i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 12th
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2020 23:39:42 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Boom.

The sound is deafening until its not. Fernando can barely hear himself think with his ears ringing in the aftershock of the Barcelona's parting gift. Temporary hearing loss is the last way he'd imagine himself ringing in the New Year but there's still work to be done. With a firm pat against his Salamence's neck, he points toward the night festival, directing his Pokemon visually under the assumption that they too lost their hearing.

It doesn't take much to spot the center of attention. Attacks converge onto a centralized point and Fernando kicks his legs against his Pokemon's side to emphasize the need to hurry. The closer they get to the wormhole the better they can make out the various forms that seem to be lurking underneath. He can't be too sure what they entail but they continual effort to bate it back is easily picked up.


Among all the chaos is the clear sight of water from the combined efforts of and . From above, Fernando yells for his Tapu to abide with their efforts and to release a surge of water from their position overhead. In a singular torrent, water spills from the Tapu's hands, summoned from the sea, materialized from its mythic powers as an island deity. It floods downward in line with the warphole, looking to help flush out anything that dares try to surface.

— flies toward the wormhole
— tapu fini uses SURF to send water downward to wash down whatever is inside


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 1:34:01 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The maneuver to get the bomb high in the air reminded Alexei of one of those movies he binge-watched when it came out—featuring a plethora of his favorite in-game characters facing off against a huge-ass dragon intent on nuking everything out of the sky.

Thankfully, mercifully, the bomb was sent into what he guessed was the stratosphere, before it literally exploded and unleashed a fucking soundwave that shook the entire region—Slateport as its epicenter. While he didn’t see anything break, he definitely heard it.

Being up in the air brought a huge disadvantage as the bone-jarring sonic boom aftereffect of the exploding bomb shook the area, forcing him to clamp his hands over his ears. At the same time, the Pidgeot let out a surprised cry as the shock wave almost knocked them out of the air.

He was pretty sure he couldn’t hear himself screaming, but he could feel his throat moving as Idun struggled to right her course while in mid-air. The sense of balance had been dramatically altered, and was now off-course as the Pidgeot meandered drunkenly.

“Don’t land! Stay up here as long as you can!” he could feel his throat moving, but could not hear himself shouting. He could see mass mayhem going down on the ground, but with the way that the avian was struggling, it was inevitable. He hoped that this was not going to bite him in the ass as the flight dangerously weaved off-course. He finally conceded.

“Idun, land us somewhere!” he continued, still unable to hear anything as his fingers frantically brushed themselves against his ears. Shit. Did the shock wave knock out his hearing permanently?

Grateful that she was allowed to land, the dangerously-hovering Pidgeot attempted to locate a safe spot for Alexei to land on, eventually coming close to a pile of wrecked stalls. Sliding off as he felt the Pidgeot land on the bumpy ground, he then recalled the avian, before seeing the weird… hole. It twinkled mysteriously at him—but at the same time there was a whole cavalcade of attacks being thrown at it.

What was going on?

Taking a deep breath, he wondered if he could help. A large tidal wave of water had already forced itself into the hole—would he still be able to help? Finally releasing the Nidoking from the confines of its Pokéball, he pointed at where all the attacks were being directed.

Earth Power! Help out as much as you can!” he continued, still unable to hear his voice. Yet he was able to articulate words just fine as he followed the Nidoking, now conjuring up a barrage of stone and dirt and sending it into the strange, shimmering hole that spelled bad news if whatever they were trying to drive back emerged from its inky depths.


• That Advent Children-esque ending for the bomb, BOOM
• Alexei temporarily goes deaf. His Pidgeot is punch-drunk trying to keep him in the sky
• Eventually concedes since the flight course is dangerously drunken. Lands somewhere and recalls the exhausted avian
• Sees the outpouring of attacks, finally decides to join in
• Sends out Nidoking and has him use Earth Power to help drive back whatever the hell is in the strange hole


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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 3:07:51 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconLucas clung so tight to Noelle he nearly gave her a heimlich.

"You're flying towards it?!" Lucas asks accusingly. The courage he displayed at that moment was as limp as his legs.

-clings to Noelle for support atop gyarados
-asks Noelle if she's sure about approaching nihilego
-machoke clings to gyarados



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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 4:13:50 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar


It was done.

They'd succeeded in keeping the bomb from bringing anyone harm. Fawkes landed and Josh would slump down as he fell off the Charizard, hitting the ground in a heap. He let out a groan in exhaustion as he managed to sit up. But it didn't take long for him to remember their other problem.

"Arceus alive... It's like I never left Interpol."

He needed to take this thing down, so he could head off to the Pokemon Center to get Dunamus proper care. Several Pokemon are battling the creature, and Josh knew that it was time for one final assault if they were to take this thing down. He noticed right away that the thing looked... Different from before. But perhaps that meant it was close to being defeated?

Either way, Josh would hop back aboard Fawkes, as would Lightning. Josh would command the Charizard to fly straight at the creature, and the trio ended up right in the middle of its attack in turn. While his senses were still a bit dulled from the explosion earlier, Josh hoped they could still pull this off...

"Lightning! Fawkes!" Josh called to his Raichu and Charizard. Fawkes would use Flamethrower, hoping to stop the obstacles heading for them. As for Lightning...

"RAAAAAAAIIIII... CHUUUUUUUU!" Lightning screamed at the top of its lungs, using Nasty Plot followed up with a Thunder that careened straight for the creature, at full power.

It was now or never.




- Josh flies straight at the Ultra Beast aboard Charizard
- While senses are still rattled from the explosion, Josh unleashes a full final assault
- Raichu uses Nasty Plot (Raises Special Attack by Two Stages)
- Charizard uses Flamethrower ahead of them, hoping to stop advancing attacks toward them, and hopefully clearing the way for Raichu
- Raichu uses Thunder on Ultra Beast (x2 Special Attack Boost from Nasty Plot)

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
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OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 4:23:15 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


The portal was now a warzone. Kept open at first because Balder wanted to throw the Nihilego in there, the creature had now called its brethren from within the portal to try and assist him and take over the city. Needless to say, this was quickly becoming another total mess. Most people began assaulting the portal, trying to fend off the invaders.[break][break]

Seeing the tentacles try to emerge from the gate he had protected, Solgaleo couldn't help but swear in lion language. He should've seen this coming, sense the invaders arrive from behind. But no, he had to focus on defending and making sure the stones don't reach it. Had he knew things would go this way, he would've just moved away from there...[break][break]

Nonetheless, what's done is done. Now, a counterattack was needed. As all the wannabe heroes pitched in, the Lion decided to fly out of their attacks, letting them strike the portal and its surrounding. Since the sun was out, the creature decided to use it to his advantage. Harnessing the power of the sun, Solgaleo's mane turned into an emerald green color. His maw opened wide, allowing a sphere of green energy to appear before it. Moments later, a gigantic Solar Beam emerged, heading towards the portal and the slimy monstrosities held within.[break][break]


On Balder's end, things were just as chaotic. Following the Axe kick, the man had observed the actions of the slimy creature that had captured Dahlia previously. That was, until the bomb exploded, making the man cover his ears instantly and hope for his eardrums to hold strong. While his body had acquired quite a tenacity, seems like that did not apply to his eardrums, and possibly the rest of his innards.[break][break]

During that time where the man was recoiling from the explosion, the Nihilego began to try and assault others with its tentacles. Luckily for Balder, the damage was kept to a minimum by other people intervening, including a... Pokenger? Seems like someone has watched too many power rangers and decided to be a hero in armor. Yet... that guy had the gist of it. Balder decided it was time to go all out, calling upon the energy of the sun and releasing it all at once. The man took a deep breath and unleashed the biggest scream, almost similar to the roar of his lion companion, as light emerged from his body.[break][break]


His hair seeming longer and a frown upon his face, Balder observed where the poison and tentacles were spreading out. It seemed like most of them were handled, except one that was extending to... Wait was that... ?! The light-imbued warrior lunged forward, sprinting at maximum capacity to try and grab the tentacle before it reached his friend.[break][break]

Assuming he had successfully grabbed the tentacle, the man would hold it tight. He would then glance behind him and usher a simple "Don't move." to Stormy. Focusing all of his Alolan and Avatar strength, the man began to rotate his body on himself, swinging the Nihilego around while yelling "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!"[break][break]


And then, if everything worked perfectly, the man would slam down the creature upon the ground, in front of him. Unexpectedly, from the shock of the hit and the sudden stop from his moves, a pokeball would slip out of his pockets and roll towards the head of the Nihilego, colliding with it... and opening. Could this be a possible capture attempt?[break]



[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Solgaleo flies out of the portal's reach[break]
Solgaleo uses Solar Kamehameha Beam on the portal and Nihilegos[break]
Balder harnesses the power of the sun[break]
Turns Super Saiyan 3: GoldenLocks[break]
Uses the WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM Swiiiing before slapping Nihilego on the ground.[break]
Drops a pokeball on the Nihilego by mistake. Maybe it'll catch the creature?
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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[newclass=.niknikpkmn4]color:#333333;margin:-5px 0;font-weight:700!important;[/newclass]
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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 5:10:13 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

Any lapse of attention - even if only for half a second - always feels too long. The bomb detonates, a brilliant rupture of colour, blinding and all-consuming one moment and then glimmering the next. A of glass accompanies the streaks of light decorating the night sky, and Persephone's stunned, rigid and motionless. [break][break]

She thinks: I've been here before. The dying city, the beasts, the wormholes, the surge of power robbing her of her senses. [break][break]

When her hearing comes back, Persephone thinks she recognises the clanging sound of metal on wood. She has to squint against the dust and after-images of fireworks to locate the remaining beast. She can make out her Claydol in its tentacle grasp, seemingly slack as though recovering from the attack it unleashed earlier. [break][break]

"Get out of there with a RAPID SPIN!" she calls out, hoping the Claydol can still hear its trainer. Persephone bites her lip as she tosses the Pokemon's capsule into the air with a practiced motion. [break][break]

"I've got you," she adds, with a hint of quiet desperation. [break][break]

At her side, Drifblim prepares and launches a barrages of SHADOW BALLS aimed at the beast's tentacles to prevent it completing whatever abominable action it is preparing. [break][break][break]

» claydol gets smacked around after its HYPER BEAM last turn[break]
» (passage of time permitting) claydol uses RAPID SPIN to loosen nihilego's hold[break]
» perse attempts to return claydol[break]
» drifblim uses SHADOW BALL on the nihilego tentacles[break][break]


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 5:30:40 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

midair, mateo took notice of the wormhole. tentacles and cries emerged hastily. as everyone was busy tending to other things and dealing with other troublesome creatures. the wormhole quickly became his biggest concern. "sceptile, we can't allow anymore of those things into this world. we've gotta seal that hole up or, at the very least, delay them." sceptile would agree upon crying its name.

"the only way we can do that is with that move." with opening a path for the duo to travel. sceptile, with mateo hanging onto his back, moved with the aid of quick attack enhancing his speed. nearing the wormhole, mateo would jump off of arcanine's back. "okay...you'll be out of that form soon, so we should hurry. let's get arcanine to assist one more time, come out!" with arcanine and mega sceptile at his side, the trio stood looking over the wormhole.

as they stood near the edge of the wormhole, mateo would say, "we can't let anymore into our world, we need to close this up..." a large noise was heard from 's screaming and slamming the creature into the ground. it was then that an idea came. "alright, new plan, we're forcing it into the hole and sending it back to where it came!" the idea sounded smart, to him at least, "if you think about it this kind of looks like one of those fancy automatic toilets that flush the minute something goes in--like pooping! if we just toss it in, maybe the portal will close." it was worth a shot and it was a perfect opportunity.

"mega sceptile, use frenzy plant! arcanine, mimic and assist!" with all their energy, the duo would cause the very earth itself to erupt. a plethora of wood-like vines would emerge, in great numbers, and surged toward the nihilego. ensnaring the ultra beast with enough force and dense binding, sceptile and arcanine would use all their strength in order to drag the nihilego into the wormhole that they stood very close to. "come on guys, we just gotta drag it in!! with all your strength pull!" the duo would manipulate the unyielding wooden binds with all their efforts.

this was their only chance to, possibly, deal with an incoming, and current, problem. the portal needed to be closed. the nihilego needed to be dealt with.



- mateo sees the tentacles and hears cries emerging from the wormhole.
- mateo ordered sceptile to bring him really close to the portal.
- mateo wants to close it, thinks tossing the nihilego inside will do it.
- called out arcanine for the assist.
- ordered mega sceptile and arcanine (mimic) to use frenzy plant in order to snag the nihilego and force/drag it into the portal ( right after balder slams it into the ground ).
- mateo is cheering them on and ordering them to use every ounce of their being to do this.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 340px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #fafafa; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 7px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:center; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; background: #252525; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 6:39:21 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
this was it. this was the final stand, the last trial - it had to be. this hellish beginning to this new year couldn't possibly get any worse.

"it's gonna be a little bumpy," noelle spoke to lucas lane with a small, apologetic grin, "dragon clan style!" she quickly adds on, as though that'll fix anything. no longer bothered by the strain hyper beam placed onto its body, gyarados growls softly, gaping maw opening even more once the pink haired girl pointed a finger forward. "come on, let's help too! hurricane!" the immense wind that roared from its mouth caused the serpent's body to tremble from sheer force. She sought to work in tandem with her fellow clan members. as 's attack ripped an opening, gyarados' hurricane pushed, mostly aiming to aid in pushing the wrathful ultra beast back into the portal in the form of ensuring it stayed ensnared within mateo's frenzied vines, but keeping the gathering army inside the wormhole from surfacing easily.

"anchor them!"
another commanding tone went towards her venusaur, who she released with a toss of her pokeball onto the distorted, torn ground. this command went towards . A power whip sent two, thick glowing vines forward to grab onto the ankles of the man's sceptile and arcanine. with all the attacks being thrown about, her own included, he and his team standing so near the gaping hole of torn space was dangerous, and gave her unneeded anxiety. if this bastard thought escaping through some space wormhole would be enough to escape their marriage, think again! as if she'd let him get away that easy.

plus, they could focus on giving it their all if they had no worries about consequences, right?  "be careful, dummy!"

- gyarados uses hurricane to keep nihilgo in mateo's frenzy plant + keep the others from surfacing
- venusaur uses its vines to try and keep sceptile and arcanine anchored while being so close to the portal & not swept away by the multitude of attacks


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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 7:58:14 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





“Oh fuck—!” Was Bailey Coopers exclamation as she was suddenly lurched upward, straight out from the tunnel that had served as her shelter. In the air, spinning as fast as she had been thrown, the Elite Four member was made immediately aware of the feeling of vertigo. It was a surge, as if all of her organs had been chucked into a washing machine in the middle of its spin cycle.[break][break]

And it made her sick.[break][break]

Clasping both hands to her mouth, she was overwhelmed by the immediate transition... and the fall that came after it. Plummeting straight down, she wondered how she always found herself in these situations—falling from tall heights should have been nothing new to her.[break][break]

But it was still uncomfortable.[break][break]

Her mouth felt wet, like her saliva glands had gone into overdrive.[break][break]

“Fuck,” and her stomach seemed keen to remind her that the pastry she had ate from earlier had not settled. Something about the red bean paste continued to haunt her, and that was now aggravated from her constant aerial bullshit. She had been running and jumping since this battle had unfolded, and now it felt like there was a different type of bomb ticking down in her stomach.[break][break]

She was caught. “Oh no. It's coming up.”[break][break]

Instead of saying “thank you” to her savior, Bailey Cooper turned her head and vomited.[break][break]

Krookodile, who was oblivious to the state of his trainer, thrashed with a fury in the arms of the jellyfish. Even when his body is collided against other pokemon, he raged.[break][break]

And with each strike sustained, it was almost as if he grew stronger.[break][break]

The more damage sustained, the better.[break][break]

Toxic Heart has activated.[break][break]

He would thrash until there was just enough room for him to press his legs against the body of the creature, letting his claws sink in deep as he pushed with a gradually increasing force...[break][break]

But he refused to release a tentacle.[break][break]

He intended to rip the appendage straight from its body in a show of force and gore.[break][break]


tldr: bailey is caught and vomits because goddamn she's been thrown around a lot. krookodile uses payback and intends to try and rip off one of the tentacles.



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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2020 15:37:17 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

a bright light, a deafening explosion; olivia found herself blinded as she held onto her jellicent for dear life. by the time her senses returned, the city had turned into a battlefield once more. the alien beast was calling to its brethren on the other side of the portal; and that, olivia decided, was not something they could handle. her jelly fish pokemon floated towards the ground where Olivia descended, making calls o emergency services and giving league officials and the crown both permission to enter the fringes of the market.

in between orders, olivia gave a curt nod to her jellicent - ocean eyes darting towards the ultra beast. with glee, the ghostly sea pokemon filled its tentacles with evil energies before launching out at the 'head' of the nihilego. her jellicent was hexing the pokemon as it wringed it out.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia calls on the crown!
+ olivia starts damage control!
+ jellicent uses wring out + hex on nihilego! [CURSED BODY activates]
+ v short v sorry

+ tIHQt|KD

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2020 2:37:04 GMT
noah faber Avatar

as they leap off the manectric's back, noah finds himself in the embarrassingly sweet cradle of 's arms. the initial vertigo of their descent raises the hair on his arms, but it is the heroic action that tickles him pink. when they land, noah breathes a sigh of relief-

which turns into a choked gurgle of pain as he crashes on to the ground. noah takes this chance to scour the field for - and he finds her. relieved, he watches as familiar faces protect and launch their attacks. he witnesses , the promoted councilman who had helped him near fortree and , the honest hero behind the enigmatic mask.

's pronounced gestures distract him. as if watching a cartoon or graphic novel come to life, noah watches with starry-eyes as commands his manectric to mega evolve. noah lifts himself up from the ground with a shaky lurch.

he needs no fireworks when the main attraction is right in front of him.


- watches kyle, stormy, orion, kazimir basically!

ny raid

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2020 2:39:37 GMT
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[attr="class","ihead"]A STEALTHY ESCAPE

UNCEREMONIOUSLY, THE DRAGAPULT spits out the beast ball. it makes a muted sound upon impact thanks to the sheer amount of dribble. under 's illusion, several escorts arrive. their dresses shift silently. with flashes of white and green, and make their escape with the acquired artifact. when 's gardevoir TELEPORTS, the mirage fades. no trace is left, save for a splotch of drool.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE WORMHOLE

THE DARK-HAIRED COUNCILMAN initiates immediate action. around the frenetic wormhole, 's hydreigon erects EARTH POWER pillars, forming a funnel. water bubbles from the dragon's mouth before colliding with the writhing tentacles. upon impact, a tentacle recoils and lashes forth. it wraps around one of the hydreigon's necks like a noose.[break][break][break]

however, before it can be pulled into the wormhole's guts, 's clawitzer severs the offending tentacle with a potent WATER PULSE. it continues to fight back the wriggling onslaught.[break][break][break]

TELEPORTS closer to the portal. despite her tears, she orders her pokemon to sedate several tentacles with HYPNOSIS and DAZZLING GLEAMS. like predatory snakes, the tentacles leap over the EARTH POWER barrier. they snake toward , but 's nidoking intervenes. the earth below it erupts, smashing into an incoming tentacle and preventing it from ensnaring .[break][break][break]


as the nidoking growls, its own EARTH POWER forces boulders from the earth in eruptions of debris. they fly upward before slamming into the portal like meteors. ahead, the slateport sea surges. the salty winds whip toward the party as 's tapu fini orders the water to heed its command. like a tidal wave, an immense wall of brine (SURF) rushes into the coast before crashing into the wormhole. the sheer amount of water causes the attack to feel endless- but finally, as the last splash of seawater hits everyone's noses, the tentacles... seem to be gone.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE MAIN NIHILEGO


A YANMEGA SOARS CLOSE to the main nihilego. the engorged creature drips acids which score holes in the earth. as delivers aerial support with AIR SLASHES from her prehistoric insect, her type:null rushes forth with an IRON HEAD. several tentacles are deflected, but one manages to evade the yanmega's attacks. it strikes back at the type:null with a terrible crack. the type:null collides on to the ground with a harsh skidding... and after a moment, struggles back on to all fours. its helmet is chipped. but not enough to reveal what lurks underneath.[break][break][break]

's canine rushes past. before the same tentacle can reap 's immoral possession, it SNARLS with such force. the blind tentacle recoils and slithers back while looks on atop his gyarados.[break][break][break]

rushes to her type:null's aid. a tentacle clangs against her aegislash's KING'S SHIELD. the tinny resonance shakes her, but before she can react to the approach of another appendage, a flash of steel surges forth. @nicole's metagross METEOR MASHES the tentacle back before advancing. its ZEN HEADBUTT slams into the nihilego while the riding togedemaru NUZZLES with a flare of electricity. however, this close, the nihilego is able to wrap itself around the steel-spider.[break][break][break]

however, 's jellicent extents its own tentacles. WRINGING OUT the nihilego allows @nicole's metagross to escape, while her togedemaru clings on. as the ghostly fumes of the jellyfish's HEX consume the alien, enough time is allowed for 's claydol to RAPID SPIN to safety. her driblim launches a SHADOW BALL. it collides with the rocky exterior, spewing acid as another crack forces itself in its crest. however, another tentacle launches from the ensuing cloud of debris to grab her drifblim's floaty limb.[break][break][break]


thankfully, 's charizard fends it off with a sweltering FLAMETHROWER. as his charizard roars, his raichu delivers a potent THUNDER that slams down through the nihilego's center. the nihilego shrieks, crying in severe staccato notes before being blown back by 's solgaleo and its SOLAR BEAM. as rushes for the nihilego, 's scizor mega-evolves. with lightning speeds, it slams its BULLET PUNCHES into the rocky exterior of their intruder. its body cracks further as it bleeds.[break][break][break]

after her owner is saved by the pokenger (), the sounds of puking accompany the shadow krookodile's surge in strength. after taking round after round of punishment, the krookodile digs its claws in and tears a tentacle off (PAYBACK) with a spray of gore. the crocodile plummets and hits the ground while wrangling the severed limb. it continues to move even when detached before slowly stilling into a cold calcified state. the nihilego attempts to escape upward, but is momentarily stopped by 's staryu's PSYCHIC.[break][break][break]

the brief pause is enough for to reach the nihilego in time. the hero kicks the nihilego back and down toward the earth. catches the nihilego, and with a guttural cry, swings the nihilego as if he were in a hammer throw competition. after the alien dizzies from the rotations, the alolan man slams the nihilego in to the ground. cracks form from the point of impact. 's pokeball simply rolls off the creature and clatters on the ground.[break][break][break]

almost limping, the alien attempts to retreat defensively, but 's mega manectric is too fast for it. in a trail of lightning, the electric canine deflects tentacles with a swing of an IRON TAIL before pinning the nihilego back into the earth with a ear-piercing crack of thunder thanks to WILD CHARGE. in this weakened state, the STATIC is able to prevent the nihilego from moving too much. immediately, 's mega sceptile and arcanine ensnare the exhausted creature with thick vines of a FRENZY PLANT and haul it to the wormhole. as clings onto , her gyarados uses a HURRICANE to keep the nihilego restrained. with a heave, 's pokemon hurl the alien invader back into the wormhole while 's venusaur keeps them anchored with vines.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE FINALE

AS THE WORMHOLE DIMINISHES IN SIZE, watches intently alongside . the portal seems to be losing stability. having remained open longer than normal in a foreign plane, the energies spark and fry in chaotic storms of sound. celebrates, continuing his cheers from before. the EARTH POWER from 's hydreigon act as a crowning cap to the closing portal.[break][break][break]


but before the portal can fully close, something leaps out of the portal. a thick tentacle, one that belongs to dahlia's corrupter, whips out in one last act of retaliation. before anyone can react, it wraps itself around 's body. the elite four member can barely spare enough time to convey his shock before he's violently grappled into the air and dragged into the wormhole. the portal closes as soon as his body disappears into the grid of ultraspace.[break][break][break]

all that is left of him is a shoe[break]and the pokemon secured by 's venusaur.


congratulations! you have reached the end of the event! rewards and a follow-up will come this weekend. feel free to post/roleplay in this "round" before the event closes sometime on 2/9 PST. of course, it is not mandatory to post in this round in order to receive full rewards.[break][break][break]

to applaud your participation, everyone in the tag list below receives 3 LUCKY LETTERS to redeem tomorrow.[break][break][break]

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2020 7:21:13 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as a tentacle reached out from the portal and began to reach for her. Immediately her voice seemed to fail her despite every bone in her body telling her to scream as loud as she could. She stood paralyzed, helplessly watching the tentacle attempt to grab her. She didn't know what to do, she was for sure this was going to be it. This was how she died. Foolishly risking herself when she didn't need to in the slightest.

As soon as the earth shatters beneath the very ground they stood upon and slammed into the tentacle and it receded, Ruby fell to the ground. Her legs too weak to stand, she could only watch as everyone else finished cleaning up the mess these beasts had made. The large tentacled beast from before was tossed back into the portal, and seemingly everything was going to be okay... That is until Ruby stared in horror as someone else got grabbed and sucked into the portal right before it closed.

Any hope of Ruby trying to stand instantly faded away as she had a first-row seat to that man vanishing. He was celebrating one minute, the next... gone. That could have been here. She could have been sucked away inside that hell, never to return. Who even knows what sort of torture would even begin to happen in there? She couldn't think about it, she couldn't... It was too much. Everything hurt, from her legs to her arms, to her eyes that couldn't seem to cry anymore. She sat on her knees, slumped over with wide, staring eyes.

Grace and Astral tried to comfort her, hugging her and standing close by, but she barely even noticed them as she was lost in her thoughts. She had tried so hard to be brave, to fight back, to protect the region she fell in love with, only for Whisper to be severely injured and she almost lost her own life. The reality of all that was such a shock to the poor girl, who just minutes ago was dreaming about fireworks over the ocean and sleeping in a warm bed, excited for the new year.

"T-that... could have been me." She vocalized finally, staring blankly ahead with a horror-stricken look in her eyes, her hands clutching at the ground for anything to attempt and ground her in reality. Everything was over, the danger was gone... But not for that man. Not for all the innocent civilian deaths in the city. It was all she could do to simply silently grieve and mourn. Mourn for the loss of life, for those happy dreams never coming true...

But above all, mourning for her own innocence that had just been shattered into a million razor-sharp emotional shards of glass. She would never be the same again.

notes: Ruby needs a therapist.


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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2020 7:48:03 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

Annie had spent so long as a trainer, one would think that she’d be used to watching. When she gave her commands, observing the results was all she could do. And yet, as her friends charged the beast, it took all that she had left to keep herself from chasing after them, helping them somehow. How? She hadn’t figured that out yet; maybe she hoped to find an answer after a tentacle had crushed her spine.

Thankfully, logic won out in her head. Buzz kept out of harm’s way, but his trainer felt her heart skip a beat as Frankie collapsed. It found its feet soon enough, for it was a beast in more ways than one, and perhaps the strike had been a small blessing. A dozen more attacks proved to be too chaotic, even for the Type: Null; it couldn’t find the opening it needed to strike again, until the Nihilego was sent back home.

And just like that, it was over. Adrenaline kept the girl on edge, her eyes darting around for another danger that wouldn’t come. Her Pokemon returned to her side just as the realisation hit her. She was safe. They were safe. Lives had been lost, and the market was devastated. Her ears were ringing, and she was down one trainer, but her and her family were safe.

Her gaze settled on Frankie, who had already set his ever-intense eyes on her. The sight of a determined blaze in Annie’s eyes was nothing new to it, since it didn’t take much to fire her up. It was the wavering, and then the dilating in them, that rattled it. Her shaking, her whimpering, all of the terror that she’d forced aside rushing back to her, now that she could afford to be afraid.

“Don’t you ever run off like that again!“ She’d tried to sound angry. She really had, but she hated giving her family that tone at the best of times. With every other emotion flooding her system, relieved tears, or frustrated tears, or worried tears, were the first to show. A pointed finger made it halfway to Frankie’s face, before she gave in and leapt to embrace her chimera, wrapping her arms around its neck.

The sudden show of emotion confused it, but the girl’s wails and hug had it stumbling back, dragging the smaller girl along with him. Not that she cared. A few moments to let it all out would do her good, even if it was at the cost of a bewildered Null. Its wide eyes looked to the Yanmega for support, but he was no better a comforter than it, and had opted to simply rest. “What the hell would I do if you ran off and got yourself killed?”

It tried to remember its training – not just as a fighter, but as a Pokemon. Annie had spent too much time showing it decency for it to do nothing as she cried… And eventually, it realised that. It lowered its neck, slowly pushing his head against the girl’s. A battle-scarred helmet stopped it short of nuzzling her, but for those moments, it was very aware that it wanted her to stop. Not because the crying unnerved it, but because Annie looked much better with a grin on her face.

Caring was a foreign concept for an artificial Pokemon, but it decided that it could get used to it.

It took her a minute to let it all out, but her partners were content for her to take as long as she needed. Frankie’s muffled but calming whispers helped a lot, especially since half an hour before, she’d never heard a peep out of it. She let it go, rubbed at her eyes, and showed the two a small smile. “You guys… were awesome. Buzz, you just saved my life, and where did those moves come from, Frankie?” She was still crying, and her eyes were red from it, but the laughter and grin that followed seemed genuine.

“I know you guys are tired, but… could you stay with me for a little longer?” Annie was no stranger to terror – most immigrants from Kanto had seen their fair share of danger – but the night’s events were on another level. She’d recover in time, as she always did, but she wouldn’t be sleeping alone that night.

Since her idea of normal was already fairly loud, anybody could tune in on a one-sided conversation. As she walked, she took slow steps across the market; with one shoe melted off by the acid attacks, she had to take extra care not to step into any debris. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you guys weren’t here, but… Do you think you could take it a bit easier next time, Frankie? Like, go nuts beating up weird tentacle monsters, but only when I give the green light. Last thing I needed tonight was a heart attack from you going full Tauros on me.” A confused grunt barely permeated its helmet. “What I’m saying is listen up next time. But good job on the whole talking thing! I want to hear more of it.” Even if she’d barely heard Frankie’s voice, she understood that its slow grumble was a hesitant acceptance.

Buzzinga had been happy to act as a tired third wheel to the group, which meant that his sudden call earned both of their attention. He bobbed his head towards a treasure on the field. “Oh, well spotted. I’m gonna need that.” The trio redirected themselves towards what was likely a forming crowd. Should she go interrupted, Annie slotted her foot, covered only by a torn, wet and dirtied sock, into Mateo’s shoe. It was much too big for her, but when the alternative was walking across the battlefield exposed, she’d make the best of what she’d found. That was what she did best, after all.

‘…Who’s shoe is this, anyway?’ She didn't let herself dwell on the thought for too long.

TL;DR: Type: Null learns how to care. A crying Annie walks over and claims 's shoe, but at least they seem to be tears of relief!


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2020 8:20:14 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando grimaces as Mateo is given an unearthly suck so strong it steals him out of existence.


Not another one!

First Dahlia goes AWOL only to be found tangled up in some eldritch horror that seems to have escaped the heart of a cursed grimoire. It's already disgusting enough to see the creature stick its tentacle out but the vile liquid that it spits out leaves destruction wherever it lands, never ending in a Sliggo trail of coagulated toxins. They may have dismembered it, limb from limb, but as long as the monster lives out its purpose, they face a very real threat.

And now Mateo, one of the few trainers that Fernando is willing to hedge his trust in (if only for the fact he was validated by Dahlia herself) is both gone and leaves a vacuum in his wake. With these Ultra Beast becoming more bold with a second coming, the threat of something beyond becomes more real. The only question is when.

So when everything unfolds, Fernando maintains his aerial view of the scene as the sole King of the Sky, waiting until everything settles down to validate that the grounds are safe enough to have assisting personnel approach to help those injured and reclaim what's left of the Night Market. "? Fuck. Good enough. Put me through," Fernando mutters into his cellphone as he's patched into one of the few Head Rangers in the region. He may not be well acquainted with the other hand chosen representative of Dahlia but he knows everyone in the highest circles of authority.

"This is Councilman Silph. Slateport was under attack. Have all available aid resources routed to the city to assist the injured and survey the damage."

His next course of action is to reach out to as well but he leaves a text message, hedging a bet that he's more likely to read his message than answer him this late into the night.

As for everyone else present, they can wait. Among the dots below him, he cannot make out anyone important enough to break from doing the appropriate first response. As an active participant as well, once he lands, he'll have himself checked in to verify his hearing damage doesn't have any lasting effects and that he hasn't suffered a concussion from the turbulence of explosions.

Looking at the big picture, he remains circling above, keeping one last watch to ensure there isn't an encore to the last act of tonight's episode.

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The Enroi Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing