i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 17th
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2021 17:24:51 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar
It was a tough flight, the unleashed bug pokemon were frenzied, as such even the rockets weren't safe to their attacks Miles in particular found himself avoiding an assortment of stingers and blades as he rode atop his prehistoric pokemon. He tucks himself closer to the aerodactyl legs tightening around the monster's torso as a Beedril narrowly misses the rocket keeping his head attached to his shoulders. It was a terrifying experience, but the job had only begun. "Agility." And with that the dragon-like pokemon would move into second gear, at this speed he was about 30 seconds from reaching the tower. Perfect time to update the comms."This is Viper, looking for a status update for the first and second floors."

Regardless of the answer Miles would order the prehistoric reptile to fly in through the third floor, he had to deal with the group of pursuers on his heels. The idea was simple using the tree base to funnel the assortment of enemies as they all couldn't fit through the broken window panes at once.

- Miles is attacked by the bug pokemon he unleashed while making his way to the guild atop Aerodactyl
- Has Aerodactyl use Agility to gain some distance from him and his pursuers
- Hits up comms wanting to know everyone's status
- Is planning on landing on the third floor using a window to funnel a number of the chasing bugs.

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June 29
I wish I could tell you
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts.
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Vivienne Savatier
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 0:34:28 GMT
Vivienne Savatier Avatar
As Vivienne admired the potted plant, she barely registered that the fun had begun. Her attention was drawn away from the plant by the shouting of Andrew, her partner in the task assigned at the planning stage. She watched as the spindly man tried to command the room, and even chuckled at his audacity to start kicking the shit out of one of the workers. The guy had spunk, she'd give him that.

As one of the pedestrians shouted a call to action, Vivienne decided that she couldn't spectate any longer--much to her annoyance. She sighed, lifting the plant over her head and chucking it at the loud mouth. That was basically all she could do in that regard, she had no way to block the attacks of the blastoise so Andrew would just have to manage that himself. 

As Vivienne pulled a pokeball from under her hat, she decided to answer the Miles on the comms. "Doing just fine on the second floor, don't worry your pretty little head dear."  She opened her ball, revealing a devious milotic. Vivienne pointed to blastoise, "Temptress, knock off that turtle!" The serpentine mistress jumped into action, slithering toward the Blastoise as fast as she could manage. When she got close she would rise up and--wink seductively. Releasing pheromones from her swaying body, Temptress would attempt to Attract the blastoise so he wouldn't be such a bother. 

Meanwhile Vivienne strode to Andrew's gathered crowd, pulling another pokeball out of her hat and opening it immediately. There was a flash, followed by the reveal of a shining skarmory. Known as Razorback, the metal predator swooped around his master and awaited her orders. "Razorback be a dear and herd the stragglers to the party over there." Razorback let out a metallic screech, diving at the nearest pedestrian in an attempt to scare them into Andrew's hostages. As Vivienne approached, she would fold her arms and let out a shrill cackle. "Don't get up on my account boys and girls. I would hate for things to get bloody before the main event."


Vivienne let's Andrew have his fun. When Matias makes a call to action she throws a potted plant at him.
Milotic uses Attract on blastoise. Did a roll to determine success.
Skarmory attempts to force pedestrians to join the other hostages.
Vivienne is now near the hostages.
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
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Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 3:55:49 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Serena could keep an eye on the camera's thanks to her Rotom and the bug she planted into the network once Bolt connected. Staring at her phone she made note of several staff members leaving due to the commotion. She could hear some of it from where she was. As the other's checked in on coms she decided to move from her hiding place. She wouldn't get anything done if she just stayed anyway.

The other's were more suited to the roles they were playing. Serena on the other hand could be relatively stealthy and when it came to gathering information she was pretty good at that too. Getting her hands on a computer be a great start, but she should probably hit one up that was located in one of the research facilities. Getting there unnoticed would be the goal but it promised to be difficult.

With a quick inhale she quickly got up from her hiding place sticking close to corners and walls. She could occasionally glance at her phone to flip through the cameras to get an idea of where she was heading. The staff were frantic which allowed her openings to sneak past unnoticed.

She didn't pay much attention to them at first however as she got closer to the lab she began to notice some things the staff were wearing. Pausing for a moment to take things in her eyes widened as she noticed not just one or two but a few of the staff members were wearing her MERCH.

This was a sort of surreal moment. Of all the things to run into. Her fans? While she trying to rob this facility blind? That was a little awkward. She suddenly appreciated the disguise she made herself wear. And to think she almost didn't wear one today. That would've been even worse if she had to threaten them. Even now she felt bad and she hadn't even interacted with them yet. Still a mission was a mission and a job was a job.

While she was disguised she'd be alright. She wouldn't risk them finding out it was her, unless they paid too much attention to her voice. The feeling was weird now that she knew but it wouldn't stop her from doing her job. It just made things uncomfortable in the back on of her mind. "Whatever, to the labs" she muttered to herself as she continued forward.

tl;dr: Serena makes her way to the labs to get some more info on what's going down here, finds out the staff members are Serenators, her fans | xtra notes: [ league ] , , | [ rocket ] , , | + Serena's current appearance

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

[newclass=.hearmenand11]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(https://images2.imgbox.com/60/9a/0PbdCvTn_o.png);width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#fef5bd!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #131313;border-right:2px solid #131313;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand33]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .hearmenand33]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2021 20:39:31 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He was still pressed up against one of the walls; while his Lucario was on the opposite end of the room.

“Get back here!” he called out, and the Lucario scaled the distance with several more bursts of Extreme Speed had scaled the distance, noisy swarm of bugs considered.

With the panicking people, the noise, the Bug-types buzzing incessantly—he knew he had to do something. However, the ‘something’ would mean having to summon some of his larger Pokémon companions; which was something he didn’t want to risk just yet in the crowded space.

And besides, the moment I start calling them out… he thought as he looked around at the abject madness that was still ongoing. It’s going to get messy. But what other choice do I have?! He continued to himself, looking over at the one who had summoned the Blastoise—he certainly had the right idea.

Now that the Lucario had scaled the distance and was closer to where he stood, he decided it was—time. He had to attempt to control the situation.

Seeing the Skarmory gave him an idea, since it was harassing another innocent bystander.

Ah, shit, tight fit but screw this! He thought as he plucked another Pokéball from his pocket and tossed it high, watching as a Salamence emerged from the burst of red light.

“Go after the Skarmory! But do not engage unless it attacks you first!” he said, pointing at the Skarmory that was harassing another random civilian caught in the crossfire.

Did he have to reveal himself? Not yet—at least, not unless it was absolutely necessary. So the shades stayed perched on his face, and the hood stayed up.

Now the pressing matter was to get rid of all the buzzing, loud, annoying Bug-types that were causing mayhem in the enclosed space!

• Still at the same place he was last time
• Lucario returns to his side after several Extreme Speed maneuvers
• Sees the Skarmory, decides to take action
• Sends out Salamence, but Salamence does not attack yet, only to chase after the Skarmory in an attempt to stop harassing the civilian
• How to get rid of the Bug-type swarming the place? HMM

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november 14th
elite four
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1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 11:02:08 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]a potted plant — a fern — smacks into his back, catching him off guard. ground-colored ceramic cracks into pieces, sending dirt scattering across his back and down the floor. matias plants a foot, catching his weight and resisting the impact. it will leave his back bruised, no doubt, but adrenaline overpowers all else. he turns to the source, sees the same seven foot tall figure, and grins, amused, but not willing to do much else as she nears the hostages.

"get the bugs."

the order is taken at face value. blastoise shifts, redirecting its cannons to point towards a swarm of bugs that have been buzzing at one of the corners of the room. a WATER PULSE drenches them, wetting their wings enough to take them to the ground. that, along with gengar's constant HYPNOSIS, clears one corner of the room.

matias has not turned away from the hostages. he stands, watching, waiting.

summary //
- matias is smacked by a potted plant lol
- blastoise and gengar eliminate the bugs in one corner of the 2nd floor
- matias continues to keep an eye on the hostages
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 19:52:46 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Andrew's violent assault of the employee is interrupted when a Blastoise aims its cannons at him and his Charizard. Andrew, upon seeing the Blastoise take aim at him, immediately jumps out of the way, narrowly avoiding the blast of water coming at him. The streamer lands on the ground, struggling to get to his feet. His Charizard isn't so lucky, as he's blasted into the wall by the torrent of water. For the moment, he's reeling from the attack.

The tall woman chucks a potted plant at the man, providing a distraction for the streamer to get to his feet, and come up with something. As the Blastoise is occupied with the bugs, Andrew sends out his Venusaur. "Pedal Blizzard.", Andrew commands, pointing to the Blastoise.

The Venusaur whips up a flurry of pedals, before launching them towards the tortoise. Meanwhile, his Charizard, battered but conscious, gets to his feet. Glowering angrily at the Gengar, he unleashes a Dragon Pulse at the ghost, in an attempt to vent his rage. In the confusion, Andrew takes the nearest object, a Clefairy Doll, at the Silph. Whether or not it hits, it's a distraction for Andrew to come in, and charge the 'hero.'

Andrew would attempt to tackle the man, and if successful, would attempt to pummel him. "Fuck you, you fucking prick!", Andrew angrily exclaims.

notes: Andrew dodges the Hydro Pump
Charizard is hit by Hydro Pump
Andrew brings in his Venusaur
Venusaur uses Pedal Blizzard on Blastoise
Charizard uses Dragon Pulse on Gengar
Andrew tosses a Clefairy Doll at Matias
Andrew charges Matias, intent on tackling and pummeling him

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November 17th
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2021 20:31:51 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

Finally, he was in. In one motion the aerodactyl managed to twist into the third floor funneling a portion of the bug pokemon inside, which by nature of the maneuver kept many out, Thankfully the two managed to slip in not unnoticed, but due to the chaos, the pokemon had unleashed it seemed everyone had bigger problems to deal with, that being the assortment of bug pokemon already in the room not to mention the new friends Miles had brought with him. Most if not all the guild workers were fighting them off with their own pokemon, but they were getting overwhelmed.

Miles didn't feel too good about the status quo but he had a job, the workers would be able to hold their own for a while longer or at least until their reinforcements got here. Viper would duck avoiding a combined string shot from an assortment of wurmple that'd climbed on the walls, before recalling Caelum to his Pokeball.

On him, Miles had rocket-built flash drives, drives that were made to replicate the entirety of hard drives in a matter of minutes. He could care less about whatever else lied on the floor, his priority at the moment was data. Secret bases could be used to house hundreds of displaced refugees if the technology was decidedly used for the good of the public. Rocket may have sought items more tangible, or information more lucrative (which at this pace would certainly be done) But his personal mission came first. And so he was seeking computer labs wherever on the floor they may be.

"Third floor's ripe, Scorpion, drop your location and get me to the computers."

He'd call the woman on the comms, everything was still proceeding as planned, once Serena helped control the floor they'd be ready to scavenge. And hopefully, she moved fast some of the scientists seemed to be onto the man and were preparing something or another, Miles could do without 'something or another' right now.

- Miles lands on the third-floor managing to funnel bug pokemon in through a large paned window breaking the small horde after him. (but they're still entering just slowly
- Miles Recalls Aerodactyl before ducking down to avoid string shots
- Status is scientist and guild members are fending off bugs and it's about 60/40 in favor of the bugs
- Miles calls on the comms for directions to the computer room essentially asking her to geotag herself

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november 14th
elite four
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1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
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POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 8:26:54 GMT

what comes of the command is instantaneous. blastoise, despite having its back turned, immediately conjures a shield of PROTECT. it turns vicious petals to nothing more than a nuisance. when the storm dies down, so does the shield.

gengar isn't as quick to react. the DRAGON PULSE catches it, the impact sending it slamming against the ground. it reels, hurt, but retaliates with a SHADOW BALL.

despite the distractions, matias has kept his gaze on the hostages, and in turn, on the charging man. he steps, slipping by the thrown clefairy doll, before pushing open a pokeball. a flash of light later, an electivire appears in between them, arms outstretched, electricity cackling, ready to catch andrew and trap him in a hug.

summary //
- blastoise protects from petal blizzard
- gengar is hit by dragon pulse and retaliates with shadow ball on charizard
- matias dodges the clefairy doll and calls out an electivire
- electivire is attempting to hug andrew
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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June 29
I wish I could tell you
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts.
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Vivienne Savatier
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2021 20:27:42 GMT
Vivienne Savatier Avatar
Vivienne watched with a dull gaze as Andrew went off to fight that uppity trainer with the blastoise. She spoke out to him with a monotone voice and as little investment as possible, "No. Stop. Come back." Alas, boys will be boys. No skin off her nose if Andrew got a few bruises for being--himself. Vivienne turned her gaze to her milotic, who seemed to be in quite a tizzy.

Temptress continued her seductive wiggle, only for that damn ungrateful piece of SHIT blastoise ignoring her completely. Can you believe the AUDACITY!? To be rejected by this FATASS TURTLE! The MOTHER FUCKER should be grateful she even noticed him! Temptress screamed, her eyes bulging with unbridled rage. The scream only increased in volume, sending scornful soundwaves toward that BITCH ASS blastoise (Disarming Voice). She will make him feel her pain, nobody ignores Temptress--NOBODY!

Vivienne blinked, seeing the unfolding drama as pretty standard as far as Temptress fights go. She turned her attention to Razorback, who was having an adventure of his own.

Razorback was in the middle of shepherding an elderly worker toward the other hostages, when a fucking Salamence came at him. Razorback's Keen Eye noticed the massive figure approaching before it could get too close, which allowed him to react quickly. Razorback dug his talons into the elderly worker, lifting him off the ground as he faced the dragon. Razorback smiled, almost daring this 'hero' to attack him while he held the old man. No attacks were sent, but Razorback didn't dare turn his back on the salamence. He flapped his metal wings to propel himself backwards until he could drop the coot off with the other hostages. He planned to guard them with Vivienne once he arrived.

Vivienne encourages Andrew to follow his dreams.
Temptress used Disarming Voice on the blastoise.
Razorback picked up a worker and faced the salamence until he reaches Vivienne and the hostages.
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
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Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 2:55:06 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]It didn't take long for Serena to reach the labs. Especially since she'd been working with a good system up until this point. Honestly she was quite proud of how well things were going so far. But it also made her suspicious of what could wrong. Her luck never blessed her like this, there was always a catch.

As she approached the labs she pulled two pokeballs, she wasn't gonna bring Mime to her side just yet. He was a special case and tended to go overboard. Busting into the lab with Titania and Caspurr at her side she glared at the workers. "Hands where I can see 'em." They stared back shocked that she was even in here. "Now!" She shouted this time pulling a gun from a holster she had hidden.

She wouldn't use it, but since she wasn't rocking with pokémon big and bad enough to put the fear of god in anyone yet, this had to do. Clicking the safety off she pointed the gun at the ceiling and fired one round to get their attention, letting the staff now turned hostages know her intentions.

From the display on her phone she could see Miles getting to work on his end and smirked as she glanced at the staff members. "Line up." she ordered and watch them do so in a hurry. "Choice is yours, either you're on your best behavior here, and safe, or you act up and a feed you to the swarm of bugs out there like the rest of your colleagues."

The other's looked amongst themselves, morale seeming to drop as she nodded with a smirk. "That's what I thought. Cas, Titania tie 'em up." she ordered as she made her way over to what seemed to be a central computer. "Third floor's ripe, Scorpion, drop your location and get me to the computers." came Sharp's voice across the comms.

"Sending the 'cords to you now." She repeated immediately as she tapped the side of her earpiece. After shooting Miles her location she cracked her neck and began to get to work surfing through the files in the laboratory. Grabbing a flashdrive she plugged it into the computer and as she worked it began to downloading. Anything and everything that could possibly be of use later. She didn't want to leave a stone unturned. If Rocket wanted to use what she brought back then let them, if not, at least she can say she tried.

tl;dr: - Serena entered the labs
- Held the staff members inside at gun point
- Tied the hostages up and Sent Miles her location
- Currently hacking into the computers and downloading the files from the main HUB in the secret base | xtra notes: [ league ] , , | [ rocket ] , , | + Serena's current appearance

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

[newclass=.hearmenand11]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(https://images2.imgbox.com/60/9a/0PbdCvTn_o.png);width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#fef5bd!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #131313;border-right:2px solid #131313;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand33]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .hearmenand33]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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September 7
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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 16:39:25 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Bugs. Lots of bugs. Vio had hoped to escape them by going up the stairs. She had been wrong. At first it had seemed like things were going well up there, for when she reached the top of the stairs, she didn’t see any of them.
Then some idiot broke through the window and let more of them in. Argh, she was always surrounded by incompetence, wasn’t she?

Then someone fired a gun and suddenly things got quite real. From her position at the top of the stairs, she could not quite tell who it was or what they were doing, but she instinctively crouched anyway, only allowing herself to peer over the edge.
Or at least that was what she would have done if it wasn’t for a few Beedrills coming her way thanks to the guy that had had the glorious idea of smashing a window. And this time, she couldn’t just run away, given that there were bees on the level below her too.

But by now, she had gathered her bearings enough to do something about it. Barely. Very barely. It would take just one more crazy thing happening to send her straight back into confusion. But, fortunately, she knew about her shortcomings and had prepared. There was one Pokemon she did not really like, but always left on her belt regardless – just in case something like this happened. It wasn’t aesthetically pleasing or cute.
But the Rhyperior she called forth at the top of the third floor stairs was thick. So thick and heavy in fact that the ground groaned a little beneath it. But, hopefully, it would be able to stop the incoming Beedrills.

tl;dr: reaches third floor via stairs but hides there from the chaos. Sends out Rhyperior to stomp some incoming beedrills
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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2021 16:47:45 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

The Venusaur looks on in irritation at the Blastoise, as it manages to Protect itself from the Pedal Blizzard. In retaliation, it unleashes a cloud of Sleep Powder towards the large tortoise, attempting to put the opponent to sleep. The Charizard seemed to be elated upon seeing the Dragon Pulse connect with the Gengar. Upon seeing the specter fire a Shadow Ball at him, he would muster up another Dragon Pulse, this one colliding with the Shadow Ball, and cancelling it out.

Andrew's rage turned to panic as the annoying man sent out an overgrown yellow ape to hug him. Scrambling for something, he would send out his Garchomp to take the hug. The dragon would attempt to close what distance there was between the two of them with a Dragon Rush. Andrew, for his part, attempted to change his direction, to avoid the two Pokemon. Unfortunately, he messed up his footing, and found himself slipping, and falling face first towards the ground.

Instincts kicked in, and Andrew used his forearms to brace himself. Though he'd prevent his face from meeting the ground, the fall still caused him to groan in pain, the man clearly having trouble getting to his feet.

"I'll get you, you cocksucker!", he called out to Matias.

notes: Venusaur uses Sleep Powder, targeting Blastoise
Charizard uses Dragon Pulse, to cancel out Shadow Ball
Andrew sends out Garchomp to take the hug from Electivire
Garchomp used Dragon Rush, targeting Electivire
Andrew tries to go around them, ends up slipping and falling

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November 17th
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2021 17:04:16 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

Miles finds himself moving through the hallway after sending his message only for a gunshot to sound deeper within the guild. “Not my signal of choice, but it will suffice .” He muses to himself turning to follow the direction of the shot only for the streamer to activate the coms formally dropping her pin. He’d taken a bet on folllowing the shot and it’d paid off as in seconds said streamer was in sight. Following the woman’s lead the analyst places his own drive in a computer parallel to hers.

“I’m impressed.” He says eyes moving to the rounded up researchers who of course were none too pleased about the current status quo.

“That’s certainly one way to do it.” He wasn’t a man who preferred using force, but they were too deep now and as far as the analyst could tell no one was injured, thus it was a win so far at least. That is until from some crevice A fucking rhyperior is summoned.

Miles pulls a poke ball from his belt, summoninga Carracosta into the research space. “Precautionary measures.” He doesn’t bother glancing at the water type his focus quite clearly on the rampaging ground type Hydro Pump. Following the order a surge of water would rocket towards the rock type all the while more bugs would begin to make their way to the deeper part of the room. If the massive stone pokemon wasn’t taken down the chances of the entire floor caving in were high. And the chances of everyone surviving that, were slim to none.

“5 minutes until the transfer’s complete.“ His eye falls on Serena I’ll handle that. Make sure they... understand. he hopes she reads in between the lines giving the woman a nod before moving from the console to face the rhyperior. “I don’t know who brought it, but this place isn’t built to hold beasts like that especially when the building is already under pressure. Surrender and no harm will come to you. You have my word.” he’d attempt diplomacy, but was more than ready to return to force if necessary.
This is prolly trash cause its on mobile so im sorry

Miles hears Serena’s gunshot
Makes way towards room
Gets the drop point and enters lab
Immediately plugs in second drive
Sees a whole ass rhyperior
Calls a carracosta and uses hydropump
Tells or really implies to Serena to essentially keep all these mfs safe while he deals with the rhyperior
Attempts diplomacy with the rock types trainer though he doesn’t know where she is.
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2021 19:56:01 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The moment the Skarmory began harassing the elderly man and the cries of pain mixed in among the chaos of the annoying Bug-types, the Salamence let out a snarl in the steel avian’s direction.

Of course, this wasn’t missed by Alexei not the Lucario beside him. The dual-type looked over to where he stood, aura flaring in alarm—and he knew that Vincent could heal the old man; it was just a matter of getting the Skarmory to leave the man alone.

Turning to the Lucario, he muttered a few words before the Lucario disappeared in another blur of Extreme Speed. Where was it headed? Only Alexei knew.

“Oy! What kind of person are you, harassing an old man?!” he shouted, his eyes finding the source of the—yikes. Holy fucking shit that was a big—woman.

“You have no respect at all, leave him alone and let him walk!” he continued as he stood there, whistling exactly once for the Salamence to hold its position.

As he tried to get better footing (with an entire room of buzzing bugs it was very hard to maintain balance) he’d almost fallen over as he felt his heel graze something on the—ground.

Ducking down in order to recover his balance, he felt around for the source of the—thing that had almost sent him sprawling over backwards to the floor and noticed that it had a familiar-looking pattern that caught his eye—

Huh, where’d this come from?

Realizing what it was, he quickly palmed the marble before standing up again, shifting his hand into his pocket as he did so.

Shit, the bugs were still annoying!

The Salamence was still eyeing the Skarmory, ready to scrap if those claws dug in any deeper.

• Salamence is not amused at the Skarmory, growling in its direction but still holding the line
• Alexei looks over to his Lucario, exchanges a few words
• The Lucario ‘disappears’ in a sudden burst of Extreme Speed to who knows where (will be reappearing in my next post)
• Alexei does a take 2 at the—holy shit that’s a big lady
• Almost slips but catches himself, with a room full of bugs what the actual fuck it’s hard keeping balance with the loud buzzing noise!
• Ducking down to catch himself, he finds the culprit—a marble. (it’s the Garchompite)
• Realizing what the marble is, he quickly pockets it before standing up
Shit these bugs are ANNOYING how to shut them up?!
• Salamence is still glaring at Skarmory, waiting for any sign of movement

★ objective cleared: Have 1 trainer pilfer a GARCHOMPITE, which they can put in their PC's inventory

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november 14th
elite four
a life
to live for.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,256 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 1, 2021 17:17:36 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]the gunshot drags him away and forces his hand. he bites back rage, clicking his tongue as hands find empty pokeballs. he recalls blastoise just as the SLEEP POWDER hits — annoying, but it can't be helped. electivire is also recalled after taking the DRAGON RUSH.

"drop them all and follow."

gengar, casually floating pass a powerful DRAGON PULSE, rises to the ceiling. its ears twitch as a soundless song escapes its grinning mouth. soon, most of the pokemon on the second floor will succumb to PERISH SONG.

matias separates from the others, allowing the trainer with the salamence, , to handle the situation. he ascends, climbing the stairs just as a HYDRO PUMP soars towards the rhyperior. it provides a decent enough distraction for him to slip into the lab.

his eyes scan the vicinity, analyzing.

summary //
- matias recalls blastoise and electivire
- gengar uses PERISH SONG on the second floor
- matias heads up to the labs
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