i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
Spikemouth, Galar
Ex-Gym Leader
Falling Hard
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Billi Marsh DOLLARS
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Billi Marsh
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2020 23:40:44 GMT
Billi Marsh Avatar

The brood’s hiss and screeches cried out into the raining, hailing abyss. Nothing could fill them with more anxiety and rage then failing their provider being abducted because they failed to protect him with their webbings. It was their duty to keep the father alive, to keep him from getting hurt, and taken by the hentai monster in front of them. Not to mention the great predator was taken from his sky realm, it was just the worst situation possible.

Billi felt no different as he was snatached by the tentacles that painfully squeezed him, making his bones feel nothing more than brittle rotting sticks. Panic set in as he saw his Corviknight ripped out of his skin, releasing a painful caw into the air around them. “CORVIKNIGHT” Billi yelled, wincing as the squeeze got worse, putting pressure on his body as organs were put into a tighter space. Corviknights steel feathers dented inward from the pain, but all it could see in it’s beady red eyes was Billi struggling to get to him.

His friend was trying to help him, and why couldn’t he help Billi? Why couldn’t he just be a little bit stronger?! Talons scratched at the tentacle holding him, slowly trying to gnaw it’s way through the flesh that held him with it’s extra honed claws. His beak moved down to start drill pecking his way through the appendage to freedom that was so desired to free his master. Billi’s hand reached forward only to hear someone screech his name from behind as a large huff of cold snow smashed into the Nihilego, and a Steelix zooming up putting it’s full force into the giant monster.

Billi couldn’t turn to see the person who yelled for it, but it left a small image in his mind of booze and smiles. He gave a grunt, this was his battle too. Even though everyone viewed him existing there as a problem, he prepared! Billi felt that this was needed even if the dark ink of phobos filled his heart as his pokemon was being crushed and fighting for it’s life to get to him, all while the other three were nearly useless to help. Slow tears ran down his face. “Go to the other boat!” he yelled at his spiders who stood there hissing with their legs up in the air in protest. “GO” he yelled again

The wind howled as it heaved the nihilego around, and the ship slowly sank. The spiders obeyed their master reluctantly as they saw another human, flying down to snatch up Billi’s hand. “A-Alexei!” he grabbed the hand tightly pulling himself up towards the man. “It’s m-my home too!” he wiped the tears off on his arm that ached in pain. His blue eyes didn’t have time to look at Alexei as the Spiders shot silks over towards the new ship, quickly transporting themself to the next ship.

The threads remain thin and strong, making it possible for those who needed it for the time being to get to the next ship as ropes. Araquanid took no time to quickly dash through, setting up his wide guard again, defending the ship's side, and whoever was nearby from any tentacles that would try to abduct more people. The bright blue eyes locked down on his corviknight, “COME BACK” he yelled and cried at his Corviknight, who kept drill pecking and scratching with his talons to get free. Holding his pokeball, Billi shot the red beam towards his corviknight, trying to return him the tentacles.

Ariados was far from stupid, no, with it’s sniper ability, it could see the tentacle that held the corviknight. It was either sink or swim, and at the very least Billi could get to Corviknight if it fell to the water, or someone could. So, shooting it’s sticky web, layering it on like a lasso on the tentacle holding the bird, to the old ship that was sinking with hopefully enough strength to pull it to the depths, or at least rip off the tentacles.

Galvantula quickly moved to spit it’s gastro acid at the Nihilgo, hoping to coat some tentacles to prevent any ability going to it to weaken them or just make it useless. The stomach acid slowly eats away at the tentacles hoping for the best as it’s compound eyes allow it avoid incoming damage by seeing many directions at the same time. Just in time for Billi to be dropped off behind his Araquanid, “Behind Araquanid!” Billi told Alexei and the other humans who were close by could hear him.



Corviknight claws with it’s claws (that were previously honed) and DRILL PECKS at the tentacle holding him to try and free himself.

Billi & Corviknight are assisted by ’s steelix. And Billi is freed by . Billi then tries to recall Corviknight to save him from the tentacles.

The spiders enter the northern ship by creating a small silk rope bridge, lasting just long enough for others to enter the ship, before it snaps.

Araquanid uses its wide guard to defend against more tentacle attacks on the passengers.

Ariados uses its Sticky Web, enhanced by it’s Sniper Ability, to attach the webs to the tentacles holding corviknight, ’s Primarina and , with a large amount, then connecting it to the sinking ship, hoping to rip off the tentacle or drag it to the abyss, and therefore freeing the Corviknight. No threads remain connected to Ariados.

Galvantula spits Gastro Acid all over the Nihilego, attempting to weaken the tentacles from using abilities, or getting a beast boost, as well as trying to eat away at the tentacles cuz gastro acid is basically stomach acid, to aid in the others escape being easier, and you know ripping them off too.

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2020 23:47:08 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
The captain grit her teeth at the terrifying groan of twisting wood and metal, the collision shaking the whole of the ship and its occupants. 

The roar of her ship's engine was muffled by the chaotic, desperate screams around her. The other ship was sinking - along with the people in it. It took Skyler a moment to realize that screams were coming from her ship too.

She turned just in time to see spectral tentacles plucking people out of her ship like rag dolls. Her eyes widened in horror when Atalanta, her Salamence, suffered the same fate. A pale head of hair caught her attention. Was that-


Exploding into action, Skyler made sure that the ship was moving forward before she aimed the harpoon at the closest tentacle and let loose, hoping to make it lose its grip. Her eyes fell on Atalanta, the Salamence growling aggressively. The pokémon calmed slightly when she found her trainer looking at her. Skyler gulped and nodded - give them hell, Ats.

Roaring, the Salamence shoved her body into the Nihilego, her long tail going for an EARTHQUAKE - hopefully, it would shake the Nihilego enough to make it loose its grip on her and others. If she did manage to get free, she'd attempt to save any falling person/pokémon. 

Similarly, the Slowbro by Skyler's side sent another PSYCHIC at the Nihilego's tentacles - those grabbing onto and other pokémon - in an attempt to loosen their grip so that they could escape. 

"Protect the ship!" Skyler could see her Wailord resurfacing further away, probably on the lookout for any underwater threats. She took a pokéball out of her belt and released Lapras. The captain barely noticed the hail falling around her as she touched a multicolored stone on her necklace and suddenly-

Lapras grew in size ever so slightly, a strange luminescent sheen enveloping her. Ice stopped midair around the pokémon, forming strange, musical-like shapes that floated around her enlarged body. "Sirena, the jellyfish. They can't get to our ship."

Letting out a single, haunting note that seemed to echo around them, Sirena took advantage of the already freezing temperatures provided by   to shoot a beam of ice towards the closest Nihilego, attempting to freeze it (G-MAX RESONANCE). 

Around the boat, snow and ice crystals coalesced into a strange AURORA VEIL that attempts to surround and protect the vessel - the remains of Lapras' icy attack. 


+ skyler shoots her harpoon gun at the closest nihilego tentacle
+ salamence uses earthquake on the nihilego holding onto her in an attempt to free herself and possibly others
+ slowbro uses psychic on the nihilego's tentacles holding onto and other pokemon in order to free them
+ wailord is keeping an eye on underwater threats
+ lapras mega evolves (1 / 3)
+ lapras uses g-max resonance, hitting the closest nihilego and setting up aurora veil (1 / 5) to protect the ship (reduces 30% physical & special damage done to herself and allies)
@ northern boat
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Amelia Fisher
She, her
October 3
Icirrus City
None yet
17 height
17 height
Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.
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Ethel Irving DOLLARS
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Ethel Irving
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 0:07:22 GMT
Ethel Irving Avatar


The ship was sinking.

It must have been a result of the Pokemon that the aliens had commandeered for themselves, poisoning their minds and twisting their wills. It was sick, but an effective method of warfare, if Ethel's guess was right. But she needed to save herself.

She wasn't the only one in a dire situation. She watched as a blonde man and his Corviknight were caught up by the tentacled monsters, among many others, including... oh, dear, that was the captain. She'd have to get off this ship, and fast. She watched as a gust of violent wind freed some from the Nihilego's clutches, but there were still others.

"Stratus, Crescent, help out the Corviknight," she said, her words clipped and hurried. The Emolga screeched at the Nihilego holding the steel avian captive, releasing a jolt of electricity that would hopefully paralyze it. Capitalizing on this, Crescent joined in with a powerful Hex, which would wrack the paralyzed Nihilego's body with greater force if things went well.

Ethel would have liked to help out more, but her own safety was on the line as well. She surveyed the other ship, and was not confident that she would be able to reach it safely. It was a good thing there were alternatives, she thought, reaching the edge of the lurching, sinking ship and preparing to leap.

"Magic," she said to the Mr. Mime who had joined her, "we jump on three. If we miss the Wailord, give us a space to land on." Magic nodded, and Flavor's tongue flicked out from the Salandit's spot clinging to the Mr. Mime's back.

After the countdown, Ethel leaped, hoping to land on the Wailord safely. There was plenty of room for error, with how large the Pokemon was. But just in case the three of them missed, Magic would have a Freeze-Dry ready on his fingertips, to freeze a portion of the tossing sea under them until they could find a better spot to land.

- Emolga uses Thunder Wave on the Nihilego that's holding 's Corviknight
- Lampent uses Hex on the Nihilego mentioned above
- Ethel and Galarian Mr. Mime attempt to jump off the ship onto 's Wailord
- Salandit is clinging to Galarian Mr. Mime's back
- If the three of them miss, Galarian Mr. Mime will use Freeze-Dry on the ocean to form a platform of ice for them to land on
- Please give me a good roll, I want to land on the Wailord

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 2:13:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

As the boat sped away from the island, Oscar could not help but feel relief. That bug just got its ass turned inside out, even an ultra beast couldn't walk away from that onslaught in one piece. Oscar kept his eye on the ever shrinking shore as Priam searched the boat. "Anything useful?" Oscar wouldn't have a chance to pay attention to Priam's answer, as his attention was drawn completely to what happened next on the beach.

"Ok so..." Oscar spoke quietly, his voice shaking. "That mother fucker just sucked a starmie so dry it deflated--and now it looks like it could punch through a building." Oscar turned his eyes to the path ahead, tightening his grip on the wheel. "Yeah not about it. Razor! Turbo, ten seconds!" Razor nodded, latching himself onto the boat and making his way to the back. The ghostly dragon's eyes rolled back into his head, as his mighty jaw unhinged and opened wide. Moments later, he would unleash a full power Dragon Pulse just above the water. The boat rocketed forward, launching the ragtag team toward the far left of the island town. It wasn't a titanic boost, but they didn't need to outrun the bug--just the second boat. Oscar maintained focus, keeping his grip firmly on the wheel to maintain control. Lancer used his elbows locked into the safety rail, Focusing his Energy to be ready in case any of his comrades flew off the boat. As instructed, Razor ceased after ten seconds. It was up to Oscar to safely dock.


Njord continued his journey down the wave, Boris keeping a firm grip on his back. He had no interest in rejoining the ships, assuming both to be a lost cause. They would soon pass under the Nihilego, and while the two were distracted by their assault on the boats Njord would leave nothing to chance. He began to submerge, giving Boris but mere moments to take in a deep breath. Njord continued under the wave itself, using his inner dragon power to boost his speed further (Dragon Dance). Boris decided to make himself useful, taking on a defensive pose to deflect any possible unexpected threats attackers (Counter). Njord pushed forward with all of his might, only bobbing up slightly to allow Boris to grab some air. He was determined to leave the wave behind and meet his master at the town.


Dragapult used Dragon Pulse to give the motor boat a turbo boost. Oscar is focusing on maintaining control to safely deliver his team to the island town.
Beedrill used Focus Energy, and is prepared to catch anyone that flies off the boat at the risk of being behind.
Kingdra has submerged to avoid the Nihilego and continues climbing down the wave toward the town. He has used Dragon Dance and is utilizing Swift Swim to augment his speed.
Haxorus is using Counter to protect himself and Kingdra from anything that tries to attack them, from below or above. 
First roll is for Oscar, Second is for Haxorus and Kingdra

Stat Boosts:

Dragapult: Atk +1, Speed +1 
Beedrill: Speed +2 
Kingdra: Atk +1 Speed +1 (doubled by swift swim--last turn)

Haxorus: Atk +2, Speed +2



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Agent SiK
August 26th
Team Rocket
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TAG WITH @sebastianc
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 2:50:42 GMT
Igor Avatar
Despite the fact that aliens, Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, and a war unfolded before his very eyes Igor would remain...unmoved...unbothered.

It was as if it was just another day, another job for the coal-black armored titan. Serving Team Rocket instilled him with focused purpose, nothing could shake his nerves of steel. If the nerves even existed after the burning incident....

Still upon Fearow's back and keeping at a high altitude the pair would continue to foresee the battle from above. What else could they do besides prepare their next assault against The League and the aliens? Nonetheless his Pokemon below would continue to do their own part. Wolf The Blastosie had finally aided in taking down a boat, yet for his efforts he had been snatched up from the sea's floor by the squid-beast which would then send the shellfish Pokemon hurtling toward the Northern islands. Bouncing along the water's surface like a skipping stone Wolf would find himself lodged inside a large stone cliff side, using Withdraw while recovering from the incident.

Meanwhile Freya the Pidgeotto would toss out another Hurricane wind assault, hoping to create another chaotic serum when added to the negative weather effects, but now with people scattered about due to the ship sinking. What if it could hit League members, their Pokemon, and the alien forces all together?

Igor continues to fly high above the battle on Spiro Spero the Fearow
Freya the Pidgeotto throws a Hurricane into the weather mix to effect both aliens and Trainers near the Nihilego
Wolf the Blastoise is yeeted toward the Northern section of the map and bounces like a stone, crashing into a beach head
Wolf the Blastoise uses Withdraw
Nhar'qual the Zoroark remains in Poke Ball on Igor's perso

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august 12
castelia city
i can't smile wide, i'm stuck, there's nothing I can do
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evangeline DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 4:25:11 GMT
evangeline Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]There is a delicate balance that must be struck when running on adrenaline. When chasing that rush. And that is your fear must outweigh your excitement. All danger must hit your brain as a fair price to pay for that buzz in your hands and the heat in your chesst. Watching the source of her latest spike's actions over the next few seconds shatters that balance for Evangeline.

It was a stupid decision to engage this monster directly from the start, but it's not until she watches the hulking beast slam and drag her Scolipede like it were still a Venipede that she fully understands this. As it flies at her, end over end, through the air she barely gets her wits about her enough to attempt to return it before it fully bowls her over. The hand she uses to hold the pokeball almost loses grip on it from all the sweat in her palm.

The attacks from her other pokemon land, but for what? It barely shrugs at the impact and then it takes its turn. She watches it charge forward and expects it to come for her and her team when it instead sinks its proboscis into something else. Something familiar. She notices for the first time at the cost of his Starmie's life.

More importantly she notices the boat.

She makes a dash for the vehicle and her pokemon follow. Trainer and party all have lost the bravado they had but a few moments ago. She climbs on to the boat and her Toxicroak follows. Her Weezing and Tentacruel stay close from their places in the air and water respectively.

"Go!" she shouts at Ian as she climbs into the small ship. Offering him no time to mourn or think she shouts again, "I'll cover us, go!"

Without waiting for his reply she turns to her three still healthy pokemon, "Keep it off us! Hit it hard!"

Her pokemon take up positions where they may. Tentacruel floats behind the boat, and readies a SLUDGE WAVE. Weezing floats above and] begins preparing another HEAT WAVE. Finally, Toxicroak lets out an angry, reverberating croak before vomiting up a series of SLUDGE BOMBS in the direction of their potential pursuer.

+ Evangeline realized she is completely outclassed, retreat time
+ Returned Scolipede in an attempt to avoid getting bowled over by the pokemon projectile
+ Noticed when his Starmie got got -- RIP
+ Ran to the boat he's in, followed by her 'mons
+ Tentacruel used SLUDGE WAVE on Buzzwole to cover (what is hopefully) their escape
+ Weezing used HEAT WAVE on Buzzwole to cover (what is hopefully) their escape
+ Toxicroak used SLUDGE BOMB on Buzzwole to cover (what is hopefully) their escape

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professor o, professor oak
october 15th
scientific pioneer
i'll show you love like the sun, i'll spark again
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ian oak DOLLARS
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ian oak
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 4:53:44 GMT
ian oak Avatar
ian would turn to see his starmie downed. "that's not good, that was my most reliable!" now he would need to get a new one. suddenly, came. the buzzswole caught his eye, and the last thing ian wanted was to deal with that monstrosity. "we're out of here!" starting the ignition, ian would drive without warning at full speed. where were they headed? anywhere but here.


stop murdering my pokemon, you psychopath.
also a weak post due to me not paying attention to the time of current mod post, i sorry ppl.
ian started the boat and drove off with at full speed.

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 7:29:12 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


final straw


the sound of the breaking ship billows from the horizon; the only thing selena can do for them now is to proceed further into the trammels and hope for the reinforcements to arrive.[break][break]

the muddy wave does not take her far from the island for she hears the looming threat behind. the gym leader is filled with horror and wonder as the muscled mosquito regains its energy as if it has not been barraged by attacks.[break][break]

selena and tapu koko glances at each other before they return their attention into the buzzwole, who is now dashing towards her party.[break][break]

milotic pushes further away with muddy water, gaining a considerable distance from the buzzwole as the electric deity counters its dash with its electroweb: charged gossamer threads spin out of its revolving shell, attempting to slow down its pace as it discharges volts of electrifying power. her altaria follows up with a disarming voice, hoping to break the buzzwole's confidence.[break][break]

“we can see the trammels from here: it means we're getting close to the town island. we need to get away as soon as possible before they start using those black towers again.” she speaks in an almost unrecognizable tone, voice drowning in adrenaline and exhaustion as she drives medusa further into the sea at the seaside town's direction.[break][break]


+ selena observes the southern ship gets destroyed by the nihilego's attack then shifts to the reenwegized buzzwole.[break]
+ tapu koko uses electroweb to electrocute buzzwole and slowen its pace, attack powered up by electric terrain (4/5).[break]
+ altaria uses disarming voice against the buzzwole.[break]
+ still mounted on her milotic, it uses muddy water to bring it further from the insect ultra beast and into the seaside town.





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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 8:09:15 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

It all happened so fast. One minute, she was sitting atop her Wishiwashi in the sea, and the next she and Jaspers were clutched into the tentacles of the beast. Her breath practically vacated her lungs almost instantly as she desperately reached for Jaspers, the young Espurr pulled away from her. A few others and their pokemon were also within the Ultra Beasts grasp, but at the moment she couldn't care less who they were.

If she was going to die then so be it. Her place had come and gone in this world. It was not designed for her, it was not built for her. A cold world without the fleeting grace of ease. Everything she had was earned through hard work, fighting with every breath as if it was her last. And if it was... she wanted to go out with a bang.

May the ocean currents carry her body somewhere gentle, where it may rest somewhere safe from the struggling seas.

Screaming with the last bits of air remaining in her lungs, Celeste commanded her pokemon. "Kelp! Get Jaspers out, now!" No matter what, that precious boy deserved nothing but good things. A better, safer home, perhaps should she perish. Immediately, the Dhelmise launched itself out of the water, flinging up towards Jaspers the Espurr. As soon as it got close enough for some of its kelp to brush against him, it would suddenly attempt to use PHANTOM FORCE. Vanishing with a ghostly sort of power, only to reappear back upon the boat near and anyone else now aboard the Northern Boat, with the Espurr hopefully in tow.

Then the blizzards came and it shook Celeste to her very core. She was already wet from being in the water, the cold was literally chilling her to the bone with how skinny she was as she continued to fight to even speak. "T-t-tiny! BOUNCE!"

Immediately, the Wailord would let out a huge roar as it exerted its huge PRESSURE and began to swim under the water to gain speed. With all of its might, it suddenly leaped straight into the sky as high as it possibly could. Gravity immediately taking effect, the massive whale pokemon would attempt to slam straight down onto the top of the Nihilego holding Celeste. With any luck, the sheer weight would cause enough of a surprise and damage to let her and anything else still captured loose.

Celeste had no more breath in her lungs to speak, suffocating within the tentacle as she fought with every fiber of her being to free herself, to sink down into the watery depths. However, not to be left sitting idly by the sidelines, Jaspers, whether he was freed or not, would be blasting another PSYSHOCK at the Nihilego that had his trainer capture, potentially aided by INFILTRATOR. At the same time, her Wishiwashi and its school, still surrounded by its AQUA RING for protection would be rushing to save her should she fall. Regardless, it would also leap out of the water and attempt to bite down onto the tentacle with an intense BEAT UP, encouraging not only the entire school but all of her Pokemon to strike at the Nihilego once more.


Dhelmise uses Phantom Force on Espurr to attempt to rescue him.
Wailord exerts pressure.
Wailord uses Bounce to the top of the Nihilego holding Celeste.
Espurr uses Psyshock, free or not, with Infiltrator ability in effect.
Wishiwashi still has Aqua Ring in effect.
Wishiwashi uses Beat Up, to encourage the entire pokemon Party to strike again, and hopefully rescue Celeste.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2020 10:10:36 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Who would've guessed his best laid plan would get flipped on its head.

MUD-SLAP landed but didn't seem to have any effect as the red monster mosquito still seemed to land every blow it swung at them, including the first one it had thrown at his Salamence, stopping FLY before it could land.

They crashed into the beach below and Salamence staggered a bit taking a moment to get his feet back under him, he could still fly but he seemed worse for wear. Expecting the beast to rampage in it's fury it seemed dead-set to obey him so that it might survive, or at least get its revenge. For Sénon himself he was just lucky to still be mobile, if Salamence had landed on top of him he'd have been crushed right there.

Pressed for a next move he saw a new group dealing with one of the red monstrosities and before committing to a plan he saw Ditto!Kingdra peering from the beach.

Coming to the d!seahorse and hopping on it back at the shore it maintained sea mobility on the shore via Swift Swim; it was ordered to ICE BEAM the (buzzwole) wings while Nincada used DIG to make a pit under it's legs.

Compoundeyes increasing Nincada's accuracy it would also use the feedback from the (Buzzwole) multiple limbs hitting the ground (four narrow legs/feet) and ample weight to better pin point its location.

The attacks from the other pokémon keeping it in place long enough for a proper trapping pit to be dug out. If they couldn't defeat it, maybe immobilizing it was the answer.

Meanwhile coming closer to he'd seek healing for his Salamence if time and space allowed, otherwise its FLAMETHROWER or being returned to its pokéball were its only methods of defense.

● tags: @raid
● musical notes:
● notes: Armed with tanto and wearing backpack for alternative poké transport.

Sénon mounts D!Kingdra
⚲ (LIMBER); Transform/♂︎ (SWIFT SWIM); Hydro Pump / Dragon Pulse / Rain Dance / Surf / Draco Meteor / Ice Beam ICE BEAM's to freeze Buzzwole wings. Moves about the beach with Swift Swim.
♂︎ (COMPOUNDEYES); Harden / Mud-Slap / Absorb / Metal-Claw / Mind Reader / Dig attempts to dig a pitfall under Buzzwole while its distracted by other attacks.
Using its compoundeyes and other factors to increase accuracy of placement.

♀︎ (INTIMIDATE); Brine / Ice Fang / Hurricane / Hydro Pump in Pokéball
♂︎ (INTIMIDATE); Fly / Flamethrower / Crunch / Headbutt crashes into the northern beach, on guard with FLAMETHROWER.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2020 23:57:42 GMT
Deleted Avatar

[attr="class","simpleMain"]the beast seems unshakeable. her absol is saved only by a brave, foolish gesture—iris looks to , briefly, to gauge his reaction. she might have looked grateful, were it not for grim set to her mouth. a fallen pokemon was the last of her concerns. as the unfezant begins to wither, iris' togekiss casts a wary LIGHT SCREEN around them.
more people flock to the beach—iris makes a split decision as they make their attacks. "let's go," she mutters before breaking into a run. blue launches a STONE EDGE ahead before slipping into the water, keeping up with its trainer from the water. iris' aegislash soon follows, melting into its shadow to overtake its trainer; when it emerges from its SHADOW SNEAK, it swings the stun baton at anything the STONE EDGE didn't hit.
close on the heels of the steel-type comes iris' absol. those weakened by the two attacks would be met with a PSYCHO CUT.
[break][break]salac x1


* this is karma for posting late peperelax[break]
* togekiss uses LIGHT SCREEN (1/5)[break]
* iris advances while buzzwole is distracted; swampert uses STONE EDGE[break]
* aegislash uses SHADOW SNEAK, still armed with the stun baton; MAGNET RISE (4/5) is in effect[break]
* absol follows and finishes off whatever opponents it can with PSYCHO CUT (current ability: BEAST BOOST)

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2020 10:04:23 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The sight of one of their own's pokemon falling victim to the ultra beast was gut wrenching. It made a sharp pin of dread return to Noelle's stomach, and she found herself grimacing in realization that the red bug was an enemy not to be underestimated. It had easily dealt with their offensive assault, dishing out its own in a manner that couldn't be overlooked.

Her stare briefly flickered to , offering him a concerned glance. She wished she could say more - do more, but the desire is nothing more than that; a wish Internally, she also apologizes to Kyle. @iris voices her thoughts aloud and the pinkette could only give a stiff nod, grateful that someone shared her willingness to avoid this threat altogether.

Her Gyarados aids in their escapade. Its body multiplies, nigh identical copies of itself forming instantaneously, the DOUBLE TEAM working to further distract the red tyrant. The doppelgangers roar out their challenges to the ultra beast before lurching forward, whilst the real gyarados slips underneath the water.

Her blissey is briefly enveloped in a dim glow, as a HEAL PULSE emits from its rotund form to heal 's Inteleon before it totters about after its trainer.

From the water, blastoise aids in clearing their path, an ice beam assaulting the megalopolan troops that might've stood in their way whilst her dragonite is, briefly, returned. Noelle otherwise begins to advance, set on advancing further whilst retreating from the buzzwole.

- gyarados uses double team on the buzzwole to help distract it
- blissey uses heal pulse on June's inteleon
- blastoise uses ice beam on any megalopolan's they may come across
- noelle attempts to retreat from buzzwole & advance further

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hunter
hunter warren
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2020 18:13:52 GMT
hunter warren Avatar


Hunter is but a shell of his former self.

A mortified boy in a battlefield he doesn’t belong to - he can only stare at the approaching Nihilego as it reaches for him with its arm. It’s as if he’d dared to stare deep into the hollowed body of a Shedinja - he is alive, but his spirit is gone.

Even if he had considered the idea of escaping from the jellyfish-like ultra beast, it was too late now. It latched to him, coiling around his body like a serpent with a tight hold. Snared and now hurled into the air by the same appendage, he could only shoot his remaining pokemon - both the steel-types and ice-type alike - a mournful gaze.

He would apologize if it wasn’t for the monster that had been choking him.

The trio of pokemon look for guidance elsewhere now, from a familiar person who managed to evade the wrathful grasp of the ultra beast - @dani.


- hunter is caught by the tentacle, too slow and scared to move away from it.
- he's unable to command his pokemon since he's being strangled, so instead, they look at @dani and expect her to guide them / tell them how to help.

[attr="class","huntertag"] @raid

[newclass=.hunter] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.hunter b] color: #1c99fb; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.huntertag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.huntertag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.hunterpokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.hunterpokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2020 23:46:06 GMT
noah faber Avatar
noah says little. as the morbid scene transpires, he's reminded of his uzifant's sacrifice months ago in slateport. without to seek immediate comfort in, he digs his fingernails into his palms and whispers painful gratitude. perhaps, just loud enough, for his uzifant to hear before passing.

as and provide further support, noah flashes a look toward the trainers around him. he shakes his head, as if to preemptively reject condolences. he gathers himself, instead of flashing the littlest smile at .

his machamp echoes a similar gesture, smacking its head as it recovers from the strike. noah echoes too, as iris' words repeat from his tongue, "GOING!"

when crashes onto the northern beach with a uproarious landing, noah leaps into action. he's promptly caught by his machamp. although his gray skin is bruised—but not as much as its ego—noah's lifelong partner knows when to flee.

he calls upon june as and @iris clear the stretch ahead of megalopolans. ice and stone clash with violent splashes of brine, while his falinks and medicham COUNTER and DETECT any stray attacks.

machamp carries noah to push forward
falinks and medicham COUNTER & DETECT stray attacks as the others clear the way.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon medicham"]
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon falinks"]

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2020 16:37:11 GMT
priam conrad Avatar

priam stares at the stun baton, turning it on, and watches the sparks fly. he was never allowed to get the really cool weapons besides the ones he provides himself, such as a baseball bat or a crowbar or something, and the mental image of him wielding something with special effects was mesmerizing.

and then prompts him. he snaps back to reality and relays the important parts to oscar. "there's this really cool thing! what do you think of me wielding this shit like i'm one of 'em? it can be my signature weapon, or somethin'! people still do those, right?"

getting back to business as he lets oscar bring them to their destination, he brings up his binoculars again. the prominent people, specifically the ex-champion and the council member, that he expected to be the backbone of the operation were missing from the battlefield. at the very least, the gym leaders' presence were there.

the buzzwole going for them starts to target , giving the duo of rockets some breathing room. knowing that they can't take it down with one big attack, priam takes the opportunity to take potshots at it.

"i gotchu journalist lady!" he shouts from the boat. the braviary, still hovering around the boat they were in, starts to fire off air slashes at the buzzwole. "aim at their kneecaps!" priam instructs his pokemon in a softer tone, knowing that it's the weak point of a lot of people. the flying-type's keen eye makes aiming possible.

as he recalls his ditto to its pokeball, he instructs his espeon, eyes still observing the battlefield in his binoculars. "your mind is already calm as fuck, right? you're on guard duty."

the psychic-type would sigh if it can. perceptive eyes guard the boat with as much ferocity as he guarded the boy since they were together, ready to use psychic in a moment's notice should problems arise.


  • priam gets excited about the stun baton
  • priam watches the battlefield on his binoculars
  • braviary fires air slash at the buzzwole's kneecaps
  • priam recalls his ditto
  • espeon readies a psychic for emergencies bc his mind is very calm

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