IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
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TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 14:35:45 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

[attr="class","title"]skies are grey, we start to fade
[attr="class","name"]asriel pryde

[attr="class","tag"] for


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae sem ultricies arcu consectetur cursus finibus ut enim. Cras lobortis sem et est ullamcorper efficitur. Curabitur mollis, lorem vel blandit viverra, dui nulla interdum eros, non gravida enim massa nec odio. Phasellus in sem ac urna interdum sodales. Cras fringilla eget metus pretium hendrerit. Praesent sed nibh justo. Nunc eleifend viverra nisl, ac tempor sapien ultricies at.


Integer maximus non orci ac scelerisque. Nam tempus vestibulum turpis, sed convallis velit ultrices a. Donec bibendum venenatis tellus, vel eleifend arcu commodo nec. "I'm drowning, " Pellentesque non tristique turpis, a aliquam metus. Integer et eros neque. Aliquam sed magna sit amet erat maximus convallis nec eu nisl. Nunc interdum lacus libero, sed tincidunt tortor eleifend eget. Praesent id justo sollicitudin, elementum tortor nec, dictum metus. Aliquam suscipit, dui a sagittis scelerisque, enim odio malesuada tellus, sed hendrerit purus neque eget mi.


Donec faucibus, nibh ac lacinia tempus, lectus leo ultricies dui, nec hendrerit lectus mi eu enim. Nullam tristique, odio vitae tempor dapibus, turpis enim euismod purus, sit amet vestibulum urna neque non massa. In vel felis vel ipsum mollis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc auctor mollis vehicula. Curabitur in vulputate nulla, a condimentum erat. Vivamus ex justo, consequat at ante non, aliquet viverra ante. Maecenas et eros placerat, imperdiet ipsum sed, mollis est. Etiam sagittis risus non metus mollis, nec accumsan libero facilisis. Sed eget magna malesuada, bibendum est sit amet, sodales felis. Praesent magna odio, molestie quis ornare vel, pulvinar id dolor.




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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,140 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 15:46:17 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]
[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The clouds move over Pontiac skies,
Their silent thunder matches mine




Jayden Cross were being assigned to keep an eye on a gambling ring. Or a luxury casino was more like it — the new building, having just been erected on the split between Upper Slateport and Lower Slateport was a hot commodity among Lower and Upper residents alike. Admist the twinkling lights of the casino, Jayden found himself dressed to the nines, suit and tie and all, as he watched over the happenings of the casino.

[break][break] "I love how you take my breath away, I'm so thunderstruck," He had a glass of whisky in his hand that he nursed — it was more to fit in, if anything, since he wasn't much of a drinker when he was on the job. Absently, he watched the ice twirl in the glass, clinking against the edge, and watched the rest of the patrons out of the corner of his eye. They had been assigned to make sure that the patrons were spending their good money on the roulettes, and maybe a few extra.

[break][break] Maybe when they weren't looking, he and Leon would be able to snag their pokeballs while they were drunk and on high spirits.

[break][break] Speaking of, out of the corner of his eye, he watched the other. He didn't know the other very well, since he'd joined their ranks while he had been out of commission. As an associate... was Jayden expected to try to socialize?

[break][break] Unfortunately... socializing wasn't his strong suit.

SUMMARY razz kingman


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[newclass=".thunder:hover .pokenotes .detail"]padding:0px 70px 5px; transition:0.8s all;[/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,140 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 16:45:24 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

[attr="class","title"]i smash my broken heart of gold
[attr="class","name"]razz kingsman

[attr="class","tag"] for asriel pryde


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae sem ultricies arcu consectetur cursus finibus ut enim. Cras lobortis sem et est ullamcorper efficitur. Curabitur mollis, lorem vel blandit viverra, dui nulla interdum eros, non gravida enim massa nec odio. Phasellus in sem ac urna interdum sodales. Cras fringilla eget metus pretium hendrerit. Praesent sed nibh justo. Nunc eleifend viverra nisl, ac tempor sapien ultricies at.
Integer maximus non orci ac scelerisque. Nam tempus vestibulum turpis, sed convallis velit ultrices a. Donec bibendum venenatis tellus, vel eleifend arcu commodo nec. "I'm drowning, " Pellentesque non tristique turpis, a aliquam metus. Integer et eros neque. Aliquam sed magna sit amet erat maximus convallis nec eu nisl. Nunc interdum lacus libero, sed tincidunt tortor eleifend eget. Praesent id justo sollicitudin, elementum tortor nec, dictum metus. Aliquam suscipit, dui a sagittis scelerisque, enim odio malesuada tellus, sed hendrerit purus neque eget mi.
Donec faucibus, nibh ac lacinia tempus, lectus leo ultricies dui, nec hendrerit lectus mi eu enim. Nullam tristique, odio vitae tempor dapibus, turpis enim euismod purus, sit amet vestibulum urna neque non massa. In vel felis vel ipsum mollis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc auctor mollis vehicula. Curabitur in vulputate nulla, a condimentum erat. Vivamus ex justo, consequat at ante non, aliquet viverra ante. Maecenas et eros placerat, imperdiet ipsum sed, mollis est. Etiam sagittis risus non metus mollis, nec accumsan libero facilisis. Sed eget magna malesuada, bibendum est sit amet, sodales felis. Praesent magna odio, molestie quis ornare vel, pulvinar id dolor.




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[newclass=".razz .tag a"]color:#fff;[/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,140 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2021 16:50:31 GMT
jayden cross Avatar




The objective of Project Genesis is to harness the DNA of Rocket's existing avatars with the purpose of creating a new era of avatar utilization. The project aims to genetically modify or alter an avatar's genetic code in order to transfer them into non-avatar's. Eventually, this will be to create a militaristic subdivision for furthering Rocket's aims and goals. These individuals will be endowed with powers extracted from our strongest avatars, enhancing their capabilities for future missions and endeavors.





I. DNA Extraction and Analysis

In stage one, scientists will aim to extract DNA samples from Rocket's existing avatars. It is crucial to get as many Avatars on board the project as possible in order to increase overall success rates. Assistants Frost and Sato will extract DNA and infinity energy from the test subjects. Afterwards, the genetic material will undergo rigorous analysis to identify key traits and markers associated with avatars' unique abilities.

II. Genetic Transformation

Under the leadership of esteemed scientist Raphael Pryde, a genetic blueprint will be transformed and created to enhance specific traits. These traits may include specialized powers, such as of that of water, wind, or fire resistance. The overall process will involve advanced genetic engineering techniques to amplify individual powers and then implement them into non-avatars.

III. Avatar Integration

Once the transformation is complete, the newly enhanced recruits will be integrated back into PROJECT SPECTRA under a group named SQUAD HELIX. Helix Operatives will be strictly monitored and assessed on their performance to ensure the successful integration of the enhanced genetic traits.



Results will be separated into two parts to determine the project's success. First, the genetic extraction will be based on data gathered on mortality rate, physical fitness and mental stability. Afterwards, the new subdivision's recruits will be then monitored to evaluate on overall performance compared to standard Rocket recruits. These metrics include mission success rates, adaptability, and overall effectiveness.



Project Genesis represents a groundbreaking endeavor to push the boundaries of Rocket's avatar program. By leveraging advanced genetic engineering, Rocket will be able to create powerful recruits with enhanced abilities without relying on the blessings of Legendary pokemon, or elements out of Rocket's control. The success of this project will pave the way for future advancements in avatar technology and organization success.



📎 paxton_concordas.docx [break]
illeana_reyes.docx [break]
📎 freya_morningstar.docx [break]
kyle_lopez.docx [break]
📎 matias_silph.docx


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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
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TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 6:33:58 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



I'm baby lyft four loko banjo, poutine green juice disrupt tacos beard. Jianbing PBR&B tote bag tumeric prism woke, everyday carry godard slow-carb salvia cold-pressed mumblecore kinfolk williamsburg. Four loko edison bulb wayfarers authentic tumeric, yr farm-to-table wolf. Portland master cleanse edison bulb bitters knausgaard. Fixie marfa tbh la croix yr coloring book. Crucifix gochujang knausgaard synth blog bespoke.


Ugh jean shorts kickstarter, meggings raclette microdosing poke drinking vinegar four dollar toast listicle knausgaard mustache iPhone. Adaptogen scenester swag lo-fi kogi before they sold out biodiesel normcore locavore flannel roof party lomo you probably haven't heard of them hoodie. "I challenge you to a dance battle." Cold-pressed biodiesel vape hexagon hashtag shabby chic. Swag fixie whatever sartorial vice sustainable ramps chillwave hella forage narwhal thundercats. Next level tousled 8-bit vinyl. 90's fashion axe venmo street art pour-over banh mi occupy taiyaki, migas hashtag viral yr crucifix brooklyn organic.
tagged razz kingman
notes go here



[newclass=".liarliar"]margin:0px auto; width:500px; background:#232323; padding-bottom:20px; border-bottom:2px solid var(--accent); border:20px solid #202020; position:relative;[/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,140 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 20:11:25 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

[attr="class","name"]jayden CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]the water's up to my neck, i don't know if i'm doing my best, i'm running out of time



Jayden Cross were being assigned to keep an eye on a gambling ring. Or a luxury casino was more like it — the new building, having just been erected on the split between Upper Slateport and Lower Slateport was a hot commodity among Lower and Upper residents alike. Admist the twinkling lights of the casino, Jayden found himself dressed to the nines, suit and tie and all, as he watched over the happenings of the casino.


"I love how you take my breath away, I'm so breathestruck," He had a glass of whisky in his hand that he nursed — it was more to fit in, if anything, since he wasn't much of a drinker when he was on the job. Absently, he watched the ice twirl in the glass, clinking against the edge, and watched the rest of the patrons out of the corner of his eye. They had been assigned to make sure that the patrons were spending their good money on the roulettes, and maybe a few extra.

+ summary notes go here


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leo, leonício
slateport u. student
You got my soul in your solar system But you keep my heart out of hand
88 posts
leo del río DOLLARS
part of
leo del río
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2021 17:15:16 GMT
leo del río Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque auctor vel mi sed euismod. Aenean dignissim, sem sit amet venenatis accumsan, augue quam convallis elit, sit amet gravida diam nunc nec justo. Nulla in volutpat nunc, vel tincidunt lacus. Fusce nec accumsan urna, ac tempor dui. Etiam tristique lorem ac nisi mattis pellentesque. Pellentesque faucibus risus neque, vel elementum massa ornare in. Nulla eu ultrices eros, ut sodales ante. Proin interdum finibus mi, sagittis rhoncus nibh elementum eget.

text italics

Morbi nec pulvinar mi. Morbi dapibus ex vitae nibh scelerisque blandit. Quisque nec quam non nibh hendrerit sodales sed sed nunc. Suspendisse pharetra felis nec lectus ultricies tincidunt. Fusce dapibus faucibus lorem at pharetra. Phasellus sed sapien suscipit nisl molestie scelerisque. Integer molestie finibus lacus nec tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Sed scelerisque tortor vitae nisl rutrum, placerat euismod urna pellentesque. In enim lectus, hendrerit in congue id, efficitur sed orci. In et felis aliquam, hendrerit quam eu, dictum nibh. Vivamus non vehicula est. Quisque egestas massa dolor, sit amet euismod turpis convallis ac. Donec ultricies justo justo, dictum sollicitudin odio dapibus non. Phasellus dictum lectus vel maximus vestibulum.

tagged for
notes go here


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,140 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2021 17:31:22 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



there's a reason she's alone, you can't pin her down. because no one needs her home, or needs her around. she says, "there's beauty in the hills, a chip in the sky. so don't be sad because i roam, it keeps me alive." to impress her, it's too damn hard, to stay loyal without going too far. if i see her again promise i won't cry. to impress her - it's too damn hard, to stay loyal without going too far. if i see her again promise i won't cry.

[break][break] she wasn't back tonight, and i don't know about you, my money's on the night, it takes her away like i do. my charm is twinkling out of her eyes, of her eyes. she will never grow old, or change her mind, she'll talk about it later on, from seeing the sights. there's something wonderful and odd about the escape, and while you want them to be gone, you want them to stay. and impressing her is just so damn hard, i want her back, and please don't go too far. if i see her again promise i won't cry. to impress her - it's too damn hard, to stay loyal without going too far. if i see her again promise i won't cry.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
37 height
37 height
i am the shadow driving the hearse
233 posts
part of
TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2021 22:16:41 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

[newclass=".fas"]font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"[/newclass]
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[attr="class","symbol"][attr="class","fas fa-fish"]

[attr="class","name"]flynn edwards

[attr="class","lyric"]when it pulls me under, will you make me stronger? will you be my breath through the deep, deep water?


[attr="class","tagtxt"]tagged for



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque auctor vel mi sed euismod. Aenean dignissim, sem sit amet venenatis accumsan, augue quam convallis elit, sit amet gravida diam nunc nec justo. Nulla in volutpat nunc, vel tincidunt lacus. Fusce nec accumsan urna, ac tempor dui. Etiam tristique lorem ac nisi mattis pellentesque. Pellentesque faucibus risus neque, vel elementum massa ornare in. Nulla eu ultrices eros, ut sodales ante. Proin interdum finibus mi, sagittis rhoncus nibh elementum eget.

text italics

Morbi nec pulvinar mi. Morbi dapibus ex vitae nibh scelerisque blandit. Quisque nec quam non nibh hendrerit sodales sed sed nunc. Suspendisse pharetra felis nec lectus ultricies tincidunt. Fusce dapibus faucibus lorem at pharetra. Phasellus sed sapien suscipit nisl molestie scelerisque. Integer molestie finibus lacus nec tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Sed scelerisque tortor vitae nisl rutrum, placerat euismod urna pellentesque. In enim lectus, hendrerit in congue id, efficitur sed orci. In et felis aliquam, hendrerit quam eu, dictum nibh. Vivamus non vehicula est. Quisque egestas massa dolor, sit amet euismod turpis convallis ac. Donec ultricies justo justo, dictum sollicitudin odio dapibus non. Phasellus dictum lectus vel maximus vestibulum.

+ ooc notes will go here


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[newclass=".fishie .tagtxt a:hover"]color:#000; font:bold 12px 'Quicksand'; letter-spacing:2px; transition:0.6s all;[/newclass]


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basil, benji
august 25
tellur town, ferrum
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @basil
basil belmont
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 18:23:40 GMT
basil belmont Avatar
[attr="class","hh"]MY [break] BELONGINGS














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played by


basil, benji
august 25
tellur town, ferrum
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @basil
basil belmont
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2021 18:46:06 GMT
basil belmont Avatar
[attr="class","hh"]POKEMON LOG




★ ★ ★ ★ ★


































[newclass=".angelopkmn"]width:500px; margin:0px auto; background:#222; min-height:500px; padding-bottom:0px; border:20px solid var(--accent); border-top:0px solid var(--accent); border-radius:10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".angelopkmn:hover .hh"]padding-left:30px; transition:0.8s all; [/newclass]

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played by


FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
340 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2021 0:02:52 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar


"i think we've found it."

he doesn't turn as he speaks, but he looks at the woman out of the corner of his eye. just loojay at her made his heart beat faster, even after these few weeks; she was still as beautiful as ever.
the duo stood in front of a small, out of the way shrine. on his last trip through petalburg, he remembered the locals gossiping about the possibility of it's existence. now that he stood in front of it— there was no doubt.
"zacien and zamazenta, huh."

he knew little of the two. only rumors around the 'darkest day'. if what he heard was true, that only made this even more important. he'd work hard to fix this dilapidated homage to the sword and shield of galar.

greyson turned to the woman at his side, giving her a warm smile.

"thank you for coming, gwen."



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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
37 height
37 height
i am the shadow driving the hearse
233 posts
part of
TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2021 3:36:02 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque auctor vel mi sed euismod. Aenean dignissim, sem sit amet venenatis accumsan, augue quam convallis elit, sit amet gravida diam nunc nec justo. Nulla in volutpat nunc, vel tincidunt lacus. Fusce nec accumsan urna, ac tempor dui. Etiam tristique lorem ac nisi mattis pellentesque. Pellentesque faucibus risus neque, vel elementum massa ornare in. Nulla eu ultrices eros, ut sodales ante. Proin interdum finibus mi, sagittis rhoncus nibh elementum eget.

tagged for @tag


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played by


artie, finn, finch
august 13
mirror, mirror on the wall
45 height
45 height
110 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arthur
arthur finnian vanderbilt
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 1:56:00 GMT
arthur finnian vanderbilt Avatar
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I'm baby lyft four loko banjo, poutine green juice disrupt tacos beard. Jianbing PBR&B tote bag tumeric prism woke, everyday carry godard slow-carb salvia cold-pressed mumblecore kinfolk williamsburg. Four loko edison bulb wayfarers authentic tumeric, yr farm-to-table wolf. Portland master cleanse edison bulb bitters knausgaard. Fixie marfa tbh la croix yr coloring book. Crucifix gochujang knausgaard synth blog bespoke.


Ugh jean shorts kickstarter, meggings raclette microdosing poke drinking vinegar four dollar toast listicle knausgaard mustache iPhone. Adaptogen scenester swag lo-fi kogi before they sold out biodiesel normcore locavore flannel roof party lomo you probably haven't heard of them hoodie. "I challenge you to a dance battle." Cold-pressed biodiesel vape hexagon hashtag shabby chic. Swag fixie whatever sartorial vice sustainable ramps chillwave hella forage narwhal thundercats. Next level tousled 8-bit vinyl. 90's fashion axe venmo street art pour-over banh mi occupy taiyaki, migas hashtag viral yr crucifix brooklyn organic.

[attr="class","ooc"] notes n/a




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played by


basil, benji
august 25
tellur town, ferrum
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @basil
basil belmont
IM A SHAPESHIFTER [milky's coding bin]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 5:17:03 GMT
basil belmont Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




I'm baby lyft four loko banjo, poutine green juice disrupt tacos beard. Jianbing PBR&B tote bag tumeric prism woke, everyday carry godard slow-carb salvia cold-pressed mumblecore kinfolk williamsburg. Four loko edison bulb wayfarers authentic tumeric, yr farm-to-table wolf. Portland master cleanse edison bulb bitters knausgaard. Fixie marfa tbh la croix yr coloring book. Crucifix gochujang knausgaard synth blog bespoke.


Ugh jean shorts kickstarter, meggings raclette microdosing poke drinking vinegar four dollar toast listicle knausgaard mustache iPhone. Adaptogen scenester swag lo-fi kogi before they sold out biodiesel normcore locavore flannel roof party lomo you probably haven't heard of them hoodie. "I challenge you to a dance battle." Cold-pressed biodiesel vape hexagon hashtag shabby chic. Swag fixie whatever sartorial vice sustainable ramps chillwave hella forage narwhal thundercats. Next level tousled 8-bit vinyl. 90's fashion axe venmo street art pour-over banh mi occupy taiyaki, migas hashtag viral yr crucifix brooklyn organic.

[attr="class","ooc"] notes




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it's a long life full of long nights