i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,321 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 16:18:04 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Young Lord

Become a Knight. You must not fail.


Hear me, —————— Gwyar ap Gw———ddw; Heir to the ———— ——————.

He doesn't remember what he was doing before. But he feels as though it was very important.

The —————— has foreseen it. Even now, the ————————— power has spread through the ———— —————— yet again.

There is a rich fragrance around him that is slowly dying away, smothered by the blizzard that's swallowed up the landscape whole. The Crown Tundra stretches before the youth, a vast expanse of snow and ice, thoroughly unsuitable for human habitation.

Slay the corrupted beast. Push back against the remnants of —————————, as your ancestors before you.


A Gargantuan World Tree stretches towards the sky in the far horizon, rising over hills and slopes, mountains and clouds.

"... Right." He manages to say, voice raspy.

Reaching over his shoulder, his hand clamps around Galatine, pulling the Honedge out of her sheath and raising her to the sky. Her edge trembles for a brief moment, before it forces him to swing it down, pointing its tip east.

Sheathing the sword, Young Gwyar shuddered as the blizzard continued to buffet his small form, patting at the Rapidash underneath him.

"Let's go. Hyup!"

-Kid Gwyar POG?!
-Kid Gwyar has a mission!
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 20, 2022 22:44:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had no idea what he was dealing with, other than that it was very big and very cold. He could guess it was at least partly Ice-type, but that was no more than a guess.

He felt his Ariados pull him back, just as he could hear something pull out of the ground. His Beheeyem followed along, though his Lucario stayed back, covering for them.

“Is he running away?”
“What are you doing?!”

Hideo grit his teeth. The dream mist was doing what it did every time; try to lull him into accepting it, before trying to tear him down. He didn’t accept it for a moment, but even the hint that he was betraying people’s expectations for him stung.

The sound of Ancient Power-tossed rocks being flung around at least showed he made the right choice. His Beheeyem handled the ones flying towards them, though he could hear a number broken by his Lucario. He couldn’t keep track of how many breaks he heard, but even for a defensive Pokemon, he was getting concerned.

He went to retrieve his remaining Pokeballs - a pair. But just as he was getting ready, he could hear several more rocks fly through the air. His Ariados tried to pull him away, but he stumbled.

It was only the timely intervention of his Lucario that he hadn’t taken a hit, but the Lucario could only do so by taking the hits itself. Its resistance was strong, but…

Just like that, the toughest Pokemon he brought was out. Hideo was left dumbfounded as he heard his Lucario hit the ground, retrieving it back in its ball.

Hideo's Pokemon try to get him away from the Kyurem, his Lucario holding it off
Dream crowd question Hideo's tactics
Lucario is KO'd protecting Hideo

Pokemon KO'd by Kyurem: 2/6

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december 6
azalea town, johto
baker boy
94 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @wolfgang
wolfgang volkov
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 1:31:50 GMT
wolfgang volkov Avatar
one moment he was with , and the next, he finds himself wandering away from her... or at least, that's how it appeared to be.

wolfgang finds himself in a different place right afterwards. dark clothing substitute his usual attire that he went with on his trip to the museum. he's thankful, at least, that it shields him from the wincing chill that wakes him up to a nightmare he never once thought he'd relive again.

the cold reminiscent of mt. silver chills him as he suddenly appears to be in a familiar scenario against an alien target. a militaristic order is maintained in the crowd around him as wolfgang gets his bearings.

"it's time. execute the mission."

"this is rocket squad delta. we're in position."

"hey rookie. do your thing!"

upon being addressed, wolfgang gets into autopilot. the customary atmosphere brings him back to where he had once escaped, and, like a time capsule, brings back the side of him he's slowly torn down over the years.

"shut the fuck up!" he yells at the rocket operative before he tugs his coat close. "get him worn down. we're taking him once we reach the threshold."

as he reaches his pocket, he finds a prototype he'd been tasked to working on by rocket before: a means to control pokemon beyond the capabilities of a normal pokeball.

taking it out, he presses a button as he addresses his typhlosion.

"the fuck are ya standin' 'round for? get in there!"

the typhlosion gets in an enraged state all of a sudden, roaring loud enough that its usual docile behavior deemed it unprecedented. it charges straight at the kyurem, blaze activating earlier than normal, and floods the ice-covered hell with an inferno.

one response from the kyurem knocks out the pokemon despite the boosts.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 0:22:48 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo could feel his heart beating in his chest; he still had no idea what he was dealing with, and it was going through his team like they were nothing. Doubt was wracking his mind if he could even stand a chance against this thing, but the crowd’s jeers were egging him on to stay and fight.

He didn't know whose Pokemon it was, but something launched an attack at the large Pokemon. It was enough of a reprieve for Hideo to steady himself long enough to retrieve his two remaining Pokeballs, letting out an Aurorus and a Sigilyph. They weren’t weak Pokemon per-se, but they weren’t nearly as tough as a Pangoro or a Lucario.

Still, ’s Typhlosion’s attack gave Hideo a moment to breathe - and to think. “Ok, Sigilyph, you gotta attack it from above. Aurorus, do what you can to slow it-

The sound of a Hidden Power being fired rang through the air. Hideo’s Ariados tackled him out of the way, the attack nearly striking him. Before he could realize what was happening, the two Pokemon he let out went on the offensive, firing attacks off at the source of the blast.

Whether or not they hit their target, they were distracted; another set of Ancient Power rocks came flying in. The Sigilyph was struck down with one, the Aurorus managing to avoid a hit. The rocks sailed over Hideo and the two Pokemon he still had close.

His team’s getting destroyed.
This is pathetic…

Hideo's breathing was getting erratic; he was doing horribly.

Hideo lets out an Aurorus and a Sigilyph
They get distracted by an attacking Unown
Sigilyph gets knocked out by the Kyurem
Pokemon KO'd by Kyurem: 4/6

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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:37:17 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

And there they go again. One time she's surrounded by the rest of the group, the next she's left alone as a sudden curtain of strangely vibrant smoke clouds her vision. Yvaine's eyes try to follow as something dark shoots past, just outside her line of sight. She can't even make out what the silhouette exactly was, just that its presence is most unsettling. And then, out of the blue, the light dims. Enough to cast long shadows within this empty void, yet she does not know for certain that it is in fact that; empty.

Her instincts tell her to call out for Gliscor, but giving away her position is the last thing she wants to do to whatever is hiding out there. So she just moves forth quietly as her hand reaches for her belt-- her movement stops just as quickly as her body is pelted by something; the right side of her face burns as she hits the ground, trying to roll away from whatever that was.


The sound of falling droplets echoes through the smoke in rhythmic succession, leaving the mercenary confused and searching. Her head hurts too much from the earlier impact to focus on anything else than getting back on her feet; yet when she looks down the previously invisible floor has made way for steel plates. Below her a puddle of crimson is steadily being fed by something running down her face, and when she touches her skin she can feel the sting of dirt in an open wound. The sight in her right eye completely gone. And as she looks back up, Yvaine is struck with a pang of fear when six pairs of eyes stare back at her, vicious grins plastered across their faces.

All of the sudden the museum is no longer part of her world... or perhaps it is. A hideous mixture of concrete and steel, and the lean aesthetic of the museum. But Yvaine barely registers the odd changes as she stumbles back, shaking. The very situation that put her name on the map, yet had never had the spine to relive. Her body refuses her when she wishes to turn, and can only watch as the six figures creep in, her hands desperately tapping the pokéballs on her belt. It didn't matter which one reacted and came to her rescue, just as long as someone did.

In her panic she cannot hear how two Pokéballs pop open and release her partners, nor does she realise that they too have vanished within the dreamfog before she can even take note of it.


Both Chewtle and Gabite are lingering where they are released, questioning their summoning among the chaos. They look for their trainer for orders but they're left waiting for even a sign of recognition. A silent tremble runs through the Chewtle as it notices the Kyurem locked in combat, and is quick to scuttle away from the danger, leaving Gabite and Gliscor to fend for themselves. It thinks itself safe and doesn't realise the two hands reaching out for it. When they grab the Chewtle it struggles to get free, but all to no avail. A solitary cry is lost in the sound of battle as it is dragged away, leaving its fate in the hands of the unknown.

In the meantime, both Gabite and Gliscor have gone unto the offensive. The rocks from Kyurem's Ancient Power that sailed over and his pokémon strike through, bowling Gabite out of the way, and subsequently, out of commission, while Gliscor swiftly dodged. Soaring the skies it spots 's Aurorus and decides to give it air support, launching a well-aimed Hyper Cutter at its face before flying past, hoping to get its attention so the others are free to move.

  • Yvaine has been caught in her panic dream; the scar across her right eye has become a fresh wound.
  • She currently has no idea what is going on outside her dream/prompt.
  • Chewtle and Gabite have been released into the dreamspace with Kyurem and the others.
  • Chewtle has been taken by the assassins - 1/2 Pokémon disappeared
  • Gabite has been KO'd by Kyurem - 5/6 Pokémon KO'd
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,321 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 14:22:29 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Young Lord

Become a Knight. You must not fail.

He is lost.

He does not recognize the snowy hills around him, nor the barebone trees, nor the mountainous sierras in the far distance. It feels as though they're different every time he looks back.

Galatine can no longer find the way- she's as confused as he is, but only half as frightened.

Dejavu had dissipated, supplanted by the sinking feeling that something was just wrong; the blizzard continued to grow in strength around him, buffeting him with numbing cold and harsh hail.

Fulfill your Quest.

...! He must continue. His ancestors before him had all accomplished their quests. His father had accomplished his quest. There was no excuse for failure.

Slay the...!


"Beast...!" Gwyar muttered breathlessly, his eyes growing wide.

Despite the terrifying bellow that came from what appeared to be only hundreds of meters away from him, only hope blossomed in the youth's chest.

Somehow, he had managed to stumble into his goal despite the setbacks...!

Pulling his sword, the youth raised his sword in the air, roaring.

Llamrei charged forth as the youth lightly kicked her sides, throwing snow out of her path as they advanced towards the roaring beast... And what they found was bizarre beyond compare.

The bizarre scenery that had been the ever-changing snowy hell-scape of the Crown Tundra further mixed and mashed into nonsense. Cold and warmth mixed strangely as the world twisted at the center of the beast. A museum, a stadium, a frozen & cragged peak, a concrete jungle, and back to a snowy landscape...

His mind struggles to comprehend what is going on, specially as he finds several other figures he should not know- but of whom which some feel vaguely familiar...

Deja vu threatens to come back, but before it can find its footing, the beast releases another bellow.

'Tis a monster the likes of which the young lord had never seen. If anything had ever truly deserved the title of 'Questing Beast', this was it.

"...! C- Charge!" Roared the youth, raising his to his side as his Rapidash sprinted towards the monster, its horn glowing with psychic power as it leapt towards it.

Swinging his sword at the beast, an arc of light was released at the beast, striking at its icy carapace as the Psycho Cut slashed across its thigh as they ran past.

But if the beast even noticed the blows, it showed no signs of it.


-Young Gwyar finds the monster!
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 23:20:47 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
Uxie's words sent chills down Locke's spine as they sunk into the back of their. But-no-it wasn't just the prophecy making him cold. The temperature of the entire room had dropped considerably over the last few moments, his breath coalescing into little puffs in front of him.

He glanced around for the source of the cold snap, until the mysterious yellow Pokémon suddenly flew off in one direction. "H-Hey!" Locke shouted after it, chasing it through the fog. It wasn't long before he could begin to make out flashing silhouettes deep within the Dream Mist, until they finally broke through somewhere between and where they and the majority of the group were facing off against some frozen behemoth.

"What's going on? Is that real?!"

The beast answered Locke with a terrifying roar, unleashing a prismatic Dragon Pulse against the party. Casso-Casso leapt from his trainer's arms with his tail drawn, attempting to Sketch the attack and meet it with the copy. No second pulse came, however, and before the Smeargle could even question why he was knocked to the ground by the full force of the attack.

Roto-Roto promptly retreated to the safety of their phone, while Locke recalled their fainted Pokémon while crying out to the others. "What do we do?!"

Pokemon KO'd by Kyurem: 6/6
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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November 26
Canalave City
16 height
16 height
Everyone has a purpose.
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TAG WITH @gabrielle
gabrielle black
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 9:33:30 GMT
gabrielle black Avatar

The mist swirls around her, changing the surroundings once again. This time Uriah was missing, not a trace of him being in the museum in the first place. Gabrielle’s tears stop, a hand wipes away the tears and snot. She comes to a realization that this must have been an effect of the ‘mist’ those other people had spoken about. It was clear why they wanted to avoid it at all cost, the effects were horrible.

It was hard to imagine what the others had seen when they first inhaled the mist.

Suddenly the pain from her frost-bite intensifies. Immense pain travels all the way up her arm, as a result she falls face first onto the ground. She could hear the nearby battle but the pain was to great, she found it was difficult to get back up.

She counted on the others to take down whatever they were facing.

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 15:08:39 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

No, no, there was no fucking way in hell he was going to—

He could hear their voices again.

Kazuko’s laughter, Demiyah’s bossy voice—despite him being the oldest. The purple mist coalesced in front of him and the Golurk, whisking the automaton Pokémon away from his presence and leaving him alone as the voices echoed out once again.

“C’mon, you idiot, aren’t you going to do what I wanted you to?”

I never could, Demiyah.

“Aw, Ara-nii, do that again! Again!”

What, the handstand thing?

“Come on, you three, settle down, your ma’s comin’ any minute now—”


“How have you all been? Didn’t drive him up the wall now, did you?”


The voices of his deceased family echoed around him, and he looked down—instead of seeing a white glove and the metal he was familiar with, the weight—the weight was different, like it was—

Like it was real flesh and blood.

Afraid of what was coming next, he took a step deeper into the swirling cloud of purple, stealing a glance down at his left leg—it didn’t feel as heavy as it normally did—

Oh, fucking shit.

“What?!” he hissed as he yanked the sleeve up, and was met with flesh. Actual, real-life—

The voices he was hearing, of his family—suddenly becoming screams as the sounds of crackling echoed all around him once more.

“Not again!” he hissed as he bit down on his lip, as the happy shouting became shrieking, pained noises—crackling, warping wood, Demiyah screaming but choking on the smoke; Kazuko yelling at him to run, to go—

Where was their dad? Their mother?

No sign of them, as he ran into the darkening, thickening mist, the screaming grew louder, Demiyah’s voice choking as she gasped for air, Kazuko’s wailing as he punched his way through the mist and shouting, shouting at the other to hold on—

Instead of finding his younger brother, though, he’d stumbled on something else—something absolutely terrifying, and that they were no longer alone—there were several other people throwing Pokémon attacks at the—

What in the fucking hell was that?!

(He didn’t know jack shit about any of the legendary Pokémon outside of the tales that he knew that existed in Enju, and those were even spotty at best.)

“Wha—” he blurted out, before looking behind him and seeing that his Golurk had rematerialized once more; this time taking aim at the strange…thing (Kyurem) and letting loose a volley of Shadow Punch attacks, launched like rocket punches as the Golurk’s fists separated from his body.

“Everyone hold onto something! I’ll be throwing an Earthquake out when you’re all secured or off the ground!” he shouted as the fists rematerialized after the attack landed a hit somewhere on the Kyurem’s strange body, and he quickly climbed up on the golem’s shoulders.

There was a plan in his head, but he would need everyone to at least be safe before he went through with the next part of the execution of what he was thinking.

ah, fuck, here we go AGAIN!
• Arashi gets lost in the mist, thanks
• oh shit his arm and leg changed and became flesh and blood (ty mist, you gonna traumatize him AGAIN)
• the deeper he goes, though, the more the dream gets warped into a nightmare
• as he attempts to punch his way through, he instead finds the strange thing (Kyurem) and then sees everyone else either cowering in fear, or in sheer terror, at whatever the fuck it is
• Golurk used Shadow Punch on the mist!Kyurem
• Arashi yells at everyone to hang onto something because he has a plan

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 17:28:47 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
There was just too much going on for Hideo to comprehend what was happening; that monster was still running wild, and those strange robed people were still attacking him. His Beheeyem was trying to keep him oriented, but the mist made it difficult to tell where anything was.

Not to mention Hideo was having trouble focusing on anything with the multiple attempts on his life in the past few moments.

And the Unown attacks weren't letting up - his Pokemon doing their best to fend them off. His Pokemon could focus on them thanks to the timely intervention from and  preoccupying the mysterious monster, but the attacks were getting overwhelming.

One Unown managed to slip past the rocks the Aurorus and Beheeyem were tossing around. It had a clear shot towards Hideo, the letter glowing as it charged up a Hidden Power. The light flew out, the blast headed straight for the boy.

But while the Unown snuck past two of his Pokemon, his third took notice - his Ariados. She didn't have enough time to move him out of the way - not while he was still on the ground. There was no time to prepare an attack, so she only had one way to save him.

She rushed in the way of the attack, taking it for her trainer. A sharp squeal of pain rang through the air - and was suddenly silenced.

Hideo could feel her get hit through the web she'd wrapped around his hand - and he immediately noticed her weight just disappear.

There was a moment of silence from Hideo. 's question went unanswered.

"...Squeeze?" he muttered, tugging on the line, only to get no resistance. "Squeeze?" He tried again, but still no resistance. He didn't hear her land anywhere, but maybe he just missed it. He tried to feel around for her, despite the Unown still above him, readying another attack.

But before it could launch another Hidden Power, before Hideo's other Pokemon could get to the boy, several beams of psychic energy blasted the Unown away, as well as the ones Hideo's Pokemon had been fending off.

The "Uxie's" Future Sight had given them a reprieve, yet Hideo was still trying to find his Ariados. He took out her Pokeball, pressing the button on it to recall her.

Nothing. No recall.

He tried again, but nothing happened.

His Aurorus and Beheeyem reached him, yet the boy still tried. "Why isn't it working?" Hideo muttered, only just then noticing his Pokemom were there. "Elga? Where's Squeeze? Her Pokeball isn't working."

His two Pokemon looked at each other, the situation clear. A quick Telepathic conversation with the small moment they had, and they realized what they had to do.

The Aurorus bent his head down to Hideo, grabbing the back of the boy's collar with his teeth - and promptly bolted away from the Unown and the monster, the Beheeyem seated on his back.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" Hideo flailed around, trying to get out of his Aurorus's hold - unsuccessfully. "We can't leave her there!"

He reached to his pocket to get his Aurorus's Pokeball out - but found his arms held back by a force - his Beheeyem wouldn't let him do it.

"Let me go!" The tears began to fall as he realized his own Pokemon were forcing him to abandon her - he still didn't know she was gone.

The Dream Mist crowd watched, a number voicing their disapproval.

"He can't even keep his own Pokemon under control."


"Why did they ever make him Champion?"


"It's not his fault. We shouldn't have expected much from him."

Hideo's team struggles to keep the Unown at bay
One gets by, firing at Hideo
His Ariados takes the shot, and disappears
Hideo tries to call her back to her ball, unaware she's gone
The "Uxie" helps repel the Unown with a Future Sight
His Beheeyem and Aurorus decide to get him out of there, despite his objections (also aligning with 's plan)
Hideo can't stop them, or save his Ariados

Hideo isn't taking it well

Pokemon "disappeared" by Unown: 2/2

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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 18:54:32 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
Within her interdream world Yvaine was but a shred of her supposed battle-hardened self; shivering and fearful of the nightmares that frequented her mind, now come to life. They had no faces, safe for menacing stares, nor did their speech amount to anything more than jibberish if they were to be heard by others, yet there she was, fully knowledgeable of how they looked and what they said. For it was merely a replay from the darkest depths of her subconsciousness– her greatest fear come to life before her very eyes. They were the men and women that betrayed her during a most dire moment; who chose to abandon the true goal of their mission for a detour toward more riches. Risqué enough to endanger the entire operation, just to satisfy their personal greed. Granted, it had been a once in a lifetime opportunity to amass it, but to the newbie mercenary completion and prestige still trumped unnecessary risks. Something they -the shadows now taunting her- wholey disagreed with; her protest costing Yvaine her right eye.

And the one who'd inflicted the damage upon her eyehad made it his life's work to make her remember that day, that moment, and the very fear he carved into her that day. It was why she grew wary of the dark, and why his very presence still made her cave. Even if said presence was but a memory in a dream.

Even Zoroark felt his master's turmoil, and fought against the restraint his Pokéball had on him, shaking and rocking against the container locked to her belt. It had been there together with Yvaine when it happened, and had become her eyes and her most devoted protection in the time that followed after. Their bond deep enough to trigger the bipedal fox pokémon when her fear peaked; it broke free from its spheral prison and appeared in an instant, protectively looming over his downed master, a most menacing snarl at the ghastly apparations of her past.


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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,321 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 28, 2022 21:56:27 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Young Lord...

What are you doing?

His Rapidash galloped around the beast at high speed as his sword arm swung through the air, striking against the monster's impenetrable armor with desperation.

He could not so much as scratch the thing— and he was not even fighting it alone, as his quest demanded. The others from before were fighting their damndest, not just against the beast but against other attackers as well. Shadowy mean of unknown origin (who seemed vaguely familiar...) as well as Unown holding bizarre abilities.

And then, a child suddenly bellowed for 'everyone to grab onto something', warning he would use Earthquake.

And just like that... the ground underneath Gwyar's Rapidash audibly cracked, drawing a sharp intake of air out of the youth as he glanced down in shock.


The cracks continued to spread underneath the horse even as it continued to charge, seemingly chasing after them even as they grew larger and more gaping...

'this is supposed to be soil!' He thought, panicking briefly— before the very earth shattered underneath him.

To the others, it seemed as though the youth and his horse had trotted into the cover of mist yet again. To Gwyar, it seemed like falling several hundred metres through the air while screaming at the top of his lungs.

Before his back landed onto a wet, dirty alleyway, a wheeze leaving his lungs.

His head rattled briefly, his stomach doing flips. A shadowy figure briefly appeared in front of his blurred sight... before it got promptly kicked out of the way, sent soaring into a nearby wall before crumpling to the floor.

Gawain the Gallade stood over Gwyar for a brief moment, before offering a helping hand with a smile.

W-wasn't he... back at the tundra... No, wait... right, right! He must've been daydreaming on the job, that's how he ended up getting his head rocked.

The quest at the tundra was years ago, and the beast hadn't been that monstrosity... and either way, what the hell was he doing daydreaming on the job?!

"... Thank you, Gawain." Gwyar said after a moment, grasping his Gallade's hand and getting yanked to his feet with ease, despite the massive size difference between him and the pokemon. "Sorry you needed to see that... I got distracted on the job. Rather disgraceful, really."

Looking around him slowly, Gwyar noted the... familiar-ish setting? He was familiar with dark and damp alleyways, sure. Though this one felt... a little off...

Doesn't matter, though! Get your head back on the job!

All around them were the knocked out (or dead) bodies of people and pokemon alike, with the trail of bodies they had left in their wake letting him know which way was back and which forward.

Nodding to his pokemon, the man began marching forward, deeper into the alleyway that seemed to meld with the shadows of the city. The rooftops far above them, too, seemed to meld with the somewhat bizarre skyline.

There was Aurora Borealis in the sky... weird, he had never seen that in the city. Rather common in Freezington, though. But nevermind that... his path through the shadows eventually comes to an end.

At which point he finds... them.

The targets, the group of criminals he's been chasing for quite a while. They seem to have become rather sloppy; he wouldn't have imagined finding them all standing around, surrounding something, completely unaware of their surroundings...

From 's perspective, it must've been shocking to see the face of the man directly in front her twist and bend as a white leg crashed onto the side of his head, sending crashing into the wall nearby.

Where the man once stood, there was now a Blue Gallade, the pokemon looking around at the remaining men and women-

Before punching the one next to him, sending him hurtling into another wall.

"You're all under arrest!"

-Inception memes, Gwyar goes one dream deeper.
-Gwyar interrupts Yvaine's trauma.
-Gawain punches someone into a wall, Hulk style.
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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 2:21:21 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

Zoroark bared its teeth at the leader of the shady group, only for it to recoil back when a white leg dropkicked the man out of thin air. It was still protectively hanging over Yvaine, who had just been staring at the floor in pure dismay up until the moment a loud crashing noise made her look up. The cheer randomness of the Gallade suddenly yelling "You're all under arrest!" jumbled her fear into a confused frown. "Wait, that can't be right..." she muttered softly from underneath her Zoroark, conveniently placed as such by a trolling Upper Being to keep Gwyar out of view for just that bit longer.

With the mercenary's shock came a ripple in the time-space continuum of her corrupted dreamlike world, long enough for Gawain the Gallade's mauling punch to take down something more than just one of her night-terrors. She wondered if she was imagining things when the faceless thief's visage flickered and revealed a masked face instead, eyes squinting in pain before they blurred back to the faceless visage. "What the?" Yvaine exclaimed, a bit louder this time, and pulled her eyes back to stare at Gawain for a full five seconds.

There had never been a ninja in her dream before, let alone a dropkicking Gallade out to arrest them all.

Another ripple followed through the alleyway as it slowly started shifting again, bordering between the corrupted dream it was trying to maintain, and the dreamscape's true form.

It caused the mercenary to scramble back to her feet, supported by her Zoroark until she'd found her footing again. It snarled once more before lashing out at one of the shadow criminals trying to gang up on the Gallade, a hiss of pain following as the woman stepped back, her faceless visage too shifting into one of masks-- only this time, it remained.

Yvaine allowed this moment of respite to turn around, to the blonde knightly . She could barely make out his form through her right eye, but with her left she made out just enough details to realise he too didn't belong in her nightmares. "... who are you?"


- Distortion of Yvaine's dream/terror is inbound
- Gawain power-punched an assassin posing as one of the mercenary traitors/criminals :D
- Zoroark attacked another assassin
- Her current mood:

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 30, 2022 14:02:34 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


What have you done to me?

"Me? Who are you?" Gwyar shot right back at , brow furrowing in utter confusion.

This woman... he didn't know this woman. No, wait, he did know this woman. He had definitely seen her face before... no, wait, but she wasn't involved with this group...

Gwyar's face began to twist and furrow as he looked around him, unconsciously taking a step back as his mouth opened and closed.

"J-just... wait a moment..."

Now that he thought about it... neither did white haired ninjas, or monstrous ice dragons.

Wait... ice dragons?

Yes, ice dragons. That monster he had fought for his knighting quest- that he had also not fought- alongside and , and others...

Wait, Hideo and Arashi...?

. . .

The dreamscape around them audibly cracked.

The buildings around them began to tremble as the dark skyline tore apart like fabric. The men and women that had tormented Yvaine, that had been Gwyar's charges, began to dissolve into nothing.

Gawain the Gallade, Galatine the Aegislash- they all dissolved into nothing, leaving nothing but a dizzy, disoriented Raki behind, the Riolu falling on its bum in utter confusion.

The world was torn to pieces, and Gwyar found himself, without warning, back at the mishmash that was the epicenter where their dreams met yet again.

The screams and tears of Hideo, Arashi's instructions, on the face down flat on the ground, the panicked , the coolheaded and serious , the Museum's curator and her partner Meloetta...

Half of these people he hadn't even noticed before. He couldn't even recall what had happened. He had run into the museum, and... everything was a blur after that. Almost as soon as he walked in, his memories of the past took hold.

A completely alien experience, for someone who hadn't quite experienced much of what Hoenn had to offer just yet.

The monster that had corrupted his memories was there still, looking as unstoppable as ever... and around it, were unknown of bizarre power, and...

The dark individuals whom they had seen sneaking into the museum.


"You." The man hissed darkly as his gaze rose, pupils narrowing as his arm shot up sharply.

A blade shot out from underneath the man's shadow, its pommel striking at his palm before he fully yanked it out of the floor, the expression on his face murderous.

Raki felt every single hair on him stand on end as Gwyar began to stalk towards the men in dark.

-A N G E R
-Approaches with malicious intent

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON May 30, 2022 17:09:25 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

He wasn’t sure if everyone had heard what he’d shouted, however it appeared that the whack mist was still messing with some peoples’ perception of reality, and it was going to be—difficult—to get everyone off the ground; or at least to safety.

Looking around frantically, he spotted a head of familiar brown hair, and then knocked once on his Golurk’s head.

“Go get ‘em!” he said, and the Golurk moved—shifting from ‘idle’ to ‘catch’ mode, reaching out approximately as to where Hideo was accompanied by several of his Pokémon.

“Get ‘im up here!” he continued, before shouting in Hideo’s direction, “Recall your Pokémon and hang onto Al’s shoulder!” before his gaze raked the surroundings, wondering if there was anyone else that needed saving—

Some of the others were still scrambling around, or panicking like headless chickens—damn, that mist is really a fucking mess and a half.

Note to self: look up how to get rid of strange purple mist that seeps from cracks in realities, permanently, he thought to himself with a frown.

At the same time, though, the flesh-and-blood appearance of his left arm was changing back into the cold, familiar, black-plated steel that he knew it for what it was. The same weight from before was also returning to the bottom half of his right leg, so there was that, too.

• Arashi from his perch sees Hideo, makes to grab the other kid and get him out of harm’s way
‘why is this mist so fucking messed up?!’
• shouts at Hideo to recall his Pokémon before Alfons the Golurk moves to drop the young boy on his other shoulder
‘this mist should go back to wherever the hell it came from!’
• as reality is fixing itself, the ‘flesh and blood’ limbs are changing back to the familiar weight—to what they will always be, for the rest of his life