<Tree-top Home> [El's Base]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
<Tree-top Home> [El's Base]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 4:27:59 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Placed amongst the branches of a sizeable tree near Fortree, the architecture and style of the base is similar to that of Fortree buildings. There are three platforms connected to one another by bridges. Each one is gazebo-like in being open-air, though with tall railings around each platform and a roof stretched out over all three. Interestingly enough, there is also a pulley system for a makeshift (yet sturdy) elevator to get up and down, and Behemoth - a rather small-sized Nidoking - helps operate the elevator.

- Guardian : Yggdrasil the Turtwig -

Yggy is found in the entrance room - the largest of the three, and the one that the elevator rises up to. She is generally friendly and chill - but before she'll let you check out the other rooms and search for the flag, she wants to have a friendly spar, one-on-one! You can stay to command, or move on to explore while one of your pokemon has their spar. She's a tough little sprout, if you give her a chance to show the skills she's developing!

- Decorations -
The center of the main room is mostly-clear, to give room for spars. However, there are a couple of cushions for visitors to sit down at while watching or directing for the fight. Two bridges connect to the two other platforms - one at the back left corner, and the other at the back right.

The left platform appears to be a game or hobby room of sorts - a couple tables, bookshelves with cases for videogames, books, and boxed tabletop/board games can be found here, as well as a television that one can hook their consoles up to.

A wardrobe filled nearly to the brim in clothes and accessories for cosplaying can be found here - some sized for El, others sized for their pokemon. There is also some dividers set up for a place to change, a full-length mirror for one to view themself in, and a camera on one of the tables to take pictures with.

The right platform, meanwhile, is a bedroom. A bed, in addition to a number of cushions for pokemon, are scattered about - and sometimes, one of El's pokemon can be found dozing here. The flags are kept here - in another wardrobe, that this time contains some more ordinary clothes and a couple of ranger trainee uniforms on hangers. The flags can be found hidden behind the clothes.

- Traps/Obstacles -

Though Yggy is technically the guardian of this base, Behemoth may join in if you wish to have a two-on-two instead of a one-on-one! Having Rivalry, he tends to go harder against male pokemon, and softer against female pokemon - he is eager to prove his strength despite his size, but he has also chugged his respect women juice today.

Sobek the Fuecoco can be found in the left hobby/game room - and if run into, he'll attempt to drag you and your pokemon into playing dress-up with him, using the clothes and accessories in the cosplay wardrobe! He doesn't really understand that some of the clothing he picks won't match together (given that each outfit is meant for cosplaying as specific characters,) or that not everything will fit on you or your pokemon. But he'll still try his best to make everyone look amazing!

If you humor him and let him take a photo of the finished outfits, he'll point you towards which room the flags can be found in.
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
<Tree-top Home> [El's Base]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 14:38:38 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"The guardian is a Turtwig?" Andrea muttered in surprise. The diminutive Nidoking operating the elevator nearby shrugged. Reasoning that this would be a good opportunity for Jalapeño to get some training done, she left her little Fuecoco to spar with the Grass-type starter, allowing her to advance forward.

While exploring the upper levels of the treetop base, the young PokéManiac came across another Fuecoco. "D'awww, you're so cute! Come here." She knelt down and dotted the small crocodile with affection. Noticing the girl's flamboyant costume, the Fuecoco urged her to follow him to the wardrobe. It was time for a cosplaying montage!

Andrea's own fashion sense was pretty out there, so the final selection she went with was a mishmash of different clothing items that clearly didn't belong together: The upper half of a tuxedo, a bright pink tutu, a pair of clown shoes, and a pirate hat. "How do I look?"

After snapping a photo of her, the Fuecoco helped the eccentric cosplayer find the flag. "Thanks, little guy! I couldn't have done it without you." She patted the fire croc's head, before changing back into her usual apparel and making her way to the entrance to reunite with her own Fuecoco.

Apparently Jalapeño's friendly fight against the Turtwig had ended in a draw, both starters looking significantly beat up. Andrea healed them both with potions, and then went on her merry way, cradling her baby Fuecoco in her arms. "You did great, Jalapeño! Mama's proud of you!"
//flag captured
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
<Tree-top Home> [El's Base]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 17:41:23 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
After returning from an unplanned visit with 's pack in Fortree City, Josh had to give Braver a break. The two astral jaunts in short succession were hard on both him and his rider! He withdrew the Arcanine, switching off to Medli, a Meganium that Josh had never ridden outside his Gym. He felt it was the grass-type's day to shine!

From the moment Josh arrived astride Medli, it was apparent that the Turtwig would not let him in without a battle. "You got this, Medli!" With that, he hooked the grass-type's long reins at the end of her saddle, slid off her back, and entered the treehouse.

The video game collection in the left chamber was impressive; it was even more so than Josh's collection he had recently shipped from Johto! As he was examining the collection, a Fuecoco dragged him by his arm and into the other room! Hastily cobbling together an outfit for Josh to try on, he looked confused: a pointy hat, leather armor, and greaves? What kind of costume was this? The rider protested at first, but the fire-type was insistent he try it on.

After the fire croc arranged for a picture to be snapped, Josh laughed hard at how silly it looked. Unsure the Pokémon could understand, he took out his own phone and snapped a picture of the picture to show it to his friends. The Fuecoco led him back to the entertainment room, Josh casually looking at some of the deckbuilding games before swiping one of the base's flags and leaving, only to see Medli totally defeated by the Turtwig! He gave Yggdrasil a pat on the head for a job well done before withdrawing the Meganium and leaving the base on Zuh, his Pidgeot.

{WC: 295}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Zuh            Pidgeot         Good
Medli          Meganium        KO
Braver         Arcanine        Fair
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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
<Tree-top Home> [El's Base]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 20:54:58 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
With the number of large, hollow trees in and around the Fortree City area, it was little wonder so many Hoennians made their homes away from home there! It would be a perfect spot for Yooka to let loose! Shalin whooped loudly as the Sceptile clambered up trees and swung from thick limb to thick limb, her perspective of the horizon turning every which way. What a rush!

Touching down near the entrance to a gazebo-like building in the treetops, Shalin hopped off Yooka's back, giving the facility's Turtwig guard what she wanted: a battle with the nimble grass-type. While the two battled, the explorer took a look around the three-room abode. It seemed to be the home of quite the avid cosplayer. Taking advantage of the camera and the mirror, Shalin took advantage of a delay she could toggle to get a picture of herself in her green-and-red SYGNA SUIT. Was that really what she looked like? One of these times, she would need to take video of herself in motion. She wondered if she would need to rent a high-speed camera to obtain meaningful footage...

After getting a few memorable pictures, she checked out the bedroom, which had a green flag carefully hidden between several similarly-colored Ranger uniforms. She snatched one of the flags before checking on Yooka; she was still going at it with the Turtwig! The two grass-types could go at it all day at this rate! Shalin called Yooka out of combat before mounting up and commanding the Sceptile to leap back into the canopy.

{WC: 260}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Yooka          Sceptile        Good


it's a long life full of long nights