Second Wind [M/Josh]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,410 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 16:47:12 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

After the doctors transferred her to the Dewford Regional Hospital, emergency surgery was performed on her to ensure that her internal injuries are treated from her cracked ribs gained from a Future Sight attack from the Rocket lady’s Mega Gallade. They’re successful in the treatment and she is cleared to go her own room in the recovery ward. A folding table is set up for the recovering royal Galarian Ambassador as she sits in her bed in her hospital gown. Her left arm is wrapped in a separate white bandage to cover the deep gash wound from the female Rocket’s Raticate's Bite.[break][break]

One of the nurses in uniform brings her lunch to eat. She takes the plate of a turkey sandwich and a bottle of water to eat and drink for herself before the royal gets up to ask the nurse about Josh’s location. After being told of the room that Josh is staying at, Elise gets into her wheelchair and opens the door, so that she can find Josh’s room.[break][break]

Once she finds the door with the number on Josh’s room, the nurse that passes by her would open the door for Elise to see Josh sitting in his own hospital bed and gets herself in. “Hello Josh. Are you doing well?” She asks the Mauville gym leader with a small smile. “As you can imagine, I’m…pretty beat up from being attacked too.”



- Mission: Post RT



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,221 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2023 6:42:42 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With Josh's roommate having been discharged, it was lonely having no one to talk to. On the other hand, there was now enough space that he could have one of his Pokémon with him to keep him company. He clicked the switch on a Poké Ball on a shelf-on-arms, Pinky's distinct, low-pitched squeal loud enough for Elise to hear if she was nearby. She wrapped her feelers around Josh's right arm, the Gym Leader wincing. "Careful, Pinky," he replied with an unintended hiss, able to feel the sting of one of the Bullet Seed fragments cutting into more of his skin.

When Elise wheeled herself into Josh's room, the first thing he did was weakly wave to the royal. "Not the best, but seeing you will help," he moaned. The extracted Bullet Seed fragments, covered with dried blood, had been kept in a cup near the Gym Leader's bed by request. He wanted them as a way to remember what he had fought for that day. The transparent holder was in plain sight. "You seem like you're in a lot better shape than I am."

{WC: 186}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,410 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 21:32:40 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Seeing Pinky the Sylveon wrapping her feelers around Josh was a good sight to see as the female royal gives him a wave back before pressing the button on her Vulpix’s Dusk Ball. Once he comes out, the Vulpix jumps onto her lap while her boss talked about seeing her helped him a bit. “Well, it makes me feel better to see you too.” She replies to her boss before having a look back at the day that Rocket grunt injured her and how she couldn’t follow up with beating her to a bloody pulp. The ambassador herself was too weak then to follow up on her threats, but one day… she may get a chance to face that mystery masked lady in battle again.[break][break]

And Elise won’t lose.[break][break]

He doesn’t look like he’s doing well in any of his battles as the female royal gives him a silent nod. “I had to get surgery for my cracked ribs, so it’s been recovering well. That Future Sight attack…was strong enough that it caused grievous injuries.” Well, she could’ve had been more careful in the middle of handling the battle against the Rocket grunt, but there was no stopping that attack.



- Mission: Post RT



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,221 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 22:36:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Gym Leader gestured toward the cup of extracted seeds. It may have been grotesque to look at, but it was something Josh requested be done. Requested to have an eternal reminder of what war did to him. "That's a quicker surgery, but yikes that's painful," Josh winced through his own pain. Every time he significantly shifted his body weight on his bad side, the seeds still lodged inside him cut into the inner layers of his skin.

"I've got more Bullet Seeds than that stuck in my body still," he lamented aloud. There were days where all he wished he could do was sleep and let his body heal. He couldn't even use a phone without agitating the hard projectiles too much. "Extracting them is a lot easier, but they have to operate in stages. I'm gonna have more cuts in me than a piece of white cheese when this is all done. And even once it's over. I might need rehab, too. Might need to learn how to ride a Pokémon again."

That last remark prompted a squeal from Pinky, the Sylveon sending all the good vibes she had Josh's way. She knew he loved riding more than anything else in the world. "Did you meet any... strange Pokémon while you were out there?"

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,410 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 15:35:47 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Bullet Seeds from a firearm were painful injuries too. This was probably on the same level as hers when she and her team of Pokemon had taken a Future Sight attack from the Rocket lady’s Gallade. “That sounds so painful. Are you okay now?” She wonders if Josh had been dealing with the Rocket grunts in that faction conflict too. The gym leader was equipped to fight and that was the difference between her and her boss. [break][break]

Maybe Navy was right, he said that she had a very different job to do.[break][break]

When he asks if she met with any strange Pokemon while fighting out there, a nod comes from the royal diplomat. “I haven’t come across any strange Pokemon except for the usual Paradox ones.” Elise remembers that the island had a couple of Paradox Pokemon come from the pink mist. “What strange Pokemon were you talking about?”

TAGS [break]



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[newclass=".elise .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".elise .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,221 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 23:52:05 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh had been in more ways than one. Perhaps one day, once the documents surrounding his work had been declassified, there would be a film about his work that day. So many people had limited the damage Rocket's victory caused. Without running interference, Josh never would have learned of the Rocket military complex's location. Without , he never would have found the blueprints that exposed a critical weakness. And without , he never would have been able to enter the largest Terastal Cavern beneath the island city.

"I wouldn't call this 'okay', but I'm safe for now," Josh replied. "I just can't stand being bedridden like this. There's so many people out there I owe my life to." He paused to listen to Elise's response. "I fought against this... cervid Pokémon with eight antlers. Was every color of the rainbow. Even with Hylda, I was totally helpless. Have you ever seen a Pokémon like that?" he asked, referring to 's Xerneas.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good
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played by


Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Ranger Cadet
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,410 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 16:07:51 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

The flowers that she got from her elder cousin when he heard of her injuries lifted her up. Remiel cared about her that he’d probably scold her a little for recklessly going into the front line. Elise thought that she could take on that Rocket lady in her disguise, but her Mega Gallade really put on a hamper onto apprehending her for the League.[break][break]

“I do understand how you feel. I’ve also been bedridden for most of the time after I was taken to the recovery ward.” Elise replies to Josh while her Vulpix gets himself comfortable onto her lap. The mention of a cervid Pokemon with antlers that had the colors of a rainbow would make her think of one Pokemon from Kalos that she knows legends of. [break][break]

“I have heard legends and fairy tales of that Pokemon from my late Kalosian uncle, the former Galarian King. Those antlers are probably connected to the legend of the Tree of Life.” Elise remembers seeing the picture book on the Tree of Life and the cervid Pokemon that came with it when she was little. “But I have not seen it in person.”

TAGS [break]



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[newclass=".elise h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".elise .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".elise .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".elise .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,221 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Second Wind [M/Josh]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 23:22:30 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
If the Pokémon with rainbow antlers was a god, then of course it made sense why Josh was so badly beaten. "An Avatar..." he logically concluded. "No wonder I was overwhelmed. Their powers are on... a whole different level than anything I've ever seen." Pinky stretched her feelers toward his trainer's good side and gently rubbed them against his arm to console him.

The mention of the Tree of Life piqued Josh's interest. "Elise, I love mythology. Tell me more about this... Tree of Life." If he could learn more about Xerneas, perhaps he would be ready if they were to clash again. Little did Josh know that such a contest was not to be...

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon**      Good


it's a long life full of long nights