i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 23
Aspiring Racer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanessarosiello
vanessa rosiello
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 21:53:41 GMT
vanessa rosiello Avatar
Aha, so her legacy did proceed. Vanessa flaunted her status for the group in front of her. The bundle of chaos that was this teenage girl, whose clothing was as orderly as a power station explosion, would look over towards the rich kid manchild (that she didn't know was currently one). "It's pretty hard to ignore the unstoppable force that is me, so I cant blame you~"

His one eyed friend commented about her races not really taking a more dangerous spin. While realistic and correct, it wasn't like she would ever admit that fact. Besides, she usually placed herself in danger with all of the shenanigans that the girl managed to find herself in. Sonikku exhaled, giving the man a pout. Even her plan about fighting back was just thrown out so casually. Cyclops here was a bit of a stickler, but he did have a point. Fighting the dead probably wasn't the best of her ideas.

"Well, at least we can run faster than them." She scoffed while the other white haired guy across from them would quickly jump into action with his Pokemon. The spirit tag would quickly go into effect once pulled out, but with some quick thinking, a knife, and a lot of skill, it was embedded firmly in the massive Golurk. As the ghosts would forget about the merry group of intruders and begin to surround the massive Golurk, everyone else would get their chance to escape.

"You don't have to tell me twice! Let's make like poison types and get the Muk outta here!" Sonniku said, running away from the swarm of spirits as everyone else would follow suit shortly after.

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July 11
Hau'oli City
CEO of Adebayo Holdings
Wealth doesn't corrupt character - it makes it visible.
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Ozni Adebayo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ozniadebayo
Ozni Adebayo
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2023 16:36:23 GMT
Ozni Adebayo Avatar

Oz knew all about delegation, and he knew he made the right choice letting the other two men take the lead. Both of them seemed used to being in the trenches. The one with an eyepatch, especially so. While in most situations he would have told somebody off for crushing a kid’s dreams, the advice seemed pretty sound in this situation. Throwing a few worried glances behind him as the spirits neared, the man would notice something off with his shadow.

It seemed to be moving in weird patterns. As he raced after Vanessa, he could have sworn he saw it pout. Its dark hands settled on its hips. The head cocked irritably to one side. Shaking off the hallucination—chalking it up to stress—Ozni rolled under the shield. Surprisingly graceful about it, he thought he was in the clear. That was, until, a dark shadowy hand wrapped around his ankle and pulled him backward. Surprisingly strong for reverse protection, it managed to pull him off his feet. “Nnngh!” He crashed to the ground.

An attack from his Comfey managed to free him, just as the club came crashing back to the ground. Right between his legs. With a shout of alarm—and a word that was definitely not PG-13—he scrambled back to his feet. The shadowy hand of his doppelganger grasped angrily at his ankle as he moved to catch up with the other three. He threw a few worried glances behind him as he drew close. His shadow was still there, waving with the mechanical grace of a jointed scarecrow. Ozni shuddered. But he did get the Porygon-Z to focus on it for a few minutes.

The spirit-on-spirit duel was pretty cool. Especially when the spirit hunter seemed to be getting overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Those spikes only held so many squirming denizens of death, after all. Before long, the points were nothing more than capped nubs.

As he drew even with the other three, he was huffing and puffing. A slight tremor was visible in his hands, which he quickly stuck in his pockets. “I’m glad we made it out okay." Oz grinned. Shakily. "Ghouliator almost cooked my Ducklett.” Then, he turned his eyes to his surroundings.

This place was huge. Physicists must be having a field day.

Shadow Prompt Completed

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 23:16:47 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar



With the others having finally passed them Salem finally drops the spikey shield, the meowstic feelingly slightly worn down from it but the group was safe and that was what mattered. The recoil damage from the shield enough to half the large golem faulter but it was clear it wasn't going to stop as another hand was raised. [break][break]


Razz hears from the caves as it seems the ghost warriors from before have finally caught up to their tail. Inwardly Razz curses but knows its now time to run. There is a slight pause as one seems to claim to recognize him. Claiming to be one of them, as they were running out of the cave toward them and now the golem. Razz just watching in some horror as one of the ghost warriors was grabbed by the Golurk and skewered into the stakes on it's back. [break][break]

And from there a new battle came out. As the men now had to defend themselves against the ghost pokemon. Thats when he recalls that he still has the smokebomb, "You all better run!" is his only warning to both the living and the dead as he throws the SMOKE BOMB down as an easy get away for the living, and hopefully the ghost should they get the chance. [break][break]

With the smoke up Razz runs in the same direction as the others, catching his breath once they're a good distance away. "Everyone all right?" [break][break]



[break] + +
[break]+ the SMOKE BOMB must be used in a pivotal way.



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,722 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 23:23:27 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Though the band Soulmarchers managed to overwhelm the giant Golurk, it would only be a matter of time before the behemoth would turn the tables on the spirits. Thankfully, the smoke bomb deployed by the Ranger gave them the perfect cover to escape under. Thomas would make sure Vanessa and Ozni got out ahead of him and Razz, before he'd make his run alongside the Ranger and Avatar.

Once they got clear of the battle, Thomas looked to the others. "Yeah, and you all?", he'd ask the group.


notes: Thomas hightails it out of there with the others, making sure Vanessa and Ozni got out first, under the cover of the smoke

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played by


June 23
Aspiring Racer
12 height
12 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @vanessarosiello
vanessa rosiello
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2023 0:20:50 GMT
vanessa rosiello Avatar
Vanessa had been the first to come to a stop ahead of the group, needing to catch their breath as she huffed from the short sprint here. "Ha...Did you see that?! The size of that Golurk! That would be, like, the greatest battle partner ever. And the spiked shield on its back! I should have packed a bigger Pokeball." It was fairly clear that she hadn't stuck around to see exactly what those spikes on its back would have been used for, and likely for the better. The teen was much too busy fawning over the Pokemon's size rather than what it might have been currently in the middle of doing. Before too long, Vanessa did a head count on the group. Yep, everyone was here.

"I think everyone's here. Let's see. Pretty Boy, Cyclops, Beard Guy...Yep, that's every- Hey, wiat a minute. DUsk's not here. Did she go missing?" The girl spun around, searching for her Gengar every which way. Worry began to swell up inside of her as Vanessa frowned, looking back the way they came. She totally was just messing with her, right? "Ah-I gotta go back and find her!" she said, getting ready to run back inside of the cave and potentially with the Golurk before a sudden figure rose from the ground.


The ensuing shriek came from the girl, throwing herself around the nearest person, that being Ozni, and latching onto him with her arms and legs going around his neck and waist. She scurried under the safety of his coat and only peeked her eyes out until the familiar laughing fit of a particularly happy Gengar was heard. Her anger was immediate, with Vanessa growling in embarrassed frustration. "I told you to stop doing that! This isn't the right time or place you little..." They continued going back and forth, with Dusk sticking her tongue out while Vanessa chewed her partner out for the tricks and games. But after a good twenty seconds, she'd be back to her usual

"Okay, no everyone's here. And Dusk said she thought she found an exit point somewhere nearby."


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July 11
Hau'oli City
CEO of Adebayo Holdings
Wealth doesn't corrupt character - it makes it visible.
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Ozni Adebayo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ozniadebayo
Ozni Adebayo
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 2:59:46 GMT
Ozni Adebayo Avatar

It’s only when Razz tells them to run that Oz notices he’d stopped doing that. Probably because the dead-on-dead duel was a regular fireworks show. The gore was minimal, even if the noises were gross. Every skewering is met with a sympathetic wince. Undead or not, that still looked like it stung. That or he was waiting for his shadow to make its grand resurgence. He turned baby blues on the one-eyed man, immediately identifying the smoke bomb.

Covering his eyes with the hood of his top, the CEO bounded away from the impending mob. His Porygon hung back slightly to catch a few extra pictures before zooming after the group. Once the undead are nothing but pinpricks in the distance, Oz comes to a stop. Though fit, running for his life really took it out of him. With a few gulps of air, he managed to rein in the pounding of his heart. “I’m just dandy No existential crisis or anything.” He glanced down at his now still shadow, occasionally tossing it a suspicious glance. “Definitely going to be a great video.”

Vanessa’s rant was met with a tight smile. For a moment, his mask fell. The chipper CEO was replaced with a much more somber persona. “I’m pretty sure you’d never get that Pokeball clean.” But this cloud vanished at the nicknames. At least his was nice. But he couldn’t just lean into that. “That’s Mister Pretty Guy to you, young lady.” Then, the Gengar routine took the attention away from him. With a sigh, Oz turned back towards their flight path. The place had gone from a crowded graveyard to a not-so-literal ghost town.

At the talk of an exit point, Oz offered a mocking curtsy. “Well, lead the way, my dear poltergeist.” He closed his eyes, sighing wistfully. “Daddy needs his hot tub.”


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 0:57:28 GMT
shiv Avatar




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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
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