[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 21:35:54 GMT
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Hideo quietly listened - noting that Josh had spoken many words without ever answering the question he'd asked.

He waited until Josh was done before he spoke - though the displeasure on his face was clear.

First, with the challenge.

"Josh. You started that battle. You are the reason why the Relic Song happened. You could've tried learning more about the situation from the Monster before the battle, or even the Child after the battle was done. But you just rushed on ahead and took everything at face value, without considering the hints you were given throughout that things weren't as they seemed."

"You even seemed ready to take the Child in as the Monster, all on the word of the first child you met."

And next, with .

Hideo had no way of knowing if Josh actually had gone through all of that after what he'd done. He could only go off of what he'd witnessed himself, and what little he'd been told of the situation.

He let out a groan.

"Do you remember what I told you last time you did this challenge? 'The decisions you make, and the actions that follow, are a reflection of who you are. You cannot hide from yourself.'"

"Because the Josh I just did a story with abandoned two people to hunt down what he thought was a Monster."

"The Josh I just did a story with chose violence when they could've talked and found out what was really happening."

"So I don't give a shit if you say you've gotten better, or that you suffered for what you did, because you still DID IT!"

His words reverberated through the room, several of the Pokemon in the room flinching. Only his Beheeyem dared approach, its hand placed atop Hideo's.

"You're one of the reasons I had to be quiet about having Uxie before I joined with League. I didn't want to be the next easy target you tried to kill 'cause you thought you could get some info on Raikou."

It was all too easy for someone to try and exploit him for Uxie's knowledge. Or try to kill him for it.

"And you're still that same Josh to me."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 21:19:58 GMT
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Hideo's loud words blasted Josh back in his seat, just like the day Eris' Mesprit blasted him back with their MYSTICAL POWER. His remarks were just as scathing as they were before. saw the changes in him. did. Yet did not. The psychic Gym Leader had avoided adapting the soldier's mindset that and others in power had instilled in Josh. To him, even a single loss of life, ally or enemy, was unacceptable.

Today's challenge would reverberate in Josh's mind every time he tried to convince Eris that he meant no ill will, that he wanted to repent, put the past behind him, and simply be friends. He wanted to say something, to interrupt Hideo. Every scathing remark slammed him back into his seat, as though he were immobilized by psychic power.

He wouldn't even bother asking for the results of the challenge. He already knew what the answer was.

"So what you're saying is that the true Monster in the Woods... is me?"

Pokémon chosen: Absol

{PC: 23}
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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 23:25:27 GMT
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"Yes you-"

He wanted to finish that sentence with are, but a few blinks of light on his Beheeyem's hand was enough to get him to think with a Calmer Mind. He wasn't here to kick Josh while he was down, as much as he wanted to.

He was here to teach.


Hideo took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"The intent of this challenge isn't just to see if you can get through the challenge put before you. It's so you can learn about yourself, to see what you would do when faced with a difficult ordeal. You may think you're a certain way, but when the chips are down, you find out what you're really like."

For saying and doing were two very different things.

There was a brief moment of silence as Hideo deliberated something, perhaps enough time for Josh to think on his words.

Then he spoke again - a slight amount of vexation in his words.

"The objective of my challenge is to get through the Ordeal, by whatever means necessary. Which you did manage to do. The consequences of your choices matter in real life, but in this story, you just have to reach the end intact."

He reached into his pocket, producing an Ordeal badge - but he kept it in his closed hand.

"It's clear you still need to improve yourself, if you wish to become Champion."

"So while you do qualify for the badge…"

"...do you truly think you've earned it?"

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Master of Faster
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2024 8:02:37 GMT
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Were? He was pretty sure Hideo meant "are". He was the Monster in the Woods to Eris, and she was the child that needed to be saved. Blinded by the prospect of achieving his goal, he failed to consider every possible option. Hideo was right. The Perish Song didn't have to happen. The Volatile, in his corrupted state, had instilled the notion that Josh was a soldier. Had he forgotten that told him that his path was not that of a Warrior? His path was that of a Signer. An Envoy.

Had Matias' influence and ambition still lingered upon him?

If he truly wanted to be a Champion, he needed to shred that ambition. Little did he know that his ambition, the hint of evil deep within his mind, would be purged in a funeral pyre in Kyle's waning days.

Hideo's final question was scathing. "Strictly speaking, you are correct. I have fulfilled the requirements for your Badge... barely. For most of my challengers, it's pretty cut and dry whether to award them a Badge, regardless of what place they finish the race in. Occasionally, I'll get the one that requires a judgment call."

The Gym Leader's words would echo in Josh's mind after disqualifying for the use of a Shadow Pokémon. He had long since associated the closed-hearted Pokémon purely as weapons of war. Pokémon one could not truly bond with. Pokémon that, in his eyes, were better off not existing. Ultimately, it would be that prejudice that caused Josh to hastily disqualify Robin.

"It was just as , , and had tried to teach me in Ever Grande. Speed is but one tool in a trainer's toolbox." When one traveled at the speed of lightning, one would miss important details. "That was why I lost to them. And it was why I failed to get the best ending. It makes the whole situation... murky. Borderline. Ultimately, I feel the answer to your question is no, I have not. But I leave it up to your discretion."

Pokémon chosen: Absol

{PC: 24}
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 23:14:01 GMT
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Nontrad Complete


Hideo put the badge back in his pocket.

"If you don't think that you are worthy of my badge, then you won't receive it today."

He gained little satisfaction in failing anyone, even someone he bore a grudge against - but it had to be done. Not everyone that challenged his Gym was truly capable of earning his badge.

"Speed is important, 'cause you can't accomplish much if you're late to the ordeal. But sometimes, you gotta slow down and think, because you can make mistakes rushing ahead. And you can't run over a bridge you've burnt."

"You should remember that going forward, Josh."

Hideo stood from his seat, his Beheeyem staying close by him.

"You'll have to wait at least a month before you can challenge my Gym again, as long as there's openings. Though if you plan to do this challenge again, you'll need to improve yourself as a person first."

He motioned towards the door.

"You may go now, Josh."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 2:58:30 GMT
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Josh had been desensitized to denying trainers Badges. Even today, the percentage of trainers that were denied for the Quick Badge was astonishingly high. While popular, the racing challenge was quite physical, requiring the trainer to be in just as fit physical shape as their Pokémon. On top of that, it required trust beyond that a simple battle would.

The challenge made Josh more self-aware; there was a place for aggression and speed, and there was a place for defense and patience. Today's challenge would reflect on the way he prepared for the title match with , and even within the battle itself. He would have Hideo to thank for the external perspective.

For without his guidance, Josh would never have been crowned a Champion.

The specific phrasing Hideo used seemed deliberate, to shame him for the past that lingered. "I understand. Mauville Gym has a similar policy; we make challengers wait 45 calendar days in between challenges." Josh's language, too, was decidedly neutral, as if he could sense Hideo's seething emotions toward him. "I'm really impressed with your Gym; it's a great test of character, and it's engaging, too. Have a good one, and don't work too hard." With that, he turned around and left Littleroot Gym, sitting astride his stoic Absol and beginning the long trek home.

Pokémon chosen: Absol

{PC: 25}
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[GYM][C/Hideo] Josh's Return to Dream Land
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 7:22:19 GMT
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