i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 10:39:41 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

One step closer to absolute insanity. There was something ahead, neither person nor Pokemon. Annie’s mind wouldn’t let her dwell too long on the monstrosity, just like it paid the bombs, the blasts, the cries, next to no mind. The Beast Killer had already chosen what her priority had to be.

The Hydreigon swooped low, and she spared a moment to glance at Orion. “Thanks, Oreo! I’ll be seeing you,” she said, because they were going to survive the night. With that, she leapt off the dragon, somehow sticking a three-point landing solid ground. It wasn’t far from there to her mark – the mad bomber.

She ran. It was only out of a desire to not be struck by them that she started to take in the sights. A dozen energy blasts and beams, mostly fired at the clown but some towards levitating bombs trying to join it. The beast itself had gained a barrier. One that her peers were working hard to destroy, but also one that had taken on the power of too many bombs to count. Was it explosive? There was probably only one way to find out, and she didn’t intend for her partners to be in range when they did.

“Buzz, Air Slash the glowing freak!” The Yanmega was sent out first, and though he took a second to absorb the scene, he set his sights on Blacepheon shortly after. An almighty flap of half a dozen wings sent added a blast of wind to the fray, sent straight for the beast. It would be just one of many, but hopefully, between the lot of them, they should at least weaken the Light Screen.

Annie would have sent out her next Pokemon, if not for the sight of another Type: Null. Half a dozen questions entered her head, and just as quickly she forced them aside for another day. Preferably one with less fire.

Another Pokemon unleashed: her own abomination. For the moment that it was close to her, its growls were unmistakable. Something about the invader had drawn more emotion out of her friend than she’d ever seen, and it was only weeks of training that stopped it from charging straight for it. Annie knew it wouldn’t stay put for long, and as long as they weren’t about to face more explosions, she had no reason to stop it.

“Go for it! Iron Head, and don’t hold back!”
Not that she thought it would have showed restraint, even if she asked. Frankie broke into a run, a roar piercing through its helmet as it stared down the only thing that mattered. Its limiter glowed pure white as it closed the distance. Brick Breaks, Dragon Darts, Psychic, Sacred Sword, countless other attacks that had weakened the barrier and its master… They would all give Type: Null the opening it needed to slam its head into the monster it was made to kill.


TL;DR: Annie ditches to help take down Blacepheon. Her Yanmega uses Bug Buzz to help disable its Light Screen. She attempts to send out her Type: Null after everybody else's attacks. It uses Iron Head on Blacepheon.


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 17:21:49 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The adrenaline rushing through him blocked out everything. The shrieks, the screaming, the yells… everything that made noise, he blotted out.

He was concentrated on waving through the aerial minefield—while he did hear something explode, he was too focused on what was in front of him to truly witness what had happened behind him. It was like he was in another zone entirely, the panic overriding everything and just him blotting out all the sound.

He comes to a stop rather close to the lighthouse, and looks around. The rain over the area is still pouring, and as he wheeled around on the back of his Pidgeot, he sees a blast of water attempting to set off the aerial minefield that he had narrowly cleared.

Oh, shit, seriously?! He thought frantically as he urged the Pidgeot to fly farther away from the imminent explosion—he had no idea who or what had caused it—but that twinkling ‘sphere’ above the light house still had his attention. Was there a way to blast it away from the spire above the lighthouse? He pondered on this for a few moments before flying in an arc around the area, trying to avoid the rest of the remaining aerial mines that hadn’t been potentially set off yet.

He then noticed that the remainder of the mines were glowing green, like they were being drawn together—honestly, if he didn’t like clowns before, he hated them now with a vengeance—as he followed the path as to where the rest of the mines were being relocated. He could see a lot of people clustered around the weird… clown thing… which was alright—he didn’t want to join in that mess.

Instead his sights fell on the…

Holy fucking shit what the hell is that?! his mind all but screamed as he saw another…abomination…trying to strangle someone. Whatever this thing was, it looked bad… absolutely bad.

Hoping that the rainy weather would hold out on him, he nudges the Pidgeot and points at the weird…squid-like…thing.

“Idun. Hit that thing with your Hurricane!”

Hanging on for dear life, Alexei flattened himself as the Pidgeout let out an alarmed-sounding screech, before flapping her wings as fast and as hard as she could. Summoning up a column of air was all but child’s play for the Flying-type—it was aiming the damned thing that was going to be a problem.

Hoping that this was going to be a good judgment call, the Pidgeot takes aim—at the weird tentacled abomination before releasing the Hurricane attack.

He doesn’t know who’s inside it, but whatever it was, strangling someone—he had to stop it.

Or at least, try.


• Surprisingly, he’s clear of the aerial mine field. Or is he?!
• Looking up from his ‘tunnel vision’, Alexei realizes that it’s actually pouring buckets. And he’s soaked. But does he care? No. XD
• His gaze is still on the ‘sphere’ above the light house—how the hell can he blast the thing away from the place? Is it even possible?
• He witnesses the attempt to yeet the landmines with a powerful blast. Wonders if the person who did this () is nuts in the head
• Also observes that there’s a lot of people either attacking the clown, or attacking the barrier.
• So off he goes to the… squid-thing HOLY FREAKING SHIT WTF IS THAT?!
• Pidgeot takes aim and releases a Hurricane blast at the Nihilego-Commissioner (taking advantage of the Rain Dance weather, ofc, 100% accuracy GO)
• For the record Alexei doesn’t know it’s the Commissioner. He just sees it’s a fucking black squid that’s gone monkas and is trying to strangle someone.


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 23:06:40 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


As the duo got close to the Lighthouse, the man noticed the door burst open, allowing an Eldritch monstrosity to slip out with an hostage in its tentacles. In the code of the monster, Balder was able to identify Dahlia. His eyes then went to the victim held by the tentacle and noticed Olivia. Sadly, he couldn't help but think that she deserved to get caught in that trap, and didn't hesitate to say it. "I TOLD YOU THAT WAS A FUCKING TRAP OLIVIA!"[break][break]

As the monstrosity moved, Balder raised his head and noticed the bomb growing smaller as a reaction to the clown receiving attacks. Could this mean that, if they actually defeat the clown, the bomb would vanish? It was worth a try. Balder disembarked from the lion and grabbed a pokeball from its belt, summoning Blaze the Charizard onto the field. [break][break]

"Let's do this Blaze! SHO SHINKA!" The Dragon roared as his body emitted a bright light before getting enclosed in a spherical aura. Seconds later, the sphere shattered, revealing a bigger charizard with wings of fire and new pattern upon his body. The empowered dragon roared at the sky before letting out some smoke from its nostrils.[break][break]

"Leo, Zen Headbutt on the clown! Blaze, Maximize your Wildfire, but don't hit Olivia!" The lion nodded and charged forward, ready to deliver the psychich-powered headbutt upon the clown. As for the Charizard, the creature let out the strongest of its flames, controlling it so that it struck the main body of the monstrosity that had Dahlia at its core and trying to avoid Olivia as much as possible.


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO

[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY

-Balder sees the monstrosity that is Dahlia and the hostage. Doesn't hesitate to say "I yold you that was a trap!"
-Notices the ball get smaller as Blacephalon gets attacked. Possibly the key to victory?
-Decides it's time to go full throttle. Gets off Solgaleo and calls out Blaze the Charizard
-Mega Evolution epic sequence, Charizard becomes 1.5x bigger then his previous form with wings on fire.
-Balder decides to send Solgaleo after Blacephalon to try and make the bomb smaller.
-Solgaleo uses Zen Headbutt.
-G-Max Charizard used Max Wildfire on Dahlia, trying to keep the flames off Olivia.[break]



0000 WORDS FOR @event  [break]


[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!










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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 23:16:46 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Between a rock and a hard place, or in this case, a mad clown and its morose machinations. Bathed in an eerie green glow, hearing the distant explosions and outbursts as the Ultra Beast invokes its mystifying powers, Adrian and those among him must now play their best hand... or call the bluff.

To Adrian the wall is the trap, an 'unbreakable' shield that is all too tempting to try and break, while themselves (being feeble bodied humans as they were) think only to avoid the path of the mines, and not to unmake them altogether.

It's a risky call that may place others in harm's way, but it is the path Adrian chooses to walk, directing all of his pokemon towards the mines:

"Howitzer, Rover, Furor: Ranged attacks!"

A finger pointedly directs their attention towards the ominous glow of the mines racing at them.

Flamethrower, Solar Beam and Thunder Wave provide a combined offensive in the hopes of forcing back if not preemptively detonating the incoming bombs. Those closest to them, or so to say those furthest from the Ultra Beast's light screen, are perhaps at risk of the backfire...

Adrian can but hope for their safety, nothing more.


tl;dr Arcanine uses Flamethrower on the mines.

Vileplume uses Solar Beam on the mines.

Gyarados uses Thunder Wave on the mines.

Yes I know I'm not the only one doing this.

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 1:58:48 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconThanks to the Machoke's excellent driving Lucas Lane made it to the Lighthouse. Save for the rattling close encounter with death he made it in one piece.

Mirroring the likes of and Lucas spaces him and his pokemon to prep for an assault on the bombs. Nearby rubble becomes engulfed with an ancient power from Rampardos. With a swing of its head they soar through the air and collide with a series of bombs.

Machoke grips the handles of the wheelchair tightly as his patient barks out orders to the Rampardos. This wasn't what the hospital meant when they said to refrain from any strenuous activities.

-made it to the lighthouse and spreads out to avoid friendly fire
-rampardos uses ancient power to trigger bombs being sucked in
-aegislash has protective moves at the ready
-machoke is out



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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 3:44:16 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





It was time.[break][break]

“You ready to have your chance? Finally?” She'd shout to as he joined the charge, trying to get in one last joke before combat would consume every thought.[break][break]

The rising bulwark resisted the concentrated burst of electricity, causing the zap canon to fizzle and dissipate into nothingness. Bailey witnessed the rising of the wall, followed by the attraction of the mines—it was why she breathed a sigh of relief when had the sense to detonate the string of mines behind him, keeping them from being added to the growing cluster.[break][break]

It meant that she had limited time to act. Her eyes may have drifted to the lighthouse—to the descending ball and the sight of the commissioner and her engulfment in an all-too familiar foe—but her hands were tied.[break][break]

All or nothing. Her hand fetched into her jacket, to where her two capsules rested, and she cursed that she had to work with a limited roster. “Guess I can't bitch too much,” because she would have to work with what she had. “Alright, Vicky... we're dropping.”[break][break]

Even with the effects of the tailwind deployed by still active, she knew that she was slowing down her pokemon. The faster she could let her loose, the better.[break][break]

“I got an idea! Just start attacking the shit out of it!”[break][break]

Another deployment of agility—straight through the rising wall. Bailey Cooper clenched her eyes shut and gritted her teeth as they passed through the barrier, as if she had worried that it was a physical construct. These invaders did not function like normal pokemon. Everything was a surprise.[break][break]

But she breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the other side, away from the unstable construct that seemed to glow brighter with every mine that managed to reach it, like a light-bulb that was starting to overcharge. Why bother attracting the mines to it if the light screen was passable? It wasn't a literal wall—[break][break]

Another light-bulb came to light. This time, it went off in her mind. “Oh, fuck,” and she wondered where these rare moments of genius came from. “New idea! New fuckin' idea!” Her finger would spin in a counter-clockwise motion to the sky—a motion that her bug-type understood.[break][break]

Vicky the Vikavolt would drop her on a nearby rooftop, and Bailey felt her feet dislodge roof tiles as her boots roughly skidded down the slanted surface. The bug would leave her trainer behind, flying straight upward as some began their assault on the Ultra Beast.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper watched her Vikavolt's ascent as she dropped one pokeball from her person, letting Krookodile materialize by her side.[break][break]

Junctioned between the lightscreen and the lighthouse, they fixed their gaze on the ultra beast. What came next needed no orders, just a shared nod from shadow pokemon to trainer.[break][break]

Sand Tomb was the first move he deployed—launching himself from the roof with such force that the building shuddered beneath her, and letting the displaced tiles and motor be the material the move would utilize. The swirling vortex of shingles and concrete would be aimed for the Ultra Beast from a distance.[break][break]

And regardless of if the Ultra Beast would turn to acknowledge Krookodile, the shadow pokemon would lunge itself towards the ground, burrowing beneath the surface; dig.[break][break]


tldr: vikavolt used agility to help bailey get past the lightscreen. bailey is now positioned between the lightscreen and the lighthouse. vikavolt flies up to circle overhead. krookodile uses sand tomb to initiate combat with the ultra beast, then dig, cuz lmao I don't wanna get clapped.


the event


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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 4:08:10 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
'Thank god, he's safe,' relief washed over noelle's expression as venusaur's vine retracted back with mateo in tow. She gave him a shaky smile and nod, agreeing with his 'plan'. all at once, the fighting seemed to commence, as others wasted little time in attacking the odd creature.

'I can't fall behind!'
She looked towards her gyarados and venusaur, pointing a hand forward. "Gyarados, Thunder! Venusaur, trap it in place with Earth Power!" Heavy clouds form just overhead before a massive bolt of lightning drops down from the sky, soaring directly downwards towards Blacephelon, as the ground cracks underneath its feet in attempt to ensnare it and ensure the other's attacks hit their mark.

- venusaur uses earth power to mostly try & trap the Ub
- gyarados uses thunder

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 4:38:19 GMT
noah faber Avatar

adrenaline numbs the daggers digging into his lungs. in the frenzied furnace of their battle, noah breathes in fire. the acrid scent of smoke and burning claws at his nostrils. coils in his mouth and coats his teeth.

the sound of 's cry feeds his inner flames. while ribbons of heat cast across his skin from 's charizard, noah ignites the bundled battlecry from his charred throat. after gaining so much in recent days, he can not afford to lose it all now.

it is too early to entertain such things.

noah leans back on his crabominable's fist. the furry crab opens its claw, fitting its trainer carefully into the curve. with an affirmative nod, noah whistles. his unfezant soars forth, talons unclenched. the percussive bass of his crabominable's grunts is the fanfare for noah's departure into the air as he is hurled.

his unfezant catches his forearm. in festival wear with no protection wrapped around his limb, the bird's sharp talons cut into his flesh- but he's numb to the pain.

"butler," he says to his unfezant, "TAUNT the clown. cover for stormy."

his bird soars forth, carrying noah as it fires a distracting flurry of feathers at the beast. behind them, the crabominable follows. a landscape of smoke swerves behind them as he rushes past 's directive stance.


- launches self past kyle with crabominable to be caught by unfezant.
- attempts to distract beast with taunt to provide further cover for stormy as everyone attacks!

ny raid

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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 5:52:36 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

It wasn't elegant, it wasn't smooth. Among the chaos, Persephone couldn't call them a well-oiled machine, but she knew some of the individuals well enough to make an educated guess on what they would do next. [break][break]

Persephone doesn't remember being cautious - it's not in her nature - but someone has to be able to step back and be ready to pick up the pieces, to cover their flanks. [break][break]

Depositing her a short distance from where the ultra beast was, just yards behind the onslaught of attacks, the Driflbim melts into the shadows, disappearing to ready its own attack. Once again Reuniclus erects protective screens and tries to probe into the psyche of their beastly opponent to figure out what its powers can do. [break][break][break]

» covers her e4 colleagues + others with reuniclus' LIGHT SCREEN and herself with PROTECT[break]
» drifblim disappears and prepares PHANTOM FORCE[break]
» reuniclus uses SKILL SWAP on the UB[break][break]


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 8:33:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar
This night was always going to get worse before it got any better, of that Nathaniel was certain. He had had similar nights back home in Galar, but nothing of this scale. The utter devastation surrounding the survivors of the Ultra Beast's attack was almost mindboggling. The sheer power that these strange creatures held was almost akin the the Legends themselves. There was nothing else for it. This Beast was far too dangerous to be allowed to live any longer.

The next attack from the Demon Clown was not immediately apparent. A vast Light Screen was erected in front of it, and with a gesture the surrounding mines moved by command, floating towards the impromptu barrier. Whatever it was doing, Nathaniel knew they needed to either stop it before any more mines were absorbed or it was game over. The Beast had been attacked and with the blow the massive bomb seemed to shrink, just a little, but enough to notice. A wicked grin worked it's way across Nathaniel's face as he realized that their best option was likely the one that would bring him the most satisfaction as well. He jumped down from atop Tyranitar, directing his partner forward slightly so as to have a better vantage point.

"This Beast needs to die my friend. Let's see it there." he said, thrusting an arm towards the clown. Tyranitar lumbered forwards, drawing in a great breath of air before a wicked cry burst from it's gaping maw, visible ripples in the air signifying power behind the noise.

"Stone Edge!" Nathaniel commanded. "Fill it with holes." he muttered afterwards. Tyranitar gathered it's wellspring of strength, the ground around him starting to shake violently as great chunks of stone were drawn upwards from the Earth, sharpening to wicked spears of rock. With a cry from Tyranitar, the rocks were loosed, rocketing towards the barrier that had taken so many attacks from the other Trainers scattered around.

- Noticed that the big bomb shrunk slightly when Clown was hurt.
- Tyranitar used Screech to hopefully lower Clown's defense.
- Tyranitar followed up with Stone Edge.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 10:53:04 GMT
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[attr="class","ihead"]VS. BLACEPHALON

THE FRONT IS CONSECRATED with artillery warfare. after 's dragapult catches him, ghostly missiles of dreepy fire from its horns. they shriek across the sky, joining 's dragapult's assault as they trespass the glowing LIGHT SCREEN. the ear-splitting resonance of 's noivern's BOOMBURST lands without obstruction as well, causing the gelatinous constitution of the nihilego!dahlia to wriggle and shake. when the attacks make impact, the blacephalon's body swings backward- but the collar remains anchored to some invisible point in the air. its battered body swings back- but it's not without visible damage.[break][break][break]

others would find their attacks to be less effective. 's yanmega's BUG BUZZ and 's solrock's SOLAR BEAM almost fizzle against the bulwark, their velocity suddenly reaching zero as it collides with the green curtain. the LIGHT SCREEN shimmers and absorbs the energy of their attacks. 's arcanine's FLAMETHROWER is also siphoned, the roar of fire disappearing.[break][break][break]


however, it is 's scizor that manages to BRICK BREAK through. the LIGHT SCREEN shatters before the explosion 's gothorita foresaw can occur. in a startling shower of psychic shards, the bruised blacephalon stomps its feet in a furious show of anger. in the opening, 's mega-evolved (and very calm) hatterene launches a particularly potent PSYCHIC which blasts into the beast with dramatic purplish flare. and seize the opportunity. during their flight, their pokemon slice into the blacephalon while weaving in and out.[break][break][break]

furthermore, the exposed defenses allows 's vileplume and 's solrock to fire their respective SOLAR BEAMS and strike the blacephalon too. 's sceptile and arcanine are able to find purchase with their attacks as well. the DRAGON PULSE wracks the beast's thin body as smoke billows from its stained white flesh. the clown stumbles about, like a man on stilts.[break][break][break]

furthermore, , , and @creepy are able to take advantage of the weakened beast. as the krookodile, venusaur, and tyranitar deliver attacks of hardened earth, the fragile body of the blacephalon is impaled by stone thanks to @creepy's command for a SCREECH. to follow up, 's solgaleo launches forth, striking the clown with a powerful ZEN HEADBUTT.[break][break][break]

finally, the and 's type:nulls tear into the blacephalon with their IRON HEAD and TRI-ATTACK moves respectively. with each strike, the bomb overhead on the lighthouse seems to diminish.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]VS. THE MINES


THE GLOWING BOMBS RISE LIKE WRAITHS and begin flying toward the LIGHT SCREEN; however, dragalge's HYDRO PUMP strikes across the field. countless bombs are caught in the arc as they explode in brilliant bursts of flame. 's rampardos assists, summoning ANCIENT STONES to further clear the field while 's gyarados' THUNDER WAVE whips across the mines. as the explosions settle, they would find the night market to be utterly razed. craters carve into the earth, disfiguring what little was already left of the festivities here. despite the immense damage to slateport's property... it is clear that should the mines have been left alone, the casualties would have been immense.[break][break][break]


from the wreckage, some stray mines still find their way toward the LIGHT SCREEN before it is destroyed. 's aegislash and salamence PROTECT and KING'S SHIELD against the mines, pockets of smoke billowing from their barriers. although 's reuniclus' SKILL SWAP fails to take affect, she is able to protect her fellow elite four members. in the nick of time, her reuniclus shields , , , and with a well-timed PROTECT. the bomb that detonates shakes the ground around them and anyone else nearby.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]VS. NIHILEGO-DAHLIA

's sharpedo mega-evolves. 's BONEMERANG, 's psychic-leap and strike with his honedge, and the empowered AQUA JET is just enough to release the suffocating grasp of the corrupted commissioner. the tentacle is cut. it spews a thick black liquid. when the pokenger lands on the ground, he narrowly avoids the bleeding from the tentacle, for the liquid that hits the ground melts it like acid. as the jellicent catches and attacks, others strike at her as well.[break][break][break]

some mines find themselves being whipped toward instead. 's gardevoir throws the bombs toward the gelatinous case of the commissioner. her body's tentacles seem to move almost independently from her. she lifts her other tentacles, the bodies of the four dead lighthouse workers taking the hits for her. their bodies fly off, detached from the force.[break][break][break]

's pikachu and vaporeon aim for herself- and they succeed. as water and electricity surge through her insulated body, the commissioner's screaming fills the smokey air. anyone who has heard the commissioner's voice would be immediately able to discern that it is her... despite her change in appearance. with her attention pulled away from 's neck, the nihilego-dahlia enacts desperate defenses.[break][break][break]

the crown of her jellyfish-like body expands rapidly. in a grotesque rhythm, tumor-like mounds of jelly conceal her. 's hydreigon with its powerful Z-MOVE is able to knock her shielded body back- and upward. her grown carapace is hard. like rock, or diamonds. 's mega-evolved charizard's WILDFIRE, 's morpeko's BULLET SEEDS, 's pidgeot's HURRICANE and 's salazzle's POISONS only serve to knock her around the air. seemingly. this "armor" seems to be strong enough to withstand the explosive force of their attacks.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE ATTACK

MARIE THROWS HER BEAST BALL. as it arcs through the air, it's quiet. like a thrown dart, it strikes the blacephalon with precision and silence. suddenly, the blacephalon is sucked into the device. the ball shakes once... before confirming the capture. however, the ball is whipped up by the attacks of and 's pokemon. flames and strong winds whip the ball up in to the air.[break][break][break]

can or any rocket member secure this creature's beast ball?!


even more alarming is the bomb on the lighthouse. despite the blacephalon's capture, the bomb does not disappear. stubbornly, it remains, ticking downward... and it's almost midnight. 's consultation with his tapu fini unsheathes a blood-curdling answer. the legendary pokemon communicates, by way of solemn psychic thoughts, that the bomb's detonation can not be stopped. 's gothorita would be able to foretell its explosion as well...[break][break][break]


the corrupted commissioner soars overhead. the growths expand further... and burst. from above, a torrential downpour of poisonous acid begins to drop upon the party. huge globulets of purple rain splash on to the earth, melting terribly deep holes into the ground. as the growths recede into her gelatinous vessel, the pained expression of the commissioner becomes clear underneath the translucent helmet of this new body.[break][break][break]


although you can take whatever action you please,[break]several options present themselves to you:[break][break]
1. pursue the beast ball that contains the blacephalon (blown into the air)[break][break]
2. figure out a plan for the new year's time bomb[break][break]
3. kill/save the commissioner somehow[break][break]
4. protect yourself from the acid rain


& @nicole can roll a second time for free for their preemptive defensive actions![break][break]


mod roll:



below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

you must ROLL for this round as you perform your actions; this round, rolls won't determine the absolute outcome of your actions.[break][break]

please include a tl;dr of your character's actions; however, if any of your posts remain only as tl;drs by the end of the event (i.e. there is no actual written post), you will receive no rewards.[break][break]

furthermore, if you have a "tl;dr only post" in the previous round and make another "tl;dr only post" that is unedited by the next mod post, you will automatically fail your action with dire consequences.[break][break][break]

the next mod post will be on on 1/24, 12:00AM PST..

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 12:11:32 GMT
Deleted Avatar
An almost apocalyptic barrage of high octane attacks thundered into the Ultra Beast. Nathaniel had to raise his arm to shield his eyes from the myriad of debris kicked up in the firestorm of attacks. He had vaguely taken notice of a Scizor, from where it came Nathaniel couldn't say, as it destroyed the Light Barrier protecting the Ultra Beast. If not for the debris flying about Nathaniel would have cheered it on. The Barrier being destroyed allowed, among others, Tyranitar's attack to connect, impaling the demonic clown on a spear of rock.

When the Ultra Beast was at it's weakest, Nathaniel spied something curious. An incredibly odd Pokeball flew through the air, striking the incredibly battered form of the demon clown, drawing it inside and presumably, capturing the beast if the fact that the ball remained closed was any indication. Nathaniel's eyes quickly darted upwards, a pit forming in his stomach at the sight of the bomb, still there. It had been getting smaller and smaller, if ever so slightly, the more damage the Beast sustained. He had assumed that with it's capture or defeat that the bomb would.....dissipate, or something of the sort. They were still all in a great deal of danger.

Nathaniel watched as the ball that contained the Demon Clown soared up into the air, sent skyward by the force of a stray attack. Some part of Nathaniel knew that something needed to be done. No one, in his eyes, could be trusted to contain the sheer malice that was held within the bright blue ball. He was still of the opinion that the Beast deserved nothing but death. When a pack of Mightyena attacked the flock of Wooloo, you dealt with them. Anyone who claimed this Beast deserved to live after what it had done tonight was a fool, plain and simple. Nathaniel didn't want to rely on other to feel the same as he did on the matter. That and the bomb was still a present threat. He looked up to the sky, spotting Corviknight circling overhead.

"Corviknight!" he shouted out into the night and the huge black bird immediately focused in on his voice, it's keen eyes spotting him among the chaos. Nathaniel simply pointed towards the Beast Ball, still climbing high into the air. The wordless command was all Corviknight needed, letting out a shrill cry before it's course changed dramatically, folding it's wings in and executing a rapid dive towards the Beast Ball.

The course of action was not without it's dangers though. The fight that Nathaniel had barely been able to taken notice of closer to the lighthouse was still underway. The horrible, deformed creature that had taken the place of a woman took to the skies as well, tumor like growths still sprouting all over it. When it reached it's zenith the alien beast let out a shower of poison. At first Nathaniel almost sported a triumphant grin, Corviknight whilst possible coming into the line of fire was immune to Poison Type moves, but the more pragmatic side of his brain told Nathaniel that tonight had been FAR from normal. These Ultra Beasts were a whole other breed of strange. He could only have that Corviknight was successful and safe, or that someone else could either deal with the Purple Rain or protect his partner in some way.

Either way, regardless of whether or not Corviknight was able to retrieve the Beast Ball, the enormous Bomb was still a pressing issue to all survivors.

- Saw the Beast Ball go high into the air.
- Call on Corviknight, who had been patrolling the skies, to dive down and secure it.
- Noticed the Purple Acid Rain, hopes that Logic still applies to things and that Corviknight is still Immune to the Poison attack.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 13:27:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


his (slitty's) blade found its mark as it cut deep into the skin of the strange creature above. other attacks managed to tear the tentacle clear off and release the one that it was holding. that was when kazimir realized that they would be in free fall now that there was no one to catch them. inside of his mind no one could hear him scream like a mad man as he reached out to before another jellyfish creature came up and caught her. oh, guess she was going to be fine then, pokenger on the other hand...

"SAFETY NET!" he called down to his pokemon who's efforts on the beast had good luck with them as well. hyah managed to catch sight of its trainer and use another bit of its psyhic powers to gently cause kazimir to float back onto his feet on the ground with only mere inches away from the black sludge that followed him and splashed down near his feet. the sound and smell of sizzling concrete was enough to instill a bit of fear inside the mighty hero. the dropping of a corpse at his feet was enough to instill a bit of sickness inside of the mighty hero who fought back against the ball of vile that was coming up his throat at the sight of it.

he needed a distraction from that...mess and quick because even the comfort of his pokemon suddenly rubbing against his body in concern for their trainer's safety wasn't exactly helping him hold down just how sick this whole fiasco was turning.

that was until he looked back at the clown creature thinking it was time to finish it off when, all of a sudden, it disappeared in a flash of light and into a pokeball. a weird one at that. the eye that shown through the small hole in his mask blinked before a sudden storm of wind and fire whip it into the air. a single thought raced through kazimir's head as he tried to keep track of where it was going.

it couldn't go into the wrong hands.

the pokenger knew that a creature like that had to be brought to justice, that it needed to be kept by someone with the heart willing to shoulder the burden of keeping that thing on them. he wasn't too sure the league would let it live if he gave it to them though, it caused way too much trouble to simply be kept alive. that thought made kazimir feel a bit of sympathy for the creature.

"hyah, slitty! get that things pokeball, we're taking it in!" the staryu's blue gem glowed as it followed the pokenger's finger to where he was aiming where he saw the beast ball go and grabbed a hold of it with psychic energy and pulled it away from the oncoming talons of a corviknight from @creepy. the honedge flew up towards the ball with its blade suddenly vibrating as it began to autotomize, the sound of a chainsaw accompanying it as it met the ball halfway to grab it with its fabric tail and bring it back to kazimir's hands who felt the wobbling of the ball. "c'mooooon...can't let ya out just yet. don't ya wanna be part of a...cool party?" he whisper under his breath as he watched the ball.

that's when it started to rain, but not a usual downpour. as drops of it pelted against kazimir's body his eyes went wide with pain as he could feel it eat away at his skin tight costume and burn his shoulder. this is bad. acid rain seriously?! things and people were going to melt! "MEEEEETEOR SHIELD!" he cried out, not a move that his pokemon knew but a tactic that signaled the solrock to use rock slide to generate a shield of rocks as they materialized out of the air and out from the rubble as they formed an umbrella above the pokenger and his team.

"we need to get outta here fellas....let's bounce!" with that the mighty hero sprinted across the ruined marketplace with the ball in his hands and pokemon in tow to try and get away from the crowd. he was sure people were going to come after him, might as well split up the fighting its gonna cause.

    + kazimir is saved with a psychic
    + kazi is inflicted with "ew gross bodies" status
    + staryu uses psychic bring the beast ball closer to kazimir
    + honedge uses autotomize to catch up to the ball and bring it home
    + solrock uses rock slide to hold up a rocky umbrella for kazimir to hide under
    + kazimir flees!



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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 13:27:21 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion is laser-focused on his goal, on , on the commissioner-that-isn't. All else around him fades to background noise; his world becomes the steady hiss of rain and the fate of the projectile fired from his Marowak.

It strikes true.

Orion's heart jumps to his throat and he's flooded with relief and adrenaline in equal measure as the stranglehold upon the councilwoman is released. He had not been alone in his attempt to aid her: he glances around for to make sure the reckless hero had landed safe. He spots him, alive, and breathes. His gaze finds as well, and he gives her a curt nod. It's all he can manage in the chaos, an acknowledgement that she's OK, that she'd dismounted safely. Such reliefs are short-lived: corpses whip through the air as the attacks of others strike flailing tentacles, and not-Dahlia is suddenly consumed by an expanding mass of... what the hell is that!?

It's a near-incomprehensible sight.

There's no time to dwell on it.

Orion clutches onto his Hydreigon for dear life and directs it to where had been rescued by her Jellicent. Black sludge bubbles below, and Orion feels light-headed. Sick.

He swallows it down, represses it.

"Olivia!" The wind and rain fight to steal his voice from him, so he clears his throat and yells louder. "Olivia, are you all right?"

He needs to make sure she's conscious, that she's even alive

A wet explosion overhead draws his gaze upward, and it's with horror that Orion spies droplets of fizzling purple rain. His reactions are quick and instinctive: he releases his SWAMPERT onto a patch of ground unmarred by the bubbling sludge, and calls to all of his Pokemon in tandem: "Shield us! Shield everyone that you can!"

He doesn't know the fate of the lighthouse bomb, doesn't see that the Blacephalon has been captured, knows only that the poison rain is a threat to everyone on the field.

Heeding his call, SWAMPERT USES WIDE GUARD alongside MAROWAK'S PROTECT, a shimmering barrier forming overhead like a translucent umbrella. Orion can only pray that it will hold, and that it will shield himself and others nearby.


- is relieved that and seem to be OK
- flies over the sludgy ground toward and calls out to see if she's alive/conscious
- notes the acid rain falling from the sky
- swampert uses WIDE GUARD and a. marowak uses PROTECT to shield orion & others nearby from the rain

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 15:46:16 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the explosions ends, and they are left with only two more objectives left: the strange pokemon that disseminated bombs throughout the night market and the tentacled creature. he releases his manectric once again, readying for an assault, only to see the ultra beast disappear before his eyes.

a scream comes from the remaining creature. kyle gets a chill from recognizing it. a bark from his manectric, the same one he used to rescue her months ago, confirms his suspicions.

"we're going for her."

he hops on his manectric as it starts to run after dahlia. he raises a hand and snaps his fingers. "camouflage." his dragalge follows the duo, hovering over them as it shifts it body's structure to adapt through the acid rain. kyle's finger directs it above them, protecting him and his manectric from the unsightly weather.

his hands pull out a pokeball, releasing the pokemon to be hidden from plain sight. once he's in range, he utters a command. "teleport." with a blink, kyle and the pokemon he nestles in his arm disappears from thin air, leaving his manectric and his dragalge behind.

he takes a gamble from the fact that his pokemon can teleport with a single person at a time.

they reappear from above her, away from the downpour happening below. gravity pulls kyle and his cosmog close to dahlia. "with her this time." just before they touch her, his cosmog attempts to teleport with the deformed dahlia back to where they came from: the ground.

his manectric readies a magnet rise as she quick attacks to take kyle from the sky. the moment they reappear, the dragalge readies to protect the cosmog from any onslaught from the commissioner.


  • gets all his pokemon out
  • teleports above dahlia with cosmog
  • dragalge uses camouflage to adapt to the acid rain
  • cosmog tries to teleport dahlia to the ground
  • manectric catches kyle from the sky with magnet rise/quick attack
  • dragalge protects cosmog when it teleports back

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing