i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
419 posts
evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 23:20:58 GMT
evan fader Avatar
Familiar voices, familiar hands, they're reaching for him and for a moment it seems he's found salvation in the mayhem.


He never gets an answer to his question.

Before he can find grounding in the echos of the past with the sounds of his present it all falls out from under him. Evan Fader never makes it to the back of the metagross.

He's falling but this time it's through time and place until his back is thrust into the wood of the docks. He's flat against them, splinters plucking at his sweater as he's groaning and grimacing. It takes a moment, the sounds sink in, the screaming chaos. This can't be right, none of this is right?

"Who are you? A civilian?"

The face is unremarkable, nothing strikes a bell and Evan is surprised that the man even notices him. It's only when the man's pokemon makes an appearance, a dragon, a salamence, all teeth and claws with fire crackling in it's maw, that Evan registers the situation is dire.

Perhaps it is luck that saves him, as it often is. The collision with the docks has knocked loose one of his pokeballs, it has rolled into the waters beside them. The vaporeon frees itself and watches from the surface of the water.

"you don't want to do this. Don't make me do something you'll regret." the man does not heed his warning, looming over him like a reaper awaiting prey.

Evan reaches for his pokemon, the one already free leaps from the water. The sheen of his acid armor still fresh on it's body as the water type collides with the man and knocks him into the waters.

The salamence lunges for him, the man screams as the acidic surface of his pokemon clings to him and burns at his skin, bites into flesh. The protective diva holds less mercy than his master. The man yells a command and is drowned by the hissing and now violent waters that hide the vaporeon as it strikes.

The joltik is already on the back of his hand, releasing the strings of electro webbing in the face of the dragon. It connects, the beast reels back and Evan rolls. He rolls for the edge of the dock, looks for the water.

Evan does not touch the surface, a ghost falls into the waters.

>>Still free to recognize and interact

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 23:28:15 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

There are boulders crashing into people and pokémon; hyper beams rip into the rock walls, making the whole underground chamber shake ominously.

And then, much like the shift that had happened back in her house, between one step and the next reality shattered. Skyler stumbled, feeling herself fall for a second that stretched longer than eternity; time felt like an elastic, except that it was stretching and withdrawing all at the same time.

With a jolt, the underground chamber had disappeared. There was a moment of panic while the captain searched frantically for Magellan before she noticed his pokéball at her waist.

When she looked around, she found herself surrounded by the familiar sight of Slateport's docks - except that things were burning and people were screaming,
dying, and Skyler had only felt this kind of chaotic violence once before. Her hands shook as she looked around, and it took her a couple of seconds to realize that she wasn't translucent.

Oh no. This could not be happening. She could not live through another war, no matter when in time it was.

Ducking into one of the - not burning - boats, Skyler would do her best to ignore the sounds of battle going on all around her.

● tags: @ hoennhistoria

● skyler panics when she finds she's physically in the past
● she looks around and recognizes the slateport docks
● ducks into a boat in hopes of hiding herself

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 0:13:42 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar
re: hoenn historia‒ ⛶ ✕

[attr="class","ePostMain"]this change is slow—but somehow sudden, still—and comes in three parts: these clouds are smoke, this place is slateport, that man is . amidst the dying city, gripped by the sight of a dead man, marcel does not notice that as his foot moves, the rubble shifts too.
gavin's shot is lost to echoing violence. marcel recoils—while some part of him leans in to the sound. it's not until the questions come that he finally turns and recognises his company, real or otherwise. marcel is silent; as his gaze drops, his heart can't help but bleed. he steps back from the body, into rocks unstirring, and finds himself murmuring some false truth:
"you didn't have to shoot him."

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 0:23:30 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 boots crunch against shattered glass, but they’re not his.

dominic arrives like a ghost, the afterimage of another. he hangs back for a step to place distance between them as the man saunters down the downtown street. his posture is casual despite the violence around them, something carefree in his jaunting movement as though he’s listening to music dominic cannot hear.

black hair shorn short, the glint of sun against studded ears - dominic scoffs in recognition when he sees the reflection of his younger self in a building’s window. he can pinpoint this day and this place; though the events lived on in his memory ostensibly out of sync. is the blood flecking his gloves that of the lavaridge gym leader? is it his girlfriend’s, the blond with the rock type pokemon that his team had ground down to a fine dust?

dominic peels away to a side-alley to move on ahead and parallel to the main road. it’s empty here, he remembers. civilians had been mostly evacuated, and everyone else had been called up to protect the league headquarters - but he forgot about caspian fucking ellery.

he turns a corner when the backstreet he had been following comes to an end. he sees the ranger immediately - the blood orange of his uniform like a target in the gloom - as he positions himself on the landing of an exposed bit of stair landing overhead, the barrel of his rifle trained on the street below. dominic furrows his brow and draws closer; he had never known ellery to be alive.

this time, the sound of broken glass underfoot is his.

dominic’s footsteps falter as caspian looks up to face him, the ranger’s expression twisting in confusion and horror at the realisation that the person he had been following is both below him and beside him. dominic lunges for ellery and snatches him by the throat to stifle the airflow, cutting off a cry before it can form.

he realises, two years later, that he knows how ellery dies. dominic inhales sharply as ellery fights to rasp for breath under his fingers. using all his weight, dominic pushes the man back toward the ledge even as caspian first tries to cling to the railing, and then failing that, digs his nails into the skin of dominic's hands.

dominic throws him off the ledge before he can be overpowered.


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 1:39:25 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


The transformation in scenery is a smooth one, clean and precise. It leaves the woman wondering if this is the work of some pokemon's illusion. She couldn’t think of anything else that’d feel this… Well, real.

And like most things Katherine isn’t familiar with, there’s that subtle growing seed of fear within her heart.

Is she even safe? And if this is her just dreaming— why does it feel like she isn’t going to wake up?

Her mind continues to swim and drift away as she materializes fully, adopting a corporeal and physical form. That, too, is something she fails to see coming. It’s only thanks to some grunt bumping into her that she realizes that she’s here now.

In the past.


The capsule in her hand came instinctively, the gym-leader not thinking twice about which pokemon to send out or how many. She needed someone familiar by her side now. Soon after the red beam shot at the ground, Katherine’s Sableye emerged and blinked with its diamond-like eyes.

“I don’t know what’s going on, Amethyst. Be alert. Something— no, someone did this. We aren’t home anymore.”

Her ghoul shifted into a combat stance, adorning its famous, Cheshire smirk. Naturally, when some confused officer gets too close to its trainer, Sableye shoots off a DARK PULSE to knock the man away. Amethyst deals with the assumed-to-be problem swiftly and without an ounce of restraint.


[attr="class","katherinetag"] @hoennhistoria

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 5:04:02 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The world inverts again but to what end?

His time in Regirock’s chamber, as fleeting as it was, is as vivid as the chaos around him. Despite his actions Fernando feels no bearings on his memories. Nothing’s changed. Or at least he can’t discern a difference.

Because this is nothing more than a dream, he reasons. That’s why there’s no need to panic like the others who were thrust into this Nightmare Raid. So even amidst the tragedy that was Slateport’s invasion, there’s no need to interfere.

Because no matter what happens, the future will come and Hoenn will recover.

Despite the power plant, despite the train being derailed, despite Rocket taking over, no event proves too tragic that warrants tampering with spacetime.

This complacency causes Fernando to avoid League Headquarters entirely. The only possible thing that Fernando could’ve done better was ensuring that was never abducted. If he had been a bit faster, just a bit more organized, perhaps he could’ve prevented her sentence to Slateport plot prison.

But what would change? , , and and would’ve never been set up for failure during her rescue operation but did that really affect them? Kyle and Lars were relatively unaffected. Thomas Benoit resigned from Interpol and took up residence in Hoenn, eventually becoming a member of the Elite Four. And Stormy had been pushed into taking up her role as a Gym Leader due to the incident — a contributing factor in her ascension as Elite Four.

The obvious answer is possibly altering Dahlia’s future for the better but there’s too many unknowns for Fernando to risk it.

So, he does nothing.

Rocket attacks.

Many of them gain an edge due to their sheer numbers. Those a step above, with a particular skillset, such as , will empty the League’s roster as a claim to their trophy cabinet. For every hundreds of lives lost today, the League will lose a Gym Leader, a high ranking official, even skilled Rangers. If they could’ve saved them would the League fare any better today? Undoubtedly, but apathy lines his consciousness as do the broken light fixtures along his path.

His presence is as ethereal as his body. Like the invasion, Fernando rolls in with the tide, a MIND ALTERING FOG diverting the attention of anyone who comes too close. Rocket and civilians alike become unhinged, avoiding him for something more attention grabbing like a nearby skirmish.

It isn’t until several explosion go off that Fernando reacts. Their grounded enough to throw him off balance, revealing his momentary vulnerability. They’re not too far off and he could just as easily turn around and avoid the scene altogether. But he remembers the area.

How could he forget?

In an uncharacteristic panic, Fernando takes off, breaking into an immediate run as he doubles back down a road he’s long forgotten. His indifference only stems from his hard-headed belief that nothing he can do here will impact him. Both events went against his plans but ultimately things turn out well.

Except one thing.


All it takes is one reminder to set him off.

Thick clouds of MISTY TERRAIN stream from his nostrils with every labored breath. No matter how much he punished his body during the Pokeathlon, none of it hurt as bad as his current sprint. It hurts because he’s no longer racing against a clock for some trivial reward and recognition. He’s racing against time to save something — someone — that means the world to him.


As sure as the Invasion throws off Hoenn’s natural balance, so does his own presence. The chaos of the night manifests in many ways. At the scene of a no-name, League science lab, it becomes undone at the presence of a sudden tropical storm. Pixie glitter illuminates the night sky as Team Rocket members stare in awe at the never-before seen attack.

The GUARDIAN OF ALOLA comes down at Fernando’s behest. Although the Tapu Fini has never met the owner, nor seen Fernando this troubled, even the Legendary recognizes the plight of the vindictive. Feeling their mutually shared pain, the Legendary Pokemon wipes the streets clean of such filth. Pokemon, humans, and even victims are ripped away by the maelstrom of NATURE’S MADNESS.

But it’s already too late. The science labs has been blown apart, reduced to rubble, and before him lies the presumed grave site of .

Fuck! No. Please!

And, despite knowing what happens, Fernando tries desperate to fight fate. In every other instance, whether it be Regirock flattening his Kirlia, or Ho-oh roasting his Garchomp, there had been a way around letting his grief manifest. In the throes of danger, fight or flight kicks in. There’s no time to dwell on the dead, not when your own life isn’t guaranteed.

Grief is a burden for the living.

And by the time Fernando finds himself in a place he can let go, there’s nothing left. Dwelling on past tragedies does nothing to shape the future. That’s what allows him to go on, unfazed, uncaring. Some may call it cold but for him it’s nothing more than a practical control of emotions. Anything more is wasteful.

So why does he throw himself and disheveled block of concrete, tearing at broken pieces, bloodying his hands as they crack and tear in an effort to dig into the rubble? Because maybe this time he’s not too late. Pain torments everyone differently.

For him, it only hurts when he has to experience it again — just as helpless, just as useless.

Fuck. Thalia.


By the time the rift calls again his tears are dry.

Only now does he notice he's not alone.

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 5:42:10 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It was like his hands had gone through—wait, what the hell?!

He was sure he also heard calling his attention—but the question she’d asked would never be answered as everything started changing around them.

What the hell was going on?!

The scenery changed—and this time it was to another place he thought he was familiar with. Only, why the hell was Slateport on fi—

Oh, that’s right.

This was the Fall of Slateport, one of the times he hadn’t been around yet officially as he was off in the Wilds doing Ranger-related things. Back when he was at the bottom of the hierarchy and still ‘idealistic’.

Idealistic? What a joke.

For a few moments he could smell the sharp stench of smoke as it curled into his nostrils—thankfully when he’d manifested into the reality, it was behind a stack of overturned crates, and there was nobody around. “Shit,” he muttered before his form became semi—wait, what?

His physical form had returned to that same semi-transparent that it had been earlier—although in the chaos he had lost sight of both Evan and Skyler.

Ah, shit, where the hell were they?!

He then punched the top of his Metagross’s head once more, urging Ro to go faster so that they could search out the two and hopefully stick together through whatever the hell was happening.

and for the most part like yikes bruh

• Time for a scenery change like whoa what the hell
• Unfortunately he never reached Evan in time so holy shit Lars has a panic attack for a few moments
• This time it’s Slateport: the Burning. Lars materialized at the Docks
• Thankfully when he appeared, he wasn’t seen by anyone having materialized behind some abandoned wreckage
• He then realizes that something is most likely up, because for a few moments he smelled smoke and blood before it disappeared
• Now burdened with ‘glorious purpose’ he begins to look for the two: and and hopefully stay as close to them as possible!
• Fulfilling: reacting to the insanity happening around him + materialize and not be spotted
• Any League-affiliated people are free to interact

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
140 posts
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 5:55:32 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The little anxieties that plagued her in the ruins move to the front of her mind and menace her on their second jump. What is going on? How is this happening? She can't answer those questions. What do we do? Can we do? To change things, to escape? Still nothing. Not even a fraction of an idea crosses her mind.

In the face of this great unknown her eyes dart about to find security, and they find him. Composed as always. Walking purposefully even in this enigmatic situation. Just moving in step with him -- following his lead -- quiets the fear that had begun to grip her. His slow steps set time for her heart and help her count out her breaths. In. Out.

So long as he's alright, she's alright.

But what if he's not alright?

What about when explosions go off and his whole body seems to swivel to stare at some unseen target in the distance? What about when he's sprinting like his life depends on it, panting and cursing under his breath? What about when he screams for help and even the god at his command isn't enough to settle him?

Lillian has told herself countless times that took Slateport as an opportunity to cut and run. That the little sobbing girl on Mt. Silver had never left and had instead waited for a moment like this to flee from her obligations. It is a stupid, worthless little lie to save herself from this. This sight that she's never wanted to behold in person.

A petty, disgusting part of her twists itself up watching Fernando sob and scream and split his fingers in that rubble. Envy, for this so raw of displays. It brings tears of shame to her eyes. Recompense for the tears of sorrow she can't muster even with her illusion broken. Even knowing she's looking at the grave of a woman she spent half her life with.

How disgusting that she feels nothing but defeat in this moment.

She is no longer looking at him by the time they are pulled from the scene by whatever power of fate put them there. She is beside him, within arm's reach, but looking far into the distance with dry, red-rimmed eyes. She will not look at him.

There's no way she can risk him seeing what she is right now.

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,614 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 6:31:40 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






When the hydro pump hit it felt as if there was a flash of light as to blind him. Afterward the Ranger was sure he felt a shockwave and then gone was the damp air of the cave all to be replace by the smell of the see. When his vision came back again he felt as he's been hit with whiplash as he was now on the docks of Slateport City. Part of him was so confused how he was brought here, and where was Azula? Razz didn't doubt that he just had her out. [break][break]

"The fuck you doin' Pryde!" Razz heard his old name and his blood felt cold as he turned around seeing a few old faces. "You should be on the attack force with the others stop dragging your heels and move!" they yelled and Razz just nodded the few going up ahead as they seemed to want to go first into whatever the hell was going on. Razz wasn't sure what was doing on, or what he was dreaming but even in a dream he didn't want to relive any war. [break][break]

Without a word Salem and Sabrina were by his side Salem knocking them into the water with PSYCHIC before Sabrina used CHARGE BEAM on them. "Oh no, watch out," he mocked warned not entirly caring if they got back up. Maybe he should go back on his meds if these dreams were returning.

    [/i] Razz open to interaction [/ul][break]


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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON Oct 12, 2020 6:58:52 GMT
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    you're a taker; devil's-maker

    let me hear you sing


    The world suddenly shifts again and, though less alarming than the first time, Sven is nonetheless worried to realize Lupa has disappeared once more. At least until he pats himself, realizing suddenly that his set of six pokéballs are now clipped to his belt... somehow. Trusting they actually contained his pokémon therein, the young lad instead focuses on his new surroundings. He's on a shipping dock. And there's someone ()... like him, here?[break][break]

    The young man's attention is suddenly taken by some others nearby. Sven blinks and instinctively reaches for the ball containing Lupa, drawing it out and holding it at the ready. When the guy runs off, though, he runs after him. "Hey! Wait! You're like me... right?" His chase is then interrupted rather unceremoniously by a member of Team Rocket and his Koffing. Sending out his Absol in the few moments of physical presence he has left, Sven watches as she takes their foes down with an immediate RAZOR WIND.[break][break]

    He turns back to the man ahead of them, then—[break]



    I offer consent for anyone to see and/or interact with Sven![break][break]


    @hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary


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    [newclass=".svenranseicredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    April 22nd
    23 height
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    TAG WITH @rufio
    Rufio McGillis
    POSTED ON Oct 15, 2020 0:41:58 GMT
    Rufio McGillis Avatar


    Just as the madness had begun it would seem to end....only to reboot itself into a new image.

    It was a....war? Team Rocket members could be seen by their Red "R" uniforms as they raced through the smoke, fighting civilians, Trainers, and League members alike. It was because of this focus on the unraveling event that Rufio would remain ignorant to his surroundings for the most part, yet again. He didn't pay attention to anyone directly, so if they appeared to be the same folk as from before he wouldn't have noticed.

    But, with the chaos so would Rufio's blood boil into action once more, though not out of rage, merely fueled by his ambition of strength. Summoning forth Morph the Morpeko and Zweihander the Doublade, Rufio would come to wield the latter Pokemon as a set of swords while ordering Morph to afford them some more light by on and off emitting a glaring light through electric pulses.

    Yet, it would seem that he would've garnered some attention as a Grunt began to charge toward him with a Houndoom beside them.

    Morph use Aura Wheel and send that Houndoom flying, Zweihander use Sacred Sword!


    It was war, right?

    In just a few seconds he had battered away the Grunt's electric baton and with the second sword he'd drive it deep into her chest cavity before backing away, ignorant to the fact that he had gone ethereal, physical, and then ethereal again. Due to this he'd begin to become quite aggravated that his future attempts to garner attention would do little to nothing.


    Rufio is summoned, finding himself confused amid the chaos, but once more relishes it
    Rufio summons Morph the Morpeko and Zweihander the Doublade
    Rufio is seen by a Grunt
    Morph the Morpeko uses Aura Wheel on Houndoom
    Rufio and Zweihander the Doublade use Sacred Sword and "Kill" the Grunt
    Rufio proceeds to be aggravated that he can't seemingly get any other Grunts to see him
    Rufio remains ignorant of everything that's really happening, i.e; doesn't recognize the ethereal form, etc.
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    October 13
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    TAG WITH @shiv
    POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 0:57:13 GMT
    shiv Avatar



    [attr="class","raidName"]03. HOENN HISTORIA







    [attr="class","status NONE"]
    [attr="class","th th-fire"]




    ON NAVEL ROCK ISLAND, a tower stretches above the sea. People have long believed it to be the perch of Ho-oh. The tower on Navel Rock now is not the original one, for it has been rebuilt for the purposes of training prospective fighting-type specialists and martial artists in a secluded, meditative space.[break][break][break]

    As your characters take a step, they find themselves falling on to dusty wooden flooring. Around them, the world moves at a faster pace, as if their surroundings are in set on fast-forward.[break][break][break]

    They witness a defected Underboss, Boris Raskolnikov, smuggling a half-crystalized Jirachi up the steep stairs of the wooden tower. As others follow after him, familiar faces and Pokemon whose lives have been claimed by the fires here begin to appear around you. Darmanitan statues reanimate on one floor, before the world finally settles at the top of the tower.[break][break][break]

    There is no ceiling. On the roof of the structure, everyone finds themselves watching a corrupted Ho-oh, one that has been summoned by Boris' wish, swooping toward the tower. As the man desperately seeks for his wish's outcome before you all, the Ho-oh lands violently, talons raised.[break][break][break]


    rushes for the Underboss, pushing him out of the way before his body is cut in two, like a stuck zipper forced through gore. In midst the slaughter, Boris looks on, seeing that the Ho-oh has indeed granted his wish. A zombified boy, a Rocket youth he had regretted sending into the Regirock Ruins, comes back to life in hideous form.[break][break][break]

    Eventually, the tower begins to crumble. As familiar faces flash around you on their flying Pokemon, you find yourselves in free-fall as well. is seen flying with a dark-haired figure's Garchomp, while avoids ANCIENT POWERS on his Salamence. saves a young boy on Druddigon, rushing toward as pleas with a black-haired man to come with her to flee. However, this man seems to be disintegrating into ash...[break][break][break]

    rides on his Garchomp, its eyes two simple dots as his Glalie fires ice at the Ho-oh. Underboss , for he had held the position then, attempts to rescue Boris while flees on her draconic mount: a newly evolved Hydreigon. rescues the drowsy Jirachi, still encased in its cocoon...[break][break][break]

    Below, the sea awaits your violent landing. It appears no one can see you in this rift.[break][break][break]

    However, the world seems to glitch. The air tears apart, shifting back and forth like disturbed jenga blocks. Numerous wish tags, like the one holds in his hand, seem to be reflected everywhere around you.[break][break][break]


    [attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


    ☐ Try to rescue yourselves from falling into a "watery death".[break][break]
    ☐ Join hands with another to stabilize your descent.[break][break]
    ☐ Make a wish and roll.[break][break]
    ☐ React to the sheer chaos and confusion your character has been dropped into.[break][break]
    ☐ Feel free to use all of the prompts above.


    HOENN HISTORIA is a writing prompt event that one of your characters can participate in! Once you choose one, you will have locked them in for this travel into the past of Hoenn. Although your character may be present with others, they will not be able to recognize each other unless it is mutually consensual.[break][break]

    To participate, simply write a response using one of the prompts above. Furthermore, please review the guidelines below:[break][break][break]

    • Only one character of yours can participate in the Hoenn Historia event.
    • You can redeem the round's rewards immediately after posting (unless it is PD, which will be added at the end of the round).
    • You do not need to post in every single round.
    • You can summon any of your Pokemon should you wish.



    @hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary

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    the machampion
    July 17
    gym leader
    gym leader
    kyle lopez
    5'7" height
    5'7" height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    1,586 posts
    noah faber DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @noah
    noah faber
    POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:04:35 GMT
    noah faber Avatar
     as noah loses his footing, he enters free fall. the sea below him beats against the rocky island, each wave a collective gasp of binacle and shellder. panic strikes his chest, clawing at his flesh from the inside as he remembers his brief minute of physicality in slateport.

    if chance was a cruel puppeteer, then it would drop its wooden controller right before he hits the sea. noah swallows his screams, thoughts of home, thoughts of , and as he calls for his unfezant, he realizes his bird is long gone here too.

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    the volatile
    August 15th
    groudon avatar
    tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
    850 posts
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    TAG WITH @bailey
    Bailey Cooper
    POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:32:54 GMT
    Bailey Cooper Avatar




    This was unfamiliar.[break][break]

    Bailey plummeted, unable to sway gravity from shackling her down; with every second, she can feel her acceleration, and the way that her innards curled, as she reached the pitch of her descent.[break][break]

    Above her, high in the sky, an unknown legendary contorted with an unnatural movement, as if twisted to something that defied its original shape. Like clay thrown too fast to a wheel, it threatened to spin out of control, to rampage as this new and flawed iteration.[break][break]

    Vikavolt grabbed her arm, beating its wings with a pitch that buzzed in her ears.[break][break]

    They swept, pulling with a low arch to break her fall with the gentlest of grooves.[break][break]

    As they do so, reality distorted, and she could see a sky of tags.[break][break]

    One hand pinched the curling paper, taking one for her own.[break][break]

    She knew nothing of this tower, nothing of the legendary, and even less of the faces that blur. Those that were familiar, those that fought, those that fall—[break][break]

    The Champion looked to the tag, able to identify that it was for a wish.[break][break]

    One thought. She does not utter it aloud.[break][break]

    I wish to see what will await me.[break][break]

    Because she was always being bombarded, and it would be nice to be prepared for once.[break][break]



    [attr="class","euterpetag"]hoenn historia


    makin' a dumb wish


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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    Deleted DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @Deleted
    POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 9:56:02 GMT
    Deleted Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]





    you're a taker; devil's-maker

    let me hear you sing


    A flat wooden floor, then a man with intentions that didn't seem very good at all. Sven watched, bewildered, as this event transpired around him. It was obvious he was completely invisible and invulnerable again. He could simply just feel it. Though to see a man get torn in half by a shadowed Ho-Oh, a beast of great renonwn, even in Ransei, was nonetheless instantly traumatic.[break][break]

    As the tower began to crumble, his hand instinctively went to one of his pokéballs. When he pondered whether he wanted to bring any of his pokémon into this mess at all, however, the ground fell beneath him and he plummeted without being given the chance. Other trainers, atop their pokémon, began to appear. He fell straight through a Hydreigon and its female rider () but she didn't seem to have noticed at all. [break][break]

    Not long after, the world around him begins to distort. Wish tags appear from all around like drops of rain. He knows the lore; it is practiced well in Ransei. And, with the terrible gut feeling of falling countless feet into a watery abyss below, Sven stifles his screams and reaches out to grab one. When he speaks his wish, it isn't really him. It's a part of him that he's kept locked away for a very long time.[break][break]

    "I-I wish... I wish I was back with mom!"[break]





    @hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary


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    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
    The Enroi Region
    Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
    Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
    Swords Clashing