i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 1:49:22 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]EXCURSION: SOOTOPOLIS B





SOOTOPOLIS HAS EXPERIENCED the effects of residual PRIMAL ENERGY. Groudon's departure has created new mini-islands around Sootopolis; shards of the crystal that housed primal energy may be found in these new formations of rock, and their resonance is riling up nearby Pokemon. On the backdrop of 's new appointment as Sootopolis' gym leader, the mythical city faces new challenges.



Intel has alerted Sootopolis' authorities that Team Rocket plans on breaking into the CAVE OF ORIGIN. Taking heed of this, the League has set up a trap for the grunts responsible for infiltrating this ancient cavern. There are secrets present within this cave, including a massive reservoir of primal energy.[break][break]


  • At least 1 Pokemon must mega evolve involuntarily due to the primal energies in this cave.
  • Using League Pokemon, set up a trap for Team Rocket.
  • Team Rocket must trigger 1 trap.
  • At least 1 trainer must be seriously injured.
  • At least 1 Pokemon must be seriously injured.
  • 🌋 and will find that their SHADOW POKEMON can take in PRIMAL ENERGY to empower themselves briefly.
  • 🌋 will use his intimate knowledge of Sootopolis' physicality/rhythms to his advantage in combat. Also, please refer to him once as "The weird, awkward, Hermit in that apartment with the scar on his face."
  • 🌋 will discover that all electronic appliances will begin to malfunction due to the immense primal energy present in the cave. This data will help him learn more about the waveform of primal energy.
  • 🌋 will contact INTERPOL discreetly in some fashion to update them about the situation in Hoenn.
  • 🌋 will use his AVATAR powers at least once.
  • 🌋 will uncover a machine with the WRYNN CORPORATION'S LOGO on it; this machine is a medical appliance of some sort, perhaps stored here by the previous gym leader, Olivia Abbiati.
  • Engage in physical combat with another trainer.
  • Capture one Rocket member (they can find a way to escape later off-screen or in a thread).
  • End the thread on the 5th page.

Objectives marked by the 🌋 are special objectives unlocked by the presence of particular characters.[break][break][break][break]



PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. To ensure these events run smoothly, you must communicate with your thread partners and are able to keep up with them. Please let your partners know if you will be busy, lose interest, or find yourself unable to post.[break][break]

  • Always exercise courtesy, maturity and patience.
  • To receive FULL REWARDS, you must check off every single objective. Feel free to keep track in post notes.
  • There is NO POSTING ORDER that you need to maintain; however, be respectful and allow characters to contribute.
  • Offer openings or opportunities for other characters. These events are not one-man shows.
  • Decide upon a reasonable time for posting in your group; if a thread partner is unable to engage well enough, skip or replace them.
  • Since these threads will often feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • A TL;DR (too long; didn't read) with your posts is not mandatory, but helpful.

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professor zen
june 20th
hoenn region
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zenji jabami
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 2:22:31 GMT
zenji jabami Avatar
[attr="class","light"]and so all hands were on deck. the moment it was unveiled that the residual of primal energy resided here. zenji could not help but take action. he was assigned to work alongside both old and new faces. where the league's vanguard served as the frontlines, the head scientist found himself with a more reserved role.

zenji was placed himself so deep inside the cavern that that he took notice of his computer gradually declining upon moving forward. "the further we go in, the more stronger the primal energy becomes." and to add a bit of annoyance, "the more my equipment also grows useless." so he would head back to meet up with .

note: boop.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Slateport Ranger Captain
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 10:36:57 GMT
Razz Kingsman Avatar


Then the rangers were informed that rocket was after something within their city and volunteers were needed Razz couldn't have volunteered fast enough. Thankfully his always helping with big things like this especially during the war it didn't seem to have anyone blink an eye at it. He wasn't doing this out of a grudge at all no...[break][break]

That's how he found himself down going downward in the Cave of Origins. After discussing a plan with the others Razz volunteered with for a trap. Covering bubbles with Powder this why they could explode when set off right. Not that his corrupted Kingler needed the powder on their bubbles but they didn't need to know that. And with the group separating with his boss and the knight(?), Razz wasn't too sure who the other was honestly, and Zenji going further ahead to check the reading of the Primal energy he was free to release his corrupted Kingler. [break][break]

It lets out a cry, clearly ready for battle and looking for one and honestly it takes a minute for him to get Brick, "You want a fight? You'll get one, but first you do this," he's stern with them as his voice gives authority that he once used back in the day where he saw pokemon as the violent tools they could be. He hated it but it seemed to be the way to get his corrupted ones to listen to him. Brick uses DARK BUBBLES to help fill the path with floating bubbles. At first they were light distance with each other as he made sure to make them look as natural as possible. [break][break]

Well as natural as floating bubbles could be at least. [break][break]

Razz made sure they were mostly near water near the beginning. Make it seem like this was a phenomenon caused by the primal energy effecting the water and creating these. As they go deeper Brick would use it more consistently making sure they'd be harder to avoid. This should give them the warning that they're here and slow them down. Though he did notice something odd with his kingler as they were going keeper into the cave, some of the bubbles looking different. Not that he was given much chance to think about it as he started hearing footsteps making Razz recall his corrupted pokemon as he doesn't need the questions of what is wrong with his Kinger's crystal claws. Thankfully they were done anyways. [break][break]

"Professor," Razz greets, formal as always, "Did you find the readings you were looking for?"



+ Using Shadow Kingler, Razz set up a trap for Team Rocket with Dark Bubbles. (1 objective done)

    DARK BUBBLES: the user lays a trap of levitating bubbles around the opposing team. the trap hurts opposing pokemon that enter the area. this lowers their SPEED as well.

+ Team Rocket may find the Bubbles deeper into the cave stronger than those near the entrance, as the Primal Energy empowers Kingler.

[break][break]+ Razz returns his Shadow Kingler before meeting up with

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 16:54:50 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Okay, even if it was actually pretty boring, Lars didn’t mind going on guard duty at least for tonight.

Well, with him around maybe whoever was going to disturb the peace would take a second look before rushing head-on into such stupidity… that was him being optimistic at the very least.

Either way, he knew that had gone on deep within the caves, accompanied by one of the head scientists to do whatever they had to. So now he was just outside, waiting…

And having a smoke at the same time. What, he was stressed the fuck out!

He didn’t have his pipe with him this time, no. That was too unwieldy in case they had an emergency on their hands. He was holding the same little curious object he’d brought with him to the ‘assembly meeting’, and taking a deep puff out of it.

Literally exhaling a stream of vapor above him, the scent of vanilla tickled his nose. Hm. Maybe this was a better option than the pipe after all…

Accompanying him for guard duty this evening was Gareth, his Gallade. Much as he wanted to have either Ro or Alpha out, it was better keeping the two best for an emergency in case shit hit the fan deep within the cave.

Lars is outside the cave entrance, guard duty + smoking a bit. He’s stressed okay

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
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It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 2:45:16 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Rowan was slightly overwhelmed as he approached the Cave of Origins, not expecting to have a mission of such importance thrust upon him after only having been part of Team Rocket for a few weeks. What made this operation even more concerning was the others that had been assigned to infiltrate alongside him, seasoned veterans of the organization that were expecting him to keep a level head and carry out the objectives. “They’re counting on you, keep it together.” Internal encouragement would have to be enough to carry him forward for now, pressing on to the cavern entrance with his Greninja following closely behind, as silent as the wind. Although Kotaro had been given to Rowan by Gavin as a gift with the intention of keeping the Pokemon safe, he couldn’t help but feel that the Greninja was more realistically looking out for his well-being.

    Untrained eyes were ignorant to the hidden threats that waited to pounce, both outside the cavern and within. With the assumption that their entry was clear, Rowan made his way inside the Cave of Origin, expecting to be unimpeded by those around him. “Kotaro, find some shadows.” Greninja nodded and leapt off towards the darkness, disappearing into the shadows that dwelled within the rocky formations. Amber eyes searched for anything of importance that could be immediately identified, finding his vision lingering on an all too familiar insignia. Caution was disobeyed as he quickly approached a device that appeared to be long since abandoned within the cave, wiping away debris with a glove until he uncovered the full logo of the Wrynn Corporation. “The hell…” Rowan muttered under his breath, attempting to rationalize what his family had in connection with this place of primal energies, considering what their technology specialized in.

    Perhaps this Cave of Origins had more significance to him than he realized.

Notes: Rowan entered the Cave of Origins, Greninja disappeared into the shadows to prepare for an attack, Rowan discovered the Wrynn Corporation machine.
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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 5:07:25 GMT
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Fucking Sootopolis, why did he keep coming here? Nothing good ever happens in this damn crater, and yet fate has dragged Oscar kicking and screaming back to Hoenn's second most ridiculous city. This time he was on a mission, a very important one at that. The league was doing something in a place known as The Cave of Origin, and Oscar was being sent to sneak in and find out what's what.

Oscar felt more or less honored to be assigned this task, though he would have better luck infiltrating alone. The higher ups didn't see it that way, and gave him two partners to support him. Oscar only knew one of them, and knew was a loose term. He had heard 's name before and had been able to put that name to a face, but other than that he knew nothing. She seemed more than capable, considering she had been around for a while now. The other guy Oscar knew nothing about. Looked kinda green, but he had to be qualified if he was put on a mission this sensitive--and dangerous.

Oscar thought they had been stealthy as they wandered toward the entrance of the cave. He didn't even have his chosen pokemon out yet, he wanted to draw as little attention to them as possible. He was dressed for infiltration, wearing a black catsuit covered in gear. Over his head was a solid black mask with two goggle like appendages allowing him visibility. Even when seemingly overprepared, Oscar felt uneasy. He had no idea what to expect in there, but whatever it is wasn't going to be easy to take. If they even could take it.

The three entered, and only then did Oscar release his pokemon. What emerged from his ball was a bisharp unlike any other, covered from head to two in black crystal armor. Multiple crystals were sticking out of his head, making it appear as if he were wearing a crown. His left arm was encased in a crystal mass, giving it the appearance of a large lance. The mass rotated dully as the bisharp King stretched his limbs. Oscar waited patiently for his other companions to be ready before proceeding. Everything had to be right, it was all going to go wrong.

Tl;dr: Oscar's dressed like fuckin' Snakeeyes and walked through the Cave Entrance with Rowan and Lex.


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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 6:00:10 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex had an eye for danger. What seemed like a life time of sneaking around as a thief made hyper-aware of her surroundings. Something didn’t quite feel right about this. Lex normally trusted her gut instinct above all else, but this time, she wasn’t in charge. . It certainly didn’t make her feel better that she was stuck with two other she had never worked with before. The Thief was finally paying her dues for Rocket protection and was assigned this task with a Newbie and a Beast. Without question, was the one in charge. But that didn’t stop her from doing things her way.

“Something about this isn’t right,” she’d mumble to herself but loud enough for perhaps to hear. Unfortunately, she too didn't have much faith in the boy. She didn't trust Oscar, either, but at least he had a reputation to back up his name. Instinctively, she moved closer to the wall of the cave, her black outfit melting into the shadows cast by the rocks. If you hadn’t just watched her slip into the darkness, it was hard to tell she was even there. The practiced and well-trained placement of her feet made her moves virtually silent.

What was it that was plucking the chords of doubt in her mind? In her experience, thus far, if The League was up to something, it was typically well-guarded. So far, there was nothing. If whatever was in the cave was so important they had to steal it, why wasn’t The League taking necessary precautions?

tl;dr: Lex is sus. She basically just sneaking deeper into the cave with her homies. She does not have any pokemon out yet. Lex's thief outfit + black hood

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professor zen
june 20th
hoenn region
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zenji jabami
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 6:03:11 GMT
zenji jabami Avatar
[attr="class","light"]"the primal energy is strong. the readings were so great that it started malfunctioning." like he thought natural, manmade machinery wouldn't survive in a area like this. "but i have enough data. now it's just a matter of testing." he would look over to , his computer closed and could be seen held within his right hand.

"it's a bit hard to make out whether there's a fragment here or not. i can't tell whether it's the residual primal energy or a hidden fragment that's giving off these readings." he would need a bit more time, but this is only proving his theory that manmade technology was no match for the unknown. a psychic-type would be far more helpful at this time. "for now you all just have to ensure this sight is left untouched by outside forces while i continue to do what i can here." until then zenji would find himself resting upon a boulder. he would open his computer to begin his work once more. "as long as i remain here i should be able to get more data on the primal energy's waveforms. going any deeper would probably kill everything i've gathered so far."

looking up at , he'd add, "try not to get yourself hurt." zenji smiled at the young league operative.

note: boop. this isn't an important read, just casually talking with .

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2021 14:23:24 GMT
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"That is all." The blonde man said, holding the cellphone to his ear. A soft smile was upon his lips; it did not match what he felt. "Understood."

The call over, the man slowly brought the phone down to table, reaching up to rub his temples as he withheld a sigh, keeping his smile in place.

A large, lion-dog-like pokemon resting upon the paved terrace floor besides him lifted its head and turned its gaze towards him, keen eyes staring at him with a measure of worry.

He responded by reaching over and petting its head, his smile a bit more genuine. Leave it to man's best friend to easily read his mood.

He had been on 'stand-by' for some time now. His only instructions were to report on Hoenn's on-going affairs to the best of his ability. To that end, the higher ups had managed to arrange for his inclusion in many such jobs as the one today.

Speaking of which...

He turned his gaze upwards. Dark already; any time now.

Reaching towards the table, he grasped a warm cup of tea resting upon it and brought it to his lips, sipping slowly. Best to make the most of whatever time there was left.

A moment later, a shadow swept over him, a large bird flapping its powerful wings as it perched itself atop the top rail of the chair across his own.

"So soon. Thank you." He said softly as waved for a waiter and left some money on the table, before standing up and reaching into his jacket.

Returning both the Arcanine and the Pidgeot to their pokeballs, the man made his way out of the Cafe's terrace and into the city, moving about a block before dipping into an alleyway, producing a particular pokeball.

"Let's be on our way. Gawain- Teleport."

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 2:30:12 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar paused as Alexandra walked past him, overhearing her suspicion. Oscar couldn't deny that something seemed--off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Oscar sighed, rolling his shoulders back as the three proceeded. "I'll take a position in the back, just in case we missed something. Stay sharp, both of you."

Oscar nodded toward the back, and King followed close behind. He didn't see anyone guarding the entrance, yet he wouldn't put it past the league to set up an ambush. And if he did miss something and they get attacked from behind, well Oscar was gonna be pissed. How would they fucking miss that? No, they didn't miss anything. No one was there. Still, didn't hurt to be cautious.

Oscar and King marched on from the back of the trio. Glancing back now and then as they proceeded deeper into the cave depths.

tl;dr: Oscar took the caboose just in case someone follows them in.


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 4:46:19 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Curiosity got the best of Rowan, removing the phone from his belongings to take a few expeditious photographs of the machine while the other two briefly spoke. Now wasn’t the time to question what the device was and what purpose it served, but he certainly was going to look into this after their mission concluded, desperate to know what significance his family had with this place.

    “I’ll take the middle.” Rowan caught up with the other two rather quickly, knowing fully well that the two of them would be more comfortable with someone as new as him not leading the charge. “Kotaro is around, he'll see if something is coming.” There was a soft rustle of movement as the Greninja repositioned itself, leaping from one rocky surface to the other with the intention of keeping pace, but not gaining too far.

    There was a strange sensation that this all seemed far too easy, why hadn’t the League bothered to send anyone if Team Rocket considered this location to be so important, clearly expecting the same of the governing body. “I don’t like this…” Rowan mused internally, keeping his eyes peeled for anything out of place, though relying more on the skill and experience of both and .

Notes: Rowan took a few pictures of the Wrynn Corporation machine, Kotaro continues to watch from the shadows.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Slateport Ranger Captain
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 9:40:29 GMT
Razz Kingsman Avatar


There was an odd familiar feeling that creped up with the way Zenji spoke. Almost felt like the old times with his father when the ranger asked a question on what they were looking for. And Razz wasn't sure if he missed it or if it repulsed him as it seemed to tether a fine line between the two. For now Razz just nods in mild understanding, "I think we can manage that, hopefully the bubbles will be enough to catch them off guard enough to have them at a disadvantage, though question what does League need Primal energy for?" [break][break]

For him the briefing was small, protect it and don't let Team Rocket get it. As to what it did or even what it was needed for he wasn't aware. Heck he wasn't even sure if his boss was aware, but being one of the Region's head scientist maybe Zenji would be more informed? Though he does tense up in some embarrassment when requested not to get hurt. Mostly as the last time he saw the other he was pretty roughed up, "I... will try situations like these can get intense," that's definitely the experience talking, "But you too, the not getting hurt thing..." why is he so bad at this?




+ just questioning wtf Primal Energy is lol

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 17:20:58 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

This was a really uneventful evening so far.

He wondered if would get a message if he sent him one, otherwise…

Taking one last drag from the little thing in his hand, he held the vanilla-flavored vapor in once he was done before pocketing it in his jacket and turning to face the entrance he was supposed to keep an eye on.

He knew that the other had sent word ahead of time as to what trap they were going to be laying, but—wouldn’t the entrance look a little weird if it was just… like that? Hopefully nobody would notice what he was planning.

Quickly sending a message to that simply said ‘Watch out for the ice,’ he then beckoned to his Gallade, blowing out a little puff of vapor.

“Come on, let’s get inside and get ready…”

The Gallade squinted at him for a few moments, before following him. What was Lars up to?

He then went inside the cave and looked around for the signs of the ‘trap’ that Razz was helping to lay—and then noticed a strange-looking bubble not too far away in the direction he was headed.

“Time to add on a little bit of shit here…” he muttered, waving at the Gallade to stay where he was. Skirting around the large, strange-looking bubbles, he removed one of his gloves and then muttered something in his other language for a few moments before taking a breath.

Touching the cave walls, he then summoned the arctic energy dwelling within him and began to trail off a layer of ice close to the bubbles, allowing it to spread around and follow the curves of the strange-looking ‘bubbles’, to add to the strangeness of the entire place.

He then did the same for the other few scattered ‘bubbles’ floating, making sure not to overdo it and help them blend in even more.

Once he was done, he then walked back to his Gallade, before slipping his glove back on.

“What? Had to make it look less obvious,” he said, and the Gallade shook his head.

“Come on, let’s go back and wait for our companion.”

Back to the entrance the two went, waiting for to show up so they had the place covered from the outside, at least.


fulfilled personal objective, summoned ice and added onto the bubbles to make it look more like a part of the strange phenomena in the cave

Lars basically makes the bubbles closer to the entrance of the cave look more ‘natural’ by adding ice here and there.


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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 19:44:06 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

The unsettling feeling that gripped her stomach was something she couldn’t shake. It seemed was having similar thoughts. It was good to know she wasn’t just being paranoid. A soft grunt acknowledged Oscar’s slip to the back of their trio. reappeared with the group after examining some sort of machine that had caught his attention.

“What was that?” she asked curiously when he didn’t offer an explanation of his brief detour. There may be something to his discovery, after all. Any data Lex could collect to make her better prepared for what was ahead she would appreciate. Could even be nothing at all. Still, it was . . . intriguing that he was drawn to such a strange object.

Silence settled on them as they traveled even deeper into the strange cave. The further they got, the stronger the sensation of power became. It wasn’t something she couldn’t easily explain. Hell, she didn’t even recognize that was what made her feel so uncomfortable. This task wasn’t going to be as simple as snatching some shards like she had in Meteor Falls.

“What the hell . . .” Was her first thought when things started to get really weird. Through the shadows, a set of large, dark bubbles floated idly through the air. It was something she had never seen before and it was likely this was a first for her companions as well.

Well, better to not touch the bubbles.

Little did she know, the magnetizing presence of her Shadow Gardevoir who was phased in the spectral plane around her, was attracting the eerily similar energy that fueled the DARK BUBBLES.

A loud SNAP echoed across the cave as a bubble gently pressed against the thief’s back, “Ah!” Lex was pushed forward by the forceful explosion. A dark, slimy sludge coating her back. The wind was forced out of her lungs by the sudden strike. Her arms broke the fall forward and protected her from any further damage.

Lex’s sharp inhale brought the air rushing back. Her shoulder ached considerably, like someone pitched a baseball at her back. The sludge trapped within the mine felt heavy on her back, weighing her down in a strange way that she could tell would slowly grow exhausting.

“The bubbles,” Lex said between breaths as she pushed herself off the ground, “Don’t fucking touch them,” Looking forward, they seemed to continue deeper into the cave.

Suddenly a specter materializes from the phantom plane. The Shadow Gardevoir hovered protectively over the redhead, a cold, emotionless gaze falling on the trainer’s back. The Shadow Pokemon brought a cold, eerie presence to the already strange cave. Lifeless eyes settled on the Bisharp, attracted by corrupted energy she could sense within the pokemon. It was a similar energy to that of the bubbles. For a moment, she considered the Bisharp responsible, < We aren’t alone, > the voice whispered like a hiss in Lex’s head.

Amber eyes turned to the Gardevoir curiously. How could she possibly know that? “We aren’t alone,” Lex repeated, acting as a vessel to voice the Gardevoir’s revelation. Lex recognized the way in which she fixated on the Bisharp.

“No,” the command was firm. Lex could only assume the pokemon’s intentions based on the subtle twitch of her long, dagger-like fingers, “Get these out of our way,” Another firm command to follow. The corrupted pokemon drifted forward, raising her long arms. Amethyst energy stretched out, gently pushing the bubbles from their path as they group proceeded deeper into the cave.

tl;dr: Rocket triggers a trap! A bubble sneaks up on Lex from behind and explodes. She lets her companions know: Don’t touch the bubbles. Shadow Gardevoir recognizes the corrupted energy the Bisharp and the Bubbles share, giving her a clue that they are not alone. She then uses PSYCHIC to push the DARK BUBBLES out of their way as they proceed.

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professor zen
june 20th
hoenn region
85 height
85 height
seek out the truth.
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zenji jabami DOLLARS
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zenji jabami
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2021 20:02:16 GMT
zenji jabami Avatar
[attr="class","light"]zenji stared at the reddened . a neutral countenance had been worn upon zenji's face. it would slowly form into a small smile. placing his computer down for all but a moment. he would walk over to . standing slightly over the young adult. he would, had zenji been allowed to, place a hand atop of 's head and, almost like a father figure, ruffled his hair. "i understand the sentiment, no need to force it brat."

and without further ado he'd return to his original position. "and as for your question on primal energy...well," he'd pause for a moment, "let's just say it may save lives." among other things. just as zenji was about to begin returning to his work, there was a sudden utterance from afar. the noise was clearly an explosive.

note: giving his fatherly figure support.
heard an explosive setoff.

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