to get patched up as well. She was quite visibly struggling to stand, even though they were obviously attempting to hold themselves together and to hide the pain. A true warrior, fighting to never show weakness even after the war was over.

Ruby would speak calmly to her pokemon as she continued to bandage up the leg of the foreign general, frowning all the while. "Grace, can you use Life De-" She didn't even get the chance to finish before her pokemon seemingly sprung into action, Whisper moving first considering her unique ability to sense emotions and being incredibly protective of her trainer. As soon as the Charizard began exhaling smoke, Whisper would immediately respond by blasting with PSYCHIC, attempting to block Ruby from any further harm.

Her other two pokemon leaped into action. As Ruby would begin to cough from the smoke, her Gardevoir would simply kneel down from her position and attempt to TELEPORT both Ruby and the fallen general over towards , trusting in the chain of authority. At the same time, Bea wasn't shy about continuing the fight, even in her weakened state. She might be able to see the Zeraora coming with their speed and the smoke, but she could certainly attempt to DETECT them. As they'd move in, the Urshifu would attempt to not only detect the incoming pokemon but trip them up as well with an outstretched limb, just in case Grace hadn't been able to teleport them in time.

Still coughing to clear her lungs, Ruby would quickly shake her head as she'd look around. Who would attempt to strike for the general in front of everyone? She couldn't exactly see it through the smoke, but certainly didn't feel good. Not with Fernando already declaring that resistance was akin to being declared as a traitor. "T-the battle is over... What more do people want?" She whispered quietly to herself in annoyance as her eyes scanned the battlefield.

Urshifu is sent out to get healed.
Hatterene uses Psychic to attempt to defend her trainer.
Gardevoir uses Teleport to attempt to teleport Ruby and Smohke towards the feet of Fernando.
Urshifu uses Detect, to attempt to detect the incoming pokemon and trip it up.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing