i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 15:39:41 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]









Another vision, another ghost of Rocket's troubled past. Gavin regains his unsteady footing and watches the defector race up the steps too-quick, like a sped-up film. Was time breaking down around them? Gavin looks down to his hands as if to reassert that he's ethereal in this particular place, then back up to witness the gory death of one of their own. Berwick was just a kid, but youth offered no protection from the false god's talons as they tore him in two.[break][break]

The tower begins to tremble. Like a moth to a flame, Gavin's eyes are drawn to her immediately.[break][break]


But this is little more than a memory, and cannot hear him. She continues to plead with a man whose skin flakes away like crumbling parchment as fires rage all around them. Then the ground gives way, and Gavin is falling.[break][break]

A desperate, searching glance reveals that he is out of reach of other ghosts. Alone. As if summoned by thought alone, his Corviknight's pokeball rests cool and comforting in his grip, and the silver bird is expelled beneath him in a brilliant flash of red. Gavin lands hard upon its back, breath driven from him, but his faithful mount spreads its wings to catch the wind and break their fall.[break][break]

Stuck between its sharp-steel feathers, a tag flutters in the wind. Gavin pinches it between his fingers.[break][break]

A wish could be for anything, but only one thing comes to mind. His eternal goal, the thing he was always chasing: I wish to be worthy.[break][break]





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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 18:51:22 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



She wasn't stupid, Kaida knew she was watching something important, but that idea helped none with the fact she still didn't understand what it was that she was watching. Either way, she watched the death of a little one, mouth gaped as she took in the corrupt legendary...who was this? What was this? [break][break]

Perhaps mercifully to her head, she was consumed in the grip of gravity, plunging downwards before she could think of anything. Her hands flew to her sides...nothing. Nobody that could help. She couldn't stop her fall, nor the others she could see in blurry images around her. [break][break]

Perhaps it was just her training, but a pang of despair ate away at her chest. To protect the civilians, to protect everyone. She had no wings, no claws, no teeth, no flame. She reached out for one ghostly person falling ( ), and forced her voice out, trying to hold onto their hand, "Spread out!" She ordered, spreading her own body out in example. They could break their fall a little, maybe survive. They didn't need to know the maybe, this poor victim of this ghostly nightmare, did they? "It'll be ok. We'll live. We'll live." She thinks this might be the first lie she's ever told. [break][break]

A wish tag is clasped in her desperate hand, and though clueless to the lore and legends, her thoughts still pour into it. The wish to not be a weak human. To be the protector her soul wanted to be. To not be shackled by her own battle. Her teeth bared in fustration, useless and flat.[break][break]

I wanted to be strong, strong enough to protect all by myself. [break][break]



[attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here and visible to anyone else visible! She tries to grab at , and is open to anybody else trying to hold hands to stabilize! Makes a wish!


template by kay

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 18:54:33 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the final vision of his gabite transitioning to the last place he was alive came crashing in on priam. his hands clutch around his head, scrounging his hair into clumps as he tries to assess the situation, trying to get clarity from chaos as what he was trained to do amid crises.

blasts of wind rush to his face as he freefalls into a plunge to the seas, but his attention was somewhere else. he sees after he loses sight of him amid the chaos during the event, as well as , who succeeds despite priam's own ineffectiveness this time. finally, he sees himself with , and handling them was one of the pokemon he has had before he promised himself not to get attached again.

"druddi! ah, fuck!"

his voice trembles with weakness. the tail end of events meant everything was already too late. the happenings within the burning floor has transpired already and it had been long enough for his gabite to get help to escape its fate. priam bites his lip as he gets agitated by the feeling of helplessness.

"why can't this be just moments earlier?!" he shouts of frustration.

priam scrambles in the air as he falls, foregoing his own safety while arms flail wildly to bring him closer to one of the tags. his efforts were fruitless as ever. as loud as he is, his plea is nothing but a droplet in a sea of despair between the sudden shifts of historical events.


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December 20
27 height
27 height
Once you’re there, the only thing you can really do is leave again.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @soup
Suprasad Bhat
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 19:29:00 GMT
Suprasad Bhat Avatar


Another shift.

This time, they were on a tower, but Soup didn't care.

Who was he to sentence others to their deaths? Was this really what it meant to help? Was the burden of charity reserved for only those with the mental fortitude to know that they were responsible for the lives of others?

He did not know.

People rush around him, doing things that he doesn't understand. Soup watched numbly as things happen all around him, people running and carrying Jirachi and all sorts of other things.

However, he snapped out of his brooding when Ho-oh dove at the tower. What on earth? That was definitely the legendary Pokemon, all right, but it looked... wrong. And there was a boy, more corpse than human...

The tower started to collapse, and reality itself went with it, breaking apart.

What was going on here?

Soup released Achlys, the Crobat flapping immediately, and landed right on her back.

"Sorry, Achlys," he yelled to be heard over the chaos around him. The Crobat flapped frantically to hold the weight of both herself and Soup, and to hopefully slow their fall.

As he fell, Soup thought of a wish, thinking of Jirachi. He knew that it might be reckless, especially knowing what had just happened with the angry Ho-oh and the zombie kid. If he'd connected the dots properly, there could be hell to pay from this.

But he couldn't stop himself.

He wished, silently, to understand what he saw. There was a great wealth of information here, in the past, but it was going by too quickly, and if he could decipher all of this... there was no telling how much good he would be able to do for those who were less fortunate, and what wealth of information he could bring back to the present time.

Then, at least, he could help right the wrongs that had plagued Hoenn, like he wasn't able to before.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 22:22:57 GMT
Deleted Avatar

It was hard not to feel utterly terrified. Where was she, what was she doing? How did she get here? All sorts of scenarios shot through her head, dimly aware of the events leading up to this terrible fall. She didn't care. She didn't care what led to this. All that mattered was survival. Damn it - why didn't she have a flying type? Why wasn't she more prepared for shit like this? She'd been so picky with her partners. She was paying for that mistake now.
The wind whipped around her head, ginger hair flying everywhere and obscuring her vision. Wren was thankful for that. She hated heights. She was terrified of them. She didn't want to die. She couldn't die yet! "I wish I was back on solid ground again!" she cried to no one in particular. Maybe if she was lucky... it'd be granted. If she was lucky for once in her life, let it be now. Let it be with a realistic wish. 
I don't want to die I don't want to die please oh gods oh Arceus above don't let me die!
ooc; wish prompt

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
419 posts
evan fader DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evan
evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 4:36:08 GMT
evan fader Avatar
It's the oddest of feelings when he never touches the water. More than that it's like he swings upright until he's standing with his feet planted in a tower he's never actually seen for himself. There's a moment where his stomach lurches at the change in motion, the sudden stop and then at what he sees before him.

Evan can't make sense of it and instead, he finds his eyes franticly moving and searching for the one things that's been consistent in this mess so far. Laurence is somewhere and he seeks him in the mess in front of him, eyes avoiding the grotesque scene. He spots the blond, his feet move to navigate towards him and then suddenly they fall out from under him.

No- the tower falls.

They're plummeting "Laurence!" his hand reaches for him as they fall, clinging for the one thing that makes him feel safe in this endless illusion, mirage, cruel joke of the gods, whatever it is.

"Don't let go." he knows he won't, not if he can help it. The one things that's become truly stable in his ever changing life is the knowing that Laurence is there. Will be there. Protectiveness be damned, in moments like this Evan is grateful for it.

And then- as they fall, a teal tag slaps against his other palm. His fingers close in on it out of reflex. With effort he pulls it near his chest, eyes darting to the bright teal of the tag. He knows what it is, recognizes it from stories and murals and other such paintings in his travels. The story is so old.

Evan cannot be sure he has any right to a wish but he asks for something nonetheless. He asks of this, of why they are here, of why he has been drawn into the matters of the gods yet again.

Why have you brought me into this?
Why do you drag me back to you when you once rejected me as you did?
What do you want of me?

I wish you would tell me why you want me here
When you rejected me all those years ago?


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 13:43:45 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
Before Maverick could even registered what was going on, he was teleported once again away from the intense battle. And by the time he realized he was being teleported again, it stopped at another place. Warm colored orbs flickered over the scene before him. A odd sensation fell over him as he watched the actions move faster than normal speed. Familiar faces and pokemon appeared until it slowed to normal speed once again. What in the hell was going on? Was he dreaming?

The gym leader gasped as he witnessed this man get cut in two, only to be brought back to life with side effects. He glimpsed and peeled his eyes away. It was the help of the tower that started to tremor that aided in his attempt to look away. His gaze flashed over as the scene shifted once more, only to be free falling as the tower comes down. The man shouted, hands reached up in hopes to find anything to grab to spot his descend. His cry for help was ignored by others but heard from his pokemon. From within his pocket, a ball burst open and a creature materialized before him in seconds. The hydreigon wasted no time in reacting to his trainer’s plead for help. He dived down just below Maverick, letting the man land roughly on his back. The gym leader gasped for air as the landing on Orion’s back was harder than he would have liked. It took a moment as he tried to catch his breath and adjust himself on his back. “Thanks for saving me,” he breathed a sigh of relief, the dark and dragon type gave a gesture of ‘you’re welcome’ in return. Maverick let his gaze fall to the sea, seeing he just barely save his life.

It was at that moment he noticed this add glitch in the world. Was he about to be teleported again? An odd sensation washed over him as numbers little wish tags floated around him. One in particular, was within his reach. His arms extended out to grab it. When he was within inches of grabbing it, he closed and eyes and made his wish. “I wish to have the rest of my old pokemon back.”

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 17:09:28 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

As Thomas finds himself phasing through time again, he finds himself inside of a burning building. Though he wasn't present, he knew about the Naval Rock Incident, one which ended with a defector of Rocket being taken into custody. The incident which ended with the death of .

Thomas would find the world seemed to be moving quickly, oddly so. He would see those claimed by the fires that destroyed the tower, the Zen Mode Darmanitan "statues" that acted as guards to the upper levels. Finally, he would recognize the boy he punched during his last trip through time, , push Boris out of the way of the Ho-Oh, being torn apart by the false Legendary's sharp talons. It was a gruesome sight to behold. The sight of @joey being reanimated was also a disturbing site for the trainer.

Finally, he would find himself falling towards the sea. The first thing he'd do was feel around for any of his Pokeballs. Thankfully, he quickly found Kalameet's Pokeball. But before he could make a grab for it, he'd spot in the same predicament. Free falling towards his friend, and fellow student of the Saffron Dojo, Thomas eventually got close enough to grab the Gym Leader's hand.

"I got you, man!", Thomas called out to him, before finally sending out his Hydreigon, Kalameet. The Hydreigon would pitch downward, allowing the two to grab onto him. As he was trained to do, the dark dragon would continue to nose down, gradually slowing his speed, before cutting off his descent once he was at a safe enough speed. With that, the dragon and the two humans on his back would find themselves spared a watery grave, for now.

Oddly enough, Thomas found himself holding a Wish Tag. Closing his eyes, he would make his wish. "I wish for the power to protect those dearest to me."


notes: Thomas moves through the burning tower
Thomas sees Jacob, the kid he slugged in Slateport, get torn apart
Finds himself falling
As he falls, he notices falling as well
Thomas free falls towards Noah in order to get closer to him, grabbing his hand
Thomas sends out Hydreigon
Hydreigon catches Thomas and Noah, descending and decelerating before stopping
Thomas makes his wish

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 17:57:17 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

And just like that the world changed again, shuddering—it was like there was someone messing with the very fabric of reality. What he knew as the place where the towers were built to ascend and gain some semblance of power never existed and instead a single, solitary structure was in place—


Holy fucking shit.

While he was still seated comfortably on Ro’s back, the entire scenery around him basically devolves into chaos and insanity. For a few moments he spots a familiar face, riding a Salamence reminiscent of that—

And then, he heard the shout.

“EVAN!” he hollered back, quickly slapping the top of his silver Metagross’s head to hover towards where the other was falling, making a mad, desperate grab for the other and hopefully getting him on the silver beast’s back. For now, they were here, the two of them—together, safe

Wait. Wait!

“Skyler!” he shouted once more, frantically looking around before nudging Ro with his free hand, the other never letting go of ’s. “Ro, move!” he urged, and mid-air the Metagross changed direction, picking out the wild, tangled mess of hair as he desperately threw his other hand out in an attempt to reach her, grab some part of her—

And it was here, Evan would see it happen—this was only the second time he had called upon the deity’s wings, but the icy constructs burst forth from his back, forcing their trajectory to change and hopefully grab Skyler and save her from ‘falling’ through the seemingly infinite sky.

While there were wish tags all around—he knew that risking his luck was… well, what would come of it? Who knew if he could get something out of it?

I want to get stronger! Strong enough to protect the ones I care about! his mind screamed, his free hand still desperately trying to grab and save her.


and for the most part like yikes bruh

• So obviously the scenery changes around him once again and this time they’re at Navel Rock
• What the fuck is going on here why is everyone falling through the sky?!
• Hears ’s shout (more like a scream) and grabs the other, pulling him onto the Metagross’s back
• Remembers that is in this mess somewhere, has Ro change direction mid-air to try and catch her
• For the second time in his life (first time Evan sees this) the wings appear, and he attempts to fly, to reach out for the other
• Oh, and he also makes a wish of his own. Who knows?
• Fulfilling: to grab onto someone / react to the insanity happening around them / making a wish
• Any League-affiliated people are free to interact

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 19:05:49 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

This time it was less of a shift and more of a
shove. The sound of distant battles became distorted, stretched out - as reality hiccuped and took hold of her again, sending her into another journey, spewing her out-

She's in a tower.

As the blonde stares up at the sky, her breath is knocked out from her. The sight of the legendary Ho-oh has her gasping and taking a few steps back, although she's pretty sure they can't hurt her.

Then the structure she's standing on starts to crumble. Skyler tries frantically to hold on to something, anything -- but things are happening too quickly, and she can't even reach for her pokéballs before--

There's a brief moment in which she feels weightless, but reality is quick to reassert itself, along with this very neat thing called gravity. Unfortunately for Skyler, that means that she suddenly finds herself going into an uncontrollable freefall. 

Her hands reach out for something, more out of instinct rather than conscious thought. A wish tag materializes between her fingers and closes her eyes. 'I wish to be able to protect my loved ones. Always.' The wind howls as it rushes past her ears and she thinks she hears--

Silver eyes widen in recognition when  enters her field of vision. He's on Ro, holding onto  and approaching her with desperation in his eyes.
"Lars!" She wills him closer, stretches her hand so that he can reach it, can hold on. He's so close...

Then icy wings burst forth from 's back and suddenly she's holding onto his hand, no longer falling into infinity. She does her best to scramble up to Ro's back where her best friend is. She also helps aboard if needed.

They can talk about the wings later. For now she simply hugs Lars, relieved that she isn't alone anymore in this-- whatever this is. 

● tags: @ hoennhistoria

● skyler sees the past, taking a few steps back at the sigh of ho-oh
● she falls and, like everyone else, makes a wish
● sees and reaches out to him
● climbs onto ro and helps aboard if needed
● no, seriously, they will have a talk about those wings later

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2020 23:12:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


the world was on fire now. that was lovely. as the tower collapses no thanks to the fake mega ultra chicken that tried to burn everyone alive kazimir was no finding himself free falling over the deep blue and scrambled to his pockets. "c'mooooon help me ou-" before he did he saw other people falling along with him. there was a beat before kazimir resumed with sending out his pokemon. "valiant go save those guys!"
whatever was happening kaz knew he had some way of affecting things, so it was a risk he was willing to take to send out his braviary to have it save some people. however it looked back at his falling trainer and was ready to dive down towards him before, "valiant you save those people! i'll be ok!" he's survived worse, he only wished to save those people in time.


[attr="class","tag"]@hoenn historia

template by kay

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
412 posts
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 3:06:36 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

H O E N N  H I S T O R I A 

These visions were an omen. They wanted to scare her. They wanted to frighten her with scenes of vast destruction, and then render her powerless to stop them. They wanted to show her first-hand all the people who’d tried, failed, and died horrifically along the way. They wanted her to look upon those who’d meddled with the powers of foreign gods, and the backlash of their actions.

Some might have taken this as a warning. Chryssa took it as a weakness.

If she was being shown visions meant to intimidate her, it was because someone—or something—was threatened by her. It was afraid. For some reason, it was on the defensive— perhaps not against Chryssa personally, but certainly towards those who’d been captured by these visions. If all the ghosts of people all around her proved one thing, it was that they represented a threat to its stability.

That gave Chryssa savage joy, even as she fell in a blur of limbs and tangled hair from the crumbling tower, the rush of wind in her ears like the scream of metal. The waves below looked as hard and gray as steel. I’m not afraid of you, she thought almost deliriously as she struggled, twisting in the air. The world shuddered in a display of twisted geometry and a series of familiar paper slips glitched into being around her, fluttering gently as she plummeted through them. I recognize those. Wish tags? she thought dimly, and it dawned on her suddenly that, failing to intimidate her, the vision-sender sought to bribe her instead.

She wished she could say it wouldn’t work.

I want to live, the thought came, so powerfully that it seemed to dwarf her own mind. I want to live. Is that so hard? Her chest ached with the sudden, fervent desire. It felt like a betrayal. Chryssa thought she’d given up wishing, and hoping, and praying for miracles. Everyone dies, she thought. That’s what they’d always told her, as if that was a comfort. Everyone. Eventually.

The Original One was cruel, she thought, reaching out. She caught a paper slip as she fell and clutched it in both hands, curling her body around it. Cruel, and petty, and unfair. And I will kill you.

But first, let her have this moment of weakness. Let her wish, one last time, for the impossible.

“I want to live forever.”


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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 7:30:18 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar


glimpse from the past


his wide grin pronounces satisfaction: team rocket is really invading slateport. or was. either way, valerio relishes upon the fact that rocket is still a strong organization capable of doing such things. he doesn't know what's happening but he's willing to lend a helping hand for his comrades in need. but when he takes a step into the battlefield, hand reaching to his backpocket to retrieve yet another capsule, he slips through time once more.[break][break]

or not. this time, he's in the tower of strength. but the events seem like they are in the past.[break][break]

“by jirachi, i wish for you, ho-oh!” it is the man's voice that cathes the redhead's attention. the familiar face has history in valerio's memory, putting him in utter confusion as shadow looms by the tower's structure: a giant phoenix appears above them.[break][break]

suddenly, the floor starts to creak, and when the slab finally gives up, it swallows everyone on the room into the mouth of the sea. “charizard, save me!” he calls on the capsule he's been preparing to hurl, the orange dragon leaps from the red light.[break][break]

as they hover safely above the ocean, it is now that valerio notices what descends the sky other than humans. paper tags with ornate writing in them. he laughs at his own disorientation, but he chooses to play with what's happening. if this is a wishing tag, all he ever wants is to get a sense of what's actually happening to him.[break][break]


+ summons charizard to break his fall[break]
+ wishes to know what is happening





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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 21:10:20 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
And now he was falling. This ride just won't stop, Oscar didn't get more than ten feet before this nonsense began. At first he was scared shitless, but eventually he supposed that since he was ethereal there was very little risk of him dying. That is, unless he turned physical again at the last second. That would just be god-damn peachy.

Oscar sighed as he flipped about in mid-air. Was this what his life amounted to? Was he doomed to be a passenger on some unknown cosmic adventure for the rest of eternity? He had spent so much time and effort trying to prove his worth, and now he was trapped between time. Who was he trying to prove himself to? Rocket? Himself? Ugh, as if it even mattered. He didn't even succeed; the only thing he proved was how much of a failure he is. He just wasn't strong enough.

You know what, splattering against the ocean didn't seems like such a bad idea anymore. Oscar watched the water, more or less accepting his fate in a bout of existential depression, when strange tags began appearing all around him. Were these what he thought they were?

"No way!"

There wasn't any reality where this would work, but Oscar had to try. The worst that could happen is nothing happening. He closed his eyes and spoke his desire.

"I wish for power."

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2020 21:17:44 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Just like before, Slateport eventually falls away and begins to melt into the background as a new scene appears before her very eyes. Ruby wasn't quite sure what was going on anymore, but her eyes patiently scanned the scene as fast as she could. She might not be super knowledgeable about the legendary pokemon, but even she could see there was a Jirachi and a Ho-Oh... although something was clearly wrong.

Before she could take another step to get closer, the world collapsed at her feet again. However instead of being transported to another place once more, instead Ruby simply begins to fall. Letting out a surprised yelp, Ruby's arms scramble for her pokeballs as the world begins to rush up towards her. Sending out Amor the Togekiss in a panic, the Pokemon took a few seconds to understand her strange surroundings before quickly swooping down to catch her trainer on her back.

Ruby landed with quite a thud, struggling to catch her breath for a few moments as a few strange things began to appear. The world itself felt... wrong. As if she was back in playing B&B, and the graphics were glitching. It was an utterly surreal experience. However, it seemed that there were also a bunch of Wish Tags all over...

Her eyes widened as she attempted to reach out for one, hoping that she could get her hands on it as she quietly wished. "Please... I don't know what's going on, or why. But I wish..." Ruby paused, struggling to find what she truly wanted for a moment. She wanted safety, security, happiness... but all that seemed arbitrary for a single wish. What did happiness mean? Someone might be safe but unhappy and someone else might be living dangerously but never happier. There was no easy middle ground. With a sigh, Ruby knew exactly what she truly wanted.

"I wish that my parents know I love them..." She'd attempt to clutch the wish tag close to her chest. Even if she perished, hopefully somehow the word would get back to them somehow... They must be so worried.


Notes: Ruby wishes that her parents know she loves them.


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