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glitch maverick
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 20:27:33 GMT
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ice falling to the ground didn't bother bug-juice, it didn't really bother glitch. but it was sure as hell going to bother twizzler as he was sheltered by the large bug and water type. luckily ice didn't do jack shit against glitch's big boy bug. thanks to dual typing anyways. any other bug type might have had a little bit more of an unpleasant experience. bug-juice shook the shattered ice off of his body, sending it sparkling once more though this time it was unintentional.

glitch didn't know if he hated that jynx or if he loved it but at this point he was definitely tired of it hogging all the spotlight, especially when he was the one that was supposed to be important and number one. well, and his pokemon too he supposed. but he wanted to be number one. so that meant that he was going to have to gather up attention somehow. and since this was a pokemon competition there was only one real way to do that. with his pokemon. with a determined grin he tapped bug-juice on the arm and twizzler on the head.

"your jynx might be a suck up but there's not much you can do once the shock value is over." bug-juice burrowed into the ground once more, rumbling and sending a smattering of dirt, stone and ice into the air as it disappeared from view. glitch knew where he was going, up into the wall and ceiling in order to knock that purple princess down from where she hung. "twizzler! knock their rocks off!" of course he meant the falling stalagmites that were starting to rain down around them.

with a swift double hit and a little help from twizzler's hustle ability he began to slam into the stalagmites that were falling near them. sending the pointed things at other competitors and their pokemon. they could either move out of the way or get hit by them themselves. he didn't care so long as he wasn't the one getting hit. as twizzler took care of the stalagmites finally bug-juice began to surface, having climbed through the wall and ceiling as his species did to unleash a nice attempted bug bite right on her face. two could play at the kissing game.


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dross, captain
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 22:37:28 GMT
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Captain Dross made a mental note to never get herself a Jynx. For her own mental sanity and because there were some things that one just did not unsee.

Many years from now, she would wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare of purple, bulbous limbs that stretched to infinity and the flash of greedy, luscious lips wanting to give her the kiss of death.

At the moment, though, it simply made Skyler blink - flexing abs forgotten in the wake of the sudden chaos that kicked off round two of the biome challenge. A couple of seconds passed as the captain regrouped her mental stability (what was left of it), then grinned, boldly moving onto her Lapras' shell and raising her chin up.

So they were taking the fight up to the ceiling, huh?

"Frank, my dear, we might have to make them stoop to our level." A white mustache bristled in agreement, each whisker oiled to utter perfection and glistening under what little light was present in the chamber. Little ice crystals hung at the edges of it, like forgotten party glitter.


"Right-o! Stand by, Oceanide!" Ice cracked under her booted feet as the already frigid temperature in the room dropped by several degrees. Ice crystals formed a crystalline layer over nearby rocks as an ominous wind wailed through the nearby tunnels, not unlike the screams of the fallen. 

"'Nide, now!" With a mighty shove of her arms, Captain Dross sent Frank into motion. But it was the sudden kick of one of Lapras' flippers in a HELPING HAND that sent the Sealeo careening like a torpedo over the slippery, icy surface of the cave as the screeching of the wind hits a unfathomable crescendo. HAIL started to descend upon the cave, following in the wake of Frank's passage. Sending sharp shards of ice and snow to strike anyone and everyone in the vicinity.

After all, Lapras weren't the only ones who could extreme ice slide.


- skyler always have nightmares about jynx
- lapras used helping hand to shove sealeo onto the ice like a torpedo
- sealeo used hail to bring forth a snowstorm and sow chaos (also, he has a fabulous mustache)

@ biome challenge: cave
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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 1:49:02 GMT
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    "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Zac said proudly, as he watched everyone attack Jynx. "Uh, not the ceiling kiss. I meant the biome usage. Great work everyone."
    Zac gave a sharp whistle, and the frozen wall beside him cracked. A fat, cream and pink head popped out of the hole, squinting around at the conflict in the cavern. "Dunsparce are well known for their lack of eyesight, and their venomous bite," Zac said, as the pudgy snake wriggled out of its burrow. It plopped to the floor, shivering in the chill wind, snake tongue tasting the cold air. 
    's Sealeo shot past, facial hair waving gloriously  in the wind. A volley of ice pelted Kibou, breaking on his rubbery scales, and he hissed at the mustached menace.
    "Many an inexperienced trainer underestimates the speed of these little devils," Zac said, as Kibou turned around, pointing himself drill first at the escaping Frank. "But when provoked they can really fly. Isn't that right buddy?" 
    Kibou's drill tail whirred, and the edge bit into Frank's icy trail. The Dunsparce was pulled along at breakneck speed, following Frank backwards through the cave. Kibou stretched his stumpy wings, using them as rudders to adjust his chase. It wasn't so much 'Extreme Ice Sliding' as it was 'Extreme Ice Drilling'. 
    The heat of Kibou's drill tail melted the ice in front of him, and the runoff gathered around his tail to form a liquid front, a terrifying, concussive wave. Kibou's Aqua Tail.


-Zac sends out Kibou the Dunsparce
-Kibou chases after Frank, drilling through the ice
-Kibou gathers melted ice around him to attack Frank with Aqua Tail

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 2:00:18 GMT
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The chaos only grew as the gym leader himself sent out a dunsparce. Writhe and Nostra took positions near the ends of the arena, using their respective grips to stay close to the ceiling on opposite sides. The Hail caused Nostra to shiver, he was well acclimated to cave environments but it was getting a tad cold for his taste. He hung himself from his bottom two wings, and used his upper wings to wrap up and gain some warmth. 

Writhe thrived in the hail. The chills brought her strength, and she chose to unleash it upon the arena proper. Her wings began to flap eagerly, snowy scales rippling toward the arena. At first it was just a soft breeze, but soon the main battle would be covered in a grand Blizzard. There was no particular target, just a general attempt to create chaos.

Watching its partner worked gave Nostra an idea. He pulled himself out of his wings just enough to reveal his mouth, which he opened with a retching sound. Smoke billowed out, swarming toward the blizzard. The cruel Haze combined with the gale, turning it into a churning mass of biting darkness. Hopefully this would really throw the contestants for a spin.

Knowing that they may become a target, Nostra and Writhe began crawling across the ceiling to switch places.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 4:17:03 GMT
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as the dunsparce shot forward it was suddenly met with a maze of spears of earth erupting from the ground blocking its path in a way that it would need to weave its way around them or risk drilling through the earth. "i'd be careful if i was you, caves can be full of dangerous terrain y'know. spikes in the ground that you can step on and get pierced...or from above." kazimir said as he moved aside to reveal his lycanroc with its hands dug into the ground. behind it was his aggron who punched the wall of the caverns, sinking his fist deep inside as more stone edges jutted from where aggron punched and traveled up onto the ceiling.

they appeared right above the dunsparce before suddenly breaking off and falling down onto it and the area around it. "hope ya'll ready for a CAVE IN FEAST!" Kaz gestured iwth his hands, bringing them down at the same moment the stalagmites fell from the ceiling.


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Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 15:14:44 GMT
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And then everything went to chaos.

Although, there was an advantage he could work with, seeing as how had decided to start up a little Hail storm within the arena. He sincerely wished everyone would remain distracted, and not realize that his little ‘blessing’ granted all of his companions immunity to the Freeze condition.

…which would work perfectly well in his case, hopefully!

Seeing that the stalactites were coming down, and the wind was picking up, the Metagross then released the Telekinetic blast to propel the incoming shards of rock away from where he and the Lucario stood—before sending them spinning off in several directions around him.

Kind of like how a Ferrothorn would unleash its spikes, only Ro wasn’t a Ferrothorn in this instance.

Several larger spikes that had missed the Telekinetic blast of energy were falling towards the Lucario’s direction, and Alpha looked up. Oh, to be impaled by certain death—

Yeah, right!

Winding up his fists, the Lucario remained on the Metagross’s back, before punching the two incoming stalactites with a one-two succession of Meteor Mash, his fists lighting up on impact with the rock.

Whether or not the stalactites were pulverized remained to be seen, however the Metagross looked up and saw that there were more icy shards forming across the ceiling thanks to the Hail from earlier.

With a sly little look in his burning red eyes, the Metagross then used another blast of Telekinetic power to dislodge the frozen spikes and sent them hurtling in multiple directions—horizontally, even—scattering around the entire area!

How’s that for chaos?!


Metagross used Telekinesis twice! (once to parry the incoming rock stalactites, and another to dislodge ice spikes from the ceiling and send them hurtling around where they stand)
Lucario used Meteor Mash twice in attempt to shatter two of the larger stalactites headed his way! Being flashy in the process too!


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dog boy
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 15:25:03 GMT
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he's thankful of the aurora veil managing to filter some of the jynx's attack away from his ninetales. after its appeal, he's not sure if he'd be willing for his pokemon to make contact with it.

"remember ice path from johto?"

his glaceon releases a water pulse at the same time as his trainer, a blast of water being used to drench the entire floor of the area. the pokemon don't actually get what they're trainer is saying, having only understood 'ice path' from him.

"well, of course you don't. i haven't taken you guys there yet."

the ninetales makes the next move. still maintaining the hail with his snow warning, the chill in the arena prevails. a sheer cold freezes the flooring all over, making it difficult for the head ranger's pokemon to maintaining decent footing.



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glitch maverick
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 16:03:47 GMT
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ice ice ice. stalagmites stalagmites stalagmites. didn't anyone want to use anything differently? after all there were tons of other things in this place that could be used other than the obvious rocks hanging from the ceiling. and he was going to try and do that. after all the point was to use the biome and stand out. how could you stand out among a bunch of falling rocks and a snow storm. with bug-juice busy on the ceiling there wasn't much he could do on that front but there was still plenty he and twizzler could do. after all that was the point to work together. or something like that. without any hesitation he climbed onto the sturdy dragon's back, urging it forward as the pokemon used dragon rush to climb up the rocks of one of the waterfalls and out of the way for the most part of the ice storms.

there was still a chill in the air but at least they could see a bit better and figure out what to do from here. he wished he'd taught twizzler any kind of move that involved distance but he hadn't even really been sure what was going to happen here today. he'd know for next time. scanning the area the only thing he really saw was a blockage where water dripped and dribbled in. sure it was enough to cause a waterfall with that but if he removed the rocks then just maybe... with twizzler engaging on the rocks water began to flood in from above the others, with glitch and twizzler standing on a rock that was just out of the water. "oops, looks like the dam broke..."

the water rushed towards the other group of competitors, flakes of it turning to ice and snow as it hit the extreme cold front that was happening at the basin. some of it freezing in place much like a few of the other entries entrances. it made for a very pretty almost natural looking ice sculpture that the pair of them slid down gracefully, taking their place at the top as glitch thought they so rightfully deserved.


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he / him / his
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Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 16:38:41 GMT
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Oh, what the ‘dog boy’ didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, would it.

Lars only clicked his tongue once at the sudden scattering of the floor turning absolutely frigid—maybe it was a good thing he had that blessing not only on him but across all his companions as well!

“Ro,” was all he said, bracing himself against the cold (lol, really? He still had to play the part of course) as it spread faster, faster—

The Metagross was even faster as he quickly folded his legs in and propped up a well-timed Magnet Rise to avoid slipping and sliding across the floor.

The Lucario was tenaciously hanging on as his partner shifted, going from a standing to a floating position in mere moments. Well, that was quick!

Now that the Metagross was levitating, it was time to reveal what the two were capable of—and holy fucking shit what the hell was happening now?!

The rumbling of water announced the arrival of something even more ‘disastrous’, water freezing on contact—

A sudden blast of Psychic forced the water to change direction from where it was about to crash down where the Metagross and the Lucario hovered, above the ice, before the Lucario got an idea and snickered softly.

Watching as the water flash-froze to ice, he knew what to do—once the Metagross had done his little ‘waterbending’ trick with Psychic, he then fired off an Aura Sphere after the rest of the water that hadn’t frozen yet, causing it to branch off even more in a random direction.

Friendly fire alert!

He wasn’t done, though. With a single tap on the Metagross’s back, the silver beast then floated up and above the water swell, remaining as close to the frozen formations as possible in case the Lucario was knocked off its perch and forced to literally slide down the ice to come to a safe landing.


Metagross used Magnet Rise to rise up from the floor! Metagross is now airborne! Metagross then uses Psychic on the incoming burst of water, ‘waterbending’ and diverting the tidal wave that was supposed to wash over them in another direction!

Lucario used Aura Sphere after the diverted water to blast it even further and make the spreading ice even more slippery for anyone else in the area.


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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 17:12:51 GMT
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an earlier combo was just the set-up. in fact, the retaliation just made it easier for the next step.

"ephraim, glace!"

as their attack gets redirected back to them, the glaceon activates its mirror coat. the glaceon runs out of the flurry, snowflakes from the hail tailing his strut, as he moves in the blast of water. it ricochets back to the pokemon that fired off the redirection of the move, wherein the ninetales would follow it up.

another sheer cold is paired up with the glaceon's attack. as soon as the water would move to the direction of its target, a blast of cold would follow after, aiming to encase the target into ice.

the glaceon has another mirror coat should it be redirected the next time.


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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 18:06:37 GMT
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The chaos was spreading. Soon it was impossible for Writhe and Nostra to maintain their positions. As the ceiling began to fall, the two kicked off to seek a new strategy. They kept to the border of the arena, weaving through stalagmites (you know, the Floor Ones) to maintain cover. Thier goal was to reach the lower end of the arena to find new positions to latch onto.

Upon reaching the far end, the two took similar perches. Both roosted on the top of stalagmites several feet away from each other, Writhe's being wider while Nostra's being taller. Stalagmites were very useful for cover, they acted as good vantage points and were easy to hide behind should predators get to close. Meanwhile they were useful for predators to act as high ground when the ceiling became too dangerous. 

Writhe used her position to her advantage, throwing another Blizzard into the arena. Nostra would take a different tactic from last time, using his high position to aim carefully and sending speedy blades of air toward any pokemon that tried to escape the blizzard (Air Cutter). They couldn't have pokemon leaving the Chaos zone, they might end up coming for them.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 19:11:23 GMT
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"hey...hey shaddles c'mon what are you doing?! we got a fight to win!" while their stone edge tactic was pretty effective in kazimir's eyes he knew they couldn't just slow down. unfortunately for him one half of his team didn't share his enthusiasm as his lycanroc was busy rubbing itself on one of the stalactites that it created like it was some sort of massaging post. as it pulled away to change positions one would notice that the rock would shine, almost glisten really, as if the lycanroc's fur was polishing the rocks as it gave itself a good massage. kaz just sighed and turned to his aggron, slapping its hip before pointing out at the crowd ahead of them

"up to you for now deva. go get them boy!" with a grunt the aggron started to dig into the ground and tunnel his way under the battles happening around him. he kept digging until he was around 's pokemon and decided to tunnel up to the surface, bursting out of the ground with a mouth wide open to grab onto one of their legs to try and slam them into the ground.


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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 21:48:17 GMT
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A rumbling caught the attention of the two fliers. Was someone using Earthquake? Did they want to bring the entire cave down? Were these trainers going to sacrifice themselves just to win a competition? Luckily the answer wasn't quite that drastic, but it wasn't exactly great either.

They were several feet apart, but the eruption of an aggravated Aggron caused damage to both of their stalagmites. The two flew upward, frocks nicking their skins as they tried to escape. The one the aggron would try the bite would end up being Nostra, whose superior speed would prevent a proper chomp but wouldn't leave him unscathed. 

The aggron's teeth cut one of his lower wings by an inch. The pain was minor, but Nostra would find that he could no longer have control over his flying. Panicking, he would send a flash toward the aggron and its hole. Hopefully the bright sparkling lights would confuse it enough to piss off (Confuse Ray). Meanwhile he would be forced to latch onto the cave wall, crawling around until he found a crevice that could fit him. The bodies of crobats were easily manipulated to fit into tight spaces, and he squeezed through to get away from the battle

Writhe put distance between herself and the destroyed stalagmites, creating an Aura Veil to mask her movements and provide extra protection. She flew back to the ceiling, spotting the ass end of what seemed to be a sink hole. She crawled up into it, following the tunnel to a new destination.

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The Peacemaker
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 22:54:52 GMT
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It was time for the Battle Royale!! That was one of Eva’s favorite parts of the previous contest. Well, that and the last part . . . This time though, there was far less pressure to perform. In order to make sure she had enough data to objectively rate the participants later on, the Doctor chose to sit back and relax for a bit and simply watch the chaos unfold before her.

Eva leaned back in her chair and propped her feet up onto the table. Emerald eyes darted towards who made the first move. A clever defensive using Hyper Voice and the ice to throw their opponents off guard.

The Champion moves next, his pokemon truly demonstrating their teamwork by feeding each other’s strengths and using the elements to the best of their ability. Eva tugged her fur-lined jacket around her tightly as the Blizzard and Hail began to fill the cavern.

Eva was stunned by the ’s Jynx. The pokemon was far more agile and power than any Jynx Eva had ever seen. The way she powerhouse across the ice on makeshift skates like Speed Skater made Eva perk up and watch closely as she approached the Ninetales.

’s Lucario met the Jynx with his own counter measure, diverting the psychic-type’s attack elsewhere. It was a disappointing climax but and her Lynx weren’t done yet. She continued to surprise Eva with ingenuity by sending her Jynx to the cave’s ceiling where she held one by her lips. Eva would admit, even though she knew almost everything about a pokemon’s abilities this was something new to her.

’s Nostra skillfully scaled the cave’s ceiling as it stalked its prey, cutting out at the Jynx with an Air Cutter. The attack sent a number of stalactite’s hurling down towards the pokemon and contestants below.

’s Twizzler took care of the falling debris in a similar fashion as to their entrance. Eva, for one, appreciated not being stabbed to death by giant rocks. The doctor watched anxiously for the other pokemon to reappear up on the ceiling.

made her move, the Lapras aiding the Sealeo and sending him shooting across the ice like a torpedo as it summoned a Hail storm into the cavern. That mustache was very impressive indeed.

finally decided to jump in with his Dunsparce. An interesting choice but Eva was excited to see what he could do with it! “Underestimated, indeed!” she clapped enthusiastically as he gather enough water for an Aqua Tail.

Eva was starting to get real sick of all the Hail and Haze and Blizzards. It was starting to get hard to see everything as ’s pokemon added to it.

’s pokemon used the sharp rocks of the biome to their advantage, chasing down several pokemon with another set of falling rocks.

@lar’s pokemon countered the onslaught of rocks with their own clever attacks. The Lycanroc looked extra stylish by doing so.

Always surprised Eva with his ingenuity. The slippery footing he created with a unique set of attacks was quit eimpressive!

broke the dam and Eva prepared her own pokemon for release by jumping to her feet. Fortunately, ’s Metagross bent the water to take a different path and went airborne with a Magnet Rise.

summons another Blizzard to add to the already freezing temperatures, much to Eva’s distaste. ’s Aggron disappeared into the ground and Eva nearly exploded from the cuteness of the Lycanroc giving himself a massage on the rocks.

“Alright! Time to get in there! You’re no match for this ancient duo!” the doctor jumped onto the judges table with enthusiasm, releasing an Aerodactly and Kabutops in a flash of light. The two fossil pokemon are intimately familiar was each other. Immediately the Kabutops leapt onto the Aerodactyl’s back and the two took off into the cave.

An AGILITY gives the flying pokemon a speed advantage over its competitors. The amethyst dinosaur is lost the fury of the Blizzard, but the elements are no match for its impeccable flying skills and powerful wings. The Kabutops on its back pressed its metallic scythes together. A harsh, gut wrenching shriek of metal-on-metal echoed through the cavern, bouncing off the walls over and over again until the whole room vibrated with the uncomfortable METAL SOUND.

tl;dr: Just a lotta comments on what she sees. Eva releases an Aerodactyl and Kabutops. Aerodactyl uses Agility and Kabutops uses Metal Sound like nails on a chalk board to disrupt the chaos and draw attention to themselves.


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dross, captain
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 10:32:18 GMT
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Pandemonium built itself over the whole arena. Strong winds whistled over Skyler's ears and snow pelted her exposed abdomen, making the captain grit her teeth. Her pride and stubbornness were much too great for her to attempt to cover her abs, however. Spewing snow from her mouth, Skyler put her goggles over her eyes - ah, much better! At least now she could properly see over the several layers of hails and blizzards!

Lapras seemed to be enjoying the low temperatures, trilling worriedly up at her trainer as the temperature dropped sharply. Skyler waved her concern away, peering at the torpedo Frank and watching as a Dunsparce followed in his trail, ice making way to water as a Aqua Tail hit the Sealeo, knocking him completely off course.

Fortunately, 's Lycanroc stopped 's pokemon from pursuing Frank further. Unfortunately, that shove had been enough to send Frank careening into a nearby slope of snow and ice. Gaining speed due to the slick surface under him, aided by 's ingenious use of water and ice attacks.

And he was suddenly sent sailing through the air.

It was like one of those action movies in which everything happens in slow motion. Stalagtites and rocky protrusions falling down from the ceiling, ice crystals forming in the air due to the sheer cold, an ice-encrusted wave of water bursting forth and consuming the terrain below. And Frank, looking glorious, sailed over all of this, liquid eyes glinting as he spread his flippers and pretended he could fly.

A dream come true.

At least until he slammed into 's Kabutops, BULLDOZing it in a mess of floppy limbs and icy whiskers. 

In the meanwhile, Lapras was having the time of her life along with Skyler as 's strategy flooded the chamber. "We should help 'em along, shouldn't we, Oceanide?" The HYDRO PUMP would then aim towards weak points in the rock where water seemed to be flowing, cracking it enough to send another wave of water into the chamber.


- dunsparce sends frank careening towards a slope, which in turn sends the sealeo flying
- frank has a 'i believe i can fly moment'
- slams into dr eva's kabutops with a bulldoze
- in the meanwhile, lapras uses hydro pump to burst more rocks and allow more water into the chamber
- this is now a naval battle if skyler has anything to say about it

@ biome challenge: cave
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