i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 8:23:59 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Howard Slayte is cyclical. Priam Conrad is a repetitive loop, reaching for bad habits as they are offered to him.

They are both cogs in this machine, as lamentable as that fact is. This city of burned concrete and smoking fires and shattered dreams was their new metropolis. Even as, unbeknownst to them, Mossdeep's invasion fails and Sootopolis sinks into the ocean, Petalburg is their one boon from this failed escapade into western Hoenn.

"I want you to do your job. Immediately." His eye flicked up to meet the younger man's gaze. "Secure the city. Don't let Monroe take all the credit for this victory."

There is nothing going on behind Priam's eyes. There is no thought, even as his pedigree is pristine and his record unmarred. A cog, oiled seamlessly into a greater mechanism.

He closed the gap between the two.

"You're the only Rocket Beast in the city. You're the c̵̲̆r̵͉̋̉ṵ̴̘͌̓x̴̪̳͐."

The word buzzes as it falls from the admin's lips.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 15:32:55 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
assertiveness from 's command drives priam to remove the stick from his mouth and replace it with the mouthpiece for the radio. his hands may tremble, but his voice does not.

"squadron alpha, bravo, secure the perimeter. split in groups of three to cover more area. should you encounter problems, assign one of you to run back while the other two delays. squadron charlie, check which facilities are still operable. delta, standby for further instructions."

the hand holding his communicator falls to his side as his eyes stare back at the admin. it looked like priam wanted to speak a word, though his mouth remains open.

he isn't sure how to feel.

it doesn't matter though.

even if it's just a command that reiterates his function, it was pleasant to his ears. he was sought out at the end of the day, even if it only happened when the more interesting characters were already out from the playing field.

perhaps there was a reason the being of willpower left him with a word that contradicts the quality they embody. like cards of the tarot, the inverse always existed.


  • yap

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 18:16:31 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Yielding is not the inverse of will. It is not a contradiction.

Every human is blessed with a human's will, precious beyond all worth. Such a thing only ceases to exist when the life leaves Priam's eyes and he stills for the final time. Yet that s not today, and if Howard gets his way, it wouldn't be tomorrow or the day after. It'd be when the man had finally given his service and the war was finally over.

"Good." His eye softened slightly as he took another drag. "Keep on top of it. You and I are all that's left, until we regroup with Sootopolis."

He coughed into his fist and wiped the reddish-purple liquid on his pant leg. Nihilego toxin was an obnoxious thing. With every cough, Elisabeth and Tsubaki stabbed him from beyond the grave.

"I'm tired. Really, I am." His breath smelled like nicotine and stone and Dynergy and failure. "I just climbed a fucking mountain and killed an avatar. If SPECTRA wants notes, tell them to wait. I'm taking a sixteen hour nap and I'd rather not be disturbed."

He whistled, Regirock looked up, startling its cleaners.

"Help Priam instill order. Clear debris." Regirock was a tool. A hammer could be used to build a house or crack a skull. "You two know each other, so there should be no issue."

The golem's pattern flashed as Priam's mark twinged.

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 19:49:36 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Everyone is reduced to a tiny dot as Effie races across the sky, as fast as her wings can carry. For comfort and company, Cass has taken out Jon and Martin as well, cradling them alongside Azelf who's conscious, but barely. At this speed, Martin's Aromatherapy does little except provide a little bit of comfort as Cass buries her face in singed plumage, warm and comforting against her wounded skin. She trembles at the thought of and , praying that they'll be safe. Hasn't Eris been with her brother , too? Hopefully ... hopefully. And Hideo ... there'd be enough to save him, if not whatever other civilian might have been caught in the crossfire, right? They'd have to look out for him.

She barely has the mind to at least look - at least see what has transpired in this place she wanted so desperately to be safe. But right now, there's only sand covering the open wound, as well as more and more Rockets pouring in further. She doesn't register the missiles that aim in her direction thanks to Effie's swiftness as she just flies away.

Where could she go to?

Her mind goes to , but she is scared to see another warscape. What if they attacked Slateport, too, even if there's no signs of it in the distance? And the thought of her mother comes to mind. She'd probably search there first, and she ... she can't. She can't right now. "Effie ... let's go to ." A friendship her family is unaware of, another place where she started to feel safe after the Loyal Three's kidnapping. Maybe far away enough from everything to be uninteresting, to just let her breathe.

Her throat dries up. And maybe, Ettie should know, too ... She buries her head into Effie's plumage again.

Just breathe. A mix of garbage stench, sweet flowers and poison as well as lake water, burnt feathers and hearth fire. Fresh air, wind that combs her hair. Paws and hands and arms that hold on tight, and are held tightly in return.


- cass exits towards meteor falls on effie!
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 2:19:26 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar spent a long time in the same position, staring at the ground as Rocket began their efforts to secure the city. There was nothing within him that would motivate the broken scientist to help. Oscar had become overwhelmed by his despair, bringing him to a nearly comatose state. He felt that he could turn to stone, if he wanted. Just petrify before crumbling into dust. What a fitting end for a sorry piece of shit like him.

He could only wallow within self-pity for so long before becoming bored though, so eventually he would rise and pull out an ultra ball. How long had he sat there? Long enough for his legs to fall asleep at the very least. Oscar grumbled as he opened the ball, once again releasing Robbie Rotten. He mounted his Naganadel, sighing as he tried to decide where he was supposed to go. He did not have it in him to continue working within Petalburg, so he supposed he would try to get back to the Sub.

Oscar kicked off the ground, prompting Robbie to take off. As they neared Petalburg's border, Oscar thought of the one person he wished he could have with him during this time of heartache. Possibly the only human who might understand. Oscar grabbed Robbie's head and tilted it to the left. The beast made a U-turn and headed back into the city. Oscar needed Priam.

It took him a long time, but eventually he would locate his friend working alongside Regirock. Strangely enough, was no where to be found. He must have left the golem in Priam's care. Robbie swooped down, abruptly blocking Priam's path. Oscar clapped his hands together to get the man's attention.

"Hey, let's ditch this shithole. One time offer. Hop the fuck on."

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 5:38:39 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","pilots elisabethchar"]

Bury me in the roses and rot;[break]I'll come back thorned




Creation myths claimed the first man came from the dust of the earth, cobbled together from mud, water, and life-giving air.[break][break]

Regirock had reduced all the complexity inherent to to an unrecognizable paste, its potential for life rendered nonexistent. Blood had soaked into the ground where Regirock's fists had struck the corpse into submission, seeping its nutrients into the greedy soil.[break][break]

Billions of structures had comprised this single fleeting, imperfect creature: cells, tissues, organs, bones, and nerves. How deceptively fragile such intricacy could be.[break][break]

Wo-Chien clicked a tongue irritably. Precious time would be wasted on this endeavor.[break][break]

Tapu Fini's cerulean eyes met Wo-Chien's ochre, unblinking in their stare. Silent trust passed between a nature deity that conjured ghosts from the dead and a ruinous devil that resurrected ancient grudges from the earth, before at last the Sea Guardian vanished from the enclosure.[break][break]

In truth, the bastardization of death was neither concerning nor unfamiliar to Tapu Fini. All ghosts she'd ever known held grudges, and those grudges spurred them to life.[break][break]

White moonlight spilled over the curious cocoon that served as Elisabeth's sepulcher, a low-lying fog gathered in its pink mist. Blue eyes of keen cerulean glanced out at any that might wander in search of the underboss's burial grounds, an unsettling sense of foreboding accompanying the MISTY TERRAIN.[break][break]

when tapu fini is on the field, elisabeth can call upon a special MISTY TERRAIN at any time. this terrain persists unless an ability or move explicitly states that it removes terrains. this special MISTY TERRAIN can increase the DEFENSES of pokemon within it.[break][break]
anyone who attacks tapu fini or elisabeth while in the MISTY TERRAIN becomes CURSED.

The thorns that formed the encasement could neither be scorched by flames, cut by ice, charred by lightning, nor felled by poisonous intent. But whatever harm would be committed unto her grave would be struck back at its desecrator tenfold, cursing them with vindictive relish.[break][break]

In another world, perhaps this restless soul would have joined Tapu Fini's collection in service of its last Avatar.[break][break]

Yet in this world, still had an unfinished role among the living to play.[break][break]

Mud packed onto remnants of bone, vines twisting and guiding the broken pieces back into position. Leaves rustled as they sutured ruptured organs, the corpse's still heartbeat quickening at the gentle touch of a flowering stem.[break][break]

The GRUDGE stirred from its slumber.[break][break]


(A man with coal-black eyes and a cruel smile. The Kantonese man who followed in his footsteps, reminding you the path of the Vindictive was well-trodden. The Volatile who attempted to sway you from your path of vengeance for another. The Infernal who'd damned you in ways crueler than all others.)[break][break]


(The moonlit pact with the enemy of your enemy, binding yourself to an oath you didn't understand. A withered husk of a slaughtered temporal fae, and the slobbering greed of the devil you took for your own.)[break][break]


(You see Ting-Lu, the WISHING STAR gleaming between its brilliant antlers. Fear, nostalgic in its dread, blankets your consciousness with unsettling reminder: the metallic taste of blood on your tongue, earth caked beneath your fingernails, mud matted to your wild blonde hair.)[break][break]

To be living is to FEAR, because it is to not yet be claimed by DEATH.[break][break]


(You cough out the dirt from your lungs, sunken eyes opening wide. The parched thirst and weakened hunger that comes with mortality both return to you, desperate to be sated. You crave, and crave, but nothing in this world will ever satisfy the emptiness inside of you.)[break][break]



Several days passed before the mist-wreathed grave of returned to visibility. Those who would push aside the thorns, however, would discover the cocoon cracked wide open. In its hollow carcass, no trace of or her Divine patrons would be found. No matter how intently and his followers might look.[break][break]

Yet in the coming days, would receive a single black rose - wilting ever so faintly as if human touch had scarred it by the fingertips. Attached would be the following note, accompanied by a signature perfume of lily-of-the-valley and honeysuckle:[break][break]

Unfinished business to attend to. Expect me shortly. ~E.F.

No other explanation was given in those early days, nor any sighting of the underboss reported.[break][break]

would be the first to encounter the return of that ghost from the grave.[break][break]

- Tapu Fini uses cursed misty terrain on the grave to keep away SNOOPS.[break]
- Wo-Chien Frankensteins back Elisabeth to life with GRUDGES, as you do.[break]
- gets a lil rose and a promise Elisabeth will be back soon, XOXO.[break]
- Cocoon is empty bitches, suck on that .



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP