i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 0:34:59 GMT
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the houndoom hops off its ride, watching the steel pokemon groan in the dirt. still, it was very much grateful for the protection. enough for the houndoom to have survived the fall, that is. once it hops off, he trots his merry way back to his trainer and begins to stand and growl.

ophelia on the other hand steadies herself, absol at her back and ready to pounce at anything that may have leapt from the shadows formed from the light above. instead, the houndoom jumps up front, glancing back at the trainer and awaiting demands. "flamethrower!" she blurts out, with little plan to control the flames. it should be alright, she thinks, so long as the fire wasn't anywhere aimed at them.

the houndoom conjures fire in its mouth, releasing a fiery, bright blaze of FLAMETHROWER to illuminate the majority of the cave. the flames burned bright with the prior buffs, and were particularly aimed at the beasts charging in at them. she hoped that the fire would keep them at bay.

meanwhile, the absol pounced at the beasts from behind and by the flank, using a powered up NIGHT SLASH to counter the pokemon, before leaping back for the houndoom to burn it in its fire.

- houndoom hops off bronzong and wheezes
- sticking to 's group, absol at her back
- houndoom used (nasty plot x2, flashfire x2) FLAMETHROWER on the surrounding silvally
- absol used (x2 swords dance) NIGHT SLASH on surrounding silvally


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April 22nd
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rufio
Rufio McGillis
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 0:36:33 GMT
Rufio McGillis Avatar
Wait...Had they been toyed with from the beginning?!

As if the Pheromosa had been playing with them from the start she'd knock Rufio and Zweihander away, the latter not realizing that Moore the Mudkip too had been counter attacked, yet heavily so. The amphibian was left rolling on the ground shrieking in pain causing Rufio to return it to it's Poke Ball, gritting his teeth the tattooed teen would rise back to his feet, still wielding either sword of Doublade in his hands.

In the unfolding chaos it seemed Lockjaw had attacked the man that had attacked those nearby before being swatted away, surprisingly the man had a hand left. Regrouping as Pheromosa recovered the "stone" Rufio, Doublade, and Croconaw would be left standing in place as things continued to...spiral down.

Whatever the stone had been it was no Mega Stone and in the blink of an eye it seemed that all was lost, a myriad of glowing kick like constructs flying toward all of those in the vicinity. A wall of death awaited them...

But, Rufio was defiant.

Lockjaw was still in a Rage as well and with Zweihander's loyalty to their Trainer, the trio would attack right back.

As such Rufio and Zweihander would begin to attack the energy constructs thrown their way, using Aerial Ace again to both avoid some of the attacks while also swatting at others to divert their trajectory or to cut them clean in half and destroy them. If they got hit, would they survive?

Meanwhile Lockjaw had latched onto Rufio's back, acting as a new back up for the ginger after Mudkip's injury had taken place earlier. Yet, with their enraged state what could they do other than attack with melee strikes? This worry and mental argument would begin to confuse Lockjaw, the glowing rage in his very body would begin to blink out of existence then only to leave him in a delirious state.

What if Lockjaw couldn't protect his Master? Despite Rufio's harsh out look on Trainer to Pokemon relationships, this was not to say that his POKEMON loved him nonetheless. Most of them had burning loyalty in the teen, thanking him for making them stronger, but also bonding with the teen in such a way even if it didn't seem equal from Rufio's part.

Confused and full of anxiety at this point the "lost" Croconaw would continue to wince as if in both physical and mental pain. Yet, through it's nearly closed eyelids it could see it, one of the kicks about to make it through Rufio and Doublade's guard...He had to...


Leaping from Rufio's back the crocodile Pokemon would take charge, having jumped in front of his allies Lockjaw would begin to unknowingly glow though the distinct nature of such was well known to Rufio whom would be taken back in awh nonetheless.

Mid-air Lockjaw would begin to evolve, fueled by the devout loyalty and love it had for it's Trainer, believing that it's life didn't mean anything without it's Trainer. As such Croconaw would become Feraligatr and Lockjaw's mind would become unfogged, unbothered, and his body was empowered with newfound strength. Still left moving forward from their leap Lockjaw would sneer, hot breath emitting from it's lips before it almost "exploded" forward even further while glowing orange. In this Lockjaw would attempt to shatter the energy kick that dared come toward Rufio via it's SUPERPOWER technique. Raking at the "kick" with it's claws  before bursting forward and seeking to attack Pheromosa as well Lockjaw would be ignorant to the fact that Rufio had just questioned his view on his idea of Pokemon x Master relationship, if only for the Pokemon on his person presently.

Lockjaw the Croconaw Feraligatr, Zweihander the Doublade, Moore the Mudkip, and Morph the Morpeko....

These Pokemon stood with him on the line of life and death....

tl / dr;
Moore the Mudkip is returned
Morph the Morpeko still in Poke Ball
Rufio and Doublade try to counter All-Out Pummeling via a Flying-Type move aka AERIAL ACE
Lockjaw the Croconaw holds onto Rufio's back, his Rage ends and his becomes Confused and distraught as things unfold
Lockjaw the Croconaw fights through the Confusion and mental distress in attempt to save Rufio, because of this Croconaw evolves into Feraligatr
Lockjaw the Feraligatr uses SUPERPOWER to save Rufio from an All-Out Pummeling if possible/continue forward and attack Pheromosa

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 0:58:42 GMT
Deleted Avatar

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war of the worlds: raid

top of the win

near leather feel


Deciding the situation, and its current position, was too hot to handle at the moment, the Krookodile did what it did best: run away back to its trainer. Using its expert ability to DIG, the creature dove into the earth like water and made his way back with great speed. And it wasn't long before he surfaced with the aspiring police officer and the Hattrem on his shoulder once more. The former gave the Krookodile and pat on the head. "Welcome back, champ," He spoke, keeping his eyes on the Pheromosa despite the injuries he'd sustained.[break][break]


Realizing none of her teammates were currently in tip-top shape, Thalia the Hattrem hesitated no longer to unleash a beautiful LIFE DEW that would heal their injuries. Even Chrom the Skarmory descended from the skies to bathe in its refreshing and restorative shower. Feeling well enough to keep digging, Vagabon the Krookodile did just so. And, realizing the Pheromosa was coming in for another attack, Atlan decided into the tunnel was the best way to go.[break][break]

"Back into your ball, Chrom! You did great!" He spoke, returning the armored bird to its ball before hurrying his pokémon into the hole. Hopefully, they would do so quickly enough to evade the flurry of kicks and punches that came their way like a storm.[break]


Krookodile used Dig![break]
Hattrem used Life Dew! (+1 SP. ATK, +1 SP. DEF)[break]
Skarmory was returned to its ball![break][break]

tl;dr: Krookodile uses Dig to regroup with Atlan and its team. Hattrem used Life Dew to heal their injuries. Skarmory was returned to its ball before the team flees into Krookodile's tunnel. Their trajectory, hopefully, guides them towards the center of the cave.[break][break]


— Atlan is wearing a dark green combat vest with a long-sleeve black shirt, black trousers, and combat boots. Strapped to his belt are his heavy balls and several supplies, including: a flashlight, emergency flares, a pair of cuffs, rations, a canteen, portable first-aid, and a pair of stun batons. Wrapped around his neck is a black bandana.


war of the worlds: meteor falls warfront


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Galar Region
Married to science
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 1:50:28 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




The movements from the bipedal cockroach had been... Unexpected to say the least. Especially at the speed it moved. Thus, when the kick struck, the surprise and the force of the strike caught the scientist off-guard, sending him flying. In doing so, the stone slipped out of his pocket, ready to be taken by the insect.[break][break]

Luckily, Reuniclus saw this unfold and was already moving in position to catch his trainer. With a well-timed Wonder Room, the pokemon strengthened his defense to allow a better reception of the flying human. As he got caught, Tsubasa recovered his breath, while the two Porygons saw this as an opportunity to Recover[break][break]

While the insect started to prepare her attacks, Tsubasa decided to try it all and seek the truth of this portal. "Cell, 00, 02. We're going in. Frost, cover us." Thus, the group started moving towards the portal. As they entered, the Dewgong proceeded to Aqua Tail the insect, acting as a diversion. Upon the execution of the attack, Tsubasa entered the portal, his other pokemons following right after.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Gets kicked by Pheromosa, Lets go of the stone.[break]
Reuniclus moves to receive his master, using Wonder Room to make itself physically stronger, swapping his defense and Special Defense.[break]
Reuniclus catches the scientist and moves away from everyone.[break]
Both Porygons use recover.[break]
Notices that the path is open for the portal. Heads towards it.[break]
The two Porygons and Reuniclus follow.[break]
Tsubasa orders Dewgong to remain and distract the insect.[break]
Dewgong uses Aqua Tail to block the insect from going to its master and to deal damage.[break]
Tsubasa jumps into the portal.

template by kay

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 2:08:27 GMT
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war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

They're falling, but they're falling with style.[break][break]

And as they fall, she pulls away from Fernando's chest just long enough to watch her Aegislash be man-handled by the very Pokemon she's poured all of her patience and guilt into. The monster that she had created had broken free of it's cage and was out for blood, and it appeared it was out for hers.[break][break]

She sucks in a breath, fear gripping her momentarily as they come to the ground. She is battered, bruised, and exhausted. Fernando is shouting at her to focus but she is anything but, not now. Blissey comes tumbling down next to her and her Charizard manages to bring Illeana to safety. Her newly-evolved Silvally seems to hold back, momentarily satisfied by the damage it had already done to it's former ally.[break][break]

Fernando shirks her then, pushing her aside and slipping free of her iron grip. She isn't sure when she'd slacked her grip, but she stumbles to the side and blinks, horrified as the man's own Silvally comes barrelling past her. He had pushed her out of harms way and, in turn, is grappled to the ground in a power struggle with the beast.[break][break]

And in front of her, she sees the shiny surface of their target. Through the dim light and the darkness of the cavern, Moltres' flames and the Smeargle's spotlight shine a literal light on their next objective. Several Pokemon have let loose their first attacks as they land - but the power the ultra beast saps from the meteorite is stronger. Or at the very least, enough of a distraction that they need to deal with. It seems to imbue the three Silvally with renewed strength and she can hear the savage barking of her former friend as it begins to advance.[break][break]

Three multi-attacks come barrelling for them as a unit and she instinctively moves for her Aegislash -- but it's fainted and too far away. [break][break]

Focus, Stormy.[break][break]

Fernando is okay, temporarily. Illeana lands nearby, close enough for Charizard to react - and react she does. The dragon-type instinctively performs a series of AIR SLASHES in order to protect herself and Illeana from danger, but Stormy remains with Fernando.[break][break]

Blissey is also quick on the retaliation - far more focused and prepared than her trainer. As 's Hatterene performs a SMITE, she follows up this incredible tactic with a SING, belting her voice so peacefully and calmly in order to put their foes to sleep. [break][break]

Moltres shirks off the rubble, arriving on the other side with fervor. The Smeargle on its back illuminates its next target, and the legendary wastes no time in attempting to put a stop to the Celesteela's mining. With a screech, the Moltres approaches on it's previously boosted tailwind to assault the ultra beast with a HEAT WAVE.[break][break]

Should her Silvally approach her again with renewed bloodlust, Stormy would put her hands up, fingertips igniting with the threat of attack. One hand slowly reaches for Aegislash's Pokeball to return it.[break][break]

"Khimaira, stop this. You know who the real enemy is." [break][break]


- stormy is shaken off as Fernando takes the force of his silvally's attack.[break]

- charizard uses AIR SLASH to fend off incoming attacks + drive back the silvally.[break]

- aegislash has fainted and has been returned.[break]

- blissey uses SING in tandem with mega-hatterene's SMITE.[break]

- moltres uses HEAT WAVE on the SPOTLIGHTED celesteela.[break]

- stormy prepares to burn her silvally if it dares come near her.


notes: ...


, ,


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 3:08:40 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]His own malfunctions deter the Beast Killer but it doesn’t overwrite its treachery. Unlike the others, Fernando is satisfied with that. Evading a potential windfall leaves him on his knees and shins, hands planted against the ground, bleeding from the numerous tears from an abrupt landing. Shock and tear riddles his body from the far from stellar landing but at least none of his bones are broken.


The succinct order to regroup relies on restoring their formation. Thrown into the unknown, betrayed by weapons sworn to defend them, they’ll have to rely on each other more than ever. So when Fernando realizes two of his team mates allocate their attention into a stand-off with their Silvally’s, he leads by example.


The MISTY TERRAIN starts to fade as electricity crackles underneath. NATURE’S MADNESS congeals the last of it into a burst of energy at his approaching Silvally. Amid its MULTI-ATTACK, the blast dares to challenge it, like swinging a bat at an approaching fastball.

If they’re not with us, they’re against us!

A quick rotation reveals that the Silvally have surrounded them. Beyond that is the great Ultra Beast, dispatched by several individuals, partially obscured by ’s SMOKESCREEN. With several individuals already up front and center, there’s little they can add to without risking friendly fire. However, the focus on attention to the meteor and Celesteela do little to address the many Megalopolan’s that still reside within the cave.

Break through and establish a perimeter!” He repeats, pointing to the mess of , , and . “Don’t let them get flanked. Put down all enemies and prepare for the worst.

He doesn’t go into detail on the the ‘worst’ entails. Fernando knows little about Ultra Beast nor the meteor before them, but mixing them, much less the astounding display of the Celesteela manipulating it, can’t spell anything less than disaster.

Still beside him, his Clefairy recovers from the previous METEOR BEAM, WISHING for their good future as a precaution for the carnage to come.

Fernando’s Zygarde remains well adjusted, unharmed in comparison, and prepared to bring balance to Hoenn’s ecosystem. As the most acclimated being here in regards to Mother Nature, the Pokemon can feel the perverse despoliation of Hoenn’s meteor. In a fit of rage, the Pokemon looks to deal retribution with LAND’S WRATH. Numerous cracks ripples along the cave’s floor, giving a faint light before imploding underneath nearby Megalopolan’s and their Pokemon.

His attention turns to his Smeargle, the farthest of his Pokemon, who now rides on Stormy’s Moltres. Expecting the worst, the Pokemon pre-emptively uses KING’S SHIELD, protecting the Legendary as it charges in with a HEAT WAVE.

And for every attack thrown out, another flash of light illuminates the cave. Moltres’ flames cast a better looks at the murals and Fernando can’t tear his eyes away. He doesn’t understand them, not as well as an actual Lore Keeper such as , but an upraising and childhood with her and her mother have taught him the basic premise. Perhaps his conjecture is wrong but the context clues speak for themselves; these painting hold more than historical purpose.

Some kind of warning?

Eyes narrow as he tries to read into it, perhaps connect it to the meteor (one he doubts came with the Ultra Beast), before his attention is ripped away by the sound of another attack. Maybe can gleam more from it than he can, but at least he notices.

Despite the gung-ho nature of their front line, Fernando remains cautious, observant, as per the rest of his conduct since entering Meteor Falls.

- comfortable landing, scraps and mild tearing from impact: little causality.

- tells the team to refocus on the objective. MISTY TERRAIN fades, used to fend off an attack silvally with tapu fini's NATURE'S MADNESS.

- clefairy uses WISH. clefairy's FRIEND GUARD reduces damage to nearby allies.

- zygarde is upset by the disturbance of nature. it uses LAND'S WRATH on nearby megalopolans so those attacking celesteela don't get flanked.

- smeargle uses KING'S SHIELD to protect moltres as it charges in.

- fernando turns his attention to the mural. tries to discern any obvious meaning behind it. puts one and one together and assumed its related to the meteor?

- uses salac berry

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]·
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on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2020 3:35:12 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Their landing is safe, but far from clean. Pressed between the bodies of her pokemon Lillian struggles to catch her breath while her brain rattles about in her skull. When Machamp releases her and Cloyster it needs to physically pull her upright, and support her for good measure while she gets her bearings and wits about her.

She's still in a bit of a fog when Fernando begins shouting orders, but she doesn't need to be all there to follow his commands. She gives a murmured echo of his call to form a perimeter and her pokemon leave her to sort herself out. While she slaps her face and shakes her head to shake away the last of her confusion her remaining team members get into position.

Oh right, remaining. She notices her fainted Bronzong while the rest of her pokemon move and returns it, silently cursing herself for leaving it out during the fall. It hurts to lose an important piece to their plan through simple neglect.

"Prepare to engage!" Lillian shouts following Fernando's guidance, finally all together. The situation is a complete mess. There are too many things for her to account for in a moment, so she opts to make some time by playing reactionary. Machamp and Magneton scan the horizon; FORESIGHT and LOCK ON wary of approaching threats. Cloyster seeks to disrupt nearby opponents by scraping it's IRON DEFENSE hardened shell against itself. Harsh, confusing SUPERSONIC soundwaves ring out across the battlefield.

Lillian does some surveying of the land herself. She looks to the mutated (awakened?) Type-Null, then the surrounding troops, and finally the looming Ultra Beast. It's hard not to feel like they might be in over their heads.

+ Lillian shook off the disorientation of her landing
+ Listened to 's orders and commanded her pokemon to the perimeter
+ Returned her fainted Bronzong
+ Ordered her pokemon to prepare to engage the enemy
+ Machamp used FORESIGHT on the nearest threats
+ Magneton used LOCK ON on the nearest threats
+ Cloyster used SUPERSONIC on the nearest threats
+ Lillian looked at all this fucking bullshit going down


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 3:19:49 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




IN THE WOODS, several trainers contend with the Pheromosa and the wormhole. While is caught by his Reuniclus, ’s Krookodile attempts to flee into the tunnel. However, his Hattrem is struck by several flurries of energy orbs as they flee into the dug cave; however, should they be attempting to flee toward the mountain, they would find that they need to move over to it, for they are too far away to feasibly get there in a reasonable amount of time.[break][break][break]

The ALL-OUT PUMMELING strikes Doublade, but such a powerful can not simply be COUNTERED without sustaining damage. As the Doublade defends its owner, his Croconaw leaps forth in desperation. A light consumes its rotund body before it pounces as a Feraligatr, taking the blows for Rufio as the Doublade faints from its injuries. A SUPERPOWER lands, as the ALL-OUT PUMMELING strikes the crocodile and ’s Lickilicky.[break][break][break]

The rest of the kick-shaped projectiles lunge for the Councilman. Although his Kirlia is narrowly able to avoid the attack, and his Pokemon are not so lucky. They take the brunt of the attack, the sheer speed of Pheromosa's attack matching its immense power. The multitude of strikes eventually bursts through 's body, kicking flesh out of his torso like a hole-puncher before he falls lifeless alongside his stricken Pokemon.[break][break][break]

While ’s Dewgong adds to the distraction in midst the tragedy, takes advantage of the chaos. Although his other Pokemon retaliate with echoed attacks and psychic, his Swampert swells to its newest form. Pheromosa is struck with a splash, the Mega Swampert’s fist causing the creature to double over. The Councilman’s Dragonite follows up immediately with a blast of flame. With a shriek, the Pheromosa gushes guts. Like a splatted bug, the Ultra Beast explodes from the force.[break][break][break]


jumps into the portal, needing Reuniclus to fly him into the sky. Inside the staticky mess, he realizes there is nothing there aside from the chaotic swirling of Ultra Space. Inside the portal, he would be thrown about, endlessly spinning and tumbling through the heavily radiated tunnel. Three openings (one above him, below him, and to his right) appear toward the end of the tunnel— and in a parallel tunnel nearby but inaccessible, he would be able to spot three humanoid figures and a Dusknoir, of which he can not discern the identities of.[break][break][break]



WITHIN THE CIRCULAR CHAMBER, chaos erupts. As Megalopolan troops surge forth, trainers and their Pokemon clash. In the center of the chamber, the gargantuan Celesteela rests on the asteroid as if it were a throne. [break][break][break]

’s Mega Hatterene works in tandem with ’s Blissey to disrupt the battalions of Megalopolans descending upon Hoenn’s defenses. FUTURE SIGHT reveals little, aside from fire and whipping sounds. ’s Noivern blares BOOMBURST, its screech forcing several Naganadel and their troops to topple backwards. In the opening, his Sceptile rushes forth, its arm glowing emerald as it strikes the asteroid. A deft cut exposes what’s within. Inside, the mineral that is exposed is crystalline. It swirls with energy, luminescent and brilliant.[break][break][break]


The energy directly feeds into the lizard. As a result, ’s Sceptile suddenly gains access to a PROLONGED MEGA EVOLUTION (should it desire) & A SINGLE-USE Z-MOVE, their body empowered and filled with immense spirit. Likewise, ’s Shadow Togepi’s SHADOW METRONOME allows it to siphon some energy for itself, granting a A SINGLE-USE Z-MOVE.[break][break][break]


The Celesteela would have responded to the reptile’s strike; however, it is preoccupied by two trainers and their Pokemon. General Smohke watches as and make a ruckus as they approach. Sighing, she leans against the Celesteela’s neck as numerous vines reach out from within its verdant dress and collar. Even with the SMOKESCREEN, Smohke is not perturbed, for she simply relies upon her large Celesteela to take of defenses for her.[break][break][break]

Several vines take the hits from DRAGON DARTS, causing them to recoil back. However, the rest rush forth like a forest and strike and from their aerial plunges, causing them to be knocked toward the ground closer to 's Sceptile. As they fall, they realize the vines sprout LEECH SEED-LIKE BUDS at the end, and like the large seeds that embedded themselves in the mountain range, they flare with fire underneath as if preparing to explode.[break][break][break]


While ’s Torterra forces several troops to cower by EARTHQUAKE, , , and find themselves against their Silvally. The canines growl, eyes a terrifying cardinal as they roar at their trainers and their legendary Pokemon. For the time being, the Silvally seem to be at a standstill. However, the EARTHQUAKE from and ’s Houndoom and Absol’s attacks causes them to escalate their aggression. Licked by flames and slashes, the chimeras lunge to attack— as the Celesteela ahead erupts with vines.[break][break][break]

Several vines strike stray League soldiers like heat-seeking missiles. At the end, the buds erupt like bombs before piercing bodies into the earth, pinning them like needles and planting themselves.[break][break][break]

’s Mega Houndoom expels intense flames alongside ’s Moltres as ’s Smeargle assists the Legendary Bird with KING’S SHIELD. The flames rush toward the Celesteela, and instead catch some of the incoming vines. The buds explode prematurely before they seek their targets.[break][break][break]


As ’s Zygarde summons LAND’S WRATH, a powerful green energy erupts underneath the feet of Megalopolan soldiers. While Clefairy WISHES, takes time to examine the mural. It is not overly complicated.[break][break][break]


However, the mural is drawn all around the circular chamber, the walls connecting with each other in a loop. would be able to gather the following story:[break][break][break]

“20, 000 years ago, a meteoroid struck the earth. the meteoroid seems to possess an unfathomable energy within it, and via other scattered chunks of space rock, such energies have seeped into the earth of the region.

the looping nature of the mural however, seems to suggest that such a cataclysmic event is doomed to repeat once more.“

While ’s Pokemon frantically track for incoming attacks, her Pokemon manage to track the numerous vines coming for their party... as well as the Silvally charging toward their owners with gnashing teeth, as if attempting to pin them down for the vines.[break][break][break]

All around, vines pierce through bodies and erupt into balls of flame. Burned bodies lay stuck in the ground, the vines using them as bloodied planters as they take root within the cave’s earth. The residual flames of and ’s Pokemon seem to travel up the vines by a small degree.[break][break][break]


Furthermore, can choose to save TWO PEOPLE AUTOMATICALLY, REGARDLESS OF THEIR ROLL.[break][break]


[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Discover the mysteries surrounding the mural and the meteoroid in the cave.[break]
☒ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Expose more of the meteoroid.[break]
☐ Dodge the exploding vines while attempting to reach/attack the Celesteela.[break]
☐ Escape the Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reconvene with the others in the cave— or forge your own actions![break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

UPDATE! Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


note: may be ejected from the raid (nikki has communicated) if she misses one more round.[break]

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 14:11:00 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

The power of mega evolution still amazed Maverick as his creature took on a different form. She let loose a howl as she could almost feeling her attack raise. When when she was ready, she sent a stream of flames towards the ultra beast in hopes to kick it out. But before they could attack with fire, the creature once again sent out seed bombs in all directions.

His warm crimson colored orbs widened as the seeds exploded on impact all around him. Some of them already vines already climbing out from their shell to claim more victims. Luckily for him, Azula’s first flamethrower seemed to hit a few of them heading towards them as she tried to set the creature ablaze. He tapped on her back in praise as she let the flames consume anything they could. “Keep it up Azula!” The man shouted as his ears filled with explosions and screams of fear, “Flamethrower full power.” But just as he barked another order, some of the seed bombs made it pass Azula’s flamethrower. Maverick turned his head, eyes closed as his arms raised to shield his face. Still battered from the last vines, he could already feel the overwhelming pain despite not being hit just yet. Will this be how he dies? What the universe that angry with him?


TAGS @meteor falls raid
OOC mega evolution 2/3. +1 attack from howl. azula uses flamethrower against the vines.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 21:43:00 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


as he got closer to the small ginger general he was a second too late to see the vines suddenly sprouting from the large steel drill of an ultra beast and suddenly he was swatted away to the ground where another familiar ginger was thrown with him. depsite the pain he pushed himself into a seating position where he saw a sceptile cut into the meteorite and the blinding light of crystal could be seen underneath as what seemed to be pure light poured out and surrounded both the sceptile and . the masked hero looked up at the large ultra beast and could see the vines hurling seed bombs around them once more, a thought raced through his mind as he reached down to his belt and took a second of hesitation before releasing the zeraora inside of it. "c'mon simba. we're gonna break this big rock." if they could take it out then at least the megalopolans wouldn't need a reason for messing around here. "turters, scorch! take out that big beast!" he shouted to his other pokemon.
grabbing his pokemon's paw he and zeraora ran up close to the meteorite and hugged it close as they danced around the vines swinging around, pokkenger had figured they wouldn't risk breaking this large rock apart with explosions right? it wouldn't be smart. "simba, hit it right there." he pointed to where 's sceptile had made its cut and the thunder cat nodded before charging up a small glowing ball in his paws before firing off a point blank aura sphere at the meteorite.
his charizard and torterra roared in acknowledgement of their orders and the two of them aimed attacks at the celesteela. the charizard did his best to fly above the reach of the vines and aim a fire blast right at the beast's head. while on the ground torterra whipped up a leaf storm and aimed it at the vines that were whipping around in an attempt to cut them off with razor sharp leaves. if they could get rid of those then this fight might just be a tiny bit safer.

    + kazimir sends out zeraora, moves close to the meteorite with it, both try to avoid vines and bombs.[break]
    + zeraora uses aura sphere right where sceptile cut it at point blank[break]
    + charizard tries to avoid the vines and uses fire blast on celesteela[break]
    + torterra uses leaf storm to cut down the celesteela's vines

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2020 5:50:15 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


valerio plummets once again from the height of his foolishness before he witnesses famliar bud-like spheroids falling with them. his attempt to get back at smohke fails terribly, seeing how the kid general relies on her gargantuan ultra beast's powers for defense. he needs to take care of it first.[break][break]

the redhead whistles and calls dragapult from the air to break his fall. he releases another, much different in pitch and frequency, heeding to the attention of the kangaskhans. “we need to destroy that celesteela first,” he admits as his eyes dart to the vines and falling seeds. “while taking care of that. ready?” the two dragons nod while togepi, relishing with the invigorating strength from the meteor, cheerfully waves her hands.[break][break]

the kangaskhans run into the celesteela, preparing comet punches as they dash into the metal thruster. valerio and eggnog follow on dragapult who flies at rapidash-speed. as they near its steel body, valerio witnesses the dent produced on one of the ultra beast's blasters. lincoln's doing. “juno! juno jr! focus your punches on that dent!”[break][break]

togepi, on her part, screeches hyper voice on the seeds before they even reach the ground, pushing them toward the celesteela's head as the ghost dragon triggers their explosion with another blast of dragon darts.[break][break]


+ valerio falls spectacularly as he witnesses the falling leech seed-like buds in their direction, realizes they need to take care of celesteela first[break]
+ sh!togepi feels her new-found powers (albeit temporarily)[break]
+ mega kangaskhan (3/5; extended with mega extender) uses comet punches (doubled by parental bond) on the dent on one of its blasters[break]
+ sh!togepi uses hyper voice to push the seeds back to celesteela's head as dragapult uses dragon darts to trigger their explosions





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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 13:55:05 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
Kim eyes moved from scene to scene as each played out before him, the first loss stemming some dumbass that decided to jump into the fucking portal he had been attempting to close. Kim would start to reach for before he could fully approach the wormhole, but for concern of his own safety would recall his hand, watching the man as he was put into the vortex.

No sooner would the body of fall to the ground, Kim eyeing the beaten corpse with a twinge of pain on his features, pity for the man who had been his first responder. To see him reduced to this was not easily digested but Kim knew casualties on their side were not to be discounted, so with a hard swallow he set his sights on the splattered Pheromosa.

Approaching the pokemon he crouches down, the Kirlia and Lickilicky in tow as his team regrouped with him.

For a few seconds he looked over the pokemon, Kim taking in his handiwork before commanding the Lickilicky to use Me First on the Kirlia, copying its Heal Pulse and providing aid to the roach and all those in the area in a last ditch effort of pity to the enemy forces.

You all just wanted a better life, I don’t blame you for attacking us.

He whispers under his breath before kneeling down and grabbing the bugs claw, holding it for a moment.

You beast are really amazing... I just wish you all weren’t used as selfishly as you are.

He states in a somber tone, uncurling the Pheromosa’s claw and taking hold of the stone the beast held in its clutches, examining it for a few seconds before stuffing it away in his jacket pocket and turning to the enemy forces.

I’m gonna need y’all to get off my beach now. Pick up anyone that can’t carry themselves and ship out as soon as possible. If you don’t comply I cannot say my pity will extend any further.

Putting a hand on his hip he nods for his pokemon to stick closer, mouth opening in a moment of clarity before speaking once more.

Oh, and I need someone to get that idiot that jumped into that wormhole out of there, please and thank you.

Kim claps his hands twice in a “chop-chop” way, signaling for them to get a move on asap.

ღ watches shit go down, including tsubasa jumping in the portal and lance straight up getting destroyed

ღ uses double heal pulse to heal the wounded that are within the vicinity of himself and his pokemon (enemy forces, pheromosa, and the corpse of r.i.p) making the pheromosa's death just a little less painful

ღ takes the crystal thing from the pheromosa's claw and puts it away after studying it for a few seconds

ღ gets loud and calmly tells the enemy forces to gtfo and get out that hole


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 11:46:54 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Whisper's Mega Evolution fades, but her Smite had certainly affected the enemies. Sticking close to her Hatterene's side and trusting the pokemon to protect her, Ruby watched the battlefield erupt. However, even her own eyes widened as she saw the strange glowing energy from within the meteor itself. Was this what they were after all along

Before she could truly process the meteor's true power, she's quick to realize the strange pokemon attacking their own trainers, just without their previous helmets she had seen them wearing before. Regardless, the vines heading towards them from the massive steel-beast wasn't making things any easier. Piercing living and dead flesh, it was an absolutely gruesome site. In any other moment, she might have hurled, but her adrenaline kept her moving on her feet.

"Whisper, Grace, PSYCHIC! Keep as many people safe as you can!" The two pokemon reach out with their psychic abilities, working in tandem to attempt to protect their trainer and break the vines off before they can continue to spread, with Whisper's MAGIC BOUNCE potentially being helpful as well.. Hopefully, anyone nearby might be able to benefit from their actions.

Bea the Urshifu, however, was dead set on continuing her assault. However, with the Celesteela still quite tanky and able to survive her blows with little reaction, perhaps a different approach was in order. The one calling the shot, the general. Utilizing Bea's UNSEEN FIST, Urshifu quickly attempted to dodge right in past the vines and any other defenses the general might have had up their sleeve, and slam into them with a rapid-fire series of SURGING STRIKES, attempting to launch the general across the cavern itself.


Hatterene used Psychic to defend, Magic Bounce also in effect.
Gardevoir used Psychic to defend
Urshifu uses Surging Strikes on General Smohke. Unseen Fist is in effect and buffed by 3 uses of Bulk Up.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 23:15:18 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"houndoom!" she calls out to the canine, motioning at the vines. the hound takes quick note, andimmediately began to spew out flames burning brightly towards the vines. they shrivel up and burn, charred into ashes before they are joinedup by another man's pokemon.

on the other hand, the absol standing by her began to launch a series of PSYCHO CUTS at thevines, hoping to sever them, yet not having it in his heart to risk touching them. ophelia hopes that her meowstic, at least, could offer some kind of insight as it launches a FUTURE ATTACK into numerous portals, also hoping to see into the future of the group.

- houndoom uses FLAMETHROWER at the vines and silvally; adding to 's flames
- absol used PSYCHO CUT projectiles to cut the vines
- meowstic comes out again, using FUTURE SIGHT to see into the future and plant an attack. clinging to ophelia.
- ophelia, praying to god that absol's SUPER LUCK would do something. anything.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 23:48:01 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




war of the worlds: raid

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

Her blood is pumping and there's a roar in her ears. It was time to stop holding back and defending - mostly because she had lost her primary defense. She was running scared and it's only Fernando's shout and call to arms that snaps her out of it. It's time to move, time to rise up, time to stop gasping for air.[break][break]

The Silvally lunge and Moltres' flames ignite several seeds and vines as they seek to harm their target. But they don't graze the legendary's FLAME BODY, not really. They explode before they can get close, further igniting the Moltres' flames. It burns brighter and hotter as the bird screams. It doesn't take long for the beast to be joined by Stormy's Charizard.[break][break]

Together, the two charge up their flames to beat back the vines and target the steel of Celesteela in two powerful bursts of HEAT WAVE.[break][break]

And Stormy? Stormy's pushing past the ranks and away from the Silvally before they are collapsed upon. She can see Lars already has that front covered - or will, from her peripherals. That, and just seconds prior the woman had shouted at him.[break][break]

"Put on your big boy pants, Laurence, and have Articuno take out these dogs! I'm going for the meteorite!"[break][break]

She's brandishing her fainted Aegislash in her bare hands. It's a good thing she works out with regularly. The shield is tucked against her off-hand but her knuckles are white as she holds onto the hilt of her Pokemon. With a confident and terrified roar that comes from the bottom of her belly, Stormy strikes forward with her unconscious Pokemon that is now acting as a basic sword to try and damage the meteorite.[break][break]

Other people had already begun to pursue it and she had seen a flash of green from 's Sceptile lunging to bust that damn thing open. There had to be a reason the Celesteela was so hungry to absorb what was inside -- it was time for her to get a taste of whatever badassery lay behind the rubble.[break][break]

Blissey runs up the rear to cover her, spraying a life dew to combat any damage taken, hopefully. [break][break]


- yells for to target the silvally with articuno so we can focus on the real threat: celesteela.[break]

- charizard and moltres charge the celesteela, each using heat wave on it and the surrounding vines as they extend from the beast.[break]

- stormy releases her fainted aegislash to wield by hand. she reaffirms her grip before charging the meteorite alongside mateo's sceptile.[break]

- blissey uses life dew. ability: healer in effect.[break]

- full offense let's go.


notes: ...


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