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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,949 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 4:34:16 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh chuckled at the idea of riding Gominha. "Heh, not even is crazy enough to try riding on a Wigglytuff. If you want some ideas, though, keep your eyes peeled for Pokémon around here. My dream is to collect one of every common Pokémon that can be ridden. To have a complete collection for the Gym." It was a good thing he was hiring caretakers; he would need them to keep all his Pokémon happy and give them the attention they needed. There were already over a hundred roaming the grounds!

When Thea approached Dashie, the psychic Pokémon would help her climb on with a psychic boost if she needed it. "Your posture looks okay. You might want to lean forward a little more once he gets going, just to make sure the wind stays out of your face. Like I said, he gets fast." Not as fast as Ixion, but he was still very fleet of foot. At full gallop, she could run well above speeds it was legal to travel on the highway. There was a reason Josh rode her across Old Route 110 when he traveled between Slateport and Mauville. It was a decommissioned highway, meaning there were no speed limits there.

Josh climbed aboard the Shiny Rapidash. While the horse was one of the most basic steeds at his Gym (he much preferred riding big cats to equines), Ixion could burn up the track when at speed. "Controlling him, or any Pokémon is easy. If you've ever been on a bike, imagine the reins as cords attached to handlebars. If you pull on one, Dashie will turn in that direction. The harder you pull, the sharper he'll turn. That's how you control direction."

{PC: 8}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 13:59:29 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea couldn't even guess just how many rideable Pokémons existed. Especially if you counted unusual ones like the Tyrantrum. Could one ride, for example... A Togekiss? Such thoughts intrigued Thea, but she simply smiled and chuckled. "That sounds like a lot of Pokémons, Josh. But with this much area for them to be, I'm sure they will be fine and have a lot of fun with the other riding Pokémons." She felt optimistic about it. She couldn't fanthom having that many Pokémon back home though, even with the Dojo.[break][break]

When Josh gave the instructions, Thea listened carefully and tried to adjust herself as he pointed out some recommendations. She pulled herself forward, getting properly sat on the saddle while clenching her legs around the horse pokémon's form. Leaning forward, she decided to give the cres of the Rapidash a gentle brush with her fingers, smiling warmly. "Your trainer really trust your speed, Dashie. Thanks for letting me ride you!" She said gratefully to the Pokémon, getting herself ready and looking at Josh as he hopped on the other Rapidash.[break][break]

"I see... Listening like that, it doesn't sound too hard. I thought it would be much different because like... Pokémons have autonomy, unlike bikes... Hmmm." She looked down at the Rapidash, and nodded. "I trust him though." Her gaze then turned to her own Pokémon.[break][break]

"Make sure to behave, alright? I should be coming back soon! So watch us!" She greinned.[break][break]






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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 21:01:36 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Thea's curiosity would be sated; soaring above the Gym grounds was a saddled Togekiss, ferrying Zaborg the Shiny Zeraora about at EXTREME SPEEDS. The thundercat looked and sounded like a child on the wildest carnival ride in the world, simultaneously overwhelmed and overjoyed with the thrills of the fairy-type's aerodynamic prowess. "I owe the League and Mauville citizens for such a generous land grant." It was his primary motivator to remain a Gym Leader; without such an expansive property and taxpayer support, he would have to cull about half his squad.

Dashie whinnied in approval as Thea took her position, Ixion's blue mane blazing high. "They can be more autonomous, too!" Josh reassured her. "I just prefer more tactile control is all. If your Pokmon work with you better without reins, that's your call to make when you train together!" She may have been able to feel a psychic hold on her to aid her in keeping her balance. When that horse started the swift gallop his species was known for, Josh was certain Thea would appreciate the help.

"That's only half the equation, though," Josh added. "To control speed, use leg pressure. If you squeeze her sides more tightly, he'll accelerate. If you let up your pressure, he'll slow down. Just try not to go overboard, okay? These two can run really fast. Fast enough that you try to race them on the highway, the cops will be after you in little time at all. And you don't want to see me on the other end of a police chase. Believe me." Police chases were how Josh straddled the line between Ranger and Law Enforcement. When it came to high speeds, the Mauville Leader was fearless. No one broke the speed limits on Mauville's highways.

For there was no outrunning the Master of Faster.

{PC: 9}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 12:33:07 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

A small smile crossed Thea's lips at Josh's grateful words, though her attention was soon caught by the Togekiss giving a Zeraora a ride. A hearty laugh escaped from her lips as she saw the scene. It was both amusing and heartwarming. When she felt the mild psychic hold, her eyes went down to Dashie, and she caressed the Pokémon's crest once again. "You are such a dear, Dashie. Thanks for being so caring!" She
complimented the thoughtful Pokémon, then looked at Josh. "I see! I think a mix of both sounds fun, control when you need, freestyle when it is pure fun!" She grinned widely.[break][break]

Thea's Pokémons waved goodbye as soon as she took off with the Rapidash, the swift gallop already feeling like a wonderful start. Thea was really grateful Cass had cut her hair a bit shorter lately, otherwise her hair would go crazy in this ride.[break][break]

The speed was soft compared to what a Rapidash could go at the moment, but that didn't make Thea enjoy it any less. At Josh's explanations, she nodded. "I won't overdo, I don't want to trouble you or Dashie." She reassured, then giggled. "Well, I will keep that in mind if I ever get a ride Pokémon." Thea said, glancing down at Dashie and wondering how far she could go with him. "I promise you won't see me in cop chases though!" She winked to him.[break][break]

She went for a baby step, gently squeezing her legs between Dashie. Just a little, to test waters of how much the Pokémon speeded up if she decided to press tighter.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 23:37:27 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Dashie snorted as the Psychic-type mentally harnessed Thea up just tightly enough to secure her while still giving her the maximum freedom of movement possible. "Exactly! When you're feeling adventurous, there's nothing like flicking a mount's reins hard to one side and swerving, letting your momentum fling you around. If you want to try at any point, Dashie's psychic hold will make sure you don't fall!" Josh didn't have that lucury; if his strength gave out, he would fall. He had years of experience on his side, and he knew what the blue horse could do.

The Gym Leader chuckled at Thea's response. "This is one of the few places close to a town where you can go as fast as you want and not have to worry about the police being on your tail," he bragged, in a clever way trying to goad Thea into pushing Dashie to great speeds.

The psychic horse responded to Thea's command, easing her from a trot to a canter. It wasn't slow by any stretch, and showed just how much speed the species could put on. Josh skillfully matched Thea's pace, the two already exceeding the speed Ghalta had ferried them to the front door at. Even if Thea were to be distracted by the many Pokémon roaming Josh's Gym, including a Linoone and Furret that were large enough to wear riding gear, Dashie would keep her balanced ans safe!

{PC: 10}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2024 21:58:03 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Josh's passion for speed was endearing. Thea wasn't too diferent, when it came to Martial Arts and beautiful Pokémon, so she understood his feelings to it. Frankly, it made her try to understand it more, why he loved it so much. Her legs gently squeezed Dashie's body, and she bent her body, almost gluing it against the Pokémon's back.[break][break]

"Sounds like a safe but fun ride. Maybe I should try to get a psychic riding Pokémon at some point." She giggled at the idea while holding on tight. Truth be told, where she would find one that would match that? And she very rarely caught Pokémons by herself either, so it would only make things more complicated on that matter.[break][break]

Her eyes shifted a couple times to the endless Pokémons of the Gym, but as soon as she noticed she was relying too much on the Psychic Pokémon, she tried to keep a focus, eyes straight ahead and holding on tight while she tried to move along with him.[break][break]

"What are other places you can run like this?!" She wondered.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 2:52:30 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Everyone had their passion, and Josh's was Pokémon speedsports. It was a passion he had used to make a name for himself, including transforming an entire city into a hub for not just Pokémon racing, but sports of all kinds. He wondered if Mauville would be able to get their own baseball team eventually. Going to Lilycove games was not cheap!

"They're really good for beginners," Josh agreed, "so long as you can keep an open mind for them. Good luck getting one; there aren't many. Your choices other than Dashie are... Espeon, Girafarig, Braviary, Wyrdeer, Espathra, and Veluza. That's about it." The Sacred Sword paradoxes were also psychic-types, but riding one outside Area Zero was dangerous in Josh's eyes; he remembered the neural beating he got when he so much as rest his hands on Sigmund's back without even trying to mount up. If he had to pick one psychic legendary Pokémon to get a chance to hop onto, it would be Solgaleo. Maybe one day, would let him zoom across Ultra Space on his...

At Thea's nonverbal command, Dashie broke into a run, his hooves loudly clopping against the course as the increased winds blew toward her. "One of my favorite places to do this is Route 123. It's over a hundred miles long, it doesn't wind too much, and it's all flat. Big wetland around there. You could ride on a Raikou at full speed and it would still take you a while to get to Lake Pyre from Mauville!" One day, Josh would be able to relive that experience for himself: Swift could leap skyward into a thundercloud, giving him the thrill of riding on a lightning strike. Not yet, though. Not until after the raid on Sootopolis.

{PC: 11}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 4:01:15 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea's eyes widened at the mention of an Espeon being an option. "Huh?! Wait, Espeons can grow big enough to mount on them?" Perhaps that wasn't that surprising, considering the dinosaur Pokémon from earlier was much smaller than the average. Still, the thought of an Espeon that is large enough to mount on sent bubbles to Thea's heart. Imagine such a big Espeon, it is probably way too pretty and great for a full sized hug![break][break]

As Dashie started to speed up, Thea felt the wind whistling even stronger against her ears. Her hair was billowing sharply as a reaction, and all the immediate surroundings were mere blurrs by now. The adrenaline was starting to rush through Thea's mind, and her heart raced along with the ride.[break][break]

Still, she had ears for Josh's words, and a sigh of awe escaped her lips as she considered the idea—[break][break]

"A Raikou at full speed..." Those were Pokémons of legendary velocity. She was barely managing to keep up with a Rapidash that wasn't even going all out yet. She could only wonder how something even more absurd than that would work. "Wait— You have mounted on a Raikou at full speed before?! How you didn't die or something?!" She laughed heartily, clearly joking about the exaggeration of him dying. Well, partially joking, because she was certain she would die herself if she tried it.[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 6:23:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"With the Distortions showing up in Hoenn, yep!" Josh chirped. "They've become more common since then. Really big Pokémon in general, too. They're usually on the west side of the property. I'll have to show you Janus and his seven cousins once we're off the mountain." At the speed Dashie and Ixion were running, it would not take them long to get to where the rainbow of saddled Eeveelutions typically roamed.

The Gym Leader's fixation with Raikou was well-known by now, as was the trip of a lifetime he got to go on so long ago. Even then, he kept that memory close to his heart. Little did he know he would soon be able to relive that memory soon, and whenever he wanted at that. In a few days, he would have Swift at his beck and call.

"The experience of riding Raikou was the greatest birthday present Top Champion could have given me," Josh answered. "I can't explain why, but... I feel like I have a special connection to him. Like I'm one of only a few people in Hoenn that could have accomplished such a feat. If I had to pick one phrase to describe it, it would be like riding on a lightning bolt. Even that doesn't do it justice." There truly were no words for how skin warping a full-speed run on the Beast was. His speed and acceleration were so intense that his skin stretched behind his bones, even beneath his helmet and visor.

As the two horses rounded a corner, Thea would be able to see the scale of the saddled Espeon -- and the rest of Josh's Eeveelutions. "Blinky is probably the closest experience anyone here could get to being on Raikou's back," he pointed toward the Jolteon, her saddle designed with guards to reduce the chance of a rider being perforated by her quills.

{PC: 11}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 19:31:25 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"I-I see! To think some Pokémons are coming in very different shapes and sizes because of that, huh..." Thea was in awe at the possibilities. The largest Pokémon she knew, in person, was Gominha when she decided to inflate completely, becoming nearly twenty times bigger than her normal size. But it was expected from a Wigglytuff. Thinking of a mount-sized Eeveelution was completely mind-blowing for Thea. "Do show me though!" She grinned, keeping her attention onwards, and trying to go along with Dashie's movements.[break][break]

The horse Pokémon was being very kind on keeping her more stable, but Thea was also focusing on getting better on staying safe by herself. She didn't want to tire the Pokémon too much.[break][break]

Listening to Josh's experience, Thea swallowed. "Riding a lightning bolt..." The flash of a memory, of Thea watching through the window in the middle of a storm night crossed her mind. The thunderous crackling, and the lightning bolt that appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye. She couldn't muster how much velocity that was. "That must have been the fastest ride ever, right?" Thea felt breathless about the idea, trying to mentalize it while experiencing Dashie's speed. How faster it was? The double? The triple? Ten times more? "I hope you get to ride a Raikou again! It sounds like very fun. I don't think I could manage something like that, heh. Breaking a brick with a shuto uchi sounds more realistic to someone like me." She laughed heartily.[break][break]

It was nice to think about how fast it could be though.[break][break]

When the extra-sized Eeveelutions appeared, Thea's attention turned to them, and once again she allowed Dashie to be more attentive of her. She hoped she wasn't being a big distraction though. "They are adorable! Riding a Jolteon sounds dangerous, but it is amazing to think it is even possible in first place!"[break][break]






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[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 1:09:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Sensing Thea's desires, Dashie reduced the intensity of her hold on her quite a bit, necessitating she balance mostly on her own, though that safety net would be there if she still needed it. Josh daydreamed of his experience with Kyle's ashen Raikou, soon to be his own to relive at his leisure. "Far as I'm aware, Raikou is the fastest Pokémon on land. You know those low to the ground, triangular race cars that are popular in Unova? He's even faster than one of those." Thanks to 's gadgets, he even took measurements of Raikou's speed that day. It was something he did every time he had the privilege of riding a legendary Pokémon in a situation that wasn't life-threatening. "He definitely takes the phrase 'purring like a motor' to a whole different level, heh!"

The remark about brick breaking, in the style of the Pokémon attack, didn't go unnoticed. "You're a martial artist?" Josh asked. "I've had some training with a sword myself, but not hand-to-hand combat. Figured it would be useful for the war. I'm so out of practice that I don't think I could use it correctly now. Wonder what happened to 's school?"

In a way, it was dangerous. Jolteon were incredibly fast, particularly Blinky. Josh had gone to great lengths in designing a saddle that would keep its rider safe from the quills, even with the sudden momentum shifts. "Blinky's the only one of the eight I didn't find in a Distortion in Hoenn. I got her from a breeder back in Johto. Cost me a small fortune, she did, but she was worth every PD I spent on her. She's... really fast, too. You could push Dashie to full speed and not keep up with her."

{PC: 12}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 3:21:46 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

"Ooh... And those are already pretty fast..." She had never seen them in person, but the footages she saw on the TV were more than enough for her to have an idea of how it was. "So even if we decide to build something meant to be fast, Raikou will be even faster than that..." She hummed, impressed at the idea.[break][break]

A small giggle escaped when Josh made the analogy with the phrase, and when questioned about the martial arts, she nodded. "Yes! I love Martial Arts, and all my Pokémons train Martial Arts too! My father has a Dojo, for both humans and Pokémon!" Thea said, and upon the mention of someone's school, she tilted her head. "That name isn't familiar. Who was this?" She wondered.[break][break]

At the explanation about the Jolteon, Thea whistled a bit. "So that's one that isn't from a Distortion..? She is a very big one then..." Thea's eyebrows arched.[break][break]

Her eyes then lowered to the rapidash, smiling softly to him. "I guess every Pokémon has their own charm, even in the matter of riding." The speed was one thing, but how each Pokémon felt, and how they maneuvered through their run probably played a big role on making it enjoyable.[break][break]






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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,949 posts
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 2:04:12 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"He's the Johtonian god of speed for a reason!" Josh chirped, barely able to hold his excitement in. One day, he would be able to take Thea upon Raikou's back if she wanted. Not yet; not until Raikou had been strategically deployed against Rocket. He had taken many horrible losses in Dewford.

It would he his turn to fight back and wreck havoc upon them.

If Thea was a martial arts lover, then Josh figured she had many fighting-type Pokémon: Machamp, Lucario, and many others. "Finn's school was a sword school specifically, not hand-to-hand combat. I wonder if still teaches the art of the sword at Mossdeep Gym, now that he's the Leader there." There was one person that came to mind: Hoenn's king of martial arts himself. "Have you talked to , Verdanturf's Gym Leader yet? I bet you'd have fun sparring with him."

Blinky's history was a bit... complicated, too. "She was originally bred for dead sprints. Think drag races but with Pokémon. Her claws, and the whole rest of her body, were bred to be optimized for that one task. Her claws were so thin that they couldn't be used for battle, and they would break if she tried to turn too hard. She had to have artificial claws implanted just to be able to fight and maneuver like most Jolteon do." Thanks to modern technology, they would be just as strong as natural claws.

As Thea and Josh passed by more of his Pokémon, including a Manectric, Luxray, and even a Raichu that were all about the same size, the Pokémon were approaching the Gym's rear entrance. "Hope you had fun! If you want to see more of me, I'll be going on a Pokémon hunt on Route 116 this weekend. This was a fun one, Thea! If you want to learn more advanced maneuvers, come on back. We've got classes for riders of all skill levels."

{PC: 13}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Gym grounds, other than his Raging Bolt and Walking Wake.
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
318 posts
Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 2:51:06 GMT
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"Oh, Martial Arts with swords or any weapon is something I haven't tried yet." Yet was emphasized, as Thea wouldn't mind trying to learn some of it. She had a preference for using her own fists and legs, but she was a lover of all Martial Arts. All of them had discipline, form, and technique that was powerful and beautiful at the same time, something she wished to show the world some day.[break][break]

"I will keep Mossdeep Gym in mind then. As for Mr. Noah... Yes! I've talked to him before!" She grinned. "I still didn't pay my visit to his Gym, but I will be there soon, to help to train some of the younger trainers, and to get myself some training too." Thea said, excited about it.[break][break]

Blinky's story made Thea frown, sad for what the Jolteon had gone through. But it was good that it had a happy ending after all, with her claws recovered, even if in an artificial way. "At least now she can have a more... Free life." She smiled faintly, and as they neared the end of their journey, Thea giggled, hopping off Dashie and giving him a gentle caress on the crest.[break][break]

"Thanks for letting me ride you, Dashie... And you too, Josh, thanks for letting me ride the Pokémons around here." She said, looking at him with a grin. "Route 116. Alright! You can bet I will be there!"[break][break]








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[newclass=".gunstest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
Top Speed
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 3:09:59 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing