i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 2:40:50 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
Ruby's eyes grew wide as her Kubfu evolved, fighting with every inch of her impressive power. No wonder they were classified as a Legendary pokemon. However, she couldn't stare for long as bitter winds and ice shards filled the air. The little wounds and injuries were certainly starting to build up, but thankfully the shards from the portal up above seemed to fade.

As a Surf from a friendly Kangaskhan brought the roach-like beast to its knees, Ruby was just about to order her pokemon to truly faint it when she heard the Megalopolan shout and suddenly the giant steel Ultra Beast's thrusters activated once more and began to crack the very crust of the mountain ground itself until it fell away and everyone who wasn't on a flying mount of some kind began to fall into a large cavern.

Ruby immediately sprung into action, shouting commands to her pokemon. "Whisper! PSYCHIC, slow everyone's falls!" The Hatterene might be able to defy gravity a little bit to float, but outright flying was not something within her ability. However, the Mega-Evolved Hatterene silently roared as a huge blast of Psychic energy launched towards the ground, attempting to cushion the blow for anyone who lands without any other kind of aid or support, including herself.

Bea for her part is already moving to land safely. Using DETECT, the Urshifu is carefully attempting to leap from rock to rock as they fall, moving with calculated precision. Trusting Bea's ability to keep herself safe, Ruby then turns her attention to Amor and Grace.

"Grace, LIFE DEW! Patch everyone up after the fall, get the rangers back on their feet. Amor, let's go."
The floating Gardevoir would quickly spin around, the healing rain floating down onto allied individuals below. Meanwhile, Amor seemed surprisingly more than happy with going on the offensive. Soaring over the massive gap in the ground and intent to refuse the Pheremosa to cause any more damage down below as well, another AIR SLASH, aided by SERENE GRACE would hopefully fly towards it and force it to flinch and be unable to move and crash into the ground.


Mega Hatterene used Psychic to slow everyone's falls.
Urshifu used Detect, to safely leap from rock to rock until it lands on the ground safely.
Gardevoir used Life Dew to heal those injured.
Shadow Togekiss used Air Slash, aided by Serene Grace, to attempt to Flinch the Pheremosa they were previously attacking. Shadow Togekiss can sense with Aura the location of Ultra Beasts and their attacks are more accurate against them.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 3:17:33 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]i'll write this up tomorrow pls don't hate me life is stressful ;u;

- illeana grabs onto stormy's charizard.

- alakazam uses teleport in an attempt to safely land both itself and illeana's team on the ground.

- g!ponyta and alcremie hold onto alakazam.

- tapu lele just kinda floats beside illie and stormy's charizard, it's probably mocking them yikes.

- cofagrigus uses phantom force to try and disappear into the shadows and rejoin the team at the bottom of the cave.

- if we die, we die yolo.

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Galar Region
Married to science
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsubasa
Tsubasa Yamamoto
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 3:40:04 GMT
Tsubasa Yamamoto Avatar




It seems like they were able to recover the stone after all. Yet, upon examining it, this wasn't a mega stone per say. It was an odd rock, with varying lines and pits. Just what manner of stone could this be? While it didn't seem to be enough to extinguish the portal, it did stop the sky phenomenon that struck them. Tsubasa proceeded to put the stone in his pocket, for later research. As he pulled his hand out...[break][break]


A goddamn Croconaw. The reptile was chomping down on his hand, hard. Not wanting to let go. As the trainer let out a few swears mixed with a shout of pain, the Reuniclus charged the water pokemon, forcing it off the scientist's hand. One could say that it was karma for hitting the others with the two Tri-Attacks from earlier.[break][break]

Suddenly, while the man was bandaging his wounded hand, the councilman grabbed him by the collar, dragging him towards the portal and pointing at it. Instantly, the Porygons and the Reuniclus converged towards the trainer, but the scientist did a hand signal to stop them from getting violent. With his free hand, he removed the councilman's hand from his collar, straightening it before pushing his glasses back in place.[break][break]

"If you hadn't been so prone to destruction, we may not be in this situation. Nonetheless, seeing how it stayed active, I can see three possibilities. 1, the portal is being supplied from the other side, so we would need to cross the gate and destroy it on the other side. 2, one of those beasts, or the enemy general, is supplying energy remotely to this portal. The final option... It would be akin to the Schwartz Incident, during new year. I believe some reports said that the man had opened the portal, but was unable to close it since it was hijacked. This might be the case here. Something else might have taken hold of the portal. Of course, we could also consider the possibility of the portal feeding itself on the environment to stay active, or it's using its remaining energy and will close by itself, but this sounds unli-"[break][break]

Before the man could finish his theories, someone proceeded to jump on the scientist, making them fall on the ground. Why would that be happening right now, of all times? Were they all dumb and only acted on emotions? A payback to the stray tri-attacks? One of the Porygons was also being attacked. Tsubasa proceeded to try and kick the man off him while shouting an order to his team. "Counter-attack!"[break][break]

The Reuniclus' eyes lit up as it proceeded to use Psystrike to force Atlan off his trainer. The Porygon (00), feeling the grasp of Psychic upon it, emitted a strange noise to signal to the other Porygon (02). Upon seeing his ally get struck, 02 proceeded to shoot a Signal Beam at the source of the psychic attack: the Hattrem. 00, meanwhile, proceeded to Recover from the damage it just received. As for the Dewgong that had watched from the sideline, she decided to jump into the fray, unleashing Sheer Cold at any nearby target, hoping the cold would help cool down some of the crazy ones.



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Looks at the stone and stores it in a pocket.[break]
As soon as hand is pulled out, Croconaw bits it.[break]
Reuniclus rams the Croconaw to push him off[break]
Gets dragged by Kim Cole, explains his theory on the portal[break]
Gets assaulted by @atlan [break]
Reuniclus uses psystrike on @atlan to get him off Tsubasa.[break]
Porygon (00) is struck by Psychic. Uses Recover[break]
Porygon (02) helps his ally, fires Signal Beam at the Hattrem.[break]
Dewgong uses Sheer Cold at any nearby target.[break]
Hopefully the cold generated by the attack will cool people down.

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 5:55:47 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


valerio 's recklessness hurls him into the pit instead.[break][break]

eggnog senses the wincing in pain and immobilization of her trainer. just before they fall to their doom, the shadow togepi glares into the megalopolan general's direction, attempting a psycho shift of paralysis into the general instead.[break][break]

the redhead watches as the mountainside crumbles before him, lincoln trapped into the gargantuan ultra beast's thruster while darty and juno observe with frustration. reeling from the fall, he manages to break a glance into his dragons, his stern gaze entrusting the fate of their comrade into their hands. he lifts the gaunlet with the kangaskhanite engraved to it, and summons forth power he has never before seen.[break][break]

white light enshrouds the falling rocket but the gleam flies into the kangaskhan's direction, and then a kaleidoscopic flash of colors domes the creature. the baby marsupial from its pouch leaps and stands on its own as the power of mega evolution surrounds them both. the two roars blizzard into the top end of the thruster, pushing it to reroute the direction of the blast into the mountainside as dragapult supports them with phantom force, teleporting them to safety into pit.[break][break]

inside, turtonator struggles to survive. he relies on the strength of his shell armor while digging his way down the mountainside with iron head. if there's any ounce of hope he will survive the whole ordeal, he has to thank juno and darty for that. his only problem will be the fall.[break][break]

as the rocket redhead continues to plummet into the ground, he is greeted by mounted on his charizard. he breaks a smile amidst the chaos that unfurls around them. “i guess you can take my last name already.”[break][break]


+ just before they fall, sh!togepi uses psycho shift on valerio and attempts to afflict smohke with paralysis instead.[break]
+ kangaskhan mega evolves and uses blizzard (doubled by parental bond) at the top end of the blaster, pushing it to reroute the direction of the [break]
+ dragapult uses phantom force with kangaskhan and follows down into the pit, reinforced by previous light screen (4/5).[break]
+ turtonator clings to its shell armor and uses iron head against the earth and digs himself out of the explosion.[break]
+ appreciates helping him break the fall uwu





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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 5:56:07 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Flesh burns and the body erodes. But none of that matters. Pain is a privilege for the living. They're still at war and as sure as they still breathe so do their enemies. Now is not the time for concern.

Out of all of them present, only his own Pokemon understand. His Type:Null — no, Silvally — remains adamant about its primary task. The only problem is that the task happens to be dispatching the very hand that raised it. Underneath the cracked remainder of the Pokemon's helmet is a set of red, altered eyes. With an aggressive bark, it starts to descend, BATTLE ARMOR protecting it from the debris as it starts to leap from stone to stone. It doubles back toward where Fernando was last with U-TURN, looking to maul him to make up for missing the Phermosa.

"Stormy! Focus!"

His own orientation of the scene descends into disarray as the battlefield changes. Her hold and flight keep him stable, relatively, but the crumbling mountain surrounds them in a maze of puzzle pieces that makes keeping track of everyone impossible. What about and ? A pang of guilt crosses his heart, knowing full well that neither have a well rounded protection across their team from a possible cave-in, but even that subsides when he sees his own Smeargle get pulled by gravity.

Thankfully, Stormy's Moltres happens to snatch up the smaller Pokemon. It lands on the Pokemon's backside and casts a glaring SPOTLIGHT on the Celesteela, not necessarily to divert everyone's attention to the source of their newfound obstacle, but to shed some light on the dark unknown, painting a clear picture of what the enemy is up to.

The SPOTLIGHT makes it easy for the Clefairy to finally unleash the power of Meteor Falls. With more than enough time, the Pokemon lets the beam go as soon as the floor gives out underneath it. Much like the broken up foundation of the site itself, the METEOR BEAM looks to channel the divested power in a brilliant energy beam against the Celesteela's huge frame.

Likewise, his Tapu Fini lets go of its SURF, reallocating its attention into PROTECTING itself from the fall and possible debris. A green barrier erects around the Pokemon's shell as it looks to regather itself to land a more precise attack next turn.

Among cracked stone and dirt, Fernando's Zygarde navigates the falling pieces much like his Silvally. It leaps from piece to piece, manipulating the smaller, looser pieces with its STONE EDGE. Instead of being pelted by nearby the debris, the Pokemon looks to redirect them straight toward the SPOTLIGHTED Celesteela.

And, as everyone manages the fall, one way or another, Fernando's Silvally is able to cross the distance and looks to tackle the duo of Fernando and Stormy right out of their descending flight. At first, Fernando doesn't recognize the Pokemon's actions or intentions, but when it comes a bit too close he starts to buckle himself. "Focus," he shouts as a reminder to put her attention on the objective, wriggling loose from her grip.

Just like he feared, the Silvally doesn't decelerate. As if to protect himself, Fernando pulls his arms in front of his face and chest, expelling his MIND ALTERING FOG as a reflexive defense mechanism.

- Type:Null evolves and doubles back to Fernando with U-TURN! It ignores falling debris and jumps from piece to piece.

- Stormy's flying stops Fernando from falling.

- His Smeargle lands on Moltres' back. It uses SPOTLIGHT to reveal the darkness and direct attention on Celesteela.

- Clefairy finally uses METEOR BEAM on Celesteela.

- Tapu Fini uses PROTECT while falling. Focuses on reestablishing itself to retaliate next turn.

- Zygarde leaps from debris to debris. Uses STONE EDGE to redirect hazardous debris toward Celesteela.

- Seeing the Silvally approach, diverging from their initial plan, Fernando suspects the worst. He wriggles free from Stormy's hold to they're not both taken down. He raises his arms to protect himself as the Silvally tries to tackle him, expelling his secondary FOG ability.

- Used Salac berry.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]·
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 6:58:18 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Everything was looking to be fine, at least for the moment. Well, that was until he heard a keening wail catch his attention. Looking over to where Amir was, he blinked—wait, why were there cracks running along the helmet, what was going—


The sudden shrieking noise coming from the now not-Type:Null caught him off-guard for a few seconds. Before he could even react, or at least attempt to recall the now-evolved Pokémon back into its containment unit, the surroundings—imploded.

Not exploded, imploded.

And now everyone was falling from an impossible height towards who knew what was waiting at the bottom.

“Ro! Fly! Get Ryujin if you can!” he shouted at the Metagross, who knew this as the cue to use Magnet Rise and tuck in its colossal legs before zooming off towards where the Swampert was now most likely screaming in free-fall. While the Metagross was attempting to catch the dual-type, the Gardevoir let out a panicked noise as well.

All the while, Lars was already internally screaming as people were trying to break their fall. Break their fall? How the hell was he going to break his fall?!

He knew the deity of ice was somewhere, and caught sight of a blur of blue boosting itself with Agility before moving in to catch the Gardevoir on its back—thank the hell someone had the presence of mind to save his other Pokémon while he continued to free fall through the air.

There was so much rubble around him—for some reason his now-evolved Null, Amir, was homing in on him and attempting to attack him. For the first time, the Gardevoir went on the offensive, using a Psychic on the rogue not-Null. Whether or not the Metagross had the Swampert, the two then flew in as close to the not-Null as they could before the Swampert attempted to use Protect in an effort to break the other’s fall.

And where was Lars in all of this?

Still freefalling like a madman!

He didn’t know what to do, the Articuno was too far away from where he was, how was he going to fly, how was he going to—wait.

Wait a second, what the hell?!

Instead of hurtling down he felt his fall... slow down. What was happening? Looking around in a bewildered state, he thought he saw something from the corner of his eye, spread out—


He had wings.

Frosted wings, while not as physically strong as the deity’s were, it was...enough, to hold him up in the air.

What the fuck?!

@team meteor falls

using 1 Salac because fuck that
EDIT: HOW TF DID A 6 / 46 ROLL BECOME 44 / 19?! Office internet WTF?


• There goes the ground everyone is now falling
• The evolved Type:Null is going berserk and is trying to attack Lars (yikes)
• Metagross used Magnet Rise, and goes after to catch the Swampert before it falls like a pancake!
• Articuno boosts itself with Agility and catches the Gardevoir on its back
• Gardevoir, seeing the about to attack Silvally, aims a Psychic at it in an attempt to throw off the attack
• Swampert (on top of Metagross) uses Protect in an attempt to shield the rogue Silvally’s fall!
• Lars is still freefalling like a madman. Internally screaming but externally calm...
• And then he grows his own set of ice wings to keep him afloat. Imperfect but IT’S THERE

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 7:01:02 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Sometimes, Lillian can't help but believe in fate. She can't help but believe that there is some kind of system that rules the decisions a person makes, a gravity that pulls the cogs in the machine of life together. And those sometimes are spurred on by moments like this.

A selfish decision. That's what pulling her team in was. Regardless of the plan, regardless of priorities, regardless of what the one thing she cares about in this world might think later, she pulled in her team to protect her lifeline. It was pointless and redundant and ultimately it might be the thing that saves her life.

The cave breaks and begins to fall in and the only reason she might have even a chance here is because all her pokemon are available at once. They begin to freefall and the adrenaline spurred on by the bile pushed into her throat by the drop widens the space between seconds for just a moment.

She watches her Bronzong pick up a passenger suddenly and marks it off as her potential savior. She watches her Magneton lock its eyes onto a few targets and she knows relying on its protection might keep it from doing its job. That leaves Cloyster and Machamp. Only one plan forms.

"Machamp! Cloyster, then me!" she screams over her blood in her ears and the wind rushing past her, "Magneton! Fire at will!"

Her pokemon all respond quickly. In the air there is nothing to push off of, no way to easily change direction, but with Machamp's reach there's no need. In its place in the center of the action Cloyster and Lillian are both well within reach. Two arms grab her from the air and pull her close to its chesst while the other two pluck the hard-shelled pokemon from the air.

Magneton looks at the threats, runs through the likelihood of profit and the ratio of that profit to harm, and shoots a ZAP CANNON at the most vulnerable threat with the least chance of friendly fire. The second Sylvalley, the one not currently engaged with Fernando and Stormy.

Simultaneously Lillian feels the fleshy face and body of her Cloyster press against her back. Its horn tickles the space above her ear as Machamp pulls it into place. This really might not work but Lillian is low on options.

"Defend!" she shouts and the pokemon surrounding her both throw up barriers that will hopefully cushion the fall. Cloyster's PROTECT at its IRON DEFENSE empowered back is joined by a WIDE GUARD that wraps around from one side of Machamp, down to CLoyster, and back up to the other side.

No matter what, Lillian has a feeling this is going to hurt.

+ Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit
+ Bronzong supported 's Houndoom with LEVITATE and attempted to safely descend
+ Magneton fired ZAP CANNON at 's Sylvalley while using MAGNET RISE (still active from previous posts) to attempt to safely descend
+ Machamp pulled Lillian to its chest and placed Cloyster behind her back; used WIDE GUARD to wrap around all of them and cushion the fall
+ Cloyster (with +2 DEFENSE) attempted to use PROTECT at its back to try and cushion the fall

notes: posted on the wrong account, rolled a 40

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 7:51:51 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]METEOR FALLS WARFRONT




THE COUNCILMAN SEIZES A LANKY MEGALOPOLAN BY THE COLLAR. As the Megalopolan writhes under the man's grip, any fight leaves him as 's Pokemon isolate them.[break][break][break]

"WHY ASK ME THAT AFTER YOU'VE ALL BLOWN IT UP?" He spits, red blood caking his bright teeth. The grin that follows stretches wide. "BUT NOW? YOU'LL HAVE TO USE THE STONE WE HAD. I DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT IS ANYMORE TOO BAD." He blabbers on, referring to the stone pilfers as a bubble of blood pops out from his nostril. "BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS ASK HER." He nods, gesturing to the Pheromosa flying toward the wood alongside her charmed denizens.[break][break][break]

As 's Croconaw attacks , the Pheromosa's advance is stalled by his Pokemon. With ease, the Ultra Beast evades 's Doublade and as the Mudkip attempts to drench her, she slams a foot into the amphibian. The Mudkip wails as its skull breaks, wailing as it struggles to keep conscious.[break][break][break]

To add to the chaos, 's Pokemon assault , , and . As 's Dragonite is struck, leaps to tackle to the ground. Reuniclus attempts to strike with PSYSTRIKE, and finally— he is regains his senses, but not before 's Hattrem releases a Porygon after being struck by SIGNAL BEAM.[break][break][break]

's Krookodile attempts to attack with DIG and strikes him hard. The man's ribs crack before the Krookodile lunges for him once more— however, 's Pokemon are freed from the Pheromosa's pheromones. While 's Dewgong SHEER COLDS to faint 's Volcarona and Spiritomb, the Pheromosa flashes forth to KICK , and away.[break][break][break]


The stone falls out of 's grasp thanks to her and Croconaw's meddling, and as she takes the odd-looking stone, she smiles.[break][break][break]


AS THE EARTH CRUMBLES UNDERNEATH EVERYONE ON THE MOUNTAIN, 's Houndoom leaps onto 's Bronzong. Chunks of rock and stray attacks fire across the trajectory of their plummet. However, it is the sudden unpredictable passenger that causes 's Bronzong to crash into a falling boulder. hang on tight before colliding with the damp cave floor. Bronzong faints as it crashes, but 's Absol manages to discern safe passage down as FUTURE SIGHT strikes a stray Megalopolan from pouncing on them. lands safely. Likewise, is protected from the harsh collision by her Machamp's embrace.[break][break][break]

, , and cling close together. As Moltres' is struck by several boulders, it manages to stay resilient due to its ENDURE. On top of her Charizard, clings on to safety as Tapu Lele taunts them. The Head Scientist's Pokemon manage to land safely; however, 's Aegislash is suddenly grappled by her metamorphosed Silvally. The chimera growls, shield in its powerful jaws as it surges with energy to MULTI-ATTACK it into the nearest wall. The Aegislash faints, but her Blissey manages to roll to safety.[break][break][break]

manages to land with little casualties. As the Silvally attempts to wrestle him to a painful bone-breaking landing, the FOG deters the corrupted chimera. Yelping, the Silvally leaps back before landing on the cave floor with a snarl.[break][break][break]

While 's Mega Hatterene attempts to slow everyone's falls, finds that his descent is a little less than clean. Rocks strike at their sides in overwhelming pours and they land with a tumble.[break][break][break]

Above, 's Shadow Togekiss seeks the fallen Pheromosa, and as the AIR SLASH is delievered, the Pheromosa LUNGES. A strike causes the Togekiss to shoot down into the cave, crashing into the wall so that its feathers are bloodied before the AIR SLASH finishes the fragile Pheromosa off. Peeling off the wall, the Togekiss faints.[break][break][break]


spreads his ICE WINGS, and while his Silvally attempts to TRI-ATTACK its owner, 's Magneton fires a precise ZAP CANNON to deter its attack. The TRI ATTACK misses two of its shots, but one elemental beam is able to hit 's wing. The Head Ranger struggles to control his descent as he spirals to the floor with a thud.[break][break][break]


THE EARTH CAVES IN TO REVEAL A LARGE CHAMBER. In the middle, a gargantuan piece of rock rests in the center. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that this rock is a large meteoroid.[break][break][break]

General Smohke is chased after by — but should they make their landing, they would alight safely. Sticking her tongue out at the ex-Elite Four, Smohke makes a controlled descent with her gargantuan Ultra Beast, standing comfortably within its collar. Although 's PSYCHO SHIFT appears to work on Smohke momentarily, her suit allows her to shed the paralysis from her suit. Kangaskhan mega evolves, a dramatic light exuding from its empowered body— but it soon realizes a BLIZZARD might not be enough to truly push a blaster than is many times larger than itself.[break][break][break]


Thankfully, lands safely thanks to 's assistance. Caught by the hero's Charizard, they fall into the pit alongside 's swooping Dragapult. Sadly, his Blastoise does not fare better. Despite the PROTECT the multitude of rock causes the turtle's fall to be haphazard. It faints as it crashes on the damp cave floor.[break][break][break]

Unfortunately, 's Turtonator's attempt to dig out of the explosion is not enough, for the force of the thrusters shoots into the earth itself. The dragon dents the circular edge of one of the bottom blasters before succumbing to its injuries.[break][break][break]


IN THE CHAMBER, the SPOTLIGHT from 's Smeargle and the fires from 's Moltres light up the cave walls. Around them, a large mural seems to have been painted on the stones. A mural, perhaps. It depicts many humanoid figures in shapes of despair, fleeing or freezing from what appears to be a large meteoroid descending from the heavens. Closer examination of the paintings by an academic may yield more insights...[break][break][break]


The Celesteela and Smohke lands on the meteoroid. Looming over everyone like a verdant skyscraper, the Celesteela smiles and plants its arms into the meteoroid itself. Suddenly, the Ultra Beast begins to glow as if siphoning pure energy. Cracks begin to form on the meteoroid as other Megalopolan forces grapple down or emerge from deep within the caves as reinforcements.[break][break][break]

As the three Silvally surround the party, the cracking meteoroid seems to feed energy into their bodies. A blinding glow consumes their frames as they prepare for a devastating MULTI-ATTACK against those nearby. Megalopolans prepare themselves too, sending forth their Naganadel in order to protect their General.[break][break][break]

ABOVE, BY THE OPENED WORMHOLE, the Pheromosa crushes the "mega stone" in its claw-like hands. It exposes a beautiful crystal underneath its dull exterior. Iridescent and glowing with power, the Ultra Beast attacks:[break][break][break]


The Pheromosa gathers energies and releases a Z-MOVE: ALL-OUT PUMMMELING, ramming energy orbs shaped like KICKS at , , , and .[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THIS RAID WILL FEATURE several objectives or goals for your characters to accomplish. You do not need to fulfill each objective for full rewards. Instead, they have been designed to offer you all guidance. You will notice there are overall objectives and round objectives. Overall objectives are goals to accomplish over the course of the entire raid. Round objectives are specific to the posting round they are for. Occasionally, the objectives will be updated with new objectives and the round's objectives will change with each moderator post.[break][break][break]

Stop the Megalopolans from drilling into Meteor Falls.[break]
☐ Discover the mysteries surrounding the mural and the meteoroid in the cave.[break]
☒ Close the northern Ultra Wormhole.[break]
☐ Reclaim Meteor Falls and protect it from further threats.[break]
☐ Rout the enemy and defeat Smohke, their general.[break]

☐ Find a way to deter or befriend the Silvally.[break]
☐ Investigate the mural/the meteroid in the center.[break]
☐ Defeat the remaining Pheromosa or flee into the cave.[break]
☐ Attack/defend against the Celesteela/Smohke/NPC Megalopolans.[break]
☐ Rocket: Eliminate League characters covertly, should the opportunity arise.

WAR MAP:[break][break]
THE PROVIDED MAP is to aid you in visualizing the battlefield. This map is not 1-to-1 in representation, and is simply a guide. Each cluster of Megalopolans represents a large group of them, and they will possess a variety of Pokemon, including the Ultra Beast, Naganadel.[break][break]

UPDATE! Click HERE to view the map. Please note, this will not be updated every round.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button).
  • Each Pokemon of yours can perform 1 move per round.
  • There is a soft cap/word limit of 350 words per post.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • You are allowed to roleplay your character taking down miscellaneous Megalopolan NPCs alongside League NPCs; however, significant actions will have their outcomes resolved in the subsequent moderator post.
  • If you miss too many rounds by failing to post by the deadline, you will either be kicked and/or receive minimal rewards.
  • The Ultra Beasts in these raids will not be exactly the same as their previous iterations on the site.


note: & must fill their posts out ASAP, or their participation this round will be voided.[break]
has missed this round and will be forcibly ejected next round with further ic-consequences if the previous post is not filled in and the next round is missed.[break][break]

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 9:04:41 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
 alighted with his noivern. they would descend safely, but remain flying midair as noivern continued to flap its wings. mateo, watching many megalopolans descend, took notice of celesteela and smohke's action. "tch," mateo uttered while swiping some portion of blood off of his face, "somethin' ain't right about that." he was referring to the meteoroid. whatever the celesteela was doing, it was causing it to glow. did something happen when you touched the rock?

regardless, his goal hasn't changed. "you're goin' down, wench!" calling out his last pokemon, due to the loss of his other two, mateo needed all hands on deck. "sceptile, QUICK ATTACK! noivern, make a path for sceptile!" with a loud screech noivern would utilize BOOMBURST to hurdle their foes out of sceptile's way.

the grass-type would move with haste, quick like a shinobi as he would attempt to make contact with the physically from below. mateo's goal was to get sceptile up close, once there. the pokemon would prepare to use LEAF BLADE if successful in order to break the rock or receive whatever blessing, should his blade get stuck in the rock, the celesteela was receiving.

tl;dr: - called out sceptile.
- noivern used boomburst to clear a path for sceptile.
- sceptile used quick attack to hasten his speed to get near the meteoroid.
- if successful, sceptile would prep to use his leaf blade in order to break the meteoroid or damage it.

note: using 1 salac berry.

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
953 posts
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2020 19:44:11 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The Megalopian is dropped as the air slash makes contact with Kim’s Dragonite, the man quickly turning his attention to where it had come from.

? Wasn’t he fighting alongside them not too long ago? Why the sudden shift from friend to foe? Kim is somewhat astounded by the sudden traitorous act but his attention is quickly shifted towards the Pheromosa, the bug kicking away the group and snatching the stone with ease.

As the exterior stone is crumbled, revealing the true treasure within, the pokemon attacks, Kim sucking his teeth in annoyance as a plethora of kicks shot his way.

Knock-Me-Down, Me First.

The Lickilicky is quick to act, rolling forward before imitating the attack, its own orbs of energy shooting from its whipping tongue; colliding with those shot from the Pheromosa.

The councilman aims at the bug, pointing while issuing an unspoken command to the Kirlia; Psychic energy enveloping the roach, attempting to hold it still for a duration.

Ignore everything else, focus on that bug no matter what. Friendly Coffee, Fire Punch, Minnow, Hydro Pump.

The two pokemon begin to rush the forcibly halted Pheromosa, making their way through the pummeling orbs without halt. Halfway through, they prime their attacks, a glow on Kim’s chest syncs with the Swamperts own, its body expanding as it nears, growing larger and larger until finally taking a new form.

Double down.” Kim commands before the Dragonite flies behind the Pheromosa, the mega evolved Swampert shooting a strong jet of water from the gills on its hand as the Dragonite closes in with its fiery fist, attempting to deliver a pincer of punches to the bug's small frame.

ღ kim assesses his surroundings before deciding on an all out attack

ღ lickilicky uses me first and copies the all out pummeling to a lesser degree

ღ kirlia uses psychic to try and keep the pheromosa in place

ღ swampert mega evolves and uses a hydro pump empowered punch to pincer pheromosa with dragonite who uses fire punch
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2020 15:44:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


light filled the cave revealing what these aliens were probably after, a large meteorite in the center of the chamber. for a moment kazimir had to wonder how he never came across this thing despite living in this mountain for a while but that was probably just due to plot continence. what wasn't convenient was seeing his blastoise hit the ground with the impact of a cannonball. "buccaneer!" the masked hero called out as he ran over to his pokemon and let out a small sigh of relief when he could see it still breathing and just knocked out. somehow it was one of the lucky ones, "take a rest buddy, let your bro handle the rest." as he returned the water turtle to its ball he brought out another turtle ready for action.
"turters, let's rock the house yeah? EVERYONE WATCH YOUR FEET!" the hero shouted as he whispered the plan to the torterra who started to stomp the ground causing another earthquake as the alien forces emerged and the type:nulls started to go mental. "scorcher! get me up to the cannibal loli and her rocket beast!" he called out to his charizard who nodded and dashed into mid-flight, picking up his hero in his arms and looped around the celesteela once as nagadaniels stood in their way. "into the pocket! cover me!" kazimir shouted as his charizard let out black smoke in a smokescreen to hide him tossing the hero into the collar where smohke stood as kazimir aimed a kick at the general to knock her down or out of the ultra beast with a scream.


    + kazimir recalls the retired buccanneer[break]
    + kazimir sends out torterra, torterra uses earthquake to block megalopolan forces and the silvallies[break]
    + charizard gives kazimir a lift into the air![break]
    + charizard uses smokescreen to cover tossing kaz at smohke![break]
    + pokkenger uses pokekick on smohke!

[attr="class","tag"]@meteor falls raid

template by kay

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 17:08:47 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
Just as Maverick jumped onto his aerodactyl in hopes to dodge the falling rocks, his luck just wanted here today either. His eyes widened as the mountain crumbled all around. And although Avias attempted to gain altitude before the got swallowed by the debris, it just wanted that. As the creature try to dodge falling rocks, a round of medium to small rocks made it impossible. The man lifted his arms to shield his face as they came down on them. The creature screeched in pain as they smacked her down, forcing Maverick to loose his balance off his creature and both fell down with the rest. Maverick hollered as he braced the impact. However, it was this aerodactyl that save him once again. The creature manages to wrapper herself and her wings around her beloved trainer and shifted her weight to take the blunt of the hit on the sharp rocks below.

The hit was hard, knocking the air from his lungs as his aerodactyl screamed in pain and rolled off to the side. His heart raced, but his body ached. He groaned as he rolled over to see if beloved rock and flying creature. His eyes forced on her chest. And for the longest time, he thought he saw no movement. Was she dead? He groaned as he crawled towards her. But by the time he got to her, her chest rose and fell with indication she was still alive. His warm colored orbs flickered over the deep red liquid that started to pool underneath her. He cursed under his breath as he reached for her ball, recalling her so she could rest. Hopefully she will make it until he can get her to the pokemon center.

The man tried his best to recover from his fall, summoning Azula out once more. The smell of blood was in the air and she whimpered lightly when her gaze fell upon her trainer. “I’m alright,” the man mumbled with a few groans as he got to his feet, “Let’s just try to help others.” The canine nodded as they turned to face what was going on. But once again, things where nothing but a mess. It was like we were being taken over by aliens.

Warm colored orbs flickered to the beast that still wanted to fight. Warm eyes flickered to his Azula. “Let’s do this!” The canine throws her head back in celebrating that was about to happen. The howl boosts her attack as the man touched his mega stone. In the matter of moment, the once six foot seven canine cries out as the power of mega evolution takes over. She roars with life as she feels the new wave of power overcome her. “Use flamethrower on Celesteela!” The creature didn’t hesitate as she took in a deep breath. The taste of sulfur tickled her throat as it quickly formed heat and soon, a stream of flames erupted from her parted muzzle in an attempt to attack the Celesteela.

ooc: make this fancy later. azula mega evolves, uses howl than flamethrower at pheromosa celesteela

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 20:16:21 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Before Ruby even had time to register what happened, the Pheremosa lunged towards her and her Togekiss. Holding tight, it was all Ruby could do as her pokemon cried out in pain as it slammed into the wall, and subsequently fell down below to collapse onto the ground below. Ruby wasn't too much better off, her entire side slamming into the rock wall. With a panicked limp to her step, Ruby quickly climbed off her Togekiss to attempt to discern it's state and thankfully only found it fainted from the pain. At the very least, it seemed the Pheremosa had collapsed as well, done for.

"You did good Amor... Time to rest." She'd whisper softly towards the Togekiss as she recalled it. Only then did Ruby examine the area around them and found herself briefly in awe. This was what the Megalopolans were wanting all alone, that meteor. Steeling her nerves, Ruby pressed forwards despite the obvious Megalopolan forces in their way. They had to keep pushing... for the sake of everyone who lost their lives, and for the sake of those who might lose their lives should they fail.

"Whisper!" Ruby shouted loudly to gain her Hatterene's attention who had just managed a bit of a rough landing, with Grace the Gardevoir already floating by the silent Pokemon's side. Even her Urshifu managed a safe landing, instantly posing with her arms outstretched, ready to fight.

The presence of the Megalopolan reinforcements was frustrating, it was like every inch of ground gained they pushed back even harder. Steeling her nerves, Ruby briefly glanced around at her League Allies. They were all hurt in some way, bruised and beaten, but hopefully not out of the fight just yet.

Turning her attention back to Whisper, she was quick to shout out. "SMITE them!" Immediately the Mega Hatterene began to silently chuckle as she raised her tentacles. Suddenly, energy in the shape of stars would begin to rain down on the Megalopolan reinforcements, with the Fairy-type energy radiating away from the impact point to hopefully confuse their foes and prevent them from taking reliable actions.

"Grace! We need info, look into the future!" The Gardevoir is visibly torn between healing her limping trainer and listening to the command, but Ruby's firm tone and commanding look in her eyes convince her. The shiny Gardevoir uses FUTURE SIGHT, attempting to look into the future for anything that might be of use.

"Bea!" Ruby would turn her attention to the Urshifu, still standing tall and ready to fight at a moment's notice. Their muscles were incredibly tight and ready to strike, thanks to their previous uses of Bulk Up. After a few moments of silence, Ruby finally spoke. "... Give them hell." A glimpse of a smirk would appear on the Urshifu's face before leaping forwards across the battlefield, aiming to strike at the massive Celesteela with a DYNAMIC PUNCH and attempting to knock it off the meteor, hopefully slipping in past any defenses it might have with its ability UNSEEN FIST.


Mega Hatterene used Gmax Smite, dealing fairy type damage and hopefully confusing all targets in the area.
Gardevoir used Future Sight, to attempt to find information that will assist them.
Urshifu uses Dynamic Punch, which deals damage and confuses the target. Unseen Fist is in effect and buffed by 3 uses of Bulk Up.

[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #B8D9EC; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 20:52:45 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Let’s just say the landing…was less than stellar.

Of course he wasn’t used to flying with the wings yet, and so his landing was rougher than most everyone present. Thankfully Ro had managed to catch Ryujin, and the two had come in for a safe landing close to him, standing near and keeping an eye while waiting for him to get up.

The Gardevoir had alighted from the Articuno’s back, who had come close to the ground to drop her off before taking flight again—glaring at every single space cannibal that was scaling down the walls and coming in to try and box them in.

“Ow, fucking ow,” he grumbled as he took one look at the wings made from frost—while not as grandiose as the actual deity’s that was flying up above him, circling close and getting ready to block just in case shit went down, he was hissing. He’d landed rather painfully on one shoulder and was now grumbling as he forced himself to get up.

“Fuck, ow. Lynette—“ he called out, and the Gardevoir approached, this time switching from Life Dew to Heal Pulse as he gestured at his shoulder while gritting his teeth.

As he got back up on shaky legs, he finally saw the… the looming monster that was digging into what he surmised was a gigantic crater from who knew where. What in the fresh hell was going on now? He’d lost track of where Amir had—gone ape shit, but thankfully, the growling noise that was directed his way made him pick out which one was his.

So that’s what it was… he thought with a frown as he leaned on the side of one of Ro’s legs, finally pulling himself up to stand.

“Amir, you asshat,” he barked at the not-Null that was now most definitely growling at him. Don’t make me do this. I wouldn’t want to put it past you,” he added a few moments later.

The Swampert got ready to repel with a Whirlpool should the rogue Pokémon decide to jump him, but it was Ro that took the cake—quickly setting up a Psychic field to block the not-Null (he didn’t know what else to call it) in case it came too close and tried to bite his head off (which certainly was within the range of what it could do, considering he was shot down by this damned thing).

Above him, the Articuno got ready with an Ice Beam, just in case things got hairy and they needed to defend themselves. He didn’t know how the others were faring, but from the collective groaning, he hoped nobody was too knocked out of the picture.

Don’t make me do this.”

Normally he would let the powers over ice go crazy and be at his beck and call, but once—just this once, he forced himself to concentrate before calling up just the slightest manifestation of arctic energy.

“I don’t want to ice you, literally,” he added as he gestured up at the Articuno, who was now pretty much glaring at the not-Null that had gone bananas, ready to fire off the Ice Beam in case it did decide to get too close. “You’re better than this, you fool.”

Oh, fuck, that reminds me, what about— he thought, his mind in a panic as he remembered a certain someone, who had one of these too and was…

Well, shit.

@team meteor falls

rerolling AGAIN because holy shit, really?


• That was not a stellar landing, 5 / 10 would not want to do again
• He has suspicions that his shoulder might be broken or something who knows he came down pretty hard
• Metagross / Swampert land nearby, providing cover for him to get up
• Gardevoir alights as well from Articuno’s back and approaches them
• Gardevoir uses Heal Pulse on Lars’s shoulder, because holy shit no, for reals that landing sucked
• Notices the gigantic thing (Celesteela), what the fuck is that supposed to be
• Lars turns his attention to his own not-Null, Amir, and decides to give it the ‘tough love’ treatment
• Swampert gets ready with a Whirlpool to throw at the Silvally just in case
• Metagross used Psychic as well, getting ready to block or at least catch the damned thing in mid-air before it attacks him
• Articuno gets ready with an Ice Beam as well, frigid glare never leaving the Silvally’s face
• Lars himself turns to his now-bat shit nuts Silvally, glaring it in the eye. He ain’t backing down. He’s also getting some of his own avatar powers ready to ice the Silvally in case it DOES make an attack for him.
• Basically: Metagross / Swampert / Articuno are all ready to open fire to subdue the Silvally if it does charge at Lars.
• Location: close to where everyone else in the earlier formation had approximately landed after that rough and tumble FALL
• Salac usage this round: 2. Fuck this shit

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2020 23:50:46 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


the redhead scrambles upon landing into the damp dirt that fills the excavated pit. inside the cavern, the mural he witnesses from above is vivider at close-range, but his eyes continue to wander, looking for something else.[break][break]

a sigh of relief escapes his gape seeing dragapult and kangaskhan near where lands them both. however, one of his pokémons is missing. there is no sign of turtonator. a sharp pang pierces his chest as he comes to realize what has just happened: another dragon dead.[break][break]

juno and darty gather beside him as they offer a moment to their department companion. valerio places his left hand over his chest and mutters something barely audible before he lifts his head back, a clear resolve illuminated in his eyes.[break][break]

hazel orbs scan the rock chamber until they land on the ginger girl atop the celesteela. upon seeing the pokkenger make his move, he nods to the kangaskhan and mounts dragapult as they follow suit. without him even noticing, the shadow togepi begins waving her hands again as it watches the meteorite intently (shadow metronome: spectral thief.)[break][break]

following torterra's earthquake, juno and her daughter casts surf through the cracks, hitting enemies that block their trainerss' way. on midair, his dragapult utilizes 's charizard's smokescreen as the ghost dragon launches dragon darts unto smohke after the masked hero's assault. the first strikes attempt to distract her and knock off her stun baton before valerio pounces with a fistful onslaught. “that's for my dragon, you bitch!”[break][break]

darty swoops beneath them as he plummets from the altitude but not before eggnog leaps from his carrier, seeking to strike smohke with an overwhelming strike of shadow attack. valerio reaches into the egg afterwards and darty catches them and lands them back to safety.[break][break]


ooc: x1 salac[break]
+ valerio gets up and mourns the death of turtonator, vows to kill smohke. after seeing leap on his charizard, he follows with his dragapult[break]
+ sh!togepi senses her trainer's pain, uses shadow metronome (spectral thief) on celesteela, stealing the energy it siphons from the meteorite[break]
+ mega kangaskhan and uses surf (doubled by parental bond) against megalopolans and naganadels blocking valerio's way to smohke[break]
+ dragapult carries valerio and togepi, uses dragon darts against smohke to distract her and knock off her stun baton, reinforced by previous light screen (5/5).[break]
+ valerio punches smohke again





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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing