i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 5:41:59 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





INTENTIONS TO PROTECT means the Head Ranger is the first to touch the energy. When his hand makes contact, nothing happens. The same is apparent with Razz. Both rangers watch as electric flashes surge into their body, harmless, phasing through them as if they weren’t there.

But Ro? The moment the energy touches the Pokemon it stands to expand. Its body bursts in several places, slowly morphing into a much larger version of itself. Even Lars is pushed off as the Pokemon swells too large to fit.


Even with the MAGNET RISE the Pokemon becomes too large for the chamber to contain. It’s very foundation starts to crumble, walls caving in, tremors shaking. It’s weight causes the ground to come loose. It give out underneath them.

This path has now combined into TRUE PATH.


THERE IS A REASON the prisoner pushes them to kill. To underestimate a Megalopolan is to court death itself. Unlike the Ultra Beast they will come to know, the potency of one fresh from Ultra Space is unlike anything else in this world. To think that it can be defended against, much less stopped, discounts the impact the one from Slateport has.


Kazimir’s KING’S SHIELD holds up at first but the impact of the blast shatters it like glass. His Aegislash is valiant, stalwart despite the attack eroding at it’s defenses. The king stands tall despite the alien coup. However, a king is only one person. It cannot hope to protect his allies. Only Kazimir, and the prisoner due to his proximity, will find shelter behind the crumbling shield.


Pick one:

  • Kazimir will suffer permanent burn injuries. These are small in size but are scattered over his body. For reference, refer to Zuko from Avatar or Endeavor from Boku no Hero.
  • Kazimir’s Aegislash dies defending them from Blacephalon.


Protect your world,” the prisoner begs weakly from behind him. The raw energy of the MIND BLOWN burns at his clothes. They don’t catch on fire but they reveal the Megalopolan underneath.


Your world is truly beautiful…


Stormy’s attempt at withstanding the blast is met with more success. The power of her Z-move, AEGIS IGNITION, holds up with the fortitude of Galar’s royal guards. As they remain behind it then so too will they find security from the lethal attack. Her idea to run is the single smartest idea made among anyone who has ever dared step foot onto these hollowed grounds.


Their escape is paved by Zac’s Steelix. Should Stormy and him turn back, running outside is certain an option. However, Zac’s quick thinking force him to stay his ground. A SAND TOMB binds the Megalopolan but moving anywhere except away from the scene keep them within the blast radius.


Both Megalopolans, Blacephalon, and the very tunnel they stand within get decimated from the blast. Nothing is left. No blood, no bones, and not even stone.


Well, that’s not all true. There might be smidges of them left but they’re given only a second before an encore repeats itself. The second part of AEGIS IGNITION reflects the attack back, causing the entire buildings foundation to start to collapse.


Stormy is safe.


Zac is blown back, hurt, but nothing he won’t shrug off with time. The Beast Ball is ripped from his hand by the shockwave of the attack, shattered into pieces.


But Kazimir?


have rolled 134 against [break]


Separate from his allies, the only hero able to safeguard the prisoner will find the two of them buried in the rubble. There is no escape from the cave-in, a small mountain worth of boulders waiting to squish them into pancakes. Kazimir might be strong and quick enough to escape inward but the prisoner is not. Do Pokkenger heroics extend to aliens?


Pick one:

  • Kazimir will break two limbs. He will make a full recovery but two limbs of his choice will be broken for the rest of this thread.
  • The prisoner dies.


Regardless of his actions, he will remain with the prisoner, isolated by the wall of rubble that coincidentally creates a small enough pocket for them to avoid being flattened entirely.


It is up to Stormy and Zac to decide how to proceed. Do they dig him up, or look for help.


Either of your characters may leave this route to join ROUTE 1. Your character will end up in the main chamber at the end of the next mod post.


THE RAMBLES OF A MADMAN echo within the chamber. Priam’s declaration sits unanswered while the others stare in awe. It isn’t until he touches the relic that the voice comes back in stereo.


I’m up! I’m up! What do you want?” Heat surges through his veins as the spirit coinhabits his soul. “Oh? What’s this?


Flames that possess no heat get siphoned from his body. They fill the souvenir causing it to light up in glows of orange and red. This power, once thought lost, causes the map Gavin leans on to come to life.


Each idol starts to crumble. Somewhere else, Regidrago’s chamber will open, left to be discovered in an excursion. Elsewhere, other temples slowly give way to those that discover well hidden entrances. As for their guardians, another source of power will have to pulse them with new life.


Alakazam’s FUTURE SIGHT is set into motion. The temple’s distortions causes the psychic attack to misfire. It doesn’t implode on them but the attack is lost somewhere within the ruin’s leylines.


In your next post, list a separate ooc SABOTAGE victim for your FUTURE SIGHT. You may target any character that is not in ROUTE 3. You may no longer use FUTURE SIGHT unless Alakazam targets a specific opponent.


Uh oh. I don’t think that was supposed to happen.” Doubt fills Priam’s head, shared emotions conveying the predicament they will soon find themselves in. “Okay… I am watching. I believe in you!


have rolled 186 against [break]

have rolled 136 against [break]


The artificial statues of the Regis come to life. Each of their dots scramble in unknown patterns before they start to turn on Cait and Gavin.


Regice aims its arms and fires an ICE BEAM with an intensity that rivals ’ Articuno.


Registeel levitates forward, looking to crush the underboss with the strength of in his avatar prime.


Priam, the unknowing perpetrator of this chaos, is unaffected.


A TRICK MASTER IN THE MAKING, Mateo undoes the bind to the chandeliers without knowing what they do. The awkward pause between him and his Lucario downplay the significance of his actions. Among those he releases, one exhibits a sturdy enough rope for both him and his Pokemon to use to descend. Time for a dynamic entrance!


Down below, out of his view, Adrian and Dahlia enter the chamber despite being worse for wear. Their risking taking leads to an impeccable timing. For every action has consequences.



Some of the chandeliers line up exactly with their location. Adrian, still dizzy from his injuries, is unable to evade the rocky fixture that pelts him in the face. Dahlia’s and her Dragonite don’t see it coming as well. Theirs lands straight from above.


Due to the low and similar values of your rolls (27, 28) decide amongst yourselves which character sustains which injury:
  • A concussion that will be referenced on and off for the duration of the thread.
  • A black eye, broken nose, and busted lip.


POINTED AGGRESSION finds its way to the avatar of death. Rather than reside and rule over the phenomenon, it seems like Adrian is made to embrace it. The moment he recovers enough from his injuries to be anything short of blacked out, the Regirock stirs.


It may not be Necrozma. Nor will many consider it as potent as Yveltal or Giratina. But here, in this tomb, Regirock is a God unequal.


Angelo’s wish is it’s command. Adrian, with his SHINIGAMI EYES, will be able to see a binding tether of light between Regirock, Angelo, and Skyler. What that means, he can only assume, but the implication should be obvious for the one who can see the unseen.


The obelisk of a Pokemon lumbers forward with an impressive speed. It swings its mighty pillar arms with impunity, crushing ground and flesh alike. Its strike will leave a devastating crater in the ground, deep enough to create a small basement in its wake.



The attack misses, narrowly, but the impact will launch Adrian, Dahlia, and Katherine a few feet into the air. Despite their distance and separation, the Pokemon’s wingspan is impressive enough that a single wide-arc swing is enough to send all of them flying should they have no answer for the two-hit combo.


It is at this time that the others join them. Should Mateo descend, he will find his place in the chamber, able to join in combat. But there is still people above even him.



have rolled 215 against [break]


The roof crumbles from the weight of a DYNAMAXED Metagross. Lars and Razz find themselves among the debris, in free fall several dozen meters above. They both will have time to bring out a Pokemon to stop their fall. However, for some unknown reason, Lar’s Pokeballs won’t work. Might have something to do with his Metagross.


Unfortunately, all three of them, along with several fragments of the roof are slated to land right on top of Katherine. Uncanny timing from two separate dangers means she will not have the time or space to get out of the way from both those above and Regirock.


Her WISH reinvigorates her enough to recognize the catch-22. It feels more potent in the throes of danger. Adrenaline, along with Giratina’s influence, push her to perform at a higher level.


Those in TRUE PATH should now roll in addition to their SABOTAGE roll. The second roll will determine their LUCK. These values will be tracked by the moderator. [break][break]

The larger the discrepancy between your accumulated LUCK and another character’s the more successful your battle endeavors will be. This will be treated as a slight modifier and should not be relied on for best results.


's Metagross and 's Roggenrola* are considered DYNAMAX Pokemon. Refer to the bottom of this post for more details.
Roggenrola will act as Angelo's Pokemon. This does not count toward the 'only one Pokemon may be out at a time' rule.


THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
  • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.
  • 's ALAKAZAM cannot use FUTURE SIGHT unless it is targeting a specific target in combat.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?




Pokemon exposed to DYNERGY transform in a process called DYNAMAX.[break][break]

  • This transformation lasts the entirety of the thread.
  • The Pokemon drastically increases in size.
  • The increase in size makes the Pokemon stronger and more durable.
  • When the Pokemon’s health drops below half it will discharge an aura of DYNERGY that significantly reduces the damage from the next FIVE UNIQUE ATTACKS.
  • After the aura is destroyed, the Pokemon may use any applicable Z-move. This does not count for toward your one Z-move per thread limit.
  • Some Pokemom may be unable to process DYNERGY. Dynamax Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve.


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Characters in TRUE PATH can post early for a modifier to their LUCK roll. They will gain +2 to their roll for EVERY other character in TRUE PATH that has not posted. For example, the first poster will gain +12, the second +10.
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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333 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 6:04:31 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]mateo and lucario were planning to use the rope to go down. though, thankfully, they would come to a halt upon hearing something from above. with lucario's sharp hearing it would lightly push mateo back from using the rope as a way to descend into the battle. a large group descent would be seen as they all fell from heaven.

"were those kaiju pokemon!?" he said in awe. surprised by the unexpected. "maybe we should give it a bit before going down there." he didn't wanna deal with that.

note: sabotaging
- staying put b/c why not c:

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 4:00:18 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


he could feel heat envelop him as the explosion ate them up. the phantasmal shield around them started to crack, pieces of it flew off and vanished as it grew smaller and smaller. for a moment kazimir had accepted that he was a goner, he barely even noticed the crack forming around the aegislash's body or the prisoner's alien skin exposing itself when the whole room went white and he was thrown back.
a ringing was all he could hear as his vision started to return and he was met with the sight of pebbles raining down from above on the ceiling. he raised up his aegislash to try and block any from hitting him only to see that something was wrong with it. its blade was snapped in half and the eye in its hilt was closed and its cloth arms limp. even the shield on his arm suddenly loosened its hold and slipped off to clatter agianst the floor as kazimir sat up to inspect his pokemon, the realization of its current state slowly dawning on him.
"oathkeeper? hey...hey c'mon. c'mon don't..don't g-" out of the corner of his eye he could see it, the robes of the prisoner slipping off and revealing the alien underneath. kazimir stared at them. his grip tightened on the hilt of the broken blade as his eyes burned holes through the person he just protected.
then CRACK, a boulder landed next to him. snapping him out of his trance he looked up to see the ceiling suddenly collapse over the prisoner. kazimir's body suddenly moved on its own, this guy was part of the people that attacked them. so why was he here as a prisoner? why was kazimir climbing over him and propping himself between him and the stones that fell onto his back. he couldn't say. all he could say was that pokkenger didn't let someone be crushed under his watch even if they were cannibalistic aliens.
as the rubble buried the both of them kazimir kept his body strong and firm and held his breath as he could feel his leg suddenly be crushed by a boulder and a rock tear into his shoulder and splashing blood against stone as he fell onto the megalopolan but kept pushing himself to his hands and knees to try and not help them suffocate under him as well as a falling ceiling. soon the both of them were deep in rubble but kazimir was still standing, or still on his hands and knees and locked eyes with the megalopolan, seeing one up close for the first time in a long time. "hey...ya kind of a looker too y'know...don't worry. just...give me a sec. i'll get us outta a bit." still despite his show of strength he couldn't move a muscle without rubbing against rock. all he could do was wait till the rest of his limbs gave out, still he would try to push himself out of the rubble all while firmly grasping the body of his aegislash. "c'mon oath...give me strength...give me your strength one more time."

[attr="class","notez"]notes: + rip kaz's starter </3[break]
+ kaz sacrifices his left arm and right leg for the prisoner[break]
+ kaz tries to push himself out of the rocks![break]
+ sabotage roll on
template by kay

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 4:58:04 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]







[attr=class,bulk]Gavin's amber gaze shifts to as she addresses him. There's something like annoyance in her tone, but he chalks it up to frustration from the situation they've all been thrust into. He's feeling a little tense, too.[break][break]

"Scientists," he replies, with no hint of venom. It isn't exactly a lie; it had been truth, once. "Cavalli. Brought Conrad for assistance in studying the ruins above. You can figure the rest, I'm sure. We've met, actually—"[break][break]

He tenses as the map he leans against stirs to unnatural life. Whatever else he'd been about to say is lost to alarm as he steps back. A grinding of ancient stones heralds the danger of chambers meant to be unopened, and wide eyes turn to the likeness of the titan Registeel as it begins to move.[break][break]

Oh, fuck.[break][break]

Gavin whistles, sharp.[break][break]

"Trick Room, Protect!"[break][break]

There would, hopefully, be a shift in the energy of the ROOM as the TRICKY Ultra Beast mobilizes in its master's defense. Levitating much as Registeel did, the literal wall that was Stakataka takes up a PROTECTIVE position before Gavin.[break][break]



STAKATAKA is under the effects of MAGNET RISE. [2/5][break]
GAVIN responds to with a lie before freaking the fuck out about Registeel.[break]



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
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6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 11:17:26 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 they'd arrived just in time to die in classic hoennian fashion.

maladjusted to the strangely perilous inner mechanisms of the ruins, dahlia and he suffered quite a tumble, with a chandelier bashing him across his smug mug before the ruin cascaded into itself, causing a convergence of paths that landed them all smack dab in the middle of some ancient golem's personal sex dungeon.

because they were all about to get fucked hard.

adrian is pancaked against the earth after a harrowing descent into his own personal corner tartarus. after a few passing moments his bruised, battered face and busted lip wearily lift, his chin hovering over the ground shakily as he watches the monolithic creature bounding towards them with broad, lumbering movements that appeared deceptively sluggish. even as its lengthened gait brought it perilously close it seemed so surreal, its upraised fist filling the ruin's cavity before it slammed down, rocking the ruins all around them, upending them from the ground they tread upon.

sure he noticed the tether, but the physical golem itself was more worrisome.

during the aforementioned tumult starmie returns to its pokeball via FLIP TURN, though adrian does not register the exchange, or recognize the kubfu standing betwixt regirock and himself before the realization is too late. he recalls the tragedy befallen howitzer.

not again. not like this.

seeing the little cub step boldly forward crushed him, knowing it was he alone that had inspired such flagrant naivety, even if brave. but the pokemon, perhaps leaning on the wushu martial arts bestowed upon it by birth, acted with such chilling determination as to leave one questioning whether it knew fear: striking a pose in its preferred style, kubfu sizes up the regirock's imminent attack with DETECT, before executing COUNTER to oppose the regirock's fist with an equally wicked blow in direct opposition...

in a perfect world they may have cancelled out. but this was regi's world.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
FLIP TURN returns STARMIE during their descent!
? ? ? is released during ADRIAN's plummet!
KUBFU's INNER FOCUS prevents it from flinching in terror at REGIROCK!
KUBFU uses DETECT to size up the opposing REGIROCK!
KUBFU uses COUNTER as an equalizer against REGIROCK's attack!
ADRIAN's gut sinks as he prays that KUBFU survives the ordeal.
[break]luck (+8*)
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 20, 2021 14:56:33 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


    Explosion, collapse, tumble, SMACK, and then a few moments of numb stillness as the pain came rushing in to Zac's body. He and REM had been tossed down the hallway by the explosion, but thankfully everyone was safe. Zac groaned as he pulled his eyes open, grinning at Stormy and Kaz-

    Kazimir was gone.

    Zac pulled himself up, numb hands gripping the red-smeared rock wall as he looked around for his friend. "Kaz?" He asked, hoping that his blonde buddy was just hiding somewhere for a hilarious prank. "Where are you mate?" Zac shouted, and he looked over at Stormy.

    ...Kazimir was gone.

    The tunnel behind them had collapsed entirely. Pillar, wall, and ceiling had come together in a stunning display of unity to completely block the passage. Zac saw no sign of Kazimir in the rubble. No chunk of blonde hair, no muffled cry for help, and no limp hand poking melodramatically from underneath a fallen chunk of ceiling.

    Kazimir was gone.

    Zac gripped the nearest block and heaved it away, clearing a tiny divot in the scree. "REM. Lock-on to Kaz," Zac said. The Flygon's eyes darted around, looking for something to lock on to. Its expert eyes found nothing. REM landed, pressing its sensitive hands and wings against the rocks. The pile shuddered as Zac pulled away another piece, but there was no movement within. "Lock-on mate! He's in there!" Flygon sniffed at the rocks. He smelled dry death and wet iron. Blood, sulfur and clay. He licked the rock. Nothing.
    Zac pried his fingers underneath a huge slab of ceiling, heaving it through the sand and away from the pile. "Lock-on! You know where he was now FIND HIM!" Zac shouted, his voice soaking into the sand.
    REM looked at his trainer. The Flygon shuddered, filled with contained energy. He wanted to help. Wanted to find Kazimir. But there was nothing left of him.

    Kazimir was gone.

    There are few things more powerful than friendship. It cuts through barriers of space, time, and stone. It transcends distance and disaster. It links people intangibly, as if they were joined by an unbreakable thread. Kazimir was gone. Hidden under a hundred tonnes of collapsed temple. But Zac was still there. And as REM struggled to Lock-On to some remnant of Kazimir, he found one. He found Zac.

    REM used Lock-On on Zac and Kazimir's bond.

    The Flygon's red eyes flickered between the redhead and the red rocks, following the thick, crimson thread that linked Zac to Kaz, even if the latter was buried deep underground.
    REM buzzed, and darted over to the pile. The crimson thread phased straight through one of the rocks. "You found him?" Zac asked, voice hard and brittle, like weakened steel. "Where? Show me?" REM tapped the rock and Zac heaved it away. To the Flygon's eyes the line of thread stretching further inwards, straight through another fallen chunk.
    "Stormy! REM's found him! Let's go!"

    We're comin mate. You're not gone yet.


  • Flygon used Lock-on on Zac and Kazimir's bond
  • Zac started digging

NOTES: Using my sabotage on  <3

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 20, 2021 15:59:14 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he hears none of 's or 's words. the voice on his head fills his mind, even up to his idle thoughts. the rocket hones in on it instead of his surroundings, continuing the deranged conversation.

"what do you mean 'not supposed to happen'?!" he questions the voice. "what's the thing that's supposed to happen?"

he looks at the artifact on his hand, unable to find the difference of it now and before. his panic subsides for a bit as he notices the searing sensation from his legendary mark to be dissipate, though priam doesn't connect it with him getting in contact with the relic just yet.

"and what do you mean 'i believe in you'?" he asks. in a more sinister tone, he leans onto the relic and asks the voice as if personifying it with the object on his hand. "tell me, is there something you're expecting me to do?"

the alakazam finds itself agitated when he hears the sound of attacks go off from behind him. its nature as a shadow pokemon starts to manifest in aggression and blood lust. as soon as it reaches priam, it turns around, firing off a focus blast on each of the regis.

if there was a battle going on, he's not going to let himself get left out of the party.



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 20, 2021 22:50:08 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]


[attr=class,charname accenttext]

[break]“Yeah – ah, shit – yeah, I can hear it.” [break][break]

Apparently, they both could, given how ’s face scrunches in a near mirror image of his own. There was little chance to question the high-pitched squeals in his head, however, when the world around them strains and tremors as if the ruins themselves seemed to take a shuddering breath. Life exploding. [break][break]

With a lumbering gait that feels like dynamite detonating the floor below, Angelo’s feet having to shift and his muscles tensing to brace through the quake, the once sleeping golem suddenly surges forwards towards the other ruin explorers on the opposite side of the chamber. [break][break]

Very much awake and very much filled with aggressive intent. [break][break]

Dust and sand whip up from the momentum but even though a pang of concern snaps in his chest, their plight does little to detract Angelo’s attention when an ominous cracking sound materialises like thunder from up above.[break][break]

What’s before him is a hundred times more important than them… [break][break]

Get back!”[break][break]

Fingers snatch out, snagging around Skyler’s arm and yanking her roughly towards himself as debris begins to cascade. Angelo protectively pulling the captain as the slabs of crumbling ceiling smash against the chamber floor, stepping back with his companion against his side until a shadow consumes them. [break][break]

From the doorway he’d slipped through, an impressively large Roggenrola had lingered behind, only to waddle forward as the carnage began. Now, it towers over Angelo and Skyler, shielding them from above like a giant canopy. Unflinching as slabs of rock slam against its back. [break][break]

It’s single ear, looming over them like an all-seeing eye, seems to be focused quite intently in Skyler’s direction. [break][break]

Angelo doesn’t notice, blue eyes focused on falling rubble instead. On the swinging Regirock on the opposite side of the room. [break][break]

Don’t think we'll find any treasure for us to fight over here,” his voice, rough from sand scratches, is about as dry as the twinge of humour laced into the seriousness of their situation. This chamber seemed fucked, however... “But that thing can’t be here for nothing, right? Got to be someth– You see that?” [break][break]

Falling from above, was that a flash of silver? [break][break]

In a beam of light, SCIZOR is replaced for DRAGONITE. Although she looks a little weary around the edges of her eyes, Auriga floats into the air to scout from up above, body aglow with DRAGON DANCE to avoid the raining debris… Looking for threats, exits or anything he'd missed.

ELHSt2G| ( sabotage )
( luck +6* )



true path;

    [/i][/b] uses DRAGON DANCE to evade rocks and scope the scene from above[break][break]

    - sabotaging [/ul]




    template by punki

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    [newclass=.punkihopecredit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    dross, captain
    she, her
    august 17
    Lilycove, Hoenn
    sailor / treasure hunter
    nautica owner
    how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
    2,345 posts
    skyler dross DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @skyler
    skyler dross
    POSTED ON May 21, 2021 17:55:44 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar
    i have a need of crueler waves
    they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
    Coarse grains of sand meet her calloused fingertips as Angelo tugs her to him and away from a crumbling chamber, dragging her back to a tunnel carved into the rock. A deep groan reverberates from the depths of the earth like some primal deity rising from its slumber, but Skyler scarcely pays it any mind. High pitched shrieking has her hissing in pain, the palms of her hands rising up instinctually to her ears in a hopeless attempt to block out the sound. 

    Ahead, the rock titan rises up from its position, surging in sudden movement towards some of the other explorers. Skyler inhales sharply at the gnashing of rock against rock, echoed in her bones. And for a moment she can feel the hiss of wind on rock, eroding edges over the surface of her rock-skin-bone-

    There is little thought given to the way her silver eyes flicker towards the intruders, instinctually fixating on the only one she recognizes: the woman from before ( ). There is no conscious decision to attack, but a subtle shift of focus gathers behind her thoughts, tethered to the Regirock. 

    Fingers tighten painfully around Angelo's arm, protectiveness rising with sharpened teeth. The strange juxtaposition of flesh and rock fades to a corner of Skyler's mind.

    Her head is pounding. "Fuck." She takes a step back into Angelo, pushing him further away from the crumbling ceiling - and in doing so finding herself the recipient of a giant Roggenrola's stare. 

    Inevitably Skyler stares back, stubborn to a fault. "That your friend?" She asks Angelo, not missing the Roggenrola's protective stance. The faint shadow of a smirk pulls at the corner of her mouth. "Thanks, cutie."

    The courier's words draw her attention to the gleam of silver emerging from between the cracks in the ceiling. Is that- it couldn't be, could it?

    "Is that - Ro?" She'd recognize that shiny Metagross anywhere.

    Erac8F2R (sabotage)
    +4 (luck) 

    - is pulled to safety by angelo
    - cue headache inducing mental link to regirock
    - shifts regirock's focus to because she's a frightening ghostly entity sky isn't too sure about 
    - recognizes the metagross as 's 
    - sabotaging

    @ route 1 peeps i guess?  
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    played by


    the malevolent / kat
    twenty three
    october 7
    sootopolis city
    full-time bitch
    council member
    good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
    2,258 posts
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    TAG WITH @katherine
    Katherine Fairburne
    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 4:04:04 GMT
    Katherine Fairburne Avatar


    The number of beings in the world that could attest to having survived the ire of both Space and Time are far and few between. Among them, or perhaps even the single member who belonged to this exclusive group, stands Giratina. Tall, proud, and almighty. The god of antimatter answers not to time, and not to space.

    It answers to itself.

    And its vassal shall, too.

    The rejuvenating WISH does enough to charge Katherine with energy and heal her to a certain extent, but it’s far from enough to make her forget about the pain. It sears underneath her skin, phantom pains surging within her akin to sparkes left by a thunderstrike.

    Within moments, the approaching danger becomes apparent. Both Regirock and the debris falling from above, an assault from different directions - one that Katherine acknowledges as an obstacle she can’t naturally overcome.

    But is anything natural about a god?

    Faster than light, a fleeting shadow consumes the woman as she evaporates into thin air. For what seems like a moment, Katherine disappears completely and leaves her pokemon behind. She reappears, afterward, near both Angelo and Skyler. A SHADOW FORCE carries her into the protective domain of the couple.

    “... Hm. The two of you still have the time to flirt with each other, huh?” She was rightfully pissed about the Titan still targeting her, but if it so pleased, then she will lead it to different targets time after time.

    Even at the risk of her own life.

    Florges, obviously, is not as fortunate as its trainer. It is left to tend to itself as the debris fall and the titan strikes. If it miraculously survives the grave danger that comes with being one of ’s pokemon, then it will be recalled back to its Pokeball. A different Pokeball is found by her hand then, retrieved in a rush to replace her fallen (or dead?) Pokemon. From within it, a creature of an unfamiliar realm - world - emerges. A shiny Nihilego escapes from the confines of the device, floating aimlessly inside the chamber.


    “Don’t disappoint me.”

    The Ultra Beast acts, releasing a mighty SLUDGE WAVE with the intention of BADLY POISONING anyone who comes into contact with its toxin. Unfortunately, that includes some of the woman’s allies. Known for friendly fire, as could attest, Katherine focuses on challenging the titan rather than protecting others.

    Nihilego’s BEAST NEUROTOXIN ability will ensure that even the mightiest of titans - a behemoth - will succumb to its poison. And that’s all that matters.


    ☆ florges dies (?) or is koed and recalled. I'm fine with either or, but i will most likely acknowledge the death later / have kat see the body later if it's dead.
    ☆ uses giratina's power to teleport away - from both the debris and the titan. she reappears near and , hoping to be protected by them (even if indirectly) for just a short while.
    ☆ releases nihilego
    ☆ nihilego uses sludge wave! BEAST NEUROTOXIN should allow it to badly poison any pokemon (regardless of type / success chance).

    ☆ sabotage on

    [attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

    [newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]·
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    played by


    stormy, bronwen
    she / her
    july 25
    saffron city, kanto
    elite four
    avatar of moltres
    1350 height
    1350 height
    if you could only see the beast you've made of me
    3,978 posts
    Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @stormy
    Stormy Silph
    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 4:31:33 GMT
    Stormy Silph Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]




    ruins of regirock

    if you could only see the beast

    you've made of me


    She had provided them a window, but that window had slammed shut. She alone remains unscathed in the aftermath, though her legs tremble and her voice is meek. Pain from anticipation, from holding her breath, from clenching her jaw send the first signs of a migraine. [break][break]

    Self-preservation tells her that she should keep running. But a bleeding heart prevents her from following through.[break][break]

    And when she turns around, she witnesses her Aegislash's recoil blast take out the ceiling. It crashes down around them and she is the only one fortunate enough to not be in the blast zone. Kazimir, however, along with the prisoner he had been trying to save, are buried beneath the rubble. [break][break]

    "No! Kazimir!"[break][break]

    Raw panic leaves her outcry hoarse. Gravel crunches beneath her boot as she turns to run back. Zac is already at the pile, ordering his Pokemon to lock-on. Everything feels like it's slowed to a crawl. Her heartbeat thuds painfully in her chest, her fingernails dig into the dirt and rock. It hurts, but not more than the crushing grief, the panic, the fear that grips her.[break][break]

    She moves on adrenaline and desperation alone. But she isn't strong enough. She's so tired. These rocks, the pillars, the ceiling is too heavy.[break][break]

    "I-I can't do it. I can't lift it! I'm not fucking strong enough!"[break][break]

    She screams these words, sobbing as her hands slip against the debris, as she bashes her elbow on the edge of something sharp. Tears are wiped away angrily before she dives back in. Her Aegislash is forgotten for the moment, but is presumed safe outside of the rubble. It, however, feels immense regret for the catastrophic damage it had helped cause.[break][break]

    "Kazimir, I'm coming! Just- just hold on, okay? Please, just hold on!"[break][break]

    Knowing that she is of no use to him struggling out here, Stormy gets to her feet to stare back down the tunnel.[break][break]

    "I.. Zac, I'm going to find help. I have to go find help."[break][break]

    Stormy, breathless, exhausted, and terrified, makes a run for the route 1 path. She calls out for help, praying to Arceus that someone is within her reach.[break][break]

    "Help! Somebody, anybody, help!"[break][break]


    notes: using my ooc sabotage on mateo martinez[break][break]

    > stormy is unharmed.[break]
    > panics when she can't find kazimir, runs to try and uncover him- fails because she is not strong enough.[break]
    > runs back to the route one path to find help. she is shouting![break]
    > aegislash is exhausted and remains with zac.




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    [newclass=".punkianger-st .bulk i"]font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

    [newclass=".punkianger-st .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #272727; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 31px; text-align: justified; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

    [newclass=".punkianger-stcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    played by


    May 24
    Sootopolis City
    Rocket Grunt
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    3,582 posts
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    TAG WITH @razz
    Raziel Beckett
    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 4:35:52 GMT
    Raziel Beckett Avatar


    "You're worst off than me, its fine!" Razz wouldn't be able to stop himself from snapping back at the older Ranger. An easy tell tale sign that the young man was clearly upset when he is able to snap back at a superior when they told him to do something. It even takes him time to realize what he even said before he just steps aside. An action he might soon to regret as the energy Lars ended up testing seemed to effect his pokemon that was out. With Metagross suddenly getting bigger and bigger until it was practically crushing them to the side of the small room they were in. [break][break]

    Eventually though the chamber couldn't handle it as the floor beneath them crumbled. There was nothing but panic going through him now as this has been the second time they he's fallen like this in what felt like a hour. He wasn't going to make the same mistake this time though. While he would love to not out what he has he isn't going to lose another of his non flying pokemon to a fall. Razz brings out his Buzzwole who only needs seconds to realize what's going on and that their chosen trainer was in danger. [break][break]

    Once catching their trainer they move to ensure that they are out of the way of the DYNAMAX Metagross, Razz is sure Lars is fine because as the ranger showed earlier he's capable of flight with his wings. Razz does what he can to adjust to the new room, and it's hard to not focus on the living rock in the room as it seems another, who also has control of an ultra beast. Lovely. But his is too distressed and doesn't know the situation so he gives a click of the tongue to Crimson for now to have them BULK UP to be ready in case they need to fight or flee.

    kcJN2P4Y | [break]
    Sabotage | Luck (+2?) [break][break]



    + Razz can't help but snap at
    [break]+ As they fall Razz calls Crimson the Buzzwole to his aide.
    [break]+ Crimsion catches his trainer midflight before going to a safe area of the room
    [break]+ Crimsion uses BULK UP as Razz will examine and choose what to do later.

    + Sabotaging

    [googlefont=Hammersmith One]
    [newclass=.leprosearlo i]font:11px Roboto;font-style:italic;color:#fff;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#d35d59;[/newclass]
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    [newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]·
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    y o y o

    may 15
    sénon game
    596 height
    596 height
    slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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    cait alfric DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @cait
    cait alfric
    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 8:15:36 GMT
    cait alfric Avatar

    distrust causes her features to visibly tighten, but she isn't allowed a moment to further question the duo. one appeared to enter a manic state of mind, speaking audibly to himself. his inquiries draw her gaze, her brows furrowing in confusion before something far more dire captures the entirety of her focus. 

    bisharp immediately places himself between the ice beam and his mistress, prepared to endure the brunt of the attack. cait nearly collapsed onto her ass as she stumbled backward, but remained upon her feet when confronted with the attack. thoroughly chilled in the aftermath, the steel-type quivered violently as icy tendrils threatened to render it largely immobile and useless. 

    a delayed metal burst emerges from the pokemon's shaky claws, an orb of light containing remnants of the creatures power being promptly launched in retaliation. 

    "i don't understand - "

    she shut her mouth after a moment and frantically looking around, searching for a potential exit to this madness. 

    - cait doesn't entirely believe but doesn't have time to question him.

    - assumes 's gone mad, lowkey.

    - her bisharp is hit with the ice beam.

    - her bisharp retaliates with a metal burst.

    - cait looks around for a potential exit - also freaking out as well.

    - sabotaging

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    he / him / his
    july 26
    alto mare, johto
    don’t know, don’t care
    ranger & courier
    ex-head ranger
    is gonna be the loneliest
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    nessuno vince.
    3,860 posts
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    TAG WITH @lars
    Laurence Anderson
    POSTED ON May 24, 2021 18:07:02 GMT
    Laurence Anderson Avatar

    “So what if I am?!” he retaliated in Razz’s direction. His balance was still wobbly for all of a few moments, however—

    The moment that strange energy fizzled and touched Ro, he felt—something—suddenly shift, ever so slightly. The strange crackling of energy then found him sliding off the Metagross’s back as he suddenly began expanding in size—but with the sudden increase in mass and girth, also came the destruction of the floor underneath them.

    “Wha—” he exclaimed out of surprise before the floor literally crumbled underneath him.

    What was worse, the strange crackling was still affecting his Metagross, growing to an impossibly-large size that even he couldn’t exactly comprehend…

    Seconds pass, and the floor gives way—and he then realizes that his main source of transportation was now literally falling through the floor—thankfully still levitating thanks to the Magnet Rise from earlier.

    Now the problem was, how was he going to get out of this—

    “Razz!” he shouted, before a blur of something red (he didn’t exactly see what) caught the younger man and spirited him away.

    Oh, come on! Don’t fail me now! He thought frantically, before a snarky-sounding cackle echoed in his head.

    ‘What, you need my help now?’ the same voice he’d heard exactly once before echoed in his head.

    What do you think?!

    ‘Alright, alright—impatient,’ was all it said before Lars felt something burst out of his back for the second time, breaking his fall as he came to a stop in mid-air, watching as his now giant-sized Metagross came down to a landing on the room below.

    What the hell was happening?!

    • The strange energy surrounded the Metagross, who starts growing in size
    • Wait a second what the fuck why is Ro turning into a kaiju—
    • The floor crumbles as Lars is unceremoniously dropped off his Metagross’s back
    Thankfully the Magnet Rise from earlier is still active, slowing the descent of the now-Dynamaxed (not that Lars knows what it is) Metagross into the room below
    • Hello rain of rubble
    • Lars has an existential crisis moment with Articuno snarking the shit out of him
    • How does he break his fall? He flies
    • Sabotaging


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    played by


    the good commissioner
    lilycove city
    league commissioner
    5'9" height
    5'9" height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    625 posts
    dahlia goode DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @dahlia
    dahlia goode
    POSTED ON May 24, 2021 19:42:12 GMT
    dahlia goode Avatar
     dahlia is dizzy, hands grasping her dragonite as if she were keeping the world together by its scales. the concussion begins as a small blossom of headache within the cage of her skull.

    unable to call upon her mr. rime, she urges her dragonite to PROTECT her. there is little she can do for others. the stupor forces her hand to be selfish before she is launched a few feet back.

    vision is interrupted with wind, stone and blinks. through black gaps in sight, she catches the shape of gargantuan, dynamaxed creatures. it is a sight the commissioner has not seen before, and it draws more air out of her lungs.

    should she be able to avoid the second strike of the regirock, she would return her dragonite in favour for her mr. rime.

    HwM6gf51 (sabotage)[break]
    route 1 / sabotage (:rocket: azz)[break][break]

    (no modifier if im right!)

    [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"][break]

    - concussion
    - dragonite uses PROTECT against regirock
    - if possible, will switch dragonite for mr. rime next post!

    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
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