i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 15:46:00 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





I DON’T KNOW.” The voice cracks in a high pitch squeal as Priam forces it to resurface from the depths of his consciousness. “Just make sure you survive! Do you know how long it took me to store up this amount of energy?


The relic rattles within his hands. It’s teeming with life. A faint orange aura that only Priam, bearer of the LEGENDARY MARK, can see. To those outside, the only signs of change is his branded tattoo that flickers with calescent colors.


The artificial Regice has no issue with FREEZING Cait’s Bisharp solid. The Pokemon is encased in ice, unable to move as the titan prepares another attack. However, it never finds the window to launch the follow-up. Priam’s Alakazam interferes with a bloodthirsty FOCUS BLAST.


That's just the moment the Bisharp needs to break free. It responds with a METAL BURST, returning the damage but amplified to a higher level. Assaulted by the power of a Shadow Pokemon as well as a reflection of its own strength, the makeshift golem stutters backwards, pieces falling apart as it comes undone. It starts to glow white, priming a heated EXPLOSION.


In the thick of battle, Cait will spot one method of escape: a one-person sized hole on the other end of the Regigigas statue. All three will be able to escape but they must squeeze in one at a time. Thankfully, she is the only one to realize it, guided by her innate FUTURE SIGHT.


Registeel finds little obstacle in the TRICK ROOM. When it enters the perimeter it slows down, but only for a second. Several dots chirp in unison as the titan recalculates. With machine like precision, the Registeel readjusts its movements, even faster than before thanks to the TRICK ROOM’S attributes.



It rams against the Stakataka’s PROTECT. The barrier doesn’t break but the SUPERPOWER of the golem starts to push the Ultra Beast back, inch by inch. The longer the struggle the more the Stakataka bulges, leaving Gavin in the direct path of some abrasive steel on steel action.


KAZIMIR’S HEROICS is the only thing that keeps them afloat. The pressure of the world mounts onto his shoulders. He can feel it in his muscle, aching underneath the weight. Below him, the Megalopolan is freed from his bindings. The reveal of his appearance is hideous in comparison to the ones they’ve encountered before.


The traditional blue-grey skin they’re known for is much darker in comparison. It’s a smooth, cool midnight saturation, worn across a withered frame of exposed muscles and bones. The prisoner, seemingly male from his exposed chest, or lack thereof, is a husk of a humanoid frame. Noticeably, he lacks any hair or nails, only a white skulled mask covering his actual face.


You do too much,” he breaths out in labored gasps. “They have come to your world because living in theirs is too harsh. This world filled with people and Pokemon that look so plump. They can’t help but hunger and yet you do this—


He coughs once before trying to push himself upright. He can’t, too weak, and pinned underneath.


If you can escape, leave me behind. We do not deserve such kindness.


Up above, Zac works tirelessly to free them from their coffin. Rocks of all sizes are tossed aside. The burly man spares no effort in carving a direct path to the bond that binds them. His call for their companion echoes through the tunnel but he hears no response. Only the sound of debris landing behind him as his Pokemon continue to work.


His devotion to his friend is rewarded when a hole opens up. He can’t quite see through the darkness but the gap is enough for Kazimir to feel the sudden rush of air flow through. The sound of his struggle to keep their bubble intact calls for Zac to release him.


It’s big enough for a Pokemon to enter but should it prove too bulky or its movements too erratic, the whole heap might collapse. If Kazimir makes a sudden jolt, he may be able to escape but that would leave the Megalopolan to be crushed below. And should they try to let the Megalopolan crawl out first, will Kazimir be able to hold for so long? Can the Megalopolan even make it?


Their choices are varied and never quite defined but each comes with their own set of consequences.


ONLY ADRIAN’S KUBFU dares face the Regirock head on. In the throes of danger the Pokemon’s INNER FOCUS proves paramount into predicting just where to match the titan’s punch. Suddenly, a PROTECT is sprung from Dahlia’s Dragonite, slowing the attack before it pushes her and her Pokemon backwards.


A dynamic COUNTER brings the Regirock’s second swing to a stop. They’re drawn to a standstill. The velocity and power behind the Kubfu’s attack is twice the Regirock’s but it’s still missing something. The strength and size granted by its DYNAMAX form is not something that can be mimicked and after an excruciating few milliseconds the Kubfu is launched into one of the chamber’s walls at a startling speed.


Dahlia, spared in comparison to the Kubfu embedded to the wall next to her, is able to swap her Pokemon out with relative ease considering her condition.


It is Katherine who seemingly understands the threat of this beast. Being unable to phase through its HYPER BEAM earlier, and the only one to be subjected to incomprehensible pain so far, she avoids it altogether with Giratina’s aid. However, the distortion within the chamber causes pink DYNERGY to spark. Bypassing the laws of space, at least within the temple, will require greater exertion from the phantom itself.


When she reappears, she joins the couple as their de facto third wheel. Three’s company finds umbrella protection underneath Angelo’s DYNAMAXED Roggenrola. Rubble from above bounces harmlessly from the Pokemon’s solid surface.


What they have to really think about is the sudden inclusion of Hoenn’s number one shit starter. As her Nihilego takes to the field, it immediately answers her call by flushing a SLUDGE WAVE toward the great golem. And while neither Angelo or Skyler are in the immediate splash zone, due to Katherine’s proximity to them, the Roggenrola is just as easy of a target as Regirock.


Acid eats through stone regardless of whether it’s pillar, floor, or Pokemon. The audible sound of erosion singes from both Pokemon. Due to their fantastical size, it’s far from life threatening—a low burn that digs deeper until the liquid evaporates with distance—but its effectiveness is as clear as day. Both Regirock and Roggenrola end up BADLY POISONED.


In response, the Regirock immediately turns around in a spinning pivot. Any focus it had on Adrian is abandoned in accordance with Skyler’s attention. As per their ‘bond’, the Regirock takes off for the other side of the chamber, picking up speed as it revolves into top-like BULLDOZE toward Katherine, Skyler, Angelo, and their respective Pokemon.



And while it may be impossible for her to tell in the thick of battle, the lack of damage sustained from the temple itself is evident enough that her Florges has expired.


Razz and Lars find their fall met with an anti-climatic end. The darting red figure of his Buzzswole safely delivers him from danger. Likewise, Lars’ powers will keep him suspended, slowly descending as Angelo’s Scizor coincidentally comes up to meet him.


As for his Metagross? It lands opposite of both parties, making the last corner for the triangle that surrounds Regirock. Its MAGNET RISE seems to dissipate as the Pokemon proves too heavy to levitate anymore.


All players have joined the game.


May fortune be forever in their favor.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
  • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's ALAKAZAM cannot use FUTURE SIGHT unless it is targeting a specific target in combat.
  • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
  • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?




Pokemon exposed to DYNERGY transform in a process called DYNAMAX.[break][break]

  • This transformation lasts the entirety of the thread.
  • The Pokemon drastically increases in size.
  • The increase in size makes the Pokemon stronger and more durable.
  • When the Pokemon’s health drops below half it will discharge an aura of DYNERGY that significantly reduces the damage from the next FIVE UNIQUE ATTACKS.
  • After the aura is destroyed, the Pokemon may use any applicable Z-move. This does not count for toward your one Z-move per thread limit.
  • Some Pokemom may be unable to process DYNERGY. Dynamax Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Only TRUE PATH has the ability to sabotage or be sabotaged due to the incoming conclusion of the other routes.
  • Characters in TRUE PATH can post early for a modifier to their LUCK roll. They will gain +2 to their roll for EVERY other character in TRUE PATH that has not posted.
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 16:06:23 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

What in the ever-loving actual fuck.

As Ro came to an unceremonious crashing noise on the ground below, he realized that riding the kaiju-sized Metagross was going to be—a bad idea.

At least, for now. If the crackling energy wasn’t any slight indication of—holy shit what the fuck was going on why was there an equally-colossal pile of sentient rock…

“What the hell?” was all he could say as he came down to the ground before the ice wings vanished, thank the blessed fucking ground. Albeit he was still a little wobbly.

Seeing that the gigantic golem of stone (Regirock) was about to careen down on whoever it was about to smash into, he gave the—ridiculously-sized leg of his Metagross a knock. Well, it felt like knocking a door considering how huge Ro was now.

“Make that thing stop. I know it’s going to be risky, but what the hell, we have to do something!” he began, before the Metagross let out an echoing, grating noise—and he grit his teeth.

The normal ‘white noise’ he would hear from Ro in his normal form was grossly magnified many, many times—and he had to steady himself before an attempt at a burst of Telekinetic power was flung towards the colossus of a spinning rock-golem (Regirock) in an attempt to hold it down in the middle.

“Steady—steady—” he hissed, wincing a bit as he felt his legs threatening to give way underneath him. Gritting his teeth harder, he held on.

Adrenaline was keeping him standing at this point.

“Get ready to punch that spinning top when it gets too close.”

To that, the colossal Metagross got ready to fling a Meteor Mash should the beast come screaming their way.

• They come in ‘grandiose’ fashion
• Lars sees the danger headed down (Regirock) but doesn’t know what it is SO
• Metagross fires off a burst of Telekinesis in an attempt to hold the spinning… rock… golem… kaiju Beyblade in place.
• Also adds instructions to prepare a Meteor Mash attack in case it gets too close to where they are.
• Sabotaging

+2 to his roll (times idk how many? Since I came first)

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 16:13:51 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 fuck. they were dead. had to be. giant rock golem was going to smash. he might've given a final prayer in those final moments after watching kubfu get pancaked into a wall. yet the guardian turned away from them and pursued a different cluster of trainers. they appeared to be tethered to the golem by a strange, awry glow not entirely unlike...

"kubfu?" were they alright after that? he was answered only with silence, and a gnawing in his stomach.

"kubfu!" he begins to approach, but a BRICK BREAK dismantles the wall it has been lodged into, though it takes a moment after landing on its feet to steady itself. adrian reaches for any battle items he has stowed away in his backpack; even a cruddy potion would be helpful right now. the kubfu winces at its misty spray, but comes to.

the underground chamber rattles all around them, and adrian's gut sinks. should they keep fighting it? alone, they would definitely fail... but he's reminded of dahlia goode and the others fighting all around them. can't just leave 'em.

besides, he'd already forgotten the way out in all of the panic.

"kubfu, can you fight?" shaking off the dust caking its fur, it gave an affirmative cry before darting for the regirock's exposed flank. thing was a pivoting death pirouette though, so the pokemon tread more cautiously the closer it got, steadying a FOCUS PUNCH as it neared its target mostly undetected, or so they would've hoped.

he can't help but feel the strange tether means something, but he can't place his finger on it until his eyes pass over a bona fide avatar. it is a facsimile of an avatar's aura, though how it was formed is unown. but he understands the implication.

"cover me," he blurts to ; adrian begins crossing over towards & despite the treacherous trembling of the cavern floor, and the rogue titan waging its war on the trespassers. this was probably a bad idea.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
BRICK BREAK frees KUBFU from the wall!
[break]luck (+2 for every true path other than lars)
rerolling luck (salac; 4 of 6)

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:59:18 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Zac and REM tore at the stones, ripping a hole in the side of Kazimir's impromptu mausoleum. "Kaz!" Zac called into the gap. "Hang tight, I'll make some room to get out!"

Returning REM, Zac sent out Busta. The Clawitzer wedged its claw into the unstable gap, and forced the powerful muscles open, raising the rocky ceiling upwards inch by inch. The thin slice of air and life widened, and Zac squeezed into the gap. He lay on his back, palms up against the rocks that threatened to crush him and his trapped friend. 

"Not today, buddy!" Zac said through grit teeth as he pressed upwards, forcing the rocks higher. Pain tore through his arms, fire in his blood. "Enough is enough!" Zac shouted, and he and Busta pressed higher, higher, making room for Kazimir to escape. A Heal Pulses flood the tunnel, soaking into Zac's straining body and dripping down into the dark where Kaz and the freed prisoner were huddled. 

The red thread of fate had drawn him to the trapped fugger, and the thread was strong. Zac would get his friend out. Alive. Kazimir had been wounded, blasted, crushed, maybe worse.

"No bloody pebbles are crushing my mate!"

Zac placed himself squarely in the tunnel, propping it open with his strength of will and friendly muscles. It was his turn to put his body on the line; to pay whatever price success demanded.

And there was no price too high to save their friendship. 

  • Clawitzer and Zac press the rocks up, widening the hole
  • Zac crawls into the gap, forcing it open to give Kaz and the Megalopolan a chance to escape
  • Busta uses Heal Pulse to heal Zac so he can keep the tunnel open
  • Busta uses Heal Pulse on Kaz and the Megalopolan


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 4:54:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


"hey...lotta your people might not deserve it. but you sure as hell don't deserve to be left in here y'know." kaz let out a cough where a fleck of blood escaped his mouth as he could feel his body slowly lowering itself due to the weight of the rocks above him and the thin supply of air between the two of them. "i might hate the guts of you guys when ya attacked. but c'mon a hero can't be totally heartless to his enemies." even if the darkness around them would obscure it he let out weak grin towards the weak megalopolan as well as a wink before both of his eyes shut as a ray of light suddenly broke through accompanied by a voice that lifted his heart higher than he could lift these rocks.
"zac?!" sure enough he could see glimpses of that fiery mane of hair belonging to his best fugger bro as the hole he was digging out slowly began larger and larger. the grin erupted into a smile as soon as he could make out the man's face, "hey man am i glad" the happiness he felt at seeing his best friend come to save him quickly melted as he watched the man squeeze himself into the cramped space they were already in trying to lift the rocks above them while his clawitzer went about shooting out a soothing wave that doused the two injured people under here.
they were still trapped.
kaz looked between their new charge and zac, giving the gigner giant a big smile, before looking at their only exit out of here. "its good ya came to save us but we still need to get outta here. all of us. so...time to get a move on...just gotta..." with his unbroken arm he slowly lowered it to his belt to press a button on one of them and call out his urshifu' who was around kazimir's height was much bulkier and nearly crushed the blonde against the rocks as he ate a mouthful of fur. "domon...! get that guy...outta here! while me and zac...hold this up!"
as the urshifu brushed against the rocks he snorted in hesitant agreement and gently lowered himself to scoop up the weak megalopolan into his arms, bulking them up as he pressed his back against the rocks to hold them up, and push him and his charge out through the hole made for them. behind them he shuffled forward, giving zac a light tap, "get your ass moving fugger, i don't want to come back in here to save you too!"

    +lets out his urshifu![break][break]
    +has urshifu carry the megalopolan out as best as he can![break][break]
    +urshifu uses bulk up to try and keep the ceiling held up by pure muscle![break][break]
    +holds up the rock ceiling as he follows suit as best as he can!


template by kay

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 18:32:25 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"i'm surviving, but not because you told me to!" he continues to argue with the voice in his head. "what are you supposed to be even? am i talking to my conscience? please tell me i'm not losing it."

he stops panicking at the sight of the artifact's aura. a new oddity distracts him enough from the previous one.

"is this your energy?" he asks, oblivious to the glowing mark on his skin. "and what do you mean survive. am i...?"

for the first time, priam gets his head off of the artifact and his thoughts from the voice inside his head. he sees 's situation and readies a pokeball.

"oh, shit!"

the alakazam grunts in exasperation, but having realized the mechanics of the ruins, recalls himself back to its ball when priam lets another pokemon out.

"wicked blow!"

the urshifu comes out, feisty and excited to play. it gets cucked by the trick room when it ruins its momentum, but it doesn't need one. it just needs one good blow with its unseen fist.


  • route 4
  • priam talks with the voice in his head
  • alakazam goes back to its ball
  • urshifu uses wicked blow on registeel


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2021 21:00:01 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








TRICK ROOM provides the horrifically slow Stakataka with a much-needed boost in speed, but it proves to benefit their steely assailant in equal measure. Using the window of protection afforded by the bulwark that was his Ultra Beast companion, Gavin scrambles as far away from the rampaging titans as he can get.[break][break]

Palms damp with sweat, Gavin curls his fingers around the beast ball concealed in his pocket, fingers brushing against the alien material of the DARK FRAGMENT in the same motion.[break][break]

He doesn't want to release Lugia here. The corrupt legend had saved his life against Necrozma, might be inclined to do so again if he begged her aid, but the presence of in their small band stays his hand.[break][break]

Stakataka's formation bulges under Registeel's might as comes to their defense.[break][break]

Gavin gives him a sharp nod of thanks.[break][break]

"Reverse it!" he commands his Stakataka, seeing how the Trick Room slowed the Urshifu down. And then, in a panicked tone urged by the white glow of an explosion, "Wide guard!"[break][break]

Using its TRICK ROOM a second time in the hopes of reversing the shift in the air, Stakataka would then rearrange itself into a WIDE barrier in hopes of GUARDING against the incoming detonation.[break][break]

STAKATAKA is under the effects of MAGNET RISE. [3/5][break]
Gavin tries to get some distance from Registeel when Stakataka is protecting.[break]
STAKATAKA uses TRICK ROOM again to (hopefully) reverse its effects. (From Bublabpedia: Similar to Magic Room and Wonder Room, using Trick Room while it is already in effect will end it immediately.)[break]
STAKATAKA then uses WIDE GUARD to hopefully stop the explosion from killing them all.[break]
Gavin is grateful for 's assist, what a bro.[break]



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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2021 19:43:36 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

[newclass="#ANGELO"]--accent:#95a2b5; --image:url(;[/newclass]




was it everything you wanted to find


“... Hm. The two of you still have the time to flirt with each other, huh?”

What? Now not a good time?” He gravelly responds to , rebellious smile as dry as the sand that had nearly overfilled his lungs. [break][break]

After everything that had transpired within the chamber – since he’d first set foot in the ruins, even – having a stranger seek shelter with them is but dust on his shoulder. Annoying, at best. And yet her voice is pleasant in comparison to the high-pitched squeal that vibrates around his skull. [break][break]

A moment to take in a dusty breath, as they stand in the eye of the storm. [break][break]

Before it all crashes down around them.[break][break]

From all sides, focus seemingly falls upon himself and . The rock titan, … Their charging forms send fire furling down his veins, a red-hot instinctual drive that stabs through the fuzziness clouding his brain and the ringing in his ears. [break][break]

Back the fuck off!” There’s no singular focus as the courier snarls…[break][break]

But someone heeds the call. [break][break]

Smoke steams from the corroding patch where venom had splashed against its hardy shell but Roggenrola does not falter; recognition absent from the goliath as it stomps forward at Angelo’s indirect behest. [break][break]

Its looming shadow leaving him, Skyler and Katherine to take a defensive stance in front. IRON DEFENSE solidifying its body into a barricade. [break][break]

STONE EDGE splinters out of the ground like a forest of spikes, striking where the lumbering titan advances with violent velocity. A prison of rock spearing out of the Regirock’s Ruin in unison with the giant Metagross’s telekinetic powers, taking the opportunity to try and pincer it in place – temporarily or permanently.

We should move… You said you know that Metagross?” He squeezes Skyler’s wrist tight as the world quakes, anchoring. [break][break]




    [/b] [break][break]

    hi, [break]
    why r u running at us, ? :catto:[break][break]

    DYNA-ROGGENROLA steps in front between REGIROCK and angelo, uses IRON DEFENSE[break]
    DYNA-ROGGENROLA uses STONE EDGE, attempting to pincer down REGIROCK[break]
    DYNA-ROGGENROLA attacked alongside DYNA-METAGROSS'S TELEKINESIS[break][break]

    first roll sabotage, second roll luck ( +8 ) [/i][/ul][break][break]

    SABOTAGING (ily)



    [attr="class","dijitalccredit"]✭ dijit


    [newclass=".loveawrap"]width:450px; display:flex; flex-direction:column; background-color:#272727; border-bottom:25px solid var(--accent); border-top:25px solid var(--accent); margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:20px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;[/newclass]
    [newclass=".loveentra"]margin:40px; font-size:11px; font-family: roboto; line-height:14px; letter-spacing: .5px; color:#aaa; text-align:justify;[/newclass]
    [newclass=".loveentra b"]color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=".loveentraban"]height:150px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--accent) 0%, var(--accent) 90%), var(--image); background-blend-mode:color; background-size:450px; opacity:.8; display:flex; flex-direction:column;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=".loveentraban h5"]margin:0px; text-align:center; margin-bottom:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background-color:#72849d; padding:1px 6px; font-size:10px; color:#252525; text-transform:lowercase; margin-top:-7px;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=".dijitalccredit a"]font-size:8px; padding-top:5px; text-transform:uppercase; text-decoration:none;[/newclass]
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    played by


    dross, captain
    she, her
    august 17
    Lilycove, Hoenn
    sailor / treasure hunter
    nautica owner
    how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
    2,345 posts
    skyler dross DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @skyler
    skyler dross
    POSTED ON Sept 15, 2021 15:36:54 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar
    i have a need of crueler waves
    they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
    Alien beeping smothers her thoughts, echoing within her mind to the detriment of everything else. Even Katherine's arrival is met with a distracted glance.

    "...Oh. You're alive." The casually deadpan way in which the words are spoken seems to imply that the fact is a minor inconvenience, though it might've also been due to the screeching that blares loudly between her ears. 

    Skyler's given little time to react to it however, not when the chamber explodes with sudden hostility: Metagross (Ro?) comes crashing down, familiar figures descending soon after; edges along the chamber in their direction; and Regirock spins up into the air, heading towards them also.


    The heartfelt curse is followed by a crescendo of noise as she wills the Regirock away from them. Petty vengeance builds up within the sailor as she directs the colossus to attack 's Nihilego - not because of its trainer or the danger its presence brings, but due to flashing memories of murderous tentacles aboard the Sotally Tober in the Lilycove Warfront.

    's snarl is echoed in her own gritted teeth bared against all approaching threats. "Yeah, that's Lars' Metagross, Ro. Don't remember it being so big though." Copper floods her mouth when she speaks, and she quickly swallows it back down. 

    "We should move." Not only because everyone else seemed to find them apparently irresistible, but also because staying in one place would guarantee them no treasure. 

    t8gHXx1J (sabotage)

    -  hello, kat!
    - directs the regirock to attack katherine's nihilego instead of herself (lilycove warfront ptsd anyone?)
    -  sabotaging    :) 

    @ route 1 peeps i guess?  
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    played by


    the malevolent / kat
    twenty three
    october 7
    sootopolis city
    full-time bitch
    council member
    good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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    TAG WITH @katherine
    Katherine Fairburne
    POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 2:47:07 GMT
    Katherine Fairburne Avatar

    None could blame Katherine if she chose to wallow in doubt before making her exit, teleporting out of the tomb through the aid of Giratina’s boon. But Katherine, being Katherine, is incapable of pitying herself to such an extent.
    “It isn’t, actually. Can’t you see what we’re up against—”
    For a sliver of a moment, she too forgets. The Regirock however, still attuned to , does not. Its attention shifts to Katherine immediately with the arrival of her Nihilego - announcing that stage two of the elite four’s battle against the titan is about to begin.
    Fortunately, she is much more prepared this time.
    Not a request, but a demand. The Ultra Beast complies, a shimmering veil of protective energies engulfs the trio of trainers as the Regirock draws near. She does not confuse the current scene for an even playground, and it’s to that end that the PROTECT is called upon.
    They need to stall for time.
    But not too much.
    Her will compels the Ultra Beast to listen in the very same way happened to shift the titan’s focus from one target onto another. Katherine asks for its help, her hand extending towards one of the pokemon’s floating tentacles…
    “If you guys do plan to just watch,” she advises, “then stay out of my way.”
    She really had a way with words, didn’t she?
    The ULTRA BURST occurs as soon as contact is made. Her hand and Nihilego’s tentacle meet and a bright spectacle of lights blinds the room momentarily as their BATTLE BOND comes to fruition.
    From within Nihilego, unfortunately, she cannot share any more words. Enhanced by their combined power, she wordlessly directs the Ultra Beast to strike once more: performing a HEX that can only be carried out by the one, true malevolent.

    notes: [break][break]
    - nihilego protects against the attack[break][break]
    - nihilego and katherine have a freaky magical girl transformation. ultra burst takes place.[break][break]
    - nihilego attacks regirock with a hex. since regirock is poisoned, the move is more effective / deals double damage / whatever it does in a raid![break][break]
    - sabotage on [break][break]
    - using one salac for my own roll / luck roll

    [attr="class","ooc"] @regirock TOMB [break]


    [newclass=".katherine"]--accent:#963030; position:relative; [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine blockquote"]width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:13px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine blockquote b, .katherine blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) } .katherine blockquote b { font:13px 'Poppins'; font-weight:600;[/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine blockquote img"]filter:grayscale(1%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine blockquote img:hover { transition:0.6s all; filter:none [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:480px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; border-top:1px solid; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
    [newclass=".katherine .pkmnparty"]margin-top:-20px; text-align:center; } .katherine .pkmnparty img { filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.6s all; } .katherine .pkmnparty img:hover { filter:none; transition:0.6s all; [/newclass]

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    played by


    the good commissioner
    lilycove city
    league commissioner
    5'9" height
    5'9" height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    625 posts
    dahlia goode DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @dahlia
    dahlia goode
    POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 3:12:06 GMT
    dahlia goode Avatar
     when the kubfu hits the cave wall, dahlia's gasp is forced from her dry and painful. all sound is cut by fear's tapered fang, but her hand continues to move by itself. taking a pokeball from her waist after the dragonite's recall, she calls upon her mr. rime once again.

    "of course!" dahlia blurts back to . she begins to run, beckoning for her pokemon partner to follow. "cover him with a REFLECT! keep it on yourself and move along with him!"

    the mr. rime begins to skate across the cave floor, tapping its cane ahead of itself to forge a thin icy path (FREEZE-DRY) for it to dance across. one hand rises as it moves parallel to adrian, the squared shimmer of a REFLECT centered on its spread palm meant to defend them both.

    dahlia follows close behind, running with adrenaline boiling in her calves. her head still aches, throbbing as if a crown jewel was falling from its socket.

    CtHwYj57 (sabotage)[break]
    sabotage (H W T Z R!)[break][break]

    (+2 I THINK? KING LEFT?)

    [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"][break]

    - mr. rime skates alongside adrian malcolm and erects a REFLECT on its hand as a moving screen.
    - dahlia runs behind adrian.

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    May 24
    Sootopolis City
    Rocket Grunt
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    TAG WITH @razz
    Raziel Beckett
    POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 4:41:52 GMT
    Raziel Beckett Avatar


    It doesn't take long for Razz to assess the situation. He's been in the middle of chaos time and time again, not only in Kanto, but here in Hoenn be it his job or the war. Even at the site of the jellyfish like Ultra Beast Razz doesn't blink at it thanks to his own experience. Though he does recognize the actual problem in the room, and now that falling isn't an issue Razz is fine with letting the Buzzwole let loose. [break][break]


    with the BULK from the previous round definitely still having boosted him up Razz gives a whistle and Crimson knows what to do as he gets a running start before jumping up and delivering an ice upper cut with ICE PUNCH at the rock titan. After it flies around the Regirock as it punches it's fist together being the show off it was. The blood inside going green as it glows with energy as they could feel their trainer's energy flowing in them as Crimson used their Z-MOVE: SPACE JAM to strike down at the titan. [break][break]


    Razz has lost one Pokemon already, and he if could help prevent another loss he'll use it.

    T8kb1ieb | [break]
    Sabotage | Luck [break][break]



    + It doesn't take a genius to see that the large beyblade rock is the problem.
    [break]+ having been powered up with previous round BULK UP Buzzwole attacks
    [break]+ Buzzwole attacks from underneath with ICE PUNCH
    [break]+ Buzzwole would fly around and attack from above with the Z-Move: Space Jam
    BUZZWOLE: SPACE JAM - [break]
    buzzswole delivers a finishing punch that breaks through any defenses (ex. defensive boosts and screens). the shockwave from the strike disperses nearby entry hazards.

    + Sabotaging

    [googlefont=Hammersmith One]
    [newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=.leprosearlo1]margin:-14px 0px -9px 0px;background-color:#d35d59;color:#2b2b2b;text-align:center;font:10px Oswald;padding:5px 0px;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]·
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    AUGUST 12
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    TAG WITH @spiral
    POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 9:19:18 GMT
    SPIRAL Avatar

    [attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK




    ROUTE 4

    THE TRICK ROOM IS DISPELLED at the Underboss's command. It’s timing cuts things close but works impeccably in conjunction with Priam’s Urshifu. The Pokemon stumbles at the sudden distortion, picking up enough momentum to impale the Registeel with its WICKED BLOW.


    A single strike leaves a gaping hole in the golem, exposing an innards of gears and rusted bolts. This Pokemon is more machine than creature, a feeble imitation of the real thing. However, it still gives one last battle cry.


    REGI, GI, GI, GI!


    The machine stutters parting words before erupting in a blinding EXPLOSION.


    Gavin’s WIDE GUARD is the sole reason the two remain standing when the rubble settles down. They’re thrown back but otherwise unharmed as the chamber, rocks, and general surroundings are wiped from existence. Only the sound of displaced stone remains as their ears ring from the resulting blast.


    Soon after, a terrible SANDSTORM starts to bear down on them, revealing that they’re now exposed to the outside. They can see ’s Moltres landing several meters out.


    The STRANGE ARTIFACT remains in their custody.



    and may decide how to distribute ownership of the STRANGE ARTIFACT. Only one exists and must be under the primary ownership of ONE PERSON.


    Both of you will be tagged once the raid concludes with general rewards and an expanded section on any additional (if applicable) rewards.

    ROUTE 3

    THE BULGING BICEPS of their friendship proves resolute. The craggy canvas of the boulders may exact their toll—cuts and scraps that bleed Zac in his own filth. But the constant HEALING PULSE allows him to focus on what matters most: his fugger friend.



    Kazimir’s Urshifu, Domon, makes things look easy in comparison. The burly muscles of the fighting type finds no struggle as it climbs past both humans with Megalopolan in tow. It’s BULK UP renders it impervious, allowing the other two to escape shortly after.


    When everything settles and all five of them are free from danger, they’ll find themselves at a dead end. Further progress is impossible due to the MIND BLOWN and AEGIS IGNITION from earlier. The only option they have is to retrace their steps and exit with a surprise guest.


    and have saved the MEGALOPOLAN. You may create a research thread where you interact and converse with the MEGALOPOLAN from this point in time until the present. Feel free to ask for more details.


    Both of you will be tagged once the raid concludes with general rewards and an expanded section on any additional (if applicable) rewards.


    ADRIAN’S KUBFU comes around after a few squirts of his POTION. It may have been knocked down but it’s far from knocked out. The fighting type Pokemon circles around, looking to land an intense FOCUS PUNCH while its trainer tackles a different route.


    Dahlia’s Mr. Rime keeps pace. A brilliant spurt of FREEZE DRY allows the dancing maniac to cover the same ground while erecting a protective REFLECT between the two of them. The barrier shines with its typical translucent sheen, a sparse static wavering in small spots against its gloss.


    As that side of the room follows after the spinning Regirock, it is Lars who puts a stop to it. The TELEKINESIS from his Metagross holds the titanic golem in place. Psychic powers, enhanced by the DYNAMAX, prevents the Pokemon from colliding with Katherine, Skyler, or Angelo. But it remains in constant motion, spinning in place, and picking up a fearsome speed as its revolutions become faster.


    However, this prove problematic for Angelo. As the Roggenrola’s STONE EDGE spikes rise, they’re instantly severed like mown grass. A few land a direct blow between the Pokemon’s legs but those that extend past that become huge boulders that land across the chamber.


    have rolled 97 against [break]


    Several of which threaten to squash Adrian flat. The REFLECT may reduce their impact but the sheer size of these great stones still threaten to flatten him into a pancake. With his Kubfu veering off to strike, he’s left alone with only Dahlia’s Mr. Rime available to assist.


    Due to Lars’ assistance, the Regirock never makes direct contact with the trio. It remains spinning, buying Katherine enough time to enact her ULTRA BURST.


    When they combine, a purple HEX starts to manifest. Mystical energies pry at the golem’s joints, like an invasive liquid, looking to seep into the Pokemon’s body. Piece of the Pokemon break off as the attack worms its way inside but that’s the only telling sign the Regi is damaged.


    Meanwhile, a yellow spark flashes from its revolving body. Suddenly, a CHARGE BEAM erupts from each eye socket, each one tailing after Skyler’s target, the Nihilego. Try as they might, no matter how much they dodge or weave, these beams will lock onto their position, homing.



    Razz’s Buzzswole becomes an opportunist when it lands a swift ICE PUNCH against the Regirock. Soon after, the Pokemon is swatted away by its rotating arms, shrugging off the blow due to its BULKED UP muscles.


    The second go around with its Z-MOVE, SPACE JAM, allows Adrian’s Kubfu the chance to join in with its FOCUS PUNCH. The two physical attacks strike with enough force to break Lars’ TELEKINESIS, sending the Regirock crashing into the ground. When it lands, the impact is strong enough to dislodge several pieces of the chamber itself.


    STONE EDGE spikes erupt underneath Razz, Skyler, and Angelo (bottom three in luck). These pillars prove too large to impale the three trainers but threaten to batter, bruise, and provide enough blunt trauma to send them sprawling into the air.



    THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

    • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
    • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
    • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
    • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
    • 's ALAKAZAM cannot use FUTURE SIGHT unless it is targeting a specific target in combat.
    • 's TELEPORTATION will have a ONE POST cooldown that increases every time she uses it.
    • ' METAGROSS is no longer under the effect of MAGNET RISE.

    [attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?




    Pokemon exposed to DYNERGY transform in a process called DYNAMAX.[break][break]

    • This transformation lasts the entirety of the thread.
    • The Pokemon drastically increases in size.
    • The increase in size makes the Pokemon stronger and more durable.
    • When the Pokemon’s health drops below half it will discharge an aura of DYNERGY that significantly reduces the damage from the next FIVE UNIQUE ATTACKS.
    • After the aura is destroyed, the Pokemon may use any applicable Z-move. This does not count for toward your one Z-move per thread limit.
    • Some Pokemom may be unable to process DYNERGY. Dynamax Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve.


    ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

    • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
    • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
    • Only TRUE PATH has the ability to sabotage or be sabotaged due to the incoming conclusion of the other routes.
    • Characters in TRUE PATH can post early for a modifier to their LUCK roll. They will gain +2 to their roll for EVERY other character in TRUE PATH that has not posted.
    • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
    • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
    • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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    he / him / his
    july 26
    alto mare, johto
    don’t know, don’t care
    ranger & courier
    ex-head ranger
    is gonna be the loneliest
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    nessuno vince.
    3,860 posts
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    TAG WITH @lars
    Laurence Anderson
    POSTED ON Sept 22, 2021 17:06:14 GMT
    Laurence Anderson Avatar

    Okay, so it was a—

    It worked, somewhat, but the chaos breaking out caused him to look around wildly—thank fuck he noticed that the Telekinetic force had somehow put a temporary stop to the spinning rock kaiju Beyblade Pokémon, for now.

    Attacks were assaulting it from all sides, therefore there was something happening—with a loud crashing noise, it fell to the ground with a thudding, shaking gesture.

    It almost sent Lars to his knees as well, too.

    “Fuck,” he groaned, leaning on Ro’s silver leg to secure his balance. “Geez, what the actual fuck,” he grumbled as he steadied himself once more.

    He was tempted to drop a Rock Slide around the area, however since the—thing—was also made of rock it was going to be basically nullified.

    “Try to hit it!” he continued, forcing his legs to steady themselves as the Metagross lumbered forward, raising one of its legs and preparing to bring it down in a Meteor Mash attack.

    Just in case, a secondary blast of Psychic erupted around the spinning rock thing (he didn’t know what the hell it was) to hold it down in case it started spinning again.

    • The Telekinetic force breaks, whoops
    • The Metagross lumbers forward, size permitting, before attempting to drop a Meteor Mash on the Regirock
    • As a secondary precaution, Metagross used Psychic to hold the Regirock down further

    +2 to his roll (times idk how many? Since I came first)

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    played by


    angel, rogue bastard
    he / him
    july 21st
    alto mare, johto
    nautica owner
    starblood ✦
    2,384 posts
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    TAG WITH @angelo
    angelo vestri
    POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 11:54:18 GMT
    angelo vestri Avatar

    [newclass="#ANGELO"]--accent:#95a2b5; --image:url(;[/newclass]




    was it everything you wanted to find


    To reconvene with the Head Ranger or find a way out of the chamber on their own – safety in numbers or a greater share of treasure – those are the suggestions that balance precariously on the tip of Angelo’s tongue. [break][break]

    So close to being uttered, had the stone beneath himself and not suddenly erupted in thorns of tor – splintering them apart. [break][break]

    Instead, only a grunt of pain scarcely escapes between teeth ground together, metallic suddenly coating the roof of his mouth as the Stone Edge rams against his ribs. For a moment, Angelo is unsure whether the crack that vibrates through him is a noise originating from deep within his bones or from the world, falling apart.[break][break]

    It takes Auriga catching him for the courier to realise it was him. The impact of the Dragonite saving him once more sending a crackling pain up his ribs, turning a breath already short from a lungful of sand strained. Difficult.[break][break]

    Riding his bike is going to be a bitch… [break][break]

    Get Sky.” Is all he can wheeze, his voice far quieter than he intended as a dusty palm clutches his side. Like the action would keep him from crumbling apart like the stones that get in the titan’s way. [break][break]

    And yet, as Auriga flies towards where Angelo had last seen the sailor, aiming to catch her before she hit the ground, his gaze momentarily locks onto the raging stone titan from their vantage point. [break][break]

    Blues burning near as brightly as the beams that rip from its face, focusing through the grinding of mechanical beeping in his brain, crackling bones and the attention that he and Skyler had attracted. [break][break]

    All of it, like he’d snarled earlier, needed to fuck off – or stop.




      [/b] [break][break]

      gets hit by the stone edge. ow, ribs.[break]
      dragonite catches angelo.[break]
      dragonite goes to catch skyler, too.[break][break]

      COMMANDING REGIROCK TO STOP.[break][break]

      first roll sabotage, second roll luck ( + 10? ) [/i][/ul][break][break]




      [attr="class","dijitalccredit"]✭ dijit


      [newclass=".loveawrap"]width:450px; display:flex; flex-direction:column; background-color:#272727; border-bottom:25px solid var(--accent); border-top:25px solid var(--accent); margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:20px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentra"]margin:40px; font-size:11px; font-family: roboto; line-height:14px; letter-spacing: .5px; color:#aaa; text-align:justify;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentra b"]color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentra a"]color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentra u"]color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentraban"]height:150px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--accent) 0%, var(--accent) 90%), var(--image); background-blend-mode:color; background-size:450px; opacity:.8; display:flex; flex-direction:column;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentraban h1"]margin:0px; margin-top:auto; font-size:30px; color:#272727; text-align:center; text-transform:uppercase!important;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".loveentraban h5"]margin:0px; text-align:center; margin-bottom:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background-color:#72849d; padding:1px 6px; font-size:10px; color:#252525; text-transform:lowercase; margin-top:-7px;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".dijitalccredit"]width:380px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;[/newclass]
      [newclass=".dijitalccredit a"]font-size:8px; padding-top:5px; text-transform:uppercase; text-decoration:none;[/newclass]
      The Shula Region
      Hogwarts AU
      RPG Unlimited
      The Enroi Region
      Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP