i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2021 3:47:20 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The serpentine Pokémon was still there.

It was still there!

Why aren’t you going away?! he thought angrily as it roar. He could hear it from so far out, before realizing that the city was in danger.

And then he realized that his Salamence and Lucario were still helping the people evacuate! Shit.

Reaching for the whistle around his neck, he blew a certain note on it. While the currently-present avians turned to look at him, he shook his head.

“Wait,” was all he said. Several minutes flew by, before a Salamence eventually appeared on the horizon, with a Lucario on his back.

“Are they safe?!” he shouted over the wind once the dual-type was close enough. After the draconid nodded, he attempted to recall the Salamence, however for some reason the Moon and Cherish Balls weren’t working.

“…the hell?” he growled, attempting to recall every single one of his Pokémon except the Noivern, the Phione and the Braviary—to no avail.

“Well, shit.”

Looking up and seeing that there was something streaking down, and coming in fast—what other choice was there.

“All of you, wait here.”

Every single present avian let out a shriek of terror—it was like there was a singular agreement between all of them: don’t do it.

However, there was a stubborn streak that burned within Alexei.

“All of you. Thank you. But—someone has to help stop this,” he said, looking towards the incoming Draco Meteor attack. “Wait for me, alright?”

With that, the Noivern rocketed forward, towards the source of all the danger, circling the air and watching, waiting for the serpentine dragon to be trapped within the pink haze that was spreading along the ground. The smell rising from said pink haze was rather pungent, and stuck to the olfactories the longer he lingered near its area of effect.

Have to get this done quickly—the smell’s getting to me! he thought as he pointed at the incoming Draco Meteor.

“Fen, Hurricane! Try to aim that incoming meteor on the serpent’s head!”

Hanging on for dear life, the Noivern then summoned up the strongest Hurricane he could manage, before unleashing it at the incoming Draco Meteor.

An attempt to divert the incoming meteor towards the serpentine creature to strike it once it was pinned down.

Noivern used Hurricane in an attempt to divert the incoming Draco Meteor to hit the big-ass dragon going on a rampage (Rayquaza)!

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 22:22:31 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Whatever was saying about his retreat was far less important than the racket that green dragon was making through the destruction it wrought. Glancing at the cacophony the light dancing in the creature's mouth immediately concerned him, given that the head was aimed right at them. It wasn't the first hyper beam fired at him.
And hopefully it wouldn't be the last either.
''Shit! Scatter!'' There wasn't much time wasted with explanations. Diving down and away from his friend, Andy hoped that both of them flying in different directions would throw the pokemon's aim off enough to elicit a miss. His panic fueled flight distracted him from the actions of 's corviknight until they had been covered.
Flashing a thumbs up, hopefully he wasn't too far away to be seen. Of course if the hyper beam wasn't cause for concern enough that the coming rock shower of draco meteor completely escaped his notice. Attacks where already being hurled at the world rending maneuver. This felt more dangerous than Mauville for a change.
Finally something to top the megalopolans... Steering his dragapult around in a looping dive, Andy skirted the surface of the water before swooping back up towards the far side of the meteor. ''Draaa. Draaa!'' Spectress was very concerned about these powerful dragon aspected moves.
''Don't whine. If this goes right, you won't have to touch it.'' Reaching into his shirt he felt at his broach with some apprehension. It was only his second time doing this. ''Taph! Let's slap this green dick in the dirt!'' A shimmering cloud burst into existence from around him flowing from his form like a thin vapor trail at first.
The volume of the cloud expanded into a clearly gengar shaped formation that hovered around the dragapult mounted adolescent. Red eyes appeared as slits before fully opening to complete the visage. Carried up and around the far site of the falling planetoid, the gengar's trademark grin parted as Spectress weaved through the rocks and boulders trialing off the back of it.
Debris was caught within his mouth as they flew, rounding over the top and coming down the other side, once again the trio plummeted back towards the water perhaps even threading the needle betwixt the dragon and the wall it sought to pierce. Skimming the water yet again, the dragapult and curved back up towards the monster, as a ominous lavender glow filled Epitaph's parting mouth.
''Taph! MALICIOUS MAW!'' Employing his z-move, the cloudy gengar fired a shotgun blast of explosive ghost-slicked rock projectiles at the dragon's underbelly and the meteor besides, hoping to aid in the redirection as well as deal some damage to the audacious space snake. And if not, at least he probably looked cool.
Which was far more important.



-andy jukes hyper beam
-kazimir blocks as well
-epitaph megas
-andy maneuvers up around the draco meteor
-epitaph blasts rayquaza/draco meteor with MALICIOUS MAW





[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 21:19:33 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
had somehow seen him running but not seen him and more or less spell out why.

"What the- dude, it's dangerous to follow me! It's comin' after-" Before he could tell Andy just why hanging out with him right now was a terrible idea, Rayquaza popped his head around the lighthouse, immediately looked Doug in the eye from several hundred meters away, and popped open its maw wide.

Guirus was hitting the deck before the youth even kicked his side, several (unnecessary) Gs suddenly being applied to him as a barrier appeared before them without warning, courtesy of .

As they came to a sharp stop, the youth shakily raised a thumbs up towards the man, before remembering his task. Swinging at his Flygon's reigns, the dragon made a sharp turn, turning to run once more.

Only... it seemed as though Rayquaza was now trapped.

"That's a wrench if ever saw one." The youth muttered to himself as just about everyone absolutely piledrived onto the giant lizard with borderline spite.

Not much point in trying to leave if the dragon was not going to be able to follow.

Might as well help.

"Ya hear me, Garo?" The youth said as he reached to tap his temple for no particular reason. He recieved something like a mental nod in reply. "Got any Mega Juice in ya? Ya do? Cool. Then go wild, then."


The gravity pulling at the meteor increased tremendously without warning. The plan seemed to be keeping the dragon trapped so it bonked itself with its own meteor- So they would use G-Max Gravitas...

To bring the crashing meteor upon its head even faster.

-G-Max Gravitas to bring the meteor crashing down faster.
-rolling to keep mega longer.
TAG: @
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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2021 10:12:58 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

"Ah! He is eating all the Minior!" Michiko exclaimed, horrified by the display of snake-gulping-egg violence. Her eyes flew to the unconscious Minior which had spared her Snom. No! She quickly rolled the fainted Pokemon away, settling it on the steps to the lighthouse where it would be completely safe from Rayquaza.

She wiped her brow. "Aaaa... I am so stressed..." 

Fuki, her potted kitchen herb, wasn't helping. "Fuki, please stop this smell!" Michi cried. She did her best not to cover her nose, but she had always been sensitive to strong smells and little tears welled up in her eyes from the noxious odor. She tried to return the little basil to get some relief, but nothing happened. Why?!

Everything was going wrong today. Will the stores still be open after Rayquaza attacked the city? She was going to buy her husband's birthday gift somewhere else, wasn't she...

Michiko looked up to see another meteor streaming towards Poke-Earth and turned very pale. It did not look like a Minior. And it was headed straight for the Lighthouse!

<Snooooo!> It was Snommie! Michi pried the ice-type off her head to see the little bug wiggling frantically, waving her chubby mandibles from side to side in the air. "Oh, you want to fight for your friends!" Michi cried, very touched. It was like a scene from her manga. She held Snommie up above her head. "Go, Snommie! Fight, fight!"

White light collected around the determined Snom as it charged its HELPING HAND, then fired it like a tracker missile. The light chased Zac's Kingler as it punched the draconic meteor, bolstered by Hurricane-force winds and sucked onwards by an impossible gravity.

Helping Hand raised Zac's Kingler's Attack!
whack R with dragon rock and save lighthouse!!
Furfrou was killed by meteors

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 21:03:48 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the rayquaza's dragon pulse gets kyle to move away. he runs towards the edge of the water, whistling in a certain note to get his manectric's attention and get it on standby. as soon as his foot touches the water, suicune emerges from the waters and gives the avatar a ride on its back.

"xane, we're doing a drive-by. shadow force."

with the smeargle on his arms, he rides the suicune. a portal appears before them, which the suicune runs towards to, and from above the rayquaza, the trio reappears with the recoil from being spewed out from distortion world adding a force with their reappearance. a surprise attack from a direction that the rayquaza wasn't looking at seemed to be apt for a decisive blow.

kyle doesn't have to say a word for the suicune to perform what was needed for it.

temperatures drop to well below freezing as sheer cold surrounds them. the chill permeates through the air lock as snow and frost appear around the rayquaza. icicles form out of thin air before it crashes on top of the rayquaza.

they disappear back to the void shortly after, with kyle and his smeargle reappearing by the crater wall where he'll be able to witness the aftermath. suicune disappears into dust from out of vision.

  • power spot is active
  • battery is active
  • smeargle uses shadow force
  • suicune uses sheer cold from above rayquaza

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 12:44:47 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Chaos is probably the only apt way to describe the events of this singular afternoon… [break][break]

Screaming pokemon. Screaming trainers. Screaming civilians. And to top it all off, a screaming emerald dragon who’d pierced down from the heavens for reasons unknown to them all. Angelo was sure, however, that Rayquaza did not take a leisurely vacation down here amongst the masses to indulge in dairy products. [break][break]

What its motives were was hard to discern, however. Especially since his attention was almost exclusively dedicated to evading the onslaught of destruction; Angelo steering his Dragapult to fly and whip through the air, narrowly avoiding raining attacks like they’d been thrown head first into a perilous gauntlet. [break][break]

Swerving, ducking, banking left and right, spinning… It’s during one of these well-timed manoeuvres that another pokemon is released in a beam of light, a Salamence taking flight alongside Angelo and Dragapult. [break][break]

Think it's about time Rayquaza went home. Let's make this the last, El.” [break][break]

With a glutaral roar, one that might be construded as a challenge to the dragon lord itself, Eltanin ascends higher and higher… His form becoming aglow in tandem with the light of a mega stone on Angelo’s weaved bracelet.


In an explosion of particles, Eltanin emerges at the peak of his ascent with a furious expression to match the sharper angles of his form. And so it’s not out of character for a creature that embodies rage itself, to take the challenge of its fellow (superior) dragon kin and retaliate in kind. [break][break]

A barrage of DRACO METEOR, pulled in by an enhanced gravity field, falls down from above the Rayquaza. Eltanin daring to make the legendary’s meteor a part of his own storm.





+ litebrite crew[break][break]



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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 2:08:56 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-skull"]



?? ?? ??

A MULTITUDE OF ENERGIES pulses throughout Sootopolis. Should a scientist attempt to make sense of the wavelengths of mega evolutions, wormhole-charged passho juice, and a primal quartz, they would need to untangle it as a Skitty would with a ball of multicolored yarn.[break][break]

A refreshing mist descends across the white stone of Sootopolis. As 's Galarian Weezing flashes the realm with pink, the Rayquaza narrowly evades its reach.[break][break]

As DRACO METEORS descend with incredible haste due to the increased gravity of 's Mega Orbeetle, 's Mega Kingler bats the stones away from the city— and toward the Rayquaza. 's Snom assists the large crustacean. With large support contained within its small body, the Kingler is able to strike a sizable meteor away from the lighthouse, protecting its structure.[break][break]

Likewise, 's Noivern conjures powerful HURRICANE WINDS. Meteors are diverted away from the lighthouse too, but several are carried alongside the Kingler's struck shards toward the Rayquaza.[break][break]

The HYPER BEAM surges across the sky with an earshattering whistle. A blur cuts across the air. Before and , a valiant blond appears on Corviknight. A PROTECT deters the HYPER BEAM from obliterating and — but the force is enough to throw and his Pokemon far.[break][break]

In the meantime, soars on Noivern's back. The efforts of everyone have slowed the dragon's course, allowing her Blastoise to mega evolve in time. AFter it is engulfed in the light of its transformation, the Blastoise's G-MAX CANNONADE steadily pushes the Rayquaza further and further toward the PIXIE DUST.[break][break]


Soon after, reappears on Suicune from the umbral pool of a SHADOW SNEAK. The air chills immediately. Snow begins to flurry among the SHINING PARTICLES of 's Salamence's mega evolution. Icicles crash (SHEER COLD) upon the verdant dragon— at the sametime, 's Mega Salamence summons DRACO METEORS to careen toward the Rayquaza among the ice. As watches the aftermath on Dragapult, reappears further away on the crater's outerwalls as ash disperses toward the seas with no Suicune to be found.[break][break]


The culmination of their attacks forces the Rayquaza back into 's Galarian Weezing's entrapping field. Water erupts periodically, forcing the dragon to shriek in frustration as it attempts to flee to no avail. 's Gengar's MALICIOUS MAW results in an ectoplasm slathered tongue wrapping around the emerald dragon. Goop drips onto the Sootopolis floor as the tongue wraps tight attempting to grapple or at least hold the dragon in place.[break][break]

This close, would be able to see that there is little harm done to the creature; there is nary a scratch, and as ihe dragon's ancient eye turns to her, maw wide as if wanting to swallow her whole— a brilliant, shining light scatters across the city.[break][break]

From 's jacket's inner pocket, the primal crystal quakes and violently erupts. A large beam fires through the airspace: a crystalline, kaleidoscopic shaft of light. The Mauville Gym Leader would feel a burning clawing against his chest from the intense energy being expended.[break][break]

As the beam flies forth, those in its way instinctually know to evade it. However, the Rayquaza, unable to flee the confines of the mist, faces it head on. With an ancient roar, it attempts to fire a HYPER BEAM at it— but the beam cuts right through and hits the dragon.[break][break]


Suddenly, the dragon disappears within its light. Where the beam once was, a phantom image of its shape hangs in the sky. An odd mixture of ash and rain falls from where the beam once was.[break][break]

would find that his pocket is ruined; the fabric where the beam cut through is missing. But there are no tears or straggling pieces of fabric. It's a clean hole as if a cookie cutter had created it. The quartz remains, glowing hot.[break][break]

Should someone examine the ash and rain in a laboratory, they would find that the materials do not date from this time period... let alone this place.[break][break]



  • This "mini-raid" is now over! As a note, these posts have been relatively detailed— which will not necessarily be the same for the big July raid events!
  • You are allowed to turn this thread in as an event thread curry ingredient (5 pages).
  • Feel free to post after this moderator post. This thread will be archived by the end of this week.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 2:18:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Wait—wait a second—

Where had it disappeared off to?

There was a bright flash of light and the last he saw, the gigantic, serpentine dragon was still there—but after the flash of light, it was gone.

It was like the Pokémon had been swallowed by the beam of light!

In the aftermath, a sudden explosion of ash and rain began falling down across the entire city, and it was sheer luck he had his hood up otherwise he’d have been soaked.

The Phione hiding under his hood was particularly hissy about the ash, and batted as much of it away as possible.

“Crap,” was all he could mention, before flying towards a part where the downpour had lessened to a degree. Taking a quick headcount of who he saw on the sand, maybe it was a good thing that there were Gym Leaders present amongst the hubbub.

He then reached for his phone deep within a jacket pocket and sent a message to the higher-ups—of how the threat had been dealt with, for now.

Shit, the paperwork was going to be a mess afterward.

Once he was done sending the report, he would then recall his companions back into their respective Pokéballs before flying out and away from Sootopolis, back to Fortree—to get the blasted paperwork out of the way as soon as possible.

Alexei sends a report to the higher-ups about the situation, before exiting stage aerial!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 2:59:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @lighthouse

the protective shield of his struggled to keep itself up as the beam blasted against it. the second contact was made cracks could be seen forming along the barrier that was sending sweatdrops down both kazimir and noctis' faces. this was probably the end of them both. at least they managed to save someone, that had to be worth something didn't it? as the protect broke apart the beam had suddenly dissipated before them but it ended with a concussive force that blew both bird and human away and sent them flying towards the many buildings below them. "looks like we're blasting off agaaaaaaaain!" kazimir cried as his horse hurridely chased after the duo as they were sent flying away deeper into the city.

kazimir is blasting off again!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 9:32:46 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar









Melody's theme

Melody gulped as she realized she may have made a mistep, with a flash of light however rayquaza was gone! "What the fuck?" She says outloud as it seems like the threat was gone from Sootopolis. She had a million questions, what was that thing, what did it want? Why was it so desperate for the quartz? However those questions could wait. [break][break]

Melody had important matters to attend to, she had to go to the city to make sure no one there was injured in the fight. She called out to the group "I'm gonna handle things in the city you guys!" she says "If you want come along too but take care of one another please!" she calls out to them as she recalls the pokemon she had let out into their pokeballs besides dragapault who zooms towards the city. Once there she was bombarded with questions and concerns from the citizens. [break][break]

She tried to address them as best as she could but it seemed like regardless of what she said they wouldn't calm down. "Please I assure you all, it will be ok! The League has everything under control. Remain calm and obey the authorities and cooperate!" she pleaded with the crowd. But it seemed like a few bad eggs in the group with a penchant for the color black refused to listen to her and stirred more drama within the crowd. This was gonna be a long day wasn't it? If only she knew.



notes notes notes notes

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 18:34:48 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his suicune dissipates into ash, and alongside it did the rayquaza. some of it falls to where he was to watch the aftermath and, against better judgement, decides to scoop it up in his hand and examine it.

ash had been a recurring theme to him ever since the trip to johto. he takes the one left by the suicune's disappearance and compares it to the one from the rayquaza, grumbles, before mixing both of them together and then dusting his palms from them.

kyle takes his phone out and reports to soon after the incident. he waits for a ring, and then talks as soon as she picks up the other end.

"can we please have less crazy stunts?" he pleads before fixing his tone. the report can come later, but he supposed the commissioner wanted a brief one regardless. he hopes this dissuades her from approving dangerous things again.


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2021 20:04:49 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
"I'm alive." Observed the youth as he floated along the ocean's surface, eyes fixed on the burning sun shining down upon him.

When had the milk clouds parted...?

He moved his right hand hand atop his chest and bit down hard as salt water flowed over a sizzling burn, steam rising as it came into contact with the prism. Despite his better judgement, the youth's gloved hand moved to grasp the burning stone.

"I liked that jacket." He muttered to himself tiredly as his finger slipped through a large, perfectly shaped hole and fished out the prism.

He was trying really hard not to think about how he would have to explain this to the high command. Was this good? Bad? Was Rayquaza dead? Was it his fault? Maybe he should've just left the rock inside the bloody lighthouse.

He didn't even wanna see how his old chest scar looked now.

With a heavy heart, the youth flicked open a water-proof phone as the shadow of his worried Flygon descended upon him.

Time to make a report.

-Jacket's ruined.

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2021 5:18:52 GMT
shiv Avatar


THIS EVENT THREAD will be archived in the coming days. Feel free to include this as an event thread curry ingredient for JULY. Thanks for your patience!

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2021 2:22:19 GMT
shiv Avatar


IN THE AFTERMATH, Hoenn's RAYQUAZA is nowhere to be seen. It has seemingly vanished into thin air with the primal crystal that was in 's jacket pocket to blame. Reports delivered to allow the League to pursue interesting avenues of research. What causes the primal crystal to react in such a manner?

The League ponders whether the crystal reacts when near a significant concentration of bioenergy. Perhaps, it is the mikado organ within the dragon itself. However, with the inability to open up ULTRA WORMHOLES as of late— again, the League's science and research teams (, , ) may look to interference from something unseen.

Further testing would reveal that striking one of these crystals with a concentrated amount of bioenergy would indeed cause the crystal to react, but not necessarily in the way that it did by Sootopolis' lighthouse...


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