i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 3:49:18 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]METEOR FALLS 3A







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]


found treasure


SOMETHING PINGED! As your attacks break apart your obstacles, several treasures are exposed for everyone to take. In this hellscape, you hear foreboding rumbles resonating through the walls. Rock chips apart from each vibration before toppling into the magma below.[break][break][break]

Excavated treasures will be redeemable at the end of the event!

floor three[break]
NOTE: there are new requirements now. some tiles require PHYSICAL or SPECIAL moves, or specific moves in order to be broken.

AN ODD STONE falls from the rubble. It's hot to the touch, as if magma is surging from within. Perhaps, it can be slotted into something?[break][break][break]


FURTHERMORE, and skyler alone, would find a curious fragment of some blue stone. It glistens and seems to resonate with energy within its small fragment. She may recognize it from the Lilycove Warfront in The Ultra Beast war, for it is a piece of the blue orb Velmos shattered with his teeth...[break][break][break]


Everyone receives the excavated items (aside from the blue fragment); however, some remain embedded in the wall:
  • fossilized ??
  • mega stone shard
  • gold nugget (250 pd)

[attr="class","reward2"]WHICH TILE IS NEXT?


IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE, follow the guidelines below:[break][break]
  • For each "floor", you can only break three tiles before advancing to the next floor.
  • Everyone must use a move. Please bold used move and include base power of used move.
  • Used pokemon moves must have a base power + multi-strike moves will only apply their base power once.
  • Stat-altering moves and abilities will not affect the base power in this event.
  • You have access to all pokemon in your pc; however, you can not use Ditto.
  • There is no locking in of pokemon; you can catch pokemon to help you complete the challenge even after the challenge has started!



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 9:29:31 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





great escape

lost track of time & space


Remiel regards Andy and Angelo with the raise of a single brow. "You two are hilarious. Are you related, perhaps?" He asks, only half-serious before they move on through the hellish landscape they've found themselves in.[break][break]

Groudon's continued presence serves to enthrall Remiel even further. Though the HOT STONE he carries in his hand, a treasure unearthed just moments earlier, also inspires fascination as well. He feels it humming with a strange energy. Whatever had found seems even fascinating more still. Particularly because she hadn't had a chance to share it with them yet. Or had deliberately chosen not to.[break][break]

Regardless of the reason, the path ahead was blocked by a large steaming boulder and they had little time to go into anything else, considering the pool of lava that was slowly devouring the path behind them. "I'll take care of it," Remiel states, pulling out a luxury ball and summoning a well-toned and ferocious Garchomp: the finest and most well-trained weapon in his arsenal of Dragon-type pokémon. Aside from the blunt instrument he called his Tyrantrum, of course.[break][break]

"Damkina, Dual Chop."[break][break]



notes: Garchomp strikes the PHYSICAL DRAGON-TYPE WALL with DUAL CHOP for 40BP!


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[newclass=".punkianger-rtcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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played by

Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 21:38:15 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''Wow. Why would you shit on my excellent Galarian genes by suggesting such a thing?'' Of course he didn't even try to sound upset. The bad jokes were a good away to shake off the rather risky situation they were all in. A lava filled hell hole. The land legend groudon himself. Andy is more interested in the glowing artifact the prince recovered however.
''What is that?'' Given that Remiel seemed to enjoy his nerdy exposition, he was sure he would hear all about it. So enthralled with the hot rock that he hardly noticed Dross' own discovery. Though it wasn't as if he would even really know what it was. The prince was more concerned with the lava flow that was slowly encroaching on them.
Andy couldn't blame him.
''Best you stick close,'' he told his glistening gengar, who had thus far been cowed into silence by the exotic environment. The ghost shimmered into a dark smoke that flowed into the boy's shadow. The cooling sensation of the ghost type's presence was welcome in the lava filled chamber. His marowak disappeared back into her ball, and a flygon appeared in her place.
''Draco, follow up with a dragon rush.''



, ,


-flygon uses dragon rush (100BP)

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

[googlefont=Raleway:500][newclass=.dangerhead]width: 500px;height: 150px;background: url('');border-bottom: solid;border-color: #262626;border-width: 10px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 22:38:23 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 You never know, Andy. Maybe we’ll drop you in the sea later, see if you float. If you sink, then congrats – you’re a true Galarian.” There’s a lazy grin on his face, unperturbed by the teenager’s unserious retort and playing into it a little. It’s an easy thing to fall into, distracting the youngest member of their group from the hulking lava dweller behind them with teasing comments; not like Andy probably needs it, being the little personality that he was.

While Remiel and Andy busy themselves with a lump of glowing red rock, he briefly directs his attention towards the legendary skulking about in the far section of the cave. He’d never seen one before. Well, he’d never seen a legendary at all, actually. It would make for an interesting memory to look back on, that's for sure.

The others pull his attention away when they release their pokemon and he summons Eltanin again, the Salamence rushing forward with a Dragon Claw at the stone to help out, looking happy to get stuck into some kind of action.

Finally, his gaze shifts towards where Skyler stood, her back turned to him and Angelo can’t help but let himself be drawn over towards her; curiosity casually rising. Approaching from behind, he peers over her shoulder until his chin nearly threatened to press into it. “What you got there?” He asks on a quiet hum, voice laced with intrigue to see what the treasure hunter had found that had caught her attention. “You want me to pack it up?” He’d been doing it for the group during the tour so far, after all.

Within her hand is a blue shard, glittering prettily in the glow of the lava – completely unfamiliar to him. Angelo blinks, lips parting as if he’s about to speak again until he catches a flicker in Skyler’s expression that makes him stop. Something within him steels. Quietly, Angelo takes a step so that he’s standing at his friend’s side instead, leaning subtly against her shoulder for a moment despite the radiating heat in the cavern.

There’s room left still in his backpack but something told him, by her reaction, that this wasn’t the same as the treasures they had excavated earlier. Angelo doesn’t reach out to take it.

notes; using dragon claw (80bp) as physical dragon move

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2021 23:18:01 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

The thrill of discovery sparkles over her skin as they step further into the chamber, weaving a path between rocky outcroppings and bubbling pools of magma. Not even the sight of the terrible red beast far ahead can taint the taste of excitement on her tongue. She wants to give Groundon the middle finger again, but refrains from doing so. Barely.

A hum comes from her throat, as if agreeing with Angelo. "Yeah, everyone knows only Hoennians can swim. Everyone else just paddles. Too much water in Hoenn or something."

When the group's path is cut off due to some fallen rubble, Skyler is quick to release her Axew into the scorching hot air in front of her, its red eyes growing wide at the looming legendary in the distance. "Anvik, there. Dual Chop." The small Axew shakes his head and uses its claws to help clear the way.

It isn't long before they come upon more things.

While Andy and Remiel examine a glowing rock of sorts, Skyler's eyes drift to a strange glint among the rubble. The treasure hunter in her approaches carefully, fingers curling around what appears to be a blue shard. The moment she touches it, however, it seems to pulse with a strange power - the superstitious sailor almost drops it in reaction.

Her lips are parted, ready to call for her companions, when recognition hits her like a punch to the gut. A cold shiver goes down her spine despite the heat in the chamber, memories flashing like photographs behind her eyes. For a moment the world seems to tilt, though her feet are planted firmly on the ground. This isn't- This couldn't possibly be-


When Angelo approaches, Skyler's fingers are clutching the fragment so hard her knuckles have turned white. His words barely register, though he seems to understand something is amiss when he steps to her side and doesn't try to take the blue shard from her.

When she looks up at him, her eyes are cold and flinty, nearly threatening. The look fades after a moment, though signs of it linger in her tensed muscles and the aggressive downward pull of her lips. "We can take a look at it later - I'll keep it for now." 

She can hear the pounding of her heart in her ears - and for a moment, she swears it's the same as the pulsing from the shard in her hand.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 4:48:41 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]METEOR FALLS 3A







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]


found treasure


SOMETHING PINGED! As your attacks break apart your obstacles, several treasures are exposed for everyone to take. In this hellscape, you hear foreboding rumbles resonating through the walls. Rock chips apart from each vibration before toppling into the magma below.[break][break][break]

Excavated treasures will be redeemable at the end of the event!

floor three[break]
NOTE: there are new requirements now. some tiles require PHYSICAL or SPECIAL moves, or specific moves in order to be broken; i also changed the placement of the mega stone shard since i mistakenly placed it in an impossible location!

Everyone receives the excavated items (aside from the blue fragment); however, some remain embedded in the wall:
  • 1x level tutor
  • fossilized ??
  • mega stone shard
  • gold nugget (250 pd)

[attr="class","reward2"]WHICH TILE IS NEXT?


IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE, follow the guidelines below:[break][break]
  • For each "floor", you can only break three tiles before advancing to the next floor.
  • Everyone must use a move. Please bold used move and include base power of used move.
  • Used pokemon moves must have a base power + multi-strike moves will only apply their base power once.
  • Stat-altering moves and abilities will not affect the base power in this event.
  • You have access to all pokemon in your pc; however, you can not use Ditto.
  • There is no locking in of pokemon; you can catch pokemon to help you complete the challenge even after the challenge has started!



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played by


the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 1:03:50 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





great escape

lost track of time & space


Remiel rolls his eyes at his friend's comment, but the two lads manage to spark a smile from his expression nonetheless. The young royal wasn't usually one to take part in such back-and-forth banter, especially not in groups. Angelo had proven to be the rare exception, but the rest of his crew seemed to share the uncanny ability to pull him out of his shell as well. Despite the hot, smothering, and hellish scenery, he was grateful to be pushing ahead beside them.[break][break]

"I'm not quite certain myself," He admitted, holding the hot stone up for Andy to see a little better. "But it appears to have been fashioned to serve some... purpose. Angelo carries one for each of you as well." His eyes flick back to the young man and the young lady he walks beside. They fixate on a gleam of blue in the latter's hands.[break][break]

Just then, however, the cacophonous sound of a rockslide dominates the area behind them. As the prince quickly turns backward to regard the event, bubbling magma begins to seep through cracks of the aftermath, headed straight for them just above a snail's pace. Escaping its slow advance would have been easy... if the path ahead of them hadn't ended at the edge of a massive gap between one side of the gigantic chamber and another.[break][break]

Stashing away his hot stone for a moment, and replacing it with a pair of luxury balls, the hardness returns in Remiel's cobalt eyes as he steps forward. He tosses one of these balls at Andy: it contains his Dusclops, Ursula. Then he tosses his own, summoning a Gothitelle named Wednesday. "I hope you two have a pokémon with the ability to alter gravity," He remarks, looking pointedly at Skyler and Angelo. "We need to create a rather long bridge across."[break][break]

Then, without further ado, he prompts Wednesday to begin the process with a verbal command and a wave of his hand. The Gothitelle finds the heat quite uncomfortable, but bears with it as she does a hair flip, putting her hands forward afterward and using her power over GRAVITY to summon a hovering bridge of rock from far down below.[break][break]

"Watch your step everyone."[break][break]



notes: Gothitelle strikes the X4 GRAVITY WALL with GRAVITY!


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[newclass=".punkianger-rtcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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played by

Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 9:06:29 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




While he would have liked to have sat there theory crafting about whatever the hot rock was, their environs had other plans. The boy couldn't help but wonder, beyond all the terror about his mortality, just how deep down where they? No matter what the depth was they couldn't just go back the way they had come with the earlier cave in.
''Is there any way we can really even get back to the surface?'' As per usual however, Remiel had a plan. Andy caught the pokeball well this time, and unleashing its contents found a dusclops. The modicum of joy that came over him was refreshing with everything else going on. It had been nice of him to give him a ghost type.
''Well,'' he started, the dusclops regarding him curiously, ''help your trainer. Use gravity to create a path.'' It was needed so all four could cross, of course. Initially, he had just planned to fly over it on his flygon, but this worked too. His gengar and flygon stuck close. Andy figured the dusclops would stay with her actual master.



, ,


-dusclops used gravity on gravity tile

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

[googlefont=Raleway:500][newclass=.dangerhead]width: 500px;height: 150px;background: url('');border-bottom: solid;border-color: #262626;border-width: 10px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangertag a]color: #2e8b57;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 19:27:36 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Angelo doesn’t hear his name being uttered between the other pair, everything else in the cavern muffled as his attention instead locks upon silver eyes; flashing up at him, cold and sharp like a revealed blade. His gaze narrows, steeled and masking an unsettled chill that furls in his chest. There’s a dangerous edge to the air, slicing even through the muggy haze, emanating from Skyler as she tenses around the unknown shard of blue but Angelo doesn’t waver from her – it’s not him she’s focused on.

Okay,” he tells her, that one word sure and solid, not needing to say anymore. Instead his hand rises to her back, giving her a pat between the shoulder blades. Firm enough to be felt but not enough to knock her forward. It’s a silent gesture of reassurance – a promise – that he’s here, if she wants it. Angelo leaves it at that. They have something else to worry about, anyway.

Beneath their feet the ground begins to tremor, rocks colliding into their platform in a chorus of unfavourable cracking noises and into the lava with hissing splashes. Dislodged earth falling around them like a hailstorm. Angelo turns in place to survey the damage, watching as the magma begins to crawl towards them, their secure island not quite so secure now that it was sinking.

We’ll think about that later,” he promises, Andy when the teenager asks if there was any escape from the cavernous hellscape that they had found themselves trapped in. “First things first, let’s get off this rock before it doesn’t exist anymore. Then we can look at where to go next.” His hands curl around a familiar pokeball, not quite as shiny as it once used to be, its owner having occupied the capsule for a long time – worn from hints of being called upon numerously.

In a beam of light a Clefable emerges, Lyra’s first instinct is to turn towards Angelo, not quite as shy as she once was while in her previous forms but still seeking him out regardless. She looks a little unsure about all the strangers around, he pats her head quickly but affectionately, aware of the situation that grows more tense with each inch the lava slowly consumes. She brightens under the reassurance. “Ly, we’re going to need your help with getting across here, okay?” He doesn’t need to crouch down to speak to her anymore.

Nodding, she joins the other two pokemon and although she looks a little uncomfortable in the heat, Lyra raises her paws with a soft glow – helping to guide large boulders down with gravity into the lava. A hastily crafted bridge beginning to take shape.

notes; using gravity on gravity tile

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 20:24:37 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Silver eyes look away from Angelo, drawn again by the same glint of blue in her hand - like she can't stop herself from catching glimpses of it. The tense set of her shoulders betrays some darker emotion, though the sailor does her best to kick it to a forgotten corner of her psyche.

She is relieved that Angelo doesn't offer her anything but the firm, reassuring press of his palm between her shoulder blades, and a soft 'okay' that barely reaches her ears.

And even that is too much. 

The sailor's almost relieved for the tremors that shake the underground chamber the group is in. It snaps her attention from the blue fragment, its strange thrum disappearing as Skyler shoves it into her own backpack and turns to join the rest. 

The platform of apparently solid rock they're standing on is slowly starting to fall apart, either due to the tremors or due to the large chunks of rock that dislodge themselves from the ceiling. Magma crests over the edges, coming dangerously close to where the group is. 

Something that vaguely resembles a bridge is starting to take shape in the middle of red-hot pools of magma. Provided they'd be able to escape this place, Andy did make a good point - it alarms her slightly that they have no exit.

But that's for later.

In a burst of light a Boldore is summoned onto the ground in front of Skyler, its strange shape camouflaging itself perfectly with the rocks and the magma. "Use Gravity to make a bridge. There." Her voice is strangely flat, but the Boldore is swift to follow her command.

They don't have much time before the makeshift bridge starts to collapse. The passage is uncomfortably hot, and Skyler's partly expecting to step into magma - but they manage to make it across. 


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2021 20:46:38 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]METEOR FALLS 3A







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]


found treasure


SOMETHING PINGED! As your attacks break apart your obstacles, several treasures are exposed for everyone to take. In this hellscape, you hear foreboding rumbles resonating through the walls. Rock chips apart from each vibration before toppling into the magma below.[break][break][break]

Excavated treasures will be redeemable at the end of the event!

floor three is cleared!

THE WHOLE CHAMBER QUAKES. around you, the magma bursts into pillars. FOUR HEATRAN crawl out from a crack in the wall, traveling across the cave walls like spiders. Aggravated by your presence, the Heatran attack immediately. However, those with the keenest of eyes, would be able to spot an unusual stone altar on the other side of the chamber. In its center, a small spherical slot remains curiously vacant.[break][break][break]

It is clear that escape is not possible without some sort of fight, for the Heatran are swift and able to traverse this treacherous terrain with ease.[break][break][break]

final floor[break]
NOTE: reach an exact total base power of 1000. in your posts, include at least one use of mega evolution (even if you have used it before).

you may post out of sequence, but everyone must post at least once. roleplay at least one character slotting the magma stone into the stone altar and use mega evolution at least once (not per character).

[attr="class","reward2"]REACH 1000!


IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE, follow the guidelines below:[break][break]
  • For each "floor", you can only break three tiles before advancing to the next floor.
  • Everyone must use a move. Please bold used move and include base power of used move.
  • Used pokemon moves must have a base power + multi-strike moves will only apply their base power once.
  • Stat-altering moves and abilities will not affect the base power in this event.
  • You have access to all pokemon in your pc; however, you can not use Ditto.
  • There is no locking in of pokemon; you can catch pokemon to help you complete the challenge even after the challenge has started!



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2021 22:41:12 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





great escape

lost track of time & space

"We have no choice," Remiel had responded to Andy's worry over finding an exit. Carefully, he crossed the levitating bridge of rocks, sometimes needing to hop from one to another as they made their way. Still, if anyone fell, their pokémon could easily lift them back up with gravity anyway. "We will find one. In excavations like these, the most important thing is that you keep pushing on."[break][break]

Thankfully, before too long, the soles of their booted feet find (mostly) solid ground once more and his pokémon are returned to their balls. Standing at the top of a high cliff, the crew are greeted with the sight of a massive chamber of magma. Remiel slowly begins to discern the remnants of what appears to be a long forgotten human presence. Ancient staircases, so old that they're nearly indiscernible from the rest of the craggy rock, surround the chamber in a seemingly haphazard way.[break][break]

In truth, they connect to the set of stairs adjacent to the cliff they stand on. Following their connected path with his eyes further, however, leads Remiel to find an unusual stone altar with an oddly familiar slot just northwest of their current position. The end of the road leads there. And, just as the black-haired royal begins to wonder what they need to do, the hot stone in his pack begins to glow intensely. He pulls it out as a great rumbling shakes the cavern.[break][break]

Something is coming. And the hot stone in his hands, the only one in their possession with seemingly any potency, appears to warn them before the leviathans of the fiery deep emerge from a massive, gaping crack in the cave wall. The sight of them, legendary and primordial beasts in their own right, serves to inspire awe for a few brief moments. But Remiel quickly snaps out of it, effortlessly unclipping a luxury ball from his belt and tossing it.[break][break]

"Damkina, I need you once more!"[break][break]


From a burst of golden light, the dragon pounces forward to place itself between the humans and the four flaming leviathans. She unleashes a terrifying, protective roar as Remiel snaps a finger at to catch his attention. He tosses the boy the glowing HOT STONE when he is sure he has it. Pointing towards the stone altar on the other side, Remiel nods. "You still want to search for Giratina? This is your first real test."[break][break]

Pulling a lightly armoured glove out from his back pocket, with a Key Stone embedded above it, the ambassador fits it onto his right hand as the beasts approach. "I'll follow behind you. Skyler, Angelo: you two hold off as many of them as you can until we activate that stone altar. Go!" He orders, grabbing his right arm with his left hand as Key Stone and Garchompite (fitted on a collar around Damkina's neck) begin to resonate.[break][break]

"For crown and country, I bid you to Mega Evolve!"[break][break]


A burst of prismatic light gives way to a powerful swing of twin scythes, and the Mega Garchomp's howling shriek reverberates throughout the boiling cavern as they push forward, descending the stairs quickly as the first of Heatran close in from the ceiling above.[break][break]

"Stone Edge!"[break][break]




Garchomp has Mega-Evolved![break]
Garchomp used Stone Edge![break][break]



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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 0:07:44 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




The entire chamber shaking is cause for concern. Buried in the earth somewhere is the last place the boy wanted his story to end. It seemed like no matter how much further they went, it was only deeper, never back towards the surface. At least that was the impression he got from all of the lava. Definitely seemed like they were getting much lower down than the crust.
''There were people in this shit?'' The question is mostly rhetorical as the group descends ancient stairs to an even bigger hellish chamber. A staircase was typically not a natural formation, and their existence here raised some big questions about what the boy thought he knew about history. And just like ancient ruins in the movies, this one had guardians.
''Ah fuck!'' The gengar reemerged from his trainer's shadow. Rocks and earthen debris began to float and swirl around him, manipulated by ghostly energy of poltergeist before they began to rocket at and pelt the offending heatrans. Remiel's finger drew his attention, yet he still fumbled a bit before properly catching the hot rock.
''Bloody hell.'' His chocolate eyes followed the prince's finger to his objective. Now this was some aggressive archaeology ''Draco!'' Approaching the flygon, he used a free hand to climb onto the dragon, directing his attention with a finger of his own. ''There! Fly!'' Pushing off of the surface, the operatic noise of his beating wings filled the chamber.
''Tally ho!'' The flygon sped over the landlocked obstacles as he rushed through the air towards his objective. Andy hoped Remi and the others could keep up with his charge, but this seemed like one of those 'the sooner the better' situations. He prayed it wasn't a get killed sooner scenario instead. All things considered however, it was still less dangerous than Mauville.



, ,


-gengar used poltergeist (110BP)

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

[googlefont=Raleway:500][newclass=.dangerhead]width: 500px;height: 150px;background: url('');border-bottom: solid;border-color: #262626;border-width: 10px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangertxt b]color: #2e8b57;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangertag a]color: #2e8b57;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 0:21:04 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

The group eventually finds their way to the edge of a cliff, overlooking what appears to be a great chamber, rocky ledges illuminated by pools flickering magma below, bubbling scorching hot. Even from this height, Skyler can feel the rising hot air messing around with her blond curls.

Despite spending years exploring underwater caverns in search of treasures and other goods, Skyler has never seen something quite like this. Her wonder, however, doesn't last long - silver eyes dragged away from the sheer magnitude of the landscape before them to peer at Remiel and, more specifically, the glowing orange stone in his hands.

Something tells her that that isn't a good omen.

Her suspicions are unfortunately proven true when a rumbling shakes the entire chamber, dislodging dirt and disturbing the magma hungrily lapping at the surrounding earth. 

The captain doesn't recognize the four pokémon that crawl out of a crack in the wall; isn't entirely certain she wants to, to be honest. They aren't given a lot of time before the flaming creatures turn to them - clearly hostile. 

Silver eyes fixed on the gigantic beasts that threaten them, Skyler is only barely aware of the Mega Garchomp roaring in challenge. Orders are quickly issued, though the sailor's head snaps to Remiel in disbelief when the task to travel to the other side of the chamber falls onto Andy. A foul, heartfelt curse slips past her lips - and a dark look is sent Remiel's way.

There's no time.

Andy seems to be doing fine, at least for now; gritting her teeth, Skyler releases a Tentacruel, its red gems glinting with unnatural light. There's only a slight tilt of her head when she faces Angelo, but the young man is more than familiar with the wild look that whispers over moonlit silver. "Race you?"

There's barely any warning as Skyler kicks off and advances into the chamber, a Hydro Pump shooting over her head to hit the closest flaming beasts.

TENTACRUEL uses HYDRO PUMP - 110  TOTAL: (320/1000)

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 1:25:38 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 They reach the top of the summit not long after crossing their hastily constructed bridge, looking down over the edge of a ridge into a chamber of magma – pools of red amongst veins of stone. This one appears different than the former cavern that they had ventured though. What appears to be manmade structures have been carved into rock, hinting at a long-lost civilisation, abandoned an age ago either to the awaiting maw of the bubbling magma or time itself.

And it’s quiet; noticeably so, especially after leaving the Groudon behind. Angelo drags his gaze around, curious to what they might find as the heat – tension – curls thick in the air.

It all goes to shit pretty quickly. As the warm stone that Remiel had picked up earlier begins to glow, magma starts to shoot out of the earth like geysers. A grand entrance for a group of hulking, unfamiliar pokemon that crawl out of inky depths in the rock, their eyes zoning in on them. They definitely weren’t happy to see a bunch of intruders in, what Angelo could only assume, was their home. Well, this looked promising….

That snap of Remiel’s fingers pulls Angelo’s attention away from the strange pokemon even through all the carnage, grating some deep hidden nerve within him with a sharp jolt. Blue eyes narrow, focusing in on the other man with a clawing of disbelief in his gut. “Hold on. You’re really going to make the kid go first? Down there, in the hell gauntlet?” Angelo holds back the frustration that bubbles like the lava in the cavern below, voice carefully level, practiced.

This was no time to challenge Remiel’s decision, as crazy as it seemed. Andy was already preparing himself for his mission, forcing the courier to swallow a protest. It was nothing personal, the teenager seemed capable enough so far during their adventures in the caverns but he can’t help how the idea sits uncomfortably in his gut – it’s too easy to replace his image with a sibling, also thirteen years of age.

Just… Keep an eye on him.” Those are his parting words to Remiel as he begins his descent down the stairs; it doesn’t sound quite like a request.

Above them, more of the bulky creatures crawl out of a crack in the wall and Angelo throws a capsule into the air in response to their advance, releasing his Dragonite to glide alongside him. There’s movement in the corner of his eye, gold swaying and capturing his attention. He’s met with a silver gaze when he turns his head, fire flickering in pale depths that have nothing to do with the lava that pools all around them, her eyes alight with a dare he can’t leave alone.

Skyler pulls a smile from him, as she always managed to. He takes the stairs two at a time, a challenge shared as the frustration becomes smothered by the beginning signs of adrenaline. “Try and keep up.

Auriga swoops towards one of the lava creatures as it scrambles towards them, releasing a Hyper Beam from opened maw before swerving away, looping back around to search for another opening.

notes; using hyper beam (150) // TOTAL: (470/1000)

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing