i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 3:24:18 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Ruination." Howard clawed forward, purple foam spilling from his lips. "Your purpose is folly."

⠗⠥⠊⠝⠁⠞⠊⠕⠝. Regirock flickered as it collapsed into rubble. Ruination furthered its degrading form, ensuring that Ting-Lu's vow of a burned but living world would persist into eternity. The light of the golem's pattern did not die. ⠁⠝ ⠊⠝⠋⠗⠊⠝⠛⠑⠍⠑⠝⠞ .

⠗⠥⠊⠝⠁⠞⠊⠕⠝. Regice flashed from its distant siege of Petalburg, incapable of escaping the frozen titan's grasp as it prepared to turn those who did not flee into glass. ⠁⠝ ⠕⠧⠑⠗⠉⠕⠗⠗⠑⠉⠞⠊⠕⠝.

Damn her. She was betraying him. Now? In the eleventh hour? They were so close to victory, the success earned off the back of Rocket's muscle and his labor. Priam had ensured this. Oscar had ensured this. Wright had ensured this. Rocket had allowed Howard Slayte to rech this point.

The League would have never offered him this moment.

Another twitch sent toxic blood erupting from his mouth, tinged red from absorbed Dynergy. His vision flickered as Elisabeth stood before him, disassembling a pillar of Hoenn for her own aims. Viper had been a poisoner. She likely had the antidote for Nihilego toxin on her person. He'd take that too.


It was too funny.


Her request was absurd. He wanted to take it more than anything in the world.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He gurgled as he stumbled through his crawl as he looked up at the Scorned. "I can't stop laughing! Return to the role of an observer?"

Stone rumbled by Elisabeth's feet, rolling towards the colossus that she had just destroyed. The statue within, the stem cell that formed the core of its memory, remembered reconstruction. It demanded that Wo-chien's foe return to form to continue its ceaseless fight. Flesh would grow old and brittle. Greenery would die. Stone was eternal.


His cry rang through the battlefield, echoing off dead bodies and broken buildings and memories of a brighter yesterday.

"But first, I have to deal with you. My people built this machine. They raised it up with prayers and faith and good will to ensure that this region never breaks. And when they're all together, they'll break Eternatus over their knees. But you?"

Howard smiled. Behind him, Dynergy surged as the vines holding down rubble frayed and snapped.

"I don't need them all. I only need one to put you down." His hand twitched. "Instead, I'll put you where you belong."

A dull groan emerged from the enchained colossus.

"In the dirt."

Howard's still dying POG
Regirock gets destroyed by Ruination, Howard suffers the effects as well
Yaps back at Elisabeth
Rocky boy begins to reassemble

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 3:43:39 GMT

[attr="class","angel desireeblooms"]





Could the world of love truly exist when its canvas waiting to be painted was blotted with more and more of the ones who strayed far from peace and virtue? With each Kantonian Rocket that approached in swarms, it was as if a barbed thorn crept inside of her; there were so many who had strayed. So many who took whatever they wanted and ran with it, leaving puddles of blood where there could simply be rain.[break][break]

Their presence affected not only their ability to turn the tide of battle but her and Pamplemousse’s ability to reconnect. Smiles that had faded to stillness, weakness- but she could not let him pass, nor the rest. Lives, souls.. hearts that had not yet been tainted were much more valuable than property that she could inquire of recreating upon the mountain.[break][break]

But only so many thoughts and feelings could present at once without sending her mind into disassociation. “Shalin! Let her.. go..” she shouted with a hand extended, the double-figuring of everything in her gaze feeling more surreal than natural. No. They could not take her.. Yet a tear crept down her face all the same, falling to meet the feathers that resided firmly in her palms.[break][break]

Diancie peered around with diamonds manifesting around it, cautious, but ever so anxious upon looking at the bleak crowd. “Pamplemousse..” she winced as her haste began to quicken, her body demanding her to leave by casting out her mind, “.. why does it always have to be like this..?”[break][break]

She saw him not as a soulmate, like she saw , but as one of her many twin flames. A twin sprout, born upon the prison cells. She wanted to meet him elsewhere- when tensions weren’t so high, when they could smile and laugh instead of looking death in the eyes.[break][break]

But now one of her other friends was gone- taken away by those who wished to consume. Her whimpers turned to ice-cold daggers of tears as she approached ’s tree’s portal, where the forest awaited them soon after. A charred forest, one that she knew far too well.. where the diamond princess was once a mystery in a box. It cast yet another DIAMOND STORM on its way into the portal, a final reminder of all those who had been lost amidst the sand, the toxins, and the wretched souls that had used it to their every vantage.[break][break]

Lowering her comms device a final time, perhaps her final message would arrive to all that had come alongside her.. Unobscured by the tears Diancie wished to sweep away with its gems.[break][break]

“We were overwhelmed, we have.. one unconscious, one missing,” she sniffled, “.. heading east.”[break][break]

Slipping it off and throwing the device in a heat-of-the-moment rage, a kettle boiling over rose tea, it shattered upon impact with a tree. Was this the cost of burying such fury, such violent thoughts? Was the world too far gone to ever be saved?[break][break]

A crunch of a scorched leaf met another tear of weeping. She did not know.. but she cared more than anything. It felt as though she was a husk bathing in diamond light.. singed by the pain of going into something feeling confident in everything she was and could be.[break][break]

Desiree did not know who she was, anymore- what she was supposed to be. What she needed.. to make the world what she wanted it to become.[break][break]

Perhaps it was locked in a diamond cage, never to be seen. Never to be unveiled.[break][break]


🌸🌿 NOTES 🌿🌸
🌺 location: exiting with aaron/airi/pamplemousse[break]
🌺 tldr: desiree begins to disassociate with everything happening all at once. she tries to call out to shalin to no avail- and fights too many paranoid, introspective, and retrospective thoughts. body is convinced to flee alongside the group while the mind wanders. diancie casts an exiting DIAMOND STORM, and desiree leaves an exiting message on league comms (entailing aaron fainted/shalin nabbing) shortly before shattering the device in rage on their way to oldale!


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 4:38:08 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]


If her fight was with , his words might rouse her to redirect her ire upon him--but his fight was no more with her than hers was with him. Actors in a theater designed by otherworldly beings, uncaring of the mortal battle that raged around them, it was a battle for survival that raged on a greater plane.[break][break]

She would destroy, and he would defend. Until there was nothing left worth defending.[break][break]

"All things cycle. You know that better than most."

Somewhere deep in the consciousness of , CELEBI's haunting reminder trembled with forewarning. It had been scorned by the Avatar for Wo-chien, abandoned and left to rot, but its concerns remained nonetheless.[break][break]

And they renewed in their vigor as Regirock began to reassemble. Piece. By. Piece.[break][break]

"All things cycle, but not all cycles speak to the natural balance. Some cycles must be broken."

No eloquent speech left her lips to retort that of the admin opposing her, at first. For they were not needed.[break][break]

Instead, the very dirt that mocked thrummed as the ground shivered. Countless hideous, twisting, miserable plants clawed out in retaliation at her beckoning call. Thorns lashed like whips at the rebuilding colossus, while teethed rafflesia flowers bit and clawed at eyes until they might shatter. Thick stalks wound about an abdomen of unyielding stone, squeezing it until the pressure became unbearable.[break][break]

For every stony limb that regenerated, another furious vine ripped from the earth to tear it asunder. Again and again. Vicious and unrelenting. A tenacious infinity of destruction.[break][break]

A cycle that would never be broken.[break][break]

"WORDS ALONE AREN'T POISON ENOUGH TO KILL US." Her voice rose high like the wind, manic and wild with its otherworldly tenor as if howling with darkened memory. "BURY US THEN IN THE ROT AND RUIN. YOU SPEAK OF FEATS OF MEN. BUT YOU KNOW NOTHING OF NATURE, AND ITS INDIFFERENCE TO YOU."[break][break]

And lifting its head, WO-CHIEN began to scream, and the sky clouded over in answer.[break][break]

An incessant buzzing began to build in the air, like the chirping of Ninjask. It grew in intensity, swelling to a horrifying decibel as a cloud of large, sharp-teethed, red-eyed bugs swarmed the lumbering giant as it attempted to right itself. It covered the Regirock entirely from head to toe, blinding it and seeking to cease its advance as the vines continued in their incessant work.[break][break]

wo-chien inflicts an ruinous infestation of insects on the target that cannot be cleansed. this causes them to take damage and weaken over time.

But Regirock was man-made stone, and WO-CHIEN Divine.[break][break]

And Elisabeth, for all her power, was mortal yet.[break][break]

The earth still trembled, but the stalks bursting through the cracked ground slowed in their ascent. The vines slackened their hold. The flowers wilted before teeth could catch onto jagged edges.[break][break]

This, too, was part of the cycle that would not break.[break][break]

She should know that better than most.[break][break]

- As Regirock regenerates, remembers CELEBI's warning that some cycles are meant to be broken and don't speak to the natural balance.[break]
- Tells man's feats are nothing compared to nature's power, and that it is indifferent to men.[break]
- Breaks apart regirock over and over as it rebuilds, summons bugs with Wo-chien's Z-move to slow and encase the Regirock.[break]
- Regirock is an automaton, Wo-chien is Divine, but Elisabeth is mortal. And her stamina wears away, slowly over time slowing her attacks and her advance. Leaving her vulnerable to Regirock's next attack.[break]
- We are 100% in snail hours rn.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1825 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 4:53:40 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]Dismiss one company and receive another. Mesprit does not blink as Tapu Lele appears, merely acknowledging her presence with a sideward glance before the moment is cut by an Oblivion Wing.[break][break]

's warning is as clear as can be. The pixie agrees with the sentiment, knowing that their ward has no power to alter the situation before them. And yet they are silent, all too aware of the unseen battle she wages, one that she will not win. With the advent of war, the bridge between her two worlds has been set aflame. There will be no dousing the fires, nor ways to salvage whatever is left.[break][break]

"I was wrong."[break][break]

Her naivety has brought her this far, but it will not survive this fight.[break][break]

Break them.[break][break]


Break them.[break][break]

She doesn't take a step forward, but neither does she step back. does not scare her. having Regirock beat someone down does not make her run.[break][break]

What do you want?[break][break]

For the first time, she hears them.[break][break]

What does your heart desire?[break][break]

A finger points towards Oscar, the thrumming of her heart melding with the clamouring thoughts in her head. At her command, a Mystical Power descends upon his Type:Null, unhindered by any notions of emotions or the past.[break][break]

"This isn't what you want, Oscar."[break][break]

Just like what had been done to , the pixie attempts to save their heart, suppressing its aggression and allowing its own emotions to freely flow. And as they do so, Eris dares to call to the Type:Null -[break][break]

"Don't let the shadows win."
[attr="class","eris103"]tile L-3
[attr="class","eris103"]battle of petalburg


Tl;dr -[break]
- Eris has reached her conclusion, the bridges that burn cannot be fixed[break]
- Emotionally messing with 's Type:Null (with Hollow's permission!), REJECT THE SHADOW DRIVE BROTHER

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[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 5:14:43 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
He laughed at her malignance, at the pestilence overflowing from cracks in the world. Insects scurried across stone and tried to find purchase, but there was no life to sap, no flesh to infest and swell into gangrenous flesh.

"You're right about words. When spoken, they're nothing but wind. Uttered one moment, gone the next. Transient. Ephemeral. The written word will persist, and I assure you, stone and ice last far longer than your precious tablets."

His eye twitched.

"I know which one will suit your grave."

Beetles gnawed at him, trying to find their way inside his Sygna Suit and devour his flesh. Yet there was not enough time. No matter how hard the scorned widow pushes, she cannot defy the will of a machine. Pure in purpose, in design, in craft, as long as its master did not throw away such a tool, it would continue to march.

After Dewford, Howard would never disregard such a pure purpose again.

"There is only one cycle that matters to me. History!" Howard reached for his helmet, the mechanism hissing as it unfused from his armor. An older face stared back at Elisabeth with a mix of tenderness and disgust. "And our victory. We won the Three Days War. We won against Eternatus. We won against Necrozma. And we will continue to win! That is our right as a species!"

Regirock reassembled, growing taller and taller as Dynergy coursed through its mechanism. It did not Dynamax, but it eventually overwhelmed the fragile flesh. It towered over the underboss.

"I will save the world. Not you. Hoenn will save itself, and I will break this cycle of suffering and place one of paradise in its place. Then, it will be up to our species to preserve it. I don't know if I'll be the one to see it done..."

Flicker. A flame sparked in a trembling hand and lit a cigarette in the admin's mouth. A plume of smoke rose up into the sky.

"But someone bearing my name will."

A colossal fist fell on Elisabeth Fiorelli, one of Rocket's three underbosses. A sickening crunch rang over the battlefield as bone cracked and shattered and flesh snapped under the uncaring weight of the world.

"Your purpose."

SMASH. A squelch reached the admin's ears.

"Your legacy."

SMASH. He saw something vaguely similar to a hand dangling from the boulder as it rose.

"They are mine. Your story is mine. Your purpose is mine. I will carry them on for you." Howard stared down at the makeshift tomb. "Because that is the duty of a historian."

The last flower leaves the garden.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 5:38:39 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar had expected a battle between Rocket and the League, but to his utter dismay an entirely different battle took place. had requested Regirock's demise, and Howard's acquisition of the titan along with Monroe's approval did not hinder that desire. Naturally the two clashed, and Oscar could do nothing else but watch with confused alarm.

Oscar just stood there--watching--and he hated every second of it. He wanted to do something, but he was frozen with anxiety. Which side was he to aid? One one hand was , a frequent collaborator and trusted friend. On the other was underboss Fiorelli, who has more than once nearly gotten Oscar killed as collateral for her senseless actions.

Hmm--maybe this was not as hard of a choice as Oscar had thought.

Yet he could still do nothing! The TYPE:Null was taking its sweet time to accept the drive, its armor cracking yet failing to break. Oscar knelt at its side, his fists clenched with anxious rage. "Hurry damn you! Give in already!" The TYPE:Null writhed in anguish, screaming as the Shadow Miasma intensified. Any moment its resistance would falter, and Oscar would at last have a weapon that could sway the direction of this battle!

Fate was a fickle thing, and more often than not what Oscar wanted did not align with what destiny ordained. Oscar was ignorant to the machinations of Mespirit, blinded by his nervous provocations.

"This isn't what you want, Oscar."

Were those his thoughts? Or were these words spoken to him? Either way it was a lie! Oscar wanted this power, he needed it! How else would he protect those he cared about? How else would he protect himself!? He not only wanted this, he surely wanted nothing more!

"Bring me glory! Give in!"

Oscar's prodding resonated with the struggling TYPE:Null, but not as much as another voice that silenced all others. It was soft, forged by a love it never knew. It embraced its struggling heart with a comforting glow, easing its incredible pain.

"Give in..."

It heard those words over and over, and at last it would listen. The TYPE:Null ended its resistance, accepting the warmth as its new self. Its anguish, its pain, its hatred--were replaced with tranquility.

At last the helmet burst, sending shards of metal in every direction. Oscar raised his arms as shrapnel sliced into his armor, yet such wounds would not hinder him. He quickly lowered his bleeding arms to appreciate his handiwork.

Before him stood a Silvally, as noble and radiant as any other. Oscar felt a brief burst of joy as he observed this scientific achievement--until he saw what was hanging in its beak. The creature opened its mouth, dropping the Shadow Drive on the ground. With the help of that mysterious glow, it managed to reject the power of Shadow. It was able to be its own being.

It leered at Oscar, its would-be master, and shook its head. Oscar watched with dumbfounded shock as the Silvally turned away from him and jumped into the sand storm. He stuttered, falling to his knees as his Silvally abandoned him--disappearing among the chaos of battle.

Oscar slowly looked down to the Shadow Drive, its use once again rejected. He could not help but feel--slighted by this development. Did he not deserve a reward for his efforts? Had he not earned a moment of triumph?

"This isn't what you want, Oscar."

Oscar picked up the Shadow Drive, turning it around in his hands as the day's events replayed in a loop within his ailing mind. This--thing was another incarnation of his own weakness. His lust for power was a symptom of his fear--the fear of loss and death and defeat. Were he not governed by such petty notions, Prime would still be at his side. If he wished to truly become strong--to mark his own path in this failing world--he would need to reject his fears.

Oscar snapped the drive in his hands, letting the shards of his creation fall to the ground between his shaking fingertips. He looked up, and for the first time today he felt sweet relief.

Which immediately faded as he looked over to discover Regirock pounding Underboss Fiorelli into a jelly.

"Oh...oh fuck."

--Mespirt plays a little prank on Oscar and causes his TYPE:Null to finish its evolution while rejecting the power of the Shadow Drive. The Silvally then frolics away, abandoning Oscar. Finally realizing that short cuts aren't the answer, Oscar snaps the drive and resolves to overcome his fear of death.
--Also Elisabeth is mush and that's distressing.
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,740 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 6:50:15 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","devil scorned"]



had granted her a single mercy. Death came swift for her, like the snuffing of a candle. FEAR engulfed her in its familiar darkness.[break][break]

A lifeless hand extended outward, empty in its offering. It echoed to of a scene born of grudges, of emotions and karma soaked into a land that only had witnessed save for him.[break][break]

Now, like then, she was not spared the dignity of final words.[break][break]

So it was that the life that had killed to spare had extinguished in an instant.[break][break]


"Which fate do you fear more, child? The death that claims you now, or the beast that seeks to drag you back to the living?"[break][break]

(False pity, you know. It cannot be your mother. This is the creature you killed for its kindness. Or it is an illusion -- for hasn't that winged devil been found, alive, by ?)[break][break]

"Death is a peace earned in life. It is a gift, as life is a gift. We cannot have one without the other. Perhaps you have already lived one life too long."[break][break]

(A hallucination, then. You know better than to indulge in it. But your tongue feels thick and heavy, as if you've swallowed dirt and rubble; you couldn't speak even if you wished to.)[break][break]

"You do not need to fear what is merely an ending. This is a natural cycle. It is not meant to be broken."[break][break]

(It lies again. It lies, it lies, it lies. You struggle to move a lifeless body as a bug finds purchase on your unseeing eyes, wondering whose trophy you will become--Rocket, or the League's.)[break][break]

"Death is not a punishment. But to deny it, to tangle your thread beyond all mending, is a self-inflicted torture after a life already rife with such cruelty. Elisabeth, I beg of you, when it calls to you do not--"[break][break]

(You have no voice left, but silence the temptress in a soundless scream.)[break][break]


"They are mine. Your story is mine. Your purpose is mine."[break][break]

His? MINE. He dared? He DARED?[break][break]


WO-CHIEN stared unblinking at the bloodied and beaten corpse of its Avatar, unrecognizable beneath Regirock's fists, before its ochre eyes narrowed in upon . The persistent buzzing silenced as the bugs abruptly fled, sensing the palpable rage of the deity.[break][break]

Rage that slammed into the admin's body with wordless, knife-like insistence, stabbing his psyche over and over again in rebuke.[break][break]



All the history that so pledged his allegiance to was rooted in another truth -- the rot that festered in the heart of every living man, and that bloodied every battlefield in vengeful tears.[break][break]




The admin had shattered the Ruinous Beast's vessel of spite, but all who had walked The Border would understand a GRUDGE could not be killed.[break][break]

Not entirely.[break][break]

The slurry of blood and soil congealed as Wo-chien slithered atop the mangled remains of its Avatar with callous indifference. Prickly thorns snarled upwards from the vengeful earth, twisting and winding around her body in semblance of a funeral shroud. Above them, more raised up to entomb the deceased woman and her patron behind an inscrutable, cocoon-like structure.[break][break]

Black roses, petals glistening with dew, bloomed over the trellis to deny visibility of the corpse and the deity within. Those who would attempt to break through would find their efforts negated, again and again, as infinite thorns and vines flourished anew.[break][break]

There, they bid their time and nursed their wounds, as all grudges are wont to do.[break][break]

She may ENDURE death once per thread, her corpse resurrecting out of SPITE.

- Elisabeth dies to Regirock/, despite the fact killed to save her during the prelude. Woops.[break]
- Elisabeth feels a call to REVIVE from Wo-chien, but a small voice that sounds like her mother/Celebi from her Avatarship thread tries to tell her to resist the call and accept that death is not a punishment, but a peace. She struggles to resist that voice's temptation.[break]
- Wo-chien GRUDGES for being so arrogant as to claim its Avatar's legacy/story when that belongs to THEM. Wraps Elisabeth up in a lil unbreakable cocoon, cannot be pried open.[break]
- As of the end of this thread, Elisabeth is presumed DEAD by all present and killed by /Regirock. TO BE CONTINUED...



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1825 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 7:45:05 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Howard Slayte was nothing. A sack of meat and flesh that marched towards a world that would be pure and just.

He was alive.

Elisabeth was not.

His will was stronger. His purpose was clearer. The path forward could not be obfuscated. This was just the beginning. would have to die. Chien-pao had ruined him. His easel had been soaked in water before the paint could set, and now hatred moved him. That was sad. He liked Jayden.

I like Jayden?

No. He didn't like anyone in Rocket. He did not.

would have to die. That was overdue. She deserved it more than most, and their time in prison had done little to soften his heart for the Coveted.

"Ruination will not come to pass. We can save this world without relying on..." He gestured towards the enraged Wo-chien, its tablets glowing with vindication. "...this."

As he gestured, the grudge hit him.







Flowers wilted and died. A Tapu Lele in the corner of his vision withered and died and turned into ash. and hung him from the rafters for the crime of killing their colleague. She had betrayed him. When had that mattered? Rocket did not care for truth. If they did, the Light Stone would have awakened.

Grudges. He couldn't deal with this right now. It was too much. A faint whisper of pink filled his vision, a lasting memory of when Mesprit had guided his hand against Regirock.

It dissipated into mist.

Howard opened his eye. He put his helmet back on and breathed heavily.

"Bury her in flowers." Howard turned from Wo-chien, lazily. Killing a Legendary Pokemon was a hassle, and finishing the job in the Border simply wasn't possible right now. Killing Elisabeth had ruined a seamless victory. "She deserves that."

As if Wo-chien knew or cared. Worthless creature, that.

His radio clicked to a private communicator to Hoenn and Kanto's Rocket Bosses.

"Underboss Fiorelli has died. Regirock killed her after she continued attacking it. It branded her as a traitor." The admin paused for a moment, contemplative. "Petalburg is ours. Glory to Rocket."


With Elisabeth dead, who did that leave? Monroe, himself, and Priam. Hoenn's branch only held two members of command while the others waged war across the region.

It was a humbling thought that accompanied him as he crossed the toxic sands, his suit billowing slightly as Regirock marched alongside him, blood staining its long arms. Regice towered overhead, awaiting new orders from its trainer. As the sand parted, revealing the ensuing skirmish between remnants of the League and Rocket, Howard coughed into his fist.

"Apologies." His eye met Oscar from behind the mask. It met 's for a long moment, before turning to face and . "Where were we?"

"Ah, right."

Red energy swirled around the two giants as they Locked On. Petalburg held its breath, silent in the admin's mind as he tasted the word on his tongue. Nameless Hoennian Rockets that did not indulge in Monroe's cruelty waited. The golems began to shift and move.


Howard gets tapped by the grudges, gets mindfucked. Lele is still trolling him
Laments Elisabeth
Contacts Walsh/Monroe to declare Elisabeth dead
Returns to finish his countdown
Siege proper begins

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
79 posts
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 7:59:03 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
“You're right, that was a weird thing to say. I'm the upgrade.” Tangaroa responded, his eyes traced around the figure which was Isaac's physique as he evaded his strikes. He was quick on his feet, nimble, while Hunu knew he had his limits in comparison. Still, he wasn't all muscle for nothing. Feeling the man graze his shoulder, the Alolan immediately pivoted themselves and twisted. His upper body moving as his lower half twisted close behind, his arm and shoulder raised as he pushed his arm out. Attempting to grab Isaac by the shoulder, in attempt to push their thumb between the crevice that connected the arm and upper body. "Don't confuse me for some grunt." Tangaroa calmly responded, before violently thrusting himself forward in tandem with trying to bring Isaac forward. The Mercenary attempted to slam their forehead forward into the bridge of the Avatar's nose.

The brute knew his limits, and nine out of ten times he knew that this man held a will which would defeat him in a Pokemon Battle. He could tell just by trading blows, a man such as Merlo outclassed him in experience and power. He was still new to the region, but there was something Emzar placed all his chips in on winning. "You think you're special, because you're scrappy?" The Alolan asked with a dead pan expression, hoping to use this moment to move both his hands to a shoulder each. If Merlo wanted to wrestle, he would give what the boy wanted.

"Then beat me, because you're all the same Meat Bags to me!" The mercenary barked, "Another day to fight? Resistance makes humanity stronger, so you better grit your teeth and break mine!" He roared, trying to push off of Isaac for a moment with his left and perform an open palm swing. Hoping to hit with a cupped slap to Merlo's ear, in attempt to discombobulate him! "Because I do this, for the money and thrill."


Hunu pivoted and pushed out on Isaac to snuff out sleeper hold attempt
Hunu attempted a head butt
Hunu yapping, is he tryna teach Isaac?
Hunu tries to slap Isaac in the ear
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:25:03 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Only one dared to try, and escape him in the midst of his berserk rush. A man on a strange pokemon that he didn't recognize, and regardless of how fast they were. They would never escape his Hound.

Lucario sensed his trainers gaze on , and realizing that this was what he now wanted began to race across the battlefield towards them. Using Copycat a Sacred Sword formed in the Hounds hands, and it attempted to slice both Trainer, and Pokemon as they tried to run to allies.

They might be able to parry slow moving projectiles, but this was now a contest of the sword, and the Lucario wielded this weapon as if it had been for it.

Meanwhile Gaius's Frustration reached a fever pitch, and Lucario still feeding on that aura glared at the object of his masters ire. The soft blue sword changing into a deadly crimson blade to rend soul from flesh.

Gaius rushed at as fast as his legs would carry him despite bleeding out he wouldn't let anything stop him. Someone needed to pay for what Monroe had done, and this man was the only one to move in that timespan. So it would be him.

Lucario uses Copycat and yoinks Sacred Sword!
Lucario goes from Jedi to Sith in real time! And tries to slice both Eddie, and Terrakion!
Gaius is rushing towards Eddie to throw hands since Monroe flipped the table like a noob!

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:42:24 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

When Eddie's eyes locked with 's, he had managed to convince himself that everything was going to be alright. The HBIC agent seemed to know just what to do in this moment, and Eddie sprinted as fast as he could through the gap in the Rocket line that had been created by the Claydol's EXPLOSION. The woman on the Glastrier () was doing her part, too, in clearing the way for their escape. Eddie was going to make it out of here, he was going to be safe – [break][break]

That was, until the soldier yelped with pain as he felt something slice his leg. Eddie went from sprinting to tumbling to rolling across the ground as blood spilled from a new injury just below his knee. He managed to look up from his new view on the ground as someone lunged for him, [break][break]

“Oh for fuck's sake! [break][break]

Eddie scrambled to his feet despite his body's protestations, despite the screaming agony of muscles assailed by injury and poison alike. He took a stance to try and meet the stranger () head-on; if he could get an opening, Eddie would try and reach for an outstretched arm to twist behind the battle-hungry stranger's head. Maybe if he could grapple him, pin him, he could incapacitate the fucker long enough to get the hell out of Dodge.[break][break]

Terrakion barked sharply as it moved to side-step the mimicked SACRED SWORD, still careful to keep the fallen from coming to further to harm while he rested upon the Sword's back. Jagged columns of stone suddenly erupted from the ground and rapidly sliced through the earth on their way to the Lucario. The STONE EDGEd strike might not have been the most effective attack in the legend's arsenal, but it was the one of the few it had to keep the furious dog at range.


eddie feels hopeful seeing gunner + georgette [break]
keeps running, but leg gets sliced by gaius' lucario [break]
eats shit and prepares to square up with gaius [break]
terrakion still has noah on its back [break]
uses STONE EDGE to try and keep the angy lucario at bay [break]
open to interactions! [break]


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:10:39 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

His prey was wounded, and so they descended upon one another.

The man went for grapple, and Gaius grabbed the inside of his forearms to counter it bringing them to a stalemate. One with a slice on his leg, and the other with a knife embedded in his side.

Gaius's smile appeared, and crimson eyes of battlelust locked with his new opponent. That man in the hat ruined everything, and this man was attempting to flee.

Malice and rage coursed through him, as he gripped onto his opponent tighter.

"Cowards all of you!" He growled through the blood seeping out of the corners of his mouth.

The Stone Edge came, and it was parried in a similar manner as the Terrakion had done to his own Aura Sphere earlier, but the crimson blade was never dropped.

Distance was not the ideal range for the Hound, and so he used his Extreme Speed to close the distance through the oncoming rocks, and attempting to smash the brunt end of the sword into the Terrakions jaw.

"You will not abandon this battle!" The wants, and desires of others held no meaning to a man driven by battle like Gaius. There was a purity in his own selfish desires, and he would have his proper fight. Them being surrounded was not his issue.

Gaius counter grapples! So deadlock!
Lucario parries the Stone Edge with his sword, and then uses Extreme Speed to attempt to smash the blunt end of the blade into Terrakion's face before it vanishes, and close the gap!
Gaius is PISSED!
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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:25:39 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

In another life, Eddie might have felt like prey when he found himself locked in the grip of the stranger. The other man certainly fit the part of an apex predator, all gnashing teeth and battle-hungry ire as he growled at his opponent through the blood that poured from his maw. But after all of the shit that Eddie had been through these past few months in Hoenn, all of the blood, sweat, and tears, he knew he wasn't some pitiful thing that would fall at the feet of whatever bastard gave him the slightest bit of trouble. [break][break]

No, Eddie would stand. [break][break]

He would fight. [break][break]

And he would win. [break][break]

“I'm not a fuckin' coward! [break][break]

Eddie's howling protestation would be the only thing that forecast the sudden snap of his head forward. He aimed the skull-rattling headbutt to the center-mass of ' face, hoping that the blow would be more dizzying to his opponent than it would be for him. [break][break]

The man's bull-like counterpart watched with frustration as the Lucario suddenly closed the distance with EXTREME SPEED, and snarled at the furious crunch of the false blade that caught the side of its jaw. The pitiful dog was bound by the cancerous poison of its master; valiant as the Sword was, it was all too aware of the contemptible effect such men had on the Pokemon that were supposed to stand alongside them. [break][break]

Terrakion hurled itself forward with a swipe of its horns, hoping to catch the Lucario in a bout of CLOSE COMBAT. If the dog had gone rabid, it ought to be put down, and the same could be said of the leering man who spat angrily at Terrakion's ally on this battlefield.


eddie is ready to SQUARE UP [break]
moves to headbutt gaius to break their stalemate [break]
terrakion takes lucario's attack on the chin [break]
uses CLOSE COMBAT and is generally disgusted by both gaius and his influence on his poor dog lol [break]
open to interactions! [break]


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

[newclass=".eddiecircle"]--accent:#d18934 ; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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[newclass=".eddiecircle .credit a"]color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:130px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]
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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:39:14 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

The suddenness of the Terrakion's Close Combat caught the Hound off guard as the horn smashed into it's steel like body, and thrust it across the field painfully.

Pain however was power.

Pain was proof that you were alive.

Pain meant that you could still fight.

An orb of pure blue with tinges of red formed in the Hounds hand, and a ball of blue, and red streaked across to smash into the Terrakion.

The Headbutt came suddenly without warning, and it rocked Gaius's head back, but he grit his teeth, and aimed a swift uppercut to the mans chest in brutal retaliation.

His thirst was so close to being sated, and at the last moment it had been denied.

This wasn't anything personal, it just so happened that was simply the nearest to him at this point in time, and thus was the perfect target for him to attempt to vent on.

Blood poured out of his nose, it was either broken, or fractured, but he didn't care. Red eyes stayed trained on his prey.

"You say you're no coward, but at the first sign of a real fight. You run! Perhaps that is why you lose against that man despite outnumbering him." He snarled back.

"I am surprised you were even able to run, with no spine." The malice in his heart all consuming at this point.

Lucario gets hit by Close Combat, and knocked back!
Lucario fires off another Aura Sphere!
Gaius retaliates against the headbutt with an uppercut!
Gaius snarls at !
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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 12:18:06 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

The man had a hell of an arm; the strike he leveled against Eddie's chest was almost enough to wind him. The soldier staggered a half-step back and glowered at his foe, [break][break]

“This ain't a fight, you goddamn psycho,” Eddie panted, trying to catch his breath, “This is a fuckin' bloodbath. You take a look at any'a the fuckers tryin' ta tear this place apart?” [break][break]

Some angry part of him wanted to keep going, to chase the adrenaline surging through his veins that told him that he had to overcome, that he had to put this fucker in his place. But the thunderous boom! of the nearby AURA SPHERE colliding with something drove those thoughts away. With a tremendous heave, Eddie ripped himself from whatever remained of ' grip on him and took a few more shaky steps away, [break][break]

“You want a fight?” [break][break]

He stared down the man and watched the blood seep from his wounded nose. Terrakion suddenly burst from a cloud of kicked-up dust and raced toward Eddie with a QUICK ATTACK, [break][break]

“Then you come find me after all'a this blows over! We'll fight, mano a mano, without the fuckin' peanut gallery gettin' in our way!” [break][break]

Because as dire as their circumstances were, something stirred in Eddie. Maybe it was the poison in his veins clouding his judgment, or maybe it was something else, more primordial, that demanded his wounded pride be sated. Eddie wasn't sure, exactly, but now wasn't the time to interrogate whatever the hell it was; all he knew was that they would both die if they didn't flee, but some part of him was determined to finish this fight and see who came out on top. [break][break]

So when Terrakion blitzed towards him, Eddie took his chance to hop on, the Sword slowing down just long enough for him to slide onto its back without displacing the gym leader that still rested there. There was some new bitterness the soldier felt at abandoning the fight, but with Rocket forces still surrounding them, he doubted that either of them would live long enough to determine a victor if they kept at it.


eddie takes the uppercut as well as you might expect [break]
yaps at gaius [break]
wants to keep fightin but gets interrupted by lucario's AURA SPHERE[break]
terrakion uses QUICK ATTACK to speed away [break]
eddie yaps some more and then he rides off into the sunset on terrakion lol [break]
look, i know it seems kinda improbable, but apparently terrakion is like 6 ft 3 and weighs 570+ lbs, its basically the size of a small draft horse [break]
open to interactions! [break]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP