i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 22:16:39 GMT
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what the hell was going on. elijah's attempt to mask his identity underneath victor's nose was rapidly turning into a gallimaufry of forced affection and improvised romance. at least, he had called him a friend. felt kind of nice— felt kind of normal. this awkwardness.

"this is my girlfriend," elijah slices into the conversation, quickly pulling from the chaos some diced memory, "camryn rook."

he scratches his chin. "do we really know each other? i think this is the first time i've met you... and your husband." elijah stops, before adding an honest appraisal. "he's pretty."

with a studied gaze, elijah stares at alex defiantly, as if to contest the other's reserve in order to overpower his own.

finally, his florges wades over to the four. her slim white fingers pluck flowers from the floral mane, and she bestows arrangements to each pair.

"mind refreshing me of your name? and how we met?" in sync, elijah and florges snap their gaze toward victor like unsheathed swords. a threat. and a nervous defense for his answer.

@camryn, , / elijah continues to improvise, talks with victor and alex - florges comes and gives them all cutie flowers

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august 12th
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 23:36:28 GMT
"tch." fernando knows better than to expect more. having a beheeyem of his own, he's well acquainted with the extent of the pokemon's abilities. or, at the very least, he knows the limitations of his pokemon. it's a thorough process that breeds intimacy between brains and brawn. so when hino shoots him down, fernando takes it well - well for fernando, anyway.


from the opponent's perspective, fernando's first move would've been to flee as soon as possible. knowing evelyn, she's competent enough to make it out without too much trouble. she's his sister, after all. which leaves little for him to do but to piece the situation back together. with a resigned sigh, he turns to hino. "i appreciate the effort but they're probably gone. the hotel staff and my pokemon have already spread out and are looking for them. there's no point in detracting yourself from the festivities."

fernando touches the earpiece once again, this time out of habit. "you should enjoy yourself."

› gives up the chase, kinda
› tells hino she should enjoy herself 


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 4:54:44 GMT
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"O-oh, I thought, uh-" But it was too late. Before Camryn had a chance to explain herself, the two other guys were already over there. She felt a little heat on her cheeks. Was that not right? She had seen people do that before and the ones who did seemed to like it... Then again, Camryn had always been pretty sheltered and tended to look on the bright side of things. Whoops.

She did try and put on a smile for the other false couple. It was very forced, she looked more like she had bad gas than anything, and she felt herself internally seething. Holding hands! Like they were! Duh! Covertly Camryn unhinged her grip for 'David's ass and slid her hand around to grab onto his instead. Nailed it.

"It's nice to meet you both." Camryn slid in herself, after her introduction. She offered her hand to the pair but before one of them could have a chance to grab it the flower pokemon came over. "Oh! These are pretty. Thank you." She said to the pokemon as she took the offered bunch of flowers. How sweet.

Camryn was unaware of the Look that David gave to Weird Balcony Guy but she could still feel a little tension in the air. She really didn't want to get locked into a fight, as interesting as this seemed before she could feel her enjoyment of the party dropping now, and it was getting too cold for her to stay out here much longer. Her dress wasn't really meant for cold weather. Speaking of...

".... Is it snowing?" That wasn't supposed to happen. Hoenn was too tropical for snow.

@ball, , ,

dress inspo

➣ in the gardens still
➣ got kind of lost in what's happening
➣ takes the pretty flowers
➣ comments on the snow
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 6:59:22 GMT
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abel would be humming along with the music as he stood there in the corner like a wallflower, his right foot tapping a bit as he watched the people around him dancing and interacting with one another. how long had it been since he actually had been to a formal ball like thing? the question seemed to linger in his head as his attention went to a familiar voice that seemed to be getting closer.

before him stood arthur wright, a male he had met before in a coffee shop in lilycove. he gave a smile to him, nodding a bit in agreement. "i could say the same. what brings you here?" he asked lightly, sipping the last of his drink and setting it down before getting another. at least the drinks were good. not as good as his mother's in mauville, but it would do.

"oh not at all! in fact, i would highly enjoy your company, love." he said, the pet name would be more nonchalant. seems he was already trying to fluster the other male in the game they had played before. "found anyone to take off towards the dance floor yet?" he asked lightly, almost as if giving a hint on what he wished to do.

abel would be caught offguard by the feel of the window bursting open and the feel of the cold breeze hitting him. brr, that wasn't fun. but his eyes went to arthur. in a gesture of kindness, he moved to take the scarf from around his neck and lightly goes to wrap it around the male if he let's him. "here, you don't need to be getting cold...wouldn't want a cute man like you to freeze."

tags: @ball @arthurwright
attire: here
notes: abel acknowledges arthur wright and interacts with him happily! also attempts to give arthur his scarf if arthur let's him! also is flirting with him hardcore. also sorry this took so long, peony ;-;

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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 9:50:57 GMT
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hasty in approach left the astray introduction a mystery. 

warmth slipped into the cool hand, holding him firmly and with a determination alex had not yet been feeling. pleasantry in touchy strangers was a scarce rise, only it had been, the opposite to the icy chill which kept him indifferent to this unwilling act. 

still notably awkward, beautiful blue observed the link with an inward hope. at this point he wasn't certain if playing along would aid the cause. 

thoughts swarmed through his mind with an unseen fog, it was just enough that he hardly had time to gander on how victor was able to make such an accurate guess. perhaps, it was being placed on the role of husband that had him more surprised than anything. 

"uh," protest was a measly attempt, it had him choking on the beginning with a quiet sigh. elijah was especially honest, in more ways than one. the man was if not, rather intimidating, or maybe it was victor's prior explanation for murder that left him anxious. 

he forced a laugh, "you flatter me.." thankfully the unfamiliarity of a flower--giving pokemon had appeared. rather than his rigid smile, it seemed just a bit more genuine towards the gift. perhaps alex was not the only one strung up in this disaster. 

silver flakes glimmered in the light, dusting across the flower within one of his hands. "w-why don't we go inside?" suggested due to the snowy advance, and camryn's remark, his eyes settled back on the closest figure, "catch up someplace warmer?"

> still playing along,,, suggested they all go inside to catch up @camryn

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 12:23:14 GMT
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Memories of smiling faces and the moments that were tied to those smiles threatened to overwhelm Sebastian as the yearning for home and familiarity weighed down on his heart. It was a recurring trip that he took every once in a while, with or without a catalyst. It was inescapable, but enough time had passed for Sebastian to grow resilient. He could never forget what he lost, and he never intended to, but he also could not allow himself to grieve. Not yet, at least. He made a vow, and he could only yield to his emotions after the realization of his promise. So Sebastian would continue to smile in the face of his despair, just as he smiled to the girl before him.

He would allow his smile to falter a bit as Lucie echoed a thought that was a reality to Sebastian. Even though Johto had been spared the brunt of Team Rocket's assault to its neighboring region, the red-haired trainer was forced to watch his home razed to the ground. His only remaining family in the aftermath of the incident was trapped in catatonia, leaving him almost nothing to return to. Even though he knew that things could never go back to the way they were, his whole reason for wandering was to keep himself from calling anywhere else home until he could avenge the one that he lost. It wasn't healthy, and Sebastian knew that, but he also knew that desire for home would provide motivation towards bettering himself. If he had any words of comfort to offer, he would have. While he knew they had similar concerns, he dare not assume their feelings were the same.

As the conversation shifted to the subject of his pokemon, Sebastian looked to Noir with a fond smile. "To be honest, I think it's more like they take very good care of me." The sneasel flared his nostrils, though he didn't need to tilt his head any higher to show how proud the compliment made him feel. Sebastian never liked to take credit for the strength of his pokemon, nor did he particularly care for other trainers who made such proclamations.

Lucie's answer brought them back to a somber place and he gazed sympathetically at the researcher as he thought back to the loss of his own father and brother. Just as he struggled to find words of comfort, an abrupt gust of cold would infiltrate the hotel. The loud clatter of windows bursting open caused Sebastian and Noir to go on full alert, their bodies almost instinctively pivoting to face the entrance. A brisk survey of the ballroom would make it apparent that, apart from the icy draft that swept the room, nothing malicious appeared to have intruded. Both Sebastian and Noir would turn to look at Lucie and her deerling just to make sure they were in good shape.

His eyes soon drifted around the ballroom for further investigation while his mind began to question the weather, recalling that this climate was a false one created for the sake of the festivities. It had been consistent until now, so it seemed strange for there to be a sudden outburst. He felt uneasy, though his face gave off the impression that he was excited since he often confused the two. As he resolved to assume that the organizers even engineered such spontaneous transitions for a more authentic feel, a second gale would sweep the hotel and verify in Sebastian's mind that something suspicious was afoot. He buried his hands into the pockets of his trousers, as if to keep himself warm, while allowing his fingers to run over the engraved items in his pockets. All the while, he returned his gaze to Lucie.

"Are you two alright?"

→ bas & noir on red alert
→ bas & noir check on and her deerling

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 17:10:00 GMT
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0000 words@anyone

A lot happened in the span of a couple minutes. Probably in the amount of time it took Stormy to finish this nice glass of champagne.

She witnessed Elinda charge up the stairs towards the hotel rooms, a determined, terrifyingly direct look in her eye. She herself had no interest in pursuing her, the woman was more than capable of handling any situation by herself, surely.

Stormy only looked up in surprise when the windows burst open and a rush of cold air seeped into the ball room. It made her arms tingle and her hairs to stand on end in tiny goosebumps. She shivered, rubbing her arms and glaring up at the windows. It may have even happened a second time, even after and @elinda finished their quarrel.

There was a moment where she thought she heard mention of 'rogue League member' and 'team rocket'. The woman glanced back up the staircase to see if she could catch a glimpse, but a glimpse was not to be had.

Instead of worrying about everyone else's business, she instead decided to set her glass down on the balcony and leave - probably just as showed up to blow off some steam. She had no interest in interacting with him a second time, and would much rather enjoy a dance with a stranger or chow down on some more food.
deltra of gangnam style
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 17:14:13 GMT
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dreaming of[break]black & white


In about an instant, Dominic disappears from her side. Her hand is left cold and empty as the man speeds away. She doesn't catch what he says, but she assumes he has other business to attend to. Disappointed, but not surprised, Emma swiftly makes her way through the middle of the ball.

This time, she is headed for the rose gardens, where she happens to stumble upon . The boy looks lost and maybe a little bit pissed off, and she says nothing to aggravate him as she stands off to the side next to him.

In fact, she barely even looks at him or addresses him in any way, if he feels like talking to her, she assumes that he will.

Out here, however, the cold breeze is a constant, but she doesn't even feel the cold.





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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 19:15:52 GMT
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he's there until he's not. drops persephone's hand and she stands there, stunned, for several long moments until she can no longer feel the warmth from his body where they stood close. his words are heard and processed, but watching him leave, she's not sure how to interpret them.

moving slightly behind them to get away from the center of the ballroom and the dancing couples, persephone watches the woman and nikolai meet and speak.

persephone could come closer. she could stand right at his elbow under the guise of invisibility provided by her zoroark and catch every word. she doesn't because she can't bring herself to. everyone has their secrets, and she'll afford nikolai this one.

her eyes slide from the pair to the ceiling, the glittering chandeliers decorated in crystal, the brilliant light blinding. she has another drink and wonders if it has always been so cold.

the motions of the dancers turn to a blur, a swirl of pastel dresses, elegantly punctuated by the black of the mens' suits. it could pass her by but there's movement in the doorway and milling around a figure so familiar that recognising him is enough to almost sober her entirely. as has been the case on more than one occasion, she can recognise in any crowd.

persephone watches his frustration boil under his skin and then pass entirely and wonders if it's as obvious to anyone else as it is to her. after a moment, her gaze flickers to the young woman he is speaking to. another assistant? how many does he need?

against her better judgement, persephone moves to join the pair, partially out of curiosity, partially because she felt that she needed to move to combat the chill. she wouldn't have worn a dress with that amount of skin exposed if she anticipated that amount of cold.

nearing them, she notices that fernando's suit has been disturbed in places and slowly, almost cautiously, reaches to brush a fleck of dust off his shoulder.

"is everything alright? i saw-" persephone has to halt because admitting that she came over to check on them only because she thought fernando looked vaguely worried sounds like a stupid excuse even to her. she quickly withdraws her hand, but with no other reasoning prepared, she's forced to continue.

"you looked like you were searching for something."

≫ she literally did nothing for 30 minutes
≫ still drinking and still cold
≫ watches and @devo1 leave and talk for a bit
≫ joins and @verbatim2
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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 20:26:06 GMT
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as they crossed paths and fernando gave him the heads up, kim would give a quick and unwarranted kiss to the cheek of the man as continued upwards.

thank you ferny~

he’d respond as his feet moved up the stairs at a slowed pace, his form eventually disappearing into the dark clouds that slowly shifted down the stairs.

covering his mouth and squinting his eyes, he’d send out a volcarona to whirlwind the remnants of the smog that remained, clouds shifting every which way before they dissipated into the air and out of the way. when the smoke had settled and he returned the pokemon, he’d look at the rogue, tilting his head at the woman he previously escorted stormy to.

i’m guessing you’re the rogue?

ღ gave a quick kiss to 's cheek as they crossed paths

ღ cleared the remaining smog from upstairs and confronted @elinda

-gothorita's dress-

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 20:37:35 GMT
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She felt as though she had let down with not being able to provide more information than what she had already given him. Hina was sure that she probably hadn't been that much use but at least she might have gotten her face out there for the future. Or maybe she had just ruined her chances... There was no telling just yet what would happen from this. But that didn't mean that she wanted to give up just yet, even if she was told to have some fun it didn't mean she still couldn't keep an eye out.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be more assistance sir, if there is anything else that we can assist you with we'd be happy to help." After all this was a serious thing to have rockets sneak into a League event like this. Something that she was worried meant that there were other rockets lingering around. After all when there was one or two rats more usually followed.

Her face flushed a bit at the approach of what she assumed was another member of the league. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever think to address a member higher than she was with a kiss to the cheek of all things. But she also wasn't going to pretend that she understood either. Especially since she was sure that was the same fellow that had spun her round earlier and helped her find the food bar.

> erinn apologizes for not being able to help more and offers her services for whatever else he might need

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 20:59:48 GMT
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Pink dusted his cheeks as Drake said that he wanted to spend time with him. It was few and far between that people actually wanted to talk to him so this made things seem slightly surreal. His family had told him that he would never be able to make friends and connections outside of the church so... This seemed something like a miracle to him. He had made a friend. He had done it. Algae stopped his rampant train of thought with a croak and stepping closer to the pair of them, almost as if to make a tiny bit of space between the two men.

The frog glared up at Drake almost slyly, his hand tapping on his leg as he tried to move them along. Preferably with Drake moving along faster. "It seems as though Algae is cold too, let's move inside." The prospect of dancing seemed terrifying but he didn't want to let his new friend down. After all he would need to adjust to doing things like that at parties like this. Though how often would that sort of thing happen? Instead of questioning though he gently took Drake's arm and started to lead him inside.

>> going into the ballroom
>> algae has his eyes on u drake

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 2:32:17 GMT
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"just looking to find some old friends." he replies nonchalantly. even if he is out of his father's business, some habits die hard. connections and reputation are supposed to be everything to him, and so even if he wants to skip the ball, it just seems too good of an opportunity to pass up. plus, at least he manages to encounter a familiar face earlier. he does not drink as quickly as abel does. while he doesn't consider himself a lightweight, he certainly does not want to get drunk here. he does, of course, expect the flirting, but since he expects it this time around, the pet name does not fluster him. "still playing that game, huh?" he asks with a grin, yet he looks away for a moment when he is asked about the dance. it did not cross his mind until now, actually. he can almost guess what abel wants him to say, but he decides to pull away. "i don't consider myself a very good dancer, so i had no one in mind."

the windows opening startles him, makes him jump a little but not dropping his glass. there is a feeling in his gut that tells him that something is happening later tonight. maybe soon, but he chalks it up to him being a little tense. he is surprised though at abel's gesture, taking the scarf with stained cheeks. damn it, he wins this time around. "thank you." he mutters softly, finding it to be quite warm and still has a whiff of his scent. a lot seems to be happening around them, though, and he wonders if they should move outside. the place is starting to become stuffy for him. "do you suppose we should try to explore the place a bit more? i haven't seen the gardens yet, and i have your scarf to keep me warm."

tags: @abel
notes: noooot sure what i'm doing, sorry lol
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 7:47:06 GMT
"it can't be helped." fernando dismisses her apology without accepting it. there's no need to. he won't hold her to an impossible standard, not when they're so distant and expectations are bated by her rank. "you're fine." it's the last reassurance he'll give her. they're past that point now. it's time to transition.

and transition it does. that side eye of persephone earlier comes back to haunts him. always the ghost, she dares haunt him even now. her very presence causes him to stammer, shuffling his gaze away from her bare skin and doing his best to stomach his resolve. it's impossible now but his face remains the same shade of ghastly white. only his actions betray him - never his expression.

"i was looking for you," he lies, obvious enough for the both of them. "this is persephone amavi," he introduces to the young hina. "one of the greatest minds in hoenn and an expert in all things mythological. she used to teach me--" his eyes narrow, his flat expression replaced by a solemn frown. "--once upon a time."

› reassures hina that it's fine
› introduces perse to hina  


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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 19:38:03 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

it's another untruth but for the second time that evening persephone opts to turn a blind eye. regardless, glancing between fernando and his companion in an attempt to read the situation, she concludes whatever the issue was it has been resolved. she doubts he would tell her if she pressed him for an answer anyway.

fernando's praise is bittersweet and persephone is locked in place trying to read his expression and tone for a second too long before turning to hina with a hint of a smile.

"i do what i can to protect our region's history."

beyond that, persephone has no desire to speak about herself or anything binding the two of them further. she is far from intoxicated, but on some level, she realises that her inhibitions are lowered to the point that she doesn't trust herself to hold her tongue. she segues quickly.

"am i right to assume that you work for fernando?" half the ballroom probably worked for fernando. her smile remains, practiced but humourless.

≫ awkward small talk with and @verbatim2 in the ballroom
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