i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 3, 2021 16:14:25 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Rhyperior. The Drill Pokemon. Grows up to almost 8 feet and can weigh more than 600 lbs. That weight alone was certainly not enough to severely strain the floor. After all, a moderately sized group of people could weigh that much. But a group of people, even when they arrived at a floor together, were widely spread out, enough to distribute the weight properly. But it was a different thing altogether when a Pokemon had that much weight by itself and, say, fell to the ground after being all but lifted by a strong attack hitting its weak point like that. Just to use a completely unrelated example.


Sadly though, the universe’s whims decried that it would fall over badly, hitting the floor with a big thud – and a crack. Taken aback, Violet swiftly recalled the Pokemon, but that was only after a small shockwave comparable to a minor earthquake hit the floor and a hole started breaking away, likely raining debris down on people below. Vio did not stick around to try and see what would come of that and started heading back down the stairs in an attempt to flee before anyone could pin this on her.

Rhyperior is Hydro Pumped and out
But her butt hits the floor with big oomph, destabilizing it and raining at least some debris down on the people on second floor.
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November 16th
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Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 7:13:57 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Whispers could be heard as Serena's slender fingers practically flew across the keyboard as she went to work. "Shut it." Serena ordered which quieted some things down as she worked. Her eyes never once left the screen, even when her ally appeared. “I’m impressed.” Miles said which brought a smirk to the young streamers face. “That’s certainly one way to do it.”

Whether it was genuine or sarcastic it didn't matter. Serena shrugged as she continued to search through any blueprints or hidden files that might have been in some location that could be overlooked by her driver. "It's efficient." was all Serena offered as she glanced over and watched Miles get to work at the same time.

Everything was going relatively smoothly, until it fucking wasn't. It would be hard to miss the fucking Rhyperior that was suddenly summoned in the room. "What the shit?" Serena glared as her fingers paused for a quick second and she contemplated pulling out her shadow pokémon to deal with this nuisance.

Luckily Miles was quicker as he summoned his Carracosta to deal with the Rhyperior. “Precautionary measures.” he said and Serena nodded. Whatever got that thing out of her fucking lab before everything collapsed. “5 minutes until the transfer’s complete." Miles says as he eyes Serena, "I’ll handle that. Make sure they... understand."

Serena glanced towards the hostages and sighed as she directed Titania and Caspurr to go and protect them. They should be good enough while Miles dealt with things. "Don't panic and you'll be fine." Serena said as she worked on wrapping up what she was doing on their computers. Once her driver was finished downloading all of the files it would leave a little present of her own desgin. One that would hide traces of their interference. Just as a precautionary measure.

It would take around 5 minutes as well so they needed to stall. “I don’t know who brought it, but this place isn’t built to hold beasts like that especially when the building is already under pressure. Surrender and no harm will come to you. You have my word.” Serena snorted, he could've said that again. What kind of idiot would put themselves in danger like that in the middle of a crisis? Well it was true that during high intensity moments like these logic often left in place of other emotions like self-perseverance. So she could understand.

The Rhyperior seemed to get k.o.'d by the Hydro Pump as it flopped to the ground. However the unsettling crack that followed did little to ease Serena's anxieties. "That's sure to get attention up here." Serena muttered. "We need to get going before more unwanted company shows up here." she continued. She wondered how things got to this anyway. Wasn't it supposed to be relatively hard to get here anyway?

- Still downloading files from the computer
- Sends Titania (Mawile), and Caspurr (Purrloin) to protect the hostages
- Once she finishes downloading the files she'll start uploading a virus to the computers that will hide their digital trace of interferance with the secret bases files
- Suggests she and Miles leave the area due to the attention brought on by the Rhyperior. | xtra notes: [ league ] , , | [ rocket ] , , | + Serena's current appearance

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

[newclass=.hearmenand11]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(https://images2.imgbox.com/60/9a/0PbdCvTn_o.png);width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#fef5bd!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #131313;border-right:2px solid #131313;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand33]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .hearmenand33]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 12:37:54 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]speaking of unwated company — matias decides it time to make his presence known. he stands, parting from what little remains of the crowd, and faces the hostages. the pokemon surrounding them do little to intimidate him.

"did you get what you came here for?"

summary //
- matias addresses the people holding the hostages
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 17:52:35 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar
The problem at hand falls like a ton of rocks literally collapsing against the mix of wood and cement shaking the entirety of the guild. The fall is so great many of the bugs scattering the room would flee momentarily the rhyperior's display having served to shake natures, intruders. Before Miles can catch who exactly summoned the creature it's enveloped in red and gone without a trace. handles the situation well on her side the woman's tactics continuing to keep the various researchers stunned and for the most part silent while the rockets handle their business. Dependability was hard to come by and he'd make sure to give his thanks later.

In the silence that followed the rhyperior another would appear. To have made it this far under the circumstances spoke much of the stranger's power. The Carracosta would take a step forward ready to deal with the newcomer only for Miles to extend his arm in a means that meant to stay her hand for the moment. The Analyst responds genuinely to his question brushing a hand past his ear and through his tied bun, a means of discretely activating the comms for all Rockets in the building.

There was no point in lying. If the rocket was to say 'they had' and didn't leave immediately the bluff would fall apart.

"Not quite, but in about four minutes we'll have accomplished our objective." He begins eyes focused on the then-unknown Matias.

"I'd like to propose a parley. You seem wise enough to understand that the structural integrity of this floor is compromised. If we were to fight you and I may survive, but you'd be sacrificing the hostages here and everyone below." He's spoken truths to the man thus far, and his comrades just below.

"That's without mentioning the issue of the bug pokemon that threaten everyone's safety." Another aspect of the situation and one Miles couldn't actively control. If the bugs were left unchecked and decided to strike this deeply in the tower regardless of whatever deal that managed to be brokered the guild would fall.

"So how about we strike a deal. The terms are plain. You and I defend against the bugs while we finish our business. In exchange, My associate will begin escorting the hostages to the stairwell."

"What say you, stranger? The parley depended entirely on the stranger's values. What drove Matias and how much would he be willing to give. In truth, he doesn't have a contingency. He could get the data regardless but protecting the lives of everyone not including those below, was too hard a sell especially with active opposition.

- Miles doesn't catch violet escaping
- Miles confronts
- Miles activates the comms channel discretely announcing to all rockets and Matias that:
A: The third floor could collapse if fighting continues
B: There about 4 minutes away from securing the data
C: A plan to possibly coordinate with Matias to free the hostages and escape
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 18:32:07 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]the structural integrity of the guild is failing, that much has been clear even before miles points it out. their options are limited. so what comes next is only natural.

"fine. all the hostages are to be escorted out of the building while we take care of the bugs."

even without waiting for confirmation, matias recalls his gengar only to call it back out again, saving it from the terrible fate of PERISH SONG. it floats up and begins its HYPNOSIS on a group of bugs.

"what's your name, stranger?"

summary //
- matias agrees to miles' plan
- all the hostages are to be escorted out now
- gengar starts work on some bugs on 3rd
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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June 29
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Vivienne Savatier
POSTED ON May 6, 2021 23:26:44 GMT
Vivienne Savatier Avatar
As Razorback reached his master, he would abruptly drop the old man amongst the other hostages. The metallic hunter was prepared to turn right around and engage the dragon that had stalked him, but luck wasn't on his side. Razorback heard it loud and clear, a chilling dirge that sent shivers down his polished spine. If his master didn't intervene, the Perish Song would take him. 

Razorback landed by Vivienne, tugging at her dress with urgency. Vivienne looked down, unaware of the Perish Song's effect. She had been too busy wondering what to have for dinner once this was all done, probably sea food. She was craving a chowder of some kind. Looking into the pleading eyes of her skarmory, Vivienne squinted with concern. Razorback never looked so distressed, so something serious must be bothering him. Fear wasn't in his emotion pool, so--

Vivi withdrew the skarmory without a word, replacing him with an equally vicious (though grounded) companion. Vivi's Furfru, Fifi, was a furry ball of pure evil and malice. You can tell because her fur was fashioned into a sunhat to match her cruel mistress. Vivi gave Fifi several long pets before looking to the Salamence. She spoke not a word, daring the dragon to do something. At least she had its attention, better it stay down here than travel to the third floor.

Temptress did not hear the Perish Song, her Disarming Voice had muted the fell cry to her graceful ears. Yet as her screeching finished, she found that the population of the floor had shifted. The blastoise had disappeared, and with a cast of characters she no longer cared about her temperament would cool. Temptress slithered behind a lawn furniture set, waiting for a new victim to torment. 

Vivienne withdrew Razorback and sent out Furfru. Currently staring at the salamence, waiting for it to try and strike.
Temptress ended her Disarming Voice and hid behind some lawn furniture. 
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 7, 2021 17:57:23 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The moment he heard the familiar melody, the look on his face turned into a scowl.

He’d heard that certain tune a few times before, and knew that it was going to spell a whole lot of trouble. With some trepidation, he then recalled both the Salamence and the Lucario; which then left him with absolutely no companions out on the field.

There was an—idea playing in the back of his head, although to use it right now would prove to be a bad idea; considering that the loud, incessant buzzing was grating on his nerves. The literal horde of Bug-types that infested the place made it difficult for him to think.

The only good thing about this was that he’d picked up a nice shiny to test out… much later.

Digging around in his pocket again, he was about to reach for another Pokéball when he felt the room shake. What was going on upstairs?

Shit, I don’t think I want to know, he continued as he returned his attention to the other—the Skarmory had also disappeared, only to be replaced with another Pokémon he couldn’t easily pick out.

But whatever, he had his own new companion to summon as well.

Just as a wall of larger buzzing bugs flew by, he quickly summoned his Ribombee within the ‘living screen’ as cover.

The moment Carina appeared, she blinked in confusion.

“Shh,” he hissed, before the minuscule Pokémon alighted on his shoulder. “Don’t be so obvious. Check out the area for me, will you?” he continued in the same soft voice.

After a nod, the Ribombee took off, ‘joining’ the flock of bugs as they buzzed around the room.

• Recognizes the Perish Song
• Recalls both Salamence and Lucario. No way he gonna risk that shit
• A sudden large wall of bugs obscures his location
• Under cover of this living wall, he summons his Ribombee
• Once out, the Ribombee goes on recon

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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 0:41:38 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

Miles' eyes shift back toward , the Carracosta remains focused on the compliant stranger on the off chance he decides to strike while her trainer's back is turned. Miles nods at the woman "Your compliance is appreciated. We'll hold true to our side." The masked rocket would step forward calling another pokeball forth revealing a metagross who upon being released would promptly begin to levitate to further avoid the floor situation.

" Viper." His introduction is swift. "I'll block off the pathway to the stairwell. If you remove stragglers, my associate will guide them to the stairs. Our colleagues below understand the nature of the situation and won't attack unless otherwise provoked."

Just as he finishes another swarm no longer warded away by the massive rock type would charge. "Reflect." A psychic barrier would form against a pathway, the metagross using its powers to hold off the swarm as best it could. As expected a few of the larger insects quickly manage to push through. Surely it was time for to shine.

- Miles gives Serena the go to start escorting hostages
- Calls Metagross
- Bugs resume attack
- Uses reflect to stop parts of horde
- Gives Matias his codename

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November 16th
Jubilife City
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Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 7:10:35 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]Serena's eyes narrowed but stayed trained on the intruder. Though in this case they were all intruder's but this one was interrupting her plans. Luckily the Head Scientist was quick thinking and more diplomatic than her. Something Serena could appreciate in an intense moment such as this.

Despite the unwanted surprise, things ended up unraveling smoothly instead of spiraling head first into chaos like she thought it would. Serena had to resist the urge to release a sigh of relief. "So how about we strike a deal. The terms are plain. You and I defend against the bugs while we finish our business. In exchange, My associate will begin escorting the hostages to the stairwell." Serena glanced back at Matias before turning her eyes back to the other male.

"What say you, stranger?" Matias prodded once more and for all of their sakes, she prayed this man would accept. It was the best offer he was going to get. Regardless, Serena stood with her guard fully intact and ready to act at a moment's notice should peace dissolve. "Fine. All the hostages are to be escorted out of the building while we take care of the bugs."

Serena could help but softly sigh at that as she finally straightened up. While the stranger went on asking for names Serena got to work helping the hostages out of their bindings along with her Pokémon. "Viper." She heard Matias introduce himself swiftly, "I'll block off the pathway to the stairwell. If you remove stragglers, my associate will guide them to the stairs. Our colleagues below understand the nature of the situation and won't attack unless otherwise provoked."

Standing up once all the hostages were free to move, she nodded in agreement. A glare in the hostages direction, however kept them from doing anything crazy. "Stick with me and you won't need to deal with that." she said as she pointed towards the approaching horde of bugs. As she passed by Matias she placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered to him briefly. "In 5 minutes my program will be finished. Take my drive with you when you grab yours and all our tracks should be covered."

Just as quickly as she had paused she was leading the group out and hopefully to safety. Positioning Cas and Titania in the head and rear respectively, she summoned her Hatenna to her side for ease through the halls. "Let's get going. For your sake, I hope you can keep up." she said and just like that the group was on their way.

Luckily she hade Matias and the stranger taking care of things and causing a bit of a distraction, but for any bugs they ran into in the hallway she should be able to escort the staff safely out of here without issue. But she wasn't satisfied leaving this place just yet so she would have to move quickly before more issues arrived.

Squinting at one of the staff members she pointed, "You there," she called out. "I know that's not where you keep all your information. Where is another place where you run tests or analyze results?" they looked around at one another, unsure if they should answer her and weighing what the alternative would be if they didn't.

"Don't forget who's escorting you out of this place." she reminded them which caused them to realize the position they were in. "T-there's an office. Our head researchers office. Northeast of the labs. There should be stuff there." one of them finally replied. With a wicked grin on her face she tapped them on the shoulder gently. "Thank you for your help." she beamed which left the staff confused. The earlier coldness and hostility gone as she escorted the group safely out of the danger zone.


- Obeyed the order's to escort the group safely out
- Reminded Matias to grab her drive when he left with his own
- Her Mawile, Purrloin, and Hatenna escort the group through the halls and to the exit
- She interrogates the staff for another location that she can grab some files and other info
- Makes plans to visit the head researcher's office located Northeast of the labs | xtra notes: [ league ] , , | [ rocket ] , , | + Serena's current appearance

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

[newclass=.hearmenand11]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(https://images2.imgbox.com/60/9a/0PbdCvTn_o.png);width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#fef5bd!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand22::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #131313;border-right:2px solid #131313;[/newclass][newclass=.hearmenand33]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .hearmenand33]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 15:29:01 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]the hostages start being escorted out, protected from the onslaught of bugs. what they steal matters little to matias — given the situation, the safety of everyone trumps whatever information's housed here.

matias takes a quick moment to send a message on his phone to the responders: 'hostages are being escorted out. don't engage.''

some bugs slip through the REFLECT as matias recalls his gengar from across the room. he resummons it directly in front of him just in time for it to cast a SHADOW BALL. spectral energy smacks against the bugs, sending them to the ground.

"i'm not really a fan of codenames, viper. how about a trade?"

he starts approaching.

"matias silph."

summary //
- matias sends a message to league saying the hostages are being escorted out so don't engage them lol
- matias approaches miles
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 18:22:02 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

The knife once hidden on Viper's person finds itself lodged in the once stranger now Silph's carotid artery. Blood spurts from his neck as he struggles to breathe resulting in a phenomenon not unlike a misty surge ( ). It floats and sinks all at the same time covering Miles in a wet viscous mist, as the soon-to-be lifeless Silph body collapses on the cool bloodied ground. His essence leaks down through the cracks and into the floor below, a precursor of what's to come.

Matias is the first of a line to fall, The man's body convulses in a pool of filth and waste until it can no longer.

Not even a second later hell's floodgates open wide. The execution has rightfully terrified the bystanders, Serena can't control them and the formation fails almost instantaneously. The sheep, in their panic, are caught and killed by the enraged wild pokemon, leaving Miles in a prison of blood and pokemon. Bodies continue to fall like dominoes, one after the other. Malcolm manages to make it further, but in her escape, the floor finally gives in; unable to stand such a morose display. It heaves inward sending her and the few remaining souls who managed to survive thus far to their deaths. Below Vivienne and Andrew are crushed by the amalgamation of bodies and debris. It happens quickly enough that they don't see it coming and so their last seconds are as peaceful as they can be all things considered.

The Guild collapses and nothing is left behind.

The movie plays in his mind's eye lasting only a matter of seconds. Humanity's ability to visualize is as amazing as it is terrifying. It speaks to the limitless potential Miles believes they all share.

His eyes stare at the hand a moment longer before meeting Silph's eyes. Never before has he known such desire, how any man could ignore such want is beyond him, but still he does because his base desire is unimportant in favor of the whole.

He refuses to give Silph what he wants.
He refuses to give himself what he needs.

"My name only after the objectives are complete." He can see the resemblance now, in the shape of their chin and in the sharpness of their gaze.

He's been a fool.

A hydro pump soars past the two, and like clockwork another assortment of bugs collapse. Miles finds himself positioned between Silph and his data.


- Miles has a dream
- Ignores Handshake
- The wheel of fate may be turning

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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 8:25:36 GMT
[attr="class","matias"]"and what exactly are your objectives?"

it's mindless talk, chatter meant to distract away from the fact that the distance between them lessens with every passing second.

his mind drifts back to a time not long forgotten. it exists in his subconscious — it influeces, drives, and haunts. memories flicker to faceless humanoids shrouded by dark colors, blood symbols, and he cannot help but see the similarities.

"are you with rocket?"

summary //
- matias continues talking to miles
[newclass=.matias] text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; } .matias b { color: #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias u { color: #b5b5b5; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline dotted #d5ad40; font-size: 13px; } .matias a { font-family: inherit; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } .matias .noodles { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } .matias .noodles img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; border: none; outline: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline; float: none; } .matias .noodles .pkmn { display: inline; } .matias .noodles .inactive { filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); [/newclass]
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Miles Sharp
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 16:12:29 GMT
Miles Sharp Avatar

"My objective is to help people." He responds on reflex, keeping his emotions tied back his grip on the leash remains tight, but it can't hold forever. "The information here can, plain and simple" Gelping people was always his primary goal even if it was tougher to to remember in the moment.

"Does it matter?" He gives no edge to his allegiance gaze steadied still on his partner. A scyther charges through the reflect only to be brought low by another torrent of water, between the two. Miles doesn't flinch.

"I was under the impression Silphs stay locked up in Slateport or Lilycove, maybe Evergrande on a particularly good day." He'd only heard of three Silphs in the region. Two women and Fernando himself.

What are the chances your last name is a fluke?"


- Bugs fall
- They continue
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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 16:56:03 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Oh. Right. Bugs. The whole thing with the bugs and Rhyperior had given her some room to breathe, certainly, but it had also fully taken over her attention. With the bugs flying a bit away after the Rock Type’s fall, she had been able to make some headway down the stairs – but there was still a huge amount of bugs there, too, blocking the way between herself and any escape.

And she was kind of out of options there. Sure, even beyond the bugs there were people fighting downstairs, which represented a danger of its own. But yeah, almost living wall of bugs. Even worse. And most of her Pokemon were water or ghost types, neither seemed fitting for this scenario. If she’d known that she would go into a forest with bugs, she would have at least researched which of her ‘Mons would be good. Bug types had all kinds of weird interactions. She could remember that much, but not which they were.
Sighing, Vio at least tried to hide. Tried and failed. There were simply too many left, so obviously some more Beedrills noticed her, swiftly changing course towards the stairs.

Up there were hydro pumps and guns. Down here Beedrills and stingers.
Screw it. She tried to be reasonable. She knew one thing that was good against bugs. Thus, she pulled forth the gift she’d received from Skyler. “Just burn them,” she told the Delphox before hiding behind the frame of the entryway to the stairs. And the fire type just used a Fire Spin at the very flammable, erratic bugs.
Yeah, she tried to not cause more chaos and mayhem. But she wasn’t exactly given a lot of choice here.

Delphox goes fire brrr at the bugs
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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 0:12:58 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Rage once again turns to panic, as the Perish Song begins to take effect on all the Pokemon in the room. Urgently, Andrew begins to recall all of his Pokemon, in order to spare them the effect of the Perish Song. In their place, he sends out a Salazzle. The poisonous lizard looks on at the hostages in the room, as if daring them to try anything funny.

With all of his Pokemon spared the threat of the Perish Song, Andrew once again sends out his Emboar.

"Heads down!", Andrew barked at the crowd.

It was then that the thud of the battle upstairs caused debris to rain down on those below. Andrew looked up in shock and irritation at what was going on. "What the fuck are they doing up there!?", he thought to himself, clearly irate.

Andrew looked on at the wall of bugs converging onto them. His Emboar would take a defensive stance, ready to fend them off. But before he could radio the others to ask what was going on, he would see the hostages being escorted out. With a sigh, Andrew turned to the group of hostages he and Vivienne were dealing with.

"Everyone, get up! We're moving out!", he ordered.

The Emboar would usher the hostages down the stairwell, towards the exits. That was, until someone started a fire. "What!? Are you fucking kidding me!?", Andrew exclaimed. He turned to his partner. "Yo, can your Milotic, like, take out some of those flames with Hydro Pump?", he'd ask.

This was bad.

notes: Andrew hurriedly recalls all his Pokemon, to spare them the effects of Perish Song
Andrew sends out Salazzle, and sends Emboar out again
Andrew reacts to the fall of the Rhyperior, and the armada of bugs
Andrew helps usher out hostages
Andrew asks Vivienne if her Milotic can put out the fires