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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
Evelyn's PC
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 17:20:11 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar



Female | "Belladonna"

[break][img src="" title="Belladonna (♀) Adaptability: Charm, Glitzy Glow, Copy Cat, Swift, Baby-Doll Eyes, Helping Hand"]


Female | "Ophelia"

[break][img src="" title="Ophelia (♀) Adaptability: Baddy Bad, Tackle, Take Down, Copy Cat, Bite, Double Edge"]


Female | "Arsenia"

[break][img src="" title="Arsenia (♀) Levitate: Sucker Punch, Pay Back, Hypnosis, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater"]


Female | "Baccara"

[break][img src="" title="Baccara (♀) Poison Point: Growth, Absorb, Water Sport, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Worry Seed"]


Female | "Venena"

[break][img src="" title="Venena (♀) Trace: Calm Mind, Psychic, Draining Kiss, Teleport, Hypnosis, Future Sight"]


Female | "Acidalia"

[break][img src="" title="Acidalia (♀) Hydration: Protect, Rain dance, muddy water, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Water Pulse"]

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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
Vespera, Evelyn
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 1:23:52 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x





Evelyn Belladonna Vespera
played byAria

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]OCCUPATION Grunt (scientist)

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Jade from Honkai Star Trail

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



Shadows of Ambition[break]
You remember the way the sun poured through the window, casting a warm glow over the cluttered kitchen where your mother would sit, her focus always on your sister. She had a knack for charming her, while you faded into the background, a shadow in a house that felt more like a cage. Your father was a deadbeat—never around, always out drinking or chasing dreams that had long since evaporated. You were the one left to pick up the pieces, the one who made the good grades, racked up honors, and won prizes that never seemed to impress anyone but you.[break][break]

Your mother often praised your sister for her athletic skills, her effortless charm, while you were the family’s cash cow, expected to bring home the trophies of achievement. You were the guinea pig, pushed into competitions, subjected to endless tests of your abilities, all for the sake of your parents' pride. They didn’t seem to realize that every time they turned their backs on you, you grew a little more resentful, a little more determined to escape the life they had mapped out for you.[break][break]

Then, one day, the news broke like a bright dawn—the scholarship to Hammerlocke University. It felt like a lifeline thrown into your murky sea of obligation. You had fought for it, studied harder than anyone, and now you had a chance to break free. You clutched the acceptance letter tightly, as if it were a golden ticket that would allow you to rewrite your story.[break][break]

With every step toward your new life, you felt the weight of your old one lifting. The looks of surprise on your parents' faces when you told them about your acceptance stung a little, but you brushed it off. You had spent too long chasing their approval, too long feeling like a ghost in your own home. Now, you were stepping into the light.[break][break]

Packing your bags felt like shedding an old skin. Each item you placed inside your suitcase was a symbol of your departure: your trophies, your report cards, the carefully curated evidence of your worth in their eyes. You were no longer their project. You were your own person, ready to embrace the unknown.[break][break]

As you drove away, the scenery transformed, and so did your thoughts. You wouldn’t look back. Not at the house filled with echoes of disappointment, not at the family who saw you as a means to an end. Hammerlock University awaited you, a new horizon filled with opportunities, friendships, and the chance to finally be the person you were meant to be.[break][break]

With every mile, you felt freer. You realized that you were more than what they had made you. You were a survivor, a fighter, and now, you were ready to forge your own path, leaving the past behind for good.[break][break]

You remember your life in the Galar region as a sweet twist of fate. The vibrant fashion and exquisite décors surrounded you, each detail rich with culture and charm. You spent your days listening to countless fables and tasting the unique delicacies that painted the region’s culinary landscape. You had many friends, some of whom you still keep in touch with today. But amid all the excitement, your studies were paramount. You dedicated yourself to learning, striving to earn your degrees in Chemistry and Pokémon Biology.[break][break]

Years later, as you proudly received your degrees, you also discovered something unexpected—love. During your time in college, you met a man who sparked your interest, making you feel special in ways you had never experienced before. You fell for him, deeply and wholeheartedly, willing to spend the rest of your life by his side.[break][break]

Eventually, you both returned to Hoenn, where you settled into a life together. Two years later, you married, leaving behind a comfortable life researching Pokémon and the phenomena that kept occurring in your studies. You thought you were finally free, but then your family found you, re-emerging from the shadows of your past. You had drawn a line in the sand when you left, vowing never to contact them again, but it seemed they could never take the hint.[break][break]

What shocked you the most was when your husband took their side. That’s when the fighting erupted, and your little world began to crumble. You didn't want to give up on him over what you considered a silly issue; nothing you said seemed to matter. It wasn't until much later that you learned the betrayal ran deeper. Your husband had been unfaithful—with your sister.[break][break]

You felt a coldness settle in your heart after that revelation, a chilling indifference that left you unsure of which emotion you truly felt. The divorce was extremely messy, marked by constant complaints, but somehow, you managed to walk away. A divorced woman, yes, but a strong one nonetheless. You changed your name completely, symbolizing the death of the person you once were within that marriage.[break][break]

You poured yourself into your work. Writing and research became your catharsis. You published several short stories, slowly building a reputation while raising a daughter—your daughter. You never told anyone you were expecting; you kept that part of your life as private as possible. Even after your ex discovered the truth, he didn't seem to care. Your daughter became your everything. While you were tainted and twisted by your past, she was pure and innocent.[break][break]

Together, you lived a comfortable life, but the feeling of being wronged lingered like a dark cloud overhead. Hate and bitterness clawed at you, demanding attention. You wanted revenge more than anything, and you knew just the faction that could help you get it done. As you plotted your next move, a fire ignited within you—a desire to reclaim your narrative and ensure that those who had wronged you would pay for their betrayals.[break][break]
Serpent's Embrace[break]

You remember the day you decided to embrace your darker instincts, letting them coil around you like the serpent in Eden. You were Eve, the apple in your hand gleaming with the promise of knowledge and power. But unlike the biblical tale, you were both the tempter and the tempted. The fruit you tasted was the desire for revenge—a bitter, yet tantalizing flavor that only deepened as the years passed.[break][break]
Your family had wronged you in ways that could never be forgiven, and you vowed to destroy them from the inside out. But just as you were poised to strike, they disappeared. The news spread that they had vanished from the region, but you knew better. They hadn’t vanished; they had simply gone into hiding, weaving themselves into the shadows. You could sense their presence, like a hunter tracking prey. One day, you would find them, and when you did, they would pay dearly for what they had done.[break][break]
In the meantime, you decided to bide your time by playing with poison—joining Team Rocket. It was an alliance that suited your needs perfectly. Team Rocket’s interests in avatars, infinite energy, Interdream Mist, and legendary Pokémon aligned seamlessly with your own. Their amoral methods of acquiring the answers you sought were just another tool for you to wield.[break][break]
With every mission you undertook, you felt the serpent within you growing stronger, its venom seeping into every decision you made. You were willing to do whatever it took, not just for Team Rocket, but for yourself. You didn’t just want power—you craved it, needed it to fuel your pursuit of vengeance.[break][break]
You are a perfect sin, an embodiment of corruption and ambition wrapped in a cloak of charm and intellect. You wear your sins like a crown, each one a testament to your resolve. As you delve deeper into the shadows, you relish the thought that one day, your family will face the full force of your wrath. Until then, you continue your work, ever closer to the moment when the serpent’s bite will be felt by those who thought they could escape your fury.


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