i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 18:00:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
he isn't the last one to make his way down the steps but perhaps things would have been much simpler had he been. he finds himself not needing to do much as everyone else has taken the initiative to. is unfamiliar as is , but and are vaguely familiar. but there is no doubt as to who is; the only surprise is that he's here in person.

first comes the rain, then the cold, then even more water, and there isn't much to do but react. much like , he simply lifts his feet up to avoid the icy mess that follows. the scene unfolds in front of him and he simply chooses to observe for now.

he has no doubts that an easy path will soon reveal itself. it seems most of the heavy lifting is being done anyways.


» chills on b1.
» does nothing much besides that.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 19:19:03 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

At first, everything was fine.

And then, chaos literally exploded.

Maybe it was a mistake bringing out the Pelipper… she thought with a furrowed brow, sighing as she quickly recalled the dual-type back into its Dive Ball and seeing literally attempt to brusque his way through.

He was always rather forceful. Still is, she continued to herself—the initial attempt went fine, but then he saw a familiar-looking Hatterene that belonged to suddenly lash out and attempted to smack someone… who was causing a lot of trouble with a rather large Pokémon companion of theirs.

What the absolute flying fuck, she went on in her head, resisting the urge to eye roll as even more chaos broke out. She catches sight of , making a grand appearance from a weird-looking hole before turning her attention back to the rest of the madness unfolding. Yikes, why was everyone being piled together and herded to one spot? Barely noticing that there was a Rookidee that belonged to somewhere trying to cause havoc on the security cameras, her attention was drawn to the security guards.

The logo stood out very much. Hell, he’d seen it before many, many, many times previously.

That logo’s very familiar! Aren’t they the ones responsible for the B&B game? The breach—oh Arceus, the breach! She thought, keeping her face calm. Watching as one attempted to wiggle their way through the area by being launched forward by a Pokémon companion, she thought of doing the same…

At least until the ice presented itself to be a major, major problem.

“Shit,” she muttered to herself, taking note of the logos on the ‘security’ team’s uniforms and wondering what they were up to—why were they even here in the first place?

“You’re not doing yourself a favor by screaming at the Hatterene, you know,” she began softly in the direction of the guard that was now yelling in her face. Nope, she wasn’t going to take this sitting down. Besides, didn’t a ‘queen’ handle herself with grace and dignity?

She thought she recognized someone (one ) from her looks, but could dwell on that later—the entire place was becoming one frozen mess at this point in time. Keeping an eye on everyone’s actions seemed to be the best thing to do for the moment.

Would Teleport even work in—ahh, shit, that’s what I forgot! She went on, mentally smacking herself upside the head for a few moments. The confusion is so much he doesn’t notice someone arriving late to the scene (@matteo) however he spots what he recognizes as a Delphox, quickly releasing an attempt at Fire Blast to melt the icy area around them.

Skidding around in heels was dangerous, after all!

Realizing that was somewhere around here, he looked over at the Delphox and pleaded, “Keep up the Fire Blast! Keep trying to melt the ice!” before finally grumbling and releasing her Kommo-o. While Ice was a bad idea for Dragon-types, Water wasn’t so much… she hoped.

Quickly attempting to ride on the Kommo-o, she told the dual-type, “Use Noble Roar, now!” before covering her ears at the loud, harsh attempt of the dual-type to cause even more clamor while running forward through what she hoped was melting ice.

While it was loud, it was certainly… a rather unorthodox way of trying to get through the area!

“Come on, let’s go!” she called to the Delphox a few moments later, hoping to escape ahead.

@ almost EVERYONE how did I even manage that

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• Recalls Pelipper. Bad idea.
• Observes the insanity going on, grimaces as he/she realizes what a Hatterene is capable of
• Recognizes the “C” logo, always sending out Pokémon on PokéJobs and being in the B&B game last 2 months was a good idea in the end kek
• Watches as more people try to break through
• Quickly notices Delphox melting the area, gets another idea and asks it to keep up the Fire Blast
• Sends out Kommo-o, attempts to use Noble Roar (covers her ears!)
• Alex/Irina attempts to run through the chaos while riding her Kommo-o!


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 3:36:16 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he takes the can of soda from when and him approach them, and he immediately makes a 200 IQ observation. "this can isn't even chilled!" he complains. regardless, he keeps the can of soda with him.

the noise starts to grow louder, prompting him to swiftly turn. the next thing he knows, there are more pokemon in the scene than what a normal establishment would allow in a strictly authorized personnel only area. he quickly takes his phone out as a smile grows on his expression.

"this is a mess! hahaha!"

the device starts to record the carnage from his own point of view in case the cameras do get vandaled, from the initial hit of the hatterene, to public figures abusing their pokemon to get to the goal, and random people just blatantly destroying the place even when they have no business down here.

he starts to question why it's not their people that does the most destruction and trespassing. rocket has someone like on hnn. he'll make use of this somehow, and if one of them do get recorded, they can always edit it out.

"yeah! you guys better stop doing that! that's illegal, y'know?" he jeers from his corner.

  • priam records everything on his phone


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 6:19:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Husband and wife are led toward the dressing room they'd requested, but it becomes quickly apparent that others attempting the same have encountered an invisible barrier. Charles looks confused, a tad affronted, but Gavin is already considering Plan B.[break][break]

Fortunately, Rocket are causing the least amount of chaos outside of the eccentric clown that was Goro.[break][break]

Red eyes scan the gathered crowd and the security that pens them in. He spots head scientist standing with , but does not linger on them to preserve their cover. Like him, and like , they are biding their time. Those among the League seem to have a different idea in mind, sending out Pokemon and attacking the Mimes. films the unfolding scene, capturing footage for later leverage no doubt. The kid's smarter than people give him credit for.[break][break]

is among the least subtle of the Rocket agents lying in wait, but even she is careful.[break][break]

As his brows knit together in a mask of confusion, he reaches for his wife's hand as if to comfort her. When Marcel grips the other, he does not pull away immediately — if they were lucky, and this strategy worked...[break][break]


all members of rocket have been referenced between this post and my last![break]
gavin allows marcel to try and teleport them downstairs (if it fails, he's just standing there looking confused at all the chaos)[break][break]


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 19:27:39 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


It appears that, just as the three of them were about to enter Armstrong's dressing room, a barrier shimmers between their fingers. There's no exit and then all hell breaks loose. It appears that they aren't the only ones trying to infiltrate the trees roots - not that this was surprising. What was more surprising was how reckless and impulsive the League appeared to be. They were making things difficult.[break][break]

One quick glance around the room shows to her the familiar faces of her coworkers. She sees the group by the vending machines, looking the part of workers and keeping their noses out of business. , and aren't given a second glance - they know what they're doing and she isn't about to linger too long for fear she might blow their cover and her own. She doesn't know them, they're faceless workers.[break][break]

And then she notices , because how could she not? She's seen the girl wear masks and her facade and voice is uncannily familiar. She, too, appears to be posing as a coordinator, sobbing about a broken mask. Interesting.[break][break]

But it's who catches her attention the longest of them all. She sits off to the side on a bench or something, moving out of the way of the ice as it blocks the exit. [break][break]

Guards move in to interrogate and the Mr. Mime's appear more than a little testy. Water splashes, the tree grows, and she feels Gavin's fingers wrap around hers. He squeezes and she squeezes back - even though the gesture is a show, she finds comfort in it regardless. It surprises her when Marcel's hand closes around her other hand, but she allows it, even squeezes his as they either TELEPORT thanks to Marcel's Sylveon.[break][break]

On the off-hand his attempt doesn't work she would remain clinging to Gavin in genuine horror at how much of a mess this has become. There's no need to act that sort of disappointment.[break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]tldr: all members of rocket have been referenced between this post and my last as well![break]
emma also allowed to try and teleport her and downstairs. if it fails, she's holding gavin's hand and looking annoyed!


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 20:02:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

well things were quick to go to the reverse world and back. first it was the crowding of the rooms as more people slowly started to show up and things started to happen. while he didn't really scan his gaze over those who probably had the same idea of him as trying to sneak in one person did try and just walk right in, of course when your that sort of privilege is given to you. he was probably here on official business, that made sense.
then all hell decided to break loose.
first it was a hatterne belonging to that decided to just up and smack one of the mr. mimes just standing there and doing its job, followed by a clown on a dinosaur suddenly walzting on through like it was nothing. oh and even mr god of the sun showed up on his lion (and kazimir thought he was one for dramatic entrances). if chaotic entrances were all that happened then that would be fine, of course it wasn't that easy and someone decided to turn this place into an ice skating rink complete with water feature. of course the security around didn't quite like that so they decided to try and keep the peace by placing everyone under arrest. that went as well as well as one would have hoped when everyone decided to not do that.
it really didn't help that the tree decided to just move, you know cause that happens with weird mysterious trees, and open up a hole leading down. while guards came spilling out of the opening on the side Kazimir and his pokemon decided to slowly back up to the hole and try to get a look to see what was down there withougt being suspicious. of course when the ice floor is also wet one can't get a lot of traction and soon the trainer found his feet moving left and right with little control. cue the clown that was sliding along the ice to come crashing into his legs and sending kaz over the edge and into the hole.
it was there that machoman and goodwitch both shared glances of disbelief at the sheer luck their trainer had at falling into a hole before the machoke dropped what he was holding and jumped followed his trainer down into the hole. goodwitch on the other hand did the same but sunk into the shadows thanks to her phantom force to remain unseen as she made her way to the lower floor to follow her idiot comrades.


    * kaz trips and falls over @goro into the bottom floor.[break]
    * machoke jumps down the hole as well.[break]
    * mismagius follows as well but under the guise of a phantom force


template by kay

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:30:27 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

"Whisper, no!" She called out, fumbling for her Pokeball to return the Hatterene to her ball when chaos suddenly broke out. The whole room froze began to freeze over solid from the Mr. Mime. With a yelp, Ruby quickly shifted to avoid having her feet frozen to the ground, but it seemed she couldn't even get out of this mess. The exit was frozen solid. Panic was quick to settle in, just what was going on? It didn't take a genius to see that super important figures like or even recognizable faces like were here as well, the confusion only growing stronger.

The Mr. Mime that had attempted to use Hypnosis on Whisper would find the witch Pokemon turning around and glaring straight at the Mr. Mime in response with anger in her eyes. Magic Bounce completely protecting the Witch-like pokemon from the move and bouncing the move right back! The Mr. Mime would likely find itself falling asleep under its own move.

And then the unthinkable happened. The tree grew. She knew it had grown out of nowhere, but to see it actually grow even further right before her very eyes had stunned her silent. The thick trunk of the tree, the branches curling outwards, even the glass that seemed to protect it shattered from its rapid growth. And yet... There was a strange sense of energy. Instead of feeling stressed out, Ruby felt exhilarated. Like something was pumping adrenaline and miracle medicine straight into her veins. Her own eyes widened, gasping heavily. What was this... strange feeling? This had to be the tree.

A security guard was yelling at her, but she could barely even overhear him over the chaos of the room. The only thing she could focus on was that Macro Cosmos symbol on his clothing. What were they doing here in Hoenn? Was she missing something? Should she have heard about their activity from news outlets back home? She was definitely missing something, but with this strange adrenaline in her veins it was so hard to focus. Her eyes were just drifting over every little thing.

And just like that, everyone else immediately reacted. The man Whisper had punched was suddenly attempting to slide down the tight hole down below, and it seemed like so many other individuals were attempting to follow suit. Someone she didn't recognize ( ) was attempting to melt the ice with her Delphox, but it seemed even she had some other plan, an ulterior motive.

Ruby's mind was working on overtime, recalling her Pokemon Whisper for the time being. There was no longer any real doubt about it. They had to be here for the tree. But why? Why just break in like this? She needed some answers... but until then, she was determined to protect the tree. Perhaps it was the overwhelming beauty of the fauna, or the completely unnatural energy flowing through her veins, or even the realization that if and both arrived with their obviously legendary Alolan pokemon in view, then it had to be important.

Ruby took one look at the guards, at the chaos around her, and deciding... she couldn't just stand around. Whatever this tree was, it was powerful. No ordinary tree, or even pokemon, could make her feel like this. "I-I'm sorry!" She shouted out loud, suddenly sending out her Gallade named Fury. He immediately posed upon being sent out of the Pokeball, using Swords Dance to quickly beef up his attack.

"Please!" Ruby cried out to her Pokemon. "Get me in there! I have to help protect it!" Fury was instantly serious, nodding his head. Quickly lifting the small girl up underneath one of his arms as the impressively strong Fighting-type he was, Fury quickly began to dash erratically across the room, attempting to push past and leap over the guards to bring Ruby over to the other side.


Notes: Magic Bounce reflected the Hypnosis back at the Mr. Mime. Ruby finally makes a decision that she has to protect the tree, no matter what everyone else is doing, but not before apologizing. Summons Fury the Gallade, who uses Swords Dance in preperation. Picking the small girl up, Fury would attempt to dodge, duck, leap, and weave through the crowd to get onto the other side, taking advantage of the chaos.


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:53:27 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 dominic watches as chaos ripples across the room but he forces himself to stay still even when his muscles scream at him to move to the center and thrash them all.

his gazes falls to and her restraint keeps him locked in place for a second longer, giving him time to scan the room for a second longer. dominic recognises some of the more notable league figures, but they collectively prove more of a nuisance than an actual threat his own actually cohesive faction.

dominic watches 's sylveon begin preparing for a teleport, and as and cluster around him to benefit from it, he flashes his teeth in a brief grin. he's unsure if they'll see it but he will try to warn them anyway; dominic briefly raises four fingers in the general direction of his teammates before turning to his group and the guard blocking their way.

he takes the trolley holding the boxes of soft drinks and rams it at the guard with as much strength as he can muster, intending to topple the man backwards and clear their path.

"move," dominic says flatly, herding , and @zacharias inside the dressing room. he doesn't spare the extra effort to firstly, avoid being in the frame of priam's recording, and secondly, to shove zacharias in with what could be construed as aggression.

when they're inside, dominic slams the door shut behind him and unclips his keyring to speak a command to it. the keys jangle cheerfully as the klefki opens its eyes and chimes that it understood. as dominic raises it to the door, the pokemon emanates a soft pink glow as it feeds chains through the keyhole into the entrance room in a FAIRY LOCK.

if marcel, gavin and emma were still in that space, they'd be out of luck. it's just unfortunate dominic didn't recognise as she would be stuck with the others when the klefki's chains surround the field.

dominic returns the pokemon to his belt, side-steps the trolley, and moves to the next door. a faint shimmer of a screen catches his eye before he walks directly into it, and dominic pauses to contemplatively knock on it.

he releases a second pokemon, a bisharp, and snaps his fingers at the screen. "break that with an IRON HEAD."

as the bisharp's skull is surrounded by the flashing of steel when it lunges forward, dominic backs away so as to not be pelted with shattered fragments should there prove to be any residue.

tl;dr: every rocket should be referenced between this post and last post poggers! swings the trolley with the soft drink boxes into the guard at kyle's door, pulls eva, priam and zacharias inside with him. closes the door. klefki uses FAIRY LOCK, and that should affect anyone attempting to leave after marcel. bisharp smashes barrier with IRON HEAD.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 5:37:28 GMT
Deleted Avatar


[attr="class","blipstoplyric"]bad moon rising

[attr="class","blipstoplyric2"]I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today. Don't go 'round tonight, it's bound to take your life. There's a bad moon on the rise. I hear hurricanes a-blowing. I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers overflowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin. I hope you got your things together. I hope you are quite prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye. Bad moon on the rise.



[attr="class","blipstop22"]tree time








The art of infiltration was in its subtlety.[break][break]

The League proved to be anything but subtle; watching this train wreck was almost so entertaining that he forgot about the infiltration mission.[break][break]

With a twist of the hand, he returned back to the world of muffled silence and distant music—airpods back in place as shoved him into the next room with and . Guess it was time to take advantage of the chaos, right?[break][break]

Before the knocked over guard could get his bearings, a purple finger seemed to stretch out from Zacharias' shadow, twisting and contorting it at an odd angle as hypnosis was cast; the guard could enjoy a nice catnap as this chaos unfolded.[break][break]

The other rockets? , , , , and could handle this themselves.[break][break]

fairy lock resounded behind him as he deployed his Ariados.[break][break]

“I can't hear shit,” he'd say under his breath, gesturing to his ears. “Be aware of that,” and his obnoxious music still blasted, but seemed to have little effect on him.[break][break]

If the barrier was broken, he would follow.[break][break]


tldr: had gengar (hidden in his shadow) use hypnosis on the guard that got shoved. when the door is looked (and he is out of sight) deploys ariados and follows after this splintered group. probably tagged everybody in rocket.




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Rocket Scientist
Head Scientist
147 height
147 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
216 posts
Eva Dumont DOLLARS
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Eva Dumont
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 6:03:10 GMT
Eva Dumont Avatar
The chaos that erupted was inevitable and was honestly rather tame all things considered. At least that was the thought until the tree began to expand. All of Eva’s attention focused onto this event, it was almost like she was in a trance.

There were so many questions, so many that wouldn’t be answered unless she could get her hands on this wonderful specimen of nature.

If only the tree had sprouted elsewhere and she was in possession, it was to be studied not out on display like some museum exhibit. It’d save her of having to deal with all this nonsense.

She hadn’t wasted many thoughts on how laughable it was that the people making the most mess were seemingly league affiliate but it was pathetic, almost enough to make her pity them. Nah, idiots are as idiots do.

Besides they had more important things to focus on and one in their little group had already moved into action, taking their payload and using it as a battering ram.

Excessive but necessary, the guard would be able to walk it off. Once inside Eva wasted no time scanning the room and taking care of some unfinished business that needed attending.

”Orbeetle in there.” The scientist was referring to the guard that and @zacharias had taken great care of, pointing to a nearby wardrobe. The bug Pokémon used PSYCHIC, and flung the doors to the wardrobe open and then threw the guard in.

”Use that to lock it up.” She’d then point to a table. the Orbeetle busied itself with shutting the wardrobe close and moving the table in front of it to prevent the guard from opening the door.

Eva moved fast to remove the boxes from the trolley. After removing them she’d lift a hidden panel revealing backpacks, all that were relatively bulky.

”Here, each one of you take one.” She looked over to the other rocket members as she put one on, handing the other ones over once she was done. they had a bit of heft to them but were lighter than they looked.

And as Dominic’s Bisharp went to take care of the barrier Eva pulled out one last thing from the hidden compartment, a suitcase that’d be relevant later.

”Be careful with those bags, there’s a lot of sensitive equipment in there. Who knows one false move and you might explode.” And with the barrier hopefully taken care of by Dominic’s Bisharp she’d move on with the others beyond this dressing room.


tl;dr Has Orbeetle use psychic to throw the guard into the wardrobe in the dressing room and then throw a table in front of it. Eva takes out backpacks for , and @zacharias from the trolley and a suitcase.
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 6:25:53 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Everything goes from zero to a hundred real quick. What's more startling is how obvious everyone is in regards to how much they do not belong. Fernando knows little about what this year's contest entails but it doesn't take a genius to recognize that their behavior is less than acceptable. The fact that security is out in full force means that whatever lies further down is off limits. Regardless of their reason, trying to venture into this closed off area casts immediate suspicion.

An artificial RAIN DANCE cements his assumption but it's too late for him to react. By the time it registers the Mr. Mimes have already shifted the terrain to make further movement difficult. Fernando stands his ground, immobile, lest he lose his footing and slip.

Fernando observes. Patient. Refraining from anything rash until the attacks come out. The whole mix up between and is both disruptive and dampens his efforts. While his objective doesn't require immediate attention, he'd like to handle it sooner rather than later. And with how everything else is going, he'll have to wait for everything to calm down. MISTY TERRAIN begins to saturate the floor, an unintended side effect of Fernando's amounting stress, and it seeps to negate any STATUS EFFECTS applied in the vicinity. The security and Mr. Mimes will find themselves impervious to any attempts to subdue them calmly.


Those were the obvious ones and the minute attacks start coming out, Fernando consolidates his options into a single purpose: assist Security. While the League has an overall objective to find out more about the tree, that does not usurp rule of law. This is still private property, registered under a company, and must be treated as much. Any attempts to investigate further should have been within the bound of the law while remaining inconspicuous. Only those in a position of power to manipulate the laws in their favor have any rights to be so forward, hence his original approach.

Numerous TELEPORTS sound off and tracing them back to who is impossible in the heat of the moment. The Delphox that is still out seems to be the only remaining aggressor. Fernando looks toward the nearest human security guard with knotted eyebrows. "Would you like some assistance?" Although fully within his rights, anyone who's hired private security knows better than to interfere with someone else's. Should they accept, it'll give him good grounds to press further. If not, well, the chaos speaks for itself.


- immediately suspicious of everyone not obeying security
- fernando stands still to avoid slipping
- MISTY TERRAIN leaks from him and Tapu Fini
- noticed people are using attacks? wtf?
- does the legal things and cooperates with security
- knows people are TELEPORTING but can't tell who / all of them
- offers assistance to security deescalate the situation

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 8:41:40 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]





SEVERAL THINGS HAPPEN AT ONCE. As the hall bursts into action, ’s performance above begins to blare in the PA speakers. The frost shakes from their metal grids as her song sends the harrowing rumbling of bass through the ceiling.[break][break][break]



is able to TELEPORT to the other side, the staircase leading to the second floor basement now unguarded. and are teleported too, but as they reappear, they slip on the crude ice. Should they move down one flight of stairs, they will find that the rest of the staircase is densely packed with growing tree branches that push out from the main body of the tree.[break][break][break]


After ’s Morpeko briefly confuses one of the Mr. Mimes, she immediately teleports below. her, , , make it through to the next floor— but it is not what it appears to be. As the three land or reappear in the middle of the next basement floor, they find themselves constrained and tangled in a mess of terribly thick curling branches. Like vines, but less easy to break and dense.[break][break][break]


Looking around, they will find that the floor is smothered in foliage— if they are even on the “floor” or ground of this level. These three—who are in close proximity to each other— must find a way to escape their entanglement, for the tree pulses, as if ready to grow once more.[break][break][break]


As if pulled straight from the espionage genre, manages to catapult himself on to the branches. Recalling his Rookidee, he makes it to the other side speedily. has enough time to start walking down the stairs as well.[break][break][break]

At ’s flash of her Head Scientist badge, the security guards relax in response to her; she manages to teleport to the other side— but only has time to reappear on the ice.[break][break][break]

’s authority is flexed too, and as a MISTY TERRAIN flows from his Tapu Fini, the security guards yell: ”Yes! Stop whoever you can.”[break][break][break]

Another mutters, ”If the boss finds out, we’re fucked.”[break][break][break]



The two Mr. Mimes in the main hall, now IMPERVIOUS TO STATUS CONDITIONS thanks to the MISTY TERRAIN, attack the ones coming their way. The attempted HYPNOSIS is witnessed and the strike on is noted. They prioritize it as attempts to advance with her Gallade. One Mr. Mime SKILL SWAPS with her Hatterene, replacing her MAGIC BOUNCE with SCREEN CLEANER. The Hatterene is then recalled. The other Mr. Mime fires ICY WIND from its mitten hands to stall , and Gallade.[break][break][break]

In the exposed middle dressing room, the two Mr. Mime attempt to halt and @selena. is fast enough to act before ’s Tapu Fini’s MISTY TERRAIN takes hold. Thankfully, INFATUATION can not be blocked by the purplish fog. One of the Mr. Mimes falls to the snake’s seduction, allowing to slide through quickly with her Salazzle. Security guards attempt to snag her with their arms, but she whips right through to the other side. She, like , is able to start going down the stairs. may attempt as well— but her descent is not guaranteed.[break][break][break]

The infatuated Mr. Mime instead focuses its attention on 's attack. It mimes a square of PROTECT to stave off the flames, while the other casts ICY WIND on , and their respective parties. They are unable to make much distance.[break][break][break]


When the soft drink trolley smashes into one of the security guards, the barrier to ’s dressing room is smashed by the bisharp’s IRON HEAD. It fades, the psychically created barricade withstanding only one solid hit; afterward, @zacharias and are pushed in, the cellphone of the younger man capturing every frame of the ensuing chaos. slips in too. The door is closed. here, ’s music is even louder. Despite the cacophony, @zacharias puts the guard to sleep with his Gengar. The guard is then tossed into a wardrobe by ’s Orbeetle. Closet hangers holding ’s hoodie and shorts topple over the man like a blanket before the doors close once again.[break][break][break]

’s klefki floats toward the keyhole. What comes next is delicate work. Although it takes some time, pink chains grow from the keyhole and begin to wrap around the whole perimeter of the hallway to FAIRY LOCK the trainers’ Pokemon in place. It locks in time for many Pokemon to be affected. A table is placed in front to act as a further barricade.[break][break][break]


's FAIRY LOCK will last this round. The following trainers' Pokemon have been caught by this effect: , , , , , , @matteo. Pokemon affected by this move can not switch out or flee during this round; ghost-types are unaffected.[break][break][break]


and @matteo look on as innocent bystanders...[break][break][break]


IN ORDER TO CLAIM COMPLETE REWARDS FOR YOUR FACTION, and to facilitate plot moments within the event thread, your respective groups will have objectives to fulfill collectively. for example, if your rocket character becomes captured, that objective is fulfilled for the entire group.[break][break]

throughout the event, more objectives may be added/these objectives are subject to change.[break][break]


  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☐
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☐
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands. ☐
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☐
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☐
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☐


  • please try not to invent new npcs; however, i've worked the new security guards in alongside the canon two that have now moved closer to your side. for simplicity's sake, we can say there are a total of four security guards, one for each mr. mime.
  • 's existence in this raid has been retconned due to his player going on brief hiatus.


  • the 3 pokemon you have signed up with are now locked in for the event.
  • each of your pokemon can only perform 1 move per round.
  • please do not meta-game; this event is not a competition.
  • if you do not post by the round's deadline, you will be skipped.
  • like others have been doing, please note when you have tagged everyone once for the objective!
  • for this round, please ROLL once.



@matteo [break][break]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 20:08:25 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]at worst, she's expecting to be captured. at best, however, things are slowly shifting in her favor. the security guards visibly relax, their eyes catching the badge. it's still slightly odd to have such a thing, to even hold such a title. the perks that come with a higher status within the league are still being navigated but perhaps this could be deemed as one.

she uses the dropping of their guard to her advantage, flashing a grateful smile in their direction, and manages to whisk past the trunk of the tree. it now looms behind her, branches rustling beneath the weight of other operatives. one in particular, , catches her eye and she's glancing back as both her and virgo re-materialize from their teleport. it seems, however, that she hadn't fully thought this through... her feet collide with ice and she's squeaking out surprise a beat later.

ice, little to no grip with her heeled boots, and the beginning momentum of her moving before the teleport fully ends all equals her scrambling across the slippery floor.

she's struggling to even stay upright as momentum grabs hold and sends her flailing form toward the stairs. any attempt to stop, to avoid completely falling only makes matters worse. cheeks already heavily flushed with embarrassment, illeana lets out a soft whisper. "custos, help." slowly, clay hands begin to rise from the shadows of her cape with every intention of steadying her. it doesn't fully work as her legs are too panicked, too focused on finding the ground that the assistance is warded off. her kirlia is more graceful than her trainer, gently gliding across the ice after her train wreck.

will she even make it to the stairs before the guards turn their attention back toward her? does she even bother to look back and see if they're preoccupied? no, she has to keep going.

and so, the scientist does her best to attempt to find enough footing to skate away on the ice toward the stairs. mist rolls lazily over ice lazily as she goes. faintly, she's focusing not on making it to the stairs or even on the tree itself but on those held up by security. had she heard them ask for his assistance? oh god, is he going to capture them all? move faster, don't get caught. her arms flail a little faster as if that will actually make a difference.


[attr="class","illietag"]event uwu
tldr |
- grateful security relaxes at her badge
- successfully lands on the ice but...
- didn't wait for teleport to fully finish
like a dumb binch
- full on bambi-ing across the ice
- don't look, she's embarrassing

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November 6
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON May 24, 2020 1:06:28 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Her heart was either going to explode or she was going to throw up. The fog of adrenaline in her veins makes her snarl at the guards trying to grab her, her reactions defaulting to some long-lost attitude of her past. It didn't feel bad, if not for the throbbing in her neck, like a second heart. [break][break]

Freya screeched as they screamed towards the staircase, claws unsheating to scrape them into a more manageable speed. Kaida thought she must be under adrenaline, because Freya felt light as a feather on her back. She knew she carried her Pokemon plenty but that wasn't normal! Focus! Focus! She wrenched her mind into the present, their speed finally slowing so that she could maneuver towards the stairs. Up on her back, Freya's eyes flashed a brief light. A Nasty Plot, a simple precaution to decide how to best strike if something scary walked up that staircase. [break][break]

She knew well enough that the guards and evidently were moving to capture everyone, and the thought urged her on. She didn't feel bad for the civilians ( and @matteo), up here was probably the safest area they could be in, right? Still, she looked over at a woman who just appeared in a teleporting mess. , still trying to come help, former partner in a mission. "Ugh!" Kaida cried out, halting briefly and crouching in a lizard-like stance that Freya kept steady. She couldn't let a former partner bumble around and get captured too, now could she? Thus, completely unaware that Illeana could probably use her own occupation to get out of it, Kaida barked out, "Hema, bring her too!" The serpent flew across the Ice, only barely hearing the order and lashing out to grab Illeana with as gentle a bite as possible, aiming for her lacking as it was. Didn't matter if she had to drag this woman with them, she must be good if Kaida wanted her! [break][break]

Stopping for nothing more, Kaida and her Pokemon pushed off towards the staircase, moving to descend it as fast as possible. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Kaida moves to run down the stairs, still supported by Freya and followed by Hema. Freya uses Nasty Plot once more, frightened and Hema is ordered to help Illeana if she needs it. [break][break]

At this point, I have tagged everyone!


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 25, 2020 19:44:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

while the civies up above were probably getting themselves grilled by security (poor @matteo and as well as ) or whatever was going on in a dressing room they at least didn't have a lot of bruises on their butts for falling through a whole floor. at least the ground was cushioned even if said cushion was just a mass of foliage. however that was the only good thing and as kazimir felt the weight of his machoke land on him causing the trainer to yelp in pain as the big pokemon slowly got to his feet and pulled his trainer up who was gasping for air as his had just been knocked out of his body. the mismagius of his just chuckled as she floated up from within his shadow after following him in.
"yeah yeah...laugh it up...but we might need to get outta here." he tugged on the vines that surrounded them and looked around their new cage before turning to the two who were with him that also came through the hole. "so...think these things are really thick?" he asked them but never gave them time to really answer back as he shot a glance at his pokemon and jerked his head towards the vines. without hesitation goodwitch conjured up small glowing leaves of mystical energy and swirled them around a section of the vines in order to cut into them. following up was machoman who flexed while crossing his arms and surrounding them in an aura and charged through the vines as his arms went wild with chopping motions to try and break through the weakened area the mismagius had tried to dig out for them.
it was a risk to try and get themselves out and yes, they would probably be hurting the tree which wasn't their intent, but it was much betting than becoming fertilizer for it. hopefully the likes of and would hear the sounds and find them on their way down. not that kaz even knew people were coming down here but he had to assume it would only be a matter of time before this lumberjack work would be brought to attention. "if you fellas wanna help then be my guest, we might be here a while." he said to and as he leaned back agains the wall of vines.


    * mismagius uses magical leaf to cut through the vines.[break]
    * machoke uses cross chop to cut through the vines.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing