i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 2:11:43 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





great escape

lost track of time & space


Skyler's sharp gaze is not gone unnoticed, and Angelo's disapproval is met is noted but not replied to. After all, the agreement between Andy and himself was just that: an agreement and understanding between the two. Their partners in this endeavor had no business knowing why the royal sent forth the young man to prove himself. And, he supposed, their shock and objection was warranted because of that fact. He nods when his friend asks him to look after Andy, though.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Damkina's powerful, Mega Stone enhanced STONE EDGE serves to strike the Heatran on the ceiling powerfully. It loses its footing and plummets towards the pool of magma below. Unfortunately, large mounds of rock and rubble shower from the sky as a result as well, and Remiel is forced to sprint a little faster to avoid the worst of it. In the oppressive and smoky heat of the cavern, this proves far more exhausting than usual.[break][break]

Thankfully, his Garchomp swoops in from behind him and scoops him up upon her back instead. Her clawed feet leave the ground after she tucks her arms in and takes flight, just in time as the Heatran they plummeted crawls out of the magma to chase them on the ground below. Damkina's flight is swift, and they quickly ascend past a flight of stairs Remiel would have otherwise had to struggle to climb.[break][break]

But, as he looks back over his shoulder, he sees the belly of the beast glow a deep orange as it prepares to spew magma at them. Again, his free hand drops to his belt, and he effortlessly draws out another luxury ball before summoning a yellow-eyed Claydol: his clay servant, Hammurabi. Sending the owl-like effigy towards the Heatran with a jab of his finger, the prince makes his command. "Go forth! Explosion!"[break][break]




Claydol used Explosion! (250BP)[break][break]



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 2:44:29 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Skyler decides not to linger on the troubling thoughts that Remiel's decision have stirred - and instead decides to bring all of her focus and attention back to the colossal flaming creatures that call this place their home. The captain welcomes the familiar feeling of adrenaline that sparks over her skin at the sight, bringing about a small smile. 

Angelo's comment surprises a laugh out of her, even here; there's a brief flash of teeth from the blonde captain, a shared moment of adrenaline-induced euphoria, before she faces forward and advances into the chamber, dodging pools of magma.

Tentacruel is swiftly called back to its pokéball, quickly replaced by a ruby-winged dragon, the scarred membranes of her wings reflecting the glow of the bubbling magma around them. 

Skyler runs and jumps onto the Salamence, right as the dragon opens her wings wide and flaps them once, twice - kicking into the air with a mighty roar of challenge that seems to echo. It brings the attention of several of the creatures to her; and hopefully away from the rest. 

Atalanta swerves in the air when one of the pokémon spews a jet of red-hot magma at them; Skyler has to hold on tightly - something easier to do after her experience in the war - as Atalanta dodges out of the way. 

Using the same momentum, the Salamence's tail cuts through the air to hit one of the beasts, the EARTHQUAKE slamming the beast down into a pool of magma. 

Silver eyes search the chamber, locking onto Angelo briefly before looking for the other two. 

SALAMENCE uses EARTHQUAKE - 100  TOTAL: (820/1000)

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 3:14:51 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Not letting his ad-hoc stone assault against the heatran be all he was known for, Epitaph charged a shadow ball to fling into the nearest magma monster. Who knew how effective it would be, but the glistening pale gengar would ensure that the beast's eyes stayed off his master at all costs.
''Faster!'' Andy commanded his flygon as the explosive sounds of battle drowned out the racket of the rumbling cave. ''Flaaaa!'' The creature protested his trainer's demands but still tried to coax a little more from his wings.
As soon as the pokemon's feet met the stone, Andy slid off with the hot rock in hand. Stumbling a few times, and nearly faceplanting once due to the terrain and the tremors, his finally slammed the glowing stone into place with gusto.
''Open fucking sesame you lava bitch!''



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-gengar used shadow ball (80BP)

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

[googlefont=Raleway:500][newclass=.dangerhead]width: 500px;height: 150px;background: url('');border-bottom: solid;border-color: #262626;border-width: 10px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangerbody ::-webkit-scrollbar]width: 3px;background: #212121;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangerbody ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background: #c4c4c4; [/newclass]

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[newclass=.dangertag]width: 200px;height: 28px;overflow: auto;left: 30px;padding-right: 5px;position: absolute;text-align: center;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangertag a]color: #2e8b57;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 3:48:49 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 His heart begins to increase in tempo as they descend into the depths of the hellscape, adrenaline spiking in response as the creatures before them bellow with a war cry. There’s a grin on Angelo’s lips despite the seriousness of the situation, finding a sense of thrill amongst the danger and an addictiveness to the way his pulse flutters. If this was what a taste of life was all about, he’d gladly take all he can from it.

Auriga arcs around to meet her trainer as he makes it to the bottom of the staircase. Rocks begin to fall from the shadows that stretch amongst the tallest part of the cavern, raining down and exploding against the fragile ground; splintering it and exposing cracks of magma underneath. Mid-sprint, Angelo has to jump over a split in the path as the collapsing celling crashes down, impact strong enough to encourage the stream of lava to pull earth apart at the seams. Creating a new river of glowing orange.

His boot meets the other side, then it lurches underneath him, threatening to sink or throw him off like a fragile sheet of ice breaking apart in a lake. Auriga lowers herself and, without missing a beat, Angelo throws himself onto her back with the next step. They fly up into the air together to face off against the rampaging creatures.

Blue eyes slip towards one of the beasts that his teammates weren’t in the midst of dealing with, spotting it as it readies a glowing beam of fiery energy in its mouth in the direction of the other battling pokemon. Holding tight, Angelo grits his teeth as Auriga swoops towards the lava monster, rushing in from the front before pulling upwards at the last moment – drawing the pokemon’s eyes skyward.

Dragon Rush then coats the Dragonite’s body – Angelo can feel it buzz unpleasantly against his skin – as she makes a sharp turn, descending down in between the beast’s eyes and striking it to the ground before it has a chance to fire whatever move it had been powering up.

Flying back upwards into the safety of the cavernous airspace, his blue gaze sweeps the battlefield for the rest, accounting for Skyler, then Andy and finally Remiel. “Everyone good?” He calls out, checking even though they all seem fine as Auriga floats towards the pedestal where the teenager woops with haughty victory. Angelo lets out a laugh.

notes; using dragon rush (100bp) // TOTAL: (1000/1000)

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 7:16:10 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]METEOR FALLS 3A







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]




EVENTUALLY, the Heatran are subdued by your attacks. The cave walls are scarred with gashes from their claws where they have spider-crawled. From their wounds, boiling blood oozes over partially melted steel.[break][break][break]


Within this crimson chamber, the sulfur and sweat of battle accompanies the immense heat. With the magma stone slotted into the altar, the magma is calm too. It is clear that the Heatran are available for capture; perhaps, it is encouraged to do so, for these young Lava Dome Pokemon seem hurt enough to require proper recuperation.[break][break]


Eventually, the magma begins to surge once more. As your party escapes through another route and out of the caves, the magma stone melts as the altar is overtaken.[break][break]

It appears there are many of these altars and chambers hiding deep beneath the region, hinting at an old history long forgotten or cast away.[break][break]

The mysterious plate you have discovered is made out of an odd material. Its inscription seems incomplete; perhaps, it will be helpful to find others who possess these plates. Something may happen when every plate is found and brought together...[break][break]

Furthermore, 's curious blue shard continues to resonate with energy. What she has found is incredibly special. Who knows what kind of adventures this fragment will bring?[break][break][break]



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