January 4th
Floccesy Town
it's a perfect day for peace.
TAG WITH @jethroh
Jethro Haig
It's a Perfect Day for Peace | M
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 16:17:56 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","jethro2"] [attr="class","top"]
[attr="class","icon"] Hook, line, and sinker; Jethro would have felt a little smug about how readily he had seen through Monty, if the guy didn't look so damn miserable. The ex-Ranger shook his head and clicked his tongue, and groaned as his aching joints protested his decision to plop down next to Monty, [break][break]
“Well,” he wheezed as he adjusted his sitting position, “Suppose that depends on a couple'a things.” [break][break]
If this was going the direction Jethro thought it was, Monty was going to need all the help he could get. Luckily for him, he was talking to a man with plenty of experience on the subject, [break][break]
“First of all, what exactly do you find so... fascinatin' about 'em?” [break][break]
Because if it was enough to make a man want to compromise their morals and values, there was a solid chance that Monty was putting too much stock in what little Monty had to say about whoever this person was. But there were more pressing details to address, [break][break]
“And, second of all, how literal are you bein' about this whole 'tryin' to kill each other' shit? Because that's... hoo boy, that's a whole other can of worms.” [break][break]
Jethro knew firsthand that love made men stupid as all hell, but this was on a whole other level. Sure, the ex-Ranger figured that sometimes the now-deputy had his head so far up his ass that he probably couldn't find it with both hands and a flashlight (because really, someone with that sort of criminal record was generally either extremely desperate or extremely dumb), but this? This was something else altogether. This might have been one of those rare examples of advanced stupidity, and for Monty's sake, Jethro hoped his case wasn't terminal.
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