i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 3:20:48 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





EVERY CHOICE COMES with equal consequence. and Ro are able to pry out from underneath the pile, pushing off just enough weight to pull him out before the pile collapses under the empty space. The way it caves in all at once goes to show just how much danger the Head Ranger was truly in. [break][break][break]

A moment’s respite allows both of them a chance to recuperate. By now, Razz’s Gallade has long expired. For all this depravity, a light shines in the distance, mewing as the only linger of hope in the desolation of their mutual darkness. The stillborn air of the chamber gets sucked in by their destination, a coarse whisper that beckons them to continue. [break][break][break]


As they approach, they can feel the raw heat emanating from an exposed geode. Energy saturates the chamber to the point of being blinding. It crackles with an electric tinge that lashes out at anyone that gets too close. Someone will need to approach for a more thorough inspection. Regardless, it is their only path forward, a strange encounter with an unexplained phenomenon.[break][break]

Both of your characters may enter the chamber. However, only one Pokemon can enter. Decide between each other or roll to determine who proceeds. Only non-Legendary Pokemon can enter. Ultra Beasts count as a Legendary for this scenario.[break][break]


A SWORD'S DANCE SHARPENS THE BLADE but time spent honing the perfect strike leaves a window for retaliation. It only takes a few seconds to grasp the ball—a forewarning from a twirling blade means the Megalopolan no longer has a reason to be discrete. They’re able to palm the device before 's BRUTAL SWING cleaves their arm right off.




The Megalopolan is bleeding from the decisive slash. Blood spurts everywhere but the pain only fuels resentment. Raw hate manifest and pushes the Megalopolan to act. It still lunges for their fallen arm, about to smash the ball open with their remaining hand when 's THUNDERBOLT stops them in their tracks.


Their hand sizzles with the singe of hot electricity. It’s hardly anything life changing but enough to prevent them from hitting the release mechanism.


Meanwhile, ’s efforts do not go in vain. Using a DRAGON’S BREATH to undo the locks seems risky due to the flickering flames but the intense concentration from LOCK-ON allows the dragon to burn through them seamlessly. They fall to the ground in a resounding thud. It’s enough to push out the prisoner’s next few words.


The Ultra Beast... They still have Barcelona!


The war may be over but in the eyes of the Megalopolans the fight is never done. They are tenacious, here on a hero’s journey to find salvation for their ruined land. In frustration, the Megalopolan Kazimir and Stormy had attacked inches forward, headbutting the Pokeball in a desperate bid to crack it open.


We will save our world!


And, unsurprisingly, a Blacephalon is released. It’s swollen sized head revolves around an invisible neck, curious with a mischievous taunt.



For the glory of Megalopolis! MIND BLOWN!


Carnage is imminent. Find a way to survive.



PANIC DEMANDS ACTIONS but sometimes a slower, more thought out pace spells the difference between an acceptable or splendid solution. When all three of them place the statue back into place, the light dies down. The room reverts back to how they found it, plain, unextraordinary. They’ve merely reset.


’s suggestion to swap statues is what pushes their progress forward. When both idols are removed from their lodgings, the trap retriggers, light piercing their vision in the brief moment it takes the scientist to adjust their positions. Once they locked into place the light is immediately snuffed out. Something stirs.


Heavy stone sifts underneath the floor. At the end of the room is a shrine dedicated to Regigigas. Each set of jewels encrusted across its chest light up, one by one, until it’s illumination demands their attention. Cumbersome arms carry the weight of the world, parting in slow motion, revealing a relic lost to time.



The statue is made of stone strong enough to withstand the sands of time. Its figure is curved, smooth to the touch, resembling the figure of the Regis around them but lacking the intricate details that distinguish the golems from one another. It sits on a pedestal, ripe for the picking.



BLOOD WHETS AN APPETITE lost to the ages. Each drop of blood causes the fountain to rumble with new life. Rust cracks across caked ridges, shedding decades of lethargy at the behest of a new priest.


A purple light peeks out between the runic sigils that spiral around the fountain’s base. One by one, they fill out an old spell powered by the sacrifice of men. The doors creak with resistance but they refuse to move. Whatever mechanism they’re tied to has long given out.


The Scizor brings its steel claw forward. It can BREAK BRICKS but not these stone slabs. Raw force attempts to pry them apart, pushing inward, but it is the added help of his companion that forces them open. The Roggenrola’s size isn’t just for show. It’s strength seems to have scaled with its unusual bulk, unstoppable as it thrusts its round body forward.



NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND this time. ’s access to a flying type proves more than advantageous—it’s literally a saving roll. EXTREME SPEED allows her to catch in a predatorial scoop. Lifting all of them up proves easy enough due to her Pokemon’s bulk and they’re deposited at the first sign of solid ground.



Such exhilaration is panic inducing. Exhaustion circulates from her mangled arm to his half-flooded lungs. Pressing onward without a moment of rest may prove disastrous. There is progress in recklessness but at what cost?


If you do not spend the next post ‘resting’ roll three times during your next obstacle. The lowest value will be used to dictate the result. If you choose to rest you may not progress to the final chamber in your next post.


Unfortunately, does not receive the same compassion. An inability to save himself subjects him to the water’s wrath. It sweeps him and his Lucario away, bound in a subconscious instinct to grab onto the closest thing, until they reach the end of the ravine. There, they will find one last path leading up a scale of steps.


Atop the stairs is a bird’s eye view of the chamber below. The darkness makes it impossible to see what’s happening but the sound of pushing past the doors echoes underneath. From his vantage point, he will find several chandelier like structures. Should he tinker with them, he’ll realized they can be lined up to fall below but removing them proves impossible without spending a good amount of time dislodging their rigid binds.



A BELIGERENT DISREGARD FOR THE RULES is supposed to have been met with unmovable doors. However, stops for no one. With the power invested in her, the Malevolent, she and her Dragapult phase through the wall. There are no borders for renegades.



But rules exist for a reason. A God may back her but her trespassing puts her up against another. This one, a mere Titan compared to the Lord of Another World, stands tall and proud, unafraid. Because Regirock is more than a Legendary beast. It is fueled by a power unseen and left unchecked.


Earlier exploration had recorded that this golem was larger than predicted. The second excursion into its tomb revealed that the beast had been rebuilt. Now, the third and final time, it has become whole again, radiating an energy that allows it to come back bigger and stronger than ever.


It is a monument of the ages. Waves of energy radiate from its mighty cry. With little warning, it illuminates the pitch black chamber with a purple HYPER BEAM. The blast is so sudden that there is seldom a way to dodge. Her powers, as fantastical as they are, will be ripped apart by the unnatural energy that surges from it.


Giratina’s interference saves her from being evaporated. Katherine Fairburne and her Pokemon are launched against the very door she ignored, held in place as an otherworldly energy erodes their essence in searing heat. They’re both left unconscious, one unable to battle, the other left to recover from the surprise attack.


Your next turn will be spent taking damage / recovering from the surprise attack. [break][break]

You are the first character to make it to Regirock’s chamber. Roll twice in addition to your sabotage roll. [break][break]

[break][break]The intensity of the HYPER BEAM bears through the walls of the chamber. Every sound, a high pitch scream of entropy, slips through the crevices. But, even so, the doors hold still well after offers up a taste of her blood. They groan with a coarse thickness as they slide apart, revealing ’s slumped body on the other side.


A pair of flames, one from their side of the room, and another from ’s, ignite. One by one, they spread from torches strewn across the walls. The darkness is cast aside to reveal the guardian they’ve awaken.


For now, the Pokemon remains idle, recuperating from the discharge of pent up energy. Several dots flicker on and off, eliciting a robotic claxon in an alien pattern. They can hear its beeping echo within their mind, a migraine in the making. How they handle their newfound bond will determine the fate of the golem.


Once two more characters enter the chamber, and/or may consciously attempt to persuade Regirock to attack a specific target. This will replace their action(s) for the round. If Regirock is not directed, it will attack at its own discretion.



THE FOLLOW EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
  • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 15:37:54 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


kaz would have never known what he was talking about, ultra beasts were something familiar to him, but not that one in particular. it wasn't until it showed up that he realized what he meant as he was face to face with an all too familiar foe. "oh...that..."
they were serious. they were deadly fucking serious weren't they. whatever they were doing here was no up in smoke and they were going to make sure that the rest of them got smoked as well. the clown's head pulsed once and it grew bigger, kazimir felt sweat roll down his face. the second time it pulsed and grew bigger he grabbed his aegislash by its hilt and gripped it tightly. the third time it pulsed and grew bigger he put himself between the clown and the prisoner. the fourth time it pulsed and grew bigger he yelled, "zac! stormy! give us some more cover! oathkeeper, hold it down!" the fifth time it pulsed and grew bigger a long shadow suddenly surrounded it and wrapped itself around the body and head, tightening its grip as the SHADOW SNEAK tried to restrain its head.
then kazimir stabbed his pokemon into the ground as he looked at the megalopolans in the eyes, "and i'm just trying to protect mine too. king's shield!" a phantasmal shield grew from out of the sword's shield and erected itself in front of kazimir and hopefully would be big enough for him and his companions to hide behind, as well as keep the poor beaten man they just saved safe from the explosion.

[attr="class","notez"]notes: +sabotage roll on

    + aegislash uses shadow sneak on barcelona's head![break]
    + aegislash uses king's shield for protection![break]
    + kazimir is protecting the prisoner, zac, and stormy!


template by kay

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 17:53:58 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




ruins of regirock

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me


Time slows until she can count each nauseating heartbeat drum against her ribcage. Sweat lingers on her brow and it turns to ice when she sees the Megalopolan's arm come clean off. The blood sprays, reaching. She is close enough not only to be sprayed by it and the smell is sickening. It leaves a smattering of blue up the side of her face and all over her clothing. She blinks, stunned, but the damage has already been done.[break][break]

Both human and Megalopolan are shouting, a Blacephalon is released, the prisoner is freed, and the world comes crashing back into focus. Their voices become crystal clear as she shifts her weight, her damaged hand awkwardly brushing blood from her cheek.[break][break]


"Kazimir, run!"[break][break]

She doesn't shout for Zac because she assumes the man already has the intuition to do so, that and her brain is only running on half capacity after likely injesting some blue megoloplan juice. The avatar reaches for her pokeballs, swapping Blissey out in a blink of light for her Aegislash. Desperation and fear give her the adrenaline boost to throw the ghost-type Pokemon. It might wrench her shoulder but the pain is irrelevant in the face of certain death.[break][break]

"Iron defense and ignite!"[break][break]


The room explodes in a smattering of blinding light as her Pokemon shifts rapidly into its shield-forme. With its defenses raised, it erects a massive, room-consuming shield between them and the exploding Blacephalon. The explosion is deafening, or maybe they don't even hear it at all. It blasts against her Pokemon's shield but it does not fall.[break][break]

And then she runs, taking only a second to make sure that her companions were with her. There wasn't any time to think, any time to plan. This was fight or flight, and the time for fighting was over.[break][break]


Outside, Moltres screams. The shriek resonates in Stormy's chest, pushing her further and faster. If they managed to escape, Moltres would be there to whisk her away, or at the very least meet her in some way- hopefully. [break][break]


She prays that Aegislash survives the aftermath. She prays for them all.[break][break]

Presumably upon escape/the end of the Blacephalon's MIND BLOWN, the AEGIS IGNITION's 'bide-like' ability will activate. It has absorbed the full brunt of the blast and will be redirecting it back to Blacephalon. Usually, the redirect does not harm the user of this z-move, however given close-quarters and this ability being used by an Ultra Beast... do as u must.[break][break]



notes: using my ooc sabotage on katherine fairburne[break][break]

> blissey is returned! sent out aegislash[break]
> stormy orders aegislash to cover them with iron defense + z-move(aegis ignition)[break]
> moltres has remained outside of the cave/route they went down and is agitated waiting for them to resurface so that it can collect stormy - beep beep ur uber is outside




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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 21:57:53 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]mateo, along with lucario, lined up the chandeliers. he spent some time dislodging their rigid binds. one by one they were orderly placed. in one go he would release them to fall below. unsure of what would happen. mateo and lucario stared at each wondering if something was suppose to happen.

note: sabotaging .

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 1, 2021 17:19:18 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Ruins of Regirock
The desert | raid


Zac remembered the exploding clown from his nightmare last year where it had wreaked havoc on a festival, and now he could put a name to the face. Well, put a name to the expanding ball head. Pressure grew in the tunnel as its head swelled, and Kazimir and Stormy launched straight into action. They must have been at the festival. 
    "Zac! Stormy! Give us some more cover! Oathkeeper, hold it down! King's Shield!" Called , stabbing his Aegislash into the ground and erecting a phantasmal barrier. King's Shield was nigh unbreakable, but if this was one of the Ultra Beasts Zac had heard so much about then who knew what it was capable of.
    "Kazimir, run! Iron defense and ignite!" Shouted , her commands bursting like firecrackers, and the Elite Four member hurled her own Aegislash, more spear than sword, at the Blacephalon. Kazimir had summoned a King's Shield, but Stormy's Pokemon summoned the King's whole damn castle. A castle wall of interlocking light formed in front of Blacephalon, blocking it off from the trio as its head swelled again. 
    "I'll clear the way!" Zac called, as he reached for Kev's Pokeball. Steel Roller to level out the passage, and then-
    Zac saw a glint of blue on the sand. There, on the ground in front of the one-armed Megalopolan, was a shining blue and gold ball, splatter of alien blood. It was unlike any Pokeball Zac had ever seen, and it was just lying on the sands, having been headbutted open by the Megalopolan that Kazimir had so handily 'disarmed'.
    "REM! SAND TOMB!" Zac yelled, and Flygon's glassy red eyes LOCKED-ON to the opponent. The sand underneath the invader swelled, surging upwards and pinning him against the wall just as tightly as the shackles had done to the prisoner.
    Zac grabbed the ball. It was cold and slippery. A tainted sphere from beyond the void that had been used to ferry disaster into their world. Zac's ears popped as he turned, Beast Ball in hand, and pointed it through the double-layer of shields, right at the swelling head of the Ultra Beast.
    "Barcelona! Return!"


  • Flygon used Lock-on and Sand Tomb to restrain the prisoner
  • Zac returned Blacephalon

NOTES: Using my sabotage on

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 2, 2021 15:05:46 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the voice dissipates for a moment. there's no response whatsover from priam's ramblings. it forces a smile on his expression as he finds a brief respite of relief from what he thinks to be a mental attack.

"hah! you really were gone like that, huh?!" priam challenges the voice in his head. with no physical form, it appears like he just shouts at nothing, which is a fair assumption to make.

eventually, the room settles. priam is least receptive of everything else surrounding him outside of the shrine that shows up after the puzzle is solved. with his psyche apparently damaged, there's nothing much to filter out impulses from his actions.

"you wanted me to get baited, huh?" he shouts once again. "i'm giving ya what ya want! show me what you can do!"

he sprints to the end of the room, his feet skidding as he forces himself to stop after reaching his full speed. with a swing of his arm, he grabs the relic and takes it out of its pedestal.

"what'cha gonna do now?!"

the alakazam attempts to teleport, but is surprised to see it not work. it follows after priam by walking instead as it readies another bout of attacks with its future sight just in case.


  • route 4
  • priam talks to the voice still
  • rushes at the shrine when it showed itself
  • takes the relic
  • alakazam uses future sight to store an attack for next round
  • sabotaging

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 3, 2021 20:37:06 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








"Oh, thank fuck."[break][break]

Eloquence is abandoned in favour of relief as the glow of imminent explosion fades. With a level head, he's able to swap the places of the figurines quick enough to see result. His muscles tense as the floor shifts — had this been a bad idea?[break][break]

"Who are you yelling at?" Gavin demands of . "Hey, wait—"[break][break]

Priam, of course, does not wait.[break][break]

He's reached the statue before Gavin can stop him, and the underboss resigns himself to whatever fate awaits them when the relic is removed. Cautious, he stays next to the map of Hoenn with its removable figures in case there should be some cause to interact with them again.[break][break]

Given no direction, Stakataka retracts from its defensive position and returns to a hover, concentrating on its MAGNET RISE.[break][break]



STAKATAKA refreshes its MAGNET RISE. [1/5][break]
GAVIN waits next to the map + regi statues in case Priam picking up the statue has some effect on them.[break]
Short post 'cause not much happening to us this round.[break]



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[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline a"]font: inherit; text-decoration: none; filter: brightness(120%); font-weight: bold; transition: all 0.3s ease;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-gv .bulk i"]font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 8:50:40 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

the blue-haired youth shouts at an invisible force, his voice reverberating within the confines of this dark and mostly untouched space. the images which assault her mind bleed into her reality, causing cait to grimace as she sways upon her feet for a moment. she squints her eyes in an valiant effort to correct her vision, a hint of sweat gathering at her forehead. 

"who are - "

the woman shakes her head as an ache pulsates within her skull, unaware that her features change in unusual ways. her power pulsates within her being, her eyes adopting an unnatural shine as she levels priam with a potent stare. though her gaze soon shifts toward gavin. 

who are you two?"

their behavior thus far demonstrated that they were familiar with one another - while she served as the outlier among their trio. 

- recovers from the vision, though it bleeds partially into her psyche. 

- becomes irritated from the resulting headache - and turns that irritation outwards by question and about their respective identities.

- sabotaging

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 3:07:20 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 adrian hacks up freshwater on the dry stone flooring underneath his hands and knees, feeling the burn along his sinuses and into his lungs, wracking his body with pain and involuntary coughing fits. He can see stars as he struggles to gain his bearings, taking a moment to check on dahlia before staring off deeper into the chasm.

at his side starmie stands vigil. gotta keep moving... if this place was going to fall apart, best get away from it before it did, he'd figure. pausing only long enough to satiate his lungs with a proper breath, feeling the strength return to his weary limbs of lead, adrian pushes off the ground before smearing the dust and detritus against his clothes.

"i'm going ahead..." if adrian was none the worse for wear, dahlia was the antithesis, grievously wounded by the booby traps she'd stumbled across. he couldn't expect her to keep moving along at the same rate. not unless her dragonite recovered.

except he wasn't much better off, noticing the odd misstep here and there as he fought against the sensation of spinning in the surging current below. perhaps there was time enough to rest, and yet the urgency of the situation spurred him onward nonetheless...

what happened next wasn't his fault unless it went over smoothly...
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon shiny kubfu"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]
rolling with disadvantage[break]
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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
626 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 4:08:51 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 her arm is slick. from her fingertips, red drips like tarnished rubies. upon landing her dragonite, scales stained with crimsen smears, tends to the commissioner.

she exhales a shaky ribbon of air. "i'll be right behind you."

dahlia has much to prove. to no one but herself, she says in the psychic space of her head. all notions of recklessness are cast aside into the roar of water.

after wiping scales clean with her torn sleeve, the commissioner pushes herself onto her dragonite.

to conserve energy, they begin to fly ahead slowly. they glide when they can— breathe while they can.

d9zdoAkQ (sabotage)[break]
route 1 / sabotage (i love u yoyo im sRY!!!)[break][break]

(disadvantage monkas)

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"][break]

- replies to
- decides to move forward on dragonite (no resting)
- back to flying, they try to conserve energy and remain cautious as they advance

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 17:33:59 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]


[attr=class,charname accenttext]

[break]The motley crew push through the door, oblivious to the glowing runes encircling the fountain that they leave sealed in the secret chamber behind them.[break][break]

With the entranceway groaning shut as they step over the threshold, Angelo watches as fire begins to seemingly ignite themselves along the walls, bringing the scope of the vacuous chamber into clearer view. Along with its occupants on the opposite side… [break][break]


Pulled along by an instinctual tug, he strides across the path illuminated by torch light with purpose, guided by a fiery runway up to a familiar face he shouldn't be surprised to see down in the ruin depths. One that is certainly not unwelcome. [break][break]

The looming pile of rocks he’d noticed is largely ignored with but a side glance, although Lacerta drifts close to him – in between Angelo and the unknown titan – as the courier approaches the subject of his captured attention. He ignores a strange beeping in the back of his head, passing it off as some pokemon lurking in the shadows.[break][break]

Course you’d be lurking down here. Didn't think to invite me on your adventures this time, then?” [break][break]

That’s when blue eyes find an unknown woman as he approaches the other side of the chamber, slumped on the ground. Clearly someone ( ) who hadn’t trusted their gut, like an earlier warning had suggested… [break][break]

What the hell happ—” [break][break]

His sand-roughened voice trails off, focus drifting over the captain to instead settle upon the form of a man who suddenly staggers into the chamber, drenched. [break][break]

Unwittingly or not, wariness sparks like a crack of static through the fog that had settled in his head. [break][break]

Since falling down the quicksand pit, Angelo had mostly been running on automatic but now that he's no longer alone, a flash of survival instincts rolls through him. A by-product from his earlier brush with death. [break][break]

Soaked to the bone or not, is the only stranger in the room not cradling open wounds or is slumped, potentially comatose on the ground… And that makes Angelo's muscles unwillingly tense, cautious. [break][break]

It’s then that, somewhere in the back of the courier’s mind the faint, irritating beeping punctures through his skull with a newfound intensity. Sharp and intruding, like a warning siren – clamorous and demanding. [break][break]

Angelo grits his teeth in something akin to a snarl from the viciousness of its onset, heel of his dusty palm pressing against an eye socket as his step towards wavers. Migraine pulsing against optic nerves like a hot blade sinking deep, twisting.[break][break]

What the fuck… Is…?”[break][break]




true path;




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    played by


    dross, captain
    she, her
    august 17
    Lilycove, Hoenn
    sailor / treasure hunter
    nautica owner
    how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
    2,345 posts
    skyler dross DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @skyler
    skyler dross
    POSTED ON May 7, 2021 19:51:24 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar
    i have a need of crueler waves
    they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
    The woman disappears briefly from sight, body engulfed in a sudden rolling darkness. When it fades into the ether, so does the woman - much to Skyler's relief.

    It's the scream that slips through from the other side of stone doors that makes her steps falter, goosebumps raising over the skin on the back of her neck. Her gaze flickers briefly to the bowl, now wet with her blood, before the groan of sliding doors catches her attention.

    Stepping over the threshold brings her to another stone chamber and to the slumped body of . Halfway drunk with adrenaline, the sailor spares the Malevolent no more than a quick glance, deliberately moving around her in a wide arc. Wariness giving way to interest as the rock behemoth comes into view.


    Terribly familiar blue eyes meet hers from the other side of the room. Drawn like a moth to a flame, Skyler jumps into motion, moving along the wall with determined steps. Silver eyes blink away the alien buzz of static that looms at the edge of her awareness, choosing instead to give the courier an assessing once over. Taking stock of the weariness in his eyes.

    The grin that she throws at him is utterly unapologetic. "Can't have you hoarding all the treasure, can I? We had to fight last time." Though the jungle had been an entirely different sort of struggle...

    When other figures step into the room ( , ), Skyler instinctually steps to the side, aggressively placing herself between the recent arrivals and . Slowbro is swiftly replaced by Steelix, its steely shape curling PROTECTively around the two of them. 

    There should be a way out of this place... A way to continue forward...

    An alien sense of purpose bleeds into her mind, and this time she does falter. Gritted teeth betray the headache that blooms, unexpected, from behind her eyes - the scratchy sound of an old internet modem beeping in the back of her head...

    "What- D'you hear that?


    - enters the chamber and gives a wide berth
    - finds and immediately makes her way to him
    - when other people arrive, skyler replaces slowbro with steelix
    - steelix curls around both skyler and angelo and uses PROTECT
    - skyler asks angelo wtf that beeping sound is
    - sabotaging

    @ route 1 peeps i guess?  
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    May 24
    Sootopolis City
    Rocket Grunt
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    3,582 posts
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    TAG WITH @razz
    Raziel Beckett
    POSTED ON May 8, 2021 0:40:22 GMT
    Raziel Beckett Avatar


    Razz is knocked back with force as the rocks come tumbling down. Filling in where his boss once was if the Metagross had not used her abilities to get him out while they were pushing. His muscles burned but he wasn’t done yet he needed to keep going. The young man doesn’t even take the time to check up on Lars because his attention is on the fact that there is still someone in need. Razz was quick to move back to where Wyn was but it was too late. [break][break]

    The rocks had moved though and when he returned they had closed their gap and now he couldn’t even see the blade pokemon. All there was was his blood coming from underneath. He was too late, Razz brought a shaking hand onto one of the boulders in some disbelief. His mind was racing on how once again he forced another pokemon to give their life for him. Why did this keep happening? He was supposed to be better now than what he used to be but it sure as hell didn’t feel that way. [break][break]

    The rookie ranger just yells his frustration as he slams hand against the rock as if cursing it. He didn’t cry as he just fell to his knees for now curing under his breath. As he could hear Lars still seeming to recover in his own way due to whatever problem he was going through, Razz removed his headband for his fallen pokemon. Allowing his scar to show as he used it to wipe up some of the blood that spilled from underneath. Wyn’s body was out of reach but he could have something of his to bury later. [break][break]

    Honestly Razz just wanted to just stay here and wallow in his anger but it seems the cave wasn’t going to allow that. Not with the voiceless whisper in his ear telling him to look. He really doesn’t want to but in the end he gives in and he looks toward the side to see the shining pathway that beckoned to him. Or maybe to them as he isn’t sure if Lars was hearing them or not. It cleared his mind enough to remember that Skyler had been sent away too. Right feelings didn’t matter right now, he needed to focus. [break][break]

    He thinks back to old Rocket training where steelings oneself was the expectation. “Anderson we need to keep going,” he would tell him, his tone seeming almost harsh as he was most likely either ignoring the panic they were having from being buried, not realizing it, or maybe because part of him was still hurting over Wyn. He would put the bloodied bandana in one of his bags to save for later, it now red as it was soaked.[break][break]


    “Ro you might need to carry him, but we need to get going, find Skyler and get out before worse happens,” he informs before he heads toward the entrance of where the glowing where the whispers were coming from. Honestly he is hesitant at first as he would go up to it with his left arm extended as he could feel the heat from it infront of him. [break][break]

    Razz would inspect what the energy did before he’d deem it safe to move in.

    Um7p32d0 [break][break]



    + Razz grieves over Wyn's death.
    [break]+ Would collect some of his blood with his headband for later
    [break]+ Hears the voiceless whispers telling them to keep going.
    [break]+ Tells Lars they need to keep going and find Skyler so they can leave.
    [break]+ Would suggest Ro carrying the Head Ranger
    [break]+ Razz would inspect the energy from their only exit. Extending his left hand to test it first.

    + Sabotaging

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    [newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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    played by


    the malevolent / kat
    twenty three
    october 7
    sootopolis city
    full-time bitch
    council member
    good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
    2,258 posts
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    TAG WITH @katherine
    Katherine Fairburne
    POSTED ON May 8, 2021 3:00:00 GMT
    Katherine Fairburne Avatar



    It resonates within her, it echoes, it flows like a raging river that knows no rest. Each surge of the titan’s energy that blasts through her body fills her with bubbling rage that she cannot tap into just yet— not when she’s unable to move, scream, or even shed the tears that the pain calls for. She’s almost frozen in stasis, made to stand still as the beam tries to terminate her in a single shot.

    It does, however, achieves that on someone else: her Dragapult. The poor dragon succumbs to its wound and faints then and there, despite sustaining no other injuries until now.

    When the HYPER BEAM subsides, Katherine can barely keep her eyes open: but Giratina demands such from her. It does not ask, it simply makes it a reality. From within her, it operates as it sees fit.

    Katherine will not fall, for it was by her side.

    Still on the ground, she can only look up at the Titan as one of her hand, sluggishly, reaches for a pocket to recall Dragapult - and if she can muster enough strength - also send a different pokemon in its stead.

    Should she manage to do that, the Florges will know what to do. After all, it specialized in healing.


    ☆ owie
    ☆ feels like she should faint, but giratina won't let her. with what little strength she has, she reaches for a Pokeball to recall dragapult / send florges.
    ☆ if possible, the florges will act to heal her through a WISH.

    ☆ sabotage on
    ☆ using a salac berry to reroll my first roll (sabotage roll!) first is the first sabo, then the other two r the extra i was asked to roll, and the fourth is salac'd sabotage.

    [attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

    [newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]···
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    he / him / his
    july 26
    alto mare, johto
    don’t know, don’t care
    ranger & courier
    ex-head ranger
    is gonna be the loneliest
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    nessuno vince.
    3,860 posts
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    TAG WITH @lars
    Laurence Anderson
    POSTED ON May 10, 2021 4:57:24 GMT
    Laurence Anderson Avatar

    He didn’t know how long he was stuck under the rubble, however at some point the darkness gave way to light—holy shit was he dead?

    The world was still out of focus—he blinked a few times and heard unintelligible noise echoing above him. Like there was something speaking, but the words weren’t just making sense at all. Another rumbling sort of noise reached his ears, before he realized that he—that he could move again.

    Move? After being crushed by those rocks?


    Moving everything just—hurt. Even if he wanted to shake his head and clear it of what felt like cotton clogging it, he couldn’t.

    How fucked up was this shit?

    Blinking a few times, he finally managed to look around—and caught Razz in the exclamations of what he surmised was anger.

    I should really talk to him about being too formal… he thought as he forced himself to stand up. Fuck, why did it feel like all his energy had been sapped while he was underneath that pile of rocks?

    Coughing for a few moments as he caught his breath, he ended up leaning on the side of one of Ro’s legs, before gratefully collapsing atop the hulking silver beast. Shit, his own legs felt like jelly and didn’t want to cooperate—so riding on the Metagross it was, then.

    Only it wasn’t riding, it was more like ‘flopping over on top of Ro’s back’ because his energy had never felt so sapped after being very nearly crushed to death.

    A singular knock on the burnished silver surface meant exactly what it did—the Metagross tucked its legs in and used Magnet Rise to levitate off the ground and follow the younger man as they went onwards towards the gaping opening.

    That shit sure looked menacing.

    “D-d-don’t touch it,” he managed to gasp out, finally finding his voice after a while as he attempted to reach for the other’s outstretched hand to swat it away. “You might—get fucked up,” he added as he forced himself into a sitting position.

    Shit his legs still felt like jelly, but at least now he was… somewhat… more stable? He could risk sitting up now.

    “L-l-let me touch it,” he added as this time, he took off one of the gloves he wore whenever he would hang onto the Metagross’s back and attempted to reach for the crackling—thing that they were about to head into with his right hand..

    The PTSD is coming later man
    • Still very much disoriented Lars takes some time to process his surroundings
    • Reacts when he hears an exclamation of anger coming from Razz
    • Finally forces himself up but shit, wow, his balance is off
    • Flops over on top of Ro’s back like ‘fuck this shit I’m done’
    • Metagross used Magnet Rise (1 / 5) and moves forward along with the other Ranger
    • Notices that Razz is about to reach out for the weird crackling energy
    ‘Don’t touch that’
    • Offers to reach out for the weird presence in front of them with his right hand
    • Sabotaging


    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
    The Enroi Region
    Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP