August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
A Star's Debut (Rhythm Badge)
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 16:30:33 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","TTsiege"] [attr="class","TTtop"] [attr="class","TTmain"] The battle goes at a fast pace. Sounds of howling winds clashing against one another, piercing loud strums of the electric guitar, Pokemon crying out as they gave it their all. His blood pumps in his veins, and Toshiaki grits down his teeth with an eager grin. So this is what real Pokemon battling is like.. [break][break] Toshiaki’s strong demeanor may flinch when Togetic takes a direct hit like that, in the poor eyes no less, but he doesn’t falter. He needed faith in his Pokemon even when they looked to be in pain. He grips his fists together, golden gaze fixated on the aerial scene before him. They're losing the rhythym! [break][break] No mega moves.. No Z-moves, did.. Did he come unprepared?[break][break] Whimscott flails backward and yelps as he takes a direct hit from the air slash. Ouch. However, funnily enough, that gives Toshiaki an idea! Because the tailwind is still roaring strong. It hasn’t petered out yet![break][break] “Whimscott, use that wind current to your advantage, ride it! Togetic! Just keep calm.. and use Follow Me on Obstagoon!”[break][break] Togetic, although still temporarily blinded by the pocket sand, mewls loudly in response to it’s trainer. Togetic uses the temporary increased speed to its advantage, landing a quick follow me on Obstagoon. All eyes on him![break][break] Whimscott twists and turns it’s little body to ride the wind current, flying around sporadically like dandelion seeds dancing in the sky. After all, this Pokemon was known for soaring in the spring and summer skies of the Unova region.[break][break] “Alright, time for your revenge.” Toshiaki grins, flashing two “rock on!” signs with his hands as he gives Whismcott it’s next move.[break][break] “The sky’s your playing field. Now, knock off that Noiverin’s groove with a Hurricane!”Mischief brews as the little grass fairy giggles and rides the current, gusts of wind eerily center around it’s body in response to such childish titters. It brews and brews, till it unleashes Hurricane full force at the flying bat Pokemon. Time to change the tide![break][break] Melody Miro | (Rock, Traditional, 2 vs 2 battle!)[attr="class","TTbottom"] [attr="class","TTname"]Toshiaki [attr="class","TTsubtxt"]i can't go on much longer not knowing what i'm worth [attr="class","TTcredit"] milky
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