i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 4, 2021 6:24:04 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 when it crumbles to bits, it scatters its remnants across the room. wary eyes search these remnants for traces of AURA within these fragments, sign of an ever beating heart that needs stopped yet. he comes across one such rock moving towards the entrance, attempting to grasp it within gloved hands. it is warm to the touch even through protection.

a nimble FLIP TURN brings delta careening back towards its master, amped up from the battling. having helped fell such a greater foe, perhaps it has grown more daring. it bobs around in the air around adrian protectively, wary of their surroundings. he is, too.

what he fears does not come to pass—the stone remains inert save for the latent energies contained therein. but that is not to say the threat has passed, not entirely. there are those who would covet the stones if they knew their power, and as such, adrian would not have lowered his guard. he looks for a way out, realizing they are trapped within the waning force field; delta's ILLUMINATE helps them to stay vigilant, its SPOTLIGHT proving incredibly distracting as it scans the force field...

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
ADRIAN investigates the remnant, taking it into gloved hands
WARM to the touch even through a glove, it irradiates ENERGY...
FLIP TURN brings STARMIE careening back to ADRIAN defensively
ILLUMINATE lights the field and SPOTLIGHT proves distracting to onlookers...
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 21:28:11 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Why was it like he had some form of foresight when it came to moving his Pokémon companions the way he had to—

Well, the deity was hissing in the back of his head, so he had to come to a stop for a few moments.

There were falling pieces of rock, and while he thought he spotted a few land off somewhere, one of them had landed—rather close to someone who had already made a grab for it.

‘I have a question.’


‘Can you make fog? Like, incredibly dense fog?’

‘I can whip up a mist, but not fog! Why do you ask?’

‘You see that bright light?’

‘Extremely bothersome, but I can definitely sense its intentions. What of it?’

‘Can you try to make some cover?’

Little did Lars know he would be able to actually generate some kind of a fog-related distraction several months later with some assistance; but for now, everything was an exercise in the unknown. There were so many variables, and yet—


Without even thinking, the Articuno suddenly let out a burst of swirling frigid air; an attempt to overrun the distracting illumination—

But then the deity gets crafty and decided to attempt to summon a sudden covering Hail storm as well as they screamed across the area; hoping against hope and swooping in as close as they could towards where the source of the distracting light was coming from...

• Thank you Agility
• The two have a conversation; the first of many while on the battlefield? Deity hasn’t been this chatty before
• Articuno blew up a thick cover of freezing air while rushing towards the approximate direction where Adrian is
• However the deity also has other ideas and adds a Hail storm to the freezing wind as well—
• the freezing air + Hail combination is there as a distraction as well; not to attack but to obscure

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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2021 5:09:40 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

despite the slight burn that the regirock fragment causes, katherine dares not to let go. no. it was far too important, far too fragile, and far too unknown to simply let go of at this point in time. whatever remnant of power was buried within this piece, it couldn't go to waste.
she wouldn't let it happen.
instead, a soft-spoken, hushed prayer and a promise to giratina escape her before her own regirock fragment is taken into the distortion world; the realm of her god.
where it is most safe, where it is best left, and where katherine will eventually examine it from up close.
when she has the time.
in the meantime, however, her attention is drawn to where a hail seemingly starts. the person who's responsible for this cold mess, the culprit, is without a doubt, articuno. long ago, the two shared a conversation, but she'd hoped it didn't remember her.
”what the hell is this?”
What are they doing? The titan fell. It was time for them to leave, but… Not everyone was as ready as she was, it seemed. Making her way over, with dragapult still by her side, katherine’s eyes narrowed slightly. Gravity intensifies at her command, growing harsher with each step she takes.
If someone dared to entertain the notion of another fight, then she’ll put an end to it herself.
... And if someone unrelated to both the league and rocket, two of the organizations she happened to work with, hoped to retrieve a fragment for himself? then she herself would have to intervene.
A rush of agility energies the woman’s dragon as they make their way towards both and .
notes: [break][break]
- kat pockets the fragment in distortion world[break]
- she then notices the hail/blizzard and starts making her way over[break]
- gravity begins intensify as dragapult and her march towards lars/adrian. hopefully enough to slow others down, etc. [break]
- agility is used to enhance her dragon's speed in the meantime.[break]
- hey lars she's here to help [break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/regirock [break]


[newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote"]width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote b, .katherine blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) } .katherine blockquote b { font:13px 'Poppins'; font-weight:600;[/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote img"]filter:grayscale(1%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine blockquote img:hover { transition:0.6s all; filter:none [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:480px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; border-top:1px solid; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .pkmnparty"]margin-top:-20px; text-align:center; } .katherine .pkmnparty img { filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine .pkmnparty img:hover { filter:none; transition:0.6s all; [/newclass]

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POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 5:22:04 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





THE DISTORTION WORLD beckons but the fragment resists its pull. With a defiant ping, the piece rebounds off the portal, landing back in her hand. Electricity tingles against her finger tips. It serves as a stark reminder, or perhaps a warning, that the residual energy conflicts with her ghastly powers.


Until the energy wanes completely, the REGIROCK FRAGMENT will remain in play. No exceptions.


With his proximity, Adrian easily reaches the fragment before anyone else. He holds it in his gloved hand, able to feel an uncomfortable, but not necessarily burning, heat from it.


His Starmie returns to his side, rotating around him. As it ILLUMINATES the room with its SPOTLIGHT, the intense rays makes it harder to look straight at him. But his efforts are thwarted by his approaching competitor.


Cold air gushes from Articuno’s spread wings as Lars cuts the distance with its AGILITY. HAIL starts to fall and the bright light that prevents Lars from spotting Adrian is met with an equally thick mist. Like snuffing out a flame, the artic haze comes down over the light like an oversized blanket.


Adrian will find himself buffeted by fist size chunks of ice. One of them coincidentally hits his hand, causing him to drop the piece somewhere close to his feet.


Above, the Articuno comes closer. However, in the sudden storm, with blaring light slipping between its pockets, the verdict is clear.


No one can see anything.


From outside, Katherine is able to survey the outline of the artificial cloud. Her GRAVITY continues to spread as she approaches. It’s not enough to pull down on Lar’s Articuno—she’s a bit too far now—but it grows stronger exponentially.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
  • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Each REGIROCK REMNMANT has an optional prompt listed. You may decide amongst each other OOCLY how to divvy out the rewards. Should you be unable to come to an agreement, you may battle for it ICLY. The effects and results of your combat actions will be MODERATED.
  • You may fight someone who is not listed in your prompt. However, they will have a distinct advantage due to their IC proximity. Chances are they will have the item in their possession and you must effectively STEAL it from them. This will prove much more difficult than contesting those listed in your prompt.
  • If you decide who will keep the REGIROCK REMNANT OOCLY, you may skip out of posting on this round. If everyone decides OOCLY we will skip to the conclusion.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 23:59:03 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 where the hell had dahlia gone and fucked off to?

the unprecedented assault surely wouldn't have happened under her watch, but where had she run off to? as pellets fell from above like icy fists, they left him staggering as the remnant was knocked out of his hand, bruising his knuckles. he sauntered backwards a half-step, disoriented by the sudden haze, while the gravity began wearing him down.

eyes desperately search for the dwindling AURA seeping from out of the earthen fragment, and should he find it, he would be drawn to it as he felt his knees dig into the earth with a biting pain. "rrgh..." this really bites.

soon he was laying prone against the ground, a jagged remnant pressing against his abdomen. as if he wasn't uncomfortable enough. covetous hands tuck underneath him, hoping to keep the trophy safe from theft. somewhere nearby, his starmie resists the gravity's influence using its innately COSMIC POWER, remaining near its trainer defensively. the first thing to approach would likely be pushed back by its PSYCHIC powers, though it could hardly be expected to work as intended in this environment, as he'd learned just hours earlier. fuck me, it hurts. the hail wasn't letting up.

just why was the league attacking him anyways? the rock?

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
Struck by the HAIL, ADRIAN drops the remnant near his feet...
HAIL and GRAVITY bring ADRIAN down, hunched over the remnant...(?)
COSMIC POWER allows STARMIE to resist the effects of GRAVITY(?)
PSYCHIC will push back the first target to approach...(?)
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2021 3:38:53 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The intended effect he was going for happened—however it had gone over a little too well; considering that this was the Articuno’s natural domain—ice, snow, and probably mist?

‘Well, what do you know? It worked.’

‘A little too well, don’t you think?’

‘That was the point. Start searching, and make it quick! I can only keep this up for so long.’

‘Alright, alright.’

Despite the fact his legs were still screaming in protest from what had happened earlier, he decided to ‘drop off’ from the deity’s back; this time the ice wings from earlier making a reappearance to slow down his descent. Bless the thick cover, it was easy to land quietly.

Now the problem was where was he going to look?

‘Use the ice.’


‘You heard me! Use the chunks of ice that have already fallen! It should make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for when you land!’

‘No need to be pushy—but I do get your point.’

The ice wings then vanished, as he began squinting around the thick mist and fog. He knew that the deity was somewhere above; ready to give him covering fire just in case shit went south—a definite possibility. Very nearly tripping over a chunk of fallen Hail as he did so, he then remembered what the other had said.

Holding the chunk in his hand, he then pressed it into the ground, combining this with the ‘magic’ that was latent to him sharing the blessing (and powers) of the iceborne mirage circling above, who was fighting off gravity as much as possible.

Slowly, surely, the ice from the chunk he was holding began to spread—just like how he’d managed to conjure up that ‘ice slide’ at the beginning of this harrowing trip. Should the spreading ice on the ground find something (or someone) he would—hopefully know, as the temperature began to drop.

Bless him for being immune to this cold.

As the ice continued to spread from the point of contact, he kept one hand as close to the ice spreading as possible as he continued searching through the frozen ground—he had to keep low and hopefully find whoever—or whatever—this was that had decided to summon that bright light from earlier.

He had no idea that someone else (Katherine) was coming, because of how dense the mist / fog was. The only telltale sign was how…denser the general air was getting.

• Time to start searching in this thick-ass mist and fog
• Drops off from the deity’s back and slows his descent with the ‘ice wings’
• Once on the ground, uses a chunk of fallen ice to help ‘spread’ the ice magic by supplementing it with the blessing from the mirage (similar to the ice slide from way back in the beginning of the thread)
• Notices the general air is becoming heavier (but does not know that this is due to the Gravity coming from Katherine’s direction)
just because I wanted to

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2021 5:51:28 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

“Don’t let up.”
Wary still, Katherine commands her pokemon to adjust in accordance with her needs. After having suffered an attack from the titan and losing one of her other partners, she’s less willing to entertain foolish games.
The fragment is best kept in a place where she doesn’t have to worry about it. The first, her own, will be kept in the distortion world… Once she figures out a way to take it there. The second, hopefully, will be kept by the League. She doesn’t stop to think about the third— not just yet.
Perhaps later.
“Whoever you are, I suggest you leave that thing for us to take care of and find some other souvenir to claim for yourself. Whatever this thing was… Pokemon or Ultra beast—” or even alien, if that was another possibility, ”i don’t think any of us would like to see it return.”
It defied her will.
It defiled Giratina’s power.
It should never return.
“Will O Wisp. Infestation.” Spectral, scorching orbs are shot by the dragon before a swarm of miniature Dreepys is ejected from within the ghost’s horns. The combined assault is focused on whittling the health of their opponent’s pokemon, but not harm Adrian himself.
… Well, not yet. Not unless he gives them a reason to act further.
notes: [break][break]
- kat is still approaching. it's cold, but she manages fine for the time being[break]
- talks and sort of warns [break]
- dragapult attacks with will o wisp and infestation. it targets the starmie but doesn't try to harm adrian himself. not yet.[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/regirock [break]


[newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote"]width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote b, .katherine blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) } .katherine blockquote b { font:13px 'Poppins'; font-weight:600;[/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote img"]filter:grayscale(1%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine blockquote img:hover { transition:0.6s all; filter:none [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:480px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; border-top:1px solid; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine .pkmnparty"]margin-top:-20px; text-align:center; } .katherine .pkmnparty img { filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine .pkmnparty img:hover { filter:none; transition:0.6s all; [/newclass]

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 19:12:33 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





PROXIMITY IS HIS GREATEST ALLY. keeping low to the ground allows adrian to find the remnant with ease. it presses against his body, clutched to his chest, safe within his fetal coil. secured, his primary objective is accomplished. but how long can he keep it within his grasp?


landing on his feet, lars manages to navigate the haze with weary steps. ice spreads from his shard in all directions. the ground becomes slick with newfound ice. eventually, it finds its way underneath adrian, frigid against his arms, legs, and the back of his hands. it threatens to spread, no more than flakes currently, but with the promise to thicken into a more pressing glue that holds him in place should he remain too still.


the sharp spike in temperature serves as a compass for the head ranger. it dictates where his treasure may lie but does nothing to warn him of the concussive blast coming his way. shrouded by his own mist, adrian’s PSYCHIC nails lars front and body. its power is still diluted by the temple’s mystic nature, but enough to send him doubling over, sprawled against his own ice, sliding backwards without the friction to stop himself from spinning backwards.


a successful hit is met with another. as lars is sent skidding backward, katherine’s dragapult launches a combination of WILL-O-WISP and DRAGON DARTS into the mist. the blue flames pass by, glowing warning shots that look to puncture holes in the oblique film that hides them. the DRAGON DARTS sail over adrian harmlessly, several lucky dreepys blindly striking his starmie before combusting themselves.


energy wavers. the forcefield flickers menacing, showing signs of waning but still intent on keeping its prisoners inside.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
  • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Each REGIROCK REMNMANT has an optional prompt listed. You may decide amongst each other OOCLY how to divvy out the rewards. Should you be unable to come to an agreement, you may battle for it ICLY. The effects and results of your combat actions will be MODERATED.
  • You may fight someone who is not listed in your prompt. However, they will have a distinct advantage due to their IC proximity. Chances are they will have the item in their possession and you must effectively STEAL it from them. This will prove much more difficult than contesting those listed in your prompt.
  • If you decide who will keep the REGIROCK REMNANT OOCLY, you may skip out of posting on this round. If everyone decides OOCLY we will skip to the conclusion.


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he / him / his
july 26
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don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 20:41:04 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Okay, maybe the mist worked a little too well because it was so damned thick, he could barely see anything. The only thing he could discern was the fact that there was a portion of the ice that was ‘warmer’ than normal; and whoever this was wasn’t going to go down without a—

He didn’t expect the attack to strike him; sending him skidding along the ice—

But he wasn’t going to give up. Not this time!

He thought he saw something within the thick mist; fire, was it—floating by, which gave him a sense of direction to head. Thank the hells he was immune to the effects of the cold, so grabbing onto the thickening ice was but a simple matter to him.

‘What’s taking you so long? I can only keep this up as long as I can!’

‘I got hit by something! Get ready with the covering fire!’

Up above, the iceborne deity squinted down into the fog, before picking up a shape that was rising to its feet—that was definitely him—before a sudden Freeze-Dry was dropped in the approximate direction of where the smaller shapes had struck.

The ice was growing thicker the more it spread, and he had to move quickly! Propelling himself up with another surge of adrenaline, he hoped that whoever had thrown those attacks was an ally on his side—and not going to stab him in the back as he took heaving breaths; forcing himself to walk forward on the thickening ice before breaking out into a run; hopefully his boots would find enough purchase as he continued in the general direction where he thought he saw smaller shapes flying towards at.

• Lars gets knocked backwards, wow rude
• However, the sight of the ghostly attacks gave him a general idea and direction of where to go—
• The Articuno then proceeded to drop a Freeze-Dry in the rough general direction of where the Starmie had been struck by the ghostly Dreepies
• Okay he’s back on his feet and walking—no scratch that he’s headed in the approximate direction where the Dreepies had flown towards; probably that’s where Adrian is.
just because I wanted to

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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 12:09:38 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 "you should've tried hashing it out before you assholes started attacking me," he blurted out defiantly. fucking hell, what did they think talking would accomplish now? they'd shot him up before even considering a diplomatic approach. his voice was hoarse and weary, and he still winced from the fresh welts forming along his back where the hail pelted him previously. but he refused to surrender the stone purely out of spite. these people gave trainers a bad rep.

they deserved worse than to fail. he would strive to provide.

adrian begins scrambling forward and loses a single glove to the forming frost as it seeks to gaol him, pushing his boots against the cavern floor, gaining enough traction for the stone beneath him to slide smoothly across the frictionless ice sheets forming.

his struggled crawling became more energetic as bombshells started going off overhead when the dreepy attacked. for all his efforts, he might've clambered and slid across the floor enough to avoid the incoming attack from articuno, not that he knew it was headed in his general direction. he probably wasn't even heading in a straight line anymore, though that might've suited him just as well as the iceborne made a sweeping aerial pass. if only the ground were sloped... he could use some old fashioned luck.

starmie RECOVERED from the blasts, staggered by the concussive force but otherwise resumed its defensive, a SPOTLIGHT shining in its enemies eyes to disrupt them as they encroached on adrian. the closer they get, the more its ILLUMINATING abilities sear its blinding light into their retina temporarily, inhibiting their vision should they attempt to look anywhere near it and thus adrian by proxy.

he was struggling tooth and nail to make it work, to create a little more distance...

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
ADRIAN crawls/slides forward, the remnant an improvised bobsled(?)
STARMIE RECOVERS from the attacks & resumes protecting ADRIAN
SPOTLIGHT distracts ARTICUNO (+???) as it passes overhead
ILLUMINATE sears their retinas if they look too closely(?)
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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 12:55:18 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

”I almost died fighting this thing,” and not just once, ironically enough. “So no, dude, I’m not going to apologize for not being polite. I don’t give a damn.”
By now, Katherine is close enough to notice just how much of a nuisance the Starmie’s SPOTLIGHT and ILLUMINATE prove to be. Not only distracting, they impair her vision and Dragapult’s in ways that are hard to ignore— but not outright impossible, it seems.
This, compared to the Regirock itself, was cakewalk.
“Get in there. Knock the Starmie away if you have to, I don’t care what it takes.”
The PHANTOM FORCE follows the avatar’s will, conjuring a spectral portal then and there. Their aim, both Katherine’s and her pokemon’s, is to close the distance finally and deliver a decisive blow that can change the tides of this mostly one-sided battle. The HAIL continues to rain down, but the pain is negligible for her dragon.
At least for now.
Before it’s gone, a hushed whisper is let out, ”If you can take it, just do it.” THIEF. Her Dragapult would become a thief if such a crime is committed - but such is a price that they’re both willing to pay.
notes: [break][break]
- kat and dragapult are pretty close by now (?)[break]
- is still talking. in addition, she gives orders to her pokemon.[break]
- dragapult attacks with phantom force makes its way to adrian/starmie, based on where it already knew they were. with a headbutt enhanced by its surprise attack, it aims to carry out kat's plan and use THIEF to steal the remnant from adrian. after all, it is an infiltrator. [break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/regirock [break]


[newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
[newclass=".katherine blockquote"]width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2021 5:14:49 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Razz just huffs as the thing collapse and for once it feels like there was a reason to relax. He doesn't even care too much when some odd fragments drop from the titan. He just wants all this to be over, however as it seems the group tries to take a few shards mist brought on by of all people comes up. And not even seconds afterward could attacks be heard. Was his boss trying to attack a civilian!?[break][break]

Shit, he curses as he climbs onto his ultra beast, "Crimson try to follow the noise, protect the civilian," he would order and would fly over toward the other figures. He is going for where most everything seems to be trying to aim. As it seems another has joined to try and aim for the civilian for listening in one what was being said. [break][break]

Seeing as they had the order of protecting the civilian they would try to intercept anything being being struck. Having BULKED UP while flying toward the group. "They hell is wrong with you all trying to attack a civilian?" is all Razz is going to question because he knows started this mist and while he doesn't know 's voice at all the only others here were and which he doubted would be trying such a thing.



+ Razz returns his Lucario not realizing just how hurt they were
[break]+ Razz has no interest in the rock
[break]+ He does however have a problem seeing hearing his boss trying to attack a civilian.
[break]+ Climbing on his Buzzwole they heard toward the sound of both 's voice and where the attacks seemed to be aimed.
[break]+ Buzzwole uses BULK UP to toughen up.
[break]+ Buzzwole attempts to take whatever is being aimed at

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2021 0:34:36 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





EACH MOVING PIECE COMES INTO PLAY. the ice and the light. the conniving thief and valiant hero. it becomes one jumbled mess as one action feeds the next. like a balanced game of paper, scissor, rock, they put one another in check.


the brilliant ILLUMINATION from adrian’s starmie provides diminishing returns within the realm of lar’s mist. constant fog dilutes the spectacle to being a mere eyesore for the likes of katherine and razz. but lars, the closest of the three, will find it impossible to keep his eyes in adrian’s direction without having to force them shut in pain.


that gap allows adrian to slide by unnoticed by the head ranger. only the growing sound of rock scraping ice details his escape, clamored by the FREEZE DRY landing all around them. it provides commentary that proves too close to comfort—it’s a miracle neither lars nor adrian are harmed by the avalanching stalactites.


katherine’s dragapult disappears in a cloak of shadows. the PHANTOM FORCE portal closes as it enters another plane, observing, but unable to act until it resurfaces. here, it finds the perfect angle to backstab adrian’s starmie. and, as it does, landing the surprise attack, a boulder size block of ice lands on top of both of them. the carpet FREEZE DRY claims a victim, just not the one it had intended.


as razz enters the fray, undaunted as his vision is obscured by articuno’s prevalent mist, he finds acting as adrian’s shield near impossible. none of the attacks are direct enough for him to intercept. instead, he will only feel the shrapnel of splintered ice scratching him and his buzzswole.


above, articuno feels itself pulled onto the ground against its will. the GRAVITY is inescapable. the mist starts to dissipate and so too does the curtail that hides the inevitable brawl.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
  • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Each REGIROCK REMNMANT has an optional prompt listed. You may decide amongst each other OOCLY how to divvy out the rewards. Should you be unable to come to an agreement, you may battle for it ICLY. The effects and results of your combat actions will be MODERATED.
  • You may fight someone who is not listed in your prompt. However, they will have a distinct advantage due to their IC proximity. Chances are they will have the item in their possession and you must effectively STEAL it from them. This will prove much more difficult than contesting those listed in your prompt.
  • If you decide who will keep the REGIROCK REMNANT OOCLY, you may skip out of posting on this round. If everyone decides OOCLY we will skip to the conclusion.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 9:56:10 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 starmie takes its punishment while in the line of fire, suffering from not one, but likely two major attacks. for a mercy it might have enough left to keep going a little longer, but if it doesn't recover, then it might soon succumb to its wounds and sheer exhaustion.

adrian fairs better, but they are hot on his heels. starmie, trapped by environmental hazards, uses its RAPID SPIN to free itself, its heightened SPEED allowing it to intercept once more any who stumble too close to its trainer. SPOTLIGHT & ILLUMINATE are its best option, doing its best to avoid open conflict among alleged friendlies. it avoided attacking directly without orders.

with the fog dissipating, no one can deny it: some of the league's most esteemed representatives are attacking a harmless civilian over a rock (of preternatural origin). it's a relief then that some are not ignorant to his plight, as witnessed by razz kingsman's noble efforts. they fall short, but they are not unnoticed.

"e-even so... you think that frees you to attack civilians?" adrian rolls over onto his back, a gloved arm tucking the uncomfortably proportioned rock against his abdomen, while the other props against the ground for him to look around. katherine is plain to see for the avatar she is, as is... the jury. now that was interesting, if disappointing.

there were so many ways they could've resolved this without strong-arming him.

at least he knew who he was. and lars should know him, too. and know that his were not, in any shape or form, 'the wrong hands'. should yveltal see fit to alert THE JURY to its current transgressions against THE EXECUTIONER, it would be most welcome.

any coverings that may have shielded his face from the dunescape surrounding the ruins have since fallen away, and they can see him for the man he is. an endorsed citizen of slateport, adrian malcolm. it doesn't deter them however, but he doubted anything would. they were acting like thugs. their behavior shouldn't stand public scrutiny, but this was hoenn: stranger things had happened. he sits up.

steeling himself for the imminent rush, his ungloved hand twitches with anticipation...

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
ADRIAN rolls over with the stone clutched against him
RAPID SPIN frees the entrapped STARMIE; SPEED avails its return to ADRIAN
SPOTLIGHT + ILLUMINATE highlight OFFENDERS to deter their attacks
WITNESSES can see clearly that the "LEAGUE" is attacking a civilian
(??? reaches out to LARS)
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 21:08:34 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Thank the circles of the Inferno Lars was immune to this cold.

However, the aerial ‘eye in the sky’ was starting to react strangely—

‘Something’s pulling me down!’


‘I have a suspicion, but it’s too early to tell!’

‘I never thought I’d have to say this, but get out of there!’

‘What?! And leave you unprotected? Are you crazy?!’

‘I still have one more Pokémon! I… I can handle this!’

‘Are you certain?’

‘Sometimes, you have to trust in your partner!’

…that was a word Lars would never callously throw around.

Considering how low the flight pattern was getting, and how inevitable it was that the Articuno would be grounded soon—and the fact that they didn’t have a Pokéball of their own (for they were too proud to be contained in one) was going to complicate matters somewhat.

However, they had a plan.

‘Fine, however I still reserve judgment—should anything happen to you, I am coming down to get you out of there, no questions asked!’


The closer Lars got, though, the brighter(?) shit seemed to get, and it was like looking into the sun—however the scraping noise was the giveaway that their target was on the move.

With the iceborne deity using Agility to get out of range of the oppressing force as quickly as possible (and away from the scene in general) he fumbled around in his pocket, grabbing the final Pokéball he had yet to crack open. No, he wasn’t going to send out Ro.

Now that the Articuno was ‘away’ from the scene, a quadruped being hit the ice—its claws sinking deep as they attempted to find purchase in the slippery hold. Now that he was going to have to half-ass this without looking directly at that fucking light source (honestly, fuck that) he fumbled around and attempted to clamber on Amir’s back.

The same Silvally that almost killed him previously, but that was neither here nor there.

“Metal Sound,” he hissed quietly, squeezing his eyes shut and letting his hands do the fumbling around, gritting his teeth as the Silvally made an unearthly shrieking noise; similar to nails scraping down a chalkboard; an attempt to stop whatever was causing that scraping noise to be stunned in their tracks.

Nope, the deity isn’t going to be grounded down by the Gravity
• Articuno used Agility to fly out of range and effectively leave the ‘battlefield’ (as the deity does not have a Pokéball, this is, I think, the best way to say that Lars is switching Pokémon?)
• Lars summons Amir, the Silvally
• Fucking blind light going to mess my boy up bad
• Lars therefore has to do everything blinded; relying on his sense of hearing—
• Silvally used Metal Sound in an attempt to disorient whoever has that rock he has to secure for the League
• Because he is determined to get that rock into League custody no matter what happens
• (as an aside Lars is currently astride the Silvally’s back, like how Gladio rides his own Silvally in the anime)
just because I wanted to

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP