i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 6:33:56 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ONTOGENETIC PARADE




Volo Theme - Pokémon Masters EX

"primus in orbe deos fecit timor"

IN THE DEEPEST CIRCLE OF AREA ZERO, a low-pitched bugle of an ancient vessel beckons the ruinous three. CHI-YU, WO-CHIEN, and CHIEN-PAO commune with their mortal incarnations. However, deep down, , and all know that they must attend this subsurface assembly.[break][break]

Whether by coordinated planning or unnerving coincidence, the three will find themselves arriving at the same night. The same time. Somehow, they are able to navigate the labyrinth of crystal; the same acherontic abyss that REGIROCK traverses endlessly in mechanical cycles of searching.[break][break]

All of you arrive in a dim chamber so far from the earth's surface. There, in the center, TING-LU awaits them. Its small red eyes pierce through the darkness. In Ting-lu's cracked bowl, the faint glow of a WISHING STAR can be seen, somehow having fused into the center of its ritual vessel.[break][break]

By its hooves, the ground is cracked. Light struggles to break through the crevasses like angels desperate for escape.[break][break]

The Vessel of Ruin greets you all[break]
with a low, gut-scraping bellow.

NOTE: The events of this thread may occur before or after the inciting incident of true wartime between the factions. Thus, the timing of this event will be made vague for this reason. However, this thread is certainly set after the events of State of the Region, Wrath of Registeel and "War Notice".



IN THIS SPECIAL SIDESTORY THREAD moderated by , your characters will explore the relationship you have with Ting-lu and "Ruination". There is no specified deadline for this thread; however, insights in this thread may help inform specific motivations moving forward into the war arc.[break][break]

  • You do not need to adhere to a posting order.
  • You can post more than once per "round".
  • After you are done posting for the "round", please tag for the next post.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pcContainer]margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 25px; width: 325px; height: 150px; background: #2b2b2b; overflow: hidden; border-radius:5px; border:solid 2px #232323;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.slot]background: #fefaff; border-radius: 25%; margin: 10px; width: 40px; height: 40px; text-align: center; position: relative;[/newclass]
[newclass=.slot img]position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto;[/newclass]

[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-232 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://file.garden/ZXZrnWMYuz15frfJ/HOVERS/tinglubinch.png)!important; [/newclass]
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2024 2:38:02 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]



Over a year ago, a beckoning presence had drawn Elisabeth Fiorelli out of her sleepy cottage into the Petalburg Woods, where the she'd been engulfed in the sinister embrace of Wo-chien. Tonight, like that night, a wrongness drew her forth from her Sootopolis apartment, heralded by the insistent hiss of her patron.[break][break]

That soft, low-lying buzzing began to hum with approval as her own voice pieced together its meaning: "Our DESTINY awaits us."[break][break]

The underboss could count on a single hand the amount of times Wo-chien had urged her so forcefully.[break][break]

Curiosity and dread alike lured her lower and lower beneath the surface, following the Ruinous Beast's gaze like twin ochre lanterns through the murk. The shadows swallowed her whole, blotting out the path to the exit they'd left behind as the eerie bugle of a distant figure beckoned them onwards.[break][break]

It sent a chill of foreboding shivering down her spine.[break][break]

Had this been another time, such as the aftermath of that cursed October day with , she might have warned of her unusual whereabouts. Since the events of Prismatic Penitentiary, she knew better.[break][break]

The GRUDGES that festered and rotted within her heart had saved her when all else failed. Spite had kept her alive, not love.[break][break]

Wo-chien's slithering abruptly ceased, rustling like the last of autumn's leaves before winter silenced the earth, and Elisabeth obediently froze in place alongside it. Ochre eyes met red before the Ruinous Beast bowed its head in unusual acquiescence to the other.[break][break]

'Siblings,' Elisabeth sensed though she did not know why, 'understand one another.'[break][break]

The head of Ting-Lu glistened like a peculiar amethyst, terrible in its beauty, as hoofbeats struck the ground to announce their arrival.[break][break]

Only then did she realize they were not alone.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".scorned"] --accent:#DB7093!important; --headercolor:#db709326!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".devil"]--accent: #A54339; --headercolor: #2E2B2B;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .topimage"]background-image: url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBa3F-YW4AAXMBv?format=jpg&name=4096x4096); background-size: cover; height: 250px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .avatarimg img"]width: 90px; height: 90px; float: left; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; margin-left: -5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .pkmnteam"]width: 130px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .headerh"]height: 20px; background: var(--headercolor); opacity: 0.5;[/newclass]
[newclass=".devil .ooc"]font-family: Poppins; font-size: 14px; color: #555; padding: 5px 10px; text-align: center;[/newclass]
[newclass=".devil .ooc a"]color: var(--accent); font:500 15px/15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1825 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/4us88Kd.jpg)!important; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,396 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 1:28:24 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]





[break][break] Destiny was a thing of dreams, woven together by leylines of fate. Ask any child about their dreams and they'll tell you — and from those answers, futures are spun like silk, cemented into place by nothing except mere words.

[break][break] But for , his future had never been his own. It had always been set in stone, from the moment that his father and mother had brought him into this world. The moment that Rocket and had cut into him, to forge him into the monster that he needed to be.

[break][break] And even this, even now, it was no different. WO-CHIEN'S urging called from her cottage, from her safety in whatever home that she may have staying in. But CHIEN PAO needed no such claim.

[break][break] Their footprints were already frozen in the ground. Pre-written in the stars for them, destined to be there.

[break][break] In the SILENT ICELANDS where god and monster stood, upon their frosted hills of fate, that keening voice called for them. That hollow cry that rang out like a bugle's horn over the desolate, snow-covered plains.

[break][break] The Rocket admin and his feline companion split fast through the ice, skating upon the urgency that called them away from their wandering and into the craters of AREA ZERO.

[break][break] Those strings of fate etched deeply into Jayden's scarred skin pulled tight. They burned with purpose, now.

[break][break] HATRED had carved deep wounds onto his body, reshaping the painful patchwork that ROCKET had once forged. It controlled Jayden now, as he and CHIEN PAO plunged into the darkness, moving through the pitch-black abyss with chilling ease.

[break][break] And when they broke through to the other side, they were not alone.

[break][break] Of course they were not alone.

[break][break] His eyes first fall to the beast in the center of the arena, it's WISHING STAR gleaming like a burning star. Then it falls upon the familiar frame of a woman who had once warned him against such a fate. Warned him against letting his beast take control of him like it did.

[break][break] But had he listened?

[break][break] Had she listened?

[break][break] Did they even have a choice in the matter?

[break][break] "Underboss Fiorelli," he said with a polite dip of his head, breath appearing in cold puffs before him. His expression smoothed as his movements did as well, stepping towards the other Rocket as if it were nothing but a chance meeting. As if it was once again them stumbling upon a crystallized Littleroot, observing the remains of war.

[break][break] "You're here."

[break][break] A statement more than it was a question. After all, it was true what they said.

[break][break] Siblings understood one another.




[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".cursed"] --accent:#7F687A!important; --headercolor:#6f678447!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".devil"]--accent: #A54339; --headercolor: #2E2B2B;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .topimage"]background-image: url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBa3F-YW4AAXMBv?format=jpg&name=4096x4096); background-size: cover; height: 250px;[/newclass]
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 18:24:21 GMT
[attr="class","devil coveted"]



Free-will never existed. Since the beginning, every piece held its role, every person held its part. Fighting in ignorance was to prolong but never admonish. With a boulder lodged on her back, Penelope had been prepared wage war against this inevitability. How could she live with herself otherwise?

But after 's death.

After the prison, and baring witness to the pathetic state awaiting her dissent.

After committing atrocities in the name of an organization her past rebuked with its entirety.

Resistance became a temptation beyond the worth of risking. So when she awoke to her internal keening, her body a forbidden furnace, she wasted no time. Her eyes met jade, and the agreement was made. Follow me, it read. Follow your depravities.

So she began her descent, magma birthing out from every step taken through Ever Grade, and across the silent icelands. For a moment, those fields of sleet became louder than any chorus. They raged with forth warnings. Begged for reconsiderations.

They all fell on deaf ears. might've been the one to rob her sight, but Ruination pillaged her senses. It razed through her heart, until logic became a hellfire of grossly twisted ENVY. It turned the voices of the icelands into audience, mockery intertwined to the laughter that rung from their seats.

, , , , , - they all played their part. From the height of unapproachable mountaintops, their disproval shone through like the aurora borealis on a pitch black night. With them, there was no safety, no home. So she continued. Further and further down the path of no return, she followed the pair of jade into a world of crystals and shadows, all the way to an open area.

At the center, a beast stood, surrounded by its kin.

All she could feel was pure, unfiltered jealousy. Had he called her last on purpose? An eye flicked to the left, then right, but no level of surprise yielded through her expression.

"Fiorelli," her name tasted of sewage.

"Cross," his tasted of frostbite.

"Another reunion, I see."

It was never a question of if, but always when. Because siblings don't only understand one another, they are apart of one another. Forever entangled, forever inseparable.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".coveted"]--accent:#A54339!important; --headercolor:#a543391a!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".devil"]--accent: #A54339; --headercolor: #2E2B2B;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".devil .pkmnteam img"]filter: grayscale(0);[/newclass]

[newclass=".devil .mcredits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; right: 9px; bottom: 11px;[/newclass][newclass=".devil .mcredits a"]font:bold 13px/13px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; transition:0.7s all; color:#434343ba; opacity:0.8;[/newclass][newclass=".devil:hover .mcredits a"]opacity:1; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
part of
TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 7:57:03 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ONTOGENETIC PARADE




Volo Theme - Pokémon Masters EX
Siblings understand each other, yes. Siblings are a part of one another, indeed. This crooked family reunion. This tortuose tangling of fate. It brings together the pieces required to comprehend the dreaded hereafter.[break][break]

Why ruination must happen.[break][break]

Why ruination must come to pass.[break][break]

The Vessel of Ruin has yet to anchor itself. Slowly, the creature plods toward you. Beneath its heavy hooves, the fragile earth rings. Its bowl directs the rest of its earthen body. Within it, the WISHING STAR glows like a star gasping for air.[break][break]

The familiar energy of its signature move, RUINATION fills the bowl and erupts upward like a curtain of night-scraped flame. The WISHING STAR remains, smoldering still.[break][break]

Ting-Lu bellows. Around you, if they have not already appeared, your Ruinous Patrons lurk with eager eyes. Like witches around a cauldron, they watch.[break][break]

Place your hands into the RUINATION, into the bowl. They all seem to be saying. See what we can see.



IN THIS SPECIAL SIDESTORY THREAD moderated by , your characters will explore the relationship you have with Ting-lu and "Ruination". There is no specified deadline for this thread; however, insights in this thread may help inform specific motivations moving forward into the war arc.[break][break]

  • You do not need to adhere to a posting order.
  • You can post more than once per "round".
  • After you are done posting for the "round", please tag for the next post.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pcContainer]margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 25px; width: 325px; height: 150px; background: #2b2b2b; overflow: hidden; border-radius:5px; border:solid 2px #232323;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.boxContainer]position: relative; margin: 0; margin-top: -150px; padding: 0; padding-left: 5px; width: 300px; margin-right: 350px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.slot img]position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto;[/newclass]

[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-232 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://file.garden/ZXZrnWMYuz15frfJ/HOVERS/tinglubinch.png)!important; [/newclass]
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 23:52:16 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]



"Yes," was all she said, voice soft and eyes distant. "We're here. In reunion."[break][break]

She recognized and , but bathed in the glow of RUINATION's flames, they appeared like strangers to her. Shadows pressed in on all sides, claustrophobic and stifling as the flickering bowl existed as their sole source of light. It transfixed her, almost hypnotizing in its dark radiance.[break][break]

Her mind became alive with its twisted thoughts, filling the silence with a voice that only vaguely sounded like her own:[break][break]


Like a marionette, her arm seemed to lift as if beckoned upwards by an unseen string. The paleness of her skin seemed translucent in this light, and she could see all too clearly the network of veins that betrayed how very mortal and human she was.[break][break]

I don't want to burn, a small voice silently begged as she hesitated, only to be drowned out by the insistent bellow that followed in answer:[break][break]


Shutting her eyes tight, she plunged her hand into the fiery pit, biting her tongue to fight back protests of self-preservation. The memory of fire, scorching and cruel, burned into her mind with stinging recollection before the searing heat licked against her palm. Pain contorted her features, but she bit down harder, refusing to cry out.[break][break]

The taste of blood distracted her, metallic and crimson in her mouth.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".scorned"] --accent:#DB7093!important; --headercolor:#db709326!important; [/newclass]

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 0:12:18 GMT
[attr="class","devil coveted"]



There was a miasma of desperation between the three of them. Like broken pieces of a puzzle, they were victims of forced conformity, their titles all but scars of individual, yet familiar, plights.
Staring at them, at their beasts who collected around the cauldron of secrets, a troubling fear was brought forth within Penelope. It was one that she had never quite noticed before.
Why was it here of all places, of all realms, of all groups of people that she felt the most realized?
It wasn't like with , whose commitments discomforted her, or with whose privilege to authenticity enraged her.
and - their statures were shards of the same shattered mirror. And that, in essence, was what brought the Coveted up to The Vessel of Ruin.

Flint first struck steel months ago, and now, here again, a fire grew. Purging sense, cleansing away reason, her thoughts stabbed into the imagery of and his boon; of and her infectious savior complex; of and his legacy. Even of .

and - their statures were shards of the same shattered mirror. And it was in that shattered mirror that she saw pieces of scarlet escape, bearing the same wide-eyed expression she bared, whispering the same corruption vibrating through her body.

If they were her, and she was them, why did struggle marred her confidence? Why was it her that failed to reach their heights?
Why, why, why.
This wasn't the way things were meant to be. She knew that, deep down, through the way her legs quivered with every step, and her heart ached for a man who'd die to see her contemplations over the very moral quandaries her position stood to fight against.
If it were here instead, the answer would be simple. But she wasn't her. she could never be her. And yet, through agony and denial, she wished herself to be.
A step cut the distance between herself and the screeching pit.


Its in her final heaving breaths that she plunged her hand forward. For as much as she wished otherwise, her answer had already been written the moment the contract was made. She knew it to be true, as a mad man sees what he sees, and mad woman ensures her vision to be true.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".coveted"]--accent:#A54339!important; --headercolor:#a543391a!important; [/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,396 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 6:04:21 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]




[attr="class","postbox"] "LIVY, YOU'VE COME," he states, frost-blue eyes turning to the Coveted as she announces her presence. However, resentment threatens to bleed through at the sight of her, at the ugly symbol of the LEAGUE that she represents, but before it can, that dangerous aura in the center of the room floods through him in waves.

[break][break] Suffocating him.

[break][break] GRUDGE.

[break][break] ENVY.

[break][break] HATRED.

[break][break] FEAR.

[break][break] The assembly of those emotions, in such a tormented chamber, should be a thing as deadly as sacrilege.

[break][break] But THE CURSED knows better. After all, DEATH and mortar are as natural to him as breathing. With the hoofbeats of FEAR thudding in his ears, his eyes shift from the Councilwoman and Rocket Underboss, instead turning to the glowing star in the center of the cracked vessel.

[break][break] A palm is guided towards it's flaming center, plunging into it's depths.

[break][break] As easily as he'd clashed against a monstrous in the CAVE OF ORIGIN nearly a year ago.

[break][break] As easily as he'd charged against 's own trial of flame mere months ago.

[break][break] As easily as he's leapt into 's own inferno, in the SILENT ICELANDS in the spring.

[break][break] Flames wreathe around ice-pale skin, their searing kiss more a caress than a burn, as his hands join with the rest of his siblings.

[break][break] And in his mind, unlike theirs, no voice rings. His own mind is silent — at peace, perhaps — as the temptation of what believes to be POWER calls for him in the center of that ominous bowl.

[break][break] Because he and Chien Pao are one, have been for some time now, his icy veins already fused with it's bloody, hateful ichor.

[break][break] SHOW ME, his own thoughts ring out, as his ruinous patron's frost-bitten stare pulsed behind him, an echo of the winterfrost that threatened to swallow him whole.

[break][break] SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN SEE.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".cursed"] --accent:#7F687A!important; --headercolor:#6f678447!important; [/newclass]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 2:27:55 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ONTOGENETIC PARADE




Volo Theme - Pokémon Masters EX
ONCE ALL HANDS ARE THRUST INTO THE BOWL, the ruinous three are bestowed a vision. The vision is stitched together in asynchronous abstracts. Colours meld together as Munchian streaks. Images contract, solidify and liquefy into vague shapes and figures: some familiar. Some wholly unknown—and it is the sublime unrecognizable that draws , and into this premonition.[break][break]

They witness scenes of the incoming Hoennian war. Familiar faces cascade across mobilizing bodies, but none are identifiable. Pokemon clash with their brethren as their Legendary counterparts march and missile overhead. Buildings collapse into crematory flames. All know for certain that this is the fate that will befall Hoenn.[break][break]

Yet there is no knowledge gleamed for the war's outcome. At least, in terms of who will rise as victorious: Team Rocket or the League. However, it is eventually clear that during the war RUINATION will and must occur.[break][break]

FEAR paints the rest of the scenes. Fear of what will occur should this war and should RUINATION not come to pass. In this harrowing vision, they hear a big TRUMPETING: the tolling of TING-LU'S bowl as it sunders the old world.[break][break]

The FIRST TRUMPET OF RUINATION has already been played, for it has beckoned the three here.[break][break]

The SECOND TRUMPET OF RUINATION will sound after SOOTOPOLIS is besieged. When a burning city is stained with bloody seas.[break][break]

The THIRD TRUMPET OF RUINATION will sound when the great skeletal star falls to earth from the other plane.[break][break]

The FOURTH TRUMPET OF RUINATION will sound when the moon is struck, bringing complete darkness to night.

However, the perilous premonition also answers a curious question. Why is RUINATION necessary? What purpose does it serve? Are the three simply arbiters of the apocalypse? As the vision reaches its end, they witness the FUTURE TERMINAL'S DIRE SCENARIO. Listless skeletons of cities and corpses, both human and Pokemon, scattered across scorched earth. Above, the judging javelins of an impartial "god" dive to skewer this universe's heart.[break][break]

But the TING-LU bellows, its deep voice reaching the depths of this psychic sight. The vision rewinds to a point before the FUTURE TERMINAL'S SCENARIO.[break][break]

The FIFTH, SIXTH, AND SEVENTH TRUMPETS sound in the vision, played by , , and . The three carry their hatred, envy and grudges to all the world.

In the vision, they see that through RUINATION, the world may be saved. Though devastated and scarred by their horror it is that very horror that will alter fate's path for good. It is human nature for all to act on hatred, to act on envy, grudges and fear. When the world is consumed with something as banal as common sin, would the Alpha Pokemon even bother to cast its eye toward it?[break][break]

The vision ends. The TING-LU'S RUINATION subsides... and everyone is brought to the cold of the Area Zero Underdepths. For awhile they must recover and reflect. Can they trust this frightening vision? Fear addles the mind, draws falsities from the fount of uncertainty... but when confronted with the end of all worlds, belief and purpose is a sacred thing.[break][break]

The cave quakes once more.



IN THIS SPECIAL SIDESTORY THREAD moderated by , your characters will explore the relationship you have with Ting-lu and "Ruination". There is no specified deadline for this thread; however, insights in this thread may help inform specific motivations moving forward into the war arc.[break][break]

  • You do not need to adhere to a posting order.
  • You can post more than once per "round".
  • After you are done posting for the "round", please tag for the next post.

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-232 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://file.garden/ZXZrnWMYuz15frfJ/HOVERS/tinglubinch.png)!important; [/newclass]
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 3:34:29 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]



War had been inevitable for some time now. Still, to see it in all its beauty and brutality was a different matter.[break][break]

It rendered the chaos at Littleroot quaint. It reduced their suffering at the hands of the Loyal Three to child's play.[break][break]

Devastation, nothing more and nothing less, unfolded before them in all its bloodstained tapestry. This was the future they had each claimed, for reasons of their own. To witness it however laid the impact of such choices bare.[break][break]

Selfish, she thought. We are selfish to wish for this destruction. I am selfish to have ever wanted this.[break][break]

But selfishness, too, was nothing new to her. She'd accepted that part of herself for many long years.[break][break]

The trumpets sounded, one by one, stirring some strange emotion in her as they played out the part they were asked to now rehearse.[break][break]

Sootopolis would be besieged; this she suspected, but had never known until this moment. A great skeletal star would fall; she'd too little interest in the world beyond her to understand the meaning of such an omen. The moon would be struck; darkness would blanket them all in its embrace, extinguishing the sun and all its light.[break][break]

"What is our purpose, then?" she whispered, only for the final premonition to resound as each of them were called by a trumpet's bellowing echo. One for HATRED's herald, . One for ENVY's scion, . And one for the embodiment of GRUDGES, singing loudly and clearly for her with its siren song.[break][break]

She looked upon Ting-Lu and understood: They would destroy the world so as to remake it anew.[break][break]

In the ashes of what must be destroyed, they would step forward to rebuild from the rubble with the strength of what would break lesser beings.[break][break]

In all this time, Elisabeth had felt acutely alone. Not even the presence of by her side had silenced that sense of separation from the world. Such comfort only distracted her, for a little while, from the fact she belonged nowhere and with no one.[break][break]

When she looked upon and , as she had looked upon Ting-Lu, a peculiar ease settled over her. A belonging. A familial welcome.[break][break]

"We can tell no one of this."[break][break]

Surely they understood that, as she did? This was more than Rocket. More than the League. This was salvation itself. No one would understand what they had seen. The knowledge would be abused against them, wielded as a weapon to hold them captive for their own good.[break][break]

No. No, she would not be held captive again. Not for the good of anyone.[break][break]

The fading of the trumpets preceded another quake in this strange cavern, and Elisabeth's voice raised higher.[break][break]

"You understand, don't you? If we breathe a word of this, to your council or our leaders, it would be the end of everything."[break][break]

Arceus help her, she had no choice but to trust in them both.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".scorned"] --accent:#DB7093!important; --headercolor:#db709326!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1825 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/4us88Kd.jpg)!important; [/newclass]
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 10:09:53 GMT
[attr="class","devil coveted"]



Fear left her body a shudder in the darkness. Existence became emotion, lashes of sound striking her ears, filling them with the trill of trumpets. From the first climax of sound, she could feel importance they herald. The significance she didn't know she craved. First came this moment of shared intimacy, then Sootopolis, whose horrors confirmed every nightmare that gnawed at her dreams. The next two, however, were washes of obscurity. A country unknown, tasked to an adventurer already struggling against the mountain ranges of their own home.

Blinding blinks of starlight forced her eyes close, letting sound become sight, as the next image awaited her eventual crawl back. The moon was struck, and darkness poured. Heavy layers coat their surroundings, stripping more and more of their sense.

If you can't see, then listen.

If you can't listen, then feel.

But all she could feel was FEAR. ENVY. HATRED. GRUDGE. The primary colors of an infant's development. There was no nuance, or shades of gray between the cuts of color. There was just raw, unadulterated emotion. The purest form of humanity's perilous existence.

"What is our purpose, then?"

Her words tangled with The Scorned's, becoming indistinguishable and inseparable. But she already knew the answer. It'd been written into her ever since her finger grazed Chi-yu's jaded eyes. It was the very first message it ever shared to Penelope, and it was the first time someone listened.

They would have to damn the world to save it.

Penelope's lips twisted downward, pain exploding across her face. All this time, through all the turmoil she faced, it became second nature to ignore raised questions. It never mattered, she would console herself, as long as Hoenn was saved. That was the only truth she had to adhere to. Everything else was noise.

Her lip quivered and fists balled up at her sides. She could feel a puddle of tears threaten to break across her skin, cupping her cheek. Validation felt like air filling her swollen lungs.

Because it mattered. All of those sacrifices mattered. It wasn't for nothing.

's words beckoned her eyes to open. Slowly, they crawled to reach her.

"If you're expecting a promise, accept disappointment, because I'll see to my end of the bargain how I see fit." ENVY drove her petty, even now. The hollows of the cavern only served to extend that fact, echoing off the selfish words for the world to hear not once, but thrice. "Trust that I'll get it done. One way or another."



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".coveted"]--accent:#A54339!important; --headercolor:#a543391a!important; [/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,396 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 13:21:16 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]




[attr="class","postbox"] As war and devastation played out in front of them, in a beautiful tapestry of knowledge that was meant for only their eyes to behold, , and all had their futures revealed to them in one manner or another.

[break][break] And for and both, perhaps, it was the replay of their futures on display like this — in such a raw, visceral manner — that was all that was needed to drag their fears out for pasture.

[break][break] Uncertainty, fear, horrified confusion. It rained on them in a parade.

[break][break] 'What is our purpose then?'

[break][break] But for a man like , born into a legacy of torture and bloody warfare, this life was second nature. All it took was a single trumpet blast to reverberate through the labyrinth they had been lured into.

[break][break] "OUR PURPOSE IS SIMPLE," his voice echoed, and through it, CHIEN PAO'S WILL. "TO SAVE THE WORLD."

[break][break] How disdainful it was that they were brought here — that he was brought here, to this very earth, to fulfill the promise of people who had never loved him.

[break][break] But that was the point, wasn't it? That had always been the point.

[break][break] Thoughts of his father, of Rocket, of the torture that he'd experienced in a lifetime all rushed passed him. Where and certainly saw the mangled bodies of their brethren, of tortured souls unable to escape the premonition that was offered to them, Jayden saw bloody red seas. He saw triumphant war generals. He saw the people who had dragged Kanto up from it's devastation, razed it to the ground, only so they could save it.

[break][break] This — just like Kanto — was their salvation.

[break][break] FEAR bound him, just like the others, to this terrible fate, but it was so close to the fear that he had known since he was but a child that it felt indistinguishable to him, even in this moment. He blinked away the dreams, the visions, that had been shown to him, as though there was still starlight on his eyelashes. And then, he realized, that the two women were speaking to one another.

[break][break] 'We must speak to no one about this,' had said.

[break][break] 'Well of course,' he thought. 'We should let Livy believe that.'

[break][break] Cold and stern as he was known to be, the admin nodded in solidarity with his Underboss. "Fiorelli is right," he said, her lack of a title raking like coals across his back. But it had to be that way, in order for him to get to see sense. "At the very least, we should hold off until we know more."

[break][break] A pause, thick as the blood that bound them now.

[break][break] "Even you, Livy, know that you cannot do this alone."

[break][break] After all, by this fated meeting, their fates had been sealed, hadn't they? Together.

[break][break] It was not just ENVY that would lead the world to their salvation, but HATRED and GRUDGE. Even FEAR.

[break][break] Palpable even more now that TING-LU, perpetrator of all that was dreadful, was now in the room with them.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".cursed"] --accent:#7F687A!important; --headercolor:#6f678447!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".devil"]--accent: #A54339; --headercolor: #2E2B2B;[/newclass]
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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1110 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/gmaaC1M.png)!important; [/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
part of
TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 8:21:10 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ONTOGENETIC PARADE




Volo Theme - Pokémon Masters EX
LIKE THE WEYWARD SISTERS, the three Ruinous Avatars observe the fractalized future, secluded from society. Separate from civilization and its aimless, cumbrous calendar. The TING-LU's blood red eyes glow in this dim cavern and bore holes into each trainer's faces.[break][break]

The cave quakes once more. Loudly. Synthesized through obdurate stone, an inhuman drumming of sounds announces its arrival:

⠗⠑⠞⠥⠗⠝ ⠞⠕ ⠍⠑ ⠗⠑⠞⠥⠗⠝ ⠞⠕ ⠍⠑ ⠗⠑⠞⠥⠗⠝ ⠞⠕ ⠍⠑

A ROCKY FIST tears into their chamber. The petrous punch is followed by a large, unwieldy body of sheer stones: a gathered collection embodied over the ages.[break][break]

The TING-LU raises its head to face their intruder. The Giant that tears into their sacred domain. With no hesitation, the REGIROCK grabs the TING-LU's BOWL, clumsy lithoid limbs seeking the WISHING STAR in its center. The REGIROCK's "hands" slide into the bowl's center and clamp onto the star—[break][break]

And this is when the three can act.[break][break]

The Ruinous Quartet faces against one of the Royals: two clans aspiring to salvage a realm reborn.


ATTEMPT TO DISLODGE THE REGIROCK FROM TING-LU. Attacking the REGIROCK with conventional attacks from their patrons will be fruitful. However, , and will discover that they have learned a new AVATAR ABILITY due to their ritual with TING-LU. These new abilities can be used to assist with their unwanted guest.[break][break]

Draft up a new ability and send it to for review. Afterward, you may use it in your post.



IN THIS SPECIAL SIDESTORY THREAD moderated by , your characters will explore the relationship you have with Ting-lu and "Ruination". There is no specified deadline for this thread; however, insights in this thread may help inform specific motivations moving forward into the war arc.[break][break]

  • You do not need to adhere to a posting order.
  • You can post more than once per "round".
  • After you are done posting for the "round", please tag for the next post.

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[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/WmaTUbp.png); position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 3:29:17 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]



She held no love for . To argue with her was to breathe; it took no thought, no conscious action. It simply was, woven into the fabric of their very existence.[break][break]

's words did little to soothe her, for in the presence of Ting-Lu, she FEARED. Those blood-red eyes bored into her soul, stripping all its thorny protections bare to unearth that vulnerable doubt.[break][break]

Death, it seemed to accuse as it gazed upon her. The fear of death clings to you as a second shadow, the greatest and most unavoidable threat to all your hard-won freedom.[break][break]

Her jaw clenched as she attempted to fight down and suppress that jolt of terror.[break][break]

Fear had driven her to make that devil's bargain with Tapu Fini; fear had made her susceptible to all the pain and misery that had brought her to Wo-chien's altar of GRUDGES.[break][break]

Yet DEATH had been always the shape of that fear, coaxing and cruel in its slow-reaching grasp towards her.[break][break]

Sometimes death took the shape of the man she'd buried. Sometimes its face was that of , suffocating her in the pink mist she now used to smother him. Sometimes its face was that of , staring down upon her with judgment in the caverns of Mt. Chimney. Sometimes its face twisted into the shadowy visage of , sneering at her with a boot pressed to the small of her back.[break][break]

But she feared death most of all in the quiet places--in the nightmares that whispered into the fabric of slumbering thought, tempting her with the knowledge of how much easier it'd be to cease suffering once and for all.[break][break]

It was that FEAR which had taught her to kill the man whose GRUDGE burdened her even now; her choice was that, or to let the fear kill her first.[break][break]

Didn't the others see the way their death drew closer with the unveiling of their secrecy? Didn't they understand the risk that sharing their purpose might--?[break][break]

The chamber shattered, rubble and stone dislodging as an unexpected interloper burst in upon their unholy ritual. Elisabeth watched in wide-eyed horror as it seized the WISHING STAR, anger and indignation spurring through her as she turned attention to their true enemy.[break][break]

"You would dare?" she whispered, and Wo-chien's mouth opened wide with slobbering greed to absorb its lifeforce with a GIGA DRAIN. Spite surged within her, furious and pounding in its pulse, as vines burst through the darkened earth to answer the call of her vengeful heart.[break][break]

The green tendrils hissed with serpentine possession around the enormous boulder of a guardian, and in their grip, she could swear its strength appeared to weaken for a moment.[break][break]

She didn't understand, not yet, what had been awakened in her.[break][break]

In time, though, she would learn -- long after had been murdered by to spare a life that was never his to take.[break][break]

Grudges HEAL Elisabeth as much as they empower her, allowing her to regenerate even after suffering the most grievous of wounds. This HEALING can be used on others through physical touch or through her plant manipulation powers; however, its recipients face agonizing emotional distress. Her healing properties can also be reversed, allowing her to SAP STRENGTH and WILLPOWER from those in her clutches. She may ENDURE death once per thread, her corpse resurrecting out of SPITE.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".scorned"] --accent:#DB7093!important; --headercolor:#db709326!important; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".devil .avatarimg img"]width: 90px; height: 90px; float: left; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; margin-left: -5px;[/newclass]
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played by


Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,898 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 2:29:09 GMT
[attr="class","devil coveted"]



"That's where you're wrong."
A solo pursuit was a foolish endeavor, and she knew that. If one too many people overheard the extent of what's transpired between them, it'll be her head first on the platter. And yet pride still clutched her heart, ever the proponent of contrarianism. She'd rather hell freeze over than allow the scale to slip out of favor.
"I won't be forgoing our mission, but if you think I'll maintain any alliances, you're sorely mistaken."
Conversation was silenced by the deep quake of the cave. With an explosion of sound, Penelope felt the jittering of shifting rock crescendo into a personalized natural disaster. A handcrafted obstacle to wreck havoc into their flimsy plans.

Looking up and blinking past the clouds of dust, she could barely make out the ridges of the monstrosity's silhouette. It didn't look real.
But then saw it. Regirock.

Its intent was immediate. Stretching out its hand, the giant leaned into the bowl, grasping at the very source of TRUTH that'd reignited the light within her. For so long, she'd been a hollow shell wrecked by indecision. Night had begun to terrify her, heralding a monster far worse than any nightmare: tomorrow. And only now, in the company of her enemy, could she feel herself regain a semblance of that lost peace.
Stepping forward, the jade of Chi-yu's gaze turned to a bright shade of white, sharing the only emotion its existence was ever meant to convey: ENVY. Penelope's eyes flicked to her left and right, feeling the beast's roaring emotion, searching for a response her flames held no answer for. Magma would do little against a beast of earth. Ice however? Grass? Those were elements with capabilities beyond her reach.
And yet, her fingers lift to move. They cut through the wind, flicking as they done time and time again, evoking not Magma, but a new well of power she'd thought impossible.
In one breath, a beam of black, with ripples of purple, exploded out from between her palms.

Envying the displayed power of her opponents, Penelope can STEAL any learned move or ability of a Pokemon in battle. These moves and abilities cannot be accessed once the battle ends. Due to the effort it requires, Penelope can only reliably sustain one replication at a time and will have difficulty sustaining multiple, often times with recoil damage or other consequences. When Penelope inherits these power/abilities, they are corrupted through ENVY, which often makes them less potent than the original copy.[break][break]
Penelope stole HYPER BEAM from REGIROCK



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP